Game #4587189

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-42 X
-2 TS

100% | 2125 X | 1682 TS

+15 X
-2 TS

62% | 1331 X | 1328 TS

-51 X
-11 TS

58% | 1348 X | 1282 TS

-45 X
-10 TS

59% | 1321 X | 1299 TS

-11 X
-6 TS

59% | 1326 X | 1283 TS

+38 X
+2 TS

95% | 1715 X | 1544 TS

+23 X
+2 TS

85% | 1509 X | 1481 TS

+26 X
+3 TS

79% | 1568 X | 1347 TS

+24 X
+2 TS

70% | 1387 X | 1387 TS

+31 X
+4 TS

23% | 1029 X | 1240 TS

Chat log

00:00:05sebralane tra see firstblood
00:00:07sebralane stronk player
00:00:20mrk slark
00:00:20mrk am
00:00:20pursuewhatstrue -clear
00:00:20Tkora instant victory
00:00:20mrk tahaks alchet
00:00:20pursuewhatstrue u in my team
00:00:20sebralane blood will fail
00:00:20Tkora plus when you add my pwnage
00:00:20pursuewhatstrue painful lose
00:00:20Tkora its awesome
00:00:20Tkora :)
00:00:20FirstBlood -ck
00:00:20sebralane ur lastpick is best carry.gc
00:00:25Tkora i like to give away bad first impression
00:00:44sebralane any1 want something?
00:00:45Fintrollx have fun man
00:00:49mrk get mid
00:00:50Fintrollx i mean boy
00:00:51mrk kelto
00:00:52mrk või sebra
00:00:53oo0OoO0oo iam woods
00:00:57sebralane ei taha
00:01:03pursuewhatstrue me solo bot then
00:01:10FirstBlood im not boy anymore :)
00:01:17Fintrollx i meant Tkora
00:01:25mrk see sky
00:01:28mrk liiga imba hero
00:01:33mrk mulle hakkas ka meeldima
00:01:36sebralane massive damage jah
00:01:37FirstBlood pick stun
00:01:39Tkora i just like you all man
00:01:40FirstBlood last pick
00:01:49sebralane ma proovin sind 2ra suppordida
00:01:54sebralane v6i siis teen radi
00:01:56pursuewhatstrue if u let me solo down
00:01:57sebralane kui sa hakkama ei saa
00:02:02mrk maxin stunni
00:02:05mrk ole metsas
00:02:24sebralane ma maxin vacuumi siis
00:02:33pursuewhatstrue check it
00:02:34pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: off
00:02:34mrk pole vaja vast
00:02:36pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:36FirstBlood -music special
00:02:37pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: You control Nerubian Assassin [e,r,d,v]
00:02:38sebralane lvl 3 tule ganki
00:02:42pursuewhatstrue -clear
00:02:43mrk shell 4 1 haste
00:02:49Tkora -pwn on
00:02:49pursuewhatstrue check check it
00:02:52mrk 2 vacuum
00:02:53sebralane ja statse? :D
00:02:55Kace_J -ms
00:03:00FirstBlood -ownig on
00:03:01mrk @ 7
00:03:02sebralane stazts stats stsats
00:03:06sebralane best for ds
00:03:08Tkora :)
00:03:18mrk dvj
00:03:20mrk get nahhui
00:03:25sebralane nah
00:03:28sebralane leeching xpi
00:03:45mrk mad boots roof
00:04:35sebralane lvl 3 tulen
00:04:41KeLToS what a disgustin hero
00:04:48FirstBlood ss mid
00:05:38mrk nüüd
00:05:42mrk luna
00:06:17Kace_J fuck
00:06:25sebralane aega l2ks aga asja asi
00:06:29Vilkuky awnt gank mid?
00:06:33sebralane pullin veel
00:06:38mrk hahaha
00:06:39mrk see luna
00:06:43mrk sai 50%
00:06:44mrk dmg
00:06:46mrk lvl 2
00:06:47mrk stunist
00:06:57mrk lähme kohe
00:07:00FirstBlood ss mid
00:07:01mrk tule
00:07:10oo0OoO0oo wtf fucking nab
00:07:18oo0OoO0oo fucking idiot
00:07:21KeLToS 1
00:07:28sebralane tukle
00:07:28sebralane sky
00:07:44oo0OoO0oo die sucker
00:07:45oo0OoO0oo nab
00:07:53Tkora omg
00:07:58Tkora how can a 100% die
00:08:01Tkora fucking hacker
00:08:03pursuewhatstrue come
00:08:04pursuewhatstrue got ult
00:08:17oo0OoO0oo no
00:08:18KeLToS ss
00:08:23pursuewhatstrue got ult
00:08:31oo0OoO0oo ok ill pull
00:08:33FirstBlood -music orc2
00:08:45Kace_J fcuk
00:08:52Kace_J omg§
00:09:08oo0OoO0oo i pull this wave
00:09:23pursuewhatstrue i kill
00:09:24pursuewhatstrue alone
00:09:26sebralane pale pulli
00:10:25Kace_J why
00:10:25mrk puts
00:10:27Kace_J no port
