Game #397055

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+36 X
+10 TS

89% | 1200 X | 1436 TS

+41 X
+12 TS

71% | 1038 X | 1300 TS

+26 X
+14 TS

64% | 1050 X | 1261 TS

+10 X
+26 TS

48% | 1000 X | 1216 TS

+11 X
+44 TS

NEW | 1087 X | 1046 TS

-24 X
-8 TS

85% | 1220 X | 1358 TS

-49 X
-7 TS

82% | 1242 X | 1299 TS

+16 X
-5 TS

73% | 964 X | 1427 TS

-8 X
-8 TS

32% | 1036 X | 1085 TS

-47 X
-18 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:06livingde4th -rd
00:00:17chodaboy medusa
00:00:17Lucky ban doomi mate
00:00:17livingde4th but theres naga
00:00:17Wavesofchange luza
00:00:17Wavesofchange have a rly good wisp
00:00:17livingde4th anyone wnat naga or doom,?
00:00:17Lucky fuck naga
00:00:17ricke agree
00:00:17Luza i lost a game with wisp today
00:00:17Lucky i can doom.
00:00:17Luza -_-
00:00:17ricke lastgame, luza raped with wisp
00:00:17Wavesofchange u should ban wisp
00:00:17Lavos maybe he will go doom if u dont ban it
00:00:17Luza dont feel like playing with it
00:00:17chodaboy banned medusa
00:00:17Wavesofchange oh
00:00:17chodaboy i banned medusa
00:00:17Wavesofchange im with u
00:00:17Luza right now
00:00:17Wavesofchange haha
00:00:17chodaboy ur turn
00:00:17Wavesofchange thought i was other team
00:00:17Wavesofchange :D
00:00:17livingde4th y ur gay
00:00:17livingde4th -naga
00:00:22Lavos :)
00:00:29Lavos käy
00:00:29ricke Medusa & Naga - BANNED!
00:00:30Lucky i doom ?
00:00:31Luza they get
00:00:32Luza storm
00:00:35livingde4th y u pick it
00:00:47chodaboy get enigma and sk?
00:00:51Wavesofchange give me enigma
00:01:01chodaboy get sk
00:01:03chodaboy imo
00:01:18Wavesofchange im woods
00:01:19Sandel what i should pick :P ?
00:01:20chodaboy now try to get omni and dazzle
00:01:23Wavesofchange ganking top
00:01:25ricke i go omni
00:01:25chodaboy omni dazzle would be sick
00:01:28ricke me omni
00:01:30Sandel i take omni
00:01:32chodaboy get dazzle omni
00:01:40Lavos i will go lane
00:01:41chodaboy gj
00:01:44Sandel im not good with this
00:01:47chodaboy sk solo top
00:01:48Sandel played 1 time
00:01:49Luza skill like this
00:01:51Wavesofchange -.-
00:01:52Wavesofchange wow
00:01:53Lucky get clock
00:01:54Wavesofchange okay
00:01:55chodaboy -hhn
00:01:55Lavos maybe down so can semi forest
00:01:55chodaboy -di
00:01:56Sandel with this
00:01:57Wavesofchange lvl 1 heal
00:01:58Wavesofchange 1 grave
00:02:00Wavesofchange 1 slow
00:02:00Lavos doom can u solo
00:02:00Luza Grave heal Poison Poison Poison Ulti Poison
00:02:01Sandel omni is better with me
00:02:03chodaboy enigma woods
00:02:03Lucky ofc
00:02:06Luza -clear
00:02:06Lavos :)
00:02:09Wavesofchange i will gank top
00:02:25BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on
00:02:26BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:02:32Sandel meka ?
00:02:33ricke dazzle
00:02:40extremewaari gj bone no chick
00:02:41Luza arcane and meka yea
00:02:41BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed v, r, w, t
00:02:45extremewaari fu
00:02:46chodaboy no
00:02:47extremewaari -.-'
00:02:49extremewaari xD
00:02:50extremewaari :DD
00:02:51chodaboy omni get manaboots meca
00:02:53BoNeshaw hoho
00:02:57extremewaari noob!!
00:02:58chodaboy dazzle guinsso
00:02:59Luza dazzle gets agha then
00:03:00extremewaari gtfo!
00:03:03chodaboy and wards
00:03:03extremewaari or tits
00:03:07extremewaari ;)
