Game #4869362

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-10 X
-2 TS

87% | 1599 X | 1419 TS

+6 X
-1 TS

81% | 1510 X | 1422 TS

-3 X
-2 TS

73% | 1469 X | 1338 TS

+33 X
-1 TS

60% | 1281 X | 1366 TS

+30 X
-1 TS

39% | 1135 X | 1298 TS

+37 X
+2 TS

96% | 1729 X | 1530 TS

-30 X
+3 TS

83% | 1560 X | 1403 TS

-14 X
+2 TS

77% | 1472 X | 1391 TS

-39 X
+4 TS

57% | 1334 X | 1281 TS

+2 X
+13 TS

18% | 1084 X | 1101 TS

Chat log

00:00:05MnmlArT cartman ftw
00:00:15fUNCh screenhack here we come
00:00:21yeW- anyone ud?
00:00:21yeW- or sile
00:00:21MnmlArT sure
00:00:21yeW- or aythin
00:00:21MnmlArT sile
00:00:21faildn FUNCH AND DIABLO :D
00:00:21faildn GG
00:00:21faildn AXAXA
00:00:21faildn LOL
00:00:21yeW- -clear
00:00:212deep4u ez win
00:00:21yeW- ud?
00:00:21faildn TEAM RET
00:00:21yeW- too eezee
00:00:21MnmlArT can i sile
00:00:21yeW- ud
00:00:21yeW- anyone omni?
00:00:21fUNCh ban wl
00:00:21faildn i could
00:00:21fUNCh no
00:00:21yeW- ok
00:00:21Laier -omni
00:00:21fUNCh ban meepo
00:00:21fUNCh ban meepo
00:00:21faildn :D
00:00:21MnmlArT sile
00:00:21fUNCh ban meepo
00:00:21fUNCh ban meepo
00:00:21fUNCh ban meepo
00:00:22Laier shut up
00:00:22faildn brb piss
00:00:282deep4u in my mouth pls.
00:00:34yeW- in mine fu
00:00:40yeW- oh wl
00:00:40yeW- lol
00:00:40MnmlArT meepo ?
00:00:41Laier WTF
00:00:42yeW- damn
00:00:43yeW- -clear
00:00:452deep4u fuck.
00:00:46Laier why i didnt ban axe....
00:00:50yeW- get me meepo
00:00:51yeW- ye
00:00:53yeW- no choice here
00:00:54yeW- x
00:00:552deep4u :D
00:00:56fUNCh cuz i'll win it
00:00:57fUNCh for you
00:00:58MnmlArT -swap 1
00:00:59yeW- -swap 3
00:01:01fUNCh with my axe
00:01:02yeW- we need bs
00:01:03Laier like last time?
00:01:04yeW- 2deep
00:01:07yeW- to silence wl
00:01:08MnmlArT -hhn
00:01:08fUNCh get over it
00:01:09MnmlArT -clear
00:01:102deep4u alright.
00:01:12fUNCh you was even worse
00:01:13Laier never :)
00:01:13fUNCh that game
00:01:18yeW- funch
00:01:20Laier actually not
00:01:20yeW- such an emo boi
00:01:21BACKENiZER- hmm jugger
00:01:22yeW- -clear
00:01:23BACKENiZER- ok?
00:01:25Laier no
00:01:25fUNCh actuaylly yse
00:01:282deep4u he's retarded.
00:01:29Laier need disable
00:01:30Laier not jugger
00:01:33Laier aa enigma
00:01:35fUNCh sven
00:01:37yeW- that's an understatement
00:01:462deep4u true.
00:01:48fUNCh rubic
00:01:512deep4u tra faildn
00:01:54Diablo bat
00:01:57faildn mis ma mingi enigma v
00:01:57fUNCh banana
00:01:58Laier enigma
00:01:58fUNCh rubic
00:01:58faildn ole vait
00:01:59Laier or aa
00:02:03Zwerg :D
00:02:04fUNCh i'm forest
00:02:07Laier enigma sven top
00:02:09faildn vaata nende tiimi
00:02:09fUNCh dno what engima will do
00:02:11faildn kari retarde ju
00:02:122deep4u vaata nende picke
00:02:15BACKENiZER- laier you retard much??
00:02:16MnmlArT picke
00:02:17Diablo ok i can handle solo bot..
00:02:17MnmlArT lol
00:02:18Laier nope
00:02:18faildn ja yew meepo :D
00:02:20faildn come on
00:02:21faildn ez
00:02:212deep4u mis siis?
00:02:23fUNCh diablo
