Game #4700038

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-21 X
+0 TS

95% | 1760 X | 1489 TS

-15 X
+0 TS

91% | 1615 X | 1535 TS

-47 X
+0 TS

84% | 1586 X | 1393 TS

-64 X
-1 TS

53% | 1285 X | 1322 TS

-48 X
-1 TS

55% | 1275 X | 1329 TS

+66 X
+0 TS

100% | 2049 X | 1681 TS

+53 X
+1 TS

87% | 1608 X | 1434 TS

+11 X
+2 TS

75% | 1516 X | 1321 TS

+30 X
+0 TS

69% | 1336 X | 1413 TS

+42 X
+34 TS

NEW | 1107 X | 1124 TS

Chat log

00:00:00edgarass [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... mby_next_time with 91 seconds.
00:00:05VanillaThunder chen abba veno
00:00:05AliBaba daz luna pit
00:00:07j22koer pugna tc pl
00:00:09mby_next_time trax axe wr
00:00:09karadpowaa idiots i got sile/lycan &brood
00:00:13karadpowaa &* i wanna swap
00:00:24zvaksy necrolyte,sniper,nesaj
00:00:25FirstBlood krob, lanaya, naix
00:00:29Tough razor visage bala
00:00:30VanillaThunder gimme naix plz
00:00:39FirstBlood i will play lanaya
00:00:39mby_next_time edgarass / justin?
00:00:41edgarass tree furion lone druid
00:00:45mby_next_time i can furion.
00:00:48VanillaThunder tc plz
00:00:55zvaksy i play sniper
00:00:55karadpowaa lyca/sile/brood swap
00:00:57Tough bieber
00:00:57karadpowaa NO
00:00:58j22koer abba
00:00:58Tough heros?
00:00:58karadpowaa U DNT
00:00:59j22koer then
00:01:00AliBaba martin
00:01:00FirstBlood me mid
00:01:00TakinBackMyLove i wanna play ogre :) but i have omni
00:01:02TakinBackMyLove aswell
00:01:05VanillaThunder -swap 4
00:01:05Tough well
00:01:08Tough i go bala
00:01:08j22koer -swap 2
00:01:16AliBaba ill go daz then
00:01:32mby_next_time SO GOOD CARRY GUY COMEING
00:01:32TakinBackMyLove im bot with drow
00:01:32mby_next_time XD
00:01:35TakinBackMyLove its a good combo
00:01:37Tough well
00:01:44karadpowaa -tips
00:01:51Tough wards pls
00:02:08karadpowaa gl idiots
00:02:13AliBaba ty nigga
00:02:18mby_next_time NIGA WHAT
00:02:19mby_next_time -HHN
00:02:19mby_next_time -DON
00:02:20mby_next_time -WATER RED
00:02:22mby_next_time -CLEAR
00:02:23AliBaba nigga you
00:02:26mby_next_time NIGA ME
00:02:30karadpowaa If anyone kills me i kill him IRL
00:02:30karadpowaa hf
00:02:31AliBaba nigga you yes
00:02:39VanillaThunder ss
00:02:41VanillaThunder re
00:02:45TakinBackMyLove im commign
00:03:48Tough wards pls
00:03:50VanillaThunder go after pull
00:03:54TakinBackMyLove coem
00:03:56TakinBackMyLove in here
00:04:05TakinBackMyLove we go silencer
00:04:20karadpowaa u shoulda skilled shield first
00:04:23karadpowaa & ud survive^^
00:04:24mby_next_time stupid waste of lvls
00:04:25TakinBackMyLove rdy ?
00:04:28mby_next_time ofc
00:04:29TakinBackMyLove its okay
00:04:29FirstBlood courier?
00:04:29j22koer yeah
00:04:30karadpowaa ss 2
00:04:31j22koer but np
00:04:59karadpowaa I kill u IRL
00:05:20FirstBlood where is courier?
00:05:27karadpowaa ask necro
00:05:36VanillaThunder necr obuy chick
00:05:39Tough gang mid
00:06:26mby_next_time no hp at all
00:06:28VanillaThunder lanaya pwn bala? lol :D
00:06:41edgarass ss tc
00:06:49mby_next_time you have to kill him 2 times now
00:06:56karadpowaa Hes not a cat
00:06:57AliBaba want ?
00:06:59karadpowaa one time is enough
00:07:01Tough yy
00:07:10Tough ss mid
00:07:48Tough :))))
00:08:32AliBaba WHY THEY DONT HIT ME
00:08:43edgarass gang top pls
00:08:47edgarass bala?
00:08:51Tough nah
00:08:52Tough i wont
00:08:54edgarass go
00:09:01AliBaba sry
00:09:02AliBaba i sleep
00:09:11mby_next_time well it's not ufcking
00:09:12mby_next_time wise
00:09:12mby_next_time to dive
00:09:15mby_next_time at abba
00:09:17karadpowaa TRAP
00:09:23TakinBackMyLove we
00:09:25TakinBackMyLove could
00:09:26TakinBackMyLove easy
00:09:28TakinBackMyLove kill and
00:09:28mby_next_time and yuo should know it justin
