Game #4082775

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+46 X
+1 TS

87% | 1539 X | 1478 TS

+6 X
+4 TS

87% | 1581 X | 1435 TS

+29 X
+1 TS

76% | 1441 X | 1398 TS

+40 X
+5 TS

56% | 1274 X | 1320 TS

+19 X
+4 TS

46% | 1249 X | 1269 TS

-17 X
-2 TS

83% | 1466 X | 1481 TS

-39 X
-2 TS

83% | 1501 X | 1387 TS

-20 X
-1 TS

71% | 1380 X | 1374 TS

-54 X
-1 TS

70% | 1390 X | 1363 TS

-7 X
-1 TS

66% | 1317 X | 1376 TS

Chat log

00:00:08RumGone -ii
00:00:11Soulyah wohooooooooooo
00:00:12Soulyah my heeero
00:00:16RumGone sniper?
00:00:16slc2 what a carry pool
00:00:16Soulyah mooorphling
00:00:16slc2 ban morp please
00:00:16Soulyah TB
00:00:16Soulyah fuck that
00:00:16slc2 monkey
00:00:16Soulyah xDD
00:00:16Jerkku soul
00:00:16slc2 he goes morp
00:00:16Jerkku u go morph ?
00:00:16Soulyah yea as always
00:00:16Jerkku thought so
00:00:16mansikka anyone want something?
00:00:16BACKENiZER- me bs mid solo
00:00:16RumGone rite
00:00:16Soulyah sa v6ta suhu paks
00:00:16Jerkku only carries
00:00:16Soulyah :d
00:00:16RumGone ofc not
00:00:16Jerkku in pool
00:00:16mansikka wd
00:00:24slc2 go slark mid
00:00:27BACKENiZER- oh tegelt ma luna
00:00:30RalleBrazil slark ?
00:00:36slc2 u go mid slark?
00:00:39RalleBrazil mansikka play him :)
00:00:39mansikka sure
00:00:43Jerkku some1 want roof ?
00:00:46RumGone ya
00:00:46RumGone me
00:00:49Jerkku oh y
00:00:49Soulyah pick OMNI or ROOF
00:00:49mansikka take pugna
00:00:53RumGone pick both
00:00:54Jerkku omni some1?
00:00:55m1shjaAa soul keeper?
00:01:00Jerkku OMNIII ??
00:01:01Zulu TB
00:01:07RumGone pick naga or omni
00:01:07mansikka get pugna, omni
00:01:11RumGone naga keeps them on place
00:01:23slc2 -swap 3
00:01:24mansikka get the supports
00:01:25RalleBrazil -swap 2
00:01:26mansikka ;)
00:01:38RumGone imo naga and...
00:01:38Affliction last ?
00:01:39Affliction :/
00:01:40RumGone pugna :D
00:01:48Soulyah no naga
00:01:50Affliction har lyst til månedamen
00:01:51Zulu such a cunt herp
00:01:52slc2 tag bb eller magnus
00:01:56Soulyah or
00:01:58Soulyah :DD
00:02:01mansikka magnus
00:02:03mansikka imo
00:02:03Jerkku pl so useless
00:02:04Jerkku XD
00:02:13Soulyah fuck this new system
00:02:15Soulyah 80% silver
00:02:17mansikka go top magnus
00:02:19Jerkku ye
00:02:20mansikka omni bottom
00:02:25m1shjaAa go fb?
00:02:25Jerkku should be 70 at least
00:02:28Jerkku or 60
00:02:33Affliction wards take em
00:02:34RumGone fb bot
00:02:36RumGone i guess
00:02:38Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:02:38Affliction -ii
00:02:39Affliction -don
00:02:40Affliction -hhn
00:02:41RumGone aba go
00:02:43RumGone solo up
00:02:46RumGone pl will join you
00:02:49Jerkku u go 3 bot ?
00:02:51RumGone y
00:02:52Zulu share pls
00:03:00Zulu ty
00:03:00Jerkku ffuu no wards
00:03:15RumGone keel?
00:03:20Soulyah spikes
00:03:24RumGone y u no ..
00:03:25RumGone 11
00:03:37m1shjaAa i start?
00:04:10Zulu noob krob feeding
00:04:23Soulyah 1sec
00:04:23Zulu :D
00:04:24Soulyah big lag
