Game #3862106

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-13 X
-1 TS

99% | 1812 X | 1552 TS

-36 X
-2 TS

83% | 1490 X | 1440 TS

+0 X
-1 TS

81% | 1460 X | 1432 TS

+17 X
-1 TS

76% | 1388 X | 1441 TS

-16 X
-1 TS

55% | 1286 X | 1293 TS

+2 X
+2 TS

95% | 1779 X | 1449 TS

+17 X
+1 TS

89% | 1572 X | 1477 TS

-14 X
+2 TS

84% | 1460 X | 1473 TS

+52 X
+2 TS

83% | 1479 X | 1439 TS

+1 X
+2 TS

74% | 1426 X | 1373 TS

Chat log

00:00:13marsbar2k epic
00:00:17marsbar2k cree og wank på mit hold
00:00:17marsbar2k auto loose :D
00:00:17BoBo.Ftw lesh
00:00:17WANKmaster -wl
00:00:17WANKmaster lyca
00:00:17McNabb lycannn
00:00:17WANKmaster i mean
00:00:17Arapiles not lycan ban?
00:00:17WANKmaster :D
00:00:17McNabb wllll
00:00:17BoBo.Ftw :(((
00:00:19McNabb wl
00:00:22McNabb pick wl
00:00:24McNabb for me
00:00:32WANKmaster tide any1
00:00:33WANKmaster ?
00:00:36oo0OoO0oo omfg i got jinxed
00:00:40Arapiles axe maybe
00:00:44oo0OoO0oo cree and mars ame team :DD
00:00:46WANKmaster u want
00:00:46WANKmaster ?
00:00:52Arapiles axe
00:00:58McNabb u want?
00:01:02BoBo.Ftw tb
00:01:08McNabb -swap 1
00:01:11BoBo.Ftw -swap 2
00:01:18Arapiles u want?
00:01:20BoBo.Ftw wanna midd wl?
00:01:20WANKmaster kunkka
00:01:25oo0OoO0oo wd
00:01:26oo0OoO0oo aa
00:01:27oo0OoO0oo come on
00:01:28Mercury tb with my grave is nice :D
00:01:28WANKmaster -swap 4
00:01:28McNabb if anyone wants wl pick me levi
00:01:32Arapiles -swap 1
00:01:43McNabb '
00:01:45McNabb tide
00:01:46marsbar2k så skal der tabes
00:01:48McNabb !
00:01:51WANKmaster tahad mid cree
00:01:51marsbar2k se deres hero choices :D
00:01:52WANKmaster ?
00:01:53marsbar2k de er så rådne!
00:01:54BoBo.Ftw wl midd
00:01:58McNabb k
00:02:00BoBo.Ftw me and bat top
00:02:03BoBo.Ftw rest bot
00:02:06Arapiles lanes?
00:02:12oo0OoO0oo jeg vinder normalt med de to
00:02:16Mercury noone mid?
00:02:17oo0OoO0oo dig der er jinx
00:02:18oo0OoO0oo :D
00:02:18Mercury .D
00:02:22marsbar2k jeg synes de er for "ego"
00:02:29oo0OoO0oo ikke wank
00:02:31BoBo.Ftw try fb bat
00:02:31oo0OoO0oo han er ok
00:02:39DayDream k
00:02:42McNabb plz play just as good as u did last game wank
00:02:48DayDream w8 couple of stacks
00:02:49WANKmaster ok
00:02:50BoBo.Ftw :D
00:03:00BoBo.Ftw pwned his ass 3times in row ^^
00:03:04oo0OoO0oo ben onun farmina sicarim bak
00:03:15BoBo.Ftw i hope now will be 4rd
00:03:20Arapiles ingen wards?
00:04:07Arapiles coouldnt move
00:04:11Arapiles and im not fb?
00:04:34marsbar2k hva skete der
00:04:36marsbar2k for du stod stille
00:04:40Arapiles spike
00:04:40marsbar2k vi ku få begge
00:05:23McNabb ss mid
00:05:29McNabb re
00:05:48Arapiles unplayable lag
00:06:03oo0OoO0oo at du stadig spiler emd lag
00:06:23marsbar2k fuck dit lag peter
00:06:42WANKmaster share
00:07:12Vaj.CO ss
00:07:26McNabb ss
00:08:18McNabb tp
00:08:21marsbar2k can i stay mid for1 min ?
00:08:30WANKmaster no
00:08:54Arapiles wl top
00:08:56Arapiles used ult
00:09:20creeeeeee mul vend kes ei võta malet
00:09:20creeeeeee :D
00:09:33oo0OoO0oo i can heal
