Game #4394847

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+14 X
+1 TS

93% | 1626 X | 1515 TS

+63 X
+1 TS

79% | 1531 X | 1352 TS

+40 X
+1 TS

73% | 1351 X | 1472 TS

+21 X
+1 TS

72% | 1364 X | 1385 TS

+40 X
+7 TS

68% | 1359 X | 1376 TS

-47 X
-1 TS

100% | 2166 X | 1678 TS

-4 X
-2 TS

91% | 1690 X | 1435 TS

-29 X
-1 TS

53% | 1248 X | 1332 TS

-42 X
-5 TS

52% | 1321 X | 1244 TS

-46 X
-7 TS

28% | 1144 X | 1147 TS

Chat log

00:00:19FirstBlood -lycan
00:00:19fUNCh coolteams
00:00:19PeterLars ns
00:00:34fUNCh anyone wants sth ?
00:00:42Swagga rubick
00:01:18Swagga u want?
00:01:21fUNCh husk
00:01:23que2stress tide we meed
00:01:26Jonneblarre me mid?
00:01:26que2stress tide
00:01:31pursuewhatstrue let me
00:01:32fUNCh -swap 2
00:01:33Swagga -swap 8
00:01:34Asiankid me mid
00:01:36fUNCh -swap 4
00:01:37Swagga -swap 2
00:01:38Asiankid no noobs
00:01:39Asiankid mid
00:01:41FirstBlood pugna goes mid
00:01:45Swagga -clear
00:01:50Jonneblarre where me then?
00:01:53PeterLars get tide
00:01:55PeterLars last oone
00:01:56PeterLars tide
00:02:02PeterLars tide
00:02:03PeterLars tide
00:02:04FirstBlood with me
00:02:05PeterLars trall
00:02:05PeterLars tide
00:02:06PeterLars tide
00:02:08PeterLars tide
00:02:09PeterLars tide
00:02:19Swagga xD
00:02:22Swagga random?
00:02:34PeterLars tide
00:02:34PeterLars bot
00:02:38FirstBlood tiny go pull pls
00:02:39PeterLars rubick lion top
00:02:43Jonneblarre k
00:02:49Swagga lion u buy wards or i?
00:02:49PeterLars tide can pull and stuff
00:02:50pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: off
00:02:51pursuewhatstrue \slit
00:02:52pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:54pursuewhatstrue \s;
00:02:55pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: You control Naga Siren [r,e,c,g]
00:02:56que2stress not
00:02:58que2stress rubick tide top
00:02:59PeterLars we got 2 afk
00:02:59que2stress i go bot
00:02:59PeterLars 1
00:02:59PeterLars our tide is afk
00:02:59pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: off
00:02:59pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:59pursuewhatstrue /w DotaKeys: You control Naga Siren [r,e,d,g]
00:02:59PeterLars TIDE
00:02:59Swagga stop wanking
00:02:59Swagga fuckin condomhead
00:02:59FirstBlood wtf
00:02:59Asiankid ??????
00:02:59FirstBlood go play
00:02:59Asiankid we go
00:02:59PeterLars he is afk
00:02:59Asiankid we dont acre
00:02:59JTG.Bop here///
00:02:59PeterLars ok cancel after 5 min?
00:03:01PeterLars he is back
00:03:07PeterLars tide top
00:03:25PeterLars sjare
00:05:14Asiankid -ms
00:05:25PeterLars SHARe'
00:05:31JTG.Bop tard?
00:06:04FirstBlood try rubic
00:06:15pursuewhatstrue kill
00:06:15Jonneblarre only have mana for 1
00:06:15pursuewhatstrue ...
00:06:35pursuewhatstrue gank down
00:07:20PeterLars ss mmid
00:07:30Jonneblarre next lvl i have mana for both
00:07:44FirstBlood k
00:07:55pursuewhatstrue fuck
00:08:18Sub_Zero omfg
00:08:21fUNCh gj
00:08:22Asiankid fucking noob
00:08:24Asiankid 28%
00:08:25Sub_Zero fu
00:08:29que2stress easy ;)
00:09:27Jonneblarre ffs
00:09:28Jonneblarre oimg
00:09:31Jonneblarre i have bottle
00:09:32pursuewhatstrue sry
00:09:35JTG.Bop tiny
00:09:37Swagga y
00:09:48Asiankid ssmid
00:09:54PeterLars 2 mid
00:10:22PeterLars ss mid
00:11:32pursuewhatstrue wtf..
