Game #498042

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-33 X
-12 TS

75% | 1130 X | 1363 TS

-44 X
-10 TS

31% | 976 X | 1185 TS

-71 X
-45 TS

NEW | 1021 X | 1128 TS

-30 X
-31 TS

NEW | 906 X | 1209 TS

-68 X
-46 TS

NEW | 991 X | 980 TS

+49 X
+14 TS

78% | 1149 X | 1411 TS

+65 X
+50 TS

NEW | 1068 X | 1235 TS

+1 X
+21 TS

39% | 998 X | 1232 TS

+63 X
+22 TS

21% | 906 X | 1160 TS

+78 X
+47 TS

NEW | 873 X | 861 TS

Chat log

00:00:13Kankkune öö sexi seppo ?
00:00:15siloquez howhigh
00:00:17siloquez ootko rikiz
00:00:18Kankkune mita häviö siihen vaikuttaa
00:00:18GrandMastaCool alche
00:00:18Kankkune tuskin yks mies koko tiimiä voi voittaa
00:00:18Euforia oo hiljaa
00:00:18Euforia :D
00:00:18GrandMastaCool any wishez?
00:00:18Euforia me mid tinker
00:00:18Kankkune raiskaan sut vielä joskus ! just sut
00:00:18Tuutu tinker
00:00:18Euforia so no stronk agi
00:00:18Euforia like
00:00:18Euforia :(
00:00:18GrandMastaCool thinker and alche
00:00:18Euforia pls dont
00:00:36GrandMastaCool i go mid
00:00:37GrandMastaCool ok?
00:00:40Euforia ok
00:00:52Callmez take thrall for me
00:00:54Callmez <.<
00:01:17Callmez some1 take cm
00:01:22siloquez i can play
00:01:22siloquez cm
00:01:34Callmez why the fuck pudge? now they will have cm
00:01:36Kankkune can i go trax ?
00:01:39GrandMastaCool no
00:01:40GrandMastaCool plz
00:01:40Euforia n
00:01:41Euforia o
00:01:42Euforia no
00:01:46Tuutu jep
00:01:46GrandMastaCool no more carry
00:01:46Kankkune so who ?
00:01:52GrandMastaCool abba omni
00:01:55Euforia aba
00:02:00GrandMastaCool rex
00:02:03Tuutu get rex/clock
00:02:06GrandMastaCool just no agi
00:02:08Tuutu ok
00:02:23h0whigh lanes ?
00:02:24GrandMastaCool chiken
00:02:30GrandMastaCool cm wards'
00:02:32GrandMastaCool ?
00:02:41Tuutu thrall u can handle viper?
00:02:43Euforia y
00:02:47Callmez i guess
00:02:53Callmez Thrall is imba at start
00:03:08GrandMastaCool focus roam cm
00:03:15Euforia and ward
00:03:15GrandMastaCool rasta push towers
00:03:23Kankkune ok
00:03:24h0whigh u want me 2 pull ?
00:04:02Kankkune cm ?
00:04:22Kankkune MITA VITTUA
00:04:44h0whigh let me farm ?
00:04:58Callmez viper miss
00:04:59Callmez re
00:05:02GrandMastaCool LOL
00:05:03Kankkune ööö
00:05:26rauskimon oli pakko runkata loppuun
00:05:27rauskimon xDdd
00:05:31GrandMastaCool let
00:05:35Callmez viper mis
00:05:39Kankkune ei ....
00:05:43h0whigh care
00:06:15Tuutu gj
00:06:15Callmez fckimon
00:06:30Callmez asshole got reg rune
00:06:54Euforia :D
00:07:00rauskimon gang top wiper
00:07:19rauskimon viper gang top.
00:07:55Kankkune eqo quit soon
00:07:59Callmez viper miss
00:08:07Tuutu b
00:08:20Tuutu ok viper top
00:08:34Tuutu get wards pugna
00:08:36h0whigh take chick
00:08:37Kankkune kill thrall
00:08:38siloquez e
00:08:42siloquez 3 creep
00:09:05Callmez rhatsa is mid
00:09:15DaJoint ss?
00:09:19GrandMastaCool go bot rasta
00:09:20Callmez viper miss
00:09:21GrandMastaCool help
00:09:22GrandMastaCool omw
00:09:35Callmez care bot
00:10:03GrandMastaCool goo
00:10:15h0whigh :D
00:10:15Euforia shackle creep
00:10:17Jafuri fail
00:10:18Jafuri :D
00:10:22h0whigh hehe
00:10:24Kankkune saikahin
00:10:52GrandMastaCool get wards
00:11:15h0whigh :D
00:12:07Jafuri wait
00:12:07Jafuri riki
00:12:18GrandMastaCool def
00:12:45h0whigh rdy0
00:12:47Kankkune sattuu perseesee
00:13:21GrandMastaCool xD
00:13:22Euforia 30d
00:13:25Euforia balance
00:13:26GrandMastaCool noob team ftw
00:13:29Euforia balance
00:13:29siloquez forfeit ?
00:13:29Tuutu hmm
00:13:29Euforia no balance
00:13:29GrandMastaCool you ahve to balance
00:13:29Jafuri how?
00:13:29Euforia one leave
00:13:29GrandMastaCool 1 of you leave
00:13:29Tuutu i gotta say who goes
