Game #3498064

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-30 X
-1 TS

91% | 1605 X | 1482 TS

-38 X
-1 TS

73% | 1394 X | 1361 TS

-40 X
-1 TS

41% | 1120 X | 1290 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

19% | 965 X | 1235 TS

-20 X
-2 TS

18% | 978 X | 1207 TS

+15 X
+1 TS

98% | 1762 X | 1567 TS

+30 X
+0 TS

83% | 1507 X | 1406 TS

+28 X
+4 TS

30% | 1075 X | 1247 TS

+44 X
+11 TS

11% | 1034 X | 1071 TS

+60 X
+43 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:00NeverbACKdOwn [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... zebbelito with 109 seconds.
00:00:05Banana oh yeees
00:00:10zebbelito dirge any1?
00:00:15Bollitsch me
00:00:18Netukka -clear
00:00:18zebbelito rubick any1?
00:00:18zebbelito if he ban
00:00:18FireMal y me
00:00:18zebbelito dirge
00:00:18zebbelito sb
00:00:18sandii ompa jotenki tylsä pooli
00:00:18FireMal plz give me rubick
00:00:18Netukka undy
00:00:18Netukka onk ly
00:00:18Bollitsch damn
00:00:23sandii onk ly? :D
00:00:27Netukka onkyl
00:00:32emoder ill sf
00:00:35sandii jeps
00:00:41sandii anyone want anything?
00:00:44emoder sf
00:00:51FireMal imo lesh and sf in this pool is crazy
00:00:54zebbelito get me sf
00:00:59Netukka kolmytrossane
00:00:59Netukka kaveri
00:01:03FireMal y if it doesnt get picked
00:01:11Netukka nemesis
00:01:11NeverbACKdOwn -swap 1
00:01:12zebbelito -swap 2
00:01:16sandii miettisin kyl et pitäskö pikkaa sen takia ettei toi saa sitä :d
00:01:16Netukka u remember to buy a chieck
00:01:17NeverbACKdOwn any1 want this?
00:01:17nemesis2k12 ?
00:01:18Netukka chicken
00:01:19zebbelito tide puck
00:01:20nemesis2k12 yy
00:01:21FireMal y
00:01:25FireMal i whant rubick
00:01:28sandii why sylla why?
00:01:28zebbelito get puck and coopter
00:01:32NeverbACKdOwn give me krobe
00:01:33NeverbACKdOwn then
00:01:34emoder why ursa why?
00:01:34zebbelito or krobe
00:01:37emoder u dumb faggot
00:01:38FireMal sure ?
00:01:40sandii : D
00:01:41Netukka cause ursa winning hero
00:01:42NeverbACKdOwn 100¤
00:01:44NeverbACKdOwn 100%
00:01:44Netukka sylla dumbest
00:01:45NeverbACKdOwn -swap 4
00:01:45FireMal -swap 2
00:01:46Netukka hero in dota
00:01:51emoder u have no clue LOL
00:01:54Netukka yeah
00:01:55Netukka vs them
00:01:57FireMal yes im not last pick haha
00:01:58Netukka u will do nothing
00:01:58Netukka really
00:02:01sandii idd
00:02:01Netukka with ur sylla
00:02:02Bollitsch ^^
00:02:07emoder u mad?
00:02:13Netukka kinda
00:02:14zebbelito -hhn
00:02:16FireMal lanes ?
00:02:24Netukka ursa goes top
00:02:25zebbelito krobe top
00:02:25NeverbACKdOwn im bot
00:02:26FireMal wtf
00:02:29NeverbACKdOwn why
00:02:31NeverbACKdOwn me top lol
00:02:35Netukka sylla bot
00:02:36Netukka lane
00:02:38Netukka not forest
00:02:38Bollitsch feel free to go bot
00:02:39FireMal gyro ?
00:02:39zebbelito or coopter
00:02:39FireMal wtf
00:02:46zebbelito krob
00:02:47zebbelito go bot
00:02:47FireMal krob come bot
00:02:48emoder r u serious?
00:02:48zebbelito then
00:02:49sandii ench come top
00:02:52Netukka yes i am
00:02:55Netukka tide solo bot
00:02:57Netukka really great
00:02:57FireMal or go trilane top idc
00:03:01Netukka u really got no glue
00:03:02FireMal just go trilane top
00:03:03emoder ench can go bot LOL
00:03:04NeverbACKdOwn noway ...
00:03:04emoder l2p
00:03:04Netukka about this game
00:03:12emoder l2p u faggot
00:03:34Bollitsch ss
00:03:37Bollitsch re
00:03:42FireMal lol syla
