Game #547036

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+4 X
-9 TS

81% | 1166 X | 1432 TS

+12 X
-7 TS

75% | 1091 X | 1411 TS

-11 X
-11 TS

65% | 1173 X | 1241 TS

+9 X
-10 TS

63% | 1094 X | 1285 TS

-16 X
-14 TS

33% | 956 X | 1208 TS

+43 X
+15 TS

96% | 1275 X | 1540 TS

+16 X
+11 TS

88% | 1197 X | 1506 TS

-14 X
+16 TS

70% | 1192 X | 1273 TS

-16 X
+19 TS

37% | 1020 X | 1189 TS

-14 X
+18 TS

6% | 808 X | 1046 TS

Chat log

00:00:21Lucky mode xd right ?
00:00:21Norrebro ban
00:00:21Lucky any1 wd ?
00:00:21sebralane there is no hero i can play :S
00:00:21Norrebro haha
00:00:21Lucky or venge
00:00:21Jimpai ban dusa:o
00:00:21Lucky nahah
00:00:21Jimpai or wd
00:00:21Norrebro can u play venge+
00:00:21Lucky any1 wd ?
00:00:21Jimpai or qop
00:00:21sebralane dno
00:00:21sebralane i can stun
00:00:21valiante dont fp wd
00:00:21Lucky and1 wd or pugna or venge ?
00:00:21livingde4th venge is easy :)
00:00:21Norrebro what canu play
00:00:21sebralane but... dno :D
00:00:21Jockwe y
00:00:21sebralane nothing
00:00:21sebralane i said
00:00:21Lucky what you want ?
00:00:21livingde4th do venge
00:00:21Jockwe venge
00:00:21sebralane i could play cent
00:00:21Lucky kk
00:00:21livingde4th always useful
00:00:21sebralane but no invectory hotkeys
00:00:21sebralane :S
00:00:21valiante dude
00:00:21Norrebro ban!
00:00:21Lucky Pugna
00:00:21valiante necro, viper, cent is better fp
00:00:21livingde4th ban wisp?
00:00:21valiante can i go mid with viper?
00:00:21Norrebro qop
00:00:21livingde4th clock wisp is too ibma
00:00:21Jimpai viper suck:pppp
00:00:21livingde4th fucking tard
00:00:21valiante lol
00:00:24livingde4th qop is my favourite hrro
00:00:24Norrebro lol
00:00:33Jimpai i will pick clockwerk i think.
00:00:34livingde4th why u ban my hero?
00:00:36valiante lucky
00:00:37valiante u mid?
00:00:41livingde4th im gonna fail.
00:00:52Lucky hmm yeah
00:00:55valiante with who?
00:00:57livingde4th hate play hero i dont like
00:01:00Lucky Qop
00:01:01Jockwe venge
00:01:03valiante banned
00:01:03livingde4th ff banned my qop
00:01:03Jockwe what u wnat
00:01:06Jockwe want*
00:01:07sebralane 'give me it then
00:01:09Norrebro so u can only play qop?
00:01:14Jockwe kapow
00:01:15Lucky hmm oh banned
00:01:18Jockwe what u want?
00:01:19livingde4th no
00:01:21Lucky then give me necro
00:01:23livingde4th but if it is in pool
00:01:25livingde4th i want it
00:01:31Lucky necro
00:01:32livingde4th or mby storm even more
00:01:36Norrebro well he would have picked it
00:01:41Lucky -swap 5
00:01:41livingde4th why?
00:01:42sebralane seems like a lot of carrys
00:01:43Jimpai pick cent
00:01:44livingde4th it aint imba
00:01:44Jimpai !
00:01:47Jockwe -swap 1
00:01:47valiante yeah
00:01:47sebralane i go troll?
00:01:49valiante cent or tiny
00:01:50sebralane or wat
00:01:52Norrebro tiny
00:01:52Jimpai centaur pwwwns
00:01:53Norrebro cent
00:01:57sebralane kks
00:02:01valiante lanes?
00:02:04valiante necro
00:02:06valiante pls dont go mid versus vipe
00:02:14Lucky you got it
00:02:18Jimpai tiny top?
00:02:21Jimpai or me?
00:02:23Lucky tiny venge top
00:02:25BehlenAeducan clinkz is mid
