Game #903055

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-12 X
-4 TS

95% | 1394 X | 1486 TS

+21 X
-4 TS

39% | 1019 X | 1243 TS

-33 X
-9 TS

19% | 934 X | 1138 TS

-17 X
-11 TS

NEW | 1010 X | 1045 TS

-4 X
-3 TS

20% | 909 X | 1161 TS

-3 X
+4 TS

75% | 1154 X | 1388 TS

+32 X
+4 TS

63% | 1159 X | 1288 TS

-25 X
+40 TS

NEW | 1047 X | 1221 TS

+56 X
+8 TS

29% | 914 X | 1235 TS

-4 X
+48 TS

NEW | 945 X | 947 TS

Chat log

00:00:09Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:10leftie epic loadscreen! needs more tits though
00:00:13Timu y
00:00:16Tachyon indeed:D
00:00:16mindspank f?
00:00:16mindspank FF?
00:00:16mindspank ff
00:00:16Timu no
00:00:16leftie wtf im not orange :S
00:00:16Timu no we have pretty good chance
00:00:16sebralane mida vittu
00:00:16tanelli i like enigma
00:00:16sebralane mis tiimid
00:00:16exilm bat
00:00:16sebralane persse
00:00:16Timu föönix
00:00:16mindspank im a noob and im 3rd pick
00:00:16mindspank GG
00:00:16Gevomancer icarus
00:00:38Misha is this new hero good?
00:00:38mindspank go -armor
00:00:40mindspank slardar
00:00:41Timu y
00:00:41Tachyon no idea
00:00:43Timu quite imba
00:00:46sebralane ff
00:00:48mindspank go minus armor?
00:00:48sebralane timu
00:00:50Timu played 17/5/22
00:00:50mindspank slardar
00:00:51sebralane vaata mis tiim
00:00:51mindspank against
00:00:54sebralane ja ma olen ikka lastpick
00:00:55Timu with it b4
00:00:55tanelli someone take enigma for me pls
00:00:56mindspank knight
00:00:56sebralane GG
00:01:03Timu ma loodan seda sama
00:01:12tanelli what, miks ma 3rd pick
00:01:13sebralane bans?
00:01:17Timu take
00:01:18sebralane dno
00:01:18mindspank what
00:01:18Timu ogre
00:01:19sebralane lampi
00:01:19Timu tiny
00:01:20Timu wd
00:01:21Timu cm
00:01:22mindspank what are bans?
00:01:25Tachyon ill take slar ok?
00:01:26Timu ck and icars
00:01:26sebralane mis banned?
00:01:26leftie im wd
00:01:27Misha bat
00:01:27Timu no
00:01:29Timu dont take slar
00:01:30Misha and feenix
00:01:31Timu we have carrys
00:01:33Misha wd
00:01:34leftie fööniks ja
00:01:35leftie batrider
00:01:36mindspank what are bans?
00:01:36Tachyon then what?
00:01:40Misha get wd last or?
00:01:40Gevomancer cm come top
00:01:46Timu axe, e
00:01:48exilm bat
00:01:48Gevomancer babysit me
00:01:49Tachyon k
00:01:49Timu wd
00:01:49exilm banned
00:01:53Timu axe or wd
00:01:58Timu ffs
00:02:04tanelli me jungle pls
00:02:06sebralane i chick?
00:02:17exilm mb enigma up solo
00:02:20exilm and 3 down ?
00:02:22mindspank we actually needed slardar more
00:02:22Timu 4 stuns np
00:02:24mindspank than axe
00:02:26mindspank against knight
00:02:27mindspank :S:S:S
00:02:29Tachyon ffs i wanted to take slar
00:02:33Timu oh
00:02:35Timu i read slark
00:02:36Timu :S
00:02:37Timu my abd
00:02:44Tachyon ohh well then
00:02:52sebralane shitlanes
00:02:54sebralane ud solo
00:02:54Timu they have butload of stuns
00:02:56Timu so care
00:02:58Timu and call out misses
00:02:58sebralane sucks cock
00:03:00sebralane bigtime
00:03:01exilm y
00:03:02mindspank axe is also fairly bad here
00:03:03mindspank we have
00:03:05mindspank nothing
00:03:06mindspank to interupt
00:03:08exilm i said lane would better
00:03:09mindspank tempest
00:03:11mindspank i mean
