Game #72018

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-33 X
-14 TS

100% | 1338 X | 1373 TS

-59 X
-20 TS

NEW | 1122 X | 1203 TS

-14 X
-17 TS

44% | 1029 X | 1076 TS

+5 X
-19 TS

NEW | 1015 X | 944 TS

+3 X
-21 TS

NEW | 778 X | 919 TS

+4 X
+37 TS

NEW | 1091 X | 1202 TS

+35 X
+24 TS

58% | 1094 X | 1161 TS

+47 X
+21 TS

63% | 1203 X | 1156 TS

+37 X
+64 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-11 X
+41 TS

NEW | 897 X | 999 TS

Chat log

00:00:18Rakett Timu
00:00:20Rakett ma ütlen
00:00:21Rakett mida bannida jne
00:00:23Rakett ban doom.
00:00:37Rakett bani doom
00:00:39Rakett kuula meid
00:00:42NotAHax ban hero
00:00:44NotAHax ?
00:00:52creeeeeee asd
00:00:55Rakett siis pugna
00:00:58Timu taxes, bro
00:00:58DangerZ he searching heroes
00:01:00DangerZ :D
00:01:03Rakett int scourge
00:01:11fUNCh dvix saad kohe essa kaotuse kirja :D
00:01:18DviX ok
00:01:19Rakett pugna
00:01:20Rakett ban
00:01:44Rakett hmm
00:01:45Rakett s
00:01:46Rakett storm
00:01:47Rakett panda
00:01:49Rakett kui saad siis r
00:01:49Rakett wr
00:01:53Rakett pick wr
00:01:54DangerZ jep
00:01:57DangerZ eiei
00:01:57Rakett ban panda
00:01:57DangerZ ban
00:01:58Rakett storm
00:01:59DangerZ 1 veel
00:02:03Rakett OMFG
00:02:04creeeeeee wtf
00:02:07creeeeeee panda ban
00:02:08Rakett WE
00:02:09Rakett WR
00:02:10DangerZ WR
00:02:11Rakett pick
00:02:11DangerZ picki
00:02:25NotAHax do we have
00:02:26NotAHax es player
00:02:28Rakett noh dnz
00:02:29Rakett msi veel
00:02:29NotAHax or sand king
00:02:30DangerZ picki
00:02:30Rakett es?
00:02:31DangerZ wd
00:02:34NotAHax ??
00:02:34DangerZ kui saad
00:02:37Timu es imo
00:02:39Tundmatu i guess that's a no
00:02:41NotAHax FUNCH / CREEE?
00:02:43fUNCh i'm more like agi carry player
00:02:46DangerZ es wd mõlemad võib võtta
00:02:47NotAHax ok
00:02:48Rakett jah
00:02:49fUNCh or gyro
00:02:53fUNCh gyro is nice
00:02:54fUNCh for me
00:03:01NotAHax Tunts you play sk
00:03:01Rakett es wd go
00:03:06Tundmatu skeleton
00:03:07Tundmatu yep
00:03:19DangerZ potm ja kka
00:03:20Tundmatu shitstormking :/
00:03:21DangerZ ja võit
00:03:22DangerZ :D
00:03:26Rakett jep :D
00:03:26Rakett okei
00:03:27Timu banna?
00:03:28creeeeeee ban rikiz0r
00:03:30DangerZ aa
00:03:31Rakett nüüd bani
00:03:32DangerZ banni
00:03:36Rakett traxex
00:03:37Timu mida
00:03:37DangerZ morph
00:03:39DangerZ morf
00:03:41Rakett jah
00:03:42Rakett mroh
00:03:48creeeeeee or alce
00:03:52Rakett äkki veno bannida?
00:03:52NotAHax Creeee
00:03:53NotAHax who are you?
00:03:55NotAHax ?
00:03:56fUNCh creotic
00:03:58fUNCh wnb noob
00:03:58creeeeeee random noob
00:04:04Rakett Agicarryt meil vaja
00:04:04Rakett veel
00:04:10Rakett sniper või sf
00:04:10Timu trax und kunkka
00:04:11Rakett ?
00:04:23Rakett midsolot vaja
00:04:23Rakett pmst
00:04:25creeeeeee but still you should ban alce i think
00:04:25Rakett sest
00:04:26Rakett es wr
