Game #4027143

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-3 X
-3 TS

86% | 1591 X | 1411 TS

-2 X
-3 TS

78% | 1463 X | 1394 TS

+7 X
-8 TS

44% | 1187 X | 1260 TS

+34 X
-51 TS

NEW | 1136 X | 1255 TS

-46 X
-35 TS

25% | 1127 X | 1139 TS

-8 X
+2 TS

98% | 1827 X | 1526 TS

-41 X
+4 TS

43% | 1194 X | 1243 TS

+21 X
+6 TS

43% | 1160 X | 1273 TS

+32 X
+4 TS

39% | 1049 X | 1342 TS

+16 X
+7 TS

37% | 1131 X | 1247 TS

Chat log

00:00:00prolog1C. [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... mby_next_time with 56 seconds.
00:00:120Xxo0_o where is pudge ?
00:00:160Xxo0_o -clear
00:00:16VVindoWz lich for me
00:00:16mby_next_time wishes.
00:00:16prolog1C. naix
00:00:16BACKENiZER- me clinkz
00:00:16VVindoWz so happy im not with mby next time
00:00:160Xxo0_o go naix
00:00:16mby_next_time god
00:00:16BACKENiZER- r0fl
00:00:16VVindoWz dont care if i loose
00:00:16mby_next_time dont go clinkz.
00:00:16prolog1C. get naix plz
00:00:16acchilies yeaa mby pro troll...
00:00:16mby_next_time lich anyone?
00:00:16BACKENiZER- polish cunt take hero that you can play
00:00:16acchilies :)
00:00:16VVindoWz i dont care if i loose i will still be happy
00:00:16Jerkku .D
00:00:16mby_next_time bone
00:00:16VVindoWz pro troll or not
00:00:16SprITes :D
00:00:160Xxo0_o today plz
00:00:16mby_next_time it's for you backenizer
00:00:16mrk how did you know
00:00:16mrk naix
00:00:16VVindoWz y go ban bone
00:00:16VVindoWz sucker
00:00:23BACKENiZER- i dont want clinkz
00:00:24BACKENiZER- rofl
00:00:26VVindoWz lich for me
00:00:290Xxo0_o y
00:00:31VVindoWz :(
00:00:33S.k.i.l.l.s. oces nesto pajo?
00:00:340Xxo0_o :P
00:00:41BACKENiZER- me luna
00:00:42acchilies slard... cent... magnus for me...
00:00:42mrk anything else?
00:00:42BACKENiZER- ahhaha
00:00:50VVindoWz sven
00:00:59VVindoWz just go full stunn :P
00:01:00mrk i might play this myself
00:01:04mrk depends what they get mid
00:01:05BACKENiZER- luna sk or wd?
00:01:06VVindoWz lets try 5 stunners
00:01:08mby_next_time sk.
00:01:08Jerkku abba
00:01:09Jerkku imo
00:01:10mby_next_time wd
00:01:10SprITes luna
00:01:11mby_next_time wd
00:01:13mby_next_time wd
00:01:17mrk get sven wd
00:01:20VVindoWz wd magnus sven
00:01:21SprITes who is wd ?
00:01:22BACKENiZER- omg it autopicked
00:01:22BACKENiZER- rofl
00:01:24mby_next_time sk also fine
00:01:28VVindoWz ok i go shredder?
00:01:29BACKENiZER- luckily i got sk:D:D
00:01:31mby_next_time wd - witch doctor
00:01:33Jerkku get abba boys
00:01:36SprITes godd
00:01:37mby_next_time go wd + venom
00:01:39mby_next_time VENOM + WD
00:01:430Xxo0_o cent u go mida ?
00:01:46mby_next_time hanks
00:01:47mby_next_time thanks
00:01:48SprITes good
00:01:48mby_next_time a lot
00:01:49mby_next_time -hhn
00:01:49mby_next_time -don
00:01:50VVindoWz last slardar
00:01:51mby_next_time -water red
00:01:52mby_next_time -clear
00:01:540Xxo0_o no
00:01:570Xxo0_o support
00:01:58acchilies ye
00:01:59VVindoWz slardar for sk
00:01:590Xxo0_o need
00:02:07mby_next_time sk top
00:02:07Jerkku sk
00:02:08VVindoWz or rexxar