00:02:25livingde4th hmm
00:02:27sebralane weeds
00:02:28livingde4th lanes bad?
00:02:37sebralane im woods
00:02:39livingde4th u jungle or lane?
00:02:39Jimpai i also think clinkz is mid
00:02:41sebralane u solo
00:02:43sebralane wood
00:02:45valiante still i can take his mana
00:02:46livingde4th y sk solo is kinda weak
00:02:46valiante for no invis
00:02:49Jimpai yy
00:02:53Norrebro serba
00:02:54valiante or arrows
00:02:55Norrebro ffs
00:02:59Norrebro ure imba on lane
00:03:02sebralane wat?
00:03:06sebralane no im not
00:03:07Norrebro pfff..
00:03:07Jimpai i have battery
00:03:11livingde4th centa is good on lane
00:03:11Jimpai u or me?
00:03:14Lucky u
00:03:24sebralane kk im lane then
00:03:29livingde4th just pull
00:03:30livingde4th do both
00:04:50livingde4th well u can jungle if u want
00:04:54livingde4th we cant farm anyway
00:05:52livingde4th i come for dusa
00:06:13valiante guys
00:06:17valiante u wanna say that sk coming mid?
00:06:19valiante or u just dont care
00:06:28valiante fucking cunts
00:07:20valiante miss
00:07:21livingde4th omw dusa again
00:07:21valiante clinkz
00:07:22valiante care
00:07:53Norrebro gj
00:08:11livingde4th lets kill gogo
00:08:37valiante miss
00:08:39Norrebro crow
00:08:41nimetu Nice for you to come then.
00:08:56livingde4th waited for creeps to die
00:09:03livingde4th cos we couldnt go thro8ugh creeps
00:09:06livingde4th without dying
00:09:13nimetu Well if he comes for me.
00:09:14valiante merlini
00:09:16valiante call miss
00:09:16Jimpai necro, can u rush him and heal?
00:09:19Jimpai i will go ulti
00:09:20nimetu then start to move
00:09:22BehlenAeducan sk is never here
00:09:23Jimpai nvm
00:09:28Norrebro ss
00:09:55Jimpai ty
00:10:00Lucky np
00:10:24livingde4th gj
00:10:34valiante muiss
00:10:35valiante mid
00:11:24Norrebro crow chick
00:11:28valiante midd mid
00:11:36Norrebro ss mid
00:12:21Norrebro upggarde
00:12:23Norrebro plz
00:12:39livingde4th used money on obs
00:12:43Jimpai Good laning.
00:12:47Lucky idd
00:12:47livingde4th u can also upq
00:12:51livingde4th were losing on lanes
00:12:52livingde4th as u see
00:13:10valiante miss
00:13:14Norrebro w8 me
00:13:24livingde4th i want rune
00:13:30Jimpai mana bots
00:13:30Mouhija miss 2
00:13:32Jimpai boots
00:13:41valiante miss clinkz
00:13:42valiante still
00:14:12Jockwe 4 to
00:14:14Jockwe p
00:14:53Jockwe all miss top
00:14:58livingde4th tp
00:15:01livingde4th 'aww
00:15:05valiante gj guys
00:15:06livingde4th dam ur just a wankers
00:15:15livingde4th stop idling
00:15:17livingde4th start playing
00:15:18Norrebro go all
00:15:19livingde4th im low
00:15:20livingde4th and im b
00:15:22Jimpai toss me if someone comes
00:15:52livingde4th come
00:15:53livingde4th i ult
00:15:54livingde4th pink
00:15:58Norrebro i need heal
00:16:10livingde4th well they oom...
00:16:22Norrebro inc
00:16:24Jockwe 2 miss top
00:16:24Norrebro w8 me
00:16:25Jockwe care mid
00:16:35Jimpai i buy dust
00:17:06valiante pheww
00:17:09valiante th
00:17:12valiante thx
00:17:19Lucky rocket
00:17:43Jockwe aah
00:17:49Lucky all top
00:17:50Norrebro go mid
00:17:51livingde4th venge has dust
00:17:51Norrebro cent
