Game #4123051

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+35 X
+1 TS

97% | 1788 X | 1563 TS

-20 X
+1 TS

95% | 1749 X | 1492 TS

-32 X
+1 TS

81% | 1511 X | 1407 TS

+37 X
+2 TS

64% | 1259 X | 1422 TS

-4 X
+1 TS

58% | 1255 X | 1360 TS

-11 X
-1 TS

97% | 1805 X | 1538 TS

-17 X
-1 TS

90% | 1648 X | 1428 TS

+28 X
-3 TS

88% | 1643 X | 1393 TS

-35 X
-2 TS

73% | 1434 X | 1363 TS

+31 X
-1 TS

60% | 1301 X | 1333 TS

Chat log

00:00:21mrk tahate
00:00:21livingde4th wishes?
00:00:21mrk phoenix
00:00:21mrk wl
00:00:21holostoi tide
00:00:21livingde4th anyone want naix?
00:00:21livingde4th cos i ban it
00:00:21livingde4th if not
00:00:21mrk ?
00:00:21livingde4th or phoenix?
00:00:21yeW- u go phoenix
00:00:21yeW- ?
00:00:21holostoi ???? 2 ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????
00:00:21yeW- coolas
00:00:21yeW- phoenix
00:00:21livingde4th i dont play phoenix
00:00:21yeW- ?
00:00:21mamyka i can pheo
00:00:21livingde4th ban naix
00:00:21livingde4th k
00:00:21livingde4th i pick ti
00:00:21livingde4th or wlock
00:00:21svents ma teen wli siis
00:00:21livingde4th for me
00:00:21yeW- k
00:00:21mrk phoe
00:00:21svents banni phoe ära
00:00:29yeW- i go le naga
00:00:35livingde4th hmm
00:00:37svents rubic oleks hea
00:00:38livingde4th then
00:00:40yeW- aleks
00:00:41livingde4th no more carry
00:00:42yeW- goes bone
00:00:42svents stealid wli ulti
00:00:43livingde4th get supports
00:00:45yeW- -clear
00:00:46Homeostat0000 pick me naga siren
00:00:47yeW- :D
00:00:48livingde4th he was last game
00:00:48mrk 5qhqe
00:00:50svents aga ma ise rubicut ei viitsi
00:00:50livingde4th and didnt work
00:00:59Homeostat0000 with diffus its great on paper
00:00:59livingde4th hmm
00:01:01coolass can i furiywan
00:01:06yeW- was going to
00:01:06yeW- :p
00:01:08Homeostat0000 what ya wanna?
00:01:08holostoi ????? ??????
00:01:09coolass ok
00:01:11mamyka ????? ??? ???? ???
00:01:14holostoi ?
00:01:17coolass shit
00:01:19mrk ee
00:01:19yeW- -ma
00:01:21mrk bat
00:01:24yeW- get lion
00:01:26mrk -swap 3
00:01:27coolass fuck
00:01:27yeW- lion sven
00:01:28Homeostat0000 -swap 1
00:01:32mamyka ????? ????
00:01:32yeW- lion
00:01:33yeW- magnus
00:01:34yeW- SVEN
00:01:35yeW- NP
00:01:36yeW- -clear
00:01:36mrk svents teeb lane alla ehk
00:01:40livingde4th magnus y
00:01:42livingde4th pawns naga
00:01:43mamyka -swap 5
00:01:45Homeostat0000 svents ranged pls
00:01:45svents teen sd
00:01:46holostoi -swap 3
00:01:47coolass i want to
00:01:47livingde4th gj
00:01:47svents siis 2kki
00:01:48yeW- gg p
00:01:48Homeostat0000 rubick mb?
00:01:48yeW- wp
00:01:49mrk sven on ka hea
00:01:50Homeostat0000 or sd
00:01:51coolass I WANT BOTTOM
00:01:51yeW- srsly
00:01:53livingde4th check runes
00:01:53svents hmmmm
00:01:55yeW- if we lose this
00:01:56mrk võta mis tahad
00:01:56yeW- :D
00:01:56livingde4th CHECK RUNES
00:01:57svents i can play every1
00:02:01livingde4th y
00:02:02svents so what um gonna take?
00:02:03livingde4th then we failed
00:02:05livingde4th miserably
00:02:07mrk sd
00:02:07Homeostat0000 rubick best
00:02:08Homeostat0000 imo
00:02:09mrk rubic
00:02:10diesel ma mid või top?
00:02:10mrk vahet pole
