Game #8031

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-35 X
-15 TS

75% | 1075 X | 1270 TS

-61 X
-18 TS

NEW | 1111 X | 1222 TS

-60 X
-16 TS

42% | 904 X | 1111 TS

-39 X
-27 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-6 X
-20 TS

NEW | 758 X | 998 TS

+38 X
+43 TS

NEW | 1145 X | 1199 TS

+63 X
+19 TS

62% | 1094 X | 1158 TS

+59 X
+38 TS

NEW | 933 X | 1100 TS

+10 X
+59 TS

NEW | 980 X | 1051 TS

+44 X
+57 TS

NEW | 965 X | 975 TS

Chat log

00:00:04kits how the fuck is this possible
00:00:06Pojetz sd
00:00:06kits :((
00:00:08Bra~ sd
00:00:09kits -sd
00:00:11Dara LOLREPS
00:00:16goofyboy_89 appar, doom, murloc
00:00:16kits someone wd?
00:00:20Vampi harp clock spectr
00:00:20Usires shaman leoric and pa
00:00:24kits say picks
00:00:25Bra~ furi panda lanaya
00:00:25Usires gimme doom?
00:00:26Tundmatu invoker, lyca, void
00:00:26Dara kunka shadow demon and troll
00:00:27Saalipie I midsolo
00:00:30Usires take shaman?
00:00:32goofyboy_89 shaman as in ?
00:00:32Usires or leo
00:00:35Usires rhasta
00:00:35kits :S
00:00:35Tundmatu gonna get void
00:00:36svents lich,huskar,razor
00:00:36Pojetz kunkka
00:00:37goofyboy_89 k
00:00:41goofyboy_89 then rhasta
00:00:44kits swap kunkka for wd
00:00:46goofyboy_89 -swap 1
00:00:46kits dara
00:00:48Usires -swap 5
00:00:50kits -swap 4
00:00:52Dara -swap 1
00:01:00goofyboy_89 upp
00:01:02Pojetz lanes?
00:01:08kits svents mis sul on?
00:01:09kits wait
00:01:10kits void bot
00:01:10Saalipie Can you guys buy wards?
00:01:15Tundmatu vol jin or bane botr
00:01:16svents lich,huskar,razor
00:01:20Saalipie Would be easy to own mid with runes
00:01:23kits võta lich
00:01:28Usires panda rhasta bot
00:01:28kits wd bane top
00:01:29kits imo
00:01:30kits lich bot
00:01:38Usires clock
00:01:38Tundmatu kk
00:01:38Saalipie vampi can you buy wards.
00:01:39Usires get obs
00:01:39Pojetz DARA TOP
00:01:40Usires to shaman
00:01:43Usires so they can own bot
00:01:45Usires and runes
00:01:49kits or
00:01:50Usires rhasta
00:01:51Usires takasi
00:01:53Usires hae runet
00:01:54kits bane bot lich wd top
00:01:54Usires obs
00:01:56kits ?:D
00:02:00Dara no time
00:02:01Usires give
00:02:02Tundmatu nvm
00:02:02Usires to rhasta
00:02:03Saalipie vampi finnish?
00:02:03Bra~ ..
00:02:05Saalipie rhasta finnish?
00:02:06Tundmatu let it be like that atm
00:02:10Pojetz svents top
00:02:17Pojetz LICH
00:02:18Pojetz top
00:02:18svents no i am noy
00:02:22kits lich go
00:02:22kits top
00:02:23kits fast
00:02:23svents i am bot
00:02:24Tundmatu go fucking top
00:02:25svents go top
00:02:27Tundmatu don't ruin it
00:02:29Pojetz u banned
00:02:32Usires pull clock`?
00:02:33goofyboy_89 ^^
00:02:33Bra~ -ms
00:02:33svents ffs
00:02:36kits lich wd better
00:02:43svents i have better range -.-
00:02:54kits lich wd rapes lane so hard
00:03:27Usires kyrpä
00:03:28Usires lich wd
00:03:52kits gank mid also if poss
00:04:13Bra~ sry
00:04:18goofyboy_89 /care
00:04:50Saalipie rhasta
00:04:52Saalipie how about
00:04:55goofyboy_89 line swap ?
00:04:55Saalipie planting those wards?
00:04:59goofyboy_89 'yy
00:05:04kits wr
00:05:05Saalipie really useful
00:05:06kits nvm
00:05:09Saalipie in your inventory, good job
00:05:13goofyboy_89 yy
00:05:20goofyboy_89 whine rest of the game about it <3
00:05:30kits wr
00:06:02Tundmatu WTF
00:06:03Tundmatu ARRE
00:06:04Tundmatu YOU
00:06:05Tundmatu DOINHG?
00:06:11Tundmatu fucking awesome
00:06:14Pojetz ffs was desktop
00:06:23Tundmatu why the fuck do you sleep him? to let panda run there?
00:06:32kits ss wr
00:06:33kits haste
00:06:33Pojetz CAnt I WAs desktop some error was there
00:07:09Bra~ care
00:07:10goofyboy_89 ss 2
00:07:14Tundmatu ss rhasta
00:07:21Tundmatu ss panda
