Game #454030

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+36 X
+12 TS

90% | 1303 X | 1362 TS

+31 X
+7 TS

87% | 1169 X | 1429 TS

-28 X
+15 TS

77% | 1144 X | 1286 TS

+29 X
+39 TS

NEW | 1033 X | 1107 TS

+27 X
+6 TS

39% | 880 X | 1256 TS

-10 X
-4 TS

88% | 1292 X | 1358 TS

-22 X
-5 TS

86% | 1149 X | 1418 TS

-44 X
-3 TS

76% | 1076 X | 1360 TS

+13 X
-5 TS

54% | 1032 X | 1235 TS

-13 X
-3 TS

29% | 974 X | 1117 TS

Chat log

00:00:04AbiTh -rd
00:00:05AbiTh !
00:00:06AbiTh !!!!!!!
00:00:08Davvelito Liiiiiiving
00:00:08AbiTh ;..;
00:00:08SUPERmamus seppooo
00:00:08valiante COME ON
00:00:08Nagash -rd
00:00:08Davvelito or is it seppo
00:00:08seppo12 -rd
00:00:15seppo12 surry
00:00:16AbiTh -clear
00:00:16Kastrup i want venomancer
00:00:16seppo12 what bant?
00:00:16livingde4th ban doom?
00:00:16seppo12 doooom
00:00:16Kastrup the thing beside roof and bat
00:00:16seppo12 yy
00:00:16AbiTh viiver
00:00:16Kastrup :P
00:00:16livingde4th i could play some imba tinker am or weaver
00:00:16seppo12 ban doom and pick tinker ?
00:00:16livingde4th k
00:00:18seppo12 nah
00:00:18livingde4th i can play it
00:00:23seppo12 xxa
00:00:24seppo12 k
00:00:25Davvelito bat?
00:00:25livingde4th tinkeer
00:00:31valiante i riki?
00:00:33valiante or u
00:00:38livingde4th sa am or clinkz for carry
00:00:39Davvelito we can go to solo lane
00:00:41valiante i dont really wanna
00:00:41livingde4th pelaaks ite?
00:00:41AbiTh hmm
00:00:43Davvelito i can go woods with ds
00:00:44seppo12 emmä tätä
00:00:45AbiTh i go
00:00:45livingde4th seppo?
00:00:45seppo12 hyi
00:00:46AbiTh the
00:00:48AbiTh n
00:00:49livingde4th minkä haluat
00:00:51seppo12 oota
00:00:54seppo12 öö
00:00:57seppo12 am ?
00:01:03livingde4th -swap 1
00:01:03seppo12 -swap 2
00:01:09valiante i give veno to kastrup
00:01:15Kastrup jiibiduuubiduu
00:01:15Misha get tiny
00:01:16valiante hmm
00:01:24valiante who can handle tinker mid
00:01:24livingde4th noo od
00:01:30livingde4th one faggot that can beat tinekr
00:01:30AbiTh destro
00:01:42Nagash sitta kah
00:01:45Nagash ma võin sie failida
00:01:48Nagash drestrol famri vaja
00:01:49seppo12 battis boT with me ?
00:01:50livingde4th or actually beats tinker
00:01:55Davvelito i would rather lane with clock
00:01:58Davvelito since i need some farm
00:01:58livingde4th get obs bat?
00:01:58Davvelito atleast
00:02:00seppo12 true
00:02:02Nagash or?
00:02:03Kastrup -swap 2
00:02:04Davvelito i can get chick
00:02:04valiante -swap 5
00:02:05Misha tiny wtf?
00:02:06Davvelito or obs
00:02:07seppo12 atro can come bot aswell
00:02:07Davvelito i dont care
00:02:10Misha not very clever
00:02:11AbiTh od
00:02:11valiante tiny mid?
00:02:13livingde4th well i go gank mode if cant farm mid
00:02:14AbiTh ur not rop
00:02:14Misha mby copter?
00:02:15AbiTh with me
00:02:19Davvelito so chick or obs
00:02:20Davvelito on me
00:02:20Davvelito cap
00:02:21Nagash go down missha
00:02:24seppo12 chicken
00:02:26seppo12 -.-
00:02:30Misha copter mid
00:02:35livingde4th bane obs?
00:02:36livingde4th plz
00:02:38seppo12 chickun is must
00:02:39valiante really?
00:02:41Kastrup ehm rather with me