00:04:29DangerZ ei no
00:04:29Rakett ja wd potm
00:04:32DangerZ potm es
00:04:32Tundmatu or pick it
00:04:33DangerZ wd kka
00:04:34fUNCh riki is worse
00:04:34DangerZ derp
00:04:38Rakett hmh okei
00:04:41fUNCh can smoke cm and sk
00:04:43NotAHax just play sven
00:04:44NotAHax plz
00:04:49NotAHax i will get sven + storm
00:04:54NotAHax and i play storm
00:04:55fUNCh no carry ?
00:05:01NotAHax well i get storm / sf
00:05:07fUNCh sf fails
00:05:08Rakett ta võib stormpanda minna
00:05:10Rakett lõdvalt
00:05:10fUNCh rather storm
00:05:15Timu np
00:05:16Rakett ok picki
00:05:17Timu nooh
00:05:17DangerZ suht pohhui imo
00:05:18DangerZ potm
00:05:18Rakett kunkka ja potm
00:05:19DangerZ enne
00:05:22DangerZ potm enne
00:05:37DangerZ skele võib ka olla
00:05:41DangerZ ok poh
00:06:01fUNCh well they got nice lineup
00:06:03Timu i chose standard line up as it's good in cws
00:06:12fUNCh prolly rakett and dangerz helped him
00:06:21fUNCh omfg
00:06:23DviX kes mis mida
00:06:24fUNCh why not storm ?
00:06:25Tundmatu obvio
00:06:27Tundmatu me kõik vendis :D
00:06:28DangerZ dvix
00:06:28NotAHax i can play sf
00:06:29NotAHax np
00:06:30DangerZ sa wd
00:06:30NotAHax get
00:06:32NotAHax tunts lion
00:06:33NotAHax svne
00:06:33Timu -ii
00:06:34NotAHax *
00:06:34NotAHax sven
00:06:38NotAHax func sk
00:06:38Tundmatu vali funch
00:06:39NotAHax LANES
00:06:45NotAHax sand king solo top
00:06:45Rakett dvix
00:06:46Rakett potmit
00:06:47NotAHax funch you can do it?
00:06:47Rakett tahad
00:06:48Rakett +
00:06:49NotAHax and lion cm sven bot
00:06:50Rakett anna wd markole
00:06:51DviX ei
00:06:52fUNCh sure
00:06:58DviX ma oleks ise wd
00:06:58fUNCh i'll just smoke them
00:07:00Rakett ok.
00:07:04Rakett potm kana
00:07:05Rakett wd
00:07:05Rakett wardid
00:07:11DangerZ potm es
00:07:12DangerZ alla
00:07:14Tundmatu gogogo and raep fb on lane
00:07:14Rakett share ka kohe.
00:07:25fUNCh cm bot
00:07:27fUNCh 3lane
00:07:35DeathScythe going
00:07:39fUNCh damn i got yellow ping :D
00:07:46NotAHax cree
00:07:46fUNCh lastgame had yellow sandking
00:07:47NotAHax ward here
00:07:52fUNCh who flooded ping over minimap
00:07:57fUNCh so you couldnt see anything
00:07:58fUNCh :D:
00:07:58Rakett anna
00:07:59Rakett d
00:08:00Rakett dd
00:08:05Rakett teeb fb mid?
00:08:06NotAHax SEc
00:08:08Rakett nvm
00:08:08Rakett WAT
00:08:08NotAHax need alt tab
00:08:08NotAHax lagg
00:08:08Timu zomg
00:08:08Tundmatu cm block so we can fb
00:08:08DviX 'tahad
00:08:08DviX wardi?
00:08:08DviX saad ise plantida teisele poole
00:08:08Rakett sellest piisab.
00:08:08Rakett ei ole vaja
00:08:08NotAHax go
00:08:08NotAHax ok re
00:08:08DeathScythe i try
00:08:12creeeeeee cm u got cube?
00:08:14creeeeeee or nova+
00:08:26DeathScythe nov
00:08:32fUNCh keke
00:08:35NotAHax ..
00:08:43fUNCh :D
00:08:54NotAHax ¨funch just
00:08:56NotAHax get sand storm
00:08:57NotAHax max
