Game #622004

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-20 X
-4 TS

69% | 1043 X | 1407 TS

-57 X
-5 TS

59% | 1116 X | 1244 TS

-62 X
-3 TS

58% | 1004 X | 1340 TS

-62 X
-7 TS

37% | 1093 X | 1172 TS

-19 X
-3 TS

22% | 744 X | 1204 TS

+39 X
+17 TS

78% | 1239 X | 1313 TS

+28 X
+14 TS

62% | 981 X | 1390 TS

+67 X
+9 TS

53% | 1096 X | 1218 TS

+61 X
+7 TS

30% | 912 X | 1197 TS

+42 X
+27 TS

16% | 870 X | 1132 TS

Chat log

00:00:08eWeresT nagash sa devilrider?
00:00:16baN4nafiSh get that lich
00:00:16baN4nafiSh we need some evil lanes
00:00:16PeterLars take ck for me
00:00:16Luza hello
00:00:16eWeresT ban tide imo
00:00:16curdi good evening
00:00:16GrandMastaCool yo
00:00:16GrandMastaCool sorry
00:00:16McRuoste pick ck and game won
00:00:16PeterLars ban pudge
00:00:16PeterLars .d
00:00:16eWeresT no pudge players here
00:00:16GrandMastaCool sec
00:00:16Luza some1 tide?
00:00:16baN4nafiSh doesnt work like that
00:00:16Luza i can play it but not now
00:00:16baN4nafiSh maybe
00:00:16baN4nafiSh u gonna swap me?
00:00:16Luza :D
00:00:16Luza oho
00:00:16Luza ehhee lolol
00:00:16Luza some1 tide?
00:00:16baN4nafiSh i pick u troll
00:00:16GrandMastaCool -aa
00:00:16Luza or ck?
00:00:16eWeresT guess not
00:00:16Luza ME BANs FIRST
00:00:16eWeresT some1 wanted ck
00:00:16PeterLars ck me
00:00:16PeterLars ck
00:00:16Luza some1 ck ?
00:00:16PeterLars me
00:00:16GrandMastaCool nvm
00:00:16Luza ok
00:00:16Luza ck for u
00:00:16Luza tide
00:00:16baN4nafiSh he was check arrows
00:00:16PeterLars ty
00:00:16PeterLars baby
00:00:16Luza but
00:00:16Luza there is storm tho
00:00:16PeterLars what do you want then
00:00:16GrandMastaCool -aa and tide
00:00:16GrandMastaCool go
00:00:23Luza should i take storm instead hmm
00:00:25GrandMastaCool any wiches=
00:00:26PeterLars ck
00:00:26eWeresT no
00:00:28baN4nafiSh jug
00:00:31Luza ck it is
00:00:32baN4nafiSh and lich for team
00:00:34PeterLars what do you want
00:00:37Luza storm is just bomchakala
00:00:48Luza get me storm
00:00:49Luza =)
00:00:50eWeresT k
00:00:50GrandMastaCool any1 cm?
00:00:53PeterLars if i can
00:00:58McRuoste i pick silencer to you?
00:00:58eWeresT -swap 1
00:00:58Luza -swap 2
00:01:00eWeresT ok
00:01:01baN4nafiSh pick lich curdi?
00:01:03eWeresT now let me think
00:01:05PeterLars what do you want then?
00:01:06eWeresT what i want :p
00:01:07Luza ad get him smthing sexy
00:01:08Luza -clear
00:01:12Luza abba
00:01:12PeterLars ^^
00:01:13GrandMastaCool dont sile
00:01:15Luza is very c00l
00:01:17GrandMastaCool free kill
00:01:17eWeresT jsut played abba
00:01:19eWeresT sry :D
00:01:20Luza lolz
00:01:21baN4nafiSh curdi lich
00:01:22baN4nafiSh plz
00:01:26Luza jakiro
00:01:27Luza clock
00:01:27PeterLars lich?
00:01:28baN4nafiSh he imba counter slardar
00:01:29Luza pit lich
00:01:30Luza smthing
00:01:34GrandMastaCool can some 1 pick me jugger=
00:01:34Luza eh fuu
00:01:38Luza so much stun
00:01:38eWeresT get me abba
00:01:40eWeresT fuck it
00:01:40Luza me not like
00:01:42eWeresT abba
00:01:45Luza abba ye is fucking imbaness
00:01:46PeterLars -swap 2
00:01:47Luza jakiro
00:01:47baN4nafiSh mcruoste plz play cm
00:01:49Luza nice
00:01:49eWeresT -swap 4
00:01:57eWeresT ill go full support?
00:02:12GrandMastaCool ...
00:02:16McRuoste -swap 1
00:02:17baN4nafiSh ego pick...
00:02:20PeterLars let me go bot
00:02:25GrandMastaCool -swap 5
00:02:25Jann team capitan mc ruoste
00:02:40eWeresT ill go full support mode
00:02:44Luza ofc
00:02:45Luza we need it
00:02:46Luza !
00:02:47PeterLars okay gay boy :D
00:02:48baN4nafiSh well good lanes and mid none the least, need to push fast
00:02:50Luza pipe meka arcane
