Game #4694177

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+27 X
+2 TS

91% | 1634 X | 1464 TS

+36 X
+1 TS

87% | 1644 X | 1435 TS

+47 X
+5 TS

88% | 1624 X | 1425 TS

+1 X
+1 TS

77% | 1463 X | 1403 TS

-24 X
+26 TS

39% | 1229 X | 1138 TS

+22 X
-2 TS

92% | 1614 X | 1518 TS

-26 X
-2 TS

87% | 1582 X | 1457 TS

-6 X
-2 TS

79% | 1505 X | 1390 TS

-57 X
-2 TS

73% | 1420 X | 1378 TS

-12 X
-2 TS

55% | 1261 X | 1337 TS

Chat log

00:00:17Skinkemaden wl
00:00:17Bct_Murder i want ogre
00:00:17creeeeeee uhh i'd like that invokerrr
00:00:17A-tzangol slark
00:00:28A-tzangol get7es
00:00:31A-tzangol anyone wanna
00:00:36A-tzangol i go wd
00:00:43Bct_Murder i want ogre
00:00:56Zulu es
00:00:57Zulu for me
00:00:58Zulu go
00:01:01Bct_Murder strom you play with ogre?
00:01:03creeeeeee get him es
00:01:04mby_next_time hm strom what will you play?
00:01:09Strom not sure
00:01:11P3PSI ck still there
00:01:13P3PSI -clear
00:01:15mby_next_time cary orn ot?
00:01:21P3PSI panda venge ?
00:01:26A-tzangol get ck
00:01:27Skinkemaden cree you can also mid
00:01:28Skinkemaden if you wanna ?
00:01:34mby_next_time you want strom?
00:01:36creeeeeee i'd love some fast lvls :)
00:01:40Zulu -swap 33
00:01:41soya -swap 4
00:01:41A-tzangol i can ck too
00:01:42mby_next_time or i play it?
00:01:42Strom to swap wtih ck?
00:01:43Zulu -swap
00:01:45mby_next_time yah
00:01:45Zulu -swap 3
00:01:47Skinkemaden so can i go aggresive with my mates
00:01:48Zulu -clear
00:01:49Strom well I guess
00:01:53creeeeeee yea
00:01:54mby_next_time yes?
00:01:58creeeeeee have tons of stuns
00:01:59A-tzangol if u can carry i can play wd
00:02:15P3PSI lanes ?
00:02:15mby_next_time []hm
00:02:20mby_next_time -swap 1
00:02:22Zulu venge
00:02:22Strom actually I think I'll play with this ogre
00:02:23Zulu plant
00:02:24Zulu wards
00:02:36zvaksy ok
00:02:37A-tzangol ogre ck top
00:02:39mby_next_time k no swap then
00:02:40A-tzangol panda zeus btm
00:02:48mby_next_time zeus
00:02:49mby_next_time you're bot
00:02:51mby_next_time lane
00:02:52mby_next_time -hhn
00:02:53mby_next_time -don
00:02:54mby_next_time -water red
00:02:55mby_next_time -clear
00:02:58Strom share chick
00:03:20Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: on
00:03:23Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: You control Apmyzt sita baxura [c,g,w,f]
00:03:24Strom share chick
00:03:47zvaksy kill
00:04:06Strom ss
00:04:57Bct_Murder gj
00:05:07Bct_Murder peope
00:05:11Bct_Murder stick work
00:05:15Bct_Murder if batrider use SLOW?
00:05:17P3PSI y
00:05:27Strom ss
00:05:29creeeeeee stun zus
00:05:37A-tzangol ss
00:07:05Bct_Murder omg
00:07:07Bct_Murder block
00:07:07Bct_Murder ;/
00:07:09mby_next_time well that farm like that
00:07:11mby_next_time will suck
00:07:24P3PSI ss bot
00:07:25mby_next_time omw mid
00:07:41mby_next_time rege bot
00:07:42soya oom
00:07:46P3PSI i take
00:08:16creeeeeee ck mid :/
00:08:17mby_next_time wd
00:08:21mby_next_time WD
00:08:23A-tzangol omw
00:08:25A-tzangol was buying
00:08:26A-tzangol soz
00:09:05A-tzangol ,e
00:09:05A-tzangol me
00:09:08mby_next_time kk
00:09:11mby_next_time omw top
00:09:20P3PSI ss bat
00:09:34A-tzangol ss mid
00:09:37Strom ss 2
00:10:07mby_next_time kk
00:10:11mby_next_time 1/31[]
00:10:14mby_next_time gonna love that game
00:10:33mby_next_time omw bot
00:10:35creeeeeee gj
00:10:38P3PSI bat
00:10:50A-tzangol b
00:10:59A-tzangol ogre
00:11:01mby_next_time lal 1/41
00:11:02A-tzangol why stun bat?
00:11:53Skinkemaden nice tp
00:12:20A-tzangol go top
00:12:23A-tzangol go
00:12:38mby_next_time 1/5/1
00:12:39mby_next_time thanks
00:13:08Bct_Murder sven strong gg
00:13:09Bct_Murder ff
00:13:44creeeeeee def top
00:14:45A-tzangol go
00:14:49A-tzangol go
00:14:51A-tzangol i tp
00:14:58A-tzangol go
00:15:07P3PSI ..