00:02:242deep4u tra ta ei oska ju.
00:02:25fUNCh swap
00:02:25BACKENiZER- wtf diablo solo you must be gay
00:02:26Laier shredder needs lvl
00:02:28Laier axe can woods
00:02:28faildn mhm :D
00:02:29fUNCh salve for tangos ?
00:02:30fUNCh plz
00:02:302deep4u :D
00:02:32Laier and enigma sven decent lane
00:02:33MnmlArT yew u know what
00:02:342deep4u WL, Axe, Enigma siiski.
00:02:35MnmlArT picka mean
00:02:36fUNCh plz
00:02:41fUNCh got 2 salves
00:02:42fUNCh drop
00:02:422deep4u pikaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUU
00:02:50fUNCh tnx
00:02:52faildn lucidity
00:02:522deep4u shadow strike build and we're in business
00:02:53fUNCh bought wrong
00:02:53fUNCh -.-
00:02:54faildn y
00:02:55Laier saw diablo playing ok solo shredder earlier
00:02:56BACKENiZER- noob
00:02:57Diablo np flame me more..
00:02:57Laier so why not
00:03:21BACKENiZER- banaan nägid w
00:03:24Diablo they 0 aoe
00:03:24BACKENiZER- drift võitis
00:03:27BACKENiZER- 90k $
00:03:53MnmlArT pull
00:04:14MnmlArT pull
00:04:16MnmlArT ddue
00:05:02fUNCh be ready bot
00:05:02yeW- crap bons ^^
00:05:03Diablo axe gag?
00:05:04fUNCh i come with haste
00:05:05yeW- bonds
00:05:262deep4u silenced
00:05:272deep4u np
00:05:302deep4u :D
00:05:352deep4u ret funch
00:05:41MnmlArT reuse
00:05:43MnmlArT bird
00:05:46MnmlArT pig
00:05:48yeW- up courier pls
00:06:15Laier your luck
00:06:19Laier missclicked on creep
00:06:23Diablo axe
00:06:26Diablo care seeker
00:06:37faildn :P
00:07:01faildn suht yolo team on meil :D:D
00:07:05Diablo btw seeker freefarm
00:07:052deep4u mismõttes?
00:07:13faildn suht carrid kõik :D
00:07:18Laier yew no money
00:07:22Laier bought 8 salves
00:07:23Laier alrleady
00:07:27Diablo D
00:07:29Zwerg aight aight
00:07:312deep4u lastpickid süüdi :D
00:08:12Laier geo ss
00:08:15MnmlArT ffs
00:08:17BACKENiZER- tower
00:08:20Diablo axe gang?
00:08:30Laier mid ss
00:08:32Diablo axe dead
00:08:332deep4u XD
00:08:35faildn :D:D
00:08:35faildn FUNCH
00:08:36faildn HAHA
00:08:38yeW- XD
00:08:392deep4u FUNCHD
00:08:40yeW- /ddd
00:08:41yeW- /d
00:08:52fUNCh needed base reg
00:08:52BACKENiZER- best axe in eu
00:08:53Laier yew liked mid? :<
00:08:55fUNCh no problem
00:08:562deep4u XD
00:09:002deep4u NP
00:09:05faildn mida see teeb :D
00:09:082deep4u dno :D
00:09:10faildn yolo :D
00:09:11yeW- ive seen worse
00:09:11faildn :D:D
00:09:14yeW- ss mid wl
00:09:17yeW- -ma
00:09:17faildn backdoor läheb :D
00:09:33Diablo axe come gang
00:09:36fUNCh cant
00:09:39fUNCh you pickedmy furi
00:09:43Zwerg ty
00:10:02Diablo wl come bot
00:10:16faildn kill?
00:10:21Laier no ulti
00:10:222deep4u lvl 6
00:10:26faildn ahja
00:10:28faildn ma vaatasin et sa 6
00:10:392deep4u lock bottom
00:10:49yeW- tp
00:11:07faildn axe tuleb
00:11:22Laier bot ss2
00:11:25faildn yolotas midist siiapoole
00:11:34Diablo wl ult?
00:11:37yeW- -ma
00:11:38Laier cd
00:11:39MnmlArT ss2
00:11:41Diablo soon?
00:11:47Laier can bonds
00:11:48Laier and slow
00:11:48Laier go
00:11:552deep4u care see lock on 8