00:17:54livingde4th u fed em well
00:17:58Norrebro b
00:17:59Norrebro b
00:18:05Norrebro omg
00:18:07livingde4th lol viper kunkka
00:18:10livingde4th so epic lane...
00:18:16livingde4th and u loose to clock necr
00:18:21livingde4th so bad
00:18:41Jockwe jim
00:18:42Jockwe stompa
00:18:43Norrebro fucking no team
00:18:48Lucky venge upgrade
00:18:49Jockwe vene
00:19:13valiante clinkz there
00:19:26livingde4th b
00:19:32livingde4th get dd
00:19:37Norrebro pff
00:19:40livingde4th fight with dd
00:19:42BehlenAeducan :D
00:19:43livingde4th come
00:19:44livingde4th ffs
00:19:47livingde4th man u suck
00:19:54nimetu 1 in our base
00:19:55nimetu jesus
00:20:05Jockwe men..
00:20:11Jockwe hjälp med vad
00:20:15Lucky tiny
00:20:21Jockwe vaa?
00:20:22Lucky newb toss me instead of blink..
00:20:25Jockwe jag kunde inte göra nått
00:20:33livingde4th y so?
00:20:37livingde4th when u helped ur team
00:20:39Jockwe sen faila jag bara
00:20:46livingde4th u didnt even crry tp ever
00:20:55livingde4th all i have done is roamed etc
00:20:59livingde4th rest sleeping
00:21:02livingde4th clinkz doing something
00:21:05nimetu yeye stfu you only talk shit
00:21:16livingde4th need to wake u up
00:21:20livingde4th mby start with a tp scroll
00:21:20nimetu still pissed with you" gogo"
00:21:23nimetu then idle
00:21:27livingde4th y lol it went
00:21:29livingde4th one fight
00:21:36Lucky b
00:21:46Norrebro care
00:21:47nimetu Yeah then we started to lose a lane we dominated.
00:21:59livingde4th they have dust
00:22:21Jockwe b
00:22:24livingde4th u dominated wtf?
00:22:24Norrebro only me sk playing here
00:22:32Norrebro people
00:22:35Norrebro help us ffs
00:22:42Lucky cant
00:22:45Jockwe nah
00:22:52livingde4th well guys uve only tried to farm
00:22:54Lucky take it
00:22:55livingde4th seems i aint working
00:23:00Norrebro inc
00:23:25livingde4th gj
00:23:30livingde4th gone
00:23:32livingde4th dont go
00:23:43Norrebro inc
00:23:43valiante kapow
00:23:43Jimpai i take
00:23:44Norrebro w8 me
00:23:44valiante get hood
00:24:03livingde4th b
00:24:06livingde4th b
00:24:30livingde4th serba get dagger next imo
00:24:34livingde4th and ull be usefull
00:24:55Norrebro necro
00:24:55livingde4th go farm that dagger
00:24:56Norrebro gogo
00:24:58livingde4th u cant wihtout it
00:24:58Jimpai care
00:25:00Jimpai guys
00:25:02Mouhija wtf
00:25:06Mouhija laaaag
00:25:17livingde4th cent
00:25:27Norrebro retard team
00:25:34livingde4th this cent is totally useless
00:25:35livingde4th serba
00:25:38livingde4th u need to farm dagger
00:25:45Jimpai PUSH 2 TOWR:P
00:25:46livingde4th until that ur completely no use.
00:25:48sebralane 'im working on it
00:25:53livingde4th well then dont come die to mid
00:25:54livingde4th ...
00:26:14valiante b
00:26:18Jockwe silence
00:26:24livingde4th unless we have to def
00:26:32livingde4th just farm nonstop with a tp
00:26:34Jockwe fucker
00:26:51Jockwe nej
00:26:53Jockwe de var för deward
00:27:51livingde4th daGGER
00:27:53livingde4th YEEHAW
00:28:01Lucky lets end ?
00:28:04valiante ye
00:28:21Lucky all mid then
00:28:23Jockwe jag visste till 100% att de var lugnt man1