00:03:09Wavesofchange he cant farm
00:04:14ricke dont auto attack
00:04:16ricke dazzöe
00:04:18ricke dazzle
00:05:09Lucky go woods
00:05:13Lavos y
00:05:18Luza weaver wisp yey love the lane
00:05:51ricke stop it
00:05:59Sandel what ?
00:06:10ricke harras doom
00:06:10ricke slow
00:06:11ricke him
00:06:13ricke etc
00:06:35Sandel so you dotn wanna i attack ?
00:06:41ricke ffs
00:06:44ricke start ahrras him
00:06:45ricke slow
00:06:46Luza dazzle should be here with me
00:06:47Luza gahh
00:06:51Luza OOM
00:07:10Wavesofchange so sad u dint have stun
00:07:11ricke ffs
00:07:14livingde4th miss alke
00:07:19ricke slow, heal, slow heal, slow heal
00:07:20ricke all the time
00:07:38chodaboy go top
00:07:38Luza im oom
00:08:05ricke we cant die
00:08:30livingde4th ss alke
00:08:32Lucky gang cent
00:08:33ricke slow ghim now
00:08:35Lavos i will
00:08:39Lavos tp soon
00:09:07Lavos :D
00:09:09ricke WOW
00:09:12ricke u got heal
00:09:13ricke ffs
00:09:38Sandel soz
00:09:46ricke just heal
00:09:49ricke and u wouldnt die
00:09:52ricke god damn
00:10:06Luza gj
00:10:12Lavos which
00:10:13chodaboy need gank mid
00:10:39Wavesofchange omw
00:10:39Wavesofchange sk
00:10:57Luza dvie0
00:11:07ricke 4 bot
00:11:23Wavesofchange farm
00:11:24Wavesofchange alche
00:11:27Wavesofchange not so much ganking
00:11:41Wavesofchange coming bot
00:11:42Wavesofchange to gank
00:11:43Wavesofchange save
00:11:44Wavesofchange what u have
00:12:04chodaboy we dont have wards
00:12:05chodaboy imba
00:12:32chodaboy we need wards
00:12:33chodaboy aasp
00:12:35chodaboy flying
00:12:37Luza omni
00:12:39Luza dazzle get
00:12:56Luza SS Top
00:12:57Luza CARE MID
00:12:57ricke got mana
00:12:59Luza MIDcare
00:13:00ricke come
00:13:05Luza re
00:13:06Wavesofchange get mana boots
00:13:07Luza 1
00:13:10Luza wisp missing
00:13:18Sandel so what i get ?
00:13:22Luza wards
00:13:23Wavesofchange wait
00:13:26ricke sandel, wards
00:13:27Wavesofchange focus wisp
00:13:28Sandel ok
00:13:32Luza care enigma
00:13:32Luza inc
00:13:52Luza yey
00:13:55Lavos mid miss
00:14:05Wavesofchange b
00:14:12Luza this is why i take wisp
00:14:18Luza but those guys are stacking
00:14:19Luza with 3
00:14:36Lucky gang
00:14:59ricke -ma
00:15:03Luza dpt t
00:15:15ricke kill
00:15:16ricke ulti him
00:15:45Wavesofchange repel me
00:15:45Wavesofchange ffs
00:16:00Sandel wards are on base
00:16:38Lavos u could guys come down lane
00:16:42Lavos 3 allmost all the time here
00:16:59Lucky upgrade
00:17:06chodaboy got dust top
00:17:06Lucky tp
00:17:10BoNeshaw someone else do it
00:17:14livingde4th b
00:17:16Lavos GUYS
00:17:16BoNeshaw have bought 2x obs and chick
00:17:20livingde4th go
00:17:31Luza ok
00:17:33livingde4th fucking stupid idea ffs
00:17:35Luza how he know
00:17:37livingde4th i dont know why i listen u
00:17:40livingde4th why def 2v3
00:17:41Lucky if team came
00:17:42Lavos olit vartin myöhässä
00:17:43Lucky we could
00:17:47Lucky but they sucks
00:17:50livingde4th i thought u could atleast doom 1
00:17:54livingde4th sotp asking help
00:17:55ricke B
00:17:56livingde4th if u idle
00:17:57livingde4th ffs
00:17:58Lucky oom
00:17:59livingde4th my spree
00:18:00livingde4th ffs
00:18:00livingde4th f
00:18:01livingde4th f
00:18:01livingde4th fs
00:18:01livingde4th fs
00:18:02ricke b
00:18:03ricke b
00:18:12Sandel treads ?
00:18:15chodaboy BHIT
00:18:17chodaboy ffs
00:18:28Sandel phase or treads ?
