Game #887121

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-65 X
-2 TS

86% | 1293 X | 1446 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

66% | 1118 X | 1373 TS

-56 X
-1 TS

54% | 1066 X | 1319 TS

-44 X
-2 TS

35% | 1001 X | 1242 TS

-44 X
-2 TS

27% | 803 X | 1296 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

99% | 1542 X | 1562 TS

+70 X
+2 TS

57% | 1000 X | 1396 TS

+66 X
+12 TS

36% | 1106 X | 1156 TS

+28 X
+32 TS

NEW | 1024 X | 1146 TS

+43 X
+41 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:15Chuck -clear
00:00:15eWeresT svents isnt lastpick :o
00:00:15eWeresT sick
00:00:15eWeresT -clear
00:00:15Seppo13 millakohan sä pelaisit
00:00:15Chuck -alche
00:00:15Seppo13 Weawer
00:00:15Chuck onkoha sil mitää välii
00:00:15Chuck :DD
00:00:36Seppo13 fuu
00:00:38Seppo13 storm olisiel
00:00:40Seppo13 go cm
00:00:40Seppo13 s1
00:00:59Seppo13 koekillaa ny läbäl
00:01:01Chuck crixa+
00:01:08Seppo13 im not mid
00:01:19DSoul aa erki
00:01:25Worm-Ap kana jep
00:01:25Chuck veno panda and its so rape :)
00:01:26Seppo13 go cm
00:01:27eWeresT cm would be soo lovely
00:01:27Seppo13 derp
00:01:29DSoul k
00:01:33Chuck or cm panda
00:01:42eWeresT cm would rock my socks
00:01:45Seppo13 masennun jos häviin
00:01:55eWeresT <3
00:02:11Seppo13 abba bot
00:02:23Dizney i play support...
00:02:27nigulas first time playin it so
00:02:29nigulas no whine
00:02:33Affliction OGM
00:02:34nigulas but i know the principle how to
00:02:35Dizney whine!*
00:02:37Affliction what are you doing ./
00:02:40Dizney OMG!'
00:02:41Dizney WF
00:02:42Chuck 4x str rofl
00:02:43Dizney WTF
00:02:45Affliction really
00:02:45Dizney hehe
00:02:45Affliction ;:/
00:02:48Chuck gemi gaem inc
00:02:58eWeresT whats gemi
00:03:04Chuck gem
00:03:23eWeresT pwn game inc
00:03:31nigulas ss
00:03:31svents rune bot
00:03:34nigulas he invi
00:03:52Seppo13 let me
00:04:05Dizney y
00:04:06Dizney sry
00:04:25Dizney im eating.. :)
00:05:38svents ss1
00:06:15svents my bad
00:06:21eWeresT gj
00:06:23DSoul u2
00:06:38Dizney oom!
00:06:43Seppo13 np
00:07:24eWeresT aura?
00:07:26eWeresT -.-
00:07:28Spicyblack sec
00:07:35Chuck phoenix mis
00:07:37Chuck inc bot mby
00:07:38nigulas get
00:07:43Seppo13 cm 1
00:08:04eWeresT sry
00:08:06eWeresT didnt notice :D
00:08:09DSoul np
00:08:25Seppo13 tango :S
00:09:10svents fck
00:09:14svents this wr
00:09:24Spicyblack -ms
00:09:30Chuck lol
00:09:31Chuck :D?
00:09:32Spicyblack ss 2
00:09:34eWeresT :op
00:09:34Seppo13 onko toi paskoi vai mitä
00:09:38Chuck mitä kävi
00:09:41Chuck eka se jotai fullhp
00:09:43Chuck ja sit
00:09:44Chuck 1hp?
00:09:49eWeresT i am pro
00:09:49eWeresT :D
00:09:53eWeresT D:D:D
00:10:08Seppo13 dont
00:10:09Seppo13 go -.-
00:10:22Seppo13 SVEN
00:10:38Seppo13 fuck off sven
00:10:50Seppo13 or banned
00:10:55Affliction your mom
00:10:57Affliction óle
00:10:59eWeresT gj
00:11:06Chuck phoenix miss
00:11:07Chuck mby bot rune
00:11:20DSoul w8
00:11:25eWeresT ty
00:11:30DSoul welcome
00:11:33Chuck mby go to tower spicy when i say MISS PHOENIX
00:11:42Spicyblack mby su
00:11:46eWeresT hm
00:11:49eWeresT should i
00:11:51eWeresT go hex?
00:11:52eWeresT or
00:11:56eWeresT something fun
00:12:21eWeresT hex then fun
00:12:28DSoul :)
00:12:39Seppo13 ss
00:13:03DSoul might be som1 low
00:13:23eWeresT bird mid
00:13:25eWeresT going top
00:13:36Seppo13 oom
00:13:43Dizney oom !
00:14:16eWeresT -ms
00:14:32Affliction -ii
00:15:05Seppo13 jee
00:15:14DSoul come wr
00:15:44DSoul -.-
00:15:45Seppo13 ei luoj
00:16:01DSoul miks sa cm-ga killi võtad?
00:16:01Chuck top 3 kills
00:16:06DSoul omw
00:16:19nigulas stun fag
00:16:36DSoul 4
00:16:58Seppo13 jaa
00:17:07Seppo13 rofl roof
00:17:17Seppo13 stick ulti = everyone dead
00:17:17svents got now mana -.-
00:17:20DSoul dagger ready
00:17:24Seppo13 7 charge stick
00:17:27Worm-Ap haste bot
00:17:34Chuck ill take
00:17:55Spicyblack oota
00:17:55Chuck kolt im inc
00:18:05Chuck gimme mana
00:18:17Seppo13 mistä sä tuut -.-
00:19:11Chuck when he goes egg just hit him
00:19:11Chuck 5 hits
00:19:14Chuck and dead
00:19:16Spicyblack we know
00:19:20Chuck cool
00:19:59Chuck wd sk tp bot
00:19:59Chuck kills
00:20:02Chuck dd in bottle
00:20:05Chuck wr
00:20:06Chuck come
00:20:22Chuck tree no ulti
00:20:36DSoul ....
00:20:39eWeresT rofl
00:20:39nigulas we obviously n eed wards and SVEN
00:20:50eWeresT cm