00:02:42livingde4th sweet gj
00:02:44AbiTh imo tiny veno bot
00:02:45Kastrup its should be gggggggg
00:02:45Kastrup reat
00:02:46Davvelito give me wards
00:02:46AbiTh copter top
00:02:47Davvelito i place to
00:02:48Misha tiny vs tinker 0-6
00:02:52seppo12 can u share ftw?
00:02:55livingde4th can gank with runes with obs :)
00:02:59AbiTh tiny veno bot
00:03:03valiante ye
00:03:05AbiTh mine alla
00:03:11valiante guys des is better
00:03:16Nagash tra se värdi ju täis tard
00:03:17valiante just max the imprisonment
00:03:23Nagash akotas laned lion lin aes ja centile
00:03:28seppo12 i can pull
00:03:31Kalkaros kk
00:03:32seppo12 right away
00:05:33Misha mid miss
00:05:44Misha caer top
00:06:34Kastrup i come midt ganking ko?
00:06:35Kastrup ok?
00:06:37Misha y
00:06:45Kastrup harras plz
00:06:52seppo12 ss
00:06:53seppo12 veno
00:07:07Kastrup ffs
00:07:14livingde4th rune down
00:07:17Misha take rune
00:07:18Kastrup omw
00:07:23livingde4th veno got rune
00:07:24livingde4th watchout
00:07:36Kastrup we need help bot
00:08:33valiante gj
00:08:49valiante i go check rune
00:08:59Kastrup ffs?
00:09:00Kastrup tiny?!
00:09:02Davvelito care
00:09:06Misha mid miss
00:09:13livingde4th rune down
00:09:22Kastrup whatever
00:09:26livingde4th help
00:09:38Misha mid miss care
00:09:39livingde4th wait
00:09:40livingde4th dont rush
00:10:15seppo12 atro pull ?
00:10:16livingde4th miss mid
00:10:19valiante i go place wards
00:10:34valiante rdy for gang?
00:10:36Misha y
00:10:50livingde4th tp
00:11:05Davvelito wp
00:11:10seppo12 ss
00:11:10seppo12 2
00:11:11Nagash imba gank:D
00:11:12seppo12 bot
00:11:14Davvelito i get
00:11:14valiante not doing that again
00:11:14Davvelito wards
00:11:15Davvelito for top
00:11:16livingde4th not wp
00:11:16Misha imba gank for sure
00:11:17valiante u dont run to him
00:11:17livingde4th imba played
00:11:20Davvelito :D
00:11:21valiante u wait for FUCKING rocket
00:11:26valiante else u give it away
00:11:37Kastrup need gank for bot
00:11:38Kastrup ¨'
00:11:52Kastrup tinker
00:12:08seppo12 still miss 2
00:12:37livingde4th 6 hp is epic
00:12:45Kastrup lucker that destroyer decided to block me
00:12:49Nagash am freefarms
00:13:00livingde4th well its not luck its his fail
00:13:06Kastrup indeed
00:13:07seppo12 no, its good decision
00:13:16livingde4th go od bane
00:13:25Nagash 10 misn freefarm for am
00:13:40Davvelito come
00:13:41Davvelito kil
00:13:42Davvelito top
00:14:20livingde4th twr
00:14:21livingde4th now
00:14:23livingde4th need bot
00:14:24Nagash why didi u fo that:D?
00:14:25Nagash do
00:14:32seppo12 kill is always a kill
00:14:33valiante get top guys
00:14:33seppo12 !!!
00:14:35seppo12 ;)
00:14:41livingde4th miss od
00:14:46seppo12 bot miss viper
00:14:49seppo12 + tiny
00:14:56seppo12 veno bavk
00:15:06livingde4th stay?=
00:15:11livingde4th sgtay
00:15:13livingde4th only 3
00:15:39Davvelito why
00:15:39Davvelito do
00:15:40Davvelito you move
00:15:42Davvelito away from wards
00:15:43Davvelito i buy
00:15:47livingde4th need obs
00:16:17livingde4th we need obs badly
00:16:19livingde4th i cant farm
00:16:20livingde4th bot