00:04:24BACKENiZER- no mana
00:04:27RalleBrazil Omg
00:04:28Zulu let him
00:04:28Jerkku Let him
00:04:28Jerkku ffs
00:04:28RalleBrazil fss
00:04:28RalleBrazil tss
00:04:28Affliction sss
00:04:28Affliction sss
00:04:28m1shjaAa ofc let him
00:04:28RalleBrazil <zzz
00:04:28Soulyah 321 rdy?
00:04:28mansikka jou
00:04:38Zulu tryhards bot
00:04:43RalleBrazil pull
00:04:44Jerkku u should stay 3 bot
00:04:46Jerkku im fine here
00:04:58Soulyah oh man:D
00:05:02mansikka :))))
00:05:22mansikka :DDDDD
00:05:23Zulu omg tryhards
00:05:25Soulyah :D
00:05:49mansikka sry
00:06:01RumGone i pull
00:06:16RumGone gank mid
00:06:33Zulu care mid
00:06:34Zulu ss roof
00:06:34RumGone wave push
00:06:48Soulyah i dont skill 2nd
00:06:59mansikka ssroof care top
00:07:33Zulu ss sk
00:07:34Soulyah let me
00:07:36Soulyah OMFg
00:07:37Zulu care mid
00:07:42Soulyah ret oled w
00:08:32Zulu re sk
00:08:37Jerkku ss top
00:08:48RumGone :D
00:08:49Jerkku gj
00:08:59RalleBrazil ss
00:09:22RumGone cmin top
00:09:23RumGone im vll 3
00:09:24RumGone ?pol?
00:09:34mansikka ss mid
00:09:40slc2 slark kill bot
00:09:43mansikka y
00:09:56Soulyah ss
00:10:08Jerkku gief tango ?
00:10:15RumGone thar
00:10:16Jerkku ty
00:11:09Jerkku slaerk top
00:11:09mansikka b
00:12:03Affliction OHHH MANN THESE KNIFE !
00:12:05Zulu ss sk
00:13:29Soulyah obs plz
00:14:28Soulyah ye help bot
00:14:55Jerkku oom
00:15:31Jerkku omw
00:16:06m1shjaAa bad idea to stub slark
00:16:28Zulu oom
00:16:51Soulyah fuck this game
00:16:55Soulyah always 1 hp enemy
00:17:28Affliction buy branch gives +1
00:17:41Soulyah wont help
00:17:44Soulyah wont deal that +1 dmg
00:17:50Soulyah armor
00:18:19Zulu on phone
00:19:15Jerkku LOL
00:19:45slc2 get one more tower in bot
00:20:12m1shjaAa omg
00:20:25RalleBrazil 4
00:21:14Soulyah OMFg
00:21:16Soulyah REALLY
00:21:17Soulyah fucking
00:21:24Soulyah overbrained myself
00:21:35RumGone pl get boots
00:21:39m1shjaAa no
00:21:50Soulyah DEF
00:21:52slc2 tower top
00:21:56m1shjaAa i go divine first
00:22:37Soulyah team
00:22:38Soulyah ALL
00:22:42Soulyah come now ffs
00:24:21Zulu random kill
00:24:25RumGone ill go stand by down tower
00:24:35RumGone def bot
00:24:36mansikka take a sip
00:24:38mansikka magnus
00:24:52Jerkku omw
00:25:56Affliction bah
00:25:56Affliction :/
00:26:05Affliction forgot to buy my blink
00:26:11RumGone meanwhile mi
00:26:12RumGone mid
00:26:19Soulyah ourlate anyways
00:26:29BACKENiZER- -ma
00:26:32mansikka -ms
00:27:16Affliction have blink now
00:27:22mansikka cool
00:27:40m1shjaAa go
00:27:43Soulyah w8
00:27:44m1shjaAa USE BRAIN
00:28:04RumGone fuck
00:28:08RumGone wanted to type
00:28:12RumGone use ulty by mistake
00:28:12mansikka b
00:28:13slc2 got ulti for bot
00:28:14mansikka mid
00:28:16RumGone moron
00:28:25Jerkku wtf
00:28:58Affliction facking oom
00:28:58Affliction :/
00:28:58Zulu -cs
00:28:58RumGone btw
00:28:58RumGone diffusal
00:28:58RumGone would
00:28:58RumGone fuck
00:28:58RumGone them
00:28:58RumGone up badly
00:28:58m1shjaAa my next item
