Game #951026

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-54 X
-1 TS

74% | 1136 X | 1446 TS

-66 X
-1 TS

64% | 1238 X | 1300 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

43% | 1037 X | 1265 TS

-27 X
-1 TS

31% | 982 X | 1210 TS

-34 X
-4 TS

2% | 816 X | 914 TS

+64 X
+1 TS

86% | 1345 X | 1428 TS

+36 X
+1 TS

69% | 1161 X | 1396 TS

+35 X
+7 TS

16% | 934 X | 1144 TS

+65 X
+7 TS

12% | 843 X | 1153 TS

+19 X
+11 TS

11% | 857 X | 1112 TS

Chat log

00:00:12slc2 rhasta sf sven
00:00:13teh_re lesh murlock huskar
00:00:20Bra~ lesh
00:00:20WANKmaster phoenix
00:00:20N2xy can i have lesh?
00:00:21WANKmaster luna
00:00:22WANKmaster eza
00:00:25WANKmaster what u got ?
00:00:28teh_re sure, what you got
00:00:28IPDT_FE dazzle
00:00:29N2xy trax, doom , bane elemental
00:00:30IPDT_FE nessaj razor
00:00:32Bra~ am zeus naix
00:00:33N2xy no trax :p
00:00:35N2xy please :D
00:00:36Pojetz doom
00:00:38WANKmaster what else u got guys ?
00:00:38teh_re :D
00:00:39IPDT_FE eza
00:00:39teh_re ok no
00:00:41Bra~ i can doom
00:00:42N2xy doom?
00:00:43IPDT_FE if you like
00:00:46teh_re what you got teal
00:00:46IPDT_FE one of mine
00:00:48WANKmaster gigi
00:00:53Bra~ zeus
00:00:54WANKmaster what u have ?
00:00:54Pojetz 'y
00:00:57Pojetz doom will be good
00:00:58teh_re i could that
00:01:05teh_re -swap 1
00:01:05N2xy -swap 3
00:01:07WANKmaster gigi
00:01:07teh_re -swap 2
00:01:09Pojetz exare u wr???
00:01:09WANKmaster what u got ?
00:01:10Bra~ -swap 3
00:01:15Pojetz -ma
00:01:15ExAre yep
00:01:16WANKmaster ok
00:01:19Pojetz ...
00:01:20WANKmaster give me razor
00:01:23Pojetz FU TUSKA
00:01:27WANKmaster -swap 5
00:01:27IPDT_FE -swap 7
00:01:30IPDT_FE -swap 1
00:01:31ExAre lanes ?
00:01:36Bra~ me mid
00:01:39N2xy ok
00:01:39Pojetz doom bot
00:01:42Pojetz kk
00:01:44N2xy i go bot
00:01:54IPDT_FE tuskarr
00:01:56WANKmaster GIGI
00:02:00IPDT_FE this will be gg in a minute
00:02:01WANKmaster wtf u doing ?
00:02:09IPDT_FE imba hero
00:02:09IPDT_FE :D
00:02:15IPDT_FE one afk
00:02:17IPDT_FE --
00:02:19ExAre -afk
00:03:39N2xy you pull now
00:03:44IPDT_FE k
00:03:45whatugotskills k
00:04:11WANKmaster 's
00:04:12WANKmaster share
00:04:22IPDT_FE ops
00:04:22IPDT_FE sorry
00:04:24IPDT_FE forgot
00:04:24IPDT_FE :D
00:04:58Bra~ ss
00:04:59IPDT_FE hahaha
00:04:59creeeeeee mana
00:05:00IPDT_FE my last
00:05:39ExAre kill snoo
00:05:57ExAre gj
00:06:14creeeeeee mana
00:06:20slc2 need gank
00:06:24whatugotskills y
00:06:29IPDT_FE i'm oom
00:06:39whatugotskills i pull
00:06:40creeeeeee miss
00:06:52Bra~ ss mid
00:07:00IPDT_FE me mana first
00:07:01Pojetz ...
00:07:02IPDT_FE then i give ya
00:07:06creeeeeee yea
00:07:32Pojetz when i m there, then try to stun him
00:07:42Pojetz stun tusk
00:07:44N2xy you make him slow then its easy
00:07:46Pojetz nopw
