Game #359004

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-55 X
-17 TS

85% | 1149 X | 1393 TS

-7 X
-18 TS

68% | 1074 X | 1264 TS

+11 X
-15 TS

39% | 956 X | 1170 TS

-36 X
-17 TS

35% | 956 X | 1142 TS

-35 X
-42 TS

NEW | 1014 X | 1064 TS

+39 X
+19 TS

96% | 1273 X | 1484 TS

+8 X
+22 TS

91% | 1259 X | 1360 TS

+17 X
+22 TS

58% | 1063 X | 1189 TS

+31 X
+28 TS

6% | 769 X | 1068 TS

+34 X
+32 TS

3% | 734 X | 931 TS

Chat log

00:00:12Davvelito nice teams D
00:00:13Davvelito :D
00:00:15Herre :Dd
00:00:18Herre jakkihirki
00:00:19Herre my friend
00:00:21Herre how are you
00:00:21jakkihirki tuuks mumble
00:00:21Davvelito hes not in our team
00:00:21Davvelito its buugie and jakk
00:00:21Davvelito against mighty rapuska
00:00:21Buugi j
00:00:21Herre what are you talking about my friend
00:00:21jakkihirki bone
00:00:21Davvelito rd = jakki
00:00:21Herre indeed
00:00:21Davvelito so you shouldnt talk to him in allychat :D
00:00:21Momdsiw momdsiw=momdsiw
00:00:21Herre god damn it
00:00:21Momdsiw herre on sienissä :<
00:00:21Herre I thought I was in scourge
00:00:21Herre ei pidä paikkaansa
00:00:21Herre ff
00:00:21DeathScythe hienoa
00:00:21Herre tajusin just että ennoo scourgess
00:00:21VictoriaJrocks -bara
00:00:21Momdsiw se jutteli jakille pitkää allyssä
00:00:21DeathScythe hienoa
00:00:26Herre en tiedä mistä vitusta tää inferonillinen rangaistus tiimeissä mun päälle on syntynyt
00:00:30Herre mutta voin sanoa että tää tuntuu aika rajulta
00:00:32VictoriaJrocks You carry ok?
00:00:37Davvelito me?
00:00:39VictoriaJrocks y
00:00:43Davvelito void then?
00:00:45VictoriaJrocks sure
00:00:50eH4x.L3vaThiaN- yo desp -_-
00:00:51Momdsiw mitkä oli banned
00:00:52Pojetz es and enigma
00:00:53Momdsiw bara ja
00:00:54Davvelito sup ax3 man
00:00:55Pojetz and its gg
00:00:59eH4x.L3vaThiaN- heh
00:01:00Momdsiw what was banned
00:01:01Herre bone
00:01:01Momdsiw bara and?
00:01:02eH4x.L3vaThiaN- what heros are BanneD?
00:01:04Momdsiw bone and bara
00:01:05Davvelito bone and bara
00:01:05Herre bara and bone
00:01:19eH4x.L3vaThiaN- lol no Ban es eniGma na wtf?
00:01:20DeathScythe i can take es
00:01:24Davvelito ppl
00:01:26Davvelito dont pick it here
00:01:26eH4x.L3vaThiaN- BrooD anD helicopter too
00:01:27eH4x.L3vaThiaN- lol
00:01:27DeathScythe theres nogood support hero
00:01:28Davvelito in this naab chan :D
00:01:36Momdsiw ei jaksa enigmaa
00:01:40DeathScythe what should i pick?
00:01:45DeathScythe say fast
00:01:45Davvelito get puck
00:01:46Davvelito imo
00:01:48Herre y
00:01:48jakkihirki tc?
00:01:49Buugi nerub
00:01:50eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ye ill solo
00:01:50eH4x.L3vaThiaN- tho
00:01:55Davvelito you can solo mid
00:01:57Davvelito i guess
00:01:58Herre yea
00:01:59Herre ok
00:01:59Davvelito veno
00:02:00Davvelito bot
00:02:01eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ye anD 3lane with voiD
00:02:02eH4x.L3vaThiaN- -hhn
00:02:03eH4x.L3vaThiaN- -clear
00:02:03Herre nvm
00:02:07Herre I will be imb aat mid
00:02:09VictoriaJrocks veno top
00:02:13Pojetz me woods
00:02:14Davvelito es
00:02:14Davvelito mid?!