00:19:19Lucky got agha
00:19:22Luza weaver farming
00:19:22chodaboy gank
00:19:25Luza like mad cow
00:20:05Lavos here
00:20:10Lavos left
00:20:34Wavesofchange suck it wisp
00:20:37Wavesofchange hate that hero
00:20:53Wavesofchange b
00:20:54Wavesofchange dazzle
00:20:55Lavos gbo
00:20:55Lavos go
00:20:55chodaboy B
00:20:55Wavesofchange wts
00:21:00chodaboy FUCKING RET
00:21:01Wavesofchange what a tard
00:21:52Wavesofchange sk
00:21:53Wavesofchange go wisp
00:22:00Wavesofchange i mean
00:22:17Wavesofchange dazzle
00:22:18Wavesofchange heal
00:22:49Luza going for bkb
00:23:53Luza come
00:23:56Luza enigma ulti have?
00:23:58Wavesofchange y
00:24:01Wavesofchange go
00:24:16Luza HELP
00:24:45Wavesofchange b
00:24:47Luza back
00:24:47Wavesofchange u cant kill him
00:24:48Luza Back iot p
00:24:51Luza asd
00:24:57Luza you not strong enough
00:25:04Luza get b
00:25:11chodaboy dont use slow
00:25:31Wavesofchange omni
00:25:32Wavesofchange repel on me or u
00:25:35Wavesofchange we need my ulti
00:25:36Wavesofchange or your ulti
00:25:37Wavesofchange and heal
00:25:41ricke mm
00:25:54chodaboy lets gank and push
00:25:59ricke doom will ulti me
00:26:00Luza how weaver so bad farm
00:26:01ricke all the time
00:26:04Luza bracers only
00:26:05Luza ehh
00:26:05Wavesofchange repel your self then
00:26:17Wavesofchange gnak
00:26:32Luza let me bite
00:26:33Luza bait
00:26:34Luza le tme
00:26:38livingde4th doom omni or enigma
00:26:42Lucky i know
00:26:43livingde4th when 5v5
00:26:50chodaboy i go from behind
00:27:02Luza no ulti
00:27:33Wavesofchange why
00:27:34Wavesofchange choda
00:27:37Wavesofchange why u got like that
00:27:50Wavesofchange go
00:27:54Wavesofchange repel him
00:27:54Wavesofchange ffs
00:28:14Lavos tuun
00:28:20Lavos ei kerkee
00:28:32Luza ty
00:28:36Luza soon bkb
00:28:37ricke ofc
00:28:56Luza "ofc"
00:28:57Luza xD
00:29:02ricke =P
00:29:07Wavesofchange uprage
00:29:08Wavesofchange chick
00:29:09Wavesofchange wtf
00:29:10Luza "soon bkb"
00:29:10Luza ofc
00:29:23Wavesofchange put it in chick
00:29:29Wavesofchange wards
00:29:30Wavesofchange dazzle
00:29:37ricke i bought
00:29:43Sandel ty
00:29:55Luza have ze bkb
00:29:56BoNeshaw tp
00:30:09Lucky more wards
00:30:18Luza yes my dear
00:30:20Luza i have no ulti
00:30:27Wavesofchange give mana
00:30:46Luza need farming
00:30:53Luza dont go
00:30:54Luza push
00:30:56Luza lemme farm
00:31:15Lavos here
00:31:15Lavos free
00:31:17Lavos mid
00:31:46Luza IM COMING
00:31:50Wavesofchange he used doom
00:32:06Luza WISP
00:32:13chodaboy gg
00:32:28chodaboy midtower
00:32:40Sandel what i should btw make
00:32:45Sandel 1,5 k moneyt
00:32:46ricke we said guinso
00:32:46Wavesofchange pipe
00:32:47livingde4th doom can u make hex
00:32:49ricke from start
00:32:50Sandel okey
00:33:00Lucky i was thinging ac.
00:33:04livingde4th wont work
00:33:06chodaboy bot
00:33:06livingde4th need disable
00:33:17Lavos care
00:33:19Luza enigma still have ulti
00:33:21Wavesofchange y
00:33:24Lavos i get my dagger in 50g
00:33:28chodaboy wait for us
00:33:30Lavos i can disable enigma from now on
00:33:41Lavos well, repel
00:33:42chodaboy i bait
00:34:00Luza i have ulti and bkb
00:34:07Luza repel on me
00:34:11livingde4th no ultis?
00:34:12Luza im so rape
00:34:15Sandel giv me mana omni
00:34:33ricke dont
00:34:42Wavesofchange b
00:34:43Wavesofchange guys
00:34:45Luza get b
