Game #3812282

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-24 X
-2 TS

95% | 1672 X | 1515 TS

-42 X
-2 TS

94% | 1654 X | 1523 TS

-26 X
-2 TS

89% | 1529 X | 1510 TS

-48 X
-2 TS

74% | 1443 X | 1371 TS

+6 X
-3 TS

72% | 1384 X | 1391 TS

+38 X
+2 TS

96% | 1747 X | 1547 TS

+10 X
+2 TS

87% | 1559 X | 1439 TS

+34 X
+2 TS

85% | 1548 X | 1445 TS

+10 X
+3 TS

86% | 1552 X | 1436 TS

+50 X
+2 TS

67% | 1373 X | 1341 TS

Chat log

00:00:11EyeforanEye -swap
00:00:12diesel -swap
00:00:13Soulyah ma ei pela cheateridega
00:00:17EyeforanEye -swap 2
00:00:18N2xy tamps
00:00:19N2xy skype
00:00:20Strom nonii
00:00:21Soulyah bannige end k6ik ära
00:00:22Strom kes tahab bati
00:00:25diesel -swap 3
00:00:26PeterLars give me aba
00:00:27PeterLars :D
00:00:29svents anna es?
00:00:29EyeforanEye -swap 3
00:00:31Soulyah -repick
00:00:36PeterLars or no
00:00:36diesel -cancelswap
00:00:37svents cree
00:00:37N2xy -swap 5
00:00:39svents anna es?
00:00:42EyeforanEye -swap 2
00:00:50svents cree ära afki
00:00:55svents anna es mulle
00:00:56Soulyah wank banned, cree banned
00:00:56creeeeeee -swap
00:00:56svents pls
00:00:58Soulyah svents banned
00:01:01creeeeeee -swap 5
00:01:02EyeforanEye -swap 2
00:01:02svents -swap 3
00:01:05svents ty
00:01:06svents -clear
00:01:06EyeforanEye swap y/n?
00:01:09PeterLars no
00:01:11svents why im banned?:(
00:01:14N2xy tampet
00:01:20WANKmaster cree
00:01:20WANKmaster mid
00:01:24N2xy pet
00:01:25N2xy pet
00:01:27WANKmaster svents üles
00:01:27EyeforanEye fenix meka?
00:01:27N2xy kuuled
00:01:28N2xy :D
00:01:28WANKmaster omni bat
00:01:29WANKmaster bot
00:01:31creeeeeee appi palju raha
00:01:36PeterLars aba
00:01:37PeterLars chick
00:01:37PinaryB misa tahad bauno
00:01:37creeeeeee imelik kohe
00:01:40Strom ajaa
00:01:40N2xy :D
00:01:42N2xy tule skypei
00:01:45Soulyah because u didnt go
00:01:46Strom mul 275g jäi üle lihtsalt :D
00:01:47Soulyah startup lane
00:01:59svents hahahaha
00:02:05EyeforanEye -ma
00:02:20Soulyah peab minema
00:02:23Soulyah rule no 17
00:02:25WANKmaster mine
00:02:25WANKmaster pulli
00:02:27WANKmaster es
00:02:28N2xy share
00:02:37Strom rahune maha nüüd soulyah
00:02:43N2xy SHARE
00:03:09svents ja ma olin samal lanel btw:D
00:03:42Soulyah xiiterid
00:03:46Soulyah pole midagi öelda
00:04:15svents pullin
00:04:18WANKmaster s
00:04:19WANKmaster y
00:04:56creeeeeee ssmid
00:05:15diesel wtf steals my mana??
00:05:18Strom slark
00:05:19N2xy :D:D
00:05:26Soulyah BUHAHAHAHa
00:05:31creeeeeee tore hero
00:05:35creeeeeee mõtleb, et võiks creepe peksta
00:05:42Soulyah pohh cheadi siis
00:05:43Soulyah :D
00:05:51Soulyah ss
00:05:51EyeforanEye wtf dude?
00:05:51svents gj
00:05:54WANKmaster hea
00:05:55WANKmaster svents
00:06:39Soulyah lol
00:06:47Soulyah hero tegi MJ
00:06:50Soulyah jacson
00:06:52Soulyah moonwalk
00:06:58svents lolol
00:07:09creeeeeee ss
00:07:24Soulyah ss
00:07:24PeterLars care
00:07:35Strom nagu mu lendamine lõppes 1mm ennem tähtsat kohta ära .D
00:07:37Strom ei saand mäest alla
00:07:50N2xy Sup
00:07:54creeeeeee y0
00:08:49diesel HIT
00:08:52diesel dziisas
00:08:55creeeeeee kuidas?
00:08:57creeeeeee ranget pole
00:09:02Strom ma saan 6 varsti
00:09:03diesel nina all oli peaaegu :D
