Game #4239146

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-10 X
-2 TS

96% | 1822 X | 1466 TS

-23 X
-2 TS

83% | 1520 X | 1436 TS

+11 X
-2 TS

76% | 1431 X | 1416 TS

-19 X
-2 TS

70% | 1332 X | 1431 TS

+28 X
-2 TS

65% | 1321 X | 1364 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

95% | 1782 X | 1454 TS

-18 X
+1 TS

94% | 1685 X | 1527 TS

-29 X
+2 TS

85% | 1589 X | 1404 TS

+54 X
+2 TS

57% | 1246 X | 1360 TS

+8 X
+17 TS

48% | 1300 X | 1211 TS

Chat log

00:00:08extremewaari haluun!
00:00:17extremewaari en tiedä
00:00:17Strawberryjuice ´am
00:00:17XXL kato
00:00:17coolass separi69
00:00:17XXL oon ykköspikki
00:00:17XXL ;)
00:00:17coolass 178178178
00:00:17coolass öööööööö
00:00:17diesel who wants es?
00:00:17coolass öööööööööö
00:00:17XXL kuka mitä hä
00:00:17coolass moi xxl
00:00:17XXL termos
00:00:17coolass haluutko olla mun kaveri?
00:00:17diesel xxl
00:00:17XXL en :)
00:00:17diesel today please
00:00:17Firelord0.1 #i can
00:00:17XXL hah
00:00:17coolass miks et?
00:00:17XXL not today
00:00:17extremewaari anna am
00:00:17extremewaari mulle
00:00:17extremewaari :D
00:00:17XXL lets w8
00:00:17diesel fucking ban, less chit chat
00:00:17XXL juujuu
00:00:17coolass ^C
00:00:17Strawberryjuice well said
00:00:17coolass Chit Chat
00:00:17XXL areo
00:00:17XXL atro
00:00:17diesel -am
00:00:17extremewaari BANE AND AM BANNED
00:00:24extremewaari pelaa vaan se slark
00:00:25XXL anyone lich?
00:00:29XXL mjo
00:00:35coolass separi otti separin
00:00:36coolass n1
00:00:39Strawberryjuice clock for me if possible =)
00:00:41extremewaari otan lich
00:00:46XXL mitä juha
00:00:51coolass ei vittu
00:00:52coolass Sinäkin
00:00:53XXL :D
00:00:58extremewaari take tide
00:00:58slc2 slark are u mid
00:00:59XXL kerro pois
00:01:00coolass ootko mansikan veli
00:01:02XXL mikä vaivaa
00:01:04extremewaari take tide
00:01:04coolass tapan sut
00:01:05XXL en
00:01:05slc2 lich mid?
00:01:09extremewaari y
00:01:13XXL tunnen kyllä
00:01:16slc2 i support top then
00:01:22Strawberryjuice can i clock ?
00:01:31Strawberryjuice xxl
00:01:34extremewaari take tide
00:01:35slc2 get clock aa?
00:01:36XXL tell me
00:01:39Strawberryjuice clock?
00:01:41extremewaari tide
00:01:42extremewaari ffs
00:01:42slc2 ge ttide
00:01:42XXL tide
00:01:44slc2 get tide
00:01:46diesel get tide
00:01:48slc2 tide aa
00:01:50diesel zz
00:01:52slc2 get aa imba
00:01:54diesel get pugna
00:01:57diesel PUGNA
00:01:58diesel is imba
00:02:01extremewaari yeah!
00:02:04diesel nice
00:02:05slc2 that was a bad pick
00:02:05diesel max ward
00:02:07slc2 h
00:02:08extremewaari -afk
00:02:12coolass what lane i go
00:02:14XXL juha on kuningas?
00:02:16slc2 slark come?
00:02:22DeMiaN hmm
00:02:22coolass nääää
00:02:23DeMiaN i should be
00:02:24Firelord0.1 tri lane bot :D
00:02:24coolass cartman o
00:02:24DeMiaN with es
00:02:24diesel coolass
00:02:26diesel top
00:02:27DeMiaN bot umo
00:02:31XXL asia selvä
00:02:35XXL täytynee varoa
00:02:44extremewaari meidän pitäis voittaa nällä
00:02:46extremewaari näillä
00:02:51XXL joo tuu mumble
00:02:55XXL :)
00:02:56extremewaari ju tuun joskus
00:02:57extremewaari :D
00:02:58XXL <3
00:03:00coolass im going to sear the shit off my tenderloin
00:03:01XXL ny
00:03:12slc2 rune take it
00:03:21XXL u pull :p
00:03:24XXL if
00:03:25slc2 sure:)
00:03:26XXL no warded
00:03:50XXL 1 creep
00:03:52XXL o yea
00:03:53slc2 lets focus nerub
00:03:57XXL surew
00:04:15slc2 go?
00:04:21coolass -m
00:04:22coolass -ma