00:12:10Laier ...
00:12:11Laier no then
00:12:12Diablo cant
00:12:24Laier got ult
00:12:25Laier but no mana
00:12:33Diablo lol
00:12:36Laier now
00:12:37Laier got mana
00:12:38Laier for ult
00:12:41Laier go
00:12:42yeW- -ma
00:13:002deep4u help
00:13:102deep4u 5 bottom?
00:13:11BACKENiZER- oleks võind ära rottida
00:13:14BACKENiZER- oleksid kuri old?
00:13:142deep4u yes.
00:13:152deep4u cool
00:13:162deep4u lel
00:13:17fUNCh ei
00:13:48yeW- -ma
00:14:07Laier def bot?
00:14:15faildn j2id enigma ultisse ka v
00:14:182deep4u nope
00:14:22faildn n1
00:14:262deep4u sa jäid ellu?
00:14:28faildn y
00:14:30Diablo w8 me
00:14:30Diablo sven
00:14:31Laier or get bot
00:14:332deep4u 5kesi tulid meile :D
00:14:46faildn lel
00:14:522deep4u mhmh...
00:14:52faildn ainult buutsid ju
00:14:582deep4u what the fuck is wrongt with u?
00:15:03Laier who
00:15:09Laier get mid after
00:15:11Laier got ulti then
00:15:232deep4u umm
00:15:242deep4u bottom ?
00:15:252deep4u guys
00:15:272deep4u fucking retards
00:15:28faildn tema jesus
00:15:39yeW- zwerg
00:15:41yeW- go help
00:15:41yeW- sile
00:15:43yeW- go hlep
00:15:54Diablo cmon sven
00:15:57BACKENiZER- ???
00:15:58MnmlArT help who
00:16:00Diablo stun?
00:16:02yeW- mid
00:16:04BACKENiZER- from my base
00:16:06MnmlArT i am here
00:16:09MnmlArT alone
00:16:11faildn :D
00:16:12faildn stfu
00:16:15MnmlArT :D
00:16:41yeW- GO HELP
00:16:43yeW- ZWEG
00:16:522deep4u kidding me?
00:16:572deep4u im being focused by 5
00:17:002deep4u and these retards cant do shit.
00:17:30faildn juut ainult farmib v
00:17:422deep4u mhmh
00:17:442deep4u nii see käib temaga.
00:17:482deep4u lõpuks võidame ikka :F
00:17:54yeW- -ma
00:18:05yeW- faildn
00:18:06yeW- wards
00:18:09faildn yew
00:18:10yeW- dont make
00:18:11faildn gaschamber
00:18:132deep4u XD
00:18:16yeW- dont make vlads
00:18:18yeW- zwerg
00:18:27MnmlArT vanguard hood
00:18:38Zwerg first hood then vlad and vang
00:18:40BACKENiZER- mis ma teeks endale
00:18:46fUNCh dagger
00:18:46fUNCh bkb
00:18:48Laier slow tp
00:18:49Laier :sss
00:18:51yeW- no vlads
00:18:52yeW- at all
00:19:07Laier b
00:19:22BACKENiZER- wtf see on
00:19:34Laier b
00:20:22MnmlArT 2 meepos
00:20:24MnmlArT got hat
00:20:25MnmlArT 1 dont
00:20:26MnmlArT whty
00:20:27MnmlArT why
00:20:35Diablo rosh
00:20:36yeW- ^^
00:20:40Laier go
00:20:41Laier got ult
00:21:23yeW- gj
00:21:25yeW- i went in smoked
00:21:25yeW- wp
00:21:26faildn nad ainult kas 3-4kesi
00:21:29Laier go push
00:21:302deep4u mhmh
00:21:30Laier got ult
00:21:34faildn retard sile
00:21:34Laier get tp for bot
00:21:38Laier toip*
00:22:00Laier go rax?
00:22:03Laier imo go
00:22:08Laier geo need to def
00:22:10Laier or we get rax
00:22:41faildn lol
00:23:03Laier b
00:23:18Banana srry telefon oli
00:23:26Laier ^^
00:23:36Laier overkill :D
00:23:46Laier anyway
00:23:46yeW- cancer items
00:23:47Laier got agha
00:23:47faildn XD XD XD
00:23:47yeW- bs
00:23:49Laier we should push
00:23:53Diablo go bot rax
00:23:56Laier y
00:24:00Diablo and always get tp
