Game #794050

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-5 X
-7 TS

95% | 1326 X | 1571 TS

-58 X
-8 TS

58% | 1115 X | 1297 TS

-45 X
-5 TS

45% | 1019 X | 1288 TS

-39 X
-6 TS

45% | 999 X | 1305 TS

-29 X
-15 TS

25% | 974 X | 1168 TS

+46 X
+9 TS

94% | 1364 X | 1493 TS

+6 X
+8 TS

68% | 1289 X | 1257 TS

+34 X
+9 TS

69% | 1149 X | 1369 TS

+58 X
+11 TS

26% | 931 X | 1200 TS

+40 X
+23 TS

14% | 903 X | 1104 TS

Chat log

00:00:07kitkat cm wisp ursa
00:00:07infect dusa bat clock
00:00:09ulikiluu rhasta tide zues
00:00:12Herre ds, sniper, huskar
00:00:12Knaitti thd slar jugger
00:00:14creeeeeee ot new hero?
00:00:14kitkat WE HAVE ATS
00:00:15aRkker rhasta lyca tb
00:00:16ulikiluu sry razor no rhasta
00:00:23ATS_ AND KIT
00:00:26Herre knaitti xDDDDDDDDD
00:00:27ulikiluu razor tide zues*
00:00:28infect they hv u kitkat ;)
00:00:30Herre anna thd
00:00:32Dzinnu invoker, bb and brood
00:00:35kitkat me > ats :C
00:00:36Dzinnu and sentinel has infect
00:00:37creeeeeee OI
00:00:37Herre saat jotain desua
00:00:38creeeeeee dzinnu
00:00:39aRkker quit the trollageddon right now!
00:00:40creeeeeee invoker mulle
00:00:41creeeeeee kindlalt
00:00:44kitkat :D
00:00:45Knaitti ds?
00:00:47Dzinnu mis sul on
00:00:47creeeeeee annan sulle am-i
00:00:48Herre ok
00:00:51Knaitti siis mikä se on
00:00:51infect anyone clock bat dusa?
00:00:52Dzinnu mis veel
00:00:53kitkat dzinnu, vahetab kanalit :D?
00:00:53creeeeeee diil?
00:00:55Herre siis
00:00:55ATS_ pl
00:00:56Herre dark seer
00:00:56creeeeeee ench ja panda
00:00:57Dzinnu sure
00:00:57creeeeeee ja am
00:00:58Knaitti en vitus :D
00:01:01infect nota
00:01:01Herre mmmm
00:01:03infect what u hv
00:01:08ATS_ taidan vetää tc
00:01:10NotAHax HEROS?
00:01:11Knaitti tääl ois kyl slar :S
00:01:14Knaitti slar jugger thd
00:01:14creeeeeee tahad am-i?
00:01:15Dzinnu anna ench
00:01:16infect dusa bat clock
00:01:19infect u
00:01:21infect ?
00:01:22creeeeeee ok
00:01:28aRkker rhasta lyca t
00:01:29aRkker b
00:01:31creeeeeee -swap 1
00:01:32Herre knaitti etkö swappaa thd:tä
00:01:33Dzinnu -swap 2
00:01:38Knaitti no anna huskar
00:01:40Herre ds, sniper, huskar
00:01:45Knaitti -swap
00:01:46Knaitti -swap 4
00:01:50Herre -swap 3
00:01:51Knaitti -clear
00:02:00creeeeeee soovid midi?
00:02:04Dzinnu y
00:02:09Dzinnu sina ja maiden top
00:02:11creeeeeee k
00:02:30infect huskar rhazta better lane ?
00:02:31infect :D
00:02:34infect nvm
00:02:43Knaitti we both need farm
00:02:44Knaitti -.
00:02:48Knaitti fucked up line :D
00:02:54infect y
00:03:59creeeeeee nova
00:04:08kitkat v6tsin cube omg
00:04:14creeeeeee nvm
00:04:19kitkat pullin
00:04:30creeeeeee saame tappa
00:04:31creeeeeee lihtsalt
00:04:33kitkat y
00:04:35kitkat kumb?
00:04:39creeeeeee vahet pole
00:04:41creeeeeee huskar vast
00:04:43kitkat ok
00:05:05kitkat gogo
00:05:19creeeeeee tra
00:05:21creeeeeee failisin
00:05:21creeeeeee sr
00:05:22kitkat kohe uus cube
00:05:23kitkat np
00:05:45kitkat gj
00:05:51kitkat pullin next
00:05:57creeeeeee k
00:06:14infect ss2
00:06:32creeeeeee jaaa
00:06:33creeeeeee 30 hp
00:06:46kitkat kill?
00:07:06kitkat pulli
00:07:07kitkat n
00:07:44creeeeeee dusa nüüd
00:07:50kitkat tal shield
00:07:54infect ss cm
00:08:21ATS_ ss 2
00:08:25Dzinnu mid miss
00:08:25Dzinnu top
00:08:26NotAHax nvm i go back midd
00:08:44infect invoker has stupid range and damage
00:08:51kitkat sry
00:08:56kitkat pullin
00:09:08kitkat -2 top
00:09:10NotAHax gg creeps
