Game #4113395

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+31 X
-2 TS

69% | 1405 X | 1368 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

67% | 1367 X | 1380 TS

-15 X
-2 TS

49% | 1175 X | 1341 TS

-22 X
-3 TS

42% | 1119 X | 1262 TS

+2 X
-1 TS

34% | 1147 X | 1202 TS

+17 X
+2 TS

84% | 1562 X | 1453 TS

-6 X
+2 TS

61% | 1345 X | 1361 TS

+24 X
+1 TS

66% | 1325 X | 1366 TS

+31 X
+1 TS

42% | 1099 X | 1342 TS

-13 X
+16 TS

2% | 857 X | 1039 TS

Chat log

00:00:20Astrocreep gl
00:00:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME lyca
00:00:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME oops
00:00:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME well
00:00:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME :D
00:00:20Affliction ¨BIBS WHY ?
00:00:20McNabb omni
00:00:20Affliction :/
00:00:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME lyca
00:00:20McNabb K
00:00:42Affliction Du tager ? :/
00:00:52McNabb ad jeg fik ham!!!
00:01:01McNabb want mid anyone?
00:01:03Affliction :P
00:01:20Rasmus.Seebach k
00:01:23Rasmus.Seebach sure
00:01:23McNabb necro want mid?
00:01:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME pick obsi or pit
00:01:58RalleBrazil who mid ?
00:01:58McNabb ds woods
00:02:01McNabb i solo top
00:02:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME god
00:02:05Affliction -.-
00:02:05U.Fail2Amuse.ME -clear
00:02:06McNabb leo
00:02:07McNabb go bot
00:02:08U.Fail2Amuse.ME -clear
00:02:11Astrocreep ff
00:02:12Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:02:12Affliction -ii
00:02:13Affliction -don
00:02:14Affliction -hhn
00:02:20RalleBrazil who is mid ?
00:02:20McNabb NECRO MID
00:02:24U.Fail2Amuse.ME GOOD LUck
00:02:25RalleBrazil k
00:02:34McNabb ds not woods?
00:02:37Affliction 731/745 :D
00:02:40Affliction BEAST
00:02:42U.Fail2Amuse.ME smega plekk will own u now
00:02:44Affliction link :P
00:02:51U.Fail2Amuse.ME dk
00:02:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME up
00:02:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME with mirana
00:02:55Affliction casper your skill =?
00:03:02casper MASTER
00:03:07casper asian
00:03:16Affliction got slow +
00:03:23casper no
00:03:25Affliction :/&
00:04:00Aleks875 wtf
00:04:03McNabb pull
00:06:12Aleks875 stealer
00:06:19Astrocreep 3333
00:06:20McNabb always
00:06:22Astrocreep that was feed
00:06:24Aleks875 i see
00:06:57McNabb how is mid+
00:07:45Astrocreep b
00:07:46Astrocreep b
00:07:46Astrocreep b
00:08:22Astrocreep ss
00:08:32U.Fail2Amuse.ME ss
00:09:01Astrocreep sk miss
00:09:25McNabb go
00:09:26McNabb someone
00:09:46McNabb stun
00:10:22Aleks875 next u will stun
00:10:40RalleBrazil ss
00:10:42RalleBrazil top care
00:11:24casper why dont you wait me ???????
00:11:37McNabb ss top
00:11:39McNabb care mid
00:12:00McNabb told u
00:12:01link ss
00:12:03RalleBrazil okee miss top ?
00:12:07RalleBrazil told me waht ?
00:12:11RalleBrazil wards ?
00:12:12McNabb read
00:12:14RalleBrazil upg. cruior ?
00:12:16U.Fail2Amuse.ME mana plz
00:12:18RalleBrazil anything ?
00:12:26U.Fail2Amuse.ME ty
00:12:40Astrocreep sk ss
00:13:09RalleBrazil ss
00:13:47U.Fail2Amuse.ME what hp u had left