00:02:15Momdsiw why not bot?
00:02:17eH4x.L3vaThiaN- lo
00:02:17Herre y
00:02:18eH4x.L3vaThiaN- es
00:02:20eH4x.L3vaThiaN- leave mid pls
00:02:20VictoriaJrocks no mene sitten vittu bot
00:02:25Buugi me top
00:02:25Pojetz nA bot
00:02:25Buugi solo
00:02:27Davvelito i go mid
00:02:28Davvelito go lane
00:02:29VictoriaJrocks tuuppa toppii herre
00:02:29Davvelito puck and es
00:02:30Momdsiw herre ylös
00:02:30Herre hating...
00:02:31jakkihirki enigma forest
00:02:32VictoriaJrocks raiskaamaan
00:02:33jakkihirki qop solos
00:02:35jakkihirki top
00:02:36Herre so overwhelming
00:02:36Davvelito puck es
00:02:37Davvelito strong lane
00:02:40Momdsiw tuon rusinoita tuliaisiks
00:02:44Herre CHICKEN
00:02:44eH4x.L3vaThiaN- zz
00:02:48Herre gg thian
00:02:48eH4x.L3vaThiaN- my puck solo is strong
00:02:52Herre puck
00:02:53eH4x.L3vaThiaN- oh forgot ill buy in 2'
00:02:54DeathScythe not balanced teams -.-
00:02:54Herre have you read the rules
00:02:54Momdsiw void come bot
00:02:58eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ye
00:03:00eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ill Buy in 2 mins
00:03:09Momdsiw kuka tää o
00:03:10Herre ._.
00:03:12Davvelito momdi
00:03:15Davvelito let life suck and let me have fun with famr :D
00:03:19Davvelito for them
00:03:20Herre FARM
00:03:23Momdsiw ye ye
00:03:25Momdsiw i know
00:04:04Herre JAA
00:04:07VictoriaJrocks ootin sua :D
00:04:09Herre meikä tekee basilius
00:04:16DeathScythe DD
00:04:26jakkihirki y
00:04:29DeathScythe take alche?
00:04:54Momdsiw sec
00:04:58VictoriaJrocks kombo mana next level
00:05:03Herre y
00:05:22VictoriaJrocks tai on nytki
00:05:40jakkihirki kiitos kun veit mun ecp
00:05:41jakkihirki exp
00:05:42jakkihirki na
00:05:45DeathScythe sri
00:06:16VictoriaJrocks gj
00:06:16Herre :[
00:06:24VictoriaJrocks ootko pettyny buugiehn
00:06:24Herre chicken
00:06:26Herre would be
00:06:28Herre oon
00:06:28DeathScythe -ma
00:06:31Herre pelas päin vittua
00:07:13DeathScythe r you better with destoyer than lina nagasshh?
00:07:20Herre tapame
00:07:22VictoriaJrocks je
00:07:30Momdsiw i pull
00:07:32Herre vittu
00:07:43DeathScythe wtf
00:07:44Momdsiw both miss bot
00:07:47DeathScythe why you dont go dest
00:08:09VictoriaJrocks qop miss
00:08:27Momdsiw gangigaa enigmaa
00:08:45VictoriaJrocks 1 mana
00:09:03VictoriaJrocks nyt on
00:09:08Herre gj
00:09:09eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ss1
00:09:18Herre tuu
00:09:32Herre ...
00:09:34VictoriaJrocks pistin muttei ehtiny?
00:09:38Davvelito flying would vbe sweet :)
00:09:39jakkihirki can someone get bird?=
00:09:40VictoriaJrocks stoppasin ajoissa
00:09:44VictoriaJrocks ku ei ois osunu enää
00:09:52jakkihirki eni you should help qop
00:10:01Pojetz i know
00:10:09Buugi i go roam
00:10:14Buugi enigma
00:10:15Buugi go lane
00:10:22DeathScythe -1
00:10:27Herre enigma
00:10:47Herre voi perkele
00:10:59Momdsiw kill na?
00:11:01Davvelito sure
00:11:01Momdsiw or od
00:11:07DeathScythe void lvl 7 dest lvl 5
00:11:09DeathScythe ??
00:11:09VictoriaJrocks .ASD:AS:D
00:11:12VictoriaJrocks miksei ne kuollu
00:11:13Pojetz :LD:D:DD:D