00:24:01Laier and carry tp
00:24:02yeW- im playin with 4 funches
00:24:04Laier for geo
00:24:04Diablo coz yew is going to bd
00:24:08faildn IMPOSSIBRU
00:24:12BACKENiZER- so were getting funched?
00:24:172deep4u IN THE A
00:24:202deep4u INDIE
00:24:24yeW- im gettin funched
00:24:29faildn kill akse
00:24:422deep4u dude yew
00:24:44Laier guys
00:24:45Laier come bot
00:24:47Laier and carry tp
00:24:512deep4u this is exactly how every game of your meepo goes.
00:24:53Laier get bot rax
00:24:55Zwerg -ms
00:25:00fUNCh cant
00:25:03fUNCh then we would win
00:25:042deep4u you abandon team, they start feeding, u come out and win it anyway.
00:25:24MnmlArT -st
00:25:42fUNCh fatal bonds to creeps
00:25:43fUNCh rly
00:25:51yeW- blah
00:25:53yeW- no1 tps
00:25:58yeW- this sile
00:25:59yeW- useless fuck
00:26:25BACKENiZER- blingi nahui:D
00:26:29yeW- greay
00:26:30yeW- guys
00:26:31yeW- wpp
00:26:322deep4u tra
00:26:342deep4u sa oled loll vä
00:26:36Banana liiga kivis
00:26:38Banana liga keeruline
00:26:482deep4u help?
00:26:552deep4u miks sa ulti
00:26:562deep4u lasid
00:26:582deep4u surnud herole...
00:26:58yeW- sadness
00:27:01yeW- pure
00:27:06Laier rdy to def
00:27:07Laier geo
00:27:46Zwerg -ma
00:27:56Laier hit
00:27:58Laier they got bonds on
00:28:00Laier fucking idiot
00:28:04Laier just hit? :DDDD
00:28:05BACKENiZER- XDxdXdX.dX:D.DX.:Xd.x.DX:DXDXD
00:28:05Laier and hes dead
00:28:33faildn funch inc
00:28:50Banana ah we need wards
00:28:51yeW- i get diffu
00:28:52yeW- i guess
00:28:56BACKENiZER- XD
00:28:57Laier need gem
00:29:01fUNCh fu
00:29:02fUNCh diablo
00:29:04yeW- probably
00:29:06yeW- the WORST
00:29:07fUNCh ruined my doublespawn
00:29:08fUNCh banned
00:29:09yeW- bb eve
00:29:10yeW- r
00:29:14Diablo blink
00:29:20Laier :D
00:29:26BACKENiZER- tra mis noob
00:29:26Zwerg man
00:29:27Laier go push mid
00:29:29Laier got ulti
00:29:30yeW- its horrible
00:29:31yeW- rly
00:29:32Laier we need sentry
00:29:33yeW- hurts my eyes
00:29:34Laier for that fag
00:29:36faildn XD
00:29:41Laier mid
00:29:42Laier go
00:29:42Diablo wh?
00:29:46Diablo o?
00:29:47Laier he got lothars
00:29:51MnmlArT sell that mask bb
00:29:57Diablo who?
00:30:00Laier geo?
00:30:01yeW- B
00:30:11Zwerg why should?
00:30:12yeW- STAY
00:30:13yeW- THE FUCK B
00:30:14faildn oi oi oi
00:30:25MnmlArT I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:30:31Laier go throne
00:30:35Laier still got ult
00:30:43MnmlArT bs vanguard
00:30:45MnmlArT .
00:30:51Laier just throne
00:30:53yeW- g
00:30:53yeW- b
00:31:072deep4u tee midagi?
00:31:092deep4u sul on ulti
00:31:12faildn pf
00:31:12faildn mida
00:31:14BACKENiZER- always pleasure to own yew
00:31:23MnmlArT fuck off
00:31:54Laier he will rosh
00:32:08Diablo go top
00:32:09Diablo and gg
00:32:26Diablo ulty
00:32:27Diablo wl?
00:32:30Laier nah
00:32:35Diablo soon?
00:32:38Laier 70sec
00:32:50Diablo ok just get a tp and
00:32:51Laier dont give entry now
00:32:52Diablo go bot
00:32:58Diablo i have dust
00:32:58yeW- stay b