00:09:12NotAHax taking bottle off
00:09:25creeeeeee 2ss
00:09:28aRkker huskar
00:09:42aRkker go bot with me
00:09:43aRkker THD goes top
00:09:45kitkat tapame?
00:09:47creeeeeee y
00:09:52aRkker jaa se on kknaitti
00:09:53aRkker swapataa
00:10:04infect ss cm
00:10:23infect fucking repel bug, some manabar across my screen
00:10:31aRkker wave the screen around
00:10:33NotAHax WARDS
00:10:34NotAHax NOW
00:10:38aRkker its more like wc3 hp bar bug
00:11:10kitkat top still miss
00:11:34NotAHax MID MISS
00:11:39Dzinnu sp2m
00:11:40Dzinnu ma l2hen selga
00:12:53creeeeeee tapame
00:12:54creeeeeee slowid
00:12:59Dzinnu k
00:13:02NotAHax infect
00:13:04Dzinnu l2ksime
00:13:04NotAHax im trying win this game
00:13:05NotAHax can you let me farm
00:13:26creeeeeee slow?
00:13:29kitkat panin
00:13:33Dzinnu ta l2ks invisse
00:13:39creeeeeee bottles oli?
00:13:41Dzinnu y
00:13:43kitkat y
00:14:18infect invi ench mid
00:14:59Herre knaitti vähän denys tornin
00:15:03Herre olin katsovinani
00:15:07Knaitti jep
00:15:14ATS_ b
00:15:49Dzinnu b, krobe tpü
00:15:50Dzinnu still
00:15:54Dzinnu idiot
00:15:55NotAHax yo
00:15:57Dzinnu seriosuly
00:16:10NotAHax =)
00:16:13ulikiluu :(
00:16:16kitkat :C
00:16:18Herre xD
00:16:29NotAHax all 5
00:16:29NotAHax go
00:16:29NotAHax top
00:17:43NotAHax np
00:18:00Dzinnu so many low hp insta kills and then the damn shacle
00:18:10Dzinnu shackle
00:18:15Dzinnu ...............
00:18:18Dzinnu KILl krobe
00:18:21kitkat :D
00:18:44NotAHax ALL MIDD
00:20:25NotAHax b
00:20:31infect faking invoker
00:21:12Knaitti -cs
00:21:23NotAHax ALL MIDD
00:21:53infect thd, ulti sometimes too
00:21:59Herre no ulti
00:23:48creeeeeee LOL
00:23:49creeeeeee :D
00:23:51NotAHax )
00:23:54kitkat ))
00:24:12NotAHax mine
00:24:12NotAHax gtfo
00:24:25NotAHax hey
00:24:26NotAHax retard
00:24:38NotAHax i ban req you
00:24:41NotAHax ur not listening
00:24:43NotAHax captai ncommands
00:24:44infect for what?
00:24:45infect haha
00:24:47ATS_ all mid
00:24:48NotAHax not listening captain orders
00:24:48ATS_ ?
00:24:49infect u can only tell me lanes
00:24:51infect nothing more
00:24:56infect ask arkker or herre or strom
00:25:05infect herre is right here with arkker :d
00:25:11NotAHax y i know they are mumble with me
00:25:14NotAHax so gl bro
00:25:19Herre I am not "with" him
00:25:23Herre he just happens to in the same team
00:25:27infect haha nota
00:25:27Herre no homo
00:25:28Herre you know
00:25:30infect oh please
00:25:40NotAHax ALL MID
00:25:54NotAHax no ulti
00:25:55NotAHax such a pro
00:26:06NotAHax huskarr
00:26:07NotAHax mee päälle
00:26:09NotAHax me tullaa sit
00:26:36Knaitti justiinsa näin kö?
00:26:42Knaitti kuolen instana ku ette anna farmaa
00:27:03Knaitti vittu mie farmaan nytte
00:27:04Knaitti 0 5
00:27:05Knaitti gg
00:27:11aRkker tälläsil heroil noit vastaa rupeet farma
00:27:12NotAHax farmi ei tuu sua pelastaa
00:27:12kitkat pole muret, infect on elus!
00:27:22Knaitti no ei sekää et passitat mut kuolee sinne instana
00:27:23creeeeeee kohe lendab rampage
00:27:24Herre puhuvat järkeä poika
00:27:24creeeeeee peale
00:27:28Herre a
00:27:34Herre ainoa mikä meidät tässä pelastaa on hyvä tiimibattle
00:28:47infect b mid
00:29:46Dzinnu mid all
00:29:49ulikiluu what to buy
00:29:54kitkat shiva
00:30:09Dzinnu go
00:30:23creeeeeee pole mõtet
00:30:25creeeeeee joosta sinna
00:30:26creeeeeee all
00:30:36Dzinnu GOD SAKE
00:30:39Dzinnu why the fuck did you wait?