00:02:12mrk mid
00:02:17mrk trax tusk top
00:02:19Homeostat0000 me vbot with rub
00:02:19coolass jew
00:02:21coolass u forest?
00:02:22mrk ok
00:02:23mrk go bot
00:02:27mrk trax mid
00:02:28livingde4th hmm
00:02:33livingde4th its bat naga top oprobably
00:02:34livingde4th drow mid
00:02:36coolass ¨i can solo lvl 3 np
00:02:37mrk tule top
00:02:37yeW- -ma
00:02:37mrk svents
00:02:40svents this heroes
00:02:42mrk or
00:02:43mrk not
00:02:43svents hotkeys sucks
00:02:44livingde4th care bat naga
00:02:44mrk ja
00:02:44yeW- bat mid
00:02:45mrk nii go
00:02:45yeW- imo
00:02:46yeW- -clear
00:02:46livingde4th its pretty nasty
00:02:47Homeostat0000 why not bot me+rubick
00:02:49livingde4th could be
00:02:50Homeostat0000 was good laning
00:02:52mrk y
00:02:53livingde4th but
00:02:58coolass moi livindeath
00:03:00coolass hi yew-
00:03:00livingde4th then theyre top sucks
00:03:02yeW- hi
00:03:21mrk aleks
00:03:27mrk if i get
00:03:28mrk 3-4 stacks
00:03:30mrk u ball us in
00:03:32Aleks875 y
00:04:24livingde4th ss
00:04:36mrk go after this
00:04:37mrk creep
00:04:39yeW- ping
00:04:40yeW- mid
00:04:41yeW- for gang
00:04:48Aleks875 b
00:05:00Aleks875 gj
00:05:08mrk wait until im lvl 2
00:05:09mrk next time
00:05:12mrk :P
00:05:18Aleks875 ^^
00:05:42mrk ice
00:05:45yeW- omw mid
00:05:51mrk ice
00:06:12yeW- top is owning
00:06:16yeW- the usual
00:06:17mamyka yep
00:06:19yeW- russian combo
00:06:36svents gj
00:06:39Homeostat0000 same
00:06:42holostoi furi suck as usual
00:06:42diesel mul pole eriti hea farm siin
00:06:44mamyka stupid yew owning?
00:07:11yeW- soon
00:07:15livingde4th wait
00:07:15livingde4th 6
00:07:18yeW- m
00:07:19svents ss1
00:07:25livingde4th 1 wave
00:07:27livingde4th ss
00:07:29diesel rune bot
00:07:37livingde4th furi come
00:07:56livingde4th tp now
00:08:01coolass varo
00:08:02coolass ss
00:08:03coolass sori
00:08:28mrk ball
00:08:29yeW- nuke
00:08:49Homeostat0000 oom
00:08:56mamyka go
00:09:09Homeostat0000 no mana yet
00:09:11Homeostat0000 soon have
00:09:22livingde4th buy me
00:09:23livingde4th obs
00:09:24livingde4th lion
00:09:24mrk slow teda
00:09:26holostoi ss top
00:09:26livingde4th i bought hawk
00:09:44livingde4th lion
00:09:46livingde4th BUY ME OBSD
00:09:47livingde4th NOW
00:09:48livingde4th FFS
00:09:52mamyka stfu noob
00:09:58livingde4th dude i need it for farm
00:10:01mamyka i can buy it in fight
00:10:15livingde4th furi
00:10:15livingde4th mid
00:10:16livingde4th soon
00:10:17livingde4th ulti
00:10:18livingde4th almost
00:10:19mamyka ss tusk ?
00:10:30yeW- tusk is top
00:10:32yeW- with ur russian mate
00:10:35yeW- in case u had forgotten
00:10:39livingde4th ss
00:11:10livingde4th omw down
00:11:11livingde4th kill em
00:11:30mrk SS WL
00:11:31mamyka RLY IN TIME
00:11:44livingde4th doing jangpo
00:11:47mrk tapame
00:11:52mamyka no more ward i go farm stupid wl
00:11:56coolass :D
00:12:00Aleks875 tower low
00:12:01livingde4th i bought
00:12:02livingde4th hawk
00:12:04livingde4th so plz
00:12:05mamyka np
00:12:06livingde4th stop whine
00:12:11mamyka u can save me
00:12:17mamyka but you stay and look
00:12:27yeW- tide kill mb?
00:12:41mrk dont waste stun