00:16:34livingde4th cos they camp mid constantly
00:16:36livingde4th runes also
00:16:40livingde4th be active plz
00:16:45livingde4th or we loose it very quickly
00:16:59Nagash hihihihi
00:17:13livingde4th obs plz
00:17:15seppo12 riki made some dmh
00:17:17Kastrup hes oom
00:17:17Davvelito otors
00:17:22valiante riki
00:17:26valiante just come top for more secure kills with me
00:17:32seppo12 bottle?
00:17:34seppo12 ;(
00:17:48seppo12 ty
00:17:58seppo12 3 bottom
00:18:43Kastrup rik1!``?!!
00:18:44Kastrup wtf?
00:18:48AbiTh fog
00:18:48livingde4th fine i suåpport gank and carry sametime
00:18:52Kastrup why not just hit him
00:18:54livingde4th ffs
00:18:54Kastrup he needed 1 hit
00:19:02AbiTh fog
00:19:09Kastrup u had the chance admit it
00:19:14livingde4th atleast dust would be nice
00:19:17seppo12 riki needs to be killed
00:19:19livingde4th gj
00:19:19AbiTh i didnt
00:19:19seppo12 dudes
00:19:26seppo12 omw mdi
00:19:40seppo12 bot tower
00:19:41seppo12 goes
00:19:45livingde4th tp
00:19:59livingde4th i cant alone
00:20:38seppo12 riki has had freefarm top :s
00:20:43Davvelito go them?
00:20:46seppo12 kil rocket
00:21:14Davvelito riki inc :(
00:22:25seppo12 gj guys
00:22:27valiante just farm abith
00:22:40livingde4th forcestaffil pääsee smogist pois?
00:22:42Kastrup no ulti
00:22:44seppo12 emt
00:22:46seppo12 kyl
00:22:46seppo12 joo
00:22:47seppo12 pääsee
00:22:52seppo12 kill
00:23:25seppo12 i go farm top
00:23:26seppo12 some
00:23:40valiante dude just ruin a bit extra
00:23:41valiante :D
00:24:01valiante no more dusted :D
00:24:03Davvelito t
00:24:03Davvelito t
00:24:10Kalkaros hp?
00:24:14AbiTh 1000000k
00:25:08valiante tinker
00:25:47livingde4th am mitä paskaa bildaat
00:25:50seppo12 mkb
00:25:52livingde4th mis btute tai manta
00:25:54seppo12 tota rikiä vastaa
00:26:01livingde4th ?
00:26:04livingde4th toimiiks se smogis
00:26:08seppo12 jaa mkb?
00:26:11livingde4th y
00:26:15seppo12 kyl
00:26:18livingde4th ja sulha on orbi?
00:26:58valiante farm farm riki
00:26:58valiante :)
00:27:04seppo12 true strike on 100% 1x crit
00:27:07seppo12 ei siis orb
00:27:08Kastrup ;)
00:27:20Davvelito HELP
00:27:25Davvelito ROKET
00:27:30livingde4th iuse dust
00:27:52livingde4th bah so styupid that u can hunt me behind 2 twrs
00:27:53Davvelito cock im stuck
00:28:16livingde4th gank od?
00:28:33valiante rocket first
00:28:48valiante tiny
00:28:49valiante wtf
00:29:29Kastrup tiny?
00:29:34Kastrup what made u change your helping us?
00:29:35valiante tiny seriously
00:29:36Nagash ff
00:29:37valiante u play so weird
00:29:39valiante sometimes well
00:29:41valiante most times u play shit
00:29:44seppo12 im oom
00:29:52Nagash im noob
00:30:01valiante nagash
00:30:02valiante just get
00:30:06valiante ur diffusal
00:30:09seppo12 tis kalkaros
00:30:10seppo12 imba
00:30:26livingde4th hmm ofc he plays with me
00:30:32livingde4th unlike our other gank heroes
00:30:36Misha upd
00:30:36livingde4th clock farms
00:30:48seppo12 now he baits nice
00:30:49seppo12 lu
00:30:56Davvelito get
00:30:57Davvelito bot
00:30:57Davvelito tower
00:31:40valiante gj
00:31:48livingde4th ugh