00:11:14VictoriaJrocks 260 damaa pitäis olla
00:11:17Nagash and u level 4
00:11:21Nagash u idiot
00:11:26DeathScythe i give lvl to you u know idiot'
00:11:29Davvelito zz
00:11:54DeathScythe i let you lh
00:12:04Nagash THIS WONT GIVE levels
00:12:05Nagash u idiot
00:12:05VictoriaJrocks kill
00:12:06Davvelito b
00:12:07Davvelito tenm
00:12:16DeathScythe and i went b when you were in line
00:13:00eH4x.L3vaThiaN- check
00:13:00eH4x.L3vaThiaN- rune
00:13:02Davvelito nothg
00:13:03Herre :[
00:13:06Davvelito thers
00:13:07Davvelito nothign there
00:13:07eH4x.L3vaThiaN- Guys
00:13:08eH4x.L3vaThiaN- its
00:13:08eH4x.L3vaThiaN- 10
00:13:09eH4x.L3vaThiaN- now
00:13:11eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ...zzzzz
00:13:28Herre enigma
00:13:32Davvelito oom
00:13:40Herre tän jälg
00:13:53VictoriaJrocks seo botis
00:13:58Davvelito ppl
00:13:58DeathScythe g
00:13:59Davvelito dont come
00:14:01VictoriaJrocks tp cd?
00:14:03DeathScythe j
00:14:03Herre gang alche
00:14:28Momdsiw vena
00:14:30Momdsiw tyhmä
00:14:40DeathScythe wtf
00:14:45DeathScythe didnt teleport
00:15:24DeathScythe miss?
00:15:33DeathScythe or did tiny die?
00:15:35VictoriaJrocks veno get some levels ;O
00:15:44Momdsiw why
00:15:50VictoriaJrocks your ulti is soon useless at level 1
00:15:57DeathScythe need to kill void
00:16:00Buugi inc
00:16:10DeathScythe w8 guys
00:16:16VictoriaJrocks herre bottiin
00:16:18DeathScythe engma ult
00:16:37DeathScythe gj
00:16:38Davvelito OH
00:16:39Davvelito GREAT
00:16:39Davvelito LAG
00:16:48Buugi tower
00:16:50Davvelito zzZz
00:17:07VictoriaJrocks aika hävitty
00:17:13VictoriaJrocks noil kaikil niin paljon levui verrattuna meihin
00:17:24Herre ja tsekkaa momin tavarat
00:17:26Herre eikä wardeja
00:17:31Momdsiw oonko farminu?
00:17:34Momdsiw paljoo
00:17:37Momdsiw annoin voidille farmia
00:17:37Herre tsekkaa momin tavarat
00:17:38DeathScythe gj
00:17:39Herre eikä wardeja
00:17:39eH4x.L3vaThiaN- MISS NA?
00:17:41Pojetz :D
00:17:48eH4x.L3vaThiaN- anD stop talkinG to this fkn lanGuaGe
00:17:50eH4x.L3vaThiaN- retarDs
00:18:01Herre stop doing capital letters in the middle of the sentence
00:18:04Herre retaRd
00:18:07eH4x.L3vaThiaN- its lescos
00:18:08eH4x.L3vaThiaN- retarD
00:18:10eH4x.L3vaThiaN- i neeD to use my items
00:18:12Herre its gay
00:18:15Herre retaRd
00:18:16Momdsiw oisko mun pitäny ottaa voidin farmit?
00:18:24Momdsiw vai mitä niiku
00:18:40DeathScythe 3 bot
00:18:44DeathScythe 4
00:19:01Davvelito b
00:19:18DeathScythe qop care
00:19:20jakkihirki enigma
00:19:22jakkihirki buy bkb
00:19:25jakkihirki instead of dagger
00:19:32eH4x.L3vaThiaN- es
00:19:33eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ...
00:19:34Herre ?
00:19:38Momdsiw wake up
00:19:42eH4x.L3vaThiaN- jesus u Guys are totally nooBs
00:19:44Herre I did?
00:19:45Herre :DD:D
00:19:50Herre nice letters you have
00:19:51Herre lololol
00:19:53Herre nub
00:20:03eH4x.L3vaThiaN- STFU N USE UR SKILLS MAN
00:20:05eH4x.L3vaThiaN- JESUS
00:20:06Herre :D:D
00:20:09Herre so much hating
00:20:17eH4x.L3vaThiaN- oh Dear GoD
00:20:18eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ..
00:20:23Herre Y
