Game #3231010

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-20 X
+1 TS

96% | 1690 X | 1527 TS

+47 X
+15 TS

68% | 1296 X | 1398 TS

+27 X
+2 TS

37% | 1093 X | 1290 TS

-2 X
+2 TS

29% | 1102 X | 1204 TS

+14 X
+21 TS

9% | 938 X | 1152 TS

-11 X
-1 TS

79% | 1464 X | 1368 TS

+24 X
-1 TS

74% | 1352 X | 1420 TS

-2 X
-1 TS

53% | 1191 X | 1351 TS

-34 X
-2 TS

45% | 1092 X | 1371 TS

-27 X
-12 TS

NEW | 960 X | 1070 TS

Chat log

00:00:160Xxo0_o plz
00:00:190Xxo0_o nehraj carry
00:00:20oo0OoO0oo i do a good viper or krob mid
00:00:210Xxo0_o -clear
00:00:21Mamo proc
00:00:21A-tzangol i say lanes
00:00:210Xxo0_o yy
00:00:210Xxo0_o yin
00:00:21A-tzangol so i am mid
00:00:210Xxo0_o xin
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo just said
00:00:210Xxo0_o lebo to nezahras dobre
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo retard fuck
00:00:210Xxo0_o zober nejaky
00:00:210Xxo0_o support alebo max
00:00:210Xxo0_o tank
00:00:210Xxo0_o ale carry nie plz
00:00:21creeeeeee cammoooon
00:00:21Nickless gimme appa
00:00:210Xxo0_o so ban ?
00:00:210Xxo0_o today ?
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo ban tide
00:00:21creeeeeee he's afk -.-
00:00:21Nickless -afk
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo no hes not
00:00:21creeeeeee you sure?
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo i called him a retard fuck made him upset xD
00:00:21creeeeeee why aint he answering then?
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo ohh you mean mo XD
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo you cap
00:00:21Pakler ban fuckers
00:00:21Pakler i don't have whole day
00:00:21A-tzangol :)
00:00:210Xxo0_o go rmk
00:00:21A-tzangol lol
00:00:210Xxo0_o or?
00:00:21wekPwnz he needs go to church
00:00:21A-tzangol not
00:00:210Xxo0_o w8 ?
00:00:21A-tzangol Wait
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo just give him a minute
00:00:21Nickless w t f did i just read
00:00:21wekPwnz imba pause
00:00:21A-tzangol mommm
00:00:21Momdsiw ok
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo be patient
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo see
00:00:21Nickless le wild mom appears
00:00:210Xxo0_o :oooo
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo the bitch is back
00:00:21Momdsiw what you wnttoban
00:00:21creeeeeee ban xin
00:00:21wekPwnz just ban darkseer
00:00:210Xxo0_o :D
00:00:210Xxo0_o lol
00:00:21creeeeeee or you want to pick it?
00:00:210Xxo0_o what ban ?
00:00:21oo0OoO0oo mom theese guys wanted to burn you alive .. thx to me they dindt
00:00:210Xxo0_o cap ?
00:00:21Momdsiw i ban sd
00:00:210Xxo0_o xin ?
00:00:21A-tzangol xin
00:00:21Nickless *hero
00:00:31oo0OoO0oo krob fro me
00:00:39A-tzangol get tide
00:01:21A-tzangol tide
00:01:24Momdsiw well you haev 2 soloers so i tihnk im woods
00:01:27oo0OoO0oo lol
00:01:28oo0OoO0oo omfg
00:01:29A-tzangol .....
00:01:30oo0OoO0oo plzz
00:01:310Xxo0_o why ?
00:01:340Xxo0_o last
00:01:36oo0OoO0oo tide 100% win ffs
00:01:36A-tzangol nap pick
00:01:370Xxo0_o is support
00:01:41Momdsiw who wants vs aa?
00:01:42A-tzangol u are worse
00:01:43A-tzangol than last
00:01:47A-tzangol why go carry
00:01:50creeeeeee i can
00:01:50A-tzangol when we got leo
00:01:50wekPwnz me
00:01:53A-tzangol and krobe
00:01:550Xxo0_o lanes ?
