Game #4330136

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+51 X
+3 TS

92% | 1657 X | 1480 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

85% | 1575 X | 1409 TS

-37 X
+3 TS

81% | 1495 X | 1428 TS

+3 X
+2 TS

76% | 1485 X | 1359 TS

+28 X
+3 TS

69% | 1370 X | 1381 TS

-20 X
-3 TS

95% | 1742 X | 1493 TS

-5 X
-2 TS

94% | 1718 X | 1497 TS

-16 X
-2 TS
80% | 1480 X | 1417 TS

-47 X
-3 TS

71% | 1364 X | 1425 TS

+22 X
-3 TS

55% | 1250 X | 1344 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Jonnija team ee
00:00:04WANKmaster rd
00:00:05MariahCarry -rd
00:00:08KredeC can i mid with voker?
00:00:16Jonnija fuck
00:00:16MariahCarry hmm
00:00:16MariahCarry er det nu smart
00:00:16MariahCarry phoenix
00:00:16Jonnija lyncan
00:00:16KredeC eller bund med en woods raigor kui saate mulle
00:00:16MariahCarry now we're talking paugutaks paar palki maasse
00:00:20MnmlArT es
00:00:21KredeC any1 woods with legion?
00:00:25MariahCarry for u?
00:00:26MariahCarry es
00:00:28MnmlArT y
00:00:30MnmlArT sure
00:00:41WANKmaster ogre
00:00:42WANKmaster dazzle
00:00:43WANKmaster keegi
00:00:45WANKmaster midagi
00:00:46WANKmaster ?
00:00:48WANKmaster ck
00:00:48WANKmaster ? krobe
00:00:54MnmlArT we can triple
00:00:56MnmlArT bot
00:00:59KredeC hmm
00:00:59MnmlArT whit lc woods
00:01:01WANKmaster ck viitsid somebody
00:01:02WANKmaster laneme
00:01:03MariahCarry lc banned
00:01:04MariahCarry ffs mmm
00:01:05MnmlArT me suport som1
00:01:05WANKmaster teeme combo
00:01:06KredeC wishes? ma kardan, et võin sakkida ma tulen appi sulle
00:01:10DeMiaN what is banned ?
00:01:10MnmlArT not lycan
00:01:11WANKmaster pohhui mis pickin?
00:01:11DeMiaN -clear
00:01:12KredeC roof any?
00:01:13MATi BANNED?
00:01:14MnmlArT legion comander
00:01:14MATi MIS BANNED?
00:01:15WANKmaster ma lasen sul farmida
00:01:15MATi MIS BANNED?
00:01:18MariahCarry krob is good
00:01:19MariahCarry we push
00:01:20Jonnija lyncan + phoe banned erm
00:01:21MATi BANNED?
00:01:22KredeC krob it is :D
00:01:23WANKmaster ma teeks skyd mis sa tahad siis? -swap 2
00:01:29WANKmaster -swap 3
00:01:31MnmlArT lycan and phoenix
00:01:33DeMiaN want swap es mariah ?
00:01:38MariahCarry get me svents
00:01:39MnmlArT what
00:01:40MnmlArT u want
00:01:44MnmlArT what
00:01:45MariahCarry sven
00:01:46eWeresT lol just in time jõudsin tagasi
00:01:47MariahCarry * parim skillbuild sellele?
00:01:49MnmlArT ffs
00:01:49DeMiaN -swap 1
00:01:50MnmlArT WTF
00:01:50MariahCarry -swap 4
00:01:51KredeC wnecro mb
00:01:53MariahCarry demian
00:01:55KredeC dazzle
00:01:57WANKmaster esimest teist maxid
00:01:58KredeC sweet
00:01:58MnmlArT -swap
00:01:58MariahCarry u tard
00:01:59DeMiaN y ?
00:02:00MnmlArT -swap 1
00:02:01WANKmaster siis ult
00:02:03MnmlArT -swap 4
00:02:03KredeC but alot of mellee!
00:02:04MnmlArT SWAP ME
00:02:05MnmlArT FFS
00:02:06DeMiaN ah sry was afk
00:02:06WANKmaster jne
00:02:08DeMiaN -swap 5
00:02:09MnmlArT FOR FUCK SAKE traa nende pickid
00:02:09eWeresT ogre or pit
00:02:10MnmlArT -hhn
00:02:11MnmlArT -clear
00:02:12MariahCarry -clear
00:02:14DeMiaN didn't know was for him
00:02:15WANKmaster pit mhm
00:02:18DeMiaN chill seriously p
00:02:18DeMiaN -clear
00:02:18Jonnija crit ja lvl 10 11 paned ultile pit
00:02:20eWeresT too late nob
00:02:28Jonnija lvl 1 ulti suht kasutu ck-l selle saame küll sahtlisse
00:02:31KredeC who comes btm?
00:02:35MnmlArT can i go bot
00:02:35WANKmaster suht
00:02:37KredeC kk
00:02:39WANKmaster ja tee soulring mingine gondar
00:02:41WANKmaster et saaks tappa