00:10:29sebralane :D
00:10:32sebralane ise l2ksid juurde
00:10:33KeLToS bitch
00:10:35pursuewhatstrue go ult
00:10:36Tkora fuck it
00:10:50oo0OoO0oo omw
00:11:07pursuewhatstrue sry
00:11:38mrk -st
00:11:44pursuewhatstrue i tp
00:11:57mrk tee seerile ka
00:11:58mrk soulring
00:11:59mrk 1st
00:12:05mrk saad lõputult metsas olla
00:12:05sebralane manabootsid juba
00:12:07mrk ah
00:12:11mrk ss2 top
00:12:18mrk las ma vaikselt
00:12:20mrk farmin nüüd
00:12:28sebralane tra
00:12:32sebralane vaata mida ma ostsin
00:12:39mrk next level
00:12:45sebralane 1 vreep
00:12:50oo0OoO0oo ss bot
00:13:03pursuewhatstrue go
00:13:03KeLToS mid?
00:13:04FirstBlood towre
00:13:06Vilkuky I tp
00:13:28Fintrollx twr
00:13:29KeLToS die 4 me bitches
00:13:40Kace_J kokoti
00:14:13mrk pls
00:14:47pursuewhatstrue go
00:14:48pursuewhatstrue gank
00:14:55Vilkuky ty sebra
00:14:55mrk tule
00:14:56mrk combome
00:15:03mrk ma lendan
00:15:04mrk lothariga
00:15:08mrk siis vacuum+stun
00:15:32mrk savi
00:15:57mrk TP NOW
00:17:24Kace_J pice
00:17:40sebralane oom
00:17:43pursuewhatstrue instead oif stealing try to attack some1 else ?
00:17:44pursuewhatstrue captain
00:18:04FirstBlood next time try stun at least 2
00:18:38oo0OoO0oo go him all
00:18:56pursuewhatstrue i wont tp there
00:19:41pursuewhatstrue wtf happened here
00:19:49FirstBlood tree use your ulty sooner next time
00:19:53oo0OoO0oo fat alche won
00:19:59sebralane lol ma arvasin, et a noob sain surma
00:20:01Tkora ok
00:20:10sebralane tule cambime neid
00:20:16mrk luna saab insta
00:20:19mrk kui ma üksi läheks
00:20:20pursuewhatstrue he was not my lane
00:20:26pursuewhatstrue my lane was fine
00:20:34oo0OoO0oo he got 4 kills and 8 assist
00:20:35oo0OoO0oo its gg
00:20:36Kace_J ogm
00:20:52mrk tp vaja
00:21:01sebralane tule mid
00:21:02sebralane mul dust
00:21:06pursuewhatstrue LOL
00:21:11pursuewhatstrue this noob already dominating
00:21:42Tkora y
00:21:46Tkora weird game
00:21:49pursuewhatstrue luna very usefull
00:21:51Vilkuky reuse
00:21:56pursuewhatstrue for enemy team
00:21:57oo0OoO0oo just ff at 25
00:21:57pursuewhatstrue only
00:22:04pursuewhatstrue Kace
00:22:07pursuewhatstrue why the fuck pick
00:22:07pursuewhatstrue luna
00:22:10pursuewhatstrue if u even cant farm
00:22:46Fintrollx i b
00:22:53pursuewhatstrue just one noob
00:22:56pursuewhatstrue and whole game
00:22:56pursuewhatstrue lost
00:22:57pursuewhatstrue ...
00:23:03Tkora i had the feeling
00:23:05sebralane best ds ever
00:23:10Tkora that this game would be fucked up
00:23:12Tkora unreal
00:23:20pursuewhatstrue 07 09
00:23:28pursuewhatstrue and top was 2 melee
00:23:29pursuewhatstrue hmmm
00:23:39Tkora fucked up right?
00:24:01mrk putsis
00:24:08sebralane have lag=
00:24:51Fintrollx bot or top?
00:24:54mrk both
00:24:55Fintrollx push
00:25:46mrk tal dust
00:25:48mrk :D
00:25:51pursuewhatstrue :D
00:25:58mrk näha oli
00:25:59sebralane miks neil dust oli
00:25:59mrk keerutas
00:26:00pursuewhatstrue how alche dead so fast
00:26:01mrk ootas dusti
00:26:03mrk minu pärast
00:26:06mrk baasis ka pani seal
00:26:07FirstBlood my ulty
00:26:07sebralane nujah
00:26:15mrk ma tegin valesti
00:26:18mrk ülivale ajastus
00:26:21pursuewhatstrue we can win?
00:26:21pursuewhatstrue :D
00:26:24mrk sky hüppas välja kui stuni panin
00:26:25oo0OoO0oo maybe
00:26:33pursuewhatstrue if luna leaves
00:26:35pursuewhatstrue and some1 balances
00:26:51pursuewhatstrue look at my mana and hp
00:26:53pursuewhatstrue :D
00:27:17pursuewhatstrue -afk
00:27:39KeLToS HAHA
00:27:47pursuewhatstrue hmmm
00:27:49oo0OoO0oo wp
00:27:52Vilkuky lol qop :D
00:27:52pursuewhatstrue they changed the skill
00:27:53sebralane tule nyyd
00:27:54KeLToS ;D
