Game #4192062

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+15 X
-2 TS

86% | 1533 X | 1460 TS

-40 X
-2 TS

82% | 1484 X | 1447 TS

-1 X
-2 TS

77% | 1396 X | 1472 TS

-48 X
-3 TS

67% | 1369 X | 1354 TS

-1 X
-3 TS

45% | 1131 X | 1342 TS

-17 X
+2 TS

84% | 1483 X | 1481 TS

+17 X
+2 TS

84% | 1556 X | 1405 TS

+36 X
+2 TS

81% | 1485 X | 1434 TS

+23 X
+2 TS

70% | 1373 X | 1373 TS

+26 X
+12 TS

40% | 1186 X | 1224 TS

Chat log

00:00:02McNabb -ap
00:00:22Momdsiw go mid fb?
00:00:41Momdsiw hide their wood
00:00:56Momdsiw or we trY?
00:01:00McNabb ud sile top
00:01:01coolass mansikka miks pelaat aina illal vaa
00:01:02McNabb sven bot
00:01:12mansikka yöllä parhaat pelit
00:01:14coolass :s
00:01:16coolass totta
00:01:23Mercury svents sa üldse tajud sile mängida?
00:01:31fUNCh svents ?
00:01:33fUNCh mine munni
00:01:36Mercury funch'
00:01:43Iho tajud sä etten tajua viroa
00:01:53Momdsiw check
00:02:01Momdsiw miks et oo denyymäs
00:02:01Momdsiw creep
00:02:03Inuusini jos suomi sujuu ni anna mulle farmia alussa, pääsen tappamaan jengiä
00:02:09coolass joo joo
00:02:10coolass pro dota
00:02:22Iho joo
00:02:30Iho level3 vois kokeilla tappaakin
00:02:43U.Fail2Amuse.ME wtf is this weard
00:02:52tba faill
00:03:23U.Fail2Amuse.ME put ward on pull spot for ass fuck
00:03:24U.Fail2Amuse.ME sake
00:03:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME give me
00:03:46Mercury sile aura 1.?
00:04:41McNabb ss
00:05:18Momdsiw :D
00:05:28McNabb lol
00:05:29Momdsiw :D
00:05:31McNabb FAIL
00:05:58coolass tietenki
00:06:16McNabb ss
00:08:06Inuusini saa kyl paskempaa lanea hakee
00:08:07McNabb ss
00:08:08fUNCh b
00:08:34U.Fail2Amuse.ME husk mis
00:08:34fUNCh -st
00:08:35U.Fail2Amuse.ME care
00:08:46Mercury gg
00:08:46McNabb zzzz
00:09:23tba ban him
00:09:31tba ban him
00:09:32fUNCh mida vittu :D?
00:09:44tba tard
00:09:46McNabb ss
00:09:48fUNCh läpakas freezis alt-tabisin et asju kinni panna
00:09:58Inuusini tsekkaan runen
00:10:00fUNCh tabisin tagasi olin vastaste baasis
00:10:07Inuusini top rune
00:10:08Inuusini husk
00:10:35Momdsiw husk top
00:11:09coolass ei oo smokee
00:11:19Inuusini tää on kyl yks manahuora koko herio
00:11:37tba ¨miss bot
00:11:48Momdsiw gank mid
00:11:49McNabb 3 top
00:11:50McNabb help
00:11:53Inuusini omw
00:12:27coolass jaa
00:12:27coolass wardi
00:12:33mansikka :D
00:12:47coolass damn you skin!
00:12:53Momdsiw ty
00:13:02mansikka how u did that stun skin?
00:13:30McNabb need wards
00:13:48McNabb care
00:14:31Mercury offc 4 top
00:15:06mansikka wtf :D
00:15:26McNabb need wards guys
00:15:30tba pudge you sure you wanna play that heroe???
00:15:43McNabb reuse
00:15:43U.Fail2Amuse.ME no i want hold dick
00:17:03Momdsiw dive
00:17:10Momdsiw ogogogog
00:17:38Momdsiw no1 hititng toimbi
00:17:39Momdsiw gg
00:17:52Mercury powwa of tomb :D
00:17:55coolass tra
00:18:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME i tried but riki nap it seems
00:18:07coolass i am
00:18:08U.Fail2Amuse.ME doesnt help
00:18:12coolass :C
00:19:10Momdsiw wops
00:19:47McNabb b
00:19:49Momdsiw go in
00:19:50Momdsiw i tele
00:19:52Momdsiw middle of them
00:20:17McNabb regen top
00:20:32McNabb def
00:20:44McNabb tp
00:20:45Inuusini tp cd
00:21:24Momdsiw i toss pudge in he eats
00:21:43mansikka :DDD
00:22:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME toss on
00:22:03McNabb :D
00:22:06U.Fail2Amuse.ME other mofo1
00:22:10Momdsiw he has stun?
00:22:12Momdsiw disable him mby
00:22:14U.Fail2Amuse.ME either way
00:22:16U.Fail2Amuse.ME he stun me
00:22:16mansikka why dont u ulti sven :D
00:22:17U.Fail2Amuse.ME + silence
00:22:21mansikka no silence
00:22:21coolass ChCIK?
00:22:23Iho sile you need save mana to ulti
00:22:23Momdsiw he had no global
00:22:32McNabb tiny dagger
00:22:36U.Fail2Amuse.ME to be honest
00:22:37fUNCh not if its on cd
00:22:39U.Fail2Amuse.ME i didnt even see sven there
00:22:44U.Fail2Amuse.ME i thought u toss me on creep
00:23:04Momdsiw im oom
00:24:13coolass haste stil
00:24:36coolass vittu et kestää
00:25:01McNabb :D
00:25:02Inuusini fuuck
00:25:02coolass hakkeri
00:25:03coolass xd
00:25:46McNabb new wards