00:32:59yeW- wait for em
00:33:12Diablo go top
00:33:13Diablo gg
00:33:16fUNCh wait
00:33:16BACKENiZER- iDd
00:33:18fUNCh i get gem
00:33:30Banana ulti 60 sec
00:33:50Diablo w8 nigma
00:33:51yeW- go top
00:33:52Diablo and wl ult
00:33:54Diablo and go
00:33:56Diablo CARRY TP
00:33:56Laier i got ult
00:33:56Diablo ALL
00:34:02Diablo ALL GET TP
00:34:16yeW- care
00:34:17yeW- wait
00:34:582deep4u aweosome block
00:35:02fUNCh gem
00:35:05faildn go bb
00:35:15yeW- gah
00:35:16yeW- fuckn gem
00:35:20yeW- buy out
00:35:27fUNCh luved my gem yew ?
00:35:30yeW- buy the fuck out
00:36:02fUNCh tp
00:36:04Diablo cmon no rax?
00:36:092deep4u lel
00:36:14yeW- yeh
00:36:15yeW- right
00:36:15Laier they bo
00:36:16BACKENiZER- XD
00:36:19Laier kinda hard :)
00:36:19BACKENiZER- what happened
00:36:23Zwerg bastardos
00:36:24BACKENiZER- what happened yew
00:36:34fUNCh yew got funched
00:36:41Laier axe want gem?
00:36:42BACKENiZER- not possible
00:36:48fUNCh need 1000g
00:36:53fUNCh behind
00:36:54fUNCh me jew
00:37:14yeW- lmao
00:37:22MnmlArT -st
00:37:23BACKENiZER- banned axe
00:37:43Diablo top
00:37:45Diablo wl ult?
00:37:47Laier y
00:37:50Diablo ALL CCARRY TP
00:37:58Diablo go top
00:38:03MnmlArT teleport
00:38:04MnmlArT base
00:38:04yeW- BV
00:38:05yeW- BB
00:38:06Laier cant bd
00:38:13Diablo tp?
00:38:22Laier throne
00:38:23Diablo throne
00:39:03fUNCh should took top
00:39:07fUNCh now we lost top
00:39:10fUNCh but no trhone
00:39:11fUNCh --
00:39:14fUNCh laier no brain
00:39:15yeW- gogo
00:39:17yeW- def
00:39:18yeW- faildn
00:39:27yeW- GET THAT GEM
00:39:31yeW- wl
00:39:32yeW- drop
00:39:51Diablo that was fail
00:39:54Diablo why no tp top?
00:39:56yeW- courier
00:39:56fUNCh should took top
00:39:57yeW- get it
00:39:58yeW- kill it
00:40:06Diablo GO TOP ALL NOW
00:40:15MnmlArT -st
00:40:19Laier kinda pointless
00:40:24Laier we should just go throne
00:40:25Diablo all top
00:40:27Diablo AND ALL TP
00:40:27Laier coz we go top
00:40:30Laier yew takes mid
00:40:31BACKENiZER- dno i took both towers
00:40:35Diablo ye go mid
00:40:36Diablo throne
00:40:39Diablo wl ult?
00:40:46Laier 30sec
00:40:48Laier but we lost gem
00:40:49Banana go
00:40:50Diablo ok go mid
00:40:52Zwerg some1 wants gem?
00:40:54Diablo i have dust
00:40:57faildn we dun need it
00:40:57yeW- no
00:40:58yeW- drop it
00:40:59Laier ?
00:41:04Laier 5 missing
00:41:07Laier b
00:41:10Laier axe doing hes own shit
00:41:11Laier again
00:41:15BACKENiZER- tra funch
00:41:17BACKENiZER- debiil oled w
00:41:17Diablo need tp
00:41:25Laier ye
00:41:26Laier gj
00:41:28Laier fucking idiot
00:41:39BACKENiZER- best axe in ee
00:41:40yeW- need rosh
00:41:49fUNCh would be a new game allready
00:41:53fUNCh if we'd taken top
00:41:56BACKENiZER- stfu
00:41:56faildn dd
00:41:59Laier or you not being
00:42:00Laier a cunt again
00:42:01fUNCh they couldnt def megacreeps
00:42:03Laier like you allways do
00:42:09Laier dd geo
00:42:09Laier bo
00:42:10fUNCh you lost it with tthone crap
00:42:10Laier b
00:42:12Laier b top