00:12:43mrk in cases like that
00:12:45holostoi mb just su bob?
00:12:45livingde4th def bot?
00:12:45mrk he was cornered
00:12:51Aleks875 i dont see him
00:12:58livingde4th gone
00:12:59livingde4th go mid
00:13:00livingde4th twr
00:13:05coolass coming
00:13:10mrk come
00:13:19svents mai saa
00:13:20Homeostat0000 k i can go with u 3
00:13:22svents i go regen
00:13:24Homeostat0000 but come
00:13:28livingde4th take
00:13:28livingde4th dd
00:13:51Homeostat0000 the hell
00:13:55mrk fuck i didnt even know they had magnus lol
00:14:12livingde4th lol bonds
00:14:13yeW- just synched
00:14:14yeW- ulties
00:14:15yeW- and np
00:14:35coolass lOOOLL
00:14:40diesel mrk?
00:14:40mrk miks edasi ei micro
00:14:41diesel wth
00:14:43mrk jätsid passima golemi
00:14:44svents ei suuda:D
00:14:50mrk oleks wli ära tapnud
00:14:50svents sellel herol nii sitad hotkeyd
00:14:52coolass Svents
00:14:53coolass not cool
00:14:53mrk eino
00:14:55mrk click
00:14:56coolass 8D
00:14:56svents ?
00:14:56mrk on golem
00:14:58mrk click on hero
00:14:59mrk ez
00:14:59mrk :D
00:15:00coolass steal wlock ulti
00:15:08svents why not?:(
00:15:18coolass its just bad etiquette
00:15:26svents ^^
00:15:28mamyka c??? ???
00:15:28coolass :P
00:15:38mamyka ?8
00:15:52livingde4th top inc
00:15:54livingde4th brown
00:15:58livingde4th care
00:16:07livingde4th go toop
00:16:08livingde4th twr
00:16:10livingde4th but wait me
00:16:11Homeostat0000 push mid and bot
00:16:12Homeostat0000 imo
00:16:39mrk but not die top
00:17:03mrk silence?
00:17:08mrk go
00:17:16Homeostat0000 lion TPED
00:17:25mrk su silence
00:17:26Homeostat0000 gogo wl
00:17:26mrk canceldab
00:17:27mrk furi tp
00:17:29livingde4th kill top
00:17:30livingde4th got ult
00:17:35livingde4th levi
00:17:36livingde4th come ult
00:17:55holostoi can u ulty
00:17:58holostoi fuck u
00:18:03mrk u guys
00:18:05mrk should look
00:18:08livingde4th can u
00:18:08mrk map more often
00:18:09livingde4th tp ult
00:18:10livingde4th idiot
00:18:12diesel telefoni otsas olin
00:18:12diesel sry
00:18:14holostoi bob
00:18:15mrk tuskar u ran to tower right next to furi
00:18:16mrk :D
00:18:17holostoi he sile me
00:18:19holostoi anyway
00:18:23livingde4th i would ult
00:18:24livingde4th ..
00:18:25holostoi u must first ulty
00:18:26mamyka idiot wl you can start fight?
00:18:28livingde4th i needed mana
00:18:30livingde4th from clarity
00:18:32Aleks875 i killed tide
00:18:33livingde4th icnase u dont notice
00:18:33holostoi fuck u then i go farm wood
00:18:53mamyka imbecil wl u must start fight
00:18:56svents oot
00:18:58yeW- dont
00:19:00yeW- get silenced
00:19:02yeW- like a noob
00:19:03livingde4th y
00:19:03yeW- mb tide
00:19:04livingde4th we need
00:19:05livingde4th towers
00:19:10yeW- agnu?N
00:19:10yeW- tt
00:19:11coolass hjoo
00:19:13coolass FF
00:19:13yeW- the fuck
00:19:14livingde4th go with 5
00:19:14yeW- u doin
00:19:14livingde4th ffs
00:19:17livingde4th we got epic ultis
00:19:21livingde4th twrs
00:19:21livingde4th ffs
00:19:46Homeostat0000 tusk why leave me
00:19:49Homeostat0000 we could kill
00:19:55livingde4th ult soon
00:19:55livingde4th gogo
00:19:59Aleks875 cose i dont want fight 2vs 5