00:28:58Soulyah same
00:28:58m1shjaAa 1300 i got
00:28:58RumGone idk
00:28:58RumGone why u
00:28:58RumGone need
00:28:58RumGone so many
00:28:58RumGone small
00:28:58RumGone items
00:28:58m1shjaAa its ok
00:28:58m1shjaAa belive me
00:28:58RumGone linken
00:28:58RumGone nice
00:28:58m1shjaAa on me?
00:28:58RumGone on moph
00:28:58RumGone y
00:28:58m1shjaAa morh ofc)
00:28:58Jerkku this is won
00:28:58m1shjaAa not for me
00:28:58Jerkku ^^
00:28:58mansikka fugg
00:28:58mansikka anyone want to leave ´? :S
00:28:58m1shjaAa morf yos
00:28:58m1shjaAa eos
00:28:58m1shjaAa is nice
00:28:58Affliction who balance +
00:28:58Jerkku etheral
00:28:58Jerkku also
00:28:58Affliction ASdasd
00:28:58Soulyah too muuch farm
00:28:58Affliction :/
00:28:58Soulyah is eos
00:28:58m1shjaAa eos+ ethreal
00:28:58mansikka who wants to? ;/
00:28:58m1shjaAa +buter
00:28:58Soulyah 5x rapier
00:28:58m1shjaAa sata
00:28:58RumGone 6x rapier
00:28:58m1shjaAa 6 rapier
00:28:58m1shjaAa why5 go 6)
00:28:58Soulyah 5rapier+crit
00:28:58RumGone abba
00:28:58RumGone if you
00:28:58Soulyah coz crit is imba
00:28:58Affliction best for the team if i leaves ?
00:28:58RumGone make meka
00:28:58Affliction or ?
00:28:58RumGone mekanism
00:28:58mansikka dunno
00:28:58RumGone we win
00:28:58mansikka ur ulti cool
00:28:58Jerkku u should
00:28:58Zulu i can leave
00:28:58RumGone 10 min
00:28:58RumGone earlier
00:28:58Zulu np
00:28:58mansikka repel cool too
00:28:58Soulyah fuck that
00:28:58Soulyah he went carry
00:28:58RumGone i dont have mana
00:28:58Soulyah let him be carry
00:28:58mansikka bara also cool
00:28:58RumGone have mana
00:28:58Affliction and omni ulti
00:28:58Soulyah he has nice items
00:28:58Affliction :/
00:28:58Jerkku me neithet
00:28:58Jerkku neither
00:28:58mansikka krobe ulti & silence cool
00:28:58Affliction me or omni
00:28:58mansikka slark no cool
00:28:58mansikka fuck
00:28:58m1shjaAa they will drop krobe
00:28:58Affliction is best for the team
00:28:58m1shjaAa i think
00:28:58RumGone i doubt
00:28:58Soulyah i wish
00:28:58Affliction you are the carry
00:28:58Affliction :/
00:28:58RumGone their
00:28:58m1shjaAa can i have leo items?
00:28:58Jerkku dont think so
00:28:58RumGone strongest
00:28:58Jerkku only change
00:28:58Jerkku to win
00:28:58Affliction so dont you leave
00:28:59Jerkku krobe+ omni
00:29:00mansikka im
00:29:34mansikka lets no one balance
00:29:34Soulyah free armlet
00:29:37mansikka see if they notice
00:29:38mansikka :D
00:29:40Affliction :D
00:29:44m1shjaAa can i?
00:29:45RumGone aba
00:29:54Jerkku ?
00:29:57slc2 me soon shivas
00:29:57RumGone get aom
00:29:59Affliction well i have blink
00:29:59RumGone from sk
00:29:59Affliction :/
00:29:59Zulu :D
00:29:59m1shjaAa i did allready
00:29:59RumGone ...
00:29:59Soulyah take pl
00:29:59Zulu epic shit
00:30:06Soulyah storm here
00:30:19Jerkku armlet wouldve been better to me
00:30:21Jerkku but nvm
00:30:25m1shjaAa thx
00:30:28mansikka thx for wards omni
00:30:32Jerkku got gem
00:30:32RumGone for?