00:03:53FireMal dont
00:04:45NeverbACKdOwn horrible lag...
00:04:54NeverbACKdOwn wtf is this
00:04:55NeverbACKdOwn ..
00:04:55Bollitsch ss ursa
00:06:07FireMal did he ward the pull spot
00:06:27FireMal b
00:06:28FireMal b
00:06:36zebbelito IUDIOT
00:06:49Banana why u go?
00:06:50zebbelito ´quit u 2
00:06:50nemesis2k12 gj
00:07:24Netukka ss
00:07:24Netukka mid
00:07:25Netukka care
00:07:25Netukka top
00:07:27Netukka forest
00:07:28Netukka re
00:07:48Netukka miss
00:07:49Netukka care
00:07:49Netukka bot
00:07:50Netukka top
00:07:55Netukka re
00:08:13NeverbACKdOwn dno im laging hard
00:08:20FireMal then just pull bro
00:08:50Netukka ss
00:08:50Netukka midä
00:09:01Netukka ss
00:09:04nemesis2k12 -2
00:09:25FireMal f
00:09:26FireMal ff
00:09:27sandii eipä se nii
00:09:35FireMal no miss on lesh
00:09:35sandii huikeet 2 kultaa hävisin
00:09:38zebbelito YES MISS
00:09:45sandii care
00:09:58nemesis2k12 3 up
00:10:01zebbelito u suck wd
00:10:04FireMal can i mid til lvl 6
00:10:19zebbelito wards
00:10:22zebbelito fire
00:10:26zebbelito why u say "no miss"
00:10:30nemesis2k12 3ss
00:10:31zebbelito buy wards
00:10:38Bollitsch tide top
00:10:48zebbelito all suck
00:10:50zebbelito bnet game
00:10:51FireMal f
00:10:52FireMal ff
00:10:53zebbelito why i play bronze
00:10:57zebbelito firemal is worst in gc
00:10:58zebbelito historyt
00:11:22zebbelito ward
00:11:23FireMal oom dude
00:11:29Netukka mid ss
00:11:30Netukka rubick
00:12:01FireMal krob you getting farm ?
00:12:06zebbelito UYSE STUN?
00:12:07zebbelito COOPTER
00:12:11Bollitsch range ???
00:12:12NeverbACKdOwn not rly im lagging rly hard
00:12:14Netukka tower
00:12:14zebbelito l2op?
00:12:19FireMal then go gang
00:12:36nemesis2k12 3 up again...
00:12:38NeverbACKdOwn 3 bot
00:12:40NeverbACKdOwn with lesh
00:12:47FireMal care
00:12:48FireMal bot then
00:13:21zebbelito pro
00:13:22sandii ss top
00:13:30FireMal stop whine plz
00:13:33Bollitsch pro ward
00:13:39zebbelito -ms
00:14:00FireMal atleast there is a ward there
00:14:05FireMal stun
00:14:07FireMal tide
00:14:22Netukka i hgeal
00:14:23Netukka dont b
00:15:13nemesis2k12 ss 2
00:15:17zebbelito nice flying
00:15:27FireMal care
00:15:38NeverbACKdOwn ofc
00:15:41NeverbACKdOwn he runs the same way
00:15:42zebbelito ,my
00:15:42NeverbACKdOwn as me
00:15:42zebbelito rune
00:16:17sandii vittu muka tuli samaa aikaa
00:17:41zebbelito damn u all come
00:17:43zebbelito when u see him
00:17:44zebbelito nice
00:17:49Bollitsch i was dead
00:17:55zebbelito ofc u where
00:17:59nemesis2k12 ?
00:18:17Bollitsch ofc i was...i died stopping him in the first place
00:18:22Netukka goo
00:18:23Netukka forest
00:18:34NeverbACKdOwn get mid
00:18:35NeverbACKdOwn got ulti
00:18:35Banana b
00:18:42NeverbACKdOwn go mid tower
00:18:43NeverbACKdOwn imo
00:18:46zebbelito wp
00:18:52zebbelito nice
00:18:57NeverbACKdOwn yea nothing i can do vs him
00:19:07zebbelito force staff
00:19:49FireMal im so ff
00:20:01zebbelito gj wd
00:20:53zebbelito WD U SUCK :D
00:21:18nemesis2k12 b
00:22:13FireMal b
00:22:14FireMal b
00:22:14FireMal b
00:22:14FireMal b
00:22:18FireMal krob care
00:22:18FireMal b
00:22:38NeverbACKdOwn tp cd
00:22:39Netukka lets push
00:22:39NeverbACKdOwn sadly
00:22:51FireMal care aench
00:23:20sandii :d
00:23:58zebbelito wd u dont usemeledict :D
00:24:10zebbelito it cant even be fun
00:24:12zebbelito playing
00:24:16zebbelito when ur that bad
