General rules
- Everyone is allowed to have only one account. Account sharing is forbidden. Helping others make secondary accounts is forbidden.
- Everyone must speak English.
- No advertising, flooding, spamming, spreading adult material or any other kind of unfit activities.
- Excessive bad manners will not be tolerated.
- You must play until the game is finished. This means that you are not allowed to quit before the throne/tree is destroyed and the big black scoreboard appears.
- You are not allowed to stay idle for more than 5 minutes.
- The team captain is defined as the first member of the team on the list. When the captain leaves the game then the next player on the list is the new captain.
- The captain dictates how the lanes will be formed, including who will go into which forest.
- The 5th player of the team must buy an animal courier. The courier must be bought before the first creeps spawn and shared with the team.
- Controlling the courier buyer's hero is forbidden.
- You can attack all structures in the enemy base only when you enter the enemy base with creep support through a lane that has both barracks structures destroyed. Going invisible for over 5 seconds without any visible allied forces in the enemy base equals leaving the base.
- Stealing neutral creeps from allied players is not allowed. A neutral creep camp ownership is given to the player who first damages a creep from that camp. When that player moves away from the camp then it is free again.
- Buying a lot of low priced items with no gameplay intention is not allowed.
- Feeding on purpose or in any other way ruining the game on purpose is not allowed.
- If someone leaves the game before the 10th minute then there will be a remake. If someone drops again, then there will be another remake. If someone drops now, making it the 3rd drop, then the game will be canceled.
- If the game is remade without changing the teams then the game mode will be -ap and everyone will pick their original heroes and will go to their original lane. Elaborate first level gangs are allowed.
- If someone leaves the game then the captain chooses what happens to the items. The captain also chooses how the leavers hero will be used. Playing with a leavers hero is allowed in every way, if the captain allows it.
- A team can forfeit the game starting from the 25th minute if all 5 team members agree. Only 4 members are needed after the 50th minute. Forfeit means that the whole team needs to go to their fountain and wait there until the game ends. Leaving the fountain area after forfeiting is not allowed. The opposite team must push and prolonging will not be tolerated. No fighting with heroes is allowed after a team has forfeited.
- If 2 players from the same team have left or in the case of a global fatal error, the team that has at least 2 more barracks structures destroyed will win, otherwise the team that has at least 6 more tower structures destroyed will win. If no team has the upper hand in this criteria then the team that will match any of the following points will win:
Game length less than 25 minutes and team death ratio 3:1 or higher.
Game length between 25 and 50 minutes and team death ratio 2:1 or higher.
Game length more than 50 minutes and team death ratio 3:2 or higher.
If none of the above points apply then the game will be canceled.
If one team has the upper hand then the game will be finished as if the loosing team had forfeited. - If a player leaves the game then the game will be paused and the opposite team captain chooses one player to leave in order to balance the game. If a second player quits from either team then act according to the above rule.
- The -xd (eXtended Draft) game mode is an extension of the -rd (Random Draft) game mode. At the start of the game the -rd mode will be used, however as soon as the picking order is known the game will be paused. The captain who will pick first will now ban a hero from the pool. Then the opposite captain will ban a hero from the pool. When both captains have banned a hero the game will be resumed and no one shall pick a banned hero. A captain can change the ban if the game is still paused and the other captain has not banned yet.
- In case someone picks or randoms a banned hero the game will be paused and the picker will choose a new hero by saying its name. After all picks have been made the game will be remade with the -ap game mode and everyone will pick their respective heroes. It is recommended to take a screenshot of the original picks for proof of the picks.
- In case someone leaves the game during hero picking the picking will continue as normal. If the leaver has no hero then the game will be paused for up to 1 minute and the captain will say the leavers pick. If a captain leaves before picking a personal hero then the game will be remade with the same game mode, otherwise the game will be remade with the -ap game mode and everyone will pick their respective heroes. It is recommended to take a screenshot of the original picks for proof of the picks.