00:14:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME lucy
00:15:05Aleks875 tower
00:15:49Affliction he got dagger
00:16:10Affliction axe ?
00:16:10RalleBrazil b
00:16:10RalleBrazil b
00:16:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME omw
00:16:31U.Fail2Amuse.ME hold on
00:16:37McNabb oom
00:16:55McNabb b
00:17:16McNabb why dont u listen
00:17:17McNabb noobds
00:17:43Aleks875 if u stay
00:17:44Aleks875 noob
00:17:46Aleks875 there
00:17:50Aleks875 all stay alive
00:17:52Aleks875 100%
00:17:55McNabb oom
00:18:01McNabb had 20 mana
00:18:07Aleks875 then ok
00:18:11McNabb told u too
00:18:24RalleBrazil goo
00:18:24RalleBrazil go
00:19:43McNabb lal
00:20:19SMEGMAPLEKK gg
00:20:25U.Fail2Amuse.ME OMW
00:20:57SMEGMAPLEKK push top
00:21:40U.Fail2Amuse.ME heal;
00:22:16Astrocreep mid care soon
00:23:13Astrocreep lol
00:24:15U.Fail2Amuse.ME omw mid
00:24:59RalleBrazil OMG
00:25:11U.Fail2Amuse.ME wp guys
00:25:18McNabb LOL
00:25:27RalleBrazil lol
00:25:32RalleBrazil b
00:25:34RalleBrazil all there
00:25:35RalleBrazil lol
00:25:59McNabb heal
00:26:04McNabb NOOB
00:26:05McNabb FFS
00:26:08McNabb NOOB NECRO
00:26:11McNabb HEAL ME U RETARD
00:26:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME omw
00:26:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME wtf
00:27:08Affliction b
00:27:50U.Fail2Amuse.ME srslt?
00:28:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME mh not off when playin pub?
00:28:18Affliction :/
00:28:27SMEGMAPLEKK bb
00:28:28Affliction ¨b
00:28:28Affliction b
00:28:28Affliction b
00:28:29Affliction b
00:28:29Affliction b
00:28:29Affliction b
00:28:29Affliction b
00:28:30Affliction b
00:28:30Affliction b
00:28:57SMEGMAPLEKK rpohhh
00:29:01McNabb COMON
00:29:02SMEGMAPLEKK gogogogogo-
00:29:02McNabb FFS
00:29:07McNabb leo
00:29:08U.Fail2Amuse.ME go
00:29:12McNabb u need your aura
00:30:07McNabb and noobs go chase
00:30:08U.Fail2Amuse.ME haha dazzle own ur ass
00:30:10McNabb gg
00:30:18McNabb this team
00:30:21McNabb u have no idea
00:30:30SMEGMAPLEKK stuuun
00:30:36McNabb no one listen
00:31:01Affliction gj
00:31:03Affliction :)
00:32:15McNabb Zzz
00:32:37McNabb leo we reallyt need u
00:32:42Aleks875 go then
00:32:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME dk u kinda need bkb to survive vs tny
00:33:03Affliction on ot
00:33:04Affliction :/
00:33:14RalleBrazil curior ?
00:33:22Astrocreep and to fcounter sk?
00:33:23Affliction casper
00:33:25U.Fail2Amuse.ME no
00:33:27U.Fail2Amuse.ME mages
00:33:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME focus
00:33:29U.Fail2Amuse.ME + tiny
00:33:40Rasmus.Seebach dd
00:33:45Affliction astro silence necro
00:33:46link dd
00:33:47McNabb take rosh with dd
00:33:50Astrocreep y
00:34:41Astrocreep why start on sk man
00:34:53Astrocreep might as well ff
00:34:53U.Fail2Amuse.ME be careful of tiny
00:34:55U.Fail2Amuse.ME stay b
00:34:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME or die
00:35:03SMEGMAPLEKK lol
00:35:06SMEGMAPLEKK I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:57Astrocreep stupid dk
00:35:59Astrocreep lost mid
00:36:05U.Fail2Amuse.ME i was mid
00:36:09Astrocreep mid now
00:36:12Astrocreep by starting on sk