00:09:46creeeeeee ye its good
00:09:48creeeeeee but we need male also
00:09:50Vaj.CO s
00:09:51Vaj.CO ss
00:10:03Vaj.CO eat
00:10:04McNabb wards
00:11:03marsbar2k er du fat peter
00:11:04marsbar2k :D
00:11:07Arapiles lidt
00:11:07marsbar2k baer lidt
00:11:12creeeeeee ah he got 6 already
00:11:15creeeeeee damn
00:11:20McNabb ss mid
00:11:26BoBo.Ftw reuse
00:11:35oo0OoO0oo need pownage bot
00:11:43DayDream ss2 top
00:11:44Vaj.CO ...
00:11:45marsbar2k hello
00:11:52DayDream re1
00:12:13WANKmaster ss
00:12:13WANKmaster mid
00:12:14WANKmaster re
00:12:15Arapiles b
00:12:22McNabb mid inc top
00:12:24Arapiles oom
00:13:03Arapiles bad idea
00:13:06marsbar2k u rly had a dead wish there
00:13:13McNabb this hero is so not fair
00:13:14Arapiles well
00:13:17Arapiles i have to go in
00:13:23Arapiles but i re7uested back
00:14:06McNabb some wards?
00:14:07Vaj.CO wards
00:14:13marsbar2k velkommen kurdi
00:14:13McNabb dazzle
00:14:16marsbar2k to the wierd lane
00:14:30DayDream b
00:14:35DayDream b
00:14:45Vaj.CO grave??
00:14:48Mercury no range
00:15:04oo0OoO0oo :D
00:15:15McNabb 4 mid
00:16:02DayDream wl U IDIOT
00:16:09DayDream wtf is wrong with u
00:16:14McNabb huh?
00:16:19DayDream i had battele hunger on
00:16:27DayDream and u stole my creep
00:16:32McNabb oh
00:16:33McNabb dident see
00:16:35McNabb sry
00:18:28Arapiles pink goin mid
00:18:54McNabb fgo tulti
00:19:05McNabb ehh
00:20:44McNabb they go 5 all the time
00:20:52McNabb we cant go solo
00:20:53BoBo.Ftw aspon nemaju carry
00:21:01Vaj.CO lana
00:21:02Vaj.CO :D
00:21:02BoBo.Ftw lana
00:21:03BoBo.Ftw tak :D
00:21:08BoBo.Ftw ale pozri jak hra
00:21:46DayDream 5
00:21:47DayDream bot
00:21:49McNabb yep
00:21:51McNabb and no wards
00:22:37creeeeeee b
00:23:29Vaj.CO warded
00:24:06Arapiles hvorfor vender du rundt?
00:24:08Arapiles ^^
00:24:19marsbar2k orker ik forklare det :p
00:24:25Arapiles hehe
00:24:29marsbar2k havde ik gotkeys på
00:24:50McNabb wow
00:26:10Arapiles b mid
00:26:16Vaj.CO lana dagger
00:26:19marsbar2k b top
00:26:21marsbar2k oh your dfead:
00:26:30creeeeeee seems like they have wards
00:26:31WANKmaster why
00:26:32WANKmaster u
00:26:32Arapiles ^^
00:26:32WANKmaster make
00:26:33creeeeeee here
00:26:34WANKmaster lotar
00:26:35WANKmaster :S:S:S:S:S
00:26:42oo0OoO0oo me ?
00:26:49WANKmaster yes
00:26:53oo0OoO0oo invis ulti
00:27:16Arapiles thx
00:27:23oo0OoO0oo y thx
00:27:27Arapiles i go jungle farm now
00:27:57WANKmaster so
00:27:58WANKmaster fucking
00:28:00WANKmaster useless item
00:28:02WANKmaster to u
00:28:04WANKmaster wd
00:28:07WANKmaster make bkb
00:28:08WANKmaster agha
00:28:09WANKmaster and game
00:28:10WANKmaster is over
00:28:25WANKmaster arapiles farm
00:28:26WANKmaster dagger
00:28:37WANKmaster gj
00:28:38WANKmaster kurdi
00:28:39WANKmaster :D:D:d:D.d
00:28:41DayDream use bird ahain
00:28:43BoBo.Ftw ffs
00:28:43DayDream again
00:28:44oo0OoO0oo i tried :DD
00:28:45BoBo.Ftw :D
00:28:49WANKmaster yeah
00:28:50WANKmaster np
00:29:10creeeeeee tule
00:30:05Vaj.CO :D
00:30:06Vaj.CO :D