00:02:41MnmlArT i can pull and that
00:02:42KredeC if i get rune lets try fb
00:02:42WANKmaster koguaeg
00:02:44MariahCarry så har vi den ledeste lane top
00:02:46MariahCarry treant kunkka
00:02:52KredeC if u get good stun off
00:02:55MnmlArT y
00:02:56MnmlArT fb
00:02:57MariahCarry share chick pls
00:02:59MnmlArT and we need rune
00:03:01Jonnija gondar pole paha hero kui ta trackgoldi tekitab
00:03:04Jonnija ja ei farmi
00:03:08MnmlArT fb
00:03:09KredeC we can
00:03:09MnmlArT ) terve tiim saab?
00:03:21Jonnija y
00:03:24WANKmaster kes assitsib
00:03:26Jonnija k6ik kes juures saavad lisaraha
00:03:32Jonnija massiline boost
00:05:15KredeC try again?
00:05:18Jonnija sven
00:05:22MnmlArT at 3
00:05:46MnmlArT aaaaaaa ss top kunk
00:06:08MnmlArT OMFG
00:06:15MnmlArT 3 times :D
00:06:18eWeresT D::D:D.d.
00:06:19KredeC lol
00:06:20MnmlArT gjh
00:06:23DeMiaN blaah
00:06:26DeMiaN epic lag just...
00:06:28MnmlArT gj :D soulring
00:06:51Jonnija wtf that
00:06:53Jonnija attack dmg?
00:06:59MariahCarry np
00:07:00MnmlArT go now
00:07:02WANKmaster tapame
00:07:05Jonnija base attackdmg pretty high
00:07:07Jonnija on that hero
00:07:13MariahCarry said inoker
00:07:14MariahCarry :d
00:07:21Jonnija i got almost same :D
00:07:28WANKmaster hea
00:07:31Jonnija ss
00:07:33WANKmaster las ma farmin
00:07:35WANKmaster 300 pullin
00:07:53MariahCarry can i rune
00:08:04MnmlArT oom
00:08:16MnmlArT ty
00:08:24DeMiaN ss
00:08:25DeMiaN ck
00:08:26DeMiaN care
00:08:28KredeC ss
00:08:34Jonnija oeh
00:08:43MnmlArT ss 2
00:08:56MnmlArT re 1
00:08:58KredeC ss
00:09:04DeMiaN we need hlp top
00:09:05WANKmaster mana boots
00:09:05WANKmaster kohe mhm
00:09:14MnmlArT kill now krob
00:09:25Jonnija ss mid
00:09:25DeMiaN omg
00:09:30DeMiaN i got epic spikes :s
00:09:50Jonnija care sven with rune bot
00:09:54Jonnija or will kill me soon
00:09:56Jonnija either way
00:10:20MnmlArT a ?
00:10:22MnmlArT ty
00:10:29WANKmaster käin baasis
00:10:34KredeC twr
00:10:37WANKmaster ma tulen
00:10:38WANKmaster midi
00:10:45MnmlArT gj
00:10:45eWeresT hea :D:D:D
00:10:48KredeC lol
00:10:49MATi CAPS
00:10:51MATi sorry
00:11:03MnmlArT i got it to
00:11:12MnmlArT come
00:11:18MariahCarry huh?
00:11:21MariahCarry how much dmg is that
00:11:25Jonnija 600
00:11:32MnmlArT i can ult
00:11:33MnmlArT on 2
00:11:39MnmlArT come
00:11:42KredeC i pull once
00:11:43MnmlArT dont pull
00:11:45MnmlArT no i am inv
00:11:46MnmlArT come
00:11:55Jonnija ss
00:12:00MariahCarry top towerdive
00:12:01KredeC omw
00:12:03DeMiaN k
00:12:04DeMiaN sec
00:12:07DeMiaN ok
00:12:09WANKmaster stunni
00:12:12Jonnija lol
00:12:13MariahCarry go
00:12:18MnmlArT zzzzzzzzzzzz
00:12:19MnmlArT new it
00:12:22MnmlArT knew it
00:12:27DeMiaN sven ?
00:12:29MnmlArT i told u to come
00:12:32MnmlArT like 1 min ago nohjah tuim
00:12:55DeMiaN krobe es
00:12:59DeMiaN go help us
00:13:05MnmlArT omw
00:13:27MariahCarry dude
00:13:30MariahCarry time that stun
00:13:31MariahCarry better
00:13:33MariahCarry jesus
00:14:20KredeC ss
00:14:25MnmlArT omw for ck
00:14:37DeMiaN wait me
00:14:58MnmlArT ROOF
00:15:00KredeC so fucking lucky' nojah
00:15:23MnmlArT CK VOKER 50 HP nii palju siis carryimis ideest
00:15:25DeMiaN there a range ei tohi võtta herosi nii
00:15:27DeMiaN mb ?
00:15:32DeMiaN wasn't 6 yet
00:15:32MariahCarry come gank mid
00:15:46eWeresT ma inv
00:15:55eWeresT k :D
00:16:25MariahCarry i stun first
00:16:29MariahCarry then u
00:16:31MariahCarry 1 sec later
00:16:32MariahCarry ok?
00:16:33MnmlArT how much
00:16:33MnmlArT sec
00:16:34MnmlArT ok
00:16:48MariahCarry cant
