Game #59039

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+56 X
+17 TS

94% | 1245 X | 1476 TS

+29 X
+30 TS

97% | 1378 X | 1320 TS

+47 X
+13 TS

55% | 1028 X | 1199 TS

+46 X
+33 TS

35% | 943 X | 1063 TS

+24 X
+62 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-49 X
-9 TS

100% | 1370 X | 1445 TS

-66 X
-10 TS

84% | 1237 X | 1282 TS

-24 X
-13 TS

48% | 972 X | 1194 TS

-47 X
-24 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-6 X
-24 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:04FetAA l
00:00:07ProButLagsK JOEL VON BIER
00:00:08NotAHax Ff
00:00:10curdi xd?
00:00:18FetAA truetemeka?
00:00:18Emma3D -clear
00:00:18diGez kuka oot
00:00:18FetAA TUUTU?
00:00:18FetAA TAAVI?
00:00:18ProButLagsK -DOOMBRINGER
00:00:18Tuutu wtf calm down
00:00:18Tuutu why pause
00:00:18curdi noniin ja mikäs intoiluhero HotANaxille tänää
00:00:18DangerZ read rules?
00:00:18DangerZ derp
00:00:18Emma3D read the rules or gtfo
00:00:18NotAHax HotANax on hävinnyt jo pelin.
00:00:18Tuutu rules -- englosh only
00:00:18Tuutu english
00:00:18diGez what the fuck
00:00:18Emma3D learn english or gtfo
00:00:18DangerZ well no shit
00:00:18diGez notahax ban a hero ?
00:00:18FetAA no ehk meil kävis tsägä uusie kaa
00:00:18DangerZ :D
00:00:18curdi bänniks jotai
00:00:18NotAHax -razor
00:00:20ProButLagsK JOEL
00:00:20NotAHax en usko :D
00:00:22NotAHax mut toivotaa
00:00:23FetAA jaj mym bobby on iha perseestä
00:00:23Tuutu so whats the problem?
00:00:25diGez wat
00:00:25curdi razor doom banned
00:00:29DangerZ D
00:00:30Emma3D they banned heros
00:00:31ProButLagsK HI IM DIGEZ
00:00:38ProButLagsK I AM 2ND PICK!
00:00:40NotAHax someone wants wd?
00:00:43diGez so what
00:00:46Emma3D u cant pick razor or doom
00:00:53Tuutu but i can
00:00:55ProButLagsK joel u can have mid
00:00:56FetAA pudge
00:00:57FetAA fu
00:00:59FetAA nyt ainaki hävitää
00:01:00Emma3D then u will be banned
00:01:03diGez temeka ota levi
00:01:07diGez swapi vaikka
00:01:09curdi for an eternity
00:01:10diGez ettei noi saa
00:01:14FetAA Onupetruus?
00:01:15FetAA :d
00:01:16Tuutu what if i random 1 of them?
00:01:16Taavi speak english
00:01:20DangerZ who?
00:01:22ProButLagsK take cent
00:01:22NotAHax yopu will be banned
00:01:22DangerZ wants
00:01:22Onupeetrus il support ?
00:01:25Emma3D u will be banned as well
00:01:27FetAA u from?
00:01:27Taavi or you will get banned
00:01:29Tuutu dam3
00:01:31FetAA yes support
00:01:34DangerZ emma
00:01:39DangerZ tide?
00:01:39FetAA rhasta with me i think
00:01:46FetAA lol
00:01:47DangerZ ei vittu
00:01:48Emma3D -swap 2
00:01:49Onupeetrus il courier
00:01:50diGez -swap 4
00:01:51FetAA no niil ei sick carryy
00:01:56DangerZ saatana..
00:01:59diGez potm mid
00:02:00ProButLagsK joel mid or wat?
00:02:00diGez me wd top
00:02:01FetAA tuutu jos oot hyvä carryys
00:02:03diGez potm mid
00:02:03curdi ;D meil tosi sick
00:02:04diGez enigma levi bot
00:02:05Tuutu eblgish
00:02:06NotAHax sussa iaka kova luotto kyl :D
00:02:10diGez taavi share chicken
00:02:17FetAA meil iha hyvät lanet
00:02:17Tuutu SPEAk ENGLISH
00:02:20NotAHax nii o
00:02:22NotAHax why should we?
00:02:22Onupeetrus tuutu from ?
00:02:25Tuutu est
00:02:27Taavi i will relax...
00:02:31Onupeetrus me too :D
00:02:37curdi OMFG NICE =DD==D=DD
00:02:37DangerZ come bot woods atleast
