Game #4568016

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+42 X
+3 TS

100% | 2126 X | 1673 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

85% | 1534 X | 1449 TS

+53 X
+2 TS

71% | 1423 X | 1352 TS

+36 X
+5 TS

65% | 1387 X | 1315 TS

+63 X
+2 TS

46% | 1185 X | 1328 TS

-42 X
-2 TS

95% | 1746 X | 1505 TS

-35 X
-3 TS

91% | 1666 X | 1424 TS

-47 X
-2 TS

89% | 1613 X | 1455 TS

-68 X
-3 TS

74% | 1431 X | 1384 TS

-25 X
-12 TS

46% | 1247 X | 1273 TS

Chat log

00:00:04diesel lich alche luna
00:00:09Diablo doom enigma na
00:00:11WANKmaster eza abba tb
00:00:15Rasmus.Seebach anyone want phinixx
00:00:20Diablo i want
00:00:21Diablo fenix?
00:00:22Diablo pls?
00:00:23WANKmaster guys
00:00:24WANKmaster what
00:00:25WANKmaster u got
00:00:26fUNCh ds/husk/sf
00:00:28diesel funch
00:00:29Diablo rasmus?
00:00:29Rasmus.Seebach what you have???
00:00:29diesel anna sf
00:00:30WANKmaster eza abba tb
00:00:32fUNCh mis sul on
00:00:33Xeros -music orc2
00:00:36Diablo enigma doom nerubian assasin?
00:00:36diesel lich alche
00:00:37WANKmaster xeros
00:00:37Xeros kunka lesh viper
00:00:38diesel luna
00:00:38WANKmaster what u got
00:00:38FirstBlood sky, davion, spider
00:00:39Tkora destro skeleton king ursa
00:00:39WANKmaster ok
00:00:41FirstBlood brood
00:00:42Diablo what u want?
00:00:45WANKmaster i can lesh
00:00:46Diablo rasmus?
00:00:47Rasmus.Seebach davian
00:00:47Xeros ok
00:00:48WANKmaster if u want something
00:00:48WANKmaster what others
00:00:48WANKmaster have
00:00:48WANKmaster strom
00:00:48WANKmaster mis sul on
00:00:48Rasmus.Seebach dk
00:00:48Rasmus.Seebach right
00:00:48fUNCh saad soloma sf'ga ikka ?
00:00:48Diablo dont have dk
00:00:48Xeros i want aba
00:00:48FirstBlood i have
00:00:48FirstBlood dk
00:00:48Diablo i have doom enigma and na
00:00:48Rasmus.Seebach na
00:00:48WANKmaster sure
00:00:48Diablo ok
00:00:48diesel ei tea
00:00:48WANKmaster ill get u that
00:00:48Diablo i give u na
00:00:48FirstBlood give me sf
00:00:48diesel anna talle siis pohh
00:00:48Diablo GIVE HIM SF.
00:00:48Diablo :)
00:00:48fUNCh swap dk then
00:00:49FirstBlood k
00:00:50Tkora i can destro or someone wants him sk or ursa
00:00:53fUNCh who wants dk ?
00:00:55FirstBlood -swap 3
00:00:57fUNCh -swap 1
00:00:58Diablo -swap
00:01:01Diablo -swap 5
00:01:05Strom furion rexxar jugger
00:01:05Rasmus.Seebach -swap 4
00:01:07FirstBlood or rasmus
00:01:08FirstBlood ?
00:01:09WANKmaster ok
00:01:09Rasmus.Seebach -clear
00:01:10WANKmaster give me lehs
00:01:13Xeros ok
00:01:19fUNCh -swap 2
00:01:20Xeros -swap 1
00:01:21WANKmaster -swap 2
00:01:22Diablo -clear
00:01:31Rasmus.Seebach lol
00:01:33Rasmus.Seebach faill
00:01:48Diablo lich nova or
00:01:52Diablo ritual?
00:01:52WANKmaster võta furi
00:01:53WANKmaster ja tule
00:01:55WANKmaster midi gankima
00:01:57WANKmaster sellega
00:01:57diesel ritual
00:01:58WANKmaster sf-i
00:02:02Diablo ok
00:02:02FirstBlood y
00:02:11Diablo thought of fb
00:02:16Strom võtsin rexxari, stune vaja räigelt meil
00:02:23WANKmaster sed ka
00:02:24Diablo they are fucking tanky
00:03:07Joda lol die
00:03:10Rasmus.Seebach lol
00:03:11Rasmus.Seebach nice
00:03:12Rasmus.Seebach dk
00:03:15fUNCh fogged bitch
00:03:22Joda didnt sheild hit u?
00:03:28Joda do it need vision.. since when