00:16:50MariahCarry b
00:16:51MariahCarry b
00:16:51MariahCarry b
00:16:52MariahCarry b
00:16:58MariahCarry cmon
00:17:05KredeC omg
00:17:05MnmlArT sorry
00:17:11KredeC was
00:17:16MariahCarry sky stuns too?
00:17:19Jonnija nope
00:17:19WANKmaster no
00:17:28MariahCarry was it cold snap then?
00:17:32Jonnija y
00:18:25MariahCarry gj
00:18:31Jonnija ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
00:18:38KredeC get top twr
00:18:41KredeC i come with ult
00:18:44DeMiaN k
00:18:46MnmlArT omw
00:18:50MnmlArT i got ult 2
00:18:51DeMiaN i can invi
00:18:52DeMiaN u
00:18:55KredeC gogog
00:18:57MnmlArT do it
00:19:00DeMiaN trees
00:19:00MariahCarry bh here
00:19:05KredeC buy gem
00:19:08MariahCarry b
00:19:21MATi 5top lihtsalt :D gg gondari pick keppis ära. :D
00:20:30MariahCarry es
00:20:38eWeresT tra mis selle sveni stunni range on
00:20:48WANKmaster neil ulme pickid jah
00:20:50MariahCarry gj
00:21:04KredeC can some1 buy gem?
00:21:05MariahCarry me firdst
00:21:05MnmlArT no fissure
00:21:19eWeresT regen tuim warde ka pole sitta kah -60 x ja tuld
00:21:34MariahCarry b
00:21:51MnmlArT give me
00:21:51MnmlArT 1
00:21:52KredeC omg
00:21:52MnmlArT charge
00:21:53MnmlArT pls
00:21:55KredeC fu kunkka
00:22:03MnmlArT ty
00:22:06MariahCarry 1 more
00:22:10MariahCarry fissure come
00:22:12MnmlArT y
00:22:24MnmlArT voker
00:22:28MariahCarry ya
00:22:34MariahCarry b
00:22:34MariahCarry b
00:22:35MariahCarry b
00:22:40MnmlArT they didnt saw us
00:22:41MariahCarry 4 mid
00:22:42MariahCarry def all
00:22:42MariahCarry come
00:22:47DeMiaN yy
00:23:10eWeresT k :DD:D:D
00:23:16MATi teeme sc2te ikka :D:D
00:23:19MATi see ei lähe hästi
00:23:22MnmlArT TORRENT
00:23:22MnmlArT FFS noja
00:24:02MariahCarry gjgjgj joppavad ka
00:24:07MATi see on nii ff suinu pick oleks midagig veel supportind
00:24:17MnmlArT FFS
00:24:29KredeC well buy that fucking ghem
00:24:30MnmlArT had
00:24:31WANKmaster ma ei viitsi caryda
00:24:32MnmlArT dager
00:24:33WANKmaster koguaeg
00:24:33WANKmaster :d nojah ma oleks proovind vähemalt kille jätta
00:24:44MariahCarry krob
00:24:45MariahCarry u should
00:24:46MariahCarry get gem
00:24:47MariahCarry ..
00:24:53KredeC no moneys
00:24:58MariahCarry when u get
00:25:04KredeC i will get armor
00:25:09MariahCarry dude
00:25:14MariahCarry ok es cancel dagger
00:25:19MariahCarry so he can get it?
00:25:25KredeC roof
00:25:30MnmlArT OMFG
00:25:39KredeC we need mek ffs
00:25:47MnmlArT FIRST ULT
00:25:50MnmlArT . . .
00:25:51DeMiaN ...
00:25:54DeMiaN wanted to invi
00:26:16MnmlArT i go top
00:26:16MnmlArT dager
00:26:19MariahCarry good
00:26:22MnmlArT pls
00:26:22MariahCarry let es
00:26:22MariahCarry ffs
00:26:25KredeC take
00:26:28MnmlArT ty
00:26:35KredeC i get mek
00:26:48DeMiaN late for mek
00:26:52KredeC nope
00:26:52MnmlArT not
00:27:03KredeC but we gotta push
00:27:19eWeresT mnaj blink
00:27:22KredeC twr
00:27:34Jonnija cd
00:27:52MATi lol
00:27:55MATi revival vs illusion
00:27:57MATi vaatasin streami
00:28:03MATi mõtlesin wtf kes see tüdruk seal boothis on
00:28:06MATi kõmm revival :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
00:28:16MariahCarry nice
00:28:20DeMiaN y
00:28:22DeMiaN good move
00:28:39MnmlArT got dager
00:28:43MATi I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:45MariahCarry nice
00:28:46KredeC reuse
00:29:01KredeC omw
00:29:06DeMiaN ouch
00:29:08DeMiaN too stronk
00:29:18MariahCarry 500 for bkb
00:29:18DeMiaN b top
00:29:34KredeC come top
00:29:49MnmlArT silence 10 seconds ?
00:29:49MariahCarry b