00:02:08mby_next_time with
00:02:08Jerkku top
00:02:09prolog1C. bad lane down
00:02:09mby_next_time with
00:02:11mby_next_time doctor
00:02:16mby_next_time venom bot
00:02:160Xxo0_o fuuucl
00:02:190Xxo0_o k*
00:02:20SprITes good
00:02:25S.k.i.l.l.s. ja numem da igram sa ovaj :D
00:02:26mby_next_time venom you let farm luna
00:02:29mby_next_time + you can try roam
00:02:36mby_next_time sk just farm
00:02:41acchilies pa sto si ga birao... retarde...
00:02:430Xxo0_o -clear
00:02:470Xxo0_o u go pull ok ?
00:02:49S.k.i.l.l.s. da probam :
00:02:51mby_next_time meele team pwns?
00:02:52S.k.i.l.l.s. y
00:02:52SprITes -ii
00:02:53S.k.i.l.l.s. yy
00:02:57BACKENiZER- -ma
00:02:580Xxo0_o im so happy
00:03:00Jerkku u pull veno
00:03:10mrk lol
00:03:13mrk 4 aoe stuns + vacuum
00:03:23SprITes go skeltom
00:03:26VVindoWz good or bad?
00:03:38VVindoWz ds go meka
00:03:55S.k.i.l.l.s. relax bitch
00:04:12mrk gank mid please as soon as u can
00:04:19mrk lich is the most 1button hero ever
00:04:41mrk sven come
00:04:43mrk if u can
00:04:44mby_next_time ss mid
00:04:52mby_next_time re
00:05:08SprITes good :d
00:05:21mby_next_time should i expect something?
00:05:32mrk not really
00:06:00mby_next_time ss mid
00:06:02mrk dd bot
00:06:03mrk bring that
00:06:240Xxo0_o ty
00:06:45mby_next_time :DDD
00:06:45mrk this guy
00:06:46mby_next_time :DDDD
00:06:51mby_next_time :DDDDD
00:06:52mby_next_time ":{DDDD
00:06:55mby_next_time slad mid :D
00:07:03acchilies well this was retarded of me...
00:07:05mby_next_time :D
00:07:10mrk all you had to do
00:07:11mrk is stun him
00:07:13mrk while he is stunned
00:07:13mrk :D
00:07:23mby_next_time ss mid
00:07:24mby_next_time re
00:07:32SprITes b
00:07:58mby_next_time SS MID
00:07:59mby_next_time WENT TOP
00:08:00mby_next_time RE
00:08:02mby_next_time CARE
00:08:02mby_next_time SS
00:08:04mby_next_time TOPCARE
00:08:06mrk Care lich
00:08:18mby_next_time why ?:D
00:08:23mrk my bros
00:08:37mby_next_time phase <3
00:08:47prolog1C. upsd
00:08:57SprITes go
00:08:58mby_next_time ?
00:09:00mby_next_time kk
00:09:16mrk yeah
00:09:18mby_next_time he knows
00:09:21S.k.i.l.l.s. -1
00:09:210Xxo0_o ss
00:09:22mby_next_time ss mid
00:09:25mrk yeah
00:09:27mby_next_time scared ?:D
00:09:28SprITes go
00:09:29mrk he's mid with invis already
00:09:37SprITes he ?
00:09:39mrk you guys can gank aswell by the way
00:09:41mrk its not forbidden
00:09:42mrk :P
00:09:48mby_next_time re mid
00:09:53mby_next_time he's bot
00:09:54mby_next_time np
00:10:15BACKENiZER- ss sk
00:10:27mby_next_time ss
00:11:00mby_next_time kk
00:11:00mrk ss lich
00:11:01mrk ss lich
00:11:02mrk ss lich
00:11:19acchilies ss bot
00:11:29S.k.i.l.l.s. -1 top
00:11:32mrk very nice of you to point that out
00:11:36mrk when he's already mid killing me
00:11:39mrk :D
00:11:39mby_next_time tell me
00:11:42mby_next_time when your teams
00:11:43mby_next_time blame you :d
00:11:56mrk i actually asked them twice to roam
00:11:59mrk but w/e
00:12:01mrk they know better
00:12:08mrk who am i