00:34:49Wavesofchange get mid farm
00:34:49Wavesofchange tp
00:35:08chodaboy b
00:35:16Wavesofchange why dint u b
00:35:17Wavesofchange ages ago
00:35:35Luza that is the guestion
00:35:46Luza the answer remains hidden
00:35:56chodaboy dazzle u need to buy wards aswell
00:36:05chodaboy gather mid and go
00:36:14Wavesofchange wait for my ulti
00:36:19chodaboy i get gem
00:36:28chodaboy or fuck that
00:36:43chodaboy lets get rosh
00:36:49Wavesofchange warded i thin
00:36:50Wavesofchange k
00:37:01chodaboy if they come
00:37:03chodaboy enigma jumps
00:37:09chodaboy we need to wait for enigma ulti
00:37:11Luza dont take my farm plz
00:37:51chodaboy all go?
00:37:53Luza so take it or what
00:38:01chodaboy get rosh
00:38:02Luza for whom
00:38:09Lavos fast
00:38:14Luza for alche
00:38:14Luza ?
00:38:17chodaboy enigma be ready
00:38:23Wavesofchange i am
00:38:24Luza or me?
00:38:34Lavos en igma
00:38:36Wavesofchange WTF
00:39:03Wavesofchange how random
00:39:06Wavesofchange weavers hits me
00:39:07Wavesofchange there
00:39:08Wavesofchange axaxa
00:39:11livingde4th youve eben robbed and owned
00:39:25Lavos did we get the kill
00:39:29Sandel top free farms
00:39:29chodaboy let me
00:39:45Lavos of roshan
00:40:01Luza mby robbed
00:40:03Luza but not pwned
00:40:21livingde4th well its the same
00:40:26livingde4th i escape with aegis gg
00:40:37Luza pff
00:40:53Luza blink stun
00:41:10chodaboy so retarded
00:41:12ricke sandel, we have ward there
00:41:19ricke and still u die?
00:41:24Lucky b
00:41:25chodaboy to slow
00:41:28ricke how is that possible
00:41:29Luza let me 1
00:41:30Lucky stay
00:41:38Luza jhave ulti
00:41:45Luza getting
00:41:47Luza asd
00:41:54Luza get b
00:41:55Luza need item
00:41:56Wavesofchange repel your self
00:41:57Wavesofchange omjio
00:42:06Wavesofchange ffs
00:42:07Lavos b
00:42:08Lavos guys
00:42:08Luza B
00:42:09Wavesofchange repel your self
00:42:10Luza guyyz
00:42:20Lavos nice
00:42:32Luza have stygian
00:42:55Wavesofchange lemme farm
00:42:55Wavesofchange bkb
00:42:57chodaboy got gem
00:43:02Wavesofchange LAG
00:43:17Lucky got guinsoo
00:43:23livingde4th me soon too
00:43:26livingde4th gg
00:43:41Wavesofchange ÅHN GSDAI
00:43:49Wavesofchange give me my fucking bkb fucking noobs
00:43:50Lavos wisp can tele from anywhere? :D
00:43:55BoNeshaw yy :)
00:43:55Wavesofchange third time i go to base to buy
00:43:56Wavesofchange and ide
00:43:57Lavos lol
00:43:58Wavesofchange FUCKING NABS
00:44:29Lavos u8 need help?
00:44:37Wavesofchange b dazzle
00:44:50chodaboy Dazzle
00:45:21Wavesofchange all free farming
00:45:36ricke dazzle, why u dont buy wards
00:45:37Luza whole game full of freefarm
00:45:42chodaboy WARDS DAZZLE
00:46:05Luza ulti
00:46:28chodaboy rofl
00:46:45chodaboy GO MID
00:46:46Lucky i need that ac
00:46:48Lucky die to easy
00:46:53Luza sk too stronk
00:46:55Wavesofchange dazzle
00:46:55Wavesofchange wards
00:46:56Wavesofchange now
00:47:03Sandel they are on base
00:47:05Luza weaver just a bug for me
00:47:06Lavos are u going ac?
00:47:09Wavesofchange :D
00:47:10Lucky y'
00:47:12Sandel and i cant buy more
00:47:12Lavos kk
00:47:15Luza go for tower atleast
00:47:20livingde4th doom omni
00:47:24Wavesofchange guys
00:47:26Wavesofchange i dont have ulti
00:47:43Luza outch
00:47:55Wavesofchange said it was stupid
00:48:06Wavesofchange use stick
00:48:06Luza vittuu siit
00:48:09Lavos got gem