00:28:32Lucky and get dust
00:28:34livingde4th clinkz should u go bkb?
00:28:37livingde4th or more dmg?
00:28:55Norrebro max damage
00:28:57BehlenAeducan need to kill bone
00:28:58livingde4th gj cent
00:29:00valiante ye
00:29:03Norrebro just more usefull team
00:29:03livingde4th clinkz come
00:29:04valiante go mid
00:29:04valiante all
00:29:06livingde4th we got 2 daggers
00:29:08livingde4th nvm
00:29:08valiante we win mid game
00:29:09livingde4th b
00:29:09BehlenAeducan got dusts`?
00:29:11livingde4th b to base
00:29:16Jockwe dust cumin
00:29:26livingde4th u guys need bkbs
00:29:31livingde4th theres loads of nukes
00:29:34Norrebro just cent jump
00:29:39Lucky use dust
00:30:07livingde4th cent heal
00:31:20Lucky thats it farm to gem
00:31:24Lucky wtf
00:31:26Lucky tiny
00:31:34livingde4th atleast i got imba ult
00:31:56Lucky venge
00:31:59Lucky ward that rosh
00:32:01livingde4th i go pipe
00:32:10livingde4th anyone going bkb?
00:32:10valiante that side
00:32:16livingde4th kunkka viper or clinkz?
00:32:23Norrebro not me
00:32:29Norrebro ward map plz
00:32:37Jockwe ofc.
00:32:52valiante and get ghost scepter
00:32:53valiante necro
00:33:02Lucky dont tell me what to do..
00:33:19valiante HOW TINY
00:33:20Lucky all mid
00:33:41livingde4th should b
00:33:42livingde4th too many
00:33:46Jimpai Push now
00:33:49Norrebro get fucking wards
00:33:56livingde4th is it only my job for real
00:34:00livingde4th i fucking dont care anymore
00:34:02Norrebro no others
00:34:04livingde4th i didnt have gold
00:34:05Norrebro viper
00:34:10Norrebro get 4 wards now
00:34:14Jimpai now barracs:
00:34:16Jimpai barracks*Ä
00:34:17livingde4th well lost mid raxes
00:34:20livingde4th just b
00:34:22livingde4th dont go die
00:34:23livingde4th b
00:34:25livingde4th u cant def it
00:34:32livingde4th try def second lane
00:34:34sebralane necro gem
00:34:37Norrebro blue got gem
00:34:42Lucky b
00:34:43livingde4th i have even no ult
00:34:53livingde4th clinkz bkb?
00:34:54Lucky bot
00:34:54livingde4th plz?
00:35:01livingde4th u need it 5v5
00:35:01Norrebro kk
00:35:03Lucky all bot
00:35:04livingde4th or necro cut u off
00:35:05Norrebro after mkb
00:35:09valiante can i have chick?
00:35:11valiante for my manta pls
00:35:15livingde4th roshan
00:35:16livingde4th need all
00:35:16Jockwe y
00:35:20livingde4th not me firsy
00:35:22Norrebro go all then
00:35:23livingde4th cos need ult in
00:35:31Lucky gather
00:35:32livingde4th wait
00:35:33livingde4th clinkz
00:35:59Lucky venge ffs
00:36:01Lucky swap me
00:36:08Lucky you dumb nab
00:36:10BehlenAeducan so bad
00:36:17BehlenAeducan we cant push when clinkz alive
00:36:27BehlenAeducan need vision evrywhere
00:36:31valiante and when im not there..
00:36:32Lucky they are rosh now
00:36:34livingde4th good biting viper
00:36:35livingde4th gj
00:36:35Lucky bravo team
00:36:36Norrebro me plz
00:36:41livingde4th y ofc
00:36:52valiante dude
00:36:55valiante team did what u asked them to do
00:36:57BehlenAeducan fletcher will just go rapier and win :D
00:37:03valiante and u chased viper into trap
00:37:11Jimpai stfu guys:(
00:37:25livingde4th got their gem
