Game #4278266

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+50 X
+2 TS

82% | 1507 X | 1433 TS

+15 X
+2 TS

57% | 1279 X | 1337 TS

+30 X
+4 TS

56% | 1320 X | 1284 TS

+3 X
+4 TS

56% | 1286 X | 1316 TS

+30 X
+2 TS

50% | 1202 X | 1336 TS

+3 X
-1 TS

72% | 1428 X | 1356 TS

-15 X
-2 TS

69% | 1381 X | 1363 TS

-51 X
-2 TS

68% | 1352 X | 1381 TS

-30 X
-2 TS

50% | 1212 X | 1323 TS

-19 X
-2 TS

49% | 1185 X | 1349 TS

Chat log

00:00:24AliBaba lowbobgame `?
00:00:25Firelord0.1 lol y
00:00:25AliBaba :b
00:00:25JensDenLange snakker du om?
00:00:25AliBaba se procenterne
00:00:25101010 ban slark?
00:00:25101010 pick shredder to me plz
00:00:25AliBaba ban ?
00:00:25Firelord0.1 funch ban
00:00:25101010 afk?
00:00:25AliBaba Or watch soccer ?
00:00:25fUNCh Sd
00:00:25Firelord0.1 som1 want somthing
00:00:25Firelord0.1 slark
00:00:45WhiteNoiZe get me tide
00:00:45VVindoWz we need supporters
00:00:51JensDenLange good pick
00:00:55JensDenLange i get ogre
00:00:58AliBaba hm..
00:01:01AliBaba give me ogre
00:01:06JensDenLange no
00:01:08Firelord0.1 ähm pick me terror
00:01:08VVindoWz rexxar
00:01:10AliBaba ?
00:01:15Firelord0.1 tb
00:01:16AliBaba its to mogi
00:01:21VVindoWz pick rexxar pit ogre bane
00:01:22WhiteNoiZe -swap 1
00:01:25Firelord0.1 -swap 3
00:01:27VVindoWz whitenoize u dog
00:01:30VVindoWz why ?
00:01:31101010 meet metsään?
00:01:38VVindoWz ahh
00:01:39VVindoWz :P
00:01:52Firelord0.1 get ranged
00:01:57fUNCh :D SAFG?SEFR?F
00:01:59fUNCh why luna
00:02:03AliBaba -swap 5
00:02:03VVindoWz -swap 2
00:02:10fUNCh 4 carrys
00:02:11fUNCh for what
00:02:21Firelord0.1 i go mid
00:02:34Allistysmies joo
00:02:39Firelord0.1 im not goo with this
00:02:39WhiteNoiZe deward down lane
00:02:39AliBaba lanes ?
00:02:40VVindoWz jens top
00:02:45Firelord0.1 but i try
00:02:51JensDenLange get s&y
00:02:56VVindoWz me and bane sitting lan so
00:03:11Firelord0.1 gank somtimes
00:03:14Firelord0.1 get wards
00:03:44Allistysmies tide top too
00:04:40fUNCh n1
00:05:18Firelord0.1 b
00:07:17Allistysmies do we have chick
00:07:25Allistysmies kk
00:07:56101010 ss top 1
00:08:22101010 re top
00:09:52101010 ss top1
00:10:02JensDenLange shame u dont look
00:10:12WhiteNoiZe sry
00:10:27WhiteNoiZe -2
00:11:14JensDenLange eat
00:11:37JensDenLange trees
00:11:44WhiteNoiZe ty
00:12:07101010 ss top
00:12:26AliBaba s
00:13:17101010 ss top tide
00:13:32WhiteNoiZe oom
00:13:53WhiteNoiZe LOL!
00:14:24101010 ss top2
00:14:27Allistysmies k
00:14:30WhiteNoiZe omw bot
00:14:34WhiteNoiZe w8
00:14:35JensDenLange wait for me
00:14:37JensDenLange i tp
00:14:50Firelord0.1 im oom
00:14:51WhiteNoiZe push than
00:14:53Firelord0.1 hard to kill
00:15:04Allistysmies top still missing
00:15:17101010 re1
00:16:04WhiteNoiZe not cool guys
00:17:00JensDenLange gank top
00:17:00JensDenLange pls
00:17:01101010 ss top2
00:17:01JensDenLange luci
00:17:03JensDenLange easy kill
00:17:05Allistysmies k
00:17:12AliBaba ups
00:17:38Allistysmies top 3?
00:17:57101010 atro top...
00:18:32WhiteNoiZe b
00:19:02Astrocreep 3v5
00:19:03Astrocreep gg
00:19:07Astrocreep 3v4
00:19:28Allistysmies come bot?
00:19:49Firelord0.1 reuse
00:20:43WhiteNoiZe get hexes
00:20:50Astrocreep b
00:21:01Firelord0.1 care top
00:22:02JensDenLange n1
00:22:13Allistysmies dagon? :/
00:24:42WhiteNoiZe b
00:24:50Allistysmies that's the way
00:25:42AliBaba top ?
00:26:22JensDenLange tp b
00:26:52JensDenLange and now manta terror
00:26:52WhiteNoiZe sry late ulti but was oom
00:27:27WhiteNoiZe legion soon lothars
00:27:28Firelord0.1 hmm manta
00:27:30Firelord0.1 nah
00:27:36AliBaba :b
00:28:15Allistysmies coming top
00:28:15Allistysmies wait
00:28:26AliBaba b
00:28:46VVindoWz b
00:28:50Allistysmies don't wait for duel
00:28:50JensDenLange bad blink ^^
00:29:02Firelord0.1 am items trolol
00:29:10VVindoWz hahahah
00:29:11AliBaba :D
00:29:45Firelord0.1 sorry for my isntant farming
00:29:47VVindoWz tb take
00:29:49Allistysmies smells like rosh
00:30:00Firelord0.1 but teror needs items
00:30:10VVindoWz gather
00:30:39Firelord0.1 -ms
00:30:43Allistysmies b
00:30:45Astrocreep b
00:30:47Astrocreep useless
00:30:50WhiteNoiZe dagon on am what a noob xD
00:31:36Firelord0.1 -ms
00:31:43Firelord0.1 i feel so slow
00:32:41Firelord0.1 finish top
00:32:48Firelord0.1 urn that ogre
00:33:55Firelord0.1 hmmm shit sille
00:34:11Firelord0.1 more towers
00:35:04Astrocreep if blue didnt die we would have lost rax
00:35:12Firelord0.1 mid
00:35:45Allistysmies if blue didn't die he would get +10
00:36:20fUNCh I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:36:22VVindoWz push top
00:36:26Allistysmies I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:36:27Rasmus.Seebach I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:36:34Rasmus.Seebach gogo ff
00:37:45101010 luna
00:38:28JensDenLange ff pls
00:38:31JensDenLange '
00:38:42Firelord0.1 u win it with magina dagon
00:38:55AliBaba never see it before
00:39:48Astrocreep I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:39:48101010 I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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