00:42:26Diablo go mid?
00:42:28fUNCh and you just lost that gem
00:42:30Diablo CARRY A TPP
00:42:33yeW- try
00:42:33fUNCh so pointlessly
00:42:34yeW- a good ulti
00:42:34yeW- wl
00:42:40yeW- i mean sile
00:42:46Diablo fast rosh
00:42:49MnmlArT u mean befor infern
00:42:52yeW- b
00:42:54yeW- yes
00:43:05fUNCh silence and gg
00:43:08Laier y
00:43:44Laier why you chase him
00:43:54faildn that wasnt a good ulti :P
00:43:54yeW- dan
00:43:56yeW- im good
00:43:59MnmlArT i know
00:44:03Laier now they take it
00:44:11Laier gg
00:44:14BACKENiZER- why didnt you all come? would been 2seconds
00:44:15yeW- k
00:44:18yeW- got buy out
00:44:19yeW- too
00:44:20MnmlArT let me pls
00:44:20Laier becauise
00:44:22Laier silence
00:44:24yeW- sz
00:44:24Laier and we would been dead
00:44:26Laier in 2 sec
00:44:26BACKENiZER- fuck the silence
00:44:26Banana reuse
00:44:31faildn where bird
00:44:31Diablo u should ult
00:44:32Diablo rosh
00:44:33Diablo wl
00:44:36Laier yes
00:44:37Laier smart
00:44:38Laier move
00:44:46Diablo we need2 go mid
00:44:48Diablo for throne
00:44:49faildn :P
00:44:52MnmlArT lvl 12 ^^
00:44:55faildn y
00:44:55BACKENiZER- funch cant get it
00:44:55Zwerg -ma
00:44:56fUNCh need to go
00:44:56yeW- -ma
00:44:57fUNCh mid to top
00:45:00yeW- MO
00:45:022deep4u võtsin su linkeni ka
00:45:03yeW- lmfao
00:45:04Laier mid to throne
00:45:05yeW- LMFAO
00:45:06faildn ty
00:45:06BACKENiZER- just kill the throne and gg
00:45:29Laier he got bo
00:45:29Diablo go
00:45:30Laier def base
00:45:32Laier def baSE
00:45:33Laier def our base
00:45:48Laier i told you
00:45:55faildn nice jew D
00:46:01faildn haha
00:46:03faildn that dude
00:46:04Zwerg -apm
00:46:13yeW- damn em fags
00:46:18fUNCh -apm
00:46:33MnmlArT -st
00:46:41Laier now need to wait for our ulties
00:46:43fUNCh buy me salve
00:46:45fUNCh and i get gem
00:47:20Laier sven with dagger
00:47:21Laier would work
00:47:22Laier nicely
00:47:27yeW- too much aoe
00:47:28yeW- disable
00:47:29yeW- for me
00:47:38faildn need good silence :P
00:47:44Laier go mid throne?
00:47:47Laier or what
00:47:49Diablo and yew tp?
00:47:50Laier cant go top
00:47:50faildn ty
00:47:52Laier yew takes throne
00:47:55Diablo go mid
00:47:55yeW- sad thing i
00:47:57yeW- if i die
00:47:57Diablo all then tp
00:47:58yeW- its lost
00:47:59yeW- xD
00:48:00Diablo when yew comes
00:48:01Diablo then mid
00:48:062deep4u ffsd.
00:48:06MnmlArT bb dead
00:48:14Laier fast
00:48:17Laier THRONE
00:48:17yeW- B
00:48:21Zwerg bljääd
00:48:28Laier dont bd
00:49:01Laier we lose
00:49:02Laier throne
00:49:03Laier all
00:49:03yeW- we win
00:49:04yeW- WE WIN
00:49:07Laier gg
00:49:08Laier tards
00:49:092deep4u YES
00:49:122deep4u HAHAHAHAH
00:49:13faildn :D:D:D
00:49:13MnmlArT ahahah
00:49:14faildn hahaha
00:49:15yeW- Xd
00:49:172deep4u YEW'D
00:49:18faildn nice
00:49:18faildn ty
00:49:19yeW- YEW LIEK A BOSS
00:49:19faildn :D
00:49:20yeW- WPWP
00:49:20faildn :D
00:49:23faildn :D
00:49:24faildn hah
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