00:07:26Saalipie great
00:07:28Tundmatu re
00:07:30Dara rune
00:07:31Saalipie miss two and I get stunned
00:07:35Dara illu
00:07:35Saalipie good job retard team
00:07:47Usires nuke
00:07:49Usires osuu levelt
00:07:53Saalipie mid miss
00:07:55Saalipie re
00:07:59Tundmatu panda has fucking phases
00:07:59Saalipie or not
00:08:01Tundmatu i have shit
00:08:02Saalipie he is top prolly
00:08:05Usires ..
00:08:27Pojetz nomana
00:09:14Bra~ gj
00:09:19kits ss wr
00:09:19kits care
00:09:19Tundmatu like this panda is the most luckiest faggot ever
00:09:20Vampi nomana
00:09:20goofyboy_89 likewise
00:09:26Tundmatu btw, nice fucking clap range panda
00:09:30goofyboy_89 without stomp no kill
00:09:31Tundmatu i got hit from 400-500 range
00:09:34Bra~ no problem
00:09:48Tundmatu ff
00:09:50Tundmatu ff
00:10:13Saalipie midii
00:10:51goofyboy_89 brb
00:10:55goofyboy_89 ss 2
00:11:05goofyboy_89 lets start harrass
00:11:09goofyboy_89 got m b
00:11:33Saalipie rhasta
00:11:34Saalipie come push mid
00:11:36Saalipie also gank kunkka
00:12:34Saalipie wake up
00:12:38Saalipie open your eyes
00:12:51Vampi ss
00:12:55Vampi kunka
00:12:58Saalipie I shackleshot void and you reach how?
00:13:00kits wtf
00:13:01kits sa teed
00:13:01Saalipie You dont react at all
00:13:06goofyboy_89 gj
00:13:55Pojetz take tango
00:13:59Saalipie top
00:14:06kits care
00:14:29goofyboy_89 y my bad sry
00:14:36kits why no tps
00:14:38kits ??????????
00:14:40kits like
00:14:43kits 2 under tower without creeps
00:14:46kits ez kills
00:14:48kits just tp
00:15:00Tundmatu gj
00:15:13Tundmatu leave me
00:15:19goofyboy_89 push tower
00:15:48svents gg
00:16:14goofyboy_89 wtf
00:16:28Tundmatu b
00:16:28Tundmatu b
00:16:29Tundmatu b
00:16:29Tundmatu b
00:16:29kits b
00:16:31Tundmatu wr coming
00:16:32kits =
00:16:34goofyboy_89 rege
00:16:35Tundmatu no
00:16:36Tundmatu panda
00:16:36Saalipie my rune
00:16:37Usires me
00:16:43Usires anma otan
00:16:44Saalipie saat
00:16:45Usires pullolla
00:16:45Tundmatu ofc you crit
00:16:48Usires voi vitun apina
00:16:53kits WTF SLEEP
00:17:13kits ilike seriously
00:17:14Pojetz sry
00:17:15kits WTf
00:17:17kits no everything
00:17:21kits this game is just so fail
00:18:08Pojetz go
00:18:36Saalipie onko
00:18:37Saalipie doom
00:18:40Usires o
00:19:14Saalipie niillä kait wardei
00:19:26Saalipie vähä sen näkösesti tulivat vastaan
00:19:28kits b
00:19:32goofyboy_89 koo
00:20:46goofyboy_89 syö
00:21:09Bra~ chaos
00:21:24Tundmatu this is so fucked up, i have nowhere to farm....
00:21:39Tundmatu doom been hanging there for 5 minutes now
00:21:42Tundmatu radi soon prolly
00:21:51kits void is a hero that needs farm
00:21:56kits but dota isnt a game where people let you farm
00:22:01kits so you shoulda known when you picked it
00:22:20Tundmatu i can farm, usually
00:22:32Tundmatu but not when i have to basically solo against panda + rhasta
00:22:35Saalipie reuse chicken
00:22:39Usires missä
00:22:40Usires se o
00:23:26Pojetz wait me
00:23:54Tundmatu wr has lothars???
00:23:56Tundmatu k
00:23:57svents y
00:24:00Tundmatu this is over
00:24:01kits 21 minutes already
00:24:47Tundmatu ulti
00:24:49goofyboy_89 gr8
00:25:09Tundmatu no ulti, bane?
00:25:14Usires ¨huoh turhaa ahnehtimista
00:25:14Pojetz not yet
00:25:30kits get wards and a pair of dust
00:25:37Tundmatu we need dust or insta disable before lothars
00:25:42Usires go bot
00:25:43Usires now
00:25:44Usires take tower
00:25:49kits gj
00:25:51Pojetz gj
00:25:52Tundmatu gj
00:26:00Saalipie fuck this wd and his lucky movements
00:26:01Dara o hai
00:26:01kits let me
00:26:02kits go mid
00:26:05Pojetz come bot some1
00:26:26Usires dude
00:26:28Usires awake
00:26:29Usires and hook