00:03:11leftie he can spam tombstone
00:03:13mindspank the blue thing
00:03:16mindspank whats he called
00:03:34sebralane this "spam" haz 60drk cd
00:03:35sebralane drk
00:03:37sebralane sek
00:04:06Tachyon ss
00:04:28Misha got them both
00:04:53exilm nice
00:04:56exilm 10 hp
00:05:21mindspank rune
00:05:24Gevomancer go pull
00:05:25Gevomancer cm
00:05:26mindspank im gonna pull
00:05:26mindspank y
00:05:42exilm storm
00:06:28sebralane go for cm
00:06:57Tachyon ss
00:07:02leftie wtf
00:07:02sebralane didnt got?
00:07:03sebralane wr
00:07:05sebralane wtf
00:07:08leftie hp? cm
00:07:12leftie supergey
00:07:12mindspank 70
00:07:18mindspank lvl 2 curse sucks
00:07:26sebralane go for magina
00:07:26sebralane insta
00:07:28mindspank rune
00:08:08exilm miss
00:08:17Misha i throw u
00:08:36Tachyon damn
00:08:58Gevomancer go pukk
00:08:59mindspank go on doc
00:09:02Gevomancer p
00:09:25Gevomancer kill
00:09:28mindspank y
00:09:50Tachyon i b
00:10:02Timu care dk with haste
00:10:08Timu b up
00:10:11exilm wards
00:10:13leftie they got ward there
00:10:19exilm miss
00:10:20exilm storm
00:10:24leftie cm mis
00:10:26leftie re
00:10:26Rotkiv miss down
00:10:38Gevomancer wd
00:11:00mindspank im gonna ward
00:11:04mindspank go for bot urne
00:11:05leftie rofl
00:11:06leftie gj
00:11:09Gevomancer ops
00:11:09leftie or something
00:11:27Tachyon ss bot
00:11:40leftie 2 miss
00:12:33Timu ffs
00:12:52leftie tiny top
00:12:52Timu miss mid
00:12:57Timu re
00:13:09mindspank need gank mid?
00:13:11mindspank i can tp
00:13:12Timu obv
00:13:24exilm lucky w7as then fb
00:13:39mindspank rune bot i think
00:13:55mindspank ill go from
00:14:01Misha i come
00:14:04mindspank take rune bot
00:14:08Misha i throw u
00:14:21exilm well
00:14:25exilm no tp
00:14:30exilm from our support
00:14:32Tachyon invis
00:14:33Tachyon want?
00:14:38exilm 4 mid
00:14:48mindspank digre top
00:14:50exilm its to late
00:14:51mindspank farm
00:14:54mindspank mage
00:15:03mindspank am farm
00:15:24Timu ?
00:15:31sebralane ud heal?
00:15:33sebralane or wat=
00:15:40Gevomancer lol, didint see dk
00:15:46Rotkiv cd 1sek
00:15:51exilm why uwaste
00:15:52exilm stuin
00:15:55Misha 200 to dagger
00:15:59Misha help mid
00:16:13mindspank fuck
00:16:18mindspank i cancelled
00:16:18mindspank tp
00:16:19mindspank SDFOJSAFAJSDF
00:16:44Rotkiv b
00:16:50Tachyon ffs
00:16:51mindspank how can dk own storm so bad
00:16:51Rotkiv me b
00:16:52mindspank mid
00:16:52Timu wtf are u doing axe
00:16:54Misha why in hell u suicide?
00:16:57Misha all of u?
00:17:03Timu i was owning him but then he got dragon form
00:17:09leftie someone
00:17:15Timu and i got ganged and gg
00:17:17mindspank rune bot
00:17:20mindspank you have wards
00:17:22mindspank you saw ganks
00:17:27mindspank rune bot
00:17:28mindspank dk got
00:17:29Timu no
00:17:56Timu go
00:18:12mindspank b
00:18:26mindspank ok?
00:18:34mindspank lol
00:18:36mindspank lol
00:18:37mindspank lol
00:18:44mindspank lol
00:18:48mindspank ff
00:18:49mindspank ff
00:18:50mindspank ff
00:19:00Misha gogogo
00:19:05Timu -ii
00:19:07exilm why not stun?
00:19:12Misha wtf?
00:19:14Tachyon omfg wtf
00:19:24mindspank ¨tiny?
00:19:26mindspank are you
00:19:27mindspank coming?
00:19:28leftie yoohoo
00:19:28mindspank srsly
00:19:31sebralane mana