00:36:29U.Fail2Amuse.ME go mid
00:36:32U.Fail2Amuse.ME luna make bkb
00:36:35U.Fail2Amuse.ME dazzle try to survive
00:36:58U.Fail2Amuse.ME go
00:37:21McNabb gather now
00:37:25U.Fail2Amuse.ME mid push
00:37:26McNabb need to end
00:37:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME mana
00:37:28McNabb we lose late
00:37:29U.Fail2Amuse.ME dazzle
00:37:29Rasmus.Seebach k
00:37:32Rasmus.Seebach top
00:37:41Aleks875 soonm assault
00:37:50U.Fail2Amuse.ME we push
00:37:51U.Fail2Amuse.ME go
00:37:51SMEGMAPLEKK wait
00:37:52SMEGMAPLEKK for me
00:37:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME what cd
00:37:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME on ulti
00:38:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME dk
00:38:12Astrocreep why not bkb first luna
00:38:17Astrocreep ww...
00:38:32Aleks875 w8 me
00:38:34Aleks875 dont go
00:38:43McNabb REALLY
00:39:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME dude
00:39:04U.Fail2Amuse.ME help them
00:39:12U.Fail2Amuse.ME fight
00:39:13U.Fail2Amuse.ME them
00:39:14U.Fail2Amuse.ME with dazzle
00:39:24U.Fail2Amuse.ME omg u
00:39:26U.Fail2Amuse.ME are so
00:39:27SMEGMAPLEKK loool
00:39:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME confused
00:39:29U.Fail2Amuse.ME rly
00:39:34U.Fail2Amuse.ME why u spread
00:39:38U.Fail2Amuse.ME u was 3 vs them
00:39:40U.Fail2Amuse.ME with dazzle there
00:39:43U.Fail2Amuse.ME why u spread
00:39:44U.Fail2Amuse.ME and die
00:39:47U.Fail2Amuse.ME like bunch of noobs
00:39:48Astrocreep wanted to help u towards me dk ffs
00:41:01McNabb its lost soon
00:41:04McNabb if u dont go 5
00:41:07Aleks875 cose u
00:41:07SMEGMAPLEKK bkb
00:41:11McNabb LOL
00:41:13Aleks875 i go
00:41:14McNabb I WAS DEAD
00:41:16Aleks875 no one help
00:41:19McNabb U FARMED
00:41:31McNabb ALL GO TOP
00:41:32McNabb NOW
00:41:33McNabb ALL
00:41:41Aleks875 we can kill easy dk
00:41:53Aleks875 cose i have -18 armor
00:42:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME me
00:42:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME 1st
00:42:01Aleks875 make
00:42:03McNabb 'just come top
00:42:06McNabb b
00:42:06McNabb b
00:42:07McNabb b
00:42:16Aleks875 w8 me maybe
00:42:19McNabb gg
00:42:22Aleks875 ..
00:42:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME go mido
00:42:39McNabb this team
00:42:46SMEGMAPLEKK what i make next?
00:42:47Affliction siger du :;D
00:42:47U.Fail2Amuse.ME push rax
00:42:48McNabb wait till spawn
00:42:48U.Fail2Amuse.ME NOW
00:42:49U.Fail2Amuse.ME now
00:42:50RalleBrazil u go 3 people to the death ?
00:42:51U.Fail2Amuse.ME make manta
00:42:59RalleBrazil wake up
00:43:04SMEGMAPLEKK goo miuiid
00:43:07SMEGMAPLEKK i psuh bot
00:43:07U.Fail2Amuse.ME take this luna
00:43:08SMEGMAPLEKK i def
00:43:09SMEGMAPLEKK i def
00:43:09U.Fail2Amuse.ME than go mid
00:43:10Rasmus.Seebach more deaths is allways wellcoem'
00:43:10U.Fail2Amuse.ME NOW
00:43:11U.Fail2Amuse.ME ALL
00:43:11SMEGMAPLEKK ok
00:43:23Astrocreep no time to push so far...
00:43:27McNabb b
00:43:28McNabb wait
00:43:29U.Fail2Amuse.ME zz
00:43:29McNabb for us
00:43:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME camp wood