00:24:20FireMal it doesnt matter how many wards you get this team is fucked
00:24:21Banana :D
00:24:26Banana shit happens anyway
00:24:53Netukka gobot
00:24:54Netukka all
00:25:02FireMal b
00:25:50Banana :D:D
00:25:52FireMal lol
00:25:55FireMal fail gyro
00:25:58Netukka u faggot wanna stop farm
00:25:58FireMal why didnt you comne
00:26:03Bollitsch u suicide into him
00:26:03zebbelito all u bronze russians
00:26:06zebbelito are failers
00:26:06Bollitsch not my fail
00:26:07Netukka 23min gone
00:26:08Netukka sitll jnothing
00:26:38sandii hmm
00:26:48Netukka pitää varmaa tehä bkb nyt
00:26:49sandii pitäs ostaa kyl daggeri
00:27:01FireMal ff
00:27:13FireMal team gather plz
00:27:18FireMal we can eat them if we gather
00:27:21FireMal we go 1 and 1
00:27:23FireMal and die
00:27:29FireMal plz every one gather and go bot
00:28:12FireMal gather mid plz
00:28:15FireMal all gather plz
00:28:15Banana D:
00:28:38sandii aika hikine tä dagger + lothar .D:D
00:28:49sandii :D:D
00:28:52zebbelito this wd :D
00:29:29sandii pitäsköhä ittekki tehä bkb
00:29:34sandii tai hot suoraa
00:29:35nemesis2k12 english...
00:29:38Netukka toi wd ja rubick
00:29:40sandii jep
00:29:43sandii wd varsinki
00:29:43Netukka kuolen jos tulee
00:29:45Netukka stuneio
00:29:48zebbelito urs there
00:30:03zebbelito wp
00:30:04zebbelito wp
00:30:04FireMal lol
00:30:04zebbelito wp
00:30:05zebbelito wp
00:30:05zebbelito wp
00:30:05FireMal I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:06zebbelito wp
00:30:06zebbelito wp
00:30:07zebbelito wp
00:30:07zebbelito wp
00:30:08NeverbACKdOwn I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:10FireMal I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:11Banana I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:11FireMal I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:13FireMal I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:18FireMal ff plz
00:30:21Netukka noh pärjäs ilma
00:30:25zebbelito so glad this is the last time in my life
00:30:30zebbelito i play whit firemal
00:30:38Banana what about me?
00:30:39zebbelito and banna
00:30:40FireMal kik
00:30:44zebbelito ofc
00:30:54FireMal look at krob hes dead 9 times bana to
00:31:28NeverbACKdOwn go ff this shit already
00:31:32zebbelito no
00:31:37zebbelito ur 73 % overrated
00:31:38NeverbACKdOwn u having fun?
00:31:43NeverbACKdOwn :D
00:31:57NeverbACKdOwn you are 91% retarded
00:32:01FireMal so are you look at your score
00:32:04FireMal you lost mid tard
00:32:08zebbelito no
00:32:12zebbelito TOP GIVE DOUBBLE KILL
00:32:15zebbelito at 4 min
00:32:18zebbelito when we had wards
00:32:20zebbelito see him coming
00:32:22zebbelito still dont b
00:32:23Bollitsch we gave double..cause u didnt say miss
00:32:26Bollitsch thats all
00:32:29Bollitsch rest was fail
00:32:32zebbelito i said
00:32:35Bollitsch no
00:32:38zebbelito :D:D:D:D
00:32:39Banana zebbe u whine more than my wife
00:32:40zebbelito we blinked
00:32:45FireMal fuck you blame us for your fail
00:33:04FireMal can we plz ff this
00:33:52Banana I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:53Banana I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:55FireMal I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:57FireMal I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:05FireMal die fail sf
00:34:36zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:37sandii perus 9k rahaaaki
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