00:08:59NotAHax and get creeps with it
00:09:08fUNCh its kunka
00:09:18DeathScythe now nova bite
00:09:54Tundmatu gonna pull
00:09:57DeathScythe kill wr?
00:10:03DeathScythe yes
00:10:04Tundmatu k
00:10:08DviX unustasin male
00:10:08DviX :D
00:10:13DangerZ nägin
00:10:35Timu -i
00:10:36Timu -ii
00:11:06DeathScythe i come
00:11:16Tundmatu nice cm
00:11:17DangerZ mine pulli
00:11:18Tundmatu sleeping?
00:11:19DangerZ ma saan xpi nat
00:11:27Rakett miss.
00:11:48fUNCh ss wd
00:12:08Tundmatu rune
00:12:11DviX tapaks?
00:12:29NotAHax wr
00:12:30NotAHax coming
00:13:02DangerZ kohe plnud mana
00:13:02Rakett gang sf
00:13:06Rakett kerge kill
00:13:11Timu o,w
00:13:13Timu omw
00:13:27creeeeeee 2ss
00:13:29creeeeeee re1
00:13:38DviX tulen ka mid
00:13:49fUNCh ss2
00:13:55DangerZ ffs
00:13:58Rakett anna
00:15:02creeeeeee omw top
00:15:21Rakett gang sf.
00:15:24DangerZ faster
00:15:27DviX tra
00:15:27DviX kust
00:15:28DangerZ pajgmadspnfikaesnhiraefkdsjgmhiknhikodshdekasmfadsmghlknmijjmnkfrdbg,km, hdsftgyhbüõ,jkm
00:15:29DangerZ jkm,nhkfcgüzds
00:15:29DviX see sven tuli
00:15:56Timu care
00:16:12DeathScythe miss
00:16:16DviX 3 miss
00:16:17DviX care
00:16:18DviX mid
00:16:24NotAHax plant wards plz
00:16:25DviX ma ei julge wardima ka ronida
00:16:26NotAHax and mid miss
00:16:26NotAHax care
00:16:35Rakett timu millal mana?
00:16:37fUNCh 2top re
00:16:41Timu 20 veel
00:16:41NotAHax they got wards btw
00:16:43Timu eu
00:16:44Timu 35
00:16:46DviX 3 miss
00:17:12creeeeeee just stun
00:17:21fUNCh ss2 top
00:17:26fUNCh wd ss care
00:17:45fUNCh wtf
00:17:45Rakett ha töö
00:17:46Rakett hea
00:18:01DviX võtakse sk?
00:18:25fUNCh haste wr
00:19:14creeeeeee how can u be so lucky
00:19:19Rakett kuss :D
00:19:24Timu -ii
00:19:25creeeeeee :D
00:19:47fUNCh _D
00:19:53Tundmatu türa ära fiidi tard
00:19:56fUNCh rofl
00:20:36Tundmatu dangerz is pissed, progress made
00:20:42Tundmatu go gank him twice and it's ff for them
00:21:08NotAHax wtf null talismans tunts
00:21:10NotAHax get dagger bkb
00:21:14Tundmatu yy
00:21:17Tundmatu more mana to raep
00:21:18NotAHax ALL MID
00:21:19creeeeeee omw mid
00:21:44NotAHax stun
00:22:03NotAHax GO
00:22:09Timu oom
00:22:12Rakett OOM
00:22:15NotAHax ..
00:22:46NotAHax gyuts
00:22:48NotAHax get out of woods
00:23:00DviX top keegi?
00:23:03Timu ja
00:23:04NotAHax sven go farm
00:23:04NotAHax y
00:23:11Tundmatu lion, if you have ulti, go potm
00:23:11NotAHax go kunkka
00:23:25DviX võta
00:23:26DviX sf
00:23:27DviX siin
00:23:45creeeeeee 3 mid
00:24:01DeathScythe srt
00:24:03DeathScythe sry
00:24:10Tundmatu np
00:24:11NotAHax Cree
00:24:13creeeeeee now he's pissed
00:24:13DangerZ see kuradi
00:24:14NotAHax just try get dagger also
00:24:14DangerZ lion
00:24:18NotAHax cm will do warding
00:24:18DangerZ on TÄISMUNN
00:24:21creeeeeee ok
00:24:23Rakett oto
00:24:24Rakett kohe tapame
00:24:25Rakett funchi
00:24:26Rakett stunni