00:12:09mby_next_time love that new bronze: d
00:12:29mby_next_time 3 mid
00:12:31SprITes go
00:12:36mby_next_time no ulti here
00:12:42S.k.i.l.l.s. sand go down and midd gang with em
00:12:49mrk its already
00:12:50mrk 10 minutes
00:12:54mrk so u guys are late with the ganging
00:12:56prolog1C. brb
00:12:56mrk we cant come back from this
00:13:000Xxo0_o go mid
00:13:01SprITes zz
00:13:11SprITes go
00:13:17VVindoWz b
00:13:18VVindoWz b
00:13:20SprITes go
00:13:20SprITes v
00:13:23SprITes b
00:13:34mby_next_time CENT
00:13:34mby_next_time SS
00:13:34SprITes j
00:13:35SprITes gj
00:13:39S.k.i.l.l.s. and u went back
00:13:40VVindoWz understand shit ?
00:13:40S.k.i.l.l.s. tards
00:13:43mby_next_time after 10
00:13:43mby_next_time sr broD:
00:13:43mrk slar take no.2
00:13:43mby_next_time :D
00:13:43Jerkku well at least
00:13:43mby_next_time actually
00:13:43Jerkku got good farm
00:13:43mby_next_time i was sure
00:13:43mby_next_time i was dead
00:13:43mby_next_time there
00:13:43S.k.i.l.l.s. u cemu je problem
00:13:43S.k.i.l.l.s. pajo?
00:13:43mby_next_time and wanted to try that funny juke :D
00:13:43mby_next_time as i see
00:13:43mby_next_time it worked :D
00:13:43S.k.i.l.l.s. sto se gube
00:13:43S.k.i.l.l.s. -.-
00:13:43mby_next_time well 1 minute
00:13:43mby_next_time 2 late
00:13:43mby_next_time :P
00:13:43mby_next_time btw cent
00:13:43SprITes :P
00:13:43mby_next_time you're next to me?
00:13:43mby_next_time ?
00:13:43mrk i might be
00:13:43mrk noone knows
00:13:43mby_next_time damn so you're not
00:13:43mby_next_time thanks
00:13:43mby_next_time you're not
00:13:43mby_next_time if you didnt
00:13:43mby_next_time see :D
00:13:43mby_next_time see :D
00:13:43BACKENiZER- i can balance
00:13:43mby_next_time prolly
00:13:43mby_next_time wd
00:13:43mby_next_time will
00:13:43BACKENiZER- i can
00:13:43mby_next_time we need you
00:13:43mby_next_time as a tank
00:13:43SprITes I
00:13:43SprITes NO
00:13:43mby_next_time i dont look on your skills
00:13:43mby_next_time i look what heroes we need
00:13:43mby_next_time if i took it personally then i would kick sk or luna
00:13:43mby_next_time but we need you fuckers
00:13:43mby_next_time sr wd[]
00:13:43mby_next_time but you're the
00:13:43mby_next_time balancer
00:13:43SprITes i balance
00:13:43mby_next_time yep
00:13:43mby_next_time \
00:13:43SprITes what ?
00:13:43S.k.i.l.l.s. a lepo me krenulo
00:13:43SprITes i
00:13:43mby_next_time cause we need
00:13:43mby_next_time sk as a tank
00:13:43mby_next_time venom ulti
00:13:43mby_next_time my ulti
00:13:43mby_next_time + luna carry
00:13:43SprITes pls
00:13:43SprITes i no
00:13:43mby_next_time gosh
00:13:43mby_next_time w/e
00:13:49SprITes who
00:13:49mby_next_time so you are :D
00:13:54mby_next_time you.
00:13:54mby_next_time wd
00:13:54SprITes i
00:13:55SprITes good
00:13:58mby_next_time []dude
00:13:59mby_next_time just go leave
00:14:00mby_next_time sr
00:14:03mby_next_time i have to decide
00:14:06mby_next_time nothing personal
00:14:12mby_next_time gosh hate that decision
00:14:21mby_next_time b bot