00:30:32RumGone oh
00:30:32Zulu thats a supports job :D
00:30:32Jerkku slark
00:30:47RumGone lol
00:30:47RumGone sb?
00:30:47Jerkku oh shiit
00:30:47RumGone look
00:30:47RumGone their
00:30:47RumGone forrest
00:30:49slc2 500 shivas then go mid
00:31:07Soulyah cant move hero
00:31:08Soulyah ping 8k
00:31:09Soulyah :D
00:31:26RumGone balance maybe?
00:31:34mansikka no
00:31:36mansikka ehh
00:31:36RalleBrazil haha
00:31:36m1shjaAa guys
00:31:36mansikka go leave someone
00:31:36slc2 what is balance?
00:31:36Zulu i will
00:31:36Affliction :;/
00:31:36mansikka who has the guts to do it
00:31:36mansikka kk
00:31:37m1shjaAa can we 300 for me and i will have
00:31:43m1shjaAa dif
00:31:45m1shjaAa b
00:31:46m1shjaAa pl b
00:31:49m1shjaAa plb
00:31:51m1shjaAa pls b
00:31:55m1shjaAa B
00:32:12m1shjaAa b now pls
00:32:31RumGone b
00:32:34m1shjaAa who goes vlad?
00:32:36RumGone wtf?
00:32:38Jerkku i got
00:32:40Affliction scl
00:32:40Jerkku already
00:32:40RumGone we have it
00:32:41RumGone ffs
00:32:44m1shjaAa oke
00:32:46Affliction james
00:32:46RalleBrazil what with his items ?
00:32:46RumGone can u play?
00:32:48slc2 jeg var oom
00:32:49Soulyah PL DIDNT PUSH:D?
00:32:51RalleBrazil can i sell so i can get bkb ?
00:32:53RumGone no
00:32:54RalleBrazil :)
00:32:54Soulyah :DDd
00:32:55RalleBrazil or ?
00:32:55RumGone he jungled
00:32:55mansikka yea sure
00:32:57Soulyah 3v5 we won
00:32:58RalleBrazil ok thx
00:32:59m1shjaAa i shoped
00:33:00Jerkku :D
00:33:07slc2 grønland hvad?
00:33:07Soulyah let me 400
00:33:10Affliction jaja kan du huske det spil hvor vi tabte og jeg kom til at leave som vi vandt ?
00:33:19slc2 nej hvad med det?
00:33:19Affliction fik 1 dags ban
00:33:21Affliction :D
00:33:28slc2 latterligt
00:33:31Affliction De tabte på rax
00:33:38Affliction de stormede op i midt
00:33:43slc2 der var jeg weaver
00:33:45RalleBrazil magnus ?
00:33:47Affliction så kom jeg til @ leave
00:33:50Affliction ja det spil
00:33:51m1shjaAa going for hot
00:34:02Soulyah gather
00:34:03Soulyah end
00:34:07Soulyah we are so much stronger
00:34:12Affliction have ultri
00:34:49Affliction dont feed with him
00:34:49Affliction :/
00:34:51mansikka why u bring omni
00:35:02RumGone activate armlet pl
00:35:06RumGone images are stronget
00:35:52Affliction I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:35:53Soulyah gg
00:36:04RalleBrazil I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:36:04mansikka fuck that pluk
00:36:12Soulyah didnt matter
00:36:14Soulyah we have late so easy
00:36:18Affliction I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:36:19Affliction :/
00:36:21Affliction ff plz
00:36:33mansikka ffff
00:36:35mansikka I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:36:42Affliction james
00:36:43Affliction dd
00:36:43Affliction f
00:36:44Affliction I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:36:56slc2 I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
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