Game #3945709

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-8 X
-4 TS

82% | 1509 X | 1422 TS

-26 X
-1 TS

76% | 1448 X | 1390 TS

+0 X
-2 TS

51% | 1190 X | 1335 TS

+4 X
-4 TS

7% | 905 X | 1144 TS

-16 X
-3 TS

6% | 835 X | 1205 TS

+2 X
+1 TS

81% | 1495 X | 1417 TS

+58 X
+2 TS

54% | 1230 X | 1338 TS

-27 X
+21 TS

44% | 1280 X | 1159 TS

-2 X
+2 TS

35% | 1120 X | 1234 TS

+23 X
+60 TS

NEW | 1079 X | 1028 TS

Chat log

00:00:000Xxo0_o [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... mby_next_time with 52 seconds.
00:00:16mby_next_time Timandstor
00:00:16Mamo play
00:00:16mby_next_time you know rules?
00:00:16Mamo wtf
00:00:16mby_next_time ban on.
00:00:16Shiningstone bans?
00:00:16Jonneblarre i can spectre
00:00:16mby_next_time TIMANDSTOR
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor who is banning?
00:00:16mby_next_time YOU KNOW RULES?
00:00:16Mamo ban doof
00:00:16mby_next_time do you know rules
00:00:16Mamo or pudge
00:00:16mby_next_time dude?
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor chicken?
00:00:16mby_next_time yes
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor yes
00:00:16Shiningstone pudge
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor ....
00:00:16mby_next_time kk
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor you buy?
00:00:16Domess tiny
00:00:16Mamo jj
00:00:16mby_next_time dont try to make fun of me:)
00:00:16Mamo and pudge
00:00:16Jonneblarre can i get spectre?
00:00:16Mamo or luci
00:00:16Ti-mand-stor maybe next time
00:00:16mby_next_time -am
00:00:160Xxo0_o mGINA
00:00:16Mamo mby ?
00:00:22Mamo jj
00:00:220Xxo0_o u can pick me pudge ?
00:00:23Jonneblarre spec
00:00:27mby_next_time not.
00:00:28Domess who spec ?
00:00:30Jonneblarre me
00:00:36Jonneblarre what do u want?
00:00:37Domess ok me pudge
00:00:380Xxo0_o plz
00:00:41Domess get me pudge someone
00:00:460Xxo0_o or aleks ?
00:00:53Domess wtf
00:00:54Jonneblarre what u want now?
00:00:55Mamo pls pick me balanar
00:00:590Xxo0_o for me or not :/
00:00:59Domess mg
00:01:03Domess give nessaj
00:01:05Domess give nessaj
00:01:07Jonneblarre -swap 1
00:01:10Domess -swap 3
00:01:11mby_next_time for you.
00:01:11Aleks875 get doom
00:01:150Xxo0_o :)
00:01:17Jonneblarre me bot?
00:01:18mby_next_time get me doom.
00:01:190Xxo0_o what u want ?
00:01:21mby_next_time doom.
00:01:22Mamo PICK ME balanar or omniknight
00:01:23mby_next_time -swap 4
00:01:240Xxo0_o -swap 1
00:01:250Xxo0_o ty dude
00:01:29mby_next_time np
00:01:32Jonneblarre u pick next
00:01:32mby_next_time someone wards
00:01:34mby_next_time .
00:01:34Affliction Lets lane CK ? :D
00:01:43Domess me down
00:01:44McFele who mid?
00:01:46mby_next_time im mid.
00:01:500Xxo0_o doom ofc
00:01:59Affliction NS midt and me CK bot ?
00:02:01Jonneblarre m,e dazzle top?
00:02:060Xxo0_o mamo is my frend cousin :d
00:02:09Domess ancient mid
00:02:100Xxo0_o he is total noob :D
00:02:10Mamo me down ok
00:02:16mby_next_time w/e
00:02:18mby_next_time -hhn
00:02:18Domess non
00:02:19mby_next_time -don
00:02:19Domess dazzle
00:02:20mby_next_time -water red
00:02:20Domess come down