00:26:10Momdsiw dont go
00:26:11Momdsiw jakiro
00:26:13Momdsiw ytou dont even habve boots
00:26:31McNabb arh
00:27:07fUNCh doublelucky ulti :D
00:27:13Mercury fml
00:27:17fUNCh tiny blinked sametime pudge ultid
00:27:29mansikka -ii
00:27:36U.Fail2Amuse.ME wtf noob leave me alone
00:27:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME omg
00:27:39Momdsiw -ii
00:27:43Momdsiw xD
00:27:45Momdsiw this pudge
00:27:55fUNCh -st
00:28:12Momdsiw sun piti olla liekeis mun kaa riki
00:28:14McNabb wards
00:28:15coolass :/
00:28:16McNabb come
00:28:36McNabb b
00:29:27McNabb ither we farm or we wards up and go 5
00:29:46coolass b after
00:29:48coolass i want farm
00:30:00Momdsiw b
00:30:11Momdsiw elä nyt tornille jää
00:30:16coolass sori olin afk
00:30:21Momdsiw eiku olit visisi
00:30:23Momdsiw hakksit tombi
00:31:40Inuusini ...
00:31:49Momdsiw dis sick outplay!
00:31:49Inuusini srsly?
00:31:49McNabb jesus
00:32:12coolass vittu että kestää pitkään
00:32:19Momdsiw gem on sven
00:33:14Inuusini go with 5?
00:33:18Iho y
00:33:58Iho gem
00:34:03Inuusini ok, lets not kill them
00:34:20Inuusini just farm to win
00:34:42Iho b
00:34:42Iho b
00:34:43Inuusini huskar no lifesteal
00:34:43Iho b
00:34:44Inuusini ?
00:34:50Iho dont lost gem
00:34:50McNabb uselress sile pick
00:35:11Iho gimme
00:35:13coolass ja uus yritys
00:35:14coolass -,.
00:35:22fUNCh i just suck with it atm
00:35:25fUNCh aint useless
00:35:41McNabb your ok the hero suck
00:35:46fUNCh not -.-
00:35:50Momdsiw -ms
00:35:52McNabb hate it
00:36:02McNabb more wards
00:36:05Momdsiw saaks tiny ms aghastA?
00:36:08coolass ei
00:36:09mansikka ei
00:36:09coolass Oo
00:36:10Momdsiw tai ultista
00:36:10coolass emt
00:36:15mansikka ulitstj oo
00:36:15coolass kui
00:36:17Momdsiw tiiätkö paljo tinyn ms on treaduil sit
00:36:28mansikka 15 treadseihi lisää
00:36:31mansikka jos ulit3
00:36:33Momdsiw -ms
00:36:34Momdsiw 405
00:37:27McNabb b
00:39:05Momdsiw urn me
00:39:06Momdsiw ty
00:39:14Momdsiw i toss back some1
00:39:47McNabb ud ffs
00:39:51McNabb big pussy
00:39:52Momdsiw miks joku sny jos sul difuf :D
00:39:53Inuusini creepblocked forever
00:39:55Momdsiw mantal saisit dustit veks
00:40:04coolass paisti ku paisti
00:40:11coolass miksei sny ku diffu
00:40:18coolass manta kyl parempi
00:40:24coolass halusin hp
00:40:27mansikka saa dustin diffullakin pois
00:40:34coolass joo
00:40:40coolass ¨¨
00:40:44McNabb wardsssss
00:41:07Momdsiw mut manaburnia lisää
00:41:09Momdsiw jos diffu o
00:41:21coolass :D
00:41:26Inuusini ill get plate+gem
00:42:07fUNCh 2
00:42:35McNabb I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:37fUNCh I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:43McNabb 1 by 1
00:42:54Momdsiw base
00:43:12coolass mis rampage
00:43:13Inuusini our aoe = ud
00:43:13coolass :C
00:43:16Inuusini gg
00:43:26Momdsiw pew pew
00:43:36coolass pehmee
00:43:54coolass ^^
00:43:55McNabb HA
00:43:55coolass :D
00:44:07coolass sick dps
00:44:17Inuusini sais melkein jonku retbannin antaa näille jotka ottaa sileä rikiä vastaan
00:44:27coolass ehdottomasti
00:44:28Momdsiw luul
00:44:31coolass xd
00:44:33Momdsiw bannii vaa semmoset
00:44:36Momdsiw rikit
00:44:40Momdsiw nii oltais lycal tuhottu xD
00:44:42fUNCh -ms
00:44:51Momdsiw mun tiny pehmenti teiät
00:44:53Inuusini kerro millä paskaa sileä ei tuhota
00:44:56Momdsiw mid games
00:45:15Momdsiw ai teiän silua?
00:45:24coolass hmm
00:45:24Momdsiw teet bkb nii smoke ei toimi
00:45:26Inuusini nii, kerro mikä hero sitä ei tappais
00:45:32Momdsiw aih
00:45:33Momdsiw lycanii?
00:45:50Inuusini ihasama, unoha
00:45:58coolass let it be dawg
00:46:02Momdsiw kerro mitä paskaa sileiä ei tuhota
00:46:03Momdsiw sanoit
00:46:06Momdsiw meni vähä ohi
00:46:23Inuusini että mikä on niin paska hero et sile voittais sen
00:46:25McNabb I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:31Mercury I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:32Momdsiw 1 hittasi tombi :D
00:46:33Inuusini I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:34McNabb wp funch
00:46:34Iho I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
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