00:26:30Saalipie I ÄR JUST WALK THIS WAY
00:27:12goofyboy_89 :D:D:D:D
00:27:13Bra~ what
00:27:14Pojetz oh f good
00:27:15Bra~ lol
00:27:17goofyboy_89 sucha lucky bash
00:27:20Bra~ y
00:27:26kits b
00:27:26kits b
00:27:26kits b
00:27:27kits b
00:27:27kits b
00:27:29kits wd
00:27:30kits asd
00:27:37kits he has long range spells and speed
00:27:39Tundmatu powershot
00:27:41Tundmatu prolly
00:27:46kits b
00:27:47kits he saw you
00:27:59Tundmatu you came out too soon
00:28:14Dara rhasta saw me
00:28:25Tundmatu they are so trying to push cus in the end, void still kills everyone :/
00:28:33Tundmatu but not this game prolly
00:28:43Pojetz void needs farm
00:28:45Pojetz then we win
00:28:50Saalipie tunts you underrated btw :D?
00:29:05Tundmatu what do you mean?
00:29:13Saalipie 1200 elo
00:29:33kits 900 rather
00:29:51Tundmatu well, just having a bad game, that's all
00:30:02Tundmatu i think you ment overrated before
00:30:34Tundmatu ship them
00:30:37kits did
00:30:40kits cos 3 in base waiting
00:30:50goofyboy_89 haste
00:31:12kits no dusts?
00:31:14Tundmatu b
00:31:18svents ill buy
00:32:25Tundmatu nice panicpush btw saali
00:32:41Usires what panic
00:32:44Saalipie me panicing or your team
00:32:58Pojetz kill
00:33:00Pojetz they got rax
00:33:06Dara I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:08Tundmatu i've played a lot of games with you, you never push, you only farm and hunt
00:33:14Saalipie cool
00:33:17Tundmatu suddenly 30 min and you run around taking towers
00:33:21kits lol..
00:33:28kits thats cos theres no way we can win
00:33:29Bra~ raking towers is good
00:33:30Saalipie dunno what you're talking about
00:33:32Bra~ btw
00:33:41Tundmatu riight
00:33:44Dara why you would want to rape the towers
00:33:49Dara how yoy even do it?:O
00:33:52Saalipie so I'm not allowed to take towers?
00:33:53Dara you*
00:34:11Pojetz void nee dkil
00:34:13Pojetz KILl
00:34:14Pojetz idiot
00:34:24Bra~ who me :)?
00:34:27Pojetz no
00:34:29Pojetz my teammate
00:34:32Tundmatu naah, we have carry lich
00:34:39Bra~ svents
00:34:43Pojetz je take kills, but void need them
00:34:46Bra~ hehe
00:34:48Bra~ sup
00:35:51kits very bad game cos saali is obviously way better than me
00:35:59kits and we pick heroes we cant play
00:36:06Tundmatu WTF SLEEP
00:36:08Tundmatu seriously
00:36:12goofyboy_89 ^mad
00:36:17Tundmatu imad
00:36:23Dara I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:29Usires ei toi kyllä kapumateriaalia oo millään
00:36:31Usires toi mrk
00:36:35Usires nähny nyt 3 peliä putkella
00:36:39Usires aika suitti
00:36:43kits someone stole my quarterstaff btw
00:36:43kits wd?
00:36:46Saalipie siis tää KITS?
00:36:48Tundmatu no
00:36:49Usires ni
00:36:52Dara mine
00:36:52Saalipie no siis
00:36:54Tundmatu someone put it in my bag
00:36:54Saalipie eilen oli cd
00:36:56Saalipie se pickaa firstpick sniper
00:37:02Usires joo muistan
00:37:02Saalipie vihuille menee joku tide wd veno
00:37:04Usires voitettiin se
00:37:10Saalipie no se oli niin läppäää
00:37:12Usires meidän tiimi siis
00:37:16Saalipie joo tiedän
00:37:21Saalipie en muistan et olit siin
00:37:37Usires jakirolla vedin raivopuskua
00:37:40Saalipie teil oli enemmän hyviä pelaajia ja paremmat pickit
00:37:45Saalipie jakiro niin hyvä hero :>
00:37:52Usires jep
00:38:14svents wtf
00:38:15svents wd
00:38:24svents i would live
00:38:48svents I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:52svents !ff
00:38:54Usires saivat tornini
00:38:56Usires lol
00:38:58goofyboy_89 xD
00:38:59Saalipie oho
00:38:59Saalipie :O
00:38:59Usires wow tower
00:39:00Dara !ff
00:39:04Usires nmow u pwn
00:39:41Bra~ this saali so newb
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