00:19:32sebralane gg
00:19:36mindspank im afk soon
00:19:36Rotkiv b
00:19:40Rotkiv need to reg
00:19:43leftie dd down
00:19:46exilm UPGRADE
00:19:48exilm chiken MB
00:20:04exilm tyni ot dager
00:20:05mindspank tiny roam now
00:20:07mindspank dont farm
00:20:08exilm storm have nothing
00:20:10exilm just fb
00:20:11mindspank help storm
00:20:17exilm and u guys nothing almost oo..
00:20:43exilm caretyni
00:20:44exilm jump
00:20:56exilm welldone
00:21:00Rotkiv v2rdjad
00:21:23mindspank sec
00:21:25mindspank gonna ward
00:21:45leftie ogre wtf
00:21:54exilm all die
00:21:54leftie u stand there :S
00:21:57exilm for nohting
00:21:57sebralane what could i do?
00:21:58exilm nice
00:22:01mindspank y
00:22:03leftie could have hit tiny
00:22:07leftie he had 50 hps in the end
00:22:09sebralane i faking need level 11
00:22:11sebralane to own
00:22:11exilm u guys
00:22:12leftie but ok
00:22:12sebralane dumbass
00:22:14exilm cant do nothing
00:22:15exilm if not me
00:22:43Timu b
00:22:56mindspank this is why
00:22:58mindspank we needed slardar
00:22:59mindspank not axe
00:23:00mindspank zzzz
00:23:03mindspank imortal dk
00:23:10Timu well it doesnt matter
00:23:13Timu cause he cant play anwya
00:23:15mindspank it does matter
00:23:26mindspank he would just need to ulti
00:23:26mindspank np
00:23:33mindspank nothing more
00:23:42mindspank rune
00:23:57exilm epick wd
00:24:01exilm ever
00:24:06leftie ffs
00:24:56Rotkiv f
00:25:19Rotkiv tubli
00:25:25mindspank can you fucking get your blink some day
00:25:25mindspank axe
00:25:27Misha bot farm
00:25:28mindspank 22 minutes 0 items
00:25:37exilm alone have rape
00:25:39Misha axe no boots...
00:25:40exilm like alywas
00:25:45Rotkiv good boy
00:25:49mindspank this is 4v5
00:25:53sebralane D;D
00:25:57mindspank why do i get such retards
00:25:59mindspank on my teams
00:26:16Timu u won the last game so stfu tard
00:26:22Rotkiv got fucking agha
00:26:29exilm agham sucks
00:26:31exilm on idrge
00:26:35exilm hood/vanguard
00:26:39Rotkiv no .. its fucliong good
00:26:39exilm woulc muc hbetter
00:26:41exilm and
00:26:43exilm hex
00:26:46exilm vs magina
00:26:48Rotkiv hood is next
00:26:56Timu check
00:26:59Rotkiv or ogre make hood ?
00:27:01Timu with nova
00:27:05Timu k
00:27:12sebralane dagon
00:27:13sebralane :D
00:27:14exilm if u had
00:27:17exilm items liek i said
00:27:17Rotkiv k
00:27:20exilm dont die fast
00:27:22exilm from tyni
00:27:51sebralane engima
00:27:56tanelli ye
00:27:57sebralane mis sa a, ei stunninud?
00:28:00sebralane ami
00:28:04sebralane oleks maha saanud
00:28:07sebralane mukl mc
00:28:09sebralane -mc
00:28:12mindspank farm their woods
00:28:13exilm WARDS
00:28:13mindspank axe
00:28:16exilm DON T GO
00:28:17tanelli ok
00:28:17Tachyon k
00:28:24Gevomancer mid is mine
00:28:24tanelli läks nii:P
00:28:30sebralane aa juba on dagon
00:28:33sebralane ma teen hoodi siis
00:28:36sebralane ilmselgelt
00:28:38mindspank we need some form of minus armor
00:28:49exilm def 1
00:28:55leftie il go
00:29:04exilm and tp mid if need
00:29:09leftie sure
00:29:09mindspank get top tower?
00:29:21mindspank this axe
00:29:22mindspank srsly
00:29:27Tachyon :)
00:29:28mindspank SO USELESS
00:29:31exilm ?
00:29:32Tachyon hence the name
00:29:36mindspank FUCKING HELL