00:14:39mby_next_time luan you go bkb i hope
00:14:43Jerkku ofc
00:15:06mby_next_time btw
00:15:08mrk sven come
00:15:08mby_next_time your farm sucks
00:15:10mby_next_time actyally
00:15:15Jerkku k
00:15:36mby_next_time gtfo?
00:15:54VVindoWz gj
00:15:55mby_next_time longer tp
00:15:56mby_next_time please
00:15:57mby_next_time please
00:15:58mby_next_time longer
00:16:54prolog1C. b
00:16:59mrk warded
00:17:19prolog1C. start gang
00:17:23prolog1C. top come
00:17:34mby_next_time wait me
00:17:38mrk top tower
00:17:39mby_next_time come top
00:17:41mby_next_time everyone
00:17:42mby_next_time we need all
00:17:43VVindoWz y
00:17:53mby_next_time keep back
00:18:17mby_next_time i heard
00:18:26mby_next_time tps are jhard to use
00:18:34mrk go seer
00:18:36mrk sven
00:18:55S.k.i.l.l.s. go my ass
00:19:00mby_next_time kk all focus me
00:19:00mrk obviously not
00:19:01mby_next_time wise
00:19:01mrk onder
00:19:01VVindoWz bad :P
00:19:02mrk tower
00:19:03mrk under*
00:19:22mrk tp def
00:19:25prolog1C. go
00:20:24mrk bot tower
00:20:48Jerkku push top all
00:21:06mby_next_time go top
00:21:07mby_next_time go top
00:21:15S.k.i.l.l.s. pajo c
00:21:16S.k.i.l.l.s. s
00:21:18mby_next_time get tps
00:21:19acchilies 30
00:21:21mby_next_time sk buy tp
00:21:22S.k.i.l.l.s. 40
00:21:24mby_next_time sell your axe
00:21:27mby_next_time and buy that fucking tp
00:21:40mrk tp top?
00:21:45mrk u guys have no tps
00:21:46mrk buy them
00:21:47mrk everyone
00:21:54prolog1C. go b
00:21:56prolog1C. deff down
00:22:14mrk carry a tp all the times
00:22:54mby_next_time venom
00:22:55mby_next_time dont go
00:22:57mby_next_time fucking lothar
00:23:00mby_next_time vs their slad
00:23:00prolog1C. i wont
00:23:02mby_next_time go dagger
00:23:07mby_next_time or agha
00:23:11mby_next_time it's 100 times better
00:23:32S.k.i.l.l.s. fuck u gang we need to get lick
00:23:34VVindoWz this lich
00:23:35S.k.i.l.l.s. iich
00:23:37BACKENiZER- nii juhtub kui papat gangite
00:23:41mrk tõsi
00:24:14VVindoWz we need pipe
00:24:17mrk i
00:24:18S.k.i.l.l.s. cent
00:24:19mrk ll make it
00:24:25mrk haste me
00:24:43mrk haste???
00:24:48mrk seer??
00:25:06prolog1C. mby slow?
00:25:09S.k.i.l.l.s. im low lvl
00:25:11VVindoWz take
00:25:11mrk always at least lvl 1 surge
00:25:12mby_next_time mby would also die
00:25:13mrk u get it like
00:25:15mrk @ lvl 3
00:25:24S.k.i.l.l.s. ok
00:25:30mby_next_time come mid all now
00:25:38mrk lich has ulti now
00:25:40mrk only fight in lanes
00:25:54mrk need 700 for pipe
00:25:58mby_next_time come mid
00:26:00mby_next_time dont prolong it
00:26:01mby_next_time we cant
00:26:05mrk dont fight until then
00:26:06mby_next_time vs team like that
00:26:18VVindoWz smoke rosh ?
00:26:21mrk no we cant
00:26:24mrk i need 500g
00:26:25S.k.i.l.l.s. not smart
00:26:27VVindoWz ok
00:26:44mrk go
00:26:49mrk b
00:26:50mrk b
00:26:50mrk b
00:26:51VVindoWz b
00:26:51VVindoWz b
00:26:52VVindoWz b
00:26:52mrk b
00:26:57mrk eh....
00:26:59S.k.i.l.l.s. go a
00:27:02S.k.i.l.l.s. FUCKING MORONS