00:15:20mby_next_time maledict?
00:15:24A-tzangol missed
00:15:27mby_next_time ...
00:15:30A-tzangol when u blink striked
00:15:48Bct_Murder 200 and mana boots ...
00:15:55soya mid
00:16:09zvaksy power treads
00:16:17zvaksy change
00:16:57A-tzangol god
00:17:16A-tzangol b
00:17:17A-tzangol zeus
00:17:20Strom pipes and bkbs needed
00:17:52A-tzangol go
00:17:53A-tzangol panda ulti
00:17:53A-tzangol ?
00:17:53A-tzangol no
00:17:53mby_next_time god
00:17:53mby_next_time 1/5/1
00:17:53mby_next_time ck
00:17:53mby_next_time fucking lovely
00:17:53zvaksy -roll
00:17:53Zulu -roll
00:17:56A-tzangol venge i guess
00:17:56Skinkemaden venge
00:17:56Skinkemaden sry bro
00:17:56mby_next_time i hope sven :D
00:17:56mby_next_time :P
00:17:56Bct_Murder :DDDDDDDDD
00:17:56zvaksy xD
00:17:56A-tzangol Sven go
00:17:56Skinkemaden said venge
00:17:56Zulu sven imo also
00:17:56Strom lets def bot?
00:17:56mby_next_time Ya imo same
00:17:56Strom I can micro panda
00:17:56Strom oh, he hasn o ulti
00:17:56Skinkemaden just waiting for venge to leave
00:17:56mby_next_time zvasky you got to leave if capitan said so
00:17:56Strom then better send panda home
00:17:56mby_next_time it's banable if you dont leave.
00:17:56A-tzangol yep
00:17:56Bct_Murder VENGE LEAVE , here is admin , if you dont leave , you get ban :)
00:17:56A-tzangol take soul ring if u need
00:17:56A-tzangol ogre
00:17:56zvaksy ok i leave
00:17:56A-tzangol or ck
00:17:56mby_next_time i got alredy
00:17:56zvaksy see you
00:17:56A-tzangol take soul ring if u need it
00:17:56A-tzangol okay
00:17:56mby_next_time by my farm is so poor :D
00:17:56A-tzangol Bb
00:18:35mby_next_time lal
00:18:45mby_next_time i tp fo some gang and what i get
00:18:47mby_next_time i get ganged
00:18:49mby_next_time fucking lovely
00:19:01A-tzangol nice steal
00:19:02A-tzangol zeus
00:19:09Bct_Murder sorry i dont want
00:19:13Bct_Murder i want try help you :)
00:19:14A-tzangol i am suer
00:19:18Bct_Murder i use ulti and tp up
00:19:30Skinkemaden why do all their team tp
00:19:32Skinkemaden and no one
00:19:47A-tzangol care
00:20:10Strom def top tower?
00:20:20Strom guess not
00:20:22A-tzangol its down
00:20:41Skinkemaden go no
00:20:42Skinkemaden on
00:20:46mby_next_time mh
00:20:47mby_next_time hm
00:20:47Bct_Murder ulti rdy
00:20:50mby_next_time what should i go
00:20:53mby_next_time mordigan?
00:20:55A-tzangol hot
00:20:55mby_next_time vanguard?
00:20:58mby_next_time lal XD
00:20:59A-tzangol armlet nice
00:21:00A-tzangol y
00:21:01A-tzangol hot
00:21:05A-tzangol or bkb
00:21:33Bct_Murder !ff
00:21:34Bct_Murder ff
00:21:45mby_next_time seriously
00:21:47mby_next_time yuo dotn care
00:21:49mby_next_time about top tower?
00:21:50Bct_Murder 0 def ...
00:21:56Strom I was healing
00:21:56Bct_Murder 0 help wtf team ...
00:22:52A-tzangol go
00:23:02A-tzangol CK
00:23:09A-tzangol use blink strike on bat
00:23:10A-tzangol omg
00:23:12mby_next_time 2 far?
00:23:15mby_next_time tried?
00:23:16Bct_Murder ok enought this ck imba failer ...
00:23:22A-tzangol lol
00:23:23Strom this ck
00:23:26Strom is playing weird
00:23:28A-tzangol dont tell me u tried
00:23:29A-tzangol omg
00:23:33A-tzangol i know whats the range
00:23:39mby_next_time you dont have to bleieve
00:23:40mby_next_time idc
00:23:43Skinkemaden reuse
00:23:45Strom ck, seriously, why didn't you come to kill bat & invoker?
00:23:53Strom we could have killed both
00:23:57Strom instead I ended up being alone
00:24:04mby_next_time dude i died
00:24:05mby_next_time 6 times
00:24:09mby_next_time going with you died like 3 times
00:24:10Strom you didn't die right now
00:24:10A-tzangol su
00:24:12A-tzangol plz
00:24:12mby_next_time wont go like that again
00:24:21mby_next_time kk i wont talk anymore
00:24:58Strom reuse chick
00:25:08Bct_Murder nice item sven :)