00:02:21mby_next_time -clear
00:02:22Ti-mand-stor -clear
00:02:23Domess bala go top pls
00:02:26Mamo ok
00:02:27Jonneblarre ffs
00:02:29Aleks875 bala cant be noob
00:02:30Jonneblarre not same lane
00:02:350Xxo0_o but mamo
00:02:370Xxo0_o total :D
00:02:40Domess ty
00:02:430Xxo0_o -clea
00:02:44Mamo np
00:02:450Xxo0_o -clear
00:02:55Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:02:56Mamo i ll magician
00:02:56Affliction -ii
00:02:57Affliction -don
00:02:570Xxo0_o boots ?
00:02:57Affliction -hhn
00:02:590Xxo0_o aleks ?
00:03:000Xxo0_o gj
00:03:05Aleks875 at 3 lvl
00:03:10Aleks875 go kill pudge
00:03:14Aleks875 just make slow
00:03:150Xxo0_o mby
00:03:200Xxo0_o ive got slow
00:03:22Aleks875 just slow
00:03:230Xxo0_o go pull
00:03:26Aleks875 y
00:03:270Xxo0_o u plz
00:03:51Domess slwo down
00:04:59Aleks875 now gooo
00:05:00Aleks875 slow
00:05:23Domess kill necro
00:05:26Mamo wtf
00:05:410Xxo0_o gj
00:06:02Aleks875 again
00:06:11Aleks875 let them coem
00:06:150Xxo0_o mg
00:06:31Ti-mand-stor nice
00:06:43Aleks875 go
00:06:440Xxo0_o ss2
00:06:58Aleks875 noob
00:06:59Aleks875 omg
00:07:060Xxo0_o i can go in 2
00:07:11Aleks875 u can
00:07:13Aleks875 i near
00:07:14Aleks875 wtf
00:07:25mby_next_time ss mid
00:07:47mby_next_time re
00:08:02Shiningstone brb
00:08:07Jonneblarre bala
00:08:090Xxo0_o ss
00:08:14Jonneblarre CAN U PLs stop auto attack
00:08:140Xxo0_o re
00:08:44Domess come gang
00:08:45Domess dazzle now
00:08:46mby_next_time ss
00:08:53mby_next_time ss
00:09:020Xxo0_o ss3
00:09:030Xxo0_o ss2
00:09:09McFele miss 2 bot
00:09:11mby_next_time ss mid all time
00:09:13mby_next_time re
00:09:19Domess gj
00:09:20Domess man
00:09:370Xxo0_o omg
00:09:380Xxo0_o im
00:09:390Xxo0_o rly
00:09:410Xxo0_o fucking
00:09:420Xxo0_o nooooob
00:09:48Aleks875 y
00:10:02Domess where is ?
00:10:030Xxo0_o and u without slow....
00:10:05Jonneblarre ss2
00:10:13Domess b
00:10:42Jonneblarre re 1
00:10:48Mamo -ms
00:11:18Mamo ss 2
00:11:26Domess b
00:11:27Domess b
00:11:29Domess miss
00:11:340Xxo0_o ss3
00:11:350Xxo0_o 2
00:11:36Affliction ss midt
00:11:39Jonneblarre b
00:11:40Domess luci miss
00:11:40Domess re
00:11:46Jonneblarre if ursa come we die
00:11:55mby_next_time ss
00:11:57Mamo noob
00:12:13Domess go
00:12:47Domess FUck
00:12:50Shiningstone ops
00:12:50Domess go b
00:12:51Domess ogo b
00:12:58Domess omg
00:12:59Shiningstone sorry was base for a sec
00:12:59Domess top ?
00:13:06Domess overfeed ffs
00:13:30Domess wen eed to gang
00:13:31Domess pls
00:13:33Domess guys start to gang
00:13:59Affliction NS gank
00:14:060Xxo0_o ss
00:14:080Xxo0_o care
00:14:24mby_next_time thanks
00:14:24mby_next_time team
00:14:28mby_next_time just got ganged by 4
00:14:39Domess Pls
00:14:40Domess 3
00:14:52Domess no one tp ?
00:14:54Domess !!
00:14:59Mamo all
00:15:00Mamo go
00:15:34Domess nice where is ursa
00:15:40Domess hehe
00:16:03Affliction b
00:16:130Xxo0_o ss
00:17:06Mamo do spell
00:17:41Ti-mand-stor wauit
00:17:540Xxo0_o ss
00:17:580Xxo0_o all
00:18:12Aleks875 tank himn
00:18:20Aleks875 noosb
00:18:24Domess all mid
00:18:25Domess gang
00:18:27Domess come on
00:18:31Domess meet
00:18:43McFele PDUGE