00:24:27Rakett go
00:25:02fUNCh 3 top
00:25:04fUNCh they try tower
00:25:12creeeeeee lez def it then ;)
00:25:23fUNCh 4 top
00:25:25fUNCh b
00:25:56NotAHax new wards
00:25:56DviX pushivad tagasi toweri nkn
00:26:00creeeeeee kao oma liivaga mujale
00:26:47creeeeeee this if wierd shit...if target stun and he leaps
00:26:54creeeeeee then random stun
00:26:55DviX kellegil tp?
00:26:57Rakett ja
00:26:58Rakett telen
00:27:07DviX vittu
00:27:08DviX cancel ikka
00:27:14Rakett np.
00:28:17DviX ma oom suht
00:28:26fUNCh omw
00:28:36fUNCh rofl
00:28:49Timu anti ward
00:29:06Tundmatu kill
00:29:11DviX oom
00:29:55NotAHax we need go together
00:29:56Tundmatu can't kill without dps
00:30:13DviX oom
00:30:13DviX b
00:30:41DviX mis buildin wdle? sceptre norM?
00:30:46Rakett jah
00:30:48Rakett bkb oleks hea
00:30:49Rakett tegelt
00:30:52Timu jep
00:31:11DviX bkb mõttetu ilma sceptreta
00:31:16Rakett mkm
00:31:24Timu sai sa kunagi ultit panna ilma, et miljon sutnni sisse lendaks
00:31:29NotAHax ¨well when sven got dagger it will help alot
00:31:41Tundmatu working on it
00:31:42NotAHax ALL DEF
00:31:43NotAHax ALL
00:31:47NotAHax oh sk dagger
00:31:48NotAHax nice
00:31:49NotAHax sk go in
00:32:04NotAHax i bait
00:32:04NotAHax wait
00:32:09DviX jooksen
00:32:26NotAHax sigh
00:32:26NotAHax why go
00:32:28NotAHax WHY
00:32:36fUNCh thought we can get one and go back -.-.
00:32:39NotAHax lion
00:32:41NotAHax why you go there
00:32:43DeathScythe fail
00:32:44NotAHax thats retarted
00:32:49NotAHax we could just let them push god sake
00:32:51NotAHax and sk could go in
00:32:52NotAHax BUT NO
00:32:55NotAHax go suicide for stypid bait
00:32:56NotAHax ..
00:32:58creeeeeee true :/
00:33:05NotAHax now we lost tower
00:33:07DeathScythe just wait next itm
00:33:08NotAHax well played
00:33:10DeathScythe time*
00:33:13NotAHax 1 fail is enough
00:34:10NotAHax again
00:34:11NotAHax suicide
00:34:11NotAHax .
00:34:20NotAHax well played
00:34:28DviX care sf
00:34:31DeathScythe again
00:34:42NotAHax now we lost that towera lso
00:34:43NotAHax also
00:34:45NotAHax lion losing game :D
00:34:48Rakett ma üles
00:34:49Rakett farmima
00:34:52creeeeeee well i was the furthest one
00:34:55creeeeeee just got arrowed
00:35:04creeeeeee and since im lowest died fast
00:35:24DangerZ bb
00:35:28DeathScythe fuck
00:35:31NotAHax if you clown can just do as i say we win
00:35:34NotAHax but no
00:35:35DeathScythe now just stig together
00:35:47Tundmatu i was gonna stun creeps and gtfo there, needed 100 for dagger
00:35:52DviX Timuu
00:35:58Timu noh
00:36:01Timu ok
00:36:01DviX andsin wardi
00:36:02NotAHax well buy ur dagger now
00:36:13NotAHax i try get lv 16 + bkb
00:36:17NotAHax stay b guys
00:36:24DangerZ go gank
00:36:26DangerZ imo
00:36:31DeathScythe dont steal
00:36:36Tundmatu helped out
00:36:40Timu kaua alumine ward kestab
00:36:44DviX 3 min umb
