Game #4240707

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+26 X
+1 TS

93% | 1721 X | 1490 TS

+19 X
+1 TS

74% | 1419 X | 1398 TS

-11 X
+3 TS

65% | 1392 X | 1303 TS

-2 X
+1 TS

53% | 1255 X | 1328 TS

+45 X
+44 TS

NEW | 1081 X | 1143 TS

-24 X
-1 TS

93% | 1710 X | 1455 TS

-8 X
-2 TS

71% | 1415 X | 1366 TS

-17 X
-1 TS

50% | 1184 X | 1347 TS

+12 X
-1 TS

47% | 1174 X | 1334 TS

-26 X
-2 TS

43% | 1154 X | 1311 TS

Chat log

00:00:00010012 [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... yeW- with 96 seconds.
00:00:06yeW- cm
00:00:07yeW- magnus
00:00:08AliBaba sf wl pit
00:00:10yeW- mortred
00:00:11yeW- -clear
00:00:12tba invoker dk and naga
00:00:14siemenlinko necrolyte sven morph
00:00:16yeW- gimme naga
00:00:17Aerwyn wr, lycantrope, spectre?
00:00:19Aerwyn some1?
00:00:20tba u have
00:00:21slc2 kunkka jugger
00:00:21custy bat lord of avernus viper
00:00:23yeW- cm pit
00:00:24XXL hmm
00:00:25Aerwyn some1 lyca?
00:00:28yeW- cm magnus
00:00:29yeW- i mean
00:00:31yeW- mort
00:00:35tba mort
00:00:35Aerwyn i got lyca here...
00:00:36siemenlinko vois pelaa necrolla
00:00:38Aerwyn some1 wants?
00:00:41XXL no pelaa
00:00:41yeW- ya shore,
00:00:42yeW- ?
00:00:43Aerwyn xxl?
00:00:46tba y
00:00:47XXL huhm
00:00:48Rasmus.Seebach no
00:00:49010012 furion cent brood
00:00:50XXL well
00:00:52Aerwyn en ite osaa :)
00:00:52tba -swap 1
00:00:54yeW- -swap 4
00:00:55AliBaba cent ?
00:00:56yeW- -swap 3
00:00:57yeW- fail
00:00:57Aerwyn ei tullu pelailtuu
00:00:59yeW- take
00:00:59yeW- wl
00:01:00XXL osaan mutten tiedä jaksaisko
00:01:00yeW- alibaba
00:01:01yeW- wl
00:01:07AliBaba hm..
00:01:11yeW- no hmms
00:01:11XXL osaatko ud?
00:01:12yeW- wl
00:01:14AliBaba vs rubick ?
00:01:16Aerwyn nääh
00:01:19Aerwyn en jaksa
00:01:22Rasmus.Seebach xxl me mid?
00:01:23slc2 get wl
00:01:24slc2 ge
00:01:25XXL na
00:01:26XXL i do
00:01:26yeW- np
00:01:27slc2 get wl
00:01:27Rasmus.Seebach k
00:01:27yeW- just
00:01:29010012 ...
00:01:33yeW- just nuke fast after
00:01:36yeW- -ma
00:01:47siemenlinko no tank
00:01:47siemenlinko :D
00:01:50XXL ff allready :>
00:01:54Aerwyn pasksat herot meil :D
00:01:59XXL elä
00:02:01yeW- us
00:02:02yeW- ?
00:02:11Aerwyn oltas nyt otettu niit ud ja lycaa :D
00:02:17XXL ei jaksanu
00:02:21Aerwyn ei yhtää
00:02:33siemenlinko pulli ward
00:02:55Aerwyn denyy oikeesti paremmin tai älä denyy :D
00:03:01Aerwyn ärsyttää :D
00:03:05siemenlinko lol
00:04:17yeW- lmao
00:04:45slc2 go lvl 3
00:04:49yeW- ent
00:04:49yeW- come gang
00:04:50slc2 get double edge
00:04:55yeW- cent ganga
00:05:37XXL zomg
00:05:41yeW- nub
00:05:55XXL ss
00:05:59tba s 1
00:06:02yeW- ye
00:06:03yeW- no shit
00:06:35yeW- a gnag..
00:06:38Aerwyn necro
00:06:40Aerwyn can u pull?
00:06:42siemenlinko e
00:06:45yeW- cent
00:06:50Aerwyn jotenki arvasi
00:06:51Aerwyn :D
00:06:55siemenlinko :F
00:06:56XXL ss
00:07:00slc2 cent go gank mid
00:07:06slc2 or top:)
00:07:26yeW- u guys
00:07:28yeW- ae fucin shitholes
00:07:41AliBaba ss
00:07:41XXL hehe
00:07:42AliBaba re
00:08:03yeW- ye go
00:08:17XXL fuck off
00:08:30Aerwyn ?
00:08:31XXL vitun vajaat siel topis
00:08:31Aerwyn necro?
00:08:34siemenlinko ei oo manaa
00:08:37XXL eiköhä centti tullu sieltä
00:08:39Aerwyn sä voit hyökätä
00:08:50siemenlinko tuli
00:08:52XXL ss mid
00:09:06Rasmus.Seebach miss bot
00:09:51yeW- cent
00:10:17siemenlinko ss2
00:10:20yeW- gj
00:10:55yeW- upc courier ali
00:11:15yeW- -la
00:11:16yeW- -ma
00:11:27yeW- tra go
00:11:36Aerwyn necro pullaatko :(
00:11:54Aerwyn gj
00:11:54siemenlinko gj
00:11:55siemenlinko :D
00:12:04Aerwyn :)
00:12:19XXL ss
00:12:38tba ss 2
00:12:38XXL omgfg
00:12:38slc2 i come
00:12:55yeW- lol these allies
00:12:56yeW- terrific
00:13:07XXL like mine
00:13:12Aerwyn jaaha?
00:13:16yeW- oh stfu bob