00:07:58whatugotskills gj
00:08:07N2xy again
00:08:11Pojetz ffs
00:08:17WANKmaster miss
00:08:17WANKmaster mid
00:08:21creeeeeee wr bot
00:08:22IPDT_FE wind?
00:09:05Bra~ ss
00:09:26Pojetz gg
00:09:30IPDT_FE ss
00:09:32N2xy imba tuskar
00:09:37ExAre tehre go gang or something :D
00:09:44IPDT_FE zeus in game
00:09:45IPDT_FE ??
00:09:45IPDT_FE :D
00:09:52teh_re need manaboots first
00:09:53teh_re 100 more
00:09:56ExAre ok
00:10:10Bra~ ss
00:10:12IPDT_FE gj tuskarr anyway
00:10:12IPDT_FE :D
00:10:23creeeeeee utoo
00:10:27WANKmaster miss
00:10:28WANKmaster mid
00:10:54ExAre no mana
00:11:11creeeeeee miss
00:11:27Pojetz tuskar needs gang
00:12:31IPDT_FE ads
00:12:32IPDT_FE asdf
00:12:32IPDT_FE asdf
00:12:33IPDT_FE adsf
00:12:37creeeeeee almost
00:12:39creeeeeee pl too
00:12:39creeeeeee :)
00:12:42IPDT_FE i can't tank it forever
00:12:42IPDT_FE :|
00:13:07WANKmaster mana
00:13:07WANKmaster me
00:13:14Pojetz fly some1
00:13:37creeeeeee kill toop
00:13:43creeeeeee sven i get u in snowball
00:14:13teh_re imba tuskar
00:14:21N2xy is he following me?
00:14:34creeeeeee paremat initatet ei saa olla
00:14:34IPDT_FE come
00:14:35IPDT_FE bristle
00:14:38creeeeeee mina sven snowballis :D
00:15:26ExAre gj zeus
00:15:36IPDT_FE i need more hp
00:15:40whatugotskills pl is farming?
00:16:24WANKmaster 4 mid
00:16:29WANKmaster come mid
00:16:39creeeeeee cd
00:16:42creeeeeee scroll :S
00:16:45Pojetz gang tuskar
00:16:57Pojetz b
00:16:57IPDT_FE that was
00:16:57Pojetz b
00:16:58Pojetz b
00:16:58Pojetz b
00:16:58Pojetz b
00:16:58Pojetz b
00:17:08IPDT_FE an unnecessary back
00:17:17whatugotskills tower
00:17:36creeeeeee come
00:17:36ExAre wtf is going on with that tuskar
00:17:38creeeeeee i ball us in
00:17:39ExAre its too op =D
00:17:45slc2 no mana
00:17:54Pojetz fly some1
00:18:40slc2 i need blink or?
00:18:46creeeeeee no u dont
00:18:48creeeeeee i ball us :)
00:18:50WANKmaster get dusts
00:18:52creeeeeee get bkb or mom
00:18:53WANKmaster so we can gank this pl
00:18:58slc2 jeps that was i was thinking hehe
00:19:06creeeeeee omw
00:19:28ExAre yep gg ff
00:19:38slc2 go pl
00:20:32IPDT_FE lame
00:20:33IPDT_FE .
00:21:16ExAre sup tuskar ?
00:21:21ExAre :D sup tuskar ?
00:21:38ExAre how long your ulti cd is tuskar
00:21:47creeeeeee ou its low
00:21:50creeeeeee believe me
00:21:50creeeeeee :D
00:22:05Bra~ 30 sec
00:22:05ExAre O_O
00:22:08creeeeeee boom
00:22:25ExAre dickhea
00:22:26WANKmaster -ms
00:23:20IPDT_FE sven
00:23:23IPDT_FE why farm
00:23:29ExAre haha lvl 17
00:23:35slc2 i want to hehe
00:23:43whatugotskills lets end before 30 min
00:23:55ExAre yep yep
00:24:01ExAre ff :D
00:25:01WANKmaster ULTI ZEUZ
00:25:11Pojetz fast
00:25:15teh_re ..
00:25:17teh_re its cd
00:25:21IPDT_FE no ulti zeus :D
00:25:22teh_re and he got hood and shit