00:36:44Timu -apm
00:36:48NotAHax OKAY
00:36:50NotAHax i get my bkb
00:36:50DviX -apm
00:36:54NotAHax then we go fite
00:36:56Rakett hex koti.
00:36:57Rakett s
00:37:04NotAHax risky
00:37:13Rakett camp
00:37:13Rakett seal
00:37:19fUNCh :D:D:D:
00:37:20creeeeeee they there
00:37:20NotAHax BACK
00:37:21NotAHax !
00:37:21NotAHax !
00:37:24fUNCh nice timing
00:37:33fUNCh nice that i blinked and not walk
00:37:38NotAHax go in
00:37:40NotAHax sven
00:37:58DviX wr b
00:38:11NotAHax HEY
00:38:36fUNCh epic ult
00:38:39fUNCh got arrow from pootm
00:38:40NotAHax so fail
00:38:43NotAHax from that shit potm
00:38:44NotAHax :D
00:38:49creeeeeee :D:D
00:38:56fUNCh 0 8
00:39:00fUNCh and he hits me after ult
00:39:01fUNCh -.-
00:39:04fUNCh and before blink
00:39:07DviX mul hea 25 creep killi
00:39:35NotAHax if we get one good timed sven stun ur ulti my ulti
00:39:37NotAHax we win
00:39:46fUNCh need wards
00:39:47fUNCh first
00:39:51fUNCh or es just ults us
00:40:15NotAHax b
00:40:23creeeeeee 0:9
00:40:25creeeeeee :D
00:40:34creeeeeee 150 fo dagger
00:40:50Tundmatu we need dust
00:40:52Tundmatu for that bitch
00:41:13NotAHax wee
00:41:15NotAHax best lion
00:41:18creeeeeee got my dagger
00:41:19creeeeeee :D
00:41:23creeeeeee :(
00:41:24DeathScythe lol
00:41:27DeathScythe put dont feed
00:41:28NotAHax NOW BE RDY
00:41:30NotAHax i tele
00:41:50NotAHax go bot
00:41:51fUNCh base ?
00:41:54NotAHax b
00:41:54NotAHax y
00:42:02NotAHax sven needs go first
00:42:08NotAHax when they are together
00:42:10creeeeeee i got dagger too now
00:42:44NotAHax I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:49fUNCh cant be
00:42:54Tundmatu 0 creeps and es ulti 1hits us
00:43:01NotAHax y cant win with retards
00:43:03DangerZ timu > nota cm mode
00:43:08NotAHax .-
00:43:11DeathScythe ff?
00:43:15fUNCh I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:16Rakett !
00:43:20NotAHax I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:24DeathScythe I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:12DviX wardin ennem
00:44:47DangerZ go mid
00:44:48DangerZ now
00:45:03NotAHax try again
00:45:18creeeeeee who should i focus
00:45:22NotAHax wr
00:45:23creeeeeee wd not to get ult in?
00:45:26NotAHax or wd
00:45:27NotAHax y
00:45:39NotAHax sven
00:45:40NotAHax go in?
00:45:41Tundmatu coming
00:46:02NotAHax : DD
00:46:09NotAHax joke
00:46:13DeathScythe all just ff
00:46:14creeeeeee I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:25Tundmatu -ff
00:46:28fUNCh I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:47Tundmatu -ff
00:46:57Tundmatu I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:57creeeeeee even that potm got kill
00:46:59creeeeeee soo ff
00:47:02creeeeeee good
00:47:14NotAHax banned
00:47:16NotAHax we ffed
00:47:34DviX :(
00:47:47DeathScythe gG
00:47:48Timu gg bros
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