00:29:41sebralane -mc
00:29:42mindspank i cant believe this shit
00:29:42Timu lol
00:29:44exilm wards they have
00:29:51mindspank like seriously
00:29:55leftie tiny dead
00:29:58Tachyon i think they got it
00:30:01exilm are
00:30:01leftie wtf
00:30:02leftie dude?
00:30:03mindspank BECAUSE OF YOU
00:30:03exilm and go down
00:30:04leftie die
00:30:17mindspank omw top
00:30:27exilm WTF
00:30:32exilm HERO
00:30:34exilm SELF
00:30:36exilm RUNING
00:30:39exilm not hiting
00:30:47Timu cool story bro
00:30:49exilm yes
00:30:51exilm want
00:30:54exilm screenshot
00:30:55exilm ?
00:30:57mindspank brb writing to icefrog
00:30:59Timu :D
00:31:04Timu what should i see there
00:31:09Timu that ur hero is running?
00:31:15mindspank gank
00:31:15exilm how i doesnt hit ant wnet run self
00:31:26Timu on that fight
00:31:29exilm its hard win
00:31:30Timu or always?
00:31:30exilm where
00:31:32exilm 1v5
00:31:36exilm and other ddays no items
00:31:39exilm dies*
00:31:40Rotkiv in eed to reg
00:31:53exilm go up
00:31:54exilm all
00:32:02mindspank its hard to win
00:32:08mindspank with axe without boots
00:32:11mindspank And 1 assist 0 kills
00:32:14mindspank its fucking 4v5
00:32:17mindspank and you whine?
00:32:18leftie he has boots
00:32:27mindspank he just got
00:33:16mindspank wow he has 2 assists now
00:33:17mindspank whoaa
00:33:33leftie sigh fu
00:33:41leftie wow tiny is pretty farmed
00:33:42Gevomancer gogogo
00:33:44exilm cuz
00:33:46leftie from me prolly
00:33:47exilm iu suckes
00:33:48sebralane run to me
00:33:49exilm i
00:34:06leftie ogre b
00:34:07exilm more
00:34:08exilm write
00:34:09exilm and u die
00:34:11exilm like wd
00:34:12exilm asked
00:34:15mindspank omw bot
00:34:23exilm -ff
00:34:27exilm no point fro mteam
00:34:28exilm to win
00:34:44exilm we lost
00:34:45exilm cuz
00:34:46exilm wd
00:34:48exilm dont see
00:34:49exilm tyni
00:34:52exilm and dont stay with
00:34:53exilm cs
00:34:55exilm and no heal
00:35:00exilm and u die
00:35:04exilm whats why
00:35:08leftie dude
00:35:14Misha what next?
00:35:15leftie blame my 1 death for whole game?
00:35:17leftie we can still win
00:35:17mindspank AC
00:35:19Timu ac
00:35:20mindspank ofc
00:35:22exilm really 1?
00:35:24sebralane can we just
00:35:25sebralane go whit 5
00:35:26exilm 1-6
00:35:28sebralane my mc
00:35:28exilm both
00:35:30exilm with enimga
00:35:30sebralane will just rape
00:35:34mindspank and lets do kong
00:35:35mindspank i mean roshan
00:35:37mindspank ill ward
00:35:38mindspank and counter
00:35:40exilm cant
00:35:41exilm gather
00:35:43exilm and push
00:35:44exilm always
00:35:44mindspank all come
00:35:50Misha axe go tank rosh
00:35:57Misha magina come
00:36:00tanelli all down?
00:36:16sebralane tule
00:36:26leftie they killed my ward D:
00:36:27Misha axe tanks
00:36:36Gevomancer i take
00:36:39Timu y
00:36:40Misha y
00:36:45exilm no tomb
00:36:46exilm now
00:36:48exilm if fight
00:36:51mindspank no i take
00:36:52exilm we cant go
00:36:53mindspank ^^
00:36:54exilm cuz no tomb
00:36:56exilm from dirge
00:37:03mindspank omw
00:37:51Timu cant do 5v5
00:37:56exilm if enigma sta y back
00:37:57sebralane dkk
00:37:58exilm ulti done die
00:38:03sebralane make divine
00:38:04sebralane :D
00:38:05mindspank world has never seen a more worthless axe