00:43:30RalleBrazil get back
00:43:31U.Fail2Amuse.ME go
00:43:41McNabb k
00:43:58SMEGMAPLEKK bbb
00:43:59SMEGMAPLEKK bb
00:44:04Affliction gg
00:44:05Affliction :D
00:44:07Aleks875 it was easy
00:44:08Astrocreep b
00:44:09Astrocreep b
00:44:17Aleks875 last fight
00:44:23Affliction get domimator orange
00:44:26Affliction now
00:44:30Affliction you need lifesteal
00:44:53U.Fail2Amuse.ME stay b
00:44:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME b
00:44:55U.Fail2Amuse.ME luna
00:44:56U.Fail2Amuse.ME all
00:44:58U.Fail2Amuse.ME b
00:45:03Astrocreep its over
00:45:06U.Fail2Amuse.ME yes
00:45:07U.Fail2Amuse.ME mb
00:45:13Affliction GO
00:45:14U.Fail2Amuse.ME go on tiny
00:45:30McNabb b
00:45:43McNabb stay and die then
00:46:06RalleBrazil nab
00:46:06Affliction now just camp and hope they fuck up
00:46:10U.Fail2Amuse.ME we had better hero
00:46:11U.Fail2Amuse.ME but
00:46:13Rasmus.Seebach :D
00:46:13Affliction y
00:46:15U.Fail2Amuse.ME w.e
00:46:16Aleks875 he made good help
00:46:20Aleks875 gj
00:46:23Aleks875 ds
00:46:32Rasmus.Seebach stfup
00:46:42Aleks875 idiot..
00:46:42U.Fail2Amuse.ME we can still win normally but
00:46:43Rasmus.Seebach fu u
00:46:45Aleks875 nothing say
00:46:46U.Fail2Amuse.ME i dont think
00:46:47Astrocreep ward someone?
00:46:49Rasmus.Seebach :D
00:46:50U.Fail2Amuse.ME with total skill lvl
00:46:53U.Fail2Amuse.ME we can pull it off
00:46:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME so we ff
00:46:56U.Fail2Amuse.ME I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:04SMEGMAPLEKK noo
00:47:06McNabb doom
00:47:07SMEGMAPLEKK lets make last fite
00:47:07McNabb get b
00:47:07SMEGMAPLEKK then
00:47:09Affliction b
00:47:09Affliction b
00:47:19SMEGMAPLEKK all mid
00:47:20SMEGMAPLEKK now
00:47:20SMEGMAPLEKK come
00:47:23McNabb go throne
00:47:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME b
00:47:48U.Fail2Amuse.ME we can win of we prolong the game to min 70
00:47:49Astrocreep camp here?
00:47:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME and u get farmed as shit
00:47:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME and we trutle
00:47:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME but i dont want this
00:48:03SMEGMAPLEKK roshan
00:48:04SMEGMAPLEKK goo
00:48:06SMEGMAPLEKK akk
00:48:08SMEGMAPLEKK let end it
00:48:09SMEGMAPLEKK or lose it
00:48:10Affliction base
00:48:11Affliction now
00:48:17McNabb zzzz
00:48:21RalleBrazil haha
00:48:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME listen
00:48:38SMEGMAPLEKK all base
00:48:39U.Fail2Amuse.ME we take them
00:48:40U.Fail2Amuse.ME outside
00:48:41U.Fail2Amuse.ME base
00:48:44SMEGMAPLEKK fite in base
00:48:44U.Fail2Amuse.ME or rax are down
00:48:48Astrocreep y
00:48:52SMEGMAPLEKK dk
00:48:59McNabb Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
00:49:06SMEGMAPLEKK aqxe just dive
00:49:35SMEGMAPLEKK ff:P
00:49:43McNabb how can i win with this team
00:49:46casper I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:50:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME our people didnt play so bad
00:50:06U.Fail2Amuse.ME but wtf with the farm
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