00:02:39Tuutu o rly onu peetrus :P
00:02:40DangerZ or smth
00:02:41NotAHax 2 curdia
00:02:42NotAHax ja new
00:02:43Onupeetrus ya rly
00:02:43curdi what a coinsidence
00:02:45NotAHax ja 90% ee on paskoi
00:02:46NotAHax ff
00:02:49Emma3D taavi
00:02:50Emma3D go down
00:02:51diGez enigma you are bottom
00:02:52FetAA juu kelasin
00:02:52curdi no oo nyt pääs kii
00:02:55FetAA et tsägäl noi ois ollu jotkut ubli jätkät
00:02:57FetAA trolliacoil
00:03:01NotAHax no curdi tuo on iha totta :D
00:03:07curdi evvk
00:03:11Onupeetrus english pls
00:03:15Tuutu yes
00:03:23Tuutu kunkka u have to carry
00:03:29FetAA taavi ur friend?
00:03:31Tuutu y
00:03:34FetAA good??
00:03:41Tuutu boyfriend
00:03:46Tuutu very good and sexy
00:04:56FetAA go wd
00:05:40Onupeetrus gj
00:05:47FetAA let me creeps
00:05:52Onupeetrus kk
00:06:01FetAA ''niil on wardit
00:06:55FetAA dint know ur range
00:06:56FetAA so huge
00:06:56FetAA sry
00:06:56ProButLagsK :D
00:07:00Onupeetrus ye
00:07:02ProButLagsK 5 x g
00:07:02Onupeetrus np
00:07:09NotAHax imba hook, admit it nigger
00:07:29ProButLagsK nah i should leap into different dirrection
00:07:50FetAA need roh
00:07:52FetAA can u upg chick
00:07:53FetAA thrall rhasta
00:07:56diGez -2
00:07:56FetAA ah its
00:07:58Onupeetrus i bought
00:07:59Onupeetrus chick
00:08:08Onupeetrus thrall upg
00:08:13NotAHax need wards
00:08:14DangerZ wtf
00:08:16FetAA lol
00:08:24NotAHax mdi miss
00:08:27NotAHax potm tulee
00:08:32NotAHax sai runen
00:09:01FetAA cmon
00:09:08Onupeetrus soz
00:09:21Tuutu need courier
00:09:28NotAHax same
00:09:38NotAHax i use it first
00:09:41Tuutu no me
00:09:42NotAHax then you
00:09:44Emma3D -3
00:09:47NotAHax just let me sigh
00:09:49Tuutu ffs
00:09:54Tuutu homo
00:09:58ProButLagsK come help me gank now
00:10:00NotAHax use it
00:10:00ProButLagsK since i left lane
00:10:13Tuutu u getting boots me rege, u rly needed it
00:10:14Tuutu ....
00:10:37curdi ss
00:10:44NotAHax we need wards
00:10:46Tuutu barier
00:10:49FetAA kui vitun laimee
00:10:51Tuutu u get pudge
00:11:03FetAA SKIll hex
00:11:04NotAHax :D:D
00:11:04FetAA skil lhex
00:11:17FetAA 1 shakle
00:11:19FetAA max lightning
00:11:23FetAA and hex
00:11:25Tuutu y
00:11:27ProButLagsK take rune top man
00:11:30ProButLagsK fas
00:11:31ProButLagsK t
00:11:32Onupeetrus hmm okay
00:11:57NotAHax WE NEED WARDS
00:11:57Taavi ss
00:11:58Taavi care
00:12:17FetAA fu man
00:12:20FetAA u so fucking slow
00:12:26diGez miss 2
00:12:26FetAA ff
00:12:30FetAA i throw torrent
00:12:33FetAA after 2h
00:12:34FetAA u realise
00:12:38Onupeetrus lol
00:12:42FetAA then u go back
00:12:45FetAA when im dieing
00:12:51Onupeetrus i had 60hp ?
00:12:56Onupeetrus want them to get double ?
00:13:01FetAA wd 1hp
00:13:04FetAA just throg lighting
00:13:10FetAA they used all spells
00:13:36FetAA shakle
00:13:38Onupeetrus miss
00:13:40diGez tuun mid
00:13:46NotAHax joo
00:13:49NotAHax hienoja hookkeja on kyl
00:13:51FetAA u take all creeps
00:13:52Tuutu enlish
00:14:00Tuutu english
00:14:11NotAHax no wards we lose
00:14:11NotAHax ff
00:14:12NotAHax lets ff
00:14:13NotAHax plz
00:14:19curdi oo ny angsti hiljaa
00:14:31NotAHax et tajua dotaa ole sääki hiljaa
00:14:32Tuutu u get wards pudge, u are not an item dependant hero -- "bitch"
00:15:09Emma3D ill tele mid
00:16:21Tuutu lol pudge