00:11:35Jonneblarre omg
00:11:43Jonneblarre thought i had mana for both
00:11:44Jonneblarre omg
00:11:49FirstBlood tiny you are fucking noob
00:11:52pursuewhatstrue 240
00:12:30pursuewhatstrue when
00:12:43pursuewhatstrue too late
00:13:06Swagga tide come
00:13:29Swagga tiny
00:14:13pursuewhatstrue -ms
00:14:16Jonneblarre only me with spikes?
00:14:20pursuewhatstrue y
00:14:32que2stress stay here
00:14:34que2stress husk
00:14:36que2stress they wl
00:14:58pursuewhatstrue tiny
00:15:00pursuewhatstrue toss
00:15:00pursuewhatstrue omg
00:15:05Jonneblarre spikes
00:15:06Jonneblarre dude
00:15:11pursuewhatstrue bad
00:16:11que2stress urn
00:16:12que2stress plu
00:16:14FirstBlood naga, and void
00:16:16fUNCh cd
00:16:18FirstBlood total useless
00:16:23Swagga mana
00:16:25FirstBlood worst players play carry
00:16:29Sub_Zero offcourse
00:16:32Sub_Zero no wards
00:16:35Sub_Zero no farm
00:16:43Sub_Zero what do you expect
00:18:15FirstBlood b
00:18:19que2stress i abit
00:18:20Asiankid void
00:19:44pursuewhatstrue ONCE
00:19:46pursuewhatstrue fucking dont spa,m
00:19:49pursuewhatstrue cant see miniomap
00:19:50pursuewhatstrue noob
00:20:06pursuewhatstrue omg
00:20:22que2stress :D
00:20:22Swagga xD
00:20:33pursuewhatstrue where do u ulti
00:23:04que2stress #_D
00:23:06pursuewhatstrue -ms
00:23:08que2stress imba beter
00:23:20fUNCh peter stop feed :D?
00:23:24PeterLars oka
00:23:44Swagga gank top
00:23:46Swagga some
00:25:48Swagga gj
00:26:39Asiankid all together
00:26:40Asiankid noobs
00:26:41Asiankid void
00:26:44Asiankid we need your ulti
00:26:46Asiankid sacret
00:26:47Asiankid in u
00:26:48FirstBlood tiny, naga and void play so bad. There are so useless
00:26:52que2stress ye
00:26:59FirstBlood im sick
00:27:01FirstBlood of them
00:27:04Asiankid fast
00:27:56Swagga urn me plz?
00:28:04Asiankid wasted
00:28:05Jonneblarre I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:05Asiankid ulti ?
00:28:07Asiankid omf
00:29:12Swagga wrong skill
00:29:14Swagga -._
00:30:41Asiankid void
00:30:41Asiankid u
00:32:04fUNCh lets end ?
00:32:12JTG.Bop o
00:32:16JTG.Bop go
00:32:48JTG.Bop go gang
00:32:50JTG.Bop and push
00:32:53fUNCh satanic before treads ?
00:33:02PeterLars new items :D
00:33:50Asiankid fucking wasted
00:33:50Asiankid ulti
00:33:51Asiankid void
00:33:52Asiankid fuck u
00:34:00pursuewhatstrue gg
00:34:01Asiankid stop play
00:34:03Asiankid dota gc
00:34:03Asiankid noob
00:34:03FirstBlood I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:34:08Sub_Zero stfu alreardy
00:34:15Asiankid go play pexeso
00:34:16Asiankid newb
00:34:16Sub_Zero nice support
00:34:17que2stress its bd tide
00:34:17que2stress sry
00:34:19Sub_Zero pro
00:34:20Asiankid dota is not for u
00:34:28Asiankid 28^
00:34:31Asiankid 28%
00:34:36Asiankid its speak alrdy
00:34:38Sub_Zero were are wards pro
00:34:40Asiankid u fucking newb
00:34:43Sub_Zero nice suppoert
00:34:49Asiankid wards for u ?
00:34:53Sub_Zero y
00:34:53Asiankid u are fucking ashol
00:34:55Sub_Zero for team
00:34:56Sub_Zero moron
00:35:49pursuewhatstrue I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:35:53Sub_Zero I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:36:07Asiankid I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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