00:20:12livingde4th furi
00:20:13yeW- magnus
00:20:14livingde4th lothars?
00:20:14yeW- join
00:20:15yeW- no
00:20:21livingde4th do it
00:20:22livingde4th epic
00:20:23livingde4th for poushing
00:20:25holostoi wl reported
00:20:30livingde4th what
00:20:32livingde4th i was
00:20:33livingde4th writing
00:20:34mamyka go report thius cunt for steal creeps
00:20:37holostoi u steal my creep
00:20:39livingde4th lol
00:20:40livingde4th sorry
00:20:43livingde4th but i was writing
00:20:43holostoi not my problem
00:20:44livingde4th cos
00:20:45livingde4th magnus
00:20:47livingde4th doesnt join
00:20:50livingde4th report
00:20:50yeW- lol
00:20:51coolass haista vittu
00:20:52livingde4th go ahead
00:20:55yeW- wp magnus
00:20:56Homeostat0000 he mad?
00:20:57yeW- plain like a ockfce
00:21:09coolass FF
00:21:44Homeostat0000 forced 3 to tp bot
00:21:47Homeostat0000 lol they suck
00:21:49svents diesel?
00:21:52livingde4th this is gg
00:21:53svents sa silencit kasutasid?
00:21:54livingde4th u cant go
00:21:55livingde4th wioth 5
00:21:55mamyka yep
00:21:56yeW- no chance
00:21:56livingde4th ...
00:21:59livingde4th so hard
00:22:01yeW- with these lad
00:22:01diesel kastuasin just pärast bati ultit ju
00:22:01livingde4th to go with 5??
00:22:05svents aa
00:22:07livingde4th magnus
00:22:07svents ma m6tlesin
00:22:10livingde4th could u JOIN US
00:22:13svents et furi oleks kh veel saanud :P
00:22:15livingde4th AND FUCKING STOP WANKING
00:22:17livingde4th AT TOP
00:22:18livingde4th ALONE
00:22:20livingde4th UR NOT CARYR
00:22:20mrk wait
00:22:23diesel nii pro ma ei ole
00:22:24yeW- coolas
00:22:27mrk go ball
00:22:28livingde4th coolas
00:22:30yeW- usually plays fine
00:22:31yeW- but now
00:22:33livingde4th kuset kokopäelin
00:22:35livingde4th iha vaa btw
00:22:38yeW- plays like most retarded noob on earth
00:22:42livingde4th come topo
00:22:43livingde4th all
00:22:44livingde4th twr
00:22:45livingde4th gogogogogogwopgpsfdö
00:22:45mamyka said eyw
00:22:45livingde4th dn
00:22:46livingde4th gfrs
00:22:46livingde4th hdfgh
00:22:46livingde4th ha
00:22:46livingde4th hdf
00:22:47livingde4th hfd
00:22:47livingde4th hfgd
00:22:47livingde4th gdf
00:22:48livingde4th hgdf
00:22:49livingde4th f
00:22:49livingde4th rg
00:22:50livingde4th ghr
00:22:50yeW- i tp
00:22:51livingde4th come
00:22:52livingde4th top
00:22:53mamyka kid?
00:22:53livingde4th now
00:22:54livingde4th or die
00:22:56livingde4th m orons
00:23:08livingde4th my ulti
00:23:10livingde4th 60s cd
00:23:27mrk dont ball in teamfights
00:23:38livingde4th go
00:23:39livingde4th furi can tp
00:23:41livingde4th go top
00:23:41Homeostat0000 dont fight there
00:23:42livingde4th all
00:23:43coolass VOI VITTU
00:23:45livingde4th pääset
00:23:48livingde4th mun ja levin ulti
00:24:26coolass BONDs
00:24:34livingde4th used
00:24:34diesel no nüüd siis kasutad
00:24:36svents why u ulti now?
00:24:38diesel ei näinud magnat ultimas ?
00:24:41svents its too fcking late
00:24:42mrk ma olen bat
00:24:44diesel see oli nii obvious
00:24:47livingde4th furi?
00:24:49livingde4th de3ad+
00:24:53diesel ma räägin nagaga
00:24:58svents yeah
00:25:00svents naga