00:29:59WANKmaster 50
00:30:04MnmlArT good 2 know
00:30:20eWeresT kõva chase
00:30:20MariahCarry gjgj ja veel kõvem fail
00:31:02MariahCarry bkb done
00:31:04KredeC get top now
00:31:15MariahCarry lemme rune top
00:31:24DeMiaN scared ?
00:31:26MariahCarry ^^
00:31:28MnmlArT go top
00:31:46MATi f
00:31:47MATi I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:32:05eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:09WANKmaster paha paha
00:32:11DeMiaN stronk rooft
00:32:17MATi lol
00:32:17MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:18eWeresT this team
00:32:18MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:19MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:19MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:20eWeresT So noob
00:32:20MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:20MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:21MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:22MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:22MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:28KredeC b3
00:32:31KredeC b
00:32:40MnmlArT i go ult
00:33:58KredeC got ult
00:34:05KredeC get top?
00:34:11MnmlArT y
00:34:13MariahCarry ya
00:34:14DeMiaN wait
00:34:18DeMiaN es ult
00:34:45DeMiaN what ?
00:34:48DeMiaN my item on it...
00:34:52DeMiaN come
00:34:53DeMiaN invi
00:34:59KredeC reuse
00:35:00MnmlArT lol
00:35:04MnmlArT tought i have ult "D
00:35:25MnmlArT good block
00:35:26MnmlArT roof
00:35:29MnmlArT and stay inv
00:35:31MnmlArT dont fight
00:35:32MnmlArT at all
00:35:32MnmlArT y
00:35:53MnmlArT krob hex or shiva
00:35:57MariahCarry dræb dem!
00:36:09eWeresT polnud manat kohe :(
00:36:09KredeC shiva
00:36:21Jonnija vastased nagu ei
00:36:23Jonnija yritagi
00:36:24Jonnija enam
00:36:39MnmlArT go rosh ?
00:36:42MariahCarry no
00:36:45KredeC just get rax
00:36:50MariahCarry go 5
00:37:08WANKmaster nice ult
00:37:09WANKmaster :D:D.d
00:37:35MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:37:36MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:38:09eWeresT NOOB TEAM
00:38:10KredeC top after
00:38:11KredeC no twr
00:38:11eWeresT :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:38:23Jonnija ck farm kudagi v2ike :D pidavat laskam üleval farmida ja 0 killi
00:39:11WANKmaster im kinda 2 hit for you sven :d
00:39:20MariahCarry ya
00:39:23MariahCarry thats the fun part
00:39:36MariahCarry im kinda 1 ulti for u tho
00:39:41WANKmaster :d
00:39:41MariahCarry and i have 2.1k hp
00:39:45WANKmaster thats the fun part
00:39:46WANKmaster :D
00:39:57MariahCarry actually the fun part
00:40:01MariahCarry is we're both 15-6
00:40:04MariahCarry :O
00:40:13WANKmaster :d
00:40:15MATi fcking
00:40:15MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:40:21MATi miks te ei ffi?
00:40:22MATi see ju läbi et sa sitta uuesti ei pickiks
00:41:18WANKmaster ult onl 20 sec
00:41:22MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:41:28MariahCarry and how much dmg?
00:41:31WANKmaster 1200
00:41:32Jonnija 1.2k
00:41:36MariahCarry lol
00:41:42eWeresT fu
00:41:48MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:41:51KredeC top
00:41:53KredeC all
00:42:00KredeC -ms
00:42:04KredeC 481
00:42:07DeMiaN nicee
00:42:11DeMiaN get yasha
00:42:27MnmlArT who
00:43:19eWeresT sick ultis