00:29:14pursuewhatstrue captain your opinion on why we lose ?
00:29:18mrk no putsi
00:29:25sebralane ise feedid
00:29:26oo0OoO0oo youseless luna
00:29:38Tkora i failed hard too
00:29:40Tkora i am sorry
00:29:44FirstBlood luna farmed and dont have any items
00:29:51Kace_J 11
00:29:53Kace_J death
00:29:57Kace_J ik
00:29:58pursuewhatstrue i
00:30:02pursuewhatstrue :D
00:30:02mrk -st
00:30:10Kace_J kao
00:30:10sebralane -st
00:30:12Kace_J ko
00:30:12pursuewhatstrue garena is more fun
00:30:14Kace_J KO
00:30:23mrk rohkem kui su bounty
00:30:24mrk samal ajal
00:30:25Tkora I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:27Tkora type ff
00:30:33sebralane misasi
00:30:36sebralane st?
00:30:38mrk 2,5k
00:30:49sebralane ma farmisin ka samal ajal
00:30:57sebralane ja meil polnud raxi ka maas
00:31:07FirstBlood I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:16mrk vabandused
00:31:53sebralane munn
00:31:56pursuewhatstrue :D
00:31:56sebralane mul polegi hexi nyyd
00:32:28pursuewhatstrue lothar on naix never tryed it
00:32:30pursuewhatstrue any good ?
00:32:49pursuewhatstrue \3
00:32:49pursuewhatstrue 2
00:32:50pursuewhatstrue 1
00:32:55Kace_J ..
00:32:57pursuewhatstrue :D
00:33:21mrk sured
00:33:47sebralane wtf is this shit?
00:33:49sebralane some1 haxing?
00:33:59sebralane every time naix in fight my screen forzes
00:34:18sebralane tee ac nyyd
00:34:22sebralane tee divine
00:34:26sebralane anna neile v6imalust ka
00:34:33Vilkuky no divine
00:34:35Vilkuky lol
00:34:41Vilkuky If naix gets it
00:34:43Vilkuky its gg
00:34:52mrk -st
00:34:54sebralane thats what we counting on
00:35:02Vilkuky no need to risk the whole game
00:35:10Vilkuky atleast without aegis
00:35:18sebralane tule jah roshi
00:35:23Kace_J -ms
00:36:01mrk pls
00:36:02mrk feed them
00:36:04mrk or dont push
00:36:14mrk that's the spirit
00:36:16FirstBlood go
00:36:35sebralane 300 ping
00:36:35KeLToS why dont we have gem )
00:36:37sebralane for the luls
00:36:43mrk MY BAD
00:36:44mrk PLS
00:36:50mrk VITTU
00:36:51mrk EI SAANUD LOTHAR
00:36:59FirstBlood tower
00:37:00Kace_J can win ?
00:37:02oo0OoO0oo y
00:37:04FirstBlood we could
00:37:05oo0OoO0oo thx to me
00:37:07Tkora nah we cant
00:37:09sebralane see on ff kah
00:37:10FirstBlood if they will fail
00:37:10FirstBlood a lot
00:37:11sebralane mul laagib
00:37:13sebralane 400 ping
00:37:14pursuewhatstrue 1
00:37:16sebralane midagi teha ei saa
00:37:22mrk dropi siis
00:37:23mrk won
00:37:25mrk müün itemid
00:37:26mrk insta bkb
00:37:27mrk gg
00:37:30sebralane krobe t2is pointlessfuck
00:37:31pursuewhatstrue b
00:37:34mrk nah
00:37:35mrk teen bkb
00:37:37mrk nad ei tee sittagi
00:37:43mrk enne divine
00:37:46FirstBlood they have gem either
00:37:57sebralane mul tuleb waiting for layer ka ette?
00:38:00mrk jah
00:38:08sebralane go mid all 5
00:38:11sebralane we have gm
00:38:22FirstBlood come all together
00:38:25FirstBlood and buy smoke
00:38:27oo0OoO0oo roam guys
00:38:27FirstBlood somebody
00:38:56Kace_J nerub
00:38:58Kace_J u have it
00:39:01Kace_J see ?
00:39:04FirstBlood use smoke
00:39:10oo0OoO0oo stay b
00:39:18FirstBlood naix
00:39:19FirstBlood come
00:39:21pursuewhatstrue b
00:39:24sebralane why u farm with gem
00:39:28oo0OoO0oo ill tptop
00:39:47oo0OoO0oo def
00:39:53Tkora now we lost
00:39:55Tkora lose
00:40:34oo0OoO0oo gg
00:40:39Tkora as i have said
00:40:40Tkora we lost
00:40:45mrk see oli veits sitt vacuum:D
00:41:07pursuewhatstrue I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:15Kace_J I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:19oo0OoO0oo I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
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