00:25:02mrk ta ei saa aru
00:25:02svents use ulti faster
00:25:04livingde4th am i cursed?
00:25:04holostoi furi lick dogs ball atm
00:25:08livingde4th WITH NOIOBS TODAY
00:25:22yeW- i was dead ye
00:25:32livingde4th y
00:25:32mrk ta mingi
00:25:34livingde4th so u got engaged
00:25:35mrk kagu
00:25:36livingde4th ffs
00:25:36mrk euroopa
00:25:39yeW- hee
00:25:40yeW- ye
00:25:40mrk vist
00:25:52svents tra
00:25:54svents te magate
00:25:56svents jumala küll
00:26:10livingde4th k
00:26:16mrk no difu?
00:26:46livingde4th wait
00:26:49livingde4th gather
00:26:50livingde4th def top
00:26:51livingde4th or mid
00:26:53svents naga
00:26:56svents why no diffu?
00:27:05Homeostat0000 decided heart first will be better
00:27:05mamyka furion cant push towers?
00:27:06livingde4th go mid
00:27:07livingde4th furi
00:27:07livingde4th tp
00:27:10livingde4th kill mid
00:27:11livingde4th no bat
00:27:12livingde4th gogogogo
00:27:13mamyka thant new style for furi
00:27:20holostoi furion ballslicker
00:27:22yeW- lalz
00:27:23mamyka +
00:27:28yeW- how do u expect to push me anythin
00:27:30livingde4th top all
00:27:31livingde4th furi
00:27:31yeW- when they miss
00:27:32livingde4th go in
00:27:33yeW- n no wars
00:27:34livingde4th with tp
00:28:13livingde4th tp
00:28:16Homeostat0000 back
00:28:33mrk rofl
00:28:39mrk i wanted to fuck with one of you
00:28:41mrk but couldnt
00:29:02mrk well
00:29:03Homeostat0000 go
00:29:06Homeostat0000 tide cd
00:29:13livingde4th agha
00:29:21yeW- lolz
00:29:34coolass :D
00:29:38yeW- bb
00:29:43holostoi k
00:29:45yeW- YE
00:29:47yeW- PING US
00:29:48svents oh i love ur ulties :)
00:29:50yeW- CUZ WE ARE AT FAULT
00:29:51Aleks875 nice items
00:29:52Aleks875 wl
00:30:02holostoi if u furi bob come
00:30:06livingde4th we
00:30:08livingde4th killed
00:30:08yeW- meh
00:30:08holostoi we take twr and them 2
00:30:08livingde4th drow
00:30:10livingde4th incase
00:30:11livingde4th u noob
00:30:13livingde4th dont see
00:30:13livingde4th it
00:30:14livingde4th ..
00:30:17livingde4th 'and u rush toi
00:30:17livingde4th twr
00:30:18mamyka u killed drow 5 min ag
00:30:19livingde4th with 3
00:30:20svents teen meka vist
00:30:22mamyka FUCKIN NOOBS
00:30:22livingde4th its ur own fault
00:30:25svents ei oska midagi teha siin
00:30:32yeW- dont bother
00:30:33yeW- wl
00:30:37yeW- ur speakin
00:30:38mamyka oke
00:30:39Homeostat0000 u tarded?
00:30:39yeW- with cancer
00:30:40yeW- itself
00:30:40livingde4th im pissed
00:30:42livingde4th off
00:30:43livingde4th gg
00:30:43livingde4th I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:46mrk wl has
00:30:46coolass I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:46mamyka I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:47mrk double golem
00:30:52holostoi I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:53yeW- tide mana boots
00:31:00Homeostat0000 U MEAN REFRESHER+AGHA
00:31:03Homeostat0000 or just agha?
00:31:03holostoi and?
00:31:05mrk agha
00:31:05svents agha
00:31:06svents just
00:31:06livingde4th lol
00:31:07mamyka ahaha
00:31:07livingde4th lion
00:31:07Homeostat0000 np
00:31:08mamyka wl
00:31:08livingde4th stun