00:37:27livingde4th destroyed
00:37:34Lucky well im not gonna buy gem again.
00:37:42valiante come gang
00:37:45valiante tiny
00:37:47valiante necro
00:37:51valiante i buy new gem
00:37:51BehlenAeducan its a suicide
00:37:52Norrebro ward
00:37:54Norrebro viper
00:37:54Lucky dont gang with out gem..
00:37:56valiante we need all
00:38:29Lucky w8 got pipe
00:38:30Norrebro let me
00:38:48livingde4th aww
00:39:15livingde4th gem on usa
00:39:16livingde4th dusa
00:39:20valiante i got gem
00:39:30Norrebro need to be warded
00:40:03livingde4th go
00:40:09Mouhija kunkka?
00:40:24valiante b
00:40:54Lucky WTFF
00:40:56Jockwe ...
00:41:08sebralane scout for wARDS
00:41:11livingde4th clinkz destroy wards`?
00:41:15livingde4th if u have time
00:41:16Lucky tiny ban your self.
00:41:20livingde4th or gimme it
00:41:25Norrebro ups
00:41:41valiante i get new gem
00:41:55Lucky btw you are far away from merlin's skills
00:41:55livingde4th kill
00:42:02valiante go?
00:42:05Lucky bot
00:42:09Norrebro w8 bkb
00:42:14Norrebro care warded
00:42:22Lucky wp mofo
00:42:38Norrebro b
00:42:45BehlenAeducan I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:50livingde4th owned :D
00:42:57Norrebro gogo
00:42:58livingde4th they waste all spells on u easy iult
00:43:24Norrebro where were u!
00:43:26sebralane where ur aegis?
00:43:35livingde4th i was regening
00:43:38livingde4th thought u b also
00:43:39valiante go mid
00:43:40valiante fast all
00:43:47Lucky you need me
00:43:50valiante no
00:43:53Lucky y
00:43:58BehlenAeducan cant just force push
00:44:00livingde4th viper 40m vanguard totally useless :D
00:44:01BehlenAeducan need gang
00:44:03Lucky you die in 5 with out me
00:44:03Norrebro all stay b plz
00:44:08valiante no clinkz
00:44:10BehlenAeducan necro save ulti for fletch
00:44:19livingde4th for example forcestaff always usefull
00:44:20Lucky well they got alot of ulti dps
00:44:27livingde4th or agha
00:44:33Norrebro omg
00:44:37livingde4th b cent
00:44:37livingde4th b
00:44:40livingde4th b
00:44:48Jockwe b
00:45:01Norrebro stun
00:45:01livingde4th go cent
00:45:06Mouhija kunkka go????
00:45:07Jimpai DONT GO
00:45:08Jimpai guys
00:45:09Jimpai ..
00:45:16Lucky wtf dusa.
00:45:18Lucky serious
00:45:30Jockwe why
00:45:31Jockwe why
00:45:31Jockwe why
00:45:32Lucky dont fail ffs
00:45:45valiante no glyph
00:45:47valiante for next push
00:45:48Jimpai i have gem,, dont know if its nice but.
00:46:05valiante besides tht u have shit items for clock
00:46:09valiante next time go tank and radi
00:46:14Jimpai no, i wont
00:46:29livingde4th tpd
00:46:31Lucky come bot
00:46:32Lucky all
00:46:38Lucky venge go
00:46:38Jockwe y
00:46:38Lucky and dusa take the items.
00:46:38valiante k
00:46:38Jockwe do what to the items?
00:46:38Jockwe ja
00:46:38Jockwe men med itemsen
00:46:38Lucky ..
00:46:38Jockwe ?
00:46:38Lucky zzz
00:46:38livingde4th cool cent
00:46:38Jockwe aha
00:46:38Jockwe mm
00:46:38Lucky well its okay for venge :D
00:46:38livingde4th y
00:46:38Lucky *more than okay
00:46:38livingde4th but cent fed now he was usefull with stun...
00:46:38Jockwe just stfu
00:46:38BehlenAeducan i could go too