00:04:22XXL w8
00:04:34XXL npo
00:04:50Strawberryjuice i can cut tree
00:04:51Strawberryjuice wtf
00:05:15coolass hyvä
00:05:19XXL ty
00:05:25coolass Hyvä info
00:05:28coolass invo
00:05:32slc2 rune
00:05:52diesel make it flying
00:05:53XXL waari
00:05:55XXL oliko
00:05:55diesel I need to use chicken
00:05:56XXL nuo
00:05:57XXL sun popot
00:06:00extremewaari on
00:06:02XXL venaa
00:06:03XXL reuse
00:06:22Strawberryjuice storm i like you
00:06:27Strawberryjuice mvoe your ass
00:06:29Strawberryjuice he would have been dead
00:06:56XXL slc2
00:06:57XXL WTF
00:06:58XXL why
00:06:59slc2 yes
00:07:02slc2 what
00:07:10XXL dant
00:07:11XXL ask what
00:07:12XXL evcen
00:07:14XXL even
00:07:52extremewaari mid ss
00:07:57XXL meen
00:07:59XXL hetkeks
00:08:01Strawberryjuice CARE
00:08:08extremewaari have invi
00:08:11extremewaari coming bot
00:08:17XXL wow
00:08:18slc2 es
00:08:20Strawberryjuice oomm
00:08:20diesel leap of faith?
00:08:24DeMiaN ss ?
00:08:35Firelord0.1 4 bot
00:08:37Firelord0.1 wtf
00:08:37extremewaari they have invo?
00:08:39Firelord0.1 top
00:08:41XXL y
00:08:42extremewaari fuck
00:09:17slc2 im inc
00:09:32Pufff-Reis luci ffs
00:10:14Strawberryjuice need help btm
00:10:15Strawberryjuice on pugna
00:10:44Strawberryjuice use courier
00:11:04diesel I need gank again
00:11:04Firelord0.1 after pull
00:11:07DeMiaN kk
00:11:09diesel got ulti in 15 sec
00:11:20slc2 w8 me
00:11:28diesel mid miss
00:11:52coolass Vitu hakkeri
00:12:09extremewaari juha älä nyt
00:12:28Strawberryjuice gj
00:12:35Firelord0.1 wtf
00:12:40Strawberryjuice ive just failed
00:12:55XXL kato juha rulaa
00:13:22diesel can u also get wards?
00:13:28diesel I have to ASK them every game
00:13:30diesel its like
00:13:34diesel its not obvious or something :D
00:14:00slc2 Arg dude
00:14:45DeMiaN asf
00:14:47DeMiaN 3hp
00:15:46extremewaari care ¨''
00:15:47extremewaari na invi
00:15:53slc2 we need euls?
00:16:07extremewaari WAIT
00:16:09extremewaari na inbi
00:16:30slc2 can someone buy the next set of wards?
00:16:31diesel 3 mid
00:16:32DeMiaN rape ?
00:16:33slc2 so i can get some hp
00:16:35coolass WAIT ME
00:17:46coolass care
00:17:47coolass mid
00:17:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME lich hi
00:17:56U.Fail2Amuse.ME how are u
00:18:37diesel help needed in mid
00:19:54Strawberryjuice was cd before slark
00:19:55Strawberryjuice sry
00:20:07XXL np
00:21:15coolass look at u
00:21:17coolass srsly :d
00:21:24coolass gj
00:21:28DeMiaN seeee
00:21:29DeMiaN worth it
00:21:59slc2 okay i buy all the wards this game.....
00:22:08Strawberryjuice need dagger
00:22:12slc2 monkeys....
00:22:31Strawberryjuice tower lost
00:22:52coolass cOME
00:23:00coolass care
00:23:03extremewaari puhelimessa
00:23:30Strawberryjuice b
00:23:34Strawberryjuice na with dd
00:23:40U.Fail2Amuse.ME dont waste ulti for steal noob use it to kill 2nd hero
00:24:04diesel tide
00:24:06slc2 i use it every time i have it
00:24:16coolass invo slow as always
00:24:17slc2 and it gives u wards so be guiet.,
00:24:20coolass puff-reis power
00:24:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME there was 3 hero with more hp arround us
00:24:25U.Fail2Amuse.ME pugna was 100 hp
00:24:35slc2 u could ulti here dead.....
00:24:45slc2 istned of using loads of mana on a death es
00:25:28Firelord0.1 they focus me so hard
00:25:30Strawberryjuice guys what was this
00:25:36slc2 really 2 ultis for little lion
00:25:56extremewaari b