00:03:28fUNCh it wont hit in fog
00:04:21Strom rune top
00:04:48WANKmaster yeah
00:04:49WANKmaster na
00:04:49WANKmaster mid
00:04:50WANKmaster nice
00:04:57FirstBlood tz
00:05:00Xeros ss
00:05:04Strom :d
00:05:05Tkora cant get shit farm
00:05:12Joda top is freefarm
00:05:14Joda come here then
00:05:16Strom yea
00:05:19Strom ursa should swap
00:05:23Strom bot is horror lane
00:05:24Joda i come bot
00:05:35Diablo ursa
00:05:37Diablo ss
00:06:10FirstBlood care
00:06:31Tkora gj
00:08:24FirstBlood he will come
00:08:38Strom blah, didn't notice heal at first :S :S
00:08:44WANKmaster SERIOUSLY
00:08:46WANKmaster ff
00:09:04WANKmaster everytime
00:09:05WANKmaster i go
00:09:06WANKmaster kill
00:09:07WANKmaster sf
00:09:09WANKmaster rasmus is there
00:09:11Joda bot is quite an impossible lane
00:09:12WANKmaster can
00:09:12WANKmaster u
00:09:13WANKmaster fucking
00:09:14WANKmaster say
00:09:16WANKmaster something???
00:09:20Strom well rasmus not in bot
00:09:21diesel mid missing
00:09:21diesel care
00:09:23Strom can't say
00:09:26Xeros ss 2 mid care
00:09:28FirstBlood ss mid
00:09:29FirstBlood care
00:09:31Xeros b
00:10:07Strom 'wl, we just need 6
00:10:09Joda y
00:10:11Strom then we can do SERIOUS dmg
00:10:28Strom ss bot
00:10:36Strom re
00:11:08Xeros stun
00:11:56Joda our lvls :D
00:12:11Strom tra rasmus tuleb meie baasi poolt
00:12:13Strom suht hea :D
00:12:45Diablo sf triple
00:13:32Rasmus.Seebach owned
00:13:34Rasmus.Seebach :D
00:13:58Joda s
00:14:03Xeros lol
00:14:04WANKmaster go
00:14:05WANKmaster ff
00:14:06WANKmaster again
00:14:10Xeros i have shield
00:14:16Joda impossible to reach lvl 6 ..
00:16:03Tkora ff
00:16:08Xeros ff
00:16:15diesel come
00:16:15Xeros ff
00:16:15diesel manta
00:16:19Strom guys
00:16:21Strom there's no ff
00:16:28WANKmaster seriously ? :D:d:
00:17:01WANKmaster tkora
00:17:04WANKmaster go forest
00:17:05WANKmaster farm
00:17:05WANKmaster wtf
00:17:06WANKmaster are
00:17:06WANKmaster u
00:17:07WANKmaster doing
00:18:07Joda this may be my worst game ever
00:18:14Joda lvl 6 16 min
00:18:15Joda boots
00:18:24FirstBlood go push mid tower
00:18:28Joda farmed 477 gold and lvl 6
00:18:30Strom go take rosh ursa
00:18:59diesel -7 streak
00:19:13Tkora games over
00:19:16WANKmaster noshit
00:19:38diesel regen
00:20:01Diablo who takes
00:20:09FirstBlood i should
00:21:08WANKmaster u are just waistin
00:21:09WANKmaster that ursa
00:21:12WANKmaster pointless pick
00:21:15WANKmaster if u play him
00:21:17WANKmaster like that
00:21:22Tkora lol
00:22:02Strom I think top lane should have been
00:22:04Strom wl + ursa
00:22:07Strom with wl taking slow
00:22:16Strom instead we had 3 lanes that didn't do well
00:22:17diesel manta
00:22:20diesel meka=-
00:24:18Joda pt ursa :S
00:25:06Xeros ff
00:25:08Joda ff
00:25:11Tkora ff
00:28:03Strom I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:05WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:05Joda I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:11Tkora I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:28:23Strom xeros, lets ff
00:28:28Strom can't win this
00:28:29Xeros I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:28:30WANKmaster I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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