00:13:21XXL we got 0 wards
00:13:25yeW- so o we
00:14:10siemenlinko ei manaa
00:14:19yeW- why do u play
00:14:22yeW- like the biggest cunt wth me
00:14:25yeW- fuckin whor rasmus?
00:15:05yeW- -ma
00:15:11Aerwyn LOL
00:16:17yeW- T
00:16:18yeW- now
00:16:19yeW- tp
00:16:29tba 4 topå
00:16:43yeW- b
00:17:13Aerwyn jaa-a
00:17:22Aerwyn ollaa team battleis niin heikoil näil heroil :/
00:17:22yeW- no shit
00:17:23yeW- ^^
00:17:31XXL 0% voittoo
00:17:33XXL mahkut
00:17:36Aerwyn jep
00:17:57XXL leave
00:17:58XXL guys
00:18:06Aerwyn jooh
00:18:13XXL mitähköhä
00:18:13Aerwyn teletää yksitellen kuolee <3
00:18:14XXL vittua
00:18:15XXL teet
00:18:58custy shall i buy linken?
00:19:12yeW- t_t
00:19:25custy what shall i buy??
00:19:29siemenlinko b
00:19:30siemenlinko b
00:19:44yeW- why dont u go trax
00:19:46custy guys what shall i buy?
00:19:53XXL bkb
00:19:57custy really?
00:20:00XXL yup
00:20:06custy k
00:20:27custy but what else
00:20:31custy shall i buy?
00:20:33XXL opmfg
00:20:33XXL wr
00:20:43XXL et
00:20:45XXL voi olla tosissas
00:20:51yeW- lmao
00:20:52yeW- that pell
00:20:52Aerwyn ole nyt turpa kii
00:20:55Aerwyn rasittaa
00:21:04XXL empä taida
00:21:44XXL jos hiljasuutta haluat
00:21:45yeW- where kuknka
00:21:46XXL ni mee vs bots
00:21:46yeW- ffs
00:22:03Aerwyn puhuit mulle viel?
00:22:07XXL kyllä
00:22:12Aerwyn aikas kaua kesti keksii jotai
00:22:13Aerwyn :D
00:22:20XXL ei
00:22:22XXL en kerinny
00:22:23Aerwyn kyllä
00:22:23XXL kirjotella
00:22:27Aerwyn olit kuollu
00:22:27Aerwyn :D
00:22:32XXL ostin
00:22:34XXL itteni
00:22:35XXL heti
00:22:38yeW- wards
00:22:40yeW- wl
00:22:41siemenlinko wr hiljaa
00:22:42Aerwyn nii, ja tp:sit
00:24:20yeW- ALI
00:24:21yeW- U CUNT
00:24:22yeW- GET WARDS
00:24:22yeW- NOW
00:25:17yeW- b
00:25:43Aerwyn oisko b
00:25:44Aerwyn bot?
00:25:48yeW- we wont win late
00:25:51Aerwyn b
00:25:51Aerwyn b
00:25:52Aerwyn b
00:26:10yeW- b
00:26:23yeW- who did that
00:26:36tba me
00:27:41yeW- teal?
00:28:19siemenlinko hexi vai ulti scepter?
00:28:53tba lol
00:28:55Aerwyn blue
00:28:56Aerwyn use
00:28:57Aerwyn use
00:28:58Aerwyn use
00:29:54yeW- alibaba
00:29:57yeW- share ur units
00:30:38custy omg
00:31:25XXL so lame shit
00:31:25custy we will loose...
00:31:28XXL said
00:31:32yeW- says lothars dude
00:31:37XXL oh rly
00:31:38tba -ii
00:31:48XXL who idiot
00:31:49yeW- yaly
00:31:51XXL vote sd
00:31:53yeW- what? ^^
00:31:55yeW- dunno
00:32:00XXL only luck
00:32:00slc2 cent go
00:32:02XXL these games
00:32:05XXL what picks
00:32:06XXL will get
00:33:20siemenlinko I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:28XXL ..
00:33:57custy gg
00:34:07XXL it was over before game started
00:34:38yeW- tt_t
00:34:38XXL lag curdi
00:34:55tba cent share
00:35:30yeW- t_t
00:35:30yeW- fucin lags
00:35:30tba yew fix u net
00:35:31AliBaba you laag yew
00:35:37yeW- n shit
00:35:38yeW- sherlock
00:35:48Aerwyn ...
00:36:01yeW- lolz
00:36:04Aerwyn JAA
00:36:09AliBaba np
00:36:10yeW- fuckin lag nearly killd me
00:36:11yeW- lolz
00:36:23XXL nukee
00:36:24XXL sit naga
00:36:26XXL ultillas
00:36:28siemenlinko ok
00:37:05siemenlinko I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:37:06siemenlinko vaa
00:37:08yeW- stop tryin to lasthit
00:37:08custy I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:37:09yeW- u shitface
00:37:11XXL I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:37:14XXL sun kanssa aina
00:37:17XXL samoin tein
00:37:17siemenlinko .dDD
00:37:17Rasmus.Seebach I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:37:24XXL ei ees jaksa
00:37:25XXL kinostaa
00:37:38XXL I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:37:47Aerwyn I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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