00:46:38livingde4th and now we loose him to vs
00:46:38valiante no
00:46:38valiante tiny
00:46:38valiante awy more lvl
00:46:38valiante way
00:46:38BehlenAeducan its kinda lost
00:46:38livingde4th who needs dagger .D
00:46:38valiante ?
00:46:38Lucky its won..
00:46:38BehlenAeducan since we are totaly outfarmed
00:46:38valiante whata re u talking about
00:46:38livingde4th or we use ghim?=
00:46:38livingde4th to def
00:46:38livingde4th with dagger
00:46:38Lucky just all bot and we win..
00:46:38livingde4th we should b mid
00:46:38Lucky ..
00:46:38livingde4th mid
00:46:38Lucky zzzzzzzzz
00:46:38Lucky wtf..
00:46:38Jimpai thou the worst player on our team is valiante.
00:46:38livingde4th repel too imba
00:46:38livingde4th dont let ppl leave
00:46:38Lucky ^^
00:46:38Lucky zzz
00:46:41livingde4th balance
00:46:41valiante venge
00:46:41Lucky venge.
00:46:49valiante whos selling+
00:46:51livingde4th what we do with him
00:46:54livingde4th leave dagger?
00:46:55valiante captain is it u?
00:46:56livingde4th for def?
00:46:58valiante selling items
00:47:00Lucky yeah sry
00:47:10livingde4th roshan
00:47:12livingde4th fast
00:47:13livingde4th come
00:47:17Lucky skynd dig nu bare botr
00:47:19Lucky bot
00:47:21valiante omw
00:47:26Norrebro kill
00:47:33valiante tager venge ful med
00:47:56Lucky tiny.
00:47:57Lucky wtf
00:48:11BehlenAeducan first u spam 20min "GO BOT" and then all arent there
00:48:12BehlenAeducan gg
00:48:13livingde4th go gogog
00:48:13BehlenAeducan I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:48:14Lucky ff tiny epic nab
00:48:21Norrebro go push
00:48:22valiante i can rebuy
00:48:32Norrebro viper
00:48:33Lucky well newb you dont have to run in to them mofo
00:48:36Norrebro go push
00:48:40Lucky airheaad
00:49:14Norrebro inc
00:49:25livingde4th wait
00:49:35Jimpai gg.
00:49:44Jimpai take gem!!!!!
00:49:56nimetu we coming
00:50:32Lucky I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:50:34Norrebro b kunkka
00:50:41Norrebro kunkka b
00:50:44valiante OMG
00:50:47nimetu shut it
00:50:53Norrebro chill
00:50:56Norrebro lol
00:51:05livingde4th clinkz push?
00:51:07livingde4th someday?
00:51:13Norrebro go push
00:51:13BehlenAeducan ¨just ff...
00:51:15Norrebro i push top
00:51:17valiante no
00:51:22BehlenAeducan -.-'
00:51:22livingde4th i can tp
00:51:27Lucky tiny you lost the game..
00:51:30BehlenAeducan :D
00:51:37valiante dumb shit like clock atm
00:51:39valiante loosses game
00:51:48Jimpai medusa
00:51:49Lucky faking nab toss and suicide mission 5 times.
00:51:51Jimpai u think ur good?
00:51:56valiante hmm
00:52:00valiante better than u according to loom
00:52:04Jimpai i honestly think u suck.
00:52:19Jimpai like, really.
00:52:20livingde4th gogogo
00:52:46nimetu b
00:53:02livingde4th was trying to sauy
00:53:07Norrebro np
00:53:10livingde4th lets just hit tower few times but not suicide.
00:53:21livingde4th b bot
00:53:55livingde4th cliunkz u going butter or buri?=
00:54:24Jimpai Medus
00:54:26Jimpai a
00:54:30Jimpai u are veery bad:D
00:54:37valiante dude
00:54:40valiante what did u achieve building dagon?
00:54:41valiante lvl 1
00:54:44valiante or 2