00:38:29Tachyon never say never:)
00:38:47exilm b
00:38:52Misha axe farm top
00:38:53exilm go down push
00:38:54Misha so u get ur dagger
00:38:55exilm and always wd
00:38:57exilm enigma
00:38:59exilm stay back
00:39:05Rotkiv need to reg
00:39:16exilm i need
00:39:17exilm ogre
00:39:18exilm speed
00:39:20exilm but never..
00:39:42exilm wd
00:39:55exilm dead
00:40:04exilm go down all
00:40:06Gevomancer no shit
00:40:09leftie 20 mana
00:40:12Gevomancer back
00:40:18Gevomancer leave that tower
00:40:28exilm I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:29mindspank dead
00:40:31exilm I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:33exilm more noobs
00:40:34exilm like dirge
00:40:35exilm pls
00:40:37exilm CANT
00:40:37Timu tomb
00:40:38Timu tomb
00:40:38exilm COME
00:40:44exilm fucking retarded
00:40:45exilm ever
00:40:46exilm player
00:40:49exilm if we lose
00:40:51leftie come on get a kill
00:40:52exilm i will report
00:40:54exilm ruined gmae
00:41:05mindspank more mc
00:41:12leftie WORK TOGETHER
00:41:19mindspank when noobs lack skill
00:41:20mindspank they mc
00:41:21exilm hes sucker
00:41:21mindspank -mc
00:41:22exilm cant
00:41:23Timu kill tomb firfst
00:41:25Timu jesus guys
00:41:26exilm yes
00:41:30exilm if enigma coucl
00:41:31exilm stun ur ass
00:41:34exilm and ulti uslesles
00:41:39exilm useless
00:41:47exilm dagon ftw
00:41:49exilm no treads
00:41:53exilm no scptre ffor magina
00:42:14exilm we lose
00:42:15exilm late
00:42:17exilm if magina get
00:42:18exilm items
00:42:20mindspank haste
00:42:20exilm more farm
00:42:37exilm magian was dead
00:42:40exilm but cant gather
00:42:42tanelli b
00:42:51exilm if wd had
00:42:52leftie fuck off
00:42:55exilm scepter u do 0 dmg
00:42:56exilm magina
00:42:59leftie stfu
00:43:04exilm ok
00:43:05exilm we won
00:43:06exilm !
00:43:09leftie I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:15leftie blaming us wont help much
00:43:15Tachyon regen
00:43:23exilm YES?
00:43:27exilm so why go here
00:43:32exilm if they have WARDS
00:43:33exilm DEF
00:43:55Misha i come
00:44:01Misha kill
00:44:02sebralane b enigma
00:44:12exilm SO DEF
00:44:23exilm welldone
00:44:24exilm def
00:44:25Misha b
00:44:35exilm he dieng
00:44:39leftie what the fuck are u doing there
00:44:45exilm SUCUIDE
00:44:46exilm FEED
00:44:48exilm <AGINA
00:44:52Rotkiv stupiditytytyhujk
00:44:52exilm to pwn us
00:45:14exilm and enigma
00:45:15exilm cant
00:45:18exilm use ulti from back
00:45:24exilm dont die
00:45:34exilm why u dont stun tyni
00:45:36exilm oor storm
00:45:36Timu no
00:45:37Timu w8
00:45:39Timu till they get base
00:46:01Timu tiny come
00:46:06Misha all bot
00:46:06Timu axe goe
00:46:09Misha gogogo
00:46:11exilm stay b
00:46:12exilm i said
00:46:26Misha get
00:46:32exilm ok
00:46:34exilm now ff
00:46:36tanelli I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:37exilm dirge again not in fight
00:46:38mindspank gg
00:46:41exilm I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:42exilm u won
00:46:44exilm cuz ppls
00:46:46exilm wnet sucuide
00:46:49exilm all the 15 mins
00:46:56exilm i report
00:46:58sebralane dirge win
00:46:59exilm about this dirge
00:47:01exilm ruined game
00:47:05Timu how come