00:25:57DeMiaN this ward powns rly
00:26:02Strawberryjuice gj
00:26:30Firelord0.1 i never get that dagger -.-
00:27:09extremewaari wait
00:28:00Strawberryjuice gj
00:28:05Firelord0.1 I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:08coolass diesel u are so fuckin bad
00:28:10coolass its embarassing
00:28:11DeMiaN wtf doom?
00:28:12coolass really
00:28:16diesel fuck you
00:28:17U.Fail2Amuse.ME same
00:28:19diesel that was like THE WORST
00:28:20coolass meil first pick diesel
00:28:20diesel place to fight
00:28:22coolass <8
00:28:25diesel lich ulti fucking owned u
00:28:32diesel 4 of u have olny 1 brain to share?
00:28:33diesel or what
00:28:44coolass better than no brains
00:29:26coolass wards
00:29:34Strawberryjuice storm
00:29:34Strawberryjuice wtf
00:29:35Strawberryjuice fast
00:29:35Strawberryjuice move
00:29:36Strawberryjuice move
00:30:08slc2 that fight turned into gg
00:30:16XXL why the hell
00:30:16slc2 -ii
00:30:18Strawberryjuice cause storm afked
00:30:19XXL u go 4vs5
00:30:26XXL so dumb idea
00:30:27XXL and
00:30:27slc2 3v3
00:30:28XXL always
00:30:28XXL need
00:30:30XXL tide ult
00:30:31XXL before
00:30:32slc2 3v4
00:30:33XXL we
00:30:34XXL fight
00:30:57coolass pugna was so good pick
00:30:58coolass its sick
00:31:01diesel reuse chicken
00:31:10DeMiaN yep
00:31:29Pufff-Reis -ms
00:32:21slc2 jesuss
00:32:25Strawberryjuice guys
00:32:58Strawberryjuice can we win this shit pls =)
00:33:09slc2 i dont think we can
00:33:15Strawberryjuice we should
00:34:03coolass harmi et invoker on vajari
00:34:46coolass sry for
00:34:48coolass keeping u alive
00:34:51coolass for a moment
00:34:51coolass :P
00:35:09DeMiaN this slark is too lucky
00:35:47U.Fail2Amuse.ME na inv
00:35:53Strawberryjuice oom
00:36:13Strawberryjuice wtf
00:36:15Strawberryjuice you see it
00:36:18Strawberryjuice if slark gets slower
00:36:20Strawberryjuice ...
00:36:58Strawberryjuice DOT FOCUS DOOM
00:36:59Strawberryjuice guys
00:37:54Strawberryjuice i dust
00:37:56DeMiaN qqw ghost walk
00:37:59DeMiaN ...
00:38:06DeMiaN gem ?
00:38:09Strawberryjuice =)
00:38:10coolass just ners
00:38:11coolass nerds
00:38:33DeMiaN radi or hot doom ?
00:38:47Firelord0.1 get hex
00:38:48Strawberryjuice pugna pls first
00:38:51Strawberryjuice or not?
00:38:55slc2 no es
00:39:07slc2 go
00:39:36Strawberryjuice xDD
00:39:46diesel gj
00:39:57diesel lich ulti hit me like 5 times
00:39:59diesel supercool
00:41:11Strawberryjuice ulti cd
00:41:45DeMiaN b
00:42:08coolass nice one
00:42:09coolass guys
00:42:14slc2 ty
00:42:23Strawberryjuice LOL
00:42:24Strawberryjuice lion
00:42:25Strawberryjuice xD
00:42:27slc2 jep
00:42:32coolass nörtit voittaa.. niihä se o
00:42:35U.Fail2Amuse.ME it stopped cd
00:42:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME i guess
00:42:39XXL kyllä JUHA
00:43:03Strawberryjuice hex than
00:43:06Strawberryjuice i go
00:43:09slc2 get shivas
00:43:12Strawberryjuice hm
00:43:15Strawberryjuice slark
00:43:17Strawberryjuice hex bnot better?
00:43:27slc2 not for u
00:43:31slc2 for storm yes
00:43:34Strawberryjuice kk
00:44:01diesel wtf
00:44:03diesel are you doing
00:44:06diesel feeding on purpose?
00:44:09diesel dont leave base
00:44:11diesel stick with 5
00:44:13DeMiaN kkk
00:44:15diesel he owns us all
00:44:16slc2 just go mid?
00:44:18extremewaari reuse
00:44:28DeMiaN bb
00:44:46U.Fail2Amuse.ME u died slark?
00:45:15Firelord0.1 zz
00:45:17slc2 mid
00:45:23Strawberryjuice go
00:45:31diesel nice lucker xxl
00:45:38XXL ok pr