00:31:52livingde4th no dust no kill
00:32:36SUPERmamus noo
00:32:41seppo12 riki with 10 hp :(
00:32:44livingde4th y
00:32:45livingde4th silenced
00:32:46livingde4th cant
00:32:47livingde4th kill
00:33:07seppo12 XAXA
00:33:07Davvelito haha
00:33:08Davvelito cmon D:
00:33:09seppo12 craken
00:33:10seppo12 ^^
00:33:13seppo12 oh
00:33:14valiante for 2 creeps?
00:33:16seppo12 not craken
00:33:16livingde4th dotagods want me to kill
00:33:19seppo12 wat is it
00:33:20Kastrup not really worth it
00:33:29Kastrup WAIT
00:33:44Davvelito and dota gods hate me
00:33:52livingde4th y right
00:33:53livingde4th now
00:33:56livingde4th but it can turn around
00:34:03Davvelito been hating me for a week or so
00:34:04seppo12 hienosti mkb toimii
00:34:14Davvelito :D:D:
00:34:33Davvelito ghaha
00:34:40livingde4th argh need blink
00:34:42AbiTh gem
00:34:44AbiTh bane
00:34:49livingde4th b
00:35:34seppo12 im ooooom
00:35:47Misha we need dagger tiny
00:35:58valiante he has now
00:36:01livingde4th sepi vladia
00:36:04Kastrup ffs
00:36:05Kastrup DCARE
00:36:08Kastrup thety got gem
00:36:09Kastrup fs
00:36:09Kastrup fs
00:36:10Kastrup ffs
00:36:22valiante WHYYYYYYYYYY
00:36:27valiante u fucking do this on purpose?
00:36:28livingde4th u got it
00:36:29livingde4th :)
00:36:30Davvelito yay
00:36:33Davvelito 2 kill
00:36:33valiante stay in woods against gem heroes with 30%
00:36:35seppo12 rambo abith
00:36:37AbiTh i do this for fun
00:36:40valiante yes
00:36:42valiante and its fun to win!
00:36:48AbiTh nah
00:36:54AbiTh i dont care about winning
00:37:21AbiTh am has no manaburn
00:37:23AbiTh lal
00:37:32Nagash on kyll
00:37:34Kastrup b ut he has crazy farm
00:38:24livingde4th b
00:38:33Misha def base
00:38:53Nagash I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:39:02livingde4th toimiks mkb
00:39:04livingde4th smogis
00:39:06seppo12 y
00:39:08livingde4th imbaa
00:39:11seppo12 yep
00:39:17seppo12 ku se on 1x 100%critti
00:39:24seppo12 ni ei se sillai orbbiin vaikuta
00:40:11Davvelito doesnt look bright :D
00:40:31livingde4th love this staff
00:40:32livingde4th for tinker
00:40:56Misha b
00:41:10seppo12 need some1 to tank
00:41:13seppo12 i do the dmg
00:41:14seppo12 they roshan
00:41:15seppo12 btw
00:41:18seppo12 go fast
00:41:29seppo12 rocket
00:41:41seppo12 weird
00:41:49seppo12 dont go
00:41:55seppo12 tinker too far
00:41:57Kastrup I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:42:10valiante all meet
00:42:28Davvelito b
00:43:52seppo12 ?
00:43:53Davvelito nah
00:43:54Davvelito mid
00:44:07livingde4th od is fat
00:44:08livingde4th remember
00:44:50seppo12 i b
00:45:01Misha def
00:45:15SUPERmamus lol
00:45:22livingde4th veno wants me
00:45:25Nagash why don tyou ff
00:45:29Kastrup i did..
00:45:35seppo12 get some wards
00:45:39seppo12 and join me at rosh
00:45:46seppo12 before they get it
00:45:48livingde4th hex done
00:45:59seppo12 rocket
00:46:35valiante base
00:46:40seppo12 wards
00:46:44livingde4th need vision
00:46:45livingde4th before rosh
00:46:46seppo12 plant plz
00:46:50Misha 30sec to ulti
00:46:51Davvelito zzzzz
00:46:59livingde4th bat
00:47:01Davvelito y