00:20:24Herre M
00:20:25Herre C
00:20:26Herre A
00:20:28Momdsiw herre mitä vittuu
00:20:30Herre mitä
00:20:35DeathScythe care bot
00:20:37Momdsiw oisit stunninu enne telee?
00:20:44Herre mitä vittua selität
00:20:52Herre ihanko en stunnannu
00:21:01Momdsiw noo et?
00:21:04Herre ööh
00:21:05Herre kyllä
00:21:14Herre jos tarkoitat että en securannu teleäni fissurella
00:21:14Momdsiw katoin heti ku depasin nii sul ei ollu sutn cd
00:21:21Herre aivan taatusti oli :D:DD
00:21:24jakkihirki tiny
00:21:26Buugi y
00:21:27Momdsiw öö ei
00:21:33Herre no vittu oli
00:21:35Pojetz i ll go take dagger
00:21:43Momdsiw mitä sekoilet taas :D
00:21:47Momdsiw varmaa ei ollu
00:21:50Herre mitä sää
00:21:52Herre no vittu oli
00:21:55Herre tornilla stunnasin
00:21:58Momdsiw nii
00:22:00Momdsiw sit menit b
00:22:02Momdsiw ja se loppu cd
00:22:02Herre niin
00:22:03Momdsiw :stä
00:22:05Momdsiw ja teletä
00:22:06Herre ja siinä ei ollu 15sec
00:22:06Momdsiw t
00:22:09Herre menin 5sec telettämään
00:22:45Davvelito i got 1337 in hp
00:22:46Davvelito lyl
00:23:01Davvelito team
00:23:02Davvelito come def bot
00:23:07Davvelito all 5
00:23:08Davvelito or i leave
00:23:12Buugi me
00:23:26Davvelito b
00:23:26Davvelito tjhe
00:23:28DeathScythe sry
00:23:32Davvelito b
00:23:42jakkihirki enigma you dont have stun?
00:23:54Pojetz i click worng word
00:23:55Pojetz :S
00:24:13Herre ._.
00:24:31Pojetz mid
00:24:39Herre i farm dagger top
00:24:40Davvelito theyt
00:24:42Davvelito are alot
00:24:42Davvelito bot
00:24:42Herre tbh
00:24:44Davvelito we need more
00:25:42Pojetz NA
00:25:43jakkihirki yellow
00:25:43Pojetz idiot
00:25:44Pojetz look
00:25:49Pojetz wtf
00:25:54Pojetz NANANANAANAN
00:25:54DeathScythe need 2 lvl ulti
00:25:59Pojetz lol
00:25:59Buugi fuu tiny
00:26:11Pojetz suck my cock na
00:26:14DeathScythe lol
00:26:29Momdsiw wtf
00:26:30jakkihirki -gg
00:26:33eH4x.L3vaThiaN- tryeD to Go in
00:26:34eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ;p
00:26:38Momdsiw :D
00:26:54DeathScythe let alche farm
00:27:05Pojetz muid
00:27:24Momdsiw now we have map awarness
00:27:53Nagash GG ENIGMA
00:27:53Pojetz cant ulti
00:27:56Pojetz fuck u
00:27:58Pojetz cant
00:27:58Nagash ulti ffs
00:27:59Pojetz idiot
00:28:01Pojetz CANT
00:28:17Nagash OF CU CANT WHEN U W8 so long
00:28:27Pojetz when i ulti 1 herio
00:28:30Pojetz its useless
00:28:53VictoriaJrocks soon veno level 11 :O:O
00:28:57Davvelito have uilt
00:29:03Momdsiw you too?
00:29:04jakkihirki na
00:29:07DeathScythe what
00:29:07jakkihirki tuleppa tappaan
00:29:08jakkihirki voidi
00:29:12DeathScythe juu
00:29:17jakkihirki jaa se onkin midissä
00:29:20Davvelito all 54
00:29:21Davvelito bot
00:29:22Davvelito come def
00:29:26DeathScythe meenää sinne
00:29:33jakkihirki ne tulee tänne
00:29:39DeathScythe juu odotellaa
00:29:41VictoriaJrocks ?
00:29:42eH4x.L3vaThiaN- w8 ps
00:29:42Herre nice pause
00:29:44DeathScythe mist tiesit et oon suomesTA?
00:29:45Herre :DD
00:29:45eH4x.L3vaThiaN- pls
00:29:49Herre pausing is not allowed
00:29:51eH4x.L3vaThiaN- 1 min
00:29:52jakkihirki koska olet puhunut suomea
00:29:54Herre w/e
00:29:55Momdsiw why?