00:31:09livingde4th ffs
00:31:15mamyka scared?
00:31:18livingde4th im not gonna waste
00:31:19livingde4th ulkt
00:31:20livingde4th on 1
00:31:21svents mul magna ult olemas
00:31:23livingde4th ffs
00:32:33Homeostat0000 dont get how u survived that fight
00:32:38livingde4th hmm
00:32:40livingde4th force
00:32:40mamyka again cunt furi no in fight
00:32:41livingde4th or what
00:32:42Homeostat0000 if i knew they fail i would come
00:32:43svents its ez
00:32:43yeW- I HAD
00:32:46yeW- 50 HP
00:32:50yeW- U COCKFACED
00:32:51yeW- SON OF A WHORE
00:32:54livingde4th hmm
00:32:57livingde4th thinking lothars
00:32:58livingde4th also
00:33:00livingde4th but u got i9t
00:33:02mamyka all time u dead or u kill drow or u had 50 hp
00:33:06livingde4th necros?
00:33:13livingde4th furi
00:33:13livingde4th tp
00:33:14livingde4th bat
00:33:15livingde4th 1 hp
00:33:15mrk furi
00:33:18yeW- cd
00:33:34coolass care
00:33:36coolass drowi tulee
00:33:52Homeostat0000 800 to diff and finish
00:34:07yeW- took u
00:34:08yeW- some time
00:34:09livingde4th what u thjinkl
00:34:10yeW- lion
00:34:11yeW- ..
00:34:14mrk def
00:34:14mrk tp
00:34:18Homeostat0000 cant
00:34:20livingde4th force
00:34:20livingde4th or
00:34:21livingde4th necro
00:34:23Homeostat0000 def t2
00:34:24livingde4th or dps
00:34:38mrk yeah he would golem
00:34:39livingde4th go
00:34:40livingde4th twr
00:34:42mamyka next
00:34:53Homeostat0000 back
00:34:54Homeostat0000 go safe
00:34:58Homeostat0000 omg
00:34:58svents :D
00:35:00Homeostat0000 def rax :D
00:35:02mrk rofl
00:35:08livingde4th yew
00:35:10livingde4th 2,7k
00:35:11Homeostat0000 positioning people
00:35:11livingde4th hmm
00:35:57mamyka we need dps
00:35:59holostoi ??? ?? ? ???????? ????
00:36:00livingde4th anyone doing
00:36:01livingde4th ac?
00:36:02holostoi ????? ????
00:36:02livingde4th i could
00:36:08holostoi ????? ? ?? ??? ???????
00:36:10holostoi ????????
00:36:10yeW- refresher
00:36:11yeW- mate
00:36:13yeW- obviously
00:36:14livingde4th naa
00:36:17livingde4th hmm
00:36:19yeW- do it
00:36:20yeW- imo
00:36:36livingde4th doing ac
00:36:41livingde4th we dont need
00:36:43livingde4th 2 ultis
00:36:57livingde4th fight
00:37:41livingde4th ult
00:37:42livingde4th was
00:37:43livingde4th cd
00:37:44livingde4th soerry
00:38:17diesel hästi
00:38:41livingde4th just b
00:38:47livingde4th nice
00:38:51Homeostat0000 search
00:38:56livingde4th too bad
00:38:57livingde4th my ult
00:38:58Homeostat0000 nvm
00:38:59livingde4th was 20s
00:38:59livingde4th cd
00:39:01livingde4th o9n teamfight
00:39:10holostoi ???????
00:39:19mamyka cunt
00:39:37livingde4th soon
00:39:38livingde4th ac
00:39:41yeW- rosh
00:39:41yeW- go
00:39:51mrk wait
00:39:51mrk me
00:39:53mrk wait
00:39:54mrk he takes
00:39:54mrk time
00:39:54mrk wait
00:39:56mrk incase ward
00:39:57mrk wait
00:40:07livingde4th go
00:40:07mrk jesus
00:40:08livingde4th my ult
00:40:08mrk just
00:40:08livingde4th rdy
00:40:09mrk :D
00:40:18svents gg
00:40:20svents I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:40:28mrk why cant you wait...
00:40:30livingde4th take
00:40:31livingde4th got ult
00:40:32svents naga
00:40:34svents we said w8