00:30:42Dzinnu when i was attacking rhasta
00:31:39Dzinnu next time just fucking jump in, ulti and rape em
00:32:27NotAHax ur booring
00:32:30kitkat :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
00:32:31NotAHax o snpa
00:32:35kitkat XDD
00:32:36NotAHax a nigger came from river
00:32:49aRkker -ms
00:32:53kitkat a sudden nigger struck
00:32:54NotAHax INFECT
00:32:55NotAHax FOR GOD SAKE
00:32:57NotAHax SKIL UR ULTI
00:32:58NotAHax ..
00:33:11infect dno how to use it correctly.
00:33:12Herre infect
00:33:14infect so no use for me
00:33:17Herre care to build the ultimate
00:33:19aRkker you.. umm... click it?
00:33:20NotAHax problem?
00:33:27NotAHax in team fitesw
00:33:28NotAHax when they push
00:33:29NotAHax you use ur ulti
00:33:31NotAHax and we attack
00:33:33aRkker they don't even have to look at you, you spin around like a headless chicken anyway
00:34:06creeeeeee fcin ghost
00:34:15Dzinnu fucking rhasta
00:34:32creeeeeee nii fail kui vennal ghost peal
00:34:37Dzinnu guinsoo
00:34:38kitkat hea just :P
00:34:38creeeeeee ei pane tähele ka sellise möllu sees
00:34:46creeeeeee siis pmts clickin peale
00:34:50creeeeeee jookseb kõrvale kah veel hero :D
00:34:55creeeeeee saan nii sisse kohe ulti käest :D
00:35:05kitkat noh
00:35:08kitkat minu buildi kasutab!
00:35:10kitkat rott selline
00:35:38Dzinnu ill take haste
00:37:33NotAHax LOL
00:37:34NotAHax :D:D
00:37:38Dzinnu go me
00:38:06Dzinnu bored of this game already, someone should win already
00:38:16Dzinnu carry infect go push mid
00:38:20NotAHax xd
00:38:24Herre please
00:38:25infect herre
00:38:25Herre :]
00:38:28infect retard used my hero
00:38:29infect so no
00:38:32infect thank nota
00:38:36Herre I am no retard
00:38:41NotAHax y bad manners
00:38:41Herre I just want to use the chicken
00:38:42NotAHax ban this
00:38:46Herre never controlled your hero
00:38:48NotAHax GTFO
00:38:52infect k, only nota cant use chicken
00:38:58Herre fair enough
00:39:50Herre epic tower fight is epic
00:39:54kitkat XD
00:40:27Herre wins
00:40:28NotAHax cre cool lothar on invi hero
00:40:33kitkat JEP
00:40:47ulikiluu y double invis, cant see with gem
00:40:51NotAHax !
00:42:31infect oh nice, twin comes too
00:43:08Herre infect, you arent entitled to say anything after your 12-level skillbuild without ulti
00:43:13kitkat :DDDDDDD
00:43:23kitkat imba dusa
00:43:23infect 13th lvl and had both lvl's
00:43:24kitkat XD
00:43:24Dzinnu lastpick carrys are always right
00:43:29infect and kitkat, really :D
00:43:37infect sa peaksid jumala kuss olema dota kohapealt ikka :D
00:43:38kitkat my dusa is better :)
00:43:41kitkat notahax knows
00:43:55kitkat AMIRITE NOTAKAT?
00:43:57Dzinnu kit pelas ju h2sti, scoor tõestab seda
00:44:25kitkat perse noh
00:44:28kitkat ei suutnud sind targetida
00:44:29Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:36kitkat forcega
00:44:50Dzinnu b mid
00:44:54Dzinnu wait for meh and kit
00:45:28creeeeeee on the hill
00:47:27creeeeeee almost rampage
00:47:29creeeeeee infect
00:47:32infect cammoon
00:47:32kitkat :D
00:47:34infect loosing team
00:47:35Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:36infect ma lvl 18
00:47:40kitkat :DDDDDDDD
00:47:42infect ja 2/4 / 8 skoor
00:47:45infect mida sa vele tahad
00:47:55Dzinnu 16-5 scoori ja v6itu
00:47:56infect lvl 19*
00:47:58creeeeeee rampage muidugi :D
00:47:59creeeeeee tahan
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