00:01:56Momdsiw clinkz then
00:02:070Xxo0_o lanes
00:02:090Xxo0_o ???
00:02:11A-tzangol viper and panda btm
00:02:18Momdsiw rubick come oslo top
00:02:21Momdsiw ogre bot with tide
00:02:25Nickless you can w8 him here
00:02:28wekPwnz 2 melees bot?
00:02:31Nickless if they ward
00:02:35Momdsiw yea
00:02:360Xxo0_o mozes ist pull ?
00:02:370Xxo0_o plz
00:02:39Momdsiw and share
00:02:42wekPwnz noob tactic
00:02:470Xxo0_o co ?
00:02:50Mamo dobr
00:02:54Mamo dobre
00:02:56Momdsiw i dont want under 1000x solo top
00:02:57Mamo pojdem
00:02:58A-tzangol check
00:02:580Xxo0_o ok
00:02:59A-tzangol runes
00:03:03wekPwnz itwgfbrcs twgfbrcotwgfbrc m ml mcc
00:03:17wekPwnz i am 1300
00:03:19Pakler buy fucking wards
00:03:190Xxo0_o chod hned
00:03:20wekPwnz with real acc
00:03:210Xxo0_o pull
00:03:25Momdsiw sure
00:03:26wekPwnz /w DotaKeys: on
00:03:35Momdsiw youre 960
00:03:38wekPwnz /w DotaKeys: on
00:03:40wekPwnz /w DotaKeys: You control Ogre Magi [f,g,b,c]
00:03:44wekPwnz not my acc
00:03:51Momdsiw think you can barely play the game
00:03:54Momdsiw your real acc?
00:04:06wekPwnz zonskass
00:04:12Momdsiw sure xD
00:04:16wekPwnz ;]
00:04:29oo0OoO0oo make soul ring
00:04:29wekPwnz strom noob banned with no reason my reall acc
00:04:32Momdsiw i think hes not that stupid
00:04:40Pakler nah
00:04:54Nickless stop talking
00:05:09wekPwnz we can just walk around creeps
00:05:380Xxo0_o preco si nesiel ten pull ?
00:05:40Nickless ss
00:05:41Nickless ss
00:05:45Mamo sorry
00:05:49Nickless 2
00:05:520Xxo0_o nevies to ?
00:05:53Nickless btm ss
00:06:01oo0OoO0oo why do you aouto
00:06:03oo0OoO0oo sk
00:06:03A-tzangol miss
00:06:07wekPwnz ss 2 noobs
00:06:10Pakler 2 lazzy
00:06:20wekPwnz care
00:06:330Xxo0_o ss
00:06:340Xxo0_o ogre
00:06:470Xxo0_o re
00:06:57Nickless care
00:07:00Nickless mid inc
00:07:01wekPwnz y
00:07:04wekPwnz i saw
00:07:08creeeeeee kill AA
00:07:120Xxo0_o care mid
00:07:19A-tzangol b
00:07:27Mamo ok
00:07:50A-tzangol gang woods
00:07:53Momdsiw backdoro
00:08:08Jerkku ss top2
00:08:16Jerkku re
00:08:230Xxo0_o dame
00:08:250Xxo0_o tidfe
00:08:27Momdsiw tuun gang koht
00:08:30Jerkku joo
00:08:310Xxo0_o ok ?
00:08:330Xxo0_o ale
00:08:34Momdsiw sna kutose ni sit
00:08:360Xxo0_o nechod moc
00:08:36Momdsiw puol levuu
00:08:420Xxo0_o ked bude vela ich creepow
00:08:44Mamo dobre
00:09:01A-tzangol ss
00:09:09creeeeeee come
00:09:28Pakler gg
00:09:29Pakler no ss
00:09:31Pakler retard
00:09:33A-tzangol blind
00:09:33Pakler s
00:09:34A-tzangol fuck
00:09:35A-tzangol read
00:09:40Momdsiw gj
00:09:46wekPwnz rune top
00:09:51oo0OoO0oo leo sux
00:09:53creeeeeee took it already
00:09:53oo0OoO0oo so bad
00:09:54Nickless viper nor egen
00:09:57Pakler ok
00:09:58wekPwnz k
00:09:59Pakler go solo top
00:10:03Pakler i'm woods
00:10:03wekPwnz i have only stun
00:10:05creeeeeee mid miss
00:10:10oo0OoO0oo fuycking drop items on chick before fucking youse nab
00:10:21Nickless my bad
00:10:37Mamo sry
00:10:580Xxo0_o rly
00:10:590Xxo0_o can ff
00:11:04creeeeeee oom
00:11:260Xxo0_o ss
00:12:10Mamo go
00:13:30A-tzangol viper
00:13:31wekPwnz regen
00:13:31A-tzangol are u fuckin
00:13:32A-tzangol nap?
00:13:35A-tzangol ys
00:13:370Xxo0_o stfu
00:13:37A-tzangol u are
00:13:390Xxo0_o look
00:13:400Xxo0_o ffs
00:13:52Mamo prepac
00:14:010Xxo0_o ale sak tebe nic nehovorim
00:14:13wekPwnz kill
00:14:28Nickless