00:30:13creeeeeee dafuk
00:30:19creeeeeee that wanted to be 1200 range blink?
00:30:42creeeeeee it wasnt even 800 range
00:30:43creeeeeee ...
00:30:44McNabb all bot
00:31:39WANKmaster sentry
00:31:44WANKmaster I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:48Arapiles I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:51Arapiles game over
00:32:05WANKmaster would be nice
00:32:07WANKmaster if u
00:32:09WANKmaster get dagger
00:32:12Arapiles i cant
00:32:26marsbar2k gørdumu adem :p
00:32:29marsbar2k bok gibi oynuyor
00:32:32marsbar2k yokariyi siktik
00:32:35marsbar2k bir boku yok :D
00:32:54oo0OoO0oo whio moved me
00:33:21Arapiles u see
00:33:25Arapiles when i tank
00:33:27Arapiles i die
00:33:31Arapiles 24/7
00:33:36oo0OoO0oo you piont :DDD
00:33:40oo0OoO0oo point
00:33:57marsbar2k med den advantege du havde i starten
00:33:57WANKmaster farm
00:33:58WANKmaster forest
00:33:59marsbar2k ku du lave blink :s
00:34:07Arapiles jeg lagger sygt
00:34:12marsbar2k i see
00:34:20McNabb go 5
00:34:25Arapiles easy blink if you guys didnt fuck up some fights
00:34:43marsbar2k pismom lad os daffe :D
00:35:07marsbar2k drop a trap at rosh is it posible ?
00:35:08WANKmaster gem
00:35:09Vaj.CO care
00:35:10WANKmaster wlock
00:35:15McNabb WHY DONT U FLOOW?
00:35:25McNabb zzzzzzzzzzzzz
00:35:25WANKmaster coming
00:35:37marsbar2k smoke i gues
00:36:09oo0OoO0oo focus wl
00:36:26WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:31oo0OoO0oo no chance :DD
00:36:37WANKmaster ofc
00:36:38creeeeeee dazzle pretty much winning this
00:36:38WANKmaster if we
00:36:40WANKmaster fight
00:36:42WANKmaster like ifiots
00:36:44oo0OoO0oo well bat got me
00:36:52oo0OoO0oo i had perfekt range for ulti up hill
00:37:34oo0OoO0oo no ?
00:37:35WANKmaster like i said kurdi
00:37:37WANKmaster lothars
00:37:39WANKmaster is pointless
00:37:42oo0OoO0oo y
00:37:47WANKmaster next time go bkb
00:37:49WANKmaster instead
00:37:50marsbar2k np blame the witch doctor
00:37:52McNabb font go
00:37:54McNabb need ulti
00:37:54marsbar2k decent move
00:37:56BoBo.Ftw yy
00:38:00WANKmaster i dont blame
00:38:04WANKmaster but there is no use of him
00:38:06WANKmaster in fights
00:38:11marsbar2k sounds like it when u complain about his items
00:38:19WANKmaster thats why i suggest him
00:38:20WANKmaster to make
00:38:22WANKmaster other build
00:38:30WANKmaster u can make lothars vs some noobs
00:38:33marsbar2k go manta kurdi
00:38:34marsbar2k np
00:38:34WANKmaster but they can play
00:38:35WANKmaster a little
00:38:39McNabb Zzz
00:38:40Vaj.CO push?
00:38:41Vaj.CO :D
00:38:47BoBo.Ftw 15 sec
00:38:51Vaj.CO for?
00:38:54BoBo.Ftw wl ult
00:38:56McNabb go bot
00:38:57Vaj.CO k
00:38:58McNabb go bot
00:39:05McNabb no rtower
00:40:33marsbar2k I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:37oo0OoO0oo I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:41creeeeeee I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:45BoBo.Ftw gg wp
00:40:52Arapiles blah
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