00:27:04mby_next_time go no
00:27:06mby_next_time on.
00:27:07mrk no creeps
00:27:08mrk lich had ulti
00:27:09mrk obvious b
00:27:13mby_next_time all top
00:27:14mby_next_time COME
00:27:15VVindoWz care
00:27:16S.k.i.l.l.s. THEN DONT SAY GO
00:27:19VVindoWz lich scepter
00:27:21mrk we had the chance
00:27:21mrk to go
00:27:23mrk but people were slow
00:27:32mrk if u see whole team
00:27:33mrk back
00:27:34mrk then u back aswell
00:27:36S.k.i.l.l.s. i go in last
00:27:37mby_next_time go no
00:27:39mby_next_time on***
00:27:39S.k.i.l.l.s. just to know
00:27:41mrk go
00:28:03VVindoWz forget it
00:28:04acchilies sele ult...
00:28:05mby_next_time go raxes
00:28:10VVindoWz we are focusing wrong heroes
00:28:13VVindoWz and ds no ulti
00:28:20S.k.i.l.l.s. kakav ult kad izlazite ko idioti
00:28:24mrk well ds didnt use ulti
00:28:24acchilies they have to many aoe ultis...
00:28:25mrk nor haste
00:28:34mrk ur ulti sk luna kill
00:28:35mrk everyone
00:28:44mrk + haste ofcourse u coulda ran
00:28:44mby_next_time rax
00:28:47S.k.i.l.l.s. pls just atack em outside base
00:28:58mby_next_time back
00:28:59mby_next_time now
00:29:00mby_next_time back
00:29:14mby_next_time we should have taken the range rax also
00:29:19mby_next_time w/e
00:29:21mby_next_time reviv
00:29:24mby_next_time and we go again
00:29:25mby_next_time now mid
00:29:41mrk dota is all about knowing when to go
00:29:42mrk and when to back
00:29:49S.k.i.l.l.s. why did u left base
00:29:50mrk if u see
00:29:51mrk 3 people
00:29:53mrk run back
00:29:54mrk u should aswell
00:29:59mby_next_time care
00:30:01mby_next_time G
00:30:02mby_next_time GOD
00:30:10VVindoWz bkb rdy
00:30:16mby_next_time hiow to get into obvious trap
00:30:19mby_next_time . com
00:30:25BACKENiZER- obvious trap is obviouis?
00:30:35mrk hmm
00:30:41S.k.i.l.l.s. ?
00:30:44mby_next_time wait till venom revive
00:30:47mby_next_time c
00:30:50mrk we had the chance to push
00:30:50mby_next_time come with me to ward up
00:30:51mrk get free tower
00:30:52mrk they are 3
00:30:54mby_next_time sk come
00:31:23mby_next_time seriously
00:31:25mby_next_time when i say
00:31:27mby_next_time come with me to ward up
00:31:29mby_next_time i do mean
00:31:32mby_next_time come with me to ward up
00:31:34BACKENiZER- i did come
00:31:38mby_next_time late dude late
00:31:41mrk dont understand it
00:31:41mby_next_time but w/e
00:31:43Jerkku love my missclick
00:31:44mby_next_time you can go mid
00:31:47mby_next_time go mid
00:31:48BACKENiZER- cant move faster you fucking polish shitdick
00:31:48mby_next_time push it
00:31:50mrk just 15seconds before u were in base/with me
00:31:56mrk then suddenly half across the map
00:32:00S.k.i.l.l.s. ?
00:32:00mby_next_time seriously dude
00:32:01mrk even when we saw lich ward our forest
00:32:03mby_next_time im nice to you that game
00:32:06mby_next_time i buy wards
00:32:09mby_next_time i buy crow
00:32:13mby_next_time so fucking dont iritate me
00:32:20mrk lich no ulti
00:32:22mrk luna no ulti
00:32:24mrk go def
00:32:31mby_next_time go mid rax + top rax