00:45:39XXL o
00:45:40coolass LUKKERI OOT VITTU
00:45:43XXL ok
00:46:04Firelord0.1 emp and wind
00:46:28Pufff-Reis -ms
00:46:49slc2 get es out and end?
00:47:20diesel 'IDIOT BLCOKERS FUCK
00:47:25Strawberryjuice -.-
00:48:12XXL care
00:48:26Strawberryjuice stun wtf
00:48:44XXL -ms
00:49:20XXL :DF
00:49:35DeMiaN well
00:49:39DeMiaN this might cost us the game
00:49:48diesel yeap
00:50:06Firelord0.1 how can i know the in wood wiht no wards
00:50:06slc2 go or what?
00:50:11coolass xD
00:50:11U.Fail2Amuse.ME tide has
00:50:12U.Fail2Amuse.ME 2
00:50:13diesel u dont go at all
00:50:24coolass care
00:50:25coolass tide ulti
00:50:27coolass and its gg
00:50:46Strawberryjuice go?
00:51:43DeMiaN slark
00:52:14XXL vitu
00:52:15XXL mana burnit
00:52:31diesel b
00:52:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME buy me gem
00:52:53U.Fail2Amuse.ME some 1
00:53:00coolass need reg
00:53:01extremewaari take
00:53:04diesel basher?
00:53:04Firelord0.1 they get rosh
00:53:05diesel is ok?
00:53:09Firelord0.1 get hex
00:53:11diesel abyssal
00:53:13diesel hex?
00:53:13diesel srsly?
00:53:16Firelord0.1 hex imba
00:53:16DeMiaN nah
00:53:22DeMiaN he needs carry style
00:53:25DeMiaN we got no hard carry
00:53:30XXL i can alone
00:53:32XXL just
00:53:34XXL defend
00:53:47XXL lemme
00:53:48XXL :p
00:53:51XXL just
00:53:52extremewaari STORM
00:54:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME why u jump
00:54:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME slark
00:54:03Strawberryjuice wtf
00:54:14XXL WTF
00:54:14DeMiaN shouldn't let em rosh
00:54:15XXL storm
00:54:17XXL why
00:54:18XXL u stole it
00:54:20XXL idiot
00:54:22coolass we can ff
00:54:23coolass its over
00:54:28diesel its not
00:54:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME thoguht someone will come
00:54:29diesel pugna
00:54:30diesel dont forget
00:54:32diesel 1. thing
00:54:32diesel ard
00:54:34diesel ward
00:54:35Strawberryjuice ofc xD
00:54:39DeMiaN i never forgot
00:54:43DeMiaN don't give entry
00:54:44DeMiaN ggs
00:54:50Strawberryjuice b
00:54:52extremewaari B
00:54:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME k so i enter
00:54:53U.Fail2Amuse.ME or
00:55:21diesel bad idea forest
00:56:15diesel coolass
00:56:16coolass efef
00:56:17diesel when u learn
00:56:19diesel he has gem
00:56:20diesel fail team
00:56:23diesel :D
00:56:23coolass u fail
00:56:23U.Fail2Amuse.ME u see was good i take
00:56:24coolass sry
00:56:26U.Fail2Amuse.ME won game
00:56:27coolass never want to play with u
00:56:27coolass again
00:56:29diesel my fail?
00:56:32coolass yea
00:56:33diesel look at fucking puffs pick
00:56:35diesel retard fuck
00:56:40diesel and coolass
00:56:43coolass puff-reis should be bad
00:56:45diesel ur hero is fucking useless aswell
00:56:47coolass he is 4. pick
00:56:56coolass u are fp
00:57:00coolass u should be better
00:57:01coolass see xxl?
00:57:03coolass he can play
00:57:04coolass u cant
00:57:05coolass sry.
00:57:08coolass gg ff
00:57:08diesel there was lion and tide
00:57:09coolass I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:57:14diesel and u fucking moran pick invoker :D
00:57:16diesel or NA
00:57:25coolass chrissy moran in ur ass
00:57:27diesel g fucking g u shitface
00:57:41Pufff-Reis I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:57:52DeMiaN fff
00:57:52DeMiaN I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
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