00:47:09exilm now they got toshan
00:47:20Gevomancer go rosh
00:47:24exilm i said from early cant win
00:47:26Gevomancer ill solo
00:47:27exilm alone if suports
00:47:28Gevomancer np
00:47:29exilm dont know how play
00:47:32exilm makes dagon
00:47:36exilm where usless
00:47:39exilm not scepter
00:47:40Rotkiv why the fuck you going with four wait me too .. ffs
00:47:45exilm u always to late
00:47:48exilm using tomb
00:47:50exilm for cs
00:47:53exilm or smtg
00:47:53Rotkiv i was dead ..
00:47:59exilm they killed
00:48:03Gevomancer i take aegis
00:48:09exilm if enigma get scepter stay back with wd
00:48:13exilm dont die easy
00:48:15Rotkiv lets try mid with 5
00:48:19exilm but tyni always twaiting wd
00:49:02Timu b
00:49:10exilm THX
00:49:11Misha storm?
00:49:15exilm block more
00:49:16Misha wtf were u doing?
00:49:20Timu i was in base?
00:49:27exilm have say
00:49:29exilm blocking me
00:49:32Misha at least we have aegis
00:49:36leftie how come magina survived dagon
00:49:39leftie he had like 20 hps
00:49:41exilm easy
00:49:42exilm have
00:49:45exilm skill where reduce
00:49:48exilm megic skill
00:49:53leftie well thats true
00:49:54sebralane kill this
00:49:58exilm we cant go mid
00:49:58sebralane ffs
00:50:00Misha we have glyph so dont worry
00:50:02exilm need def
00:50:08exilm ogre fail
00:50:18exilm too stay here
00:50:21sebralane enigma
00:50:23sebralane mida sa rweed
00:50:25sebralane tapa waerd
00:50:26sebralane ward
00:50:28sebralane tyra
00:50:31Gevomancer wards
00:50:32Timu gather
00:50:42mindspank stop whining about wards
00:50:44mindspank you fucking cunt
00:50:48mindspank ive been warding 24/7
00:50:53Gevomancer good
00:50:54exilm gather mid
00:50:56Timu y
00:51:38leftie magina
00:51:41exilm its tyo late
00:51:41leftie or storm
00:51:43exilm magian won
00:51:44leftie u attack both
00:51:46leftie I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:51:47exilm i cant
00:51:48exilm attack
00:51:50exilm that
00:51:53exilm if axe got me
00:51:58exilm feed more pls
00:52:01exilm magina
00:52:04leftie well then ud should have killed storm
00:52:13exilm axe won
00:52:14exilm u see
00:52:17exilm helping
00:52:22exilm not like our wd not items
00:52:22mindspank yes
00:52:24exilm with dagon ftw
00:52:25mindspank best axe EU
00:52:28exilm Better
00:52:31exilm when our enigma
00:52:31exilm wd
00:52:33exilm stay 1
00:52:34exilm and die
00:52:47exilm cant stu neven magina with
00:52:48exilm enigma
00:53:00Timu he did stun at the beginning of the game
00:53:13exilm :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:53:16exilm GOGOGO
00:53:21leftie almost killed their whole team man
00:53:21exilm no scepter=die
00:53:30leftie thanks for pointing out the obvious
00:53:43exilm i said them we lose
00:53:52exilm czu sucuide
00:53:58Timu b
00:54:04exilm SPEEDF?
00:54:35Gevomancer back
00:54:35exilm mid now
00:54:37Gevomancer dont die
00:54:45Misha i can rebuy
00:54:45Timu now gather and rax
00:54:49Misha so no problem
00:54:59sebralane wd afk
00:55:01sebralane gg
00:55:05exilm ban
00:55:05exilm wd
00:55:07exilm afk
00:55:11mindspank why do you build
00:55:13mindspank eaglehorn
00:55:15mindspank vs mkb
00:55:16Misha go axze
00:55:19exilm why here tombo ?
00:55:49exilm ok
00:55:49exilm wd
00:55:50exilm won