00:48:24Luza fucking hex
00:48:29Luza otherwise i would kill em all
00:48:39Lucky y im getting ac
00:48:39Wavesofchange well if omni just repel him self
00:48:41Wavesofchange this so easy
00:48:51livingde4th roshan gogogo
00:48:57livingde4th come all
00:49:01livingde4th with obs
00:49:04chodaboy def rosh
00:49:10Wavesofchange b
00:49:10Wavesofchange dazzle
00:49:12Wavesofchange and omni
00:49:25chodaboy get rosh
00:49:27chodaboy when sk is back
00:49:28Lucky if you go rosh w8 me
00:49:31Wavesofchange omni
00:49:33livingde4th give gem to me
00:49:34Wavesofchange just use it all before doom
00:49:36Wavesofchange gets u
00:49:37chodaboy tp sk
00:49:56livingde4th gathe rfast
00:49:58Luza for who
00:50:04Luza me?
00:50:06Luza or alche
00:50:10Wavesofchange u take
00:50:50Luza this is sooo stupiiid
00:51:18chodaboy fucking shit
00:51:21Luza NOOOhhh
00:51:33chodaboy cant believe this
00:51:35Lucky you take it
00:51:38Wavesofchange well cant do anything
00:51:41Wavesofchange kapow knows my enigma
00:51:47Wavesofchange hes only thing is to disable me
00:51:51Wavesofchange hes not gonna do anything els
00:51:52Wavesofchange than that
00:51:53Luza bkb
00:51:54Luza u got
00:51:57Wavesofchange i
00:51:58Wavesofchange goes over bkb
00:52:01Wavesofchange bkb doesnt help ot
00:52:02Wavesofchange it
00:52:03Luza w000000t
00:52:06Luza to tetehr?
00:52:07Luza tether
00:52:08chodaboy why u buy it?
00:52:10chodaboy get linkens
00:52:12Wavesofchange cause of others
00:52:19Luza wait what
00:52:22Luza tether goes over bkb?
00:52:24Wavesofchange doom
00:52:28Luza oooh
00:52:29Luza yeah
00:53:37Lucky got ac
00:53:41Wavesofchange omni
00:53:43Wavesofchange repel on sk
00:53:44Wavesofchange next
00:53:45Wavesofchange battle
00:53:48Luza i have bkb
00:53:50Wavesofchange doom also goes over repel
00:53:53Wavesofchange then alche
00:54:00Luza i take roshan sup
00:54:03Wavesofchange hes gone
00:54:07chodaboy lol?
00:54:07Wavesofchange doom have it
00:54:07Luza then
00:54:08Luza i take
00:54:09Sandel sk
00:54:09Luza :D
00:54:11Luza aincents
00:54:13Sandel invi
00:54:14chodaboy BASE ALL
00:54:20Lucky lets push
00:54:36Luza DAszlE
00:54:37Luza FFS
00:54:41Wavesofchange why+0
00:54:42chodaboy ban that nap
00:54:49Luza GG
00:54:51Luza VITTU
00:54:53Luza :DD
00:55:20Wavesofchange FOCUS ME MORE
00:55:21Wavesofchange PLEASE
00:55:31Wavesofchange affraid of my enigma nabs?
00:55:57Luza christ
00:56:01Wavesofchange cant do anything
00:56:03Wavesofchange they only focus me
00:56:06Wavesofchange go past all of u
00:56:07Luza immm so mad
00:56:07Wavesofchange to get me
00:56:14Luza i think they focused me
00:56:21Luza after u i guess
00:56:31chodaboy I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:56:36chodaboy dazzle lost
00:56:44Luza gg dazzlebazzle
00:56:54Wavesofchange I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:56:55Wavesofchange NOOBS
00:56:55Luza repel
00:56:56Wavesofchange nice teams
00:57:00Wavesofchange Fuck as IPHUGSDFløæ
00:57:25Luza yeah
00:57:27Luza ggff
00:57:27Luza I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:57:30Wavesofchange !ff
00:57:31Wavesofchange I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:57:32Wavesofchange Fff
00:57:33Wavesofchange FFF
00:57:33Wavesofchange F
00:57:34Wavesofchange F
00:57:38Wavesofchange noob fuck ass gay teams
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