00:18:48McFele eat him u noob
00:18:530Xxo0_o silence
00:18:54Domess nice
00:18:55Domess b
00:18:55Domess b
00:18:57Domess &
00:19:14Domess tower
00:19:16Ti-mand-stor ulti pudge?
00:19:160Xxo0_o urza
00:19:200Xxo0_o without vlads
00:19:250Xxo0_o im stuned
00:19:250Xxo0_o omg
00:19:36Shiningstone oom
00:19:50Domess b
00:19:50Domess b
00:19:53Domess dont focus
00:19:55Domess they are all there
00:19:55Domess b
00:19:56Domess b
00:20:02Shiningstone uff
00:20:03Domess b
00:20:04Domess b
00:20:05Domess they come
00:20:05Domess all b
00:20:06Domess hook
00:20:06Domess b
00:20:11Jonneblarre lame
00:20:20Jonneblarre ursa will kill alot now
00:20:30Domess wait
00:20:33Domess use ulty
00:20:35Domess but wait
00:20:54Domess lol
00:21:07mby_next_time let
00:21:07mby_next_time me
00:21:08mby_next_time rune
00:21:12Mamo fast
00:21:13Domess all b
00:21:14Domess they gang
00:21:15Domess ALL B
00:21:20Domess buy tp
00:21:21Domess GUYS
00:21:23Domess OMG ??!!!
00:21:29Domess how u can play without tp
00:21:39Mamo who
00:22:21Ti-mand-stor come
00:22:22Ti-mand-stor woods
00:22:34Domess ye
00:22:34Domess b
00:22:37Domess INVIS
00:22:37Domess B
00:22:39Domess IDIITOTO
00:22:40Domess !!
00:22:43Domess ???
00:22:51Mamo i show
00:22:57Domess watch map
00:22:58Domess guy
00:23:02Domess go b
00:23:36Mamo wtf
00:23:59Domess gang
00:23:59Domess gogo
00:24:35Domess great
00:24:53Jonneblarre shall i go diffblade?
00:25:12Domess heh
00:25:12Mamo what
00:25:12Domess b
00:25:17Mamo i buy
00:25:18Domess sure :)
00:25:19Mamo omg
00:26:02Domess i said b
00:26:03Domess man
00:26:14Domess u cant stay
00:26:15Domess at same place
00:26:17Domess coz they gang
00:26:45Jonneblarre maybe
00:26:50Domess sure
00:26:56Domess wwer re not
00:27:04Domess b
00:27:10Domess dont !!
00:27:13Domess i go for hp
00:27:22Domess hlem of dominator
00:27:24Domess or s and y ?
00:27:39Domess guys
00:27:39Domess lol
00:27:42Domess goi b
00:27:43Domess b :)
00:27:47Domess go attack
00:27:51Aleks875 team so sux
00:28:03mby_next_time aleks
00:28:05mby_next_time i dont give fuck
00:28:06Affliction we need a gem
00:28:06Affliction :/
00:28:06mby_next_time anymore
00:28:09mby_next_time about comeing to you.
00:28:18mby_next_time cause you just killed me
00:28:22Domess ?
00:28:25mby_next_time isntead of comeing you were writeing
00:28:29Domess OMG
00:28:30Domess URSA
00:28:31Domess AGAIN
00:28:34Domess PFF
00:28:39Domess go b
00:28:44Domess man u cant fight vs ursa
00:28:44Mamo omfg
00:28:47Mamo play
00:29:02Mamo i try to kill him
00:29:06Domess :D
00:29:13Mamo you don t try to kill him
00:29:150Xxo0_o aleks ?
00:29:20Domess sure :)
00:29:210Xxo0_o why u not buy vlads ?
00:29:23Aleks875 stfu
00:29:27Domess but i can
00:29:280Xxo0_o so fuck me
00:29:320Xxo0_o fucking retard
00:29:36Aleks875 u sux
00:29:410Xxo0_o your dad
00:29:41mby_next_time says aleks.
00:29:43Domess specter ulty ?
00:29:47Domess wait
00:29:47Domess me
00:29:49Domess i say
00:29:54Domess ,now
00:30:19mby_next_time rofl
00:30:25Domess b
00:30:25Domess b
00:30:26Domess :)
00:30:29Mamo omfg
00:30:30Affliction OMG
00:30:30Affliction :/
00:30:31Domess ouch
00:30:350Xxo0_o rly im noob hooker :D