00:16:25NotAHax y
00:16:47FetAA juu
00:16:51FetAA jos olisin ollu 2s
00:16:52ProButLagsK go
00:16:53FetAA lähempänä
00:16:55FetAA ois lähteny triplet
00:16:58FetAA can we play with 5
00:16:59FetAA like they
00:17:06FetAA bottle centaur
00:17:08FetAA must be epic
00:17:53FetAA no ship
00:18:11diGez gank mid
00:18:14Emma3D coming mid
00:18:15diGez go stun
00:18:16Emma3D tide ulti?
00:18:16diGez gogogo
00:18:18diGez GOGOGO
00:18:32DangerZ COME
00:18:33DangerZ ?
00:18:37NotAHax np ne focussaa mua
00:18:38NotAHax ostin anyway
00:19:22DangerZ "tide go ult"
00:19:24DangerZ i go
00:19:27DangerZ noone comes
00:19:28DangerZ derp
00:20:21NotAHax potm
00:20:21NotAHax inc
00:20:22NotAHax .
00:20:43Emma3D tower
00:20:44NotAHax ..
00:20:45NotAHax :D:D
00:21:07DangerZ :DDsd
00:21:10DangerZ that cent
00:21:12DangerZ :DDDDDDDDDDD
00:21:31FetAA invis potm
00:21:39NotAHax -ha
00:21:51Emma3D farm
00:22:13diGez potm why the fuck cant you attack him
00:22:15diGez ?!?! :DDDD
00:22:25ProButLagsK i wait ur stun dude
00:22:32Emma3D halp
00:24:00ProButLagsK fu nigga
00:24:18diGez gank mid and tower
00:24:24diGez gush him
00:24:44Taavi yey i have dagger
00:24:46DangerZ heala
00:25:14Emma3D ulti tide?
00:25:17DangerZ y
00:25:46FetAA ff
00:25:47NotAHax Dee
00:25:49NotAHax ff
00:27:05Tuutu gang tide
00:27:19FetAA rhasta
00:27:21FetAA can u gtfo
00:27:42FetAA onks toi circle noi vaikee osuu
00:28:45DangerZ go push with 5
00:28:46DangerZ ?
00:28:50DangerZ i got dagger also now
00:28:54diGez i got agha
00:29:13Emma3D go with 5 and finish
00:29:16Emma3D 3 dagger ulties gg
00:29:27DangerZ ok go mid
00:29:29DangerZ then
00:30:31FetAA ff
00:30:31FetAA plz
00:30:37FetAA like we have a change
00:30:42curdi chance*
00:30:46FetAA chance
00:30:51FetAA go ff?
00:31:07DangerZ ...
00:31:16DangerZ :Dd
00:32:56DangerZ ,,,,
00:34:34DangerZ i still got meh ult
00:35:40Emma3D lets go with 5
00:35:44Emma3D go rege nall and gather
00:35:56Emma3D go get mana and hp
00:36:00Emma3D and lets finish this
00:36:17FetAA u gonna ff or what
00:36:27Emma3D go regen
00:36:32diGez push mid
00:36:34diGez ill bot
00:36:44Emma3D u have 500hp 500mana
00:36:54Emma3D we need ur dagger ulti
00:36:56Emma3D :DD
00:38:43Emma3D focus tower and raxes next
00:38:58Emma3D go b
00:39:32diGez next time lets take barracks and finish?
00:39:35diGez instead of chasing
00:40:04Emma3D entrys
00:40:33NotAHax ois pitäny pickata pa
00:40:49diGez go mid barracks
00:40:53curdi ens kerral oot nii paljo viisaampi sit
00:41:18diGez levi enigma go in
00:42:07diGez top
00:42:20curdi I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:42:21FetAA throne..
00:42:41curdi noi pickas khyl hieman fiksummin
00:42:41FetAA voitteko tuhota thronen
00:42:43FetAA kuulemma voittaa
00:42:50curdi sanovat vaa
00:43:01Tuutu nice backdoor
00:43:21FetAA lolz
00:43:26curdi implying backdooring is possible with creeps in our base
00:43:34Tuutu true
00:43:51curdi näyttäkää sille roosalle
00:43:57FetAA meit 5 idlaa wellil
00:43:58Emma3D ei olla siel noob
00:43:59FetAA mitä tee teette?
00:44:03Tuutu englosh
00:44:06Tuutu english
00:44:10FetAA suck dick
00:44:44NotAHax probutlags got carried
00:44:45NotAHax :D
00:45:32Tuutu gg
00:45:42curdi VGG
00:45:45curdi IDDQD
00:45:47diGez gg
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