00:20:51eWeresT btw
00:20:54eWeresT aura lvl 1
00:20:55nigulas aga so pointless retarded noobrat game
00:20:56eWeresT USELESS
00:22:07Seppo13 sven
00:22:07Seppo13 b
00:23:09Seppo13 mees ny
00:23:21Chuck ime jöötiis
00:23:36nigulas stun
00:23:44Chuck pitää varmaa tappaa joku 30 et saa x
00:23:50Seppo13 :DDD
00:23:50Seppo13 sk
00:23:52DSoul :D
00:23:53nigulas tree fagnoob
00:24:01eWeresT so much hate from a little bird
00:24:17nigulas shit my leap was on cd
00:24:17DSoul misscicked the C button
00:24:18nigulas love it
00:24:24Seppo13 go
00:25:04Seppo13 armorror
00:25:16Chuck nice fail cm
00:25:20Chuck why didnt frostbite or nova
00:25:32Spicyblack fucking low range on frostbite
00:25:38Chuck high range on nova :P
00:25:41Spicyblack yea
00:25:52DSoul ..
00:25:58DSoul oleks võinud lureda
00:26:04Worm-Ap :D
00:26:07Worm-Ap jepjep
00:26:23Chuck giv edd
00:26:25Chuck to bottle
00:26:57DSoul m,ana
00:26:59DSoul plz
00:27:03Seppo13 sven
00:27:04Seppo13 b
00:27:05DSoul ty
00:27:07Worm-Ap täis ju
00:27:14DSoul ei polnud
00:27:26Worm-Ap ei polnud :D
00:27:29DSoul :D
00:27:31DSoul typo
00:27:36Worm-Ap ei normaalne
00:28:17Seppo13 vittu mita ppaskaa
00:28:19Seppo13 ei teita kiinni saa
00:28:32nigulas ff
00:28:52Seppo13 ootko admineitten ystävä
00:29:18Chuck jee
00:29:20Dizney gem!
00:29:21DSoul b
00:29:23Chuck gem at thei base
00:29:39Chuck luuletko etten saa tota gemiis takas
00:29:40Affliction it said split gold
00:29:47Affliction i didt get any g
00:29:47Affliction :/
00:29:50Seppo13 vien basee
00:29:50Seppo13 np
00:29:51DSoul äta mulle
00:29:57Chuck tuun hakee ghost scepteril
00:29:58Chuck hyvä idea
00:30:07Chuck laita se kanalle ja paina d:tä
00:30:08Chuck testaa
00:30:09DSoul -.-
00:30:15Chuck tuleekse takas mun sirklee
00:30:24Spicyblack miks ma sulle jätan need
00:30:26Spicyblack mine v
00:30:27eWeresT fun game
00:30:28Spicyblack võssa
00:30:30eWeresT going in their base
00:30:31eWeresT alone
00:30:34eWeresT and killing sven
00:30:35eWeresT :DDDDDDD
00:30:48Seppo13 oho 30min perce
00:30:49Seppo13 kova
00:31:02Chuck onks teil paljo wardei
00:31:02Seppo13 armor....
00:31:02Spicyblack kuradi soul
00:31:02nigulas 2x ring of health .D:D::D
00:31:04nigulas faiblog
00:31:06DSoul ?
00:31:12Spicyblack vaatasin et minu oma tp-s ära D
00:31:15Spicyblack hakkasin kohe liikuma :D
00:31:25Seppo13 b
00:31:35Seppo13 haters >:
00:32:00Seppo13 tää affli kyl ylitti taas ittensö
00:32:26nigulas ALMOST
00:32:38svents new gem
00:32:45Dizney tree maybe if u go in with us and hit therie heros they might die.. @ some point
00:32:54Seppo13 endatteko -.-
00:32:57svents this top lane was so lost
00:32:59Affliction ff
00:32:59Chuck lopetatko deffaamise
00:33:03svents I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:07Affliction I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:07svents I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:08Seppo13 thronel me istuttaaa
00:33:08Seppo13 I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:08Dizney I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:18Chuck D:D:
00:33:22Affliction /:
00:33:28Seppo13 ouu
00:33:36Seppo13 go ff guuys
00:33:42Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:43Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:44Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:45Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:46Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:47Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:48Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:50Dizney I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:52Seppo13 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:52Seppo13 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:52Seppo13 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:52Seppo13 [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:33:52nigulas I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:54eWeresT gg
00:33:56Dizney igen ?
00:33:57svents gg
00:34:02DSoul pead pushima tulema
00:34:10Affliction skal lige på tanken og have en twindog
00:34:10Spicyblack lols
00:34:11Affliction :D
00:34:14Dizney lol
00:34:18Dizney hurry
00:34:24Affliction stikker nu
00:35:16Affliction banned
00:35:19svents wtf u are doing???
00:35:34Spicyblack who banned :O =?
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