00:02:54eWeresT yy
00:02:55GrandMastaCool share
00:02:55baN4nafiSh get fast push items
00:03:08eWeresT nagash sa devil?
00:03:10Luza fuuuu silencer
00:03:11Luza FUUUU
00:03:13baN4nafiSh urn anyone?
00:03:20baN4nafiSh maybe
00:03:22McRuoste i go
00:03:24McRuoste urn
00:03:26baN4nafiSh k
00:03:30baN4nafiSh i meka
00:03:33McRuoste k
00:04:25Luza SS SILECNER
00:04:27Luza inc bot
00:04:52baN4nafiSh wtf slardar
00:05:07baN4nafiSh sos tupid
00:05:38baN4nafiSh ss
00:05:38svents ss
00:05:43eWeresT share
00:05:44eWeresT chick
00:05:49PeterLars and upgrad
00:07:08baN4nafiSh pull
00:07:13baN4nafiSh ss
00:07:23baN4nafiSh ss
00:07:25Luza SS SILCER
00:07:46Luza upg chicken plz
00:08:17Jann 2 ss
00:08:23PeterLars ¨i hope you free farm mid
00:08:30baN4nafiSh ss
00:08:31Luza atm yes
00:08:32PeterLars silence
00:08:47baN4nafiSh ss
00:09:09GrandMastaCool oom
00:09:14GrandMastaCool b
00:09:15Luza get b
00:09:30Luza its mine
00:09:32GrandMastaCool go bot
00:09:42GrandMastaCool get ward cm
00:09:47GrandMastaCool and upgrayd chiken
00:09:47eWeresT come top
00:09:52PeterLars i come
00:09:53PeterLars jak
00:09:54PeterLars you bot
00:09:55Jann 2 ss top
00:10:27baN4nafiSh i go ulti soon
00:10:31Jann k
00:10:49Jann wtf
00:10:52baN4nafiSh bl it bouncsed wrong
00:10:58Luza ss mid
00:11:09eWeresT rune
00:11:10eWeresT bot
00:11:14Jann 2 ss
00:11:23Luza think its taken
00:11:32baN4nafiSh gj
00:11:37Luza not
00:11:38baN4nafiSh ss
00:11:47GrandMastaCool ?b
00:12:01eWeresT pull
00:12:14baN4nafiSh ss
00:12:16Luza b
00:12:23GrandMastaCool go
00:13:30GrandMastaCool take tower
00:13:32eWeresT lets kill top
00:13:35eWeresT ill heal and stuff
00:13:38eWeresT be accressive
00:13:40eWeresT aggressive
00:13:42eWeresT nessaj
00:13:42GrandMastaCool but care 1st all miss
00:13:47eWeresT go
00:13:55svents 3 bot
00:13:59eWeresT no stun?
00:15:12McRuoste go tower
00:15:16PeterLars mana
00:15:17PeterLars give me
00:15:19PeterLars we kill
00:15:19eWeresT ce
00:15:20eWeresT d
00:15:32GrandMastaCool slard farm and gang
00:15:42GrandMastaCool lich go gang plz
00:16:00GrandMastaCool ss
00:16:02GrandMastaCool re
00:16:08eWeresT go?
00:16:12GrandMastaCool omw top
00:16:19eWeresT asd
00:16:21PeterLars LOL
00:16:21GrandMastaCool gj
00:16:23eWeresT do u have stun?
00:16:28PeterLars i did
00:16:30GrandMastaCool w8
00:16:37Luza hey leave mid to mid
00:16:40Luza me
00:16:43GrandMastaCool b
00:16:52Luza cuz of this
00:17:10Luza jakiro care
00:17:50McRuoste lich conna be carry`?
00:18:00eWeresT jariko
00:18:04eWeresT start building pipe
00:18:06svents ?
00:18:15svents ok i try
00:18:26baN4nafiSh sec
00:18:26curdi oom
00:18:32eWeresT nvm
00:18:46PeterLars gank bot?
00:19:10Luza mid mine
00:19:12GrandMastaCool go take mid all
00:19:20GrandMastaCool come all mid
00:19:27GrandMastaCool arrmor all
00:19:45curdi low mana
00:19:46GrandMastaCool go
00:19:51PeterLars omg
00:19:51eWeresT .
00:19:52GrandMastaCool comon
00:19:52Luza stop lagg
00:19:53Luza :D
00:20:17GrandMastaCool b
00:20:23GrandMastaCool b
00:20:29eWeresT tra sa oled ikka sitt
00:20:29GrandMastaCool go
00:20:30Luza 4 id
00:20:30Luza mid
00:20:56eWeresT we are
00:20:57eWeresT playng
00:20:59eWeresT so fucking
00:21:00svents see pole ikka devil ju`?
00:21:00eWeresT passive
00:21:02eWeresT makes me sick
00:21:03Luza true
00:21:04baN4nafiSh on aon
00:21:22eWeresT i have nothing to support
00:21:23eWeresT ..
00:21:58Luza troolol
00:22:01GrandMastaCool :)
00:22:35PeterLars -afk
00:22:38eWeresT nagash tyra mis itemid need on
00:22:44Luza nagash what you doing
00:22:50PeterLars the worst pudhe
00:22:52PeterLars pudge
00:22:58Luza think he got some issues
00:23:11eWeresT should have played carry myself..