00:33:07S.k.i.l.l.s. i go top u go midd
00:33:10acchilies fuck me in the ass if i kill someone...
00:33:17BACKENiZER- i dont fucking care about dota as you do
00:33:18mby_next_time they try going mid
00:33:31mby_next_time so does it change anything?
00:33:41S.k.i.l.l.s. go with em moron
00:33:48BACKENiZER- i dont fucking care what other players do
00:33:56mby_next_time so why you paly
00:33:57mby_next_time 5/5?
00:34:02BACKENiZER- 5/5?
00:34:05prolog1C. than stop dota and play lol idiot
00:34:05mby_next_time i mean
00:34:07mby_next_time it's team game
00:34:12mrk go
00:34:13mby_next_time withou team
00:34:13mrk go
00:34:13mrk go
00:34:13mrk go
00:34:17mby_next_time you get owned in few moves
00:34:23mrk wait here
00:34:28mby_next_time come mid
00:34:29mby_next_time all
00:34:31mby_next_time or bot
00:34:33VVindoWz lich ulti and we dead
00:34:33mby_next_time bot
00:34:36mby_next_time we need tower
00:34:36mrk i have pipe
00:34:48mby_next_time lalalal
00:34:55VVindoWz YEAH
00:34:57mrk ulti slar
00:34:59mrk no
00:35:01mrk they coming
00:35:01mrk btw
00:35:02mrk 3
00:35:04VVindoWz ulti
00:35:05mrk they just warded
00:35:05mby_next_time dont go
00:35:06mrk so care
00:35:06mby_next_time solo
00:35:07prolog1C. we cant stop them
00:35:08mrk turn
00:35:14mrk nvm they not coming
00:35:15mby_next_time well you went back base for nothing
00:35:17mby_next_time so yes we cant
00:35:17mrk kill it
00:35:47mby_next_time go bot
00:35:47mby_next_time all
00:35:48mby_next_time now
00:35:49mby_next_time all
00:35:52mby_next_time stick together
00:35:56prolog1C. better mid
00:35:59mby_next_time not better
00:36:11mby_next_time go bot
00:36:11VVindoWz i buy ac?
00:36:12mby_next_time gosh
00:36:20mrk get mom
00:36:21VVindoWz or ?
00:36:23mrk or
00:36:25VVindoWz hmm
00:36:26mrk hyperstone
00:36:26mrk then
00:36:27mrk ac
00:36:27mrk y
00:36:30VVindoWz ok
00:36:46VVindoWz wait here
00:36:48mby_next_time COME LUNA
00:36:56Jerkku god
00:36:59Jerkku just shoppiung
00:37:15VVindoWz dont go sk
00:37:19acchilies i
00:37:23mrk u dont have tp
00:37:24mrk why u go
00:37:24mby_next_time we need you to initate sk / luna
00:37:28mby_next_time just go in
00:37:28mrk i dont either
00:37:28mrk :D
00:37:28mby_next_time sk
00:38:28Jerkku i thought u sta there
00:38:32prolog1C. turn off armöet
00:38:33Jerkku :D wouldve killed them
00:38:34prolog1C. idiot
00:38:41mrk m
00:38:42mby_next_time luna
00:38:43mrk let me def
00:38:44mby_next_time why the fuck
00:38:45mrk ill get bkb
00:38:46mby_next_time you use
00:38:47mby_next_time bkb + manta
00:38:52mby_next_time when there are no enemys
00:38:53mby_next_time tell me
00:38:57mby_next_time for love of god
00:38:58mrk ty
00:39:08mrk wall is so imba
00:39:14mby_next_time guys
00:39:16mby_next_time get it
00:39:17mby_next_time we come ion
00:39:20VVindoWz y
00:39:20mby_next_time when ds use ulti
00:39:21mby_next_time we go back
00:39:25mby_next_time when ulti of ds ends
00:39:26acchilies mrk were you last game ds??
00:39:26mby_next_time we go in