00:13:29Jafuri rofl
00:13:29GrandMastaCool y or last pick
00:13:29GrandMastaCool you you wont say
00:13:29Euforia no cap says
00:13:29GrandMastaCool if you wont say
00:13:29Tuutu pudge
00:13:47GrandMastaCool imba farm bh
00:14:05Euforia y 14 cs lol
00:14:14Euforia they ganged me 3 times alreadt
00:14:15GrandMastaCool GET WARDS
00:14:20Tuutu let me farm top
00:14:28GrandMastaCool cm
00:14:29GrandMastaCool get wards
00:14:47GrandMastaCool 3
00:14:50GrandMastaCool 0 tps
00:14:52GrandMastaCool wp
00:15:18GrandMastaCool this cm rox
00:15:25Euforia she doesnt...
00:15:26GrandMastaCool 0 wards just feed
00:15:29Callmez :D
00:15:32rauskimon yeah
00:15:42rauskimon wasn't planting or anything
00:15:52rauskimon but thx for the whine tad
00:15:55GrandMastaCool b
00:16:09rauskimon ff
00:16:26GrandMastaCool b
00:16:27GrandMastaCool b
00:16:27GrandMastaCool b
00:16:28GrandMastaCool b
00:16:29GrandMastaCool b
00:16:29GrandMastaCool b
00:16:56Euforia cm
00:17:00Euforia sun pitää maxaa aura ekana :D
00:17:20GrandMastaCool lich come
00:17:29GrandMastaCool get dust some 1
00:17:51Callmez lets gank until my spells strong
00:17:55GrandMastaCool b
00:17:55GrandMastaCool b
00:17:56GrandMastaCool b
00:18:26Tuutu some1 up curier
00:18:34Jafuri someone buy me tp
00:18:47Jafuri cmon
00:18:59Jafuri zz
00:19:09Tuutu got diffusal
00:19:21siloquez free kills top
00:19:27siloquez 4 top
00:19:35siloquez atleast was
00:19:37Tuutu omw
00:20:12rauskimon ff
00:20:21GrandMastaCool stop just playing here
00:20:31siloquez y too hileveld for u
00:21:26GrandMastaCool ulty lich?=??????????????
00:21:33GrandMastaCool they
00:21:38GrandMastaCool dont have ulčty
00:22:07Jafuri auch
00:22:25GrandMastaCool ff
00:22:34Callmez end before 30 mins
00:22:35GrandMastaCool rly epic team
00:22:38Euforia if u plug now its draw
00:22:41Jafuri why ?
00:22:49GrandMastaCool bh 0 farm
00:22:52Callmez bicthes
00:22:53GrandMastaCool imba carry
00:23:07Callmez if we end before 30 mins then extra X :p
00:23:19Tuutu lets
00:23:26Euforia dont blame me they were 4 bot
00:23:28Callmez all regen and gather
00:23:30Callmez and mid again
00:23:32Tuutu y
00:23:36GrandMastaCool ofc
00:23:38GrandMastaCool 4
00:23:51Euforia 3 gangs while u gave 0
00:23:51GrandMastaCool perma top 2 and i owned mid
00:23:54GrandMastaCool and ganged top
00:23:58Tuutu mid
00:24:00Callmez ogre go regen
00:24:21GrandMastaCool get some wraiths for hp
00:24:28Tuutu too easy
00:24:32Callmez thrall owns :D
00:25:43Tuutu finish now
00:25:44Tuutu mid
00:26:23GrandMastaCool cm farm
00:26:27GrandMastaCool go farm
00:26:28Euforia :P
00:27:00GrandMastaCool free win for you tutu
00:27:11GrandMastaCool why im not so lucky
00:27:17GrandMastaCool i always get the bot team
00:27:26siloquez u sucked too dont worry
00:27:42Euforia silokki ekaa kertaa tänää plussan puolella ^^
00:27:53siloquez kyl salee
00:28:06GrandMastaCool -afk
00:28:09siloquez -apm
00:28:15Jafuri tp someone
00:28:16Jafuri plz
00:28:17Callmez -apm
00:28:21GrandMastaCool did some 1 saw lichs ulty?
00:28:28Euforia me
00:28:31Euforia it was ok
00:28:35GrandMastaCool 1 time?
00:28:52Callmez all mid
00:28:54Callmez lets end
00:29:10Tuutu got manta
00:29:14Tuutu come all
00:29:15Callmez reg
00:29:16Callmez take it
00:29:16Jafuri goog mid
00:29:17Callmez riki
00:29:18Tuutu dont farm
00:29:28Euforia cm wardeja
00:29:39rauskimon ,,
00:30:04Callmez 4 mins gogo
00:30:10Jafuri heal me
00:30:13GrandMastaCool dont def
00:30:17GrandMastaCool let them finish
00:30:25GrandMastaCool cm just LEAV plz
00:31:05Euforia :D
00:31:07siloquez :P
00:31:20Callmez 2 mins
00:31:22Callmez attack tree
00:31:36Callmez gg
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