00:47:01Davvelito i will
00:47:26Misha b
00:47:50Misha riki didnt give a shit
00:47:56Misha having fun alone i see
00:48:01livingde4th def
00:48:05Davvelito get
00:48:05Davvelito rax
00:48:10Misha backdoor
00:49:13valiante well he lost ankh
00:49:19livingde4th srry tpd to help u pretty oom
00:49:30Misha need 300
00:49:36Kastrup need 3000
00:50:01Davvelito go somewhere
00:50:01Davvelito 5 now
00:50:03Davvelito with gem
00:50:17AbiTh gem
00:50:19AbiTh on am
00:50:47Kastrup -ii
00:51:14Misha I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:52:58seppo12 100 to manta
00:53:19Nagash FFF it
00:53:20Nagash ffs
00:53:21Nagash I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:53:23valiante fuck u noob
00:53:29Davvelito 3/4? :D
00:53:36seppo12 time 50 min
00:53:39Nagash Y
00:53:39Davvelito ah
00:53:41Nagash imo
00:53:42valiante he doesnt count for a player this tiny
00:53:43Davvelito ah 50 min
00:53:45valiante we are only four
00:54:37Kastrup gj?
00:54:41Kastrup why not me?
00:54:43Kastrup ffs
00:55:05livingde4th fun hero this is
00:55:48Davvelito can
00:55:49Davvelito we go 5 top
00:55:50Davvelito or something
00:55:52Davvelito so we win
00:55:52seppo12 sure
00:56:29Davvelito come then
00:56:36seppo12 gather
00:56:37seppo12 all
00:56:43Davvelito 3 bot
00:57:15livingde4th ok challenge tinktard XD
00:57:26AbiTh srsly stfu
00:58:02seppo12 reaally fatt
00:58:03seppo12 this obs
00:58:11Nagash hahah od owns you am:D
00:58:12seppo12 bat
00:58:13livingde4th i hexd him
00:58:17seppo12 ye, cant hit
00:58:21livingde4th but none else focusing od
00:58:22livingde4th lol
00:58:23Kastrup any1 want gem?
00:58:23seppo12 million slows+hex :/
00:58:25Kastrup for nothing?
00:58:25livingde4th u take some shitty tiny
00:58:29seppo12 bat
00:58:30seppo12 come
00:58:31valiante hehe
00:58:32valiante no
00:58:34AbiTh these captain obvioseesssss
00:59:06seppo12 no gem :S
00:59:08Davvelito oom
00:59:12valiante only 2
00:59:14valiante oh
00:59:15Kastrup 3
00:59:16seppo12 teen bkb
00:59:17livingde4th u lost it?
00:59:20livingde4th i buy gem soon
00:59:20seppo12 kyl
00:59:24seppo12 od vihane
00:59:26Kalkaros got gem
00:59:27Misha got no ulti :(
00:59:37valiante b guys
00:59:42seppo12 go
01:00:20Misha b
01:00:24Misha wtf team?
01:00:33Misha b
01:00:40valiante why not hex
01:00:42valiante and kill fast
01:00:43valiante destroyer
01:00:44valiante he was alone
01:00:46livingde4th brb
01:00:47livingde4th hp
01:01:23Davvelito just
01:01:24Davvelito kill
01:01:24Davvelito ax
01:01:30Misha go ff
01:01:31valiante gg
01:01:32valiante [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:01:32valiante [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:01:32valiante [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:01:32valiante [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
01:01:32valiante I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
01:01:46Misha why u went there?
01:01:48Misha to suicide?
01:01:54Kastrup thats riki's thing
01:01:55Kastrup doing shit
01:01:57valiante its abith as captain
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