00:09:05Strom siis hakkavad surema
00:09:07PeterLars viper fuck off
00:09:20creeeeeee i think I'll stay
00:09:24svents ss2
00:09:36svents re1
00:09:54PeterLars omg
00:09:55PeterLars >D
00:10:01creeeeeee yep
00:10:04creeeeeee i'll stay
00:10:06PinaryB cmon shiled me
00:10:10Strom mul 6 kah nüüd
00:10:13Strom phoenix ei lähe enam kuhugi
00:10:14creeeeeee ssmid
00:10:23EyeforanEye why?!
00:10:29Soulyah to kill
00:10:59Strom nagu sound effect juba oli
00:11:07diesel midaiagnes :D
00:11:17diesel strom?
00:11:18diesel -.-
00:11:26Strom nagu
00:11:31Strom kõigepealt oli ulti sound effect
00:11:35Strom aga ei jõudnud castida, ta egg läks läbi
00:11:42Strom ja siis oli nii, et ulti castisin slarki hüppe ajal
00:11:42Strom :D
00:11:48WANKmaster 1sec
00:11:48Strom mõlema korraga 0.1 sec liiga hilja
00:11:48WANKmaster door
00:11:48PeterLars WHY
00:11:48Soulyah everyone has a door
00:11:48svents :DD
00:11:48PeterLars not me
00:11:48PeterLars i got window
00:11:48diesel my treehouse has only a hole :(
00:12:17N2xy miks ulti
00:12:18N2xy xDDDD
00:12:27Soulyah sest no fear
00:12:48PeterLars bye bye
00:12:52diesel 3 bot
00:12:58WANKmaster tulen
00:12:59WANKmaster ka
00:13:00WANKmaster fight
00:13:38Strom ES thx
00:13:38Strom :D
00:13:43Soulyah gj tp
00:13:44EyeforanEye omw.
00:13:51Soulyah whole team dead
00:13:53Soulyah now ur omw
00:14:03svents tra:D
00:14:04N2xy almost abba
00:14:05N2xy almost
00:14:06N2xy :D:D
00:14:06svents miks sa tulid :D
00:14:12svents ma oleks n2xy ära tapnud ise:DDD
00:14:24Soulyah freefrag
00:14:29diesel heali mana pole
00:14:29Soulyah 700hp
00:14:53N2xy fu abba
00:14:54N2xy rly
00:14:58EyeforanEye ty
00:15:48Strom b
00:17:06Soulyah noob slark gg
00:17:09PeterLars }}
00:17:11PeterLars they hate me
00:17:53Strom obs warde oleks vaja
00:18:26Soulyah rape
00:19:27Soulyah :D
00:20:46Strom võta
00:21:19svents sain daggeri
00:21:46Strom thx repeli eest
00:21:52diesel kle ja
00:21:56diesel imestan et survivesid :D
00:21:58Strom imba escape tuli kohe sellega :D
00:22:19Soulyah see hero nii aeglane_:D
00:22:24svents paks:D
00:22:28Strom palju hpd selle eest
00:22:38Soulyah DIS SLARK
00:22:45Soulyah besu eu
00:23:36Strom 4 mid
00:23:38Soulyah gather or
00:23:52Strom our woods now
00:24:03Soulyah banned
00:24:08Strom 5 our woods
00:25:15PeterLars wuau
00:26:23PeterLars wtf
00:26:26Soulyah slark gameruin
00:27:18Strom mugav sentry
00:27:51Soulyah tra ikka oli see ward seal
00:28:01PinaryB I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:02PinaryB go ff
00:28:07Soulyah slark carrys
00:28:10EyeforanEye I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:27svents ma back
00:28:29svents oom
00:28:41Soulyah I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:08svents lololol
00:30:28creeeeeee somewhy I thought phoe has no ult
00:31:58Soulyah -ms
00:32:20N2xy come smoke
00:32:20N2xy all 5
00:32:26N2xy and rax
00:32:32Strom türa sa aitad teda :D
00:32:35Soulyah :D
00:32:55WANKmaster mid
00:32:58PeterLars give me mana
00:33:55EyeforanEye raxx atleast
00:34:13WANKmaster miks nii hilja ..
00:34:14Strom see raxi kaotus küll kasulik polnud
00:34:18Strom no ma olin surnud rsk
00:34:23svents mul oli mana vaja :S
00:34:30Strom telesin isegi fountani alt sinna