00:40:37svents why u go
00:40:39svents now go ff
00:40:41svents its over
00:40:43coolass canjt
00:41:01diesel OMG
00:41:14Homeostat0000 u are fucking horrible
00:41:15livingde4th help
00:41:24livingde4th i tp
00:41:25livingde4th ffs
00:41:31yeW- russia
00:41:33yeW- prevail
00:41:34livingde4th lol
00:41:35yeW- s
00:41:36livingde4th bat
00:41:38livingde4th u blocked me
00:41:45mrk wl was there
00:41:46mrk stuck
00:41:50mrk u still there?
00:41:52mrk im gonna rescue
00:41:54livingde4th naa tpd
00:42:07mrk lase staffiga läbi puude
00:42:07mrk ehk
00:42:10mrk kui oleksid tahtnud
00:42:11mrk minna
00:42:13livingde4th 400g
00:42:13livingde4th ac
00:42:20livingde4th anyone
00:42:20mrk mitte nii
00:42:22livingde4th medallion?
00:42:22mrk :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
00:42:29svents :D
00:42:29mrk + ta oli midis juba
00:42:31svents y
00:42:33svents tean
00:42:34yeW- soz
00:42:34svents n2gin
00:42:37livingde4th let me
00:42:38svents ma nsm ootan
00:42:38livingde4th 200g
00:42:39livingde4th ac
00:42:42svents 2kki tulevad roshima
00:42:49svents stealin ultit ja pew pew:D
00:43:09mrk gather
00:43:10mrk please
00:43:19livingde4th hmm
00:43:20livingde4th 10g
00:43:21Homeostat0000 sorry need mana
00:43:23Homeostat0000 will brb
00:43:33svents :D
00:43:46Homeostat0000 why dont u search there
00:43:49livingde4th someone medallion
00:43:52livingde4th if i go stygi
00:44:00mrk because he wasnt even here
00:44:11Homeostat0000 1 search 1 way other other ;p
00:44:14Homeostat0000 nv
00:44:15Homeostat0000 omw
00:44:16mrk as in
00:44:17mrk it was illu
00:44:17livingde4th go mid
00:44:18livingde4th all
00:44:18mrk he wasnt here
00:44:19livingde4th push
00:44:20Aleks875 i cant understand one
00:44:22Homeostat0000 ok
00:44:24yeW- got hex
00:44:25Aleks875 u havent dust
00:44:25yeW- in a min
00:44:27Homeostat0000 didnt watch :D
00:44:30Aleks875 and let fury run
00:44:40mrk because
00:44:40mrk he
00:44:41mrk wasnt
00:44:42mrk there
00:44:43Homeostat0000 drow bkb imo
00:44:45livingde4th go mid
00:44:56mrk snipe somone
00:44:58livingde4th go
00:44:59mrk +e
00:45:02diesel mana
00:45:02Homeostat0000 tuskar go vlad now pls
00:45:06mamyka b
00:45:08livingde4th b
00:45:09livingde4th mid
00:45:10livingde4th go
00:45:13livingde4th stick together
00:45:15mrk warded
00:45:18livingde4th furi
00:45:19livingde4th stay
00:45:20livingde4th ffs
00:45:25yeW- said
00:45:28yeW- needed he
00:45:29yeW- got it
00:45:29livingde4th stay
00:45:29yeW- omw
00:45:30livingde4th go
00:45:31livingde4th 5
00:45:31mrk tide magnus
00:45:32mrk blinks
00:45:40Homeostat0000 back
00:45:42livingde4th go
00:45:43livingde4th levi
00:45:45livingde4th firsty
00:45:52livingde4th not me
00:45:53livingde4th ffs
00:45:54livingde4th we lose
00:45:56livingde4th if instagipped
00:46:01diesel dont go
00:46:03diesel im not there
00:46:13mrk roti golemid
00:46:14mrk või tide
00:46:16livingde4th stay mid
00:46:30svents lol
00:46:31mrk mitte kojeh
00:46:37svents tra
00:46:42svents see naga ulti
00:46:48mrk tra
00:46:50mrk ainult
00:46:51mrk tide
00:46:52mrk oli sul ranges
00:46:53mrk :D:D:D:
00:46:57svents yeah
00:47:00svents teuised olid ei tea kus