00:25:27creeeeeee 5ss
00:25:31creeeeeee could use some wards tho
00:25:37creeeeeee but i'd like to get my scep first
00:25:40A-tzangol go hot
00:25:41A-tzangol ck
00:25:41A-tzangol plz
00:25:44mby_next_time su
00:25:47A-tzangol omg
00:25:49A-tzangol u dont know
00:25:50A-tzangol shit
00:25:53A-tzangol go hot
00:25:55A-tzangol and u will see
00:25:57mby_next_time already said
00:25:58mby_next_time su
00:26:04A-tzangol go battlefury
00:26:05A-tzangol then
00:26:07A-tzangol nap
00:26:12A-tzangol or sange
00:26:16A-tzangol or
00:26:18A-tzangol best item
00:26:22A-tzangol go disarm
00:26:26A-tzangol for sven
00:26:31A-tzangol + u get evasion
00:26:42Strom ck doesn't have manapool for direct halbred
00:26:53A-tzangol whats the mana cost
00:26:54A-tzangol >
00:26:57Strom 200 or something
00:26:59Strom it's insane
00:27:00A-tzangol oh
00:27:01A-tzangol jizz
00:27:39Strom oh boy
00:27:52Bct_Murder omg ;/
00:28:17Skinkemaden wtf
00:28:18Skinkemaden taem
00:28:50A-tzangol LOL
00:28:54A-tzangol my ulti bounces 4 times
00:28:58Strom 5
00:29:03Strom with lvl3 agha
00:29:05A-tzangol what u mean 5
00:29:08A-tzangol i am
00:29:11A-tzangol with agha
00:29:12A-tzangol 4
00:29:16mby_next_time lvl 3
00:29:18mby_next_time ultui
00:29:19A-tzangol yeah
00:29:19Strom well patch notes said lvl3 agha 5 bounces
00:29:37Skinkemaden go
00:29:38Skinkemaden .
00:29:45A-tzangol go bait
00:29:46A-tzangol ck
00:30:11Strom I'll play panda
00:30:45mby_next_time KK
00:30:54Bct_Murder no mana ;/
00:31:00mby_next_time problem was no vision
00:31:06mby_next_time cause clicked mordigan in wrong moment
00:31:55Strom I'll go pipe
00:32:39Bct_Murder I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:32:55Strom I'll play with panda again
00:32:56mby_next_time they come
00:32:57mby_next_time bot
00:32:59mby_next_time care wd
00:33:02mby_next_time all bot are
00:33:23A-tzangol always rift
00:33:25A-tzangol firs
00:33:25A-tzangol t
00:33:27A-tzangol ...
00:33:33mby_next_time ya rift
00:33:35mby_next_time to death
00:33:37mby_next_time to bat
00:33:40mby_next_time wise capitna
00:33:43A-tzangol ..
00:33:54A-tzangol why are u so arrogant?
00:34:02mby_next_time why you even talk to me?
00:34:10A-tzangol u asked for item build
00:34:12A-tzangol and u go shit
00:34:14A-tzangol items
00:34:15A-tzangol now
00:34:35mby_next_time well i went mordigan boy
00:34:37mby_next_time how you said
00:34:44mby_next_time and went for domi mask cause i needed life steal
00:34:54A-tzangol no
00:34:55A-tzangol u dont
00:34:59A-tzangol need lifestea
00:35:07mby_next_time yes i do and idc what you think about that item
00:35:24A-tzangol look
00:35:25A-tzangol when u got
00:35:27A-tzangol a hero
00:35:30A-tzangol that can crit 800 dmg
00:35:32mby_next_time why you even try
00:35:33mby_next_time talking
00:35:34A-tzangol u need endurance
00:35:39A-tzangol its simple
00:35:42A-tzangol now stfu
00:35:42A-tzangol plz
00:35:48mby_next_time you're the one
00:35:49mby_next_time here
00:35:50mby_next_time who start
00:35:51mby_next_time talking
00:36:04A-tzangol go buriza
00:36:32soya go mid?
00:37:00Skinkemaden go mid
00:37:01Skinkemaden y
00:37:58Strom care force
00:40:40A-tzangol b
00:41:37Bct_Murder ..........
00:42:24Bct_Murder nice .......
00:42:30A-tzangol bkb for 0.1 sec
00:42:30Bct_Murder succside becous want destroy tower ...
00:42:38A-tzangol not that i would survive
00:42:52Strom pink, play panda
00:42:54A-tzangol y
00:42:56A-tzangol i am
00:43:24Bct_Murder I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:43:31mby_next_time I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:44:14Strom I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:44:17A-tzangol I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
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