00:25:30teh_re even if hes 5% he wont die
00:25:35IPDT_FE zeus
00:25:39IPDT_FE i'm 1oo hp
00:25:47IPDT_FE and you can't kill me
00:25:48IPDT_FE :D
00:26:57teh_re nice wr
00:26:58Bra~ wr?
00:26:59Bra~ :D
00:27:06N2xy lol
00:27:08IPDT_FE ?healing
00:27:09IPDT_FE ya
00:27:10IPDT_FE come back
00:27:11IPDT_FE razor
00:27:13Bra~ lastpick power
00:27:16ExAre wtf he is doing in our base :D
00:27:20WANKmaster need
00:27:21WANKmaster base
00:27:24teh_re chasing me?
00:27:25ExAre haha :D i dint look to our base
00:27:29WANKmaster why u tp me
00:27:29IPDT_FE never
00:27:29WANKmaster ?
00:27:30IPDT_FE :D
00:27:34creeeeeee :D:D:DD
00:28:40Pojetz ....
00:29:03IPDT_FE got gem
00:29:03IPDT_FE 4
00:29:04IPDT_FE 3
00:29:05IPDT_FE 2
00:29:05IPDT_FE 1
00:29:26whatugotskills GUYS END BEFORE 30 in WE GET MORE TS
00:29:49Pojetz wr o
00:29:50Pojetz go
00:29:52Pojetz ffs
00:30:04Bra~ its over pl
00:30:15IPDT_FE it's impossible
00:30:20IPDT_FE we will never end
00:30:22IPDT_FE in 8 minuets
00:30:25creeeeeee if i respawn can u tele me?
00:30:25WANKmaster pl freefarmis 28 min
00:30:28IPDT_FE 2*
00:30:29WANKmaster ja sai vanguardi :D:D:d
00:30:34Pojetz ja 3k
00:30:35Bra~ JESS
00:30:40Bra~ wow
00:30:42whatugotskills end fast 2 min
00:30:43whatugotskills left
00:30:51creeeeeee if u can ult
00:30:54creeeeeee then tele me eza
00:31:05IPDT_FE already
00:31:06IPDT_FE used
00:31:08IPDT_FE the ulti
00:31:17creeeeeee u had like 5 sek
00:31:19IPDT_FE 40 secs
00:31:22IPDT_FE no
00:31:25IPDT_FE 15 sec
00:31:30IPDT_FE and i already used tp in ulti
00:31:32IPDT_FE for sven
00:32:02IPDT_FE no 30 min
00:32:03IPDT_FE :D
00:32:54slc2 omg i tank the fucking tower then hit on the fucking tower!
00:33:40WANKmaster KILL ME!
00:34:18IPDT_FE hahaha
00:34:19IPDT_FE lol
00:34:30IPDT_FE razor never dies?
00:34:40IPDT_FE 26 0
00:34:40WANKmaster nope
00:34:41IPDT_FE :D
00:34:42Pojetz BAN WR
00:34:43Pojetz AFK
00:34:49WANKmaster LOL !!!
00:34:51WANKmaster WTf
00:34:51WANKmaster noob
00:35:25WANKmaster WHY U TP Me
00:35:28IPDT_FE because
00:35:28WANKmaster WHEN IM BUYING
00:35:29IPDT_FE we neded
00:35:30WANKmaster jesus
00:35:31WANKmaster man
00:35:31IPDT_FE your gem
00:35:33IPDT_FE dude
00:35:33creeeeeee no ma ei mõista
00:35:43IPDT_FE pl was pwning us
00:35:45creeeeeee miks mulle doomid ja asjad peale lendavad ainult
00:35:50WANKmaster :d
00:35:52WANKmaster sa nii imba
00:35:58creeeeeee no tundub nii noh
00:36:03creeeeeee kõik pask mulle sisse
00:36:30WANKmaster go 5vs1?
00:36:35Pojetz K
00:36:38N2xy too easy
00:36:41Pojetz y
00:36:42Pojetz FOR ME
00:36:43IPDT_FE for him
00:36:43IPDT_FE :D
00:36:52IPDT_FE for him
00:36:54IPDT_FE too easy
00:37:09ExAre go 1vs1 razor with pl
00:37:21Pojetz lol
00:37:24ExAre :D
00:38:00Pojetz :D:D:D:
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