00:43:29eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:30eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:30eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:31eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:31eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:32eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:32eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:32eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:33eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:33eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:34eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:34eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:35eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:36eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:37eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:38eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:39eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:39eWeresT I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:40MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:41MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:42MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:42MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:43MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:44MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:44MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:45MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:46MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:46MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:47MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:48MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:49MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:50MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:50MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:51MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:52MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:53MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:54MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:55MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:56MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:57MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:58MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:59MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:59MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:00MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:02MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:03MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:03MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:04MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:05MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:06MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:07MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:08MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:09MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:29DeMiaN re use
00:44:30MnmlArT silence ftw
00:44:34DeMiaN chick
00:44:42MATi palun ffige
00:44:45MATi ma pean minema :S
00:44:48MATi rolts pane ff palun
00:44:50DeMiaN got double ult now
00:44:51Jonnija lase quiti
00:44:57MATi ei taha banni saada
00:45:03MnmlArT u dont have enough mana
00:45:04MATi rolts pane ff palun
00:45:07DeMiaN yes i do
00:45:07DeMiaN 1k
00:45:09WANKmaster I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:45:11MnmlArT good
00:45:37DeMiaN but not enough living time
00:45:39DeMiaN to re cast
00:46:09MariahCarry die bitch
00:46:12WANKmaster :d
00:46:13KredeC rofl 43 ndal minil saan 1st killi pole ime et 0 farm
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