00:30:36Affliction though my gem was there
00:30:37Domess too strong
00:30:37Affliction :/
00:30:440Xxo0_o very long time not play pudge
00:30:49Shiningstone oom
00:30:55Mamo kill ursa omfg
00:30:59Domess well we must all attack
00:31:00Domess ursa
00:31:02Ti-mand-stor very long time speak no english
00:31:23Aleks875 stay here
00:31:23Domess give me gem :)
00:31:27Ti-mand-stor omw
00:31:28Ti-mand-stor go kill
00:31:30Affliction no troom
00:31:32Ti-mand-stor stay ffs
00:31:34Ti-mand-stor lol
00:32:07Jonneblarre my ulti had 20 sec cd
00:32:22Domess ogoggo
00:32:56Domess wait
00:32:58Domess all behind
00:32:58Domess tower
00:33:04Domess what u do ?
00:33:05Domess pls
00:33:09Domess stay here
00:33:11Domess and care hook
00:33:15Ti-mand-stor stay
00:33:200Xxo0_o dy,fgvdf
00:33:200Xxo0_o ghf
00:33:210Xxo0_o gdf
00:33:22Domess stay
00:33:38Jonneblarre fuuck yee
00:33:38Jonneblarre killed ursa
00:33:38Shiningstone They are weaved
00:33:38Mamo no nessaj
00:33:38Shiningstone some of you too!
00:33:38Ti-mand-stor drpå`?
00:33:38Ti-mand-stor drop?
00:33:38mby_next_time it's repel
00:33:38mby_next_time it gonna
00:33:38mby_next_time take 4 mins
00:33:38mby_next_time before he dces
00:33:38mby_next_time you cant
00:33:38Jonneblarre laame
00:33:38mby_next_time drop him
00:33:38Ti-mand-stor ok
00:33:38Shiningstone w8 all he may come back!!!
00:33:38Mamo we lose
00:33:38Mamo play
00:33:38Mamo omfg
00:33:38Affliction urza dead ?
00:33:38Mamo play
00:33:38Mamo omfg
00:33:38Jonneblarre who
00:33:38Jonneblarre drops?
00:33:38McFele !votekick
00:33:38McFele !kick
00:33:38mby_next_time let's be gay
00:33:38mby_next_time hmm
00:33:38Mamo omfg
00:33:38Aleks875 mega hook I guess
00:33:38mby_next_time ok necro
00:33:38mby_next_time or nvm
00:33:38mby_next_time pudge
00:33:38mby_next_time whatever
00:33:38Mamo type -roll
00:33:38Mamo omfg
00:33:38Ti-mand-stor -roll
00:33:38mby_next_time type -your mom
00:33:38McFele omg
00:33:39Mamo type
00:33:580Xxo0_o so me ?
00:34:01mby_next_time yues[]
00:34:01Mamo who
00:34:040Xxo0_o ok
00:34:05Mamo who leave
00:34:07Jonneblarre what to do with his items?
00:34:09Jonneblarre sell or?
00:34:10mby_next_time oxoo.
00:34:15Jonneblarre -ii
00:34:18mby_next_time dont sell his items.
00:34:32Jonneblarre bala can take armlet
00:34:38mby_next_time b
00:35:08Jonneblarre w
00:35:10Ti-mand-stor re
00:35:11Affliction mamo
00:35:11Jonneblarre teamsell items?
00:35:17Affliction take all his items
00:35:20Affliction no
00:35:25Mamo jj
00:35:29Affliction b
00:35:30Mamo i take
00:35:56Mamo omfg
00:36:19McFele go end it?
00:36:23mby_next_time yo
00:36:38Jonneblarre I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:36:44Mamo what
00:36:47Ti-mand-stor gg
00:36:47Affliction I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:36:49Mamo !ff
00:36:56Jonneblarre some1 wanna plug?
00:36:58Affliction type ff
00:36:59Jonneblarre :p
00:37:03Mamo omfg
00:37:06Mamo tyepe ff
00:37:08Mamo I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:37:23Shiningstone I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
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