00:29:57Herre fine with me
00:29:57jakkihirki se on ihan hyvä vihje
00:29:58DeathScythe jaa
00:30:02DeathScythe on juu:D
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks kill eni
00:30:42VictoriaJrocks mihin sä äoikein blinkkasit herre
00:30:44Davvelito we needed puck
00:30:44Davvelito imo
00:30:45Momdsiw :D
00:30:51Momdsiw herrel ultit ja kaikki
00:30:55Herre niin?
00:30:59Herre mitä olisin voinut tehdä
00:31:00Herre kerrotko minulle
00:31:05Herre me mentiin 4v5
00:31:06VictoriaJrocks blinkata oikeeseen paikkaan :(
00:31:06Momdsiw blink sisää ja vetää setit?
00:31:07Herre syy ei ollut minun
00:31:10Herre ööh
00:31:13VictoriaJrocks jos oisit blinkannu oikeeseen oltais tapettu kaikki
00:31:15Momdsiw kuolit kumminki
00:31:15Herre d:D:D:
00:31:16DeathScythe take tower
00:31:19Herre niin kuolinkin
00:31:20Herre koska failasin
00:31:24DeathScythe i farm woods
00:31:27Momdsiw ois ainaki osa kuollu
00:31:28VictoriaJrocks 2 oli 20%
00:31:30Herre siis
00:31:30Momdsiw jos oisit utllu
00:31:32VictoriaJrocks ku voidi ultas
00:31:34Pojetz DONT FARM everytime
00:31:39DeathScythe why
00:31:40VictoriaJrocks eli väärään
00:31:41Herre kun void ultas
00:31:45jakkihirki sun pitäis gängiä tolal
00:31:46Herre niin en olis vonu tehdä mitään
00:31:52Buugi jep
00:31:53Buugi jotai puckia
00:31:54Herre se ei ollu tyhtään sen väärempi
00:31:54Buugi 800hp
00:31:55DeathScythe annnan sun farmia lineöööä
00:31:55Herre väärin oli se
00:31:58Herre että me menimme 4v5
00:32:01DeathScythe juu tuun koht
00:32:06VictoriaJrocks olihan ku oltais voitettu jos oisit menny bot
00:32:08DeathScythe saan vanquards
00:32:12VictoriaJrocks eiku siis
00:32:14VictoriaJrocks voidin ulti pakikaan
00:32:20Herre mistä minä tiedän mihin se meni :D:D
00:32:21Momdsiw je
00:32:22Herre mää menin ekana
00:32:37Herre se qoppi olis irronnu siitä niin helposti
00:32:38Herre jos TE
00:32:41Herre olsiitte tullu oikeaan
00:32:44Herre siinä oli kriippejäkin
00:32:46VictoriaJrocks eni oli piilossa kuten
00:32:48VictoriaJrocks sanoin et eni
00:32:58Momdsiw oltais menty qop
00:33:01Momdsiw eni ultinnu ja gg
00:33:16Herre haista sinä mursu paska
00:33:22Momdsiw se on totta?
00:33:25Herre mursu
00:33:28Momdsiw herne
00:33:34Herre take it.
00:33:34jakkihirki na go
00:33:43Pojetz :D:D:D:D:D
00:33:47Pojetz 2 hits
00:33:49DeathScythe just when i leave
00:33:51VictoriaJrocks niin vanhentunu käsite ettei ultia sais käyttää
00:33:57jakkihirki se meni ohitte susta
00:34:04Herre itse en ole koskaan niin ajatellut
00:34:05DeathScythe näin
00:34:08Momdsiw je
00:34:08Herre tein aivan oikein
00:34:21VictoriaJrocks teit
00:34:26Momdsiw täälki jotkut ei vaik ultaa tidel jos selviis
00:34:26VictoriaJrocks mut eni aatteli että "lol kätyti ultin"
00:34:29Momdsiw ku haluu säästää ulti
00:34:38Pojetz lets gang
00:34:41Pojetz void
00:34:49Momdsiw mä vedän enigmalki ultin jos mua gangitaa et voin blink hanee
00:35:09Herre wardit olis tieten kivat
00:35:21VictoriaJrocks joo vois alkaa ostelee ku blink
00:35:26jakkihirki enigma you need bkb
00:35:37Pojetz k
00:36:03Momdsiw hex jo odl
00:36:13Herre dust
00:36:36VictoriaJrocks oho :D:D