00:34:54Strom võtame slark
00:35:07EyeforanEye top? all
00:35:15PeterLars cya
00:35:16svents tra:D
00:35:25WANKmaster b
00:35:34N2xy ye
00:35:37N2xy and rosh after
00:35:59diesel almost got me bro
00:36:01PeterLars }}
00:36:03Strom kellel on spote
00:36:05Strom võtke wardid
00:36:09PeterLars ^^
00:36:14svents ma ostan gemi vist
00:36:24Strom mul sentry praegu
00:36:34Strom me peame alustama
00:37:04EyeforanEye who take?
00:37:11WANKmaster rosh
00:37:12WANKmaster ?
00:37:14PinaryB ss?
00:37:16PeterLars me :d
00:37:16Strom vist jah
00:37:19Strom wardid pole planted
00:37:33Strom sinna üks ward
00:37:34Strom mäe otsa
00:37:36Strom ja siis def bot
00:37:55EyeforanEye b?
00:37:59EyeforanEye w8 for creeps mid
00:38:24Soulyah tyra kyll see es
00:38:28svents :DDD
00:38:33PeterLars svensts
00:38:35PeterLars killed u all
00:38:41svents u mad?:D
00:38:45PeterLars Y
00:38:47PeterLars ^^
00:38:56PeterLars is it u svents
00:39:03PeterLars a
00:39:10EyeforanEye raxx bot next
00:39:11N2xy so...
00:39:12WANKmaster lets go
00:39:13WANKmaster mid
00:39:13WANKmaster imo
00:39:14svents ?`???
00:39:14N2xy now twin solo bot
00:39:16N2xy and 4 top
00:39:19N2xy imo
00:39:23svents ofc its me
00:39:24Strom k
00:39:26svents why u ask?
00:39:37Strom tulen
00:39:38Strom ultiga
00:39:43svents u should know my bitch
00:39:50N2xy why no bkb slark?
00:40:11Soulyah that slark
00:40:12Soulyah rly gg
00:40:16PeterLars what could i do
00:40:18PeterLars fucking dick
00:40:22PinaryB get bkb?
00:40:28Soulyah yeah
00:40:33Soulyah fucking basher and yasha
00:40:34PeterLars push that top
00:40:34N2xy sup
00:40:44PeterLars b
00:40:46PeterLars dont die
00:40:46WANKmaster gogog
00:40:47WANKmaster mid
00:40:58EyeforanEye push
00:41:00EyeforanEye 4 mid
00:41:07svents toppi deffime?
00:41:32Strom defime top or
00:41:42WANKmaster jääge
00:41:52svents tra liiga hilja
00:42:53Strom ma b
00:42:55Strom oom/ooh
00:43:46Soulyah svents too imba
00:43:47Soulyah I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:50svents ;D:DDDD
00:44:26Soulyah fail slarkz0r
00:44:34N2xy fail build jakiro
00:44:35N2xy also
00:44:38Soulyah never
00:44:39N2xy = ff
00:44:43PeterLars ^^
00:45:42EyeforanEye I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:44Soulyah go ff
00:46:50svents ty
00:46:51PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:58Soulyah this is so over
00:46:59Strom võidame vist
00:47:02svents :DDD
00:47:02creeeeeee vist jah
00:47:03PinaryB no we can win
00:47:10PinaryB get hood
00:47:11svents ma liiga imba:D
00:47:18PeterLars maybe hth
00:47:18Soulyah GO FF FFS
00:47:21PeterLars thd go pibe
00:47:22PeterLars :D
00:47:29PeterLars or no lothars is good
00:48:28Strom ma b
00:48:31Strom võtan uut looti
00:49:10Strom lähme viiega
00:49:12PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:12Strom lõpetame
00:49:14WANKmaster y
00:49:16creeeeeee üllatavalt tasavägised herod ar kohta
00:49:30PeterLars wwtf
00:49:33PeterLars storm
00:49:36PinaryB tule siia sven, teeme 1vs1
00:49:37PeterLars why so mUch HATE
00:49:40svents hahaha
00:50:29Soulyah maybe ff
00:50:30diesel lähme welli alla
00:50:39N2xy gg jakiro slark :D
00:50:42diesel oih :D
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