00:54:49valiante jack shit
00:54:50Jimpai nuking clinkz
00:55:13valiante lol
00:55:20Lucky b
00:55:24Lucky buyback
00:55:30Lucky come bot instead
00:55:32Jimpai he cant have much money:S
00:55:37valiante he still has 3000
00:55:39valiante im lan with him
00:55:55valiante b
00:55:55valiante b
00:55:57Lucky we need all
00:56:00Norrebro ¨gem
00:56:01Lucky b
00:56:07Norrebro go mid?=
00:56:14valiante 900 for butter
00:56:17valiante how about i get that
00:56:19livingde4th b
00:56:21livingde4th miss all
00:56:27Lucky det fint
00:56:28valiante b
00:56:31Norrebro come alkl
00:56:41livingde4th dunon if we can push
00:56:49livingde4th well that tower y
00:57:42livingde4th go?
00:57:43livingde4th gogogo
00:57:46livingde4th ffs
00:58:22livingde4th im b
00:58:22Norrebro raks
00:58:24livingde4th totally oom
00:58:24Norrebro tard
00:58:34valiante gj
00:58:35Norrebro we lose this
00:58:42livingde4th y we could take rax
00:58:44livingde4th but kunkka hunt
00:58:51Jimpai someone needs to get guinsoo
00:58:52Lucky eye efter
00:58:56Lucky im getting
00:59:03Lucky after bm
00:59:14livingde4th clinkz get that butter or buri
00:59:16livingde4th u need more dmg
00:59:21livingde4th cant suicide all the time
00:59:24livingde4th we get u aegis
00:59:38valiante me gem?
00:59:39valiante now
00:59:42Norrebro then come
00:59:44nimetu Shut it already. Entire game you just chat!
00:59:46Lucky rosh fast
00:59:51livingde4th i tp
00:59:57Lucky all
00:59:59valiante omw
01:00:09valiante gogo
01:00:15Norrebro vipr
01:00:20Norrebro b
01:00:23valiante who take
01:00:29livingde4th go
01:00:34Lucky go
01:00:34Norrebro im klow
01:00:43Norrebro gogo
01:01:21Norrebro gg
01:01:47Jimpai clinkz...
01:01:59Jimpai they are in..
01:02:03livingde4th i make vladi
01:02:14Jimpai dont forget cheese
01:02:46valiante cant do nothing
01:02:55Lucky *WTF IS UP THAT LUCKY kunkka ?
01:02:56Norrebro inc
01:03:05Lucky every time you got splash you crit ..
01:03:10Lucky thats so epic
01:04:02valiante gg
01:04:32Norrebro get mid now
01:05:40Norrebro taken
01:05:49nimetu wait for me
01:05:59nimetu b now
01:06:06Norrebro im alive
01:06:18BehlenAeducan go mid
01:06:23Jimpai CLINKZ IS ALIVE:P
01:06:26valiante just go mid
01:06:26BehlenAeducan pff
01:06:55Norrebro b
01:07:02valiante no ulti?
01:07:04Norrebro get tower
01:07:05Lucky nope
01:07:05Norrebro 2 hp
01:07:15livingde4th tiny would kill me
01:07:29valiante and no gem
01:07:30Lucky and again
01:07:34Lucky Lucky day
01:08:32BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:35BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:36BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:37BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:37BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:38BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:39BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:40BehlenAeducan I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
01:08:52livingde4th b
01:08:53livingde4th dude
01:09:10Norrebro gg
01:09:11livingde4th wp clock tiny
01:09:11nimetu gg
01:09:14Jimpai wP
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