00:36:40VictoriaJrocks en aatellu et sut ottais :ADASd
00:36:41Herre ..
00:36:50Herre tohon kusi
00:36:53VictoriaJrocks "viimenen tossi ennenku kuolen"
00:37:00DeathScythe vittu
00:37:04DeathScythe lucky bash
00:37:19DeathScythe 2 bashii peräkköin
00:37:24Momdsiw aika tiukka matsi oli kyl
00:37:37Buugi it was good ulti nigma
00:37:37Nagash could end it-..
00:37:37Momdsiw niiltä vaa puuttu alche
00:37:44VictoriaJrocks ja meiltä void
00:37:44Pojetz ty
00:37:47Herre laittakaa ne wardit
00:37:53Nagash alcke tank
00:37:55Nagash lets take oh
00:37:56Momdsiw alche tekee enemmä aoe tuhoo viel
00:38:01Herre vitun momdsiw vaan vetelee tuolla 2 slottia tyhjänä
00:38:02DeathScythe teenkö hoodin?
00:38:09jakkihirki ihan sama
00:38:11Momdsiw elä kiroo
00:38:17DeathScythe mitä suositelisitte?
00:38:22Momdsiw aamun eka peli
00:38:23Herre nvm
00:38:23jakkihirki b
00:38:29Herre nukuin kyl huonosti
00:38:37Momdsiw je oot aika äreä
00:38:38VictoriaJrocks ei pushita ilman voidia
00:38:40Pojetz need na stun
00:38:42DeathScythe ok
00:38:43Pojetz and then i ulti
00:38:43VictoriaJrocks ei ku her eon äreä häviöiden tkaia
00:38:44VictoriaJrocks takia
00:38:47Herre oon aina äreä jos en nuku täydellistä unta
00:38:49VictoriaJrocks kohta se on kapon tasolla :D:D
00:38:53Herre plz
00:38:54Momdsiw :D:D
00:38:59Davvelito care
00:39:00Davvelito mopw
00:39:01Momdsiw kumpi on parempi
00:39:08Herre GATHER ALL
00:39:12Herre ta se dd
00:39:16Momdsiw :D:D
00:39:18Momdsiw otan ite sit
00:39:28Herre rapuska
00:39:30Herre :DD:D:D
00:39:32VictoriaJrocks no aattelin että mentäis ku oli kaikki kasassa mut ei
00:39:46Pojetz no mana was.S:S:S:S:
00:39:49Pojetz fuck
00:39:50Momdsiw :D
00:39:58Nagash NA
00:39:59Momdsiw et miettiny loppuu asti tota block :P?
00:39:59Davvelito gj
00:40:00Davvelito got butter
00:40:25Herre perkele
00:40:27Nagash POintles sgam
00:40:35Herre b
00:40:35Davvelito b
00:40:37Nagash all are few hits to me, but na cant to shit
00:40:41Herre mut vitun rapuska
00:40:44Herre :D:DD
00:40:46VictoriaJrocks ois ollu täydellinen :D
00:40:48DeathScythe you either
00:40:49Herre sun siirtos oli aivan katastrooffi
00:40:51VictoriaJrocks niin oli
00:40:52Momdsiw meikä veti täydellisen
00:40:54Nagash yeah
00:40:56Herre niin vedit
00:41:02DeathScythe cannot stun trougth fissure
00:41:05Herre luulin että pääsen nyt vyöryttään momdsiwia verbaalisesti
00:41:07Momdsiw siihe ku ois es napauttanu heti kiinni ja sit vasta ovid ulti
00:41:10Davvelito butter
00:41:10Herre mutta tilanne kääntyikin oikein oivalliseksi
00:41:11Davvelito ready
00:41:15Momdsiw :D
00:41:40jakkihirki od stay back
00:42:00Herre b
00:42:01Herre b
00:42:19jakkihirki stun
00:42:21Momdsiw bkb akasha
00:42:22Momdsiw :D
00:42:34Pojetz good
00:42:36Davvelito why
00:42:37Davvelito you
00:42:38Davvelito go hunt
00:42:41Herre so stupid
00:42:41Davvelito in their woods
00:42:42Davvelito we need
00:42:44Herre we need all
00:42:47Davvelito forced team fights
00:42:47Herre now they got roshan
00:42:48Davvelito when es
00:42:49Davvelito can jump
00:42:49Momdsiw was bored
00:42:52VictoriaJrocks puck went alone to kill
00:42:56VictoriaJrocks like me