00:09:29TakinBackMyLove stay
00:09:30TakinBackMyLove alive
00:09:35TakinBackMyLove but you dont
00:09:37TakinBackMyLove think like me
00:09:47Tough gravene
00:10:26mby_next_time gg
00:10:30mby_next_time fucking all time gangs bo
00:10:31mby_next_time bot
00:10:42mby_next_time wp guys
00:10:43j22koer :D
00:10:44mby_next_time block
00:10:45j22koer hehe
00:10:48j22koer wanted
00:10:50j22koer to give mana
00:10:52j22koer and hea you
00:10:53j22koer but
00:11:06karadpowaa np
00:11:11karadpowaa but another time think a bit :D
00:11:14j22koer :D
00:11:15j22koer well
00:11:18j22koer you follow
00:11:19j22koer me
00:11:19mby_next_time gg
00:11:20mby_next_time :)
00:11:21j22koer and traped
00:11:22edgarass u use silence or what?
00:11:22j22koer me
00:11:24mby_next_time i did
00:11:26edgarass gg your ass
00:11:31mby_next_time i fucking used
00:11:32mby_next_time silence
00:11:33edgarass do it before he uses any spell
00:11:34j22koer but its ok
00:11:36edgarass idiot
00:11:37karadpowaa y
00:11:38mby_next_time HOW THE FUCK
00:11:39mby_next_time NO BOOTS
00:11:43mby_next_time I USED TO SILENCE HIM
00:11:49j22koer we are one big happy family here in dota gc
00:12:05karadpowaa u dream
00:12:10j22koer yea :D
00:12:13AliBaba cmon
00:12:19AliBaba do me invis
00:12:25karadpowaa but so far
00:12:28karadpowaa ur the only normal guy i met here
00:12:51edgarass ff
00:12:55TakinBackMyLove this
00:12:56TakinBackMyLove roof sucks
00:13:00edgarass gj bala jsut backing away
00:13:01TakinBackMyLove rly
00:13:02TakinBackMyLove dick
00:13:18j22koer well thank you
00:13:37TakinBackMyLove non
00:13:38TakinBackMyLove tops
00:13:39TakinBackMyLove that
00:13:41TakinBackMyLove just epic
00:13:41TakinBackMyLove wp
00:13:46TakinBackMyLove newb team
00:13:54TakinBackMyLove ones again you show why your 50%
00:13:56TakinBackMyLove and not 90%
00:14:26edgarass somehow i did not even see any of your stuns
00:14:27mby_next_time dagger lana cool :D
00:14:35mby_next_time mby cause you're blind
00:14:44mby_next_time how the fuck
00:14:45edgarass ooh we have trax
00:14:46mby_next_time you can die so much
00:14:49mby_next_time with invis hero XD
00:14:51TakinBackMyLove roff
00:14:52TakinBackMyLove stf
00:14:55TakinBackMyLove sstfu you suck hard
00:15:03mby_next_time HEY HE GOT INVIS!
00:15:08VanillaThunder oom
00:15:52TakinBackMyLove people
00:15:55TakinBackMyLove tp
00:15:56mby_next_time i can tp
00:15:58mby_next_time but wont solo
00:16:18edgarass def
00:16:59mby_next_time :))
00:17:03mby_next_time so worthless game
00:17:17edgarass woho i got boots
00:17:24AliBaba i dont even got boots
00:17:25mby_next_time get some brain
00:17:29mby_next_time would be good
00:17:42j22koer ?
00:18:08TakinBackMyLove ez
00:18:53edgarass illu
00:19:07VanillaThunder oom
00:20:31mby_next_time lovely
00:21:50VanillaThunder thx
00:21:56karadpowaa np
00:22:17mby_next_time well
00:22:20mby_next_time in next 5 minutes
00:22:24mby_next_time he can 1/5 us all :D
00:22:32TakinBackMyLove nah
00:22:37FirstBlood rosh first
00:22:38karadpowaa don't prolong xd
00:22:39TakinBackMyLove we go to much slow
00:22:40mby_next_time deso he got already
00:22:42j22koer true that
00:22:44TakinBackMyLove i nkow
00:22:49VanillaThunder i push bot
00:23:06AliBaba hunter
00:23:22karadpowaa go finish
00:23:24karadpowaa they got nothing
00:23:32FirstBlood k
00:23:34FirstBlood sure
00:24:46j22koer gogo lets makeit before 25
00:24:57karadpowaa why?
00:25:00karadpowaa we get bonus?
00:25:03VanillaThunder y
00:25:05j22koer ofc we get
00:25:06karadpowaa then go
00:25:16FirstBlood fast :D
00:25:31karadpowaa three
00:25:31karadpowaa lanaya
00:25:33karadpowaa xD
00:25:38VanillaThunder :D
00:25:39karadpowaa tree*
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