00:23:53McRuoste keep pushing and we win
00:23:56baN4nafiSh mid?
00:23:56GrandMastaCool y
00:24:04GrandMastaCool def mid and go top
00:24:09baN4nafiSh go mid rather
00:24:13PeterLars we need storm to gank
00:24:18eWeresT regen
00:24:25Luza main
00:25:17svents see nagash on gameruiner tglt ka juba
00:25:22Luza what are u doing pudge
00:25:27GrandMastaCool b
00:25:31GrandMastaCool tower
00:25:32Luza please inform me what is going on
00:25:41PeterLars i dont know
00:25:43curdi :D nagassshhhhh
00:25:45PeterLars he realy sucks
00:25:53Luza dunno what he really is doing
00:26:10eWeresT no
00:26:11eWeresT putsi
00:26:17eWeresT jookske lihtsalt vastase baasi
00:26:23baN4nafiSh gather meka
00:26:23baN4nafiSh soon
00:26:25Luza abba support me
00:26:27Luza i jump
00:26:50baN4nafiSh shit ulti had cd couldnt see
00:27:24PeterLars i cant play with that pudge
00:27:53eWeresT 4v5 is fun
00:28:34Luza :DD
00:28:39GrandMastaCool arrmor
00:28:46eWeresT gg ff
00:28:47PeterLars pugde suck my fucking balls
00:29:23GrandMastaCool ffs
00:29:47GrandMastaCool luza you lil pussy smoke
00:30:02Luza indeed
00:30:07eWeresT if curdi is "unstoppable" then this game is truly fucked up
00:30:16Luza :D
00:30:20Luza this game IS fucked up
00:30:24GrandMastaCool b
00:30:24GrandMastaCool b
00:30:27PeterLars y
00:30:36GrandMastaCool b
00:30:36GrandMastaCool b
00:30:37GrandMastaCool b
00:31:02GrandMastaCool i never play this hero
00:31:08GrandMastaCool regen
00:31:10curdi me
00:31:14McRuoste 'let me
00:31:21McRuoste idiot
00:31:28curdi bottle..
00:31:58eWeresT ff
00:32:01eWeresT finish this
00:32:06GrandMastaCool we cant
00:32:07Luza i mean srsly what is this game
00:32:08GrandMastaCool you def
00:32:10eWeresT got some schoolwork to finish
00:32:16curdi at friday =D
00:32:28Luza -ma
00:32:30eWeresT = saturday and sunday drinkfest
00:33:06Nagash I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:06Luza and how the fuck is lich so high lvl
00:33:12eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:15Luza I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:16eWeresT ff al
00:33:18eWeresT fast
00:33:21eWeresT pointless game
00:33:28eWeresT nessaj jariko
00:33:29eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:31eWeresT this
00:33:34eWeresT no point..
00:33:51PeterLars hasha
00:33:52GrandMastaCool b
00:33:53PeterLars noob fish
00:33:59baN4nafiSh wp ck.. du vild
00:34:06PeterLars ordenlig
00:34:13baN4nafiSh ordenlig syg
00:34:25Luza srsly
00:34:46Luza WHAT THE HELL
00:34:55eWeresT pudge!
00:34:57GrandMastaCool why can you just go abkc
00:34:58GrandMastaCool bakc
00:35:02GrandMastaCool back
00:35:07GrandMastaCool if we got rax?
00:35:12PeterLars b
00:35:31Luza do you guys know what is awsome?
00:35:36PeterLars dont think
00:35:40curdi ITS FRIDAY
00:35:46Luza this game is asome
00:35:48Luza AWSOME
00:35:50curdi OSOM!
00:35:53eWeresT awesome*
00:35:54Luza BOSOM
00:36:08GrandMastaCool btw storm failed vs silencer ... is awesome
00:36:11eWeresT legend wait for it
00:36:13eWeresT dary
00:36:14Luza failed?
00:36:20Luza i would say it was even
00:36:20eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:21eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:22eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:22eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:23eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:24Luza at mid
00:36:24eWeresT I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:35eWeresT 21 int from kills isnt nice
00:37:43GrandMastaCool -int
00:38:16GrandMastaCool gg
00:38:17curdi gg.
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