00:39:26BACKENiZER- -ma
00:39:29mrk ye
00:39:31mby_next_time it's so hard to use brain?
00:39:31BACKENiZER- ds?
00:39:38mby_next_time dark seer?
00:39:45mby_next_time that big shiet that killed us all?
00:39:46acchilies well that was some kind of a rape...
00:39:51mby_next_time but please
00:39:55mby_next_time back when he uses ulti
00:40:06S.k.i.l.l.s. pajo daj 4 bocice za hp
00:40:07prolog1C. gasng him
00:40:07mrk gather
00:40:07mrk base
00:40:15mrk b
00:40:15mrk back
00:40:16mrk baiting
00:40:18S.k.i.l.l.s. i need refil mana
00:40:21mby_next_time DA FAQ
00:40:21mby_next_time BKB
00:40:22mby_next_time DA FAG
00:40:29mby_next_time you fucking piece of shiet
00:40:29mrk base only
00:40:37VVindoWz guys remember i got aegis
00:40:39mby_next_time I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:40:39BACKENiZER- youre way too serious
00:40:41mrk go
00:40:41mrk go
00:40:42mrk go
00:40:45mby_next_time when he lose
00:40:46mby_next_time games
00:40:47mby_next_time on purpose
00:40:56mby_next_time i am then
00:41:26mrk sk
00:41:27mrk defs
00:41:28mrk come mid
00:41:28mby_next_time we can ff easly
00:41:33Jerkku I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:41:38mby_next_time thanks jerkku
00:41:43mby_next_time again you deserve a medal
00:41:46Jerkku why wont you ff then
00:41:52mby_next_time already []did
00:42:03VVindoWz b
00:42:07mby_next_time soo when i pick carry
00:42:11mby_next_time i dont get wards / support from you
00:42:13mrk tra
00:42:13mby_next_time when i pick support
00:42:14mrk jalka
00:42:15mby_next_time and wards
00:42:18mby_next_time you cant carryu it
00:42:25mby_next_time why you play dota then for god love
00:42:36mrk bird?
00:42:36Jerkku ¨cause this is fun
00:42:38S.k.i.l.l.s. da nam je tu ovaj idoit ubili bi ih sve na gomilu
00:42:40Jerkku and i dont take this
00:42:43Jerkku that serious
00:42:45Jerkku that you do
00:42:54Jerkku seriously*
00:42:54mby_next_time i do when i love gfame byu game
00:42:58mby_next_time by ppl like you
00:43:01mrk come mid
00:43:01mrk 4
00:43:02mrk we push
00:43:08mby_next_time that cry that i demand wards
00:43:09mby_next_time as a carry
00:43:18mby_next_time and when they cant carry with sf etc
00:43:27mby_next_time cause im altreadyu pissed of by ppl like that
00:43:44mrk bird
00:44:10prolog1C. I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:44:12mby_next_time gg
00:44:12prolog1C. I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:44:14prolog1C. !ff
00:44:16prolog1C. -ff
00:44:20mby_next_time you already ffed
00:44:23Jerkku I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:44:23S.k.i.l.l.s. xaxaxa
00:44:24prolog1C. i know
00:44:24mby_next_time ffing here is just "ff"
00:44:34mby_next_time dont go carry
00:44:36mby_next_time next fucking time
00:44:38mby_next_time pick support
00:44:39mby_next_time buy wards
00:44:39Jerkku i will
00:44:40BACKENiZER- I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:44:43mby_next_time and look how it ends
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