00:42:56Pojetz rosh
00:42:57Davvelito stop
00:42:58Davvelito that
00:43:00DeathScythe ok
00:43:00jakkihirki kerkersit blinkkaa pois?
00:43:01Herre its gone
00:43:01Davvelito now they rosh
00:43:06Herre minä?
00:43:08jakkihirki tiny
00:43:18VictoriaJrocks juu kai
00:43:19Davvelito why you go hunt in their forest "i was bored" classic gc :D
00:43:21VictoriaJrocks kävelin kyl omasta mielstäni
00:43:47Herre now just turtle
00:43:47Nagash me
00:43:48Herre with wards
00:43:49VictoriaJrocks cant kill with 3
00:43:51DeathScythe käyn b
00:43:52Momdsiw des easts every troll i bet
00:43:52VictoriaJrocks need void and es
00:44:06Davvelito go mid
00:44:08Davvelito and force fight
00:44:12Davvelito so es and puck
00:44:14Davvelito can do their shit
00:44:20Momdsiw what bout me
00:44:23Davvelito you 2
00:44:23Davvelito D:
00:44:23VictoriaJrocks 1 mid
00:44:28jakkihirki lets go all mid
00:44:29Momdsiw im three
00:44:30jakkihirki i first
00:44:31Herre GOGO
00:44:32DeathScythe mikä orbbi?
00:44:33Herre mikset menny
00:44:57VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:57Pojetz fj
00:44:58Nagash gg
00:45:00DeathScythe GJ
00:45:01Pojetz gj
00:45:02Momdsiw I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:04Pojetz go mid
00:45:07Herre bad ulti by void
00:45:13Momdsiw imba ulti by enigma
00:45:18Herre y
00:45:36Momdsiw void should ulti right after enigma
00:45:40Herre y
00:45:41Davvelito y well
00:45:42Momdsiw when they gather to spank us
00:45:47Momdsiw and you get all in
00:45:48DeathScythe hei mitä teen?
00:45:55Buugi force
00:45:59DeathScythe ok
00:46:10Buugi saat kuplast kavereit pois
00:46:20DeathScythe oke
00:46:26Nagash end jt:S
00:46:28DeathScythe jos muistan käyttää:D
00:46:41jakkihirki go bottom
00:46:41jakkihirki all
00:47:18eH4x.L3vaThiaN- ['&(%@)$&OY!JFHRG#D"
00:47:32DeathScythe -ma
00:47:34Davvelito fight down?
00:47:39Herre gg guys :D:D
00:47:43jakkihirki dont be near to me
00:47:46Pojetz y
00:47:58Momdsiw care enigma
00:48:08Momdsiw ulti void
00:48:10Momdsiw omg
00:48:14Momdsiw wyou could get all in
00:48:25Davvelito fucking shiiiiiit
00:48:27Momdsiw nätti ulti voidilta :D
00:48:28Davvelito i got stunned
00:48:30VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:03VictoriaJrocks onko alchella vai lycanilla pelin paras attack speed?
00:49:14Buugi wr on
00:49:16jakkihirki kyllä se ursa taitaa olla
00:49:25VictoriaJrocks alche voi saada kovemman attack speedin ku ursa tai wr
00:49:32VictoriaJrocks sil base attack speed laskee joka ulti levu
00:49:34jakkihirki en tiiä
00:49:36Buugi jaa
00:49:38jakkihirki 4004
00:50:04DeathScythe HULLU!
00:50:07DeathScythe :D:D:D
00:50:14VictoriaJrocks alch no ulti
00:50:15VictoriaJrocks rape
00:50:17Nagash coming
00:50:50jakkihirki lol those backtraks
00:50:50DeathScythe se oli kohtuu hyvä veto:D
00:50:52eH4x.L3vaThiaN- GG wp
00:50:57Davvelito y
00:50:58Davvelito :)
00:51:06DeathScythe aika äijä pyöritys
00:51:08Herre I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:51:12DeathScythe veno
00:51:47DeathScythe ja ny end
00:52:01DeathScythe GG
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