00:47:01mrk ofc oota
00:47:03mrk teised ära
00:47:06mrk sa kohe ultid
00:47:10livingde4th cd
00:47:13svents no ma kartsin et saan mingi magnus ulti j2lle
00:47:17yeW- refresher
00:47:18svents mai ela üle seda
00:47:18yeW- blue
00:47:20mrk no
00:47:22mrk kui sa saad magnuse ulti
00:47:24mrk siis mina naga
00:47:25mrk elame
00:47:27mrk ei ole nii?
00:47:27mrk :D
00:47:32livingde4th we got
00:47:35livingde4th 4 ultis
00:47:35svents ei
00:47:36livingde4th that rape
00:47:38svents ma r22gin
00:47:38livingde4th i just go
00:47:38livingde4th dps
00:47:41livingde4th no need
00:47:41svents et magnus ultib mind
00:47:42livingde4th for more
00:47:44svents siis mul fcked
00:47:44Homeostat0000 can i know what u talkin?
00:47:47coolass haha
00:47:48mrk no exactly
00:47:49mrk mina naga
00:47:50mrk jääme välja
00:47:52mrk = wasted magnus ulti
00:47:53Homeostat0000 i think u shouldnt get tide there
00:47:53mrk we win
00:47:58yeW- b!!
00:48:12mrk u shoudve illu and insta him
00:48:13yeW- jesus
00:48:14Homeostat0000 push it
00:48:16mrk but ye it was a bad move
00:48:25Homeostat0000 was so unsure
00:48:26mrk he has like 500 mana
00:48:28Homeostat0000 and magnus dagger
00:48:29yeW- dmg
00:48:29livingde4th stop telling me what to do
00:48:29yeW- !
00:48:31mrk 4s disable
00:48:31livingde4th when u
00:48:32livingde4th built
00:48:33livingde4th agha
00:48:36mrk others were behind tower
00:48:36mamyka )
00:48:38livingde4th which is basicly shit
00:48:39mamyka aha
00:48:40yeW- aghas just fine
00:48:46livingde4th ur ult
00:48:47livingde4th 'cd
00:48:48mamyka aghas for lowbob
00:48:49Homeostat0000 try
00:48:49livingde4th is alrdy 60
00:48:51livingde4th just few
00:48:55livingde4th ...
00:48:58diesel MDIA ON
00:49:07livingde4th helpå
00:49:07livingde4th he
00:49:08livingde4th ultis
00:49:09yeW- no
00:49:20coolass ^^
00:49:31Homeostat0000 mid
00:49:37mrk did u manually end ulti?
00:49:38mamyka push noob furi
00:49:39Homeostat0000 too bad there is fur
00:49:43Homeostat0000 yes..
00:49:44mamyka cunt
00:49:45holostoi ????? ?? ?????
00:49:50livingde4th def mid
00:49:51mamyka FUCKIN NOOB FURI
00:49:55Homeostat0000 go tw
00:49:58coolass !!!!
00:50:04diesel ok
00:50:19livingde4th gj
00:50:21livingde4th stygi done
00:50:24diesel I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:50:28livingde4th i wouldnt normally go stygio
00:50:29livingde4th etc
00:50:29Aleks875 I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:50:30livingde4th but
00:50:33livingde4th u see
00:50:34livingde4th we got levi
00:50:36livingde4th magnus
00:51:11Homeostat0000 keep deffing go win 1 teamfight
00:51:14Homeostat0000 they dont have rosh etc
00:52:11livingde4th wait
00:52:12livingde4th 30s
00:52:13livingde4th my ult
00:52:21mrk I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:52:25livingde4th 20
00:52:25Homeostat0000 i start with sleep
00:52:30livingde4th waiiit fdor it
00:52:34livingde4th 10
00:52:38Homeostat0000 wl silence
00:52:47diesel I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:52:48Homeostat0000 I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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