00:55:52exilm with afk
00:55:58leftie what fucking afk
00:56:00exilm YES
00:56:02exilm u did
00:56:03leftie i was alttabbed by mccafe for 10 secs
00:56:06exilm and i wil lreport
00:56:07exilm npow
00:56:08leftie stfu 10 sec is not afk
00:56:10Timu banreq in irc then
00:56:10exilm not 10 sec
00:56:11leftie retarded shit stop crying
00:56:11exilm 1 min
00:56:15leftie 1 min?
00:56:17exilm YES
00:56:18leftie ur fucking insane
00:56:19sebralane u were faking base when we atacked they bace
00:56:21leftie maybe 20
00:56:21tanelli someone just cant los
00:56:21exilm u can ask our tema
00:56:24tanelli lose
00:56:30exilm uyes some cant
00:56:33exilm get brains
00:56:36exilm to how play dota
00:56:55exilm wp
00:56:56exilm noob
00:56:57exilm magina
00:57:01Timu :D
00:57:10exilm got feed from retards
00:57:15leftie give more fb
00:57:16leftie to storm
00:57:20leftie shitdick
00:57:42Misha oh
00:57:45exilm pathetic enigma
00:57:47exilm cant stun amgina
00:57:48mindspank magina gets eaglehorn against mkb
00:57:48Misha there is cd on rebuy
00:57:51mindspank nap
00:57:59Timu nice x fasrming mindsbank
00:58:02exilm our enigma wd
00:58:03exilm dirge
00:58:05exilm naps
00:58:05Timu ya can get banreq for that u know?
00:58:27mindspank go rosh
00:58:29mindspank magina can solo
00:58:31mindspank i think
00:58:32exilm where game wwas won
00:58:32Misha y
00:58:34exilm but laywas need
00:58:37Misha but some1 needst to take ti
00:58:37exilm try =gang
00:58:39exilm sucuide
00:58:47exilm not gather and push
00:59:17exilm i saisd we lose
00:59:21exilm feed more next time
00:59:24exilm dont play dota ever
00:59:27exilm if u cant play
00:59:29leftie flame more next time
00:59:31tanelli haste
00:59:33exilm mb
00:59:35exilm next time
00:59:36exilm lisne
00:59:38exilm where to be
00:59:39exilm in fight
00:59:40exilm ?
00:59:44exilm no t togehter
00:59:44sebralane dont def
00:59:46leftie easy for u to say
00:59:46exilm and split
00:59:47sebralane base is overrated
00:59:48exilm and back
00:59:52exilm not 1
00:59:54exilm i nfight
01:00:00Gevomancer -ms
01:00:10Timu gather
01:00:12mindspank omw
01:00:29exilm axe
01:00:30exilm fat
01:00:31exilm all fat
01:00:32Misha coming bot
01:00:34exilm our suports not
01:00:36Timu w8 for all
01:01:01exilm I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:24exilm its over
01:01:26leftie rofl
01:01:27exilm and cant ever
01:01:28exilm I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:28Timu [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:28Timu [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:28Timu [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:28Timu [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
01:01:28Rotkiv I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:32sebralane I surrender! [5/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:33leftie gg
01:01:45leftie there's a lot of flaming
01:01:53leftie most of it undeserved
01:01:53tanelli someone gets autobanned?
01:01:55Timu y
01:01:57Timu 30d
01:02:00mindspank why?
01:02:00Timu imo
01:02:02leftie who
01:02:02mindspank who?
01:02:03sebralane 6
01:02:04Timu he left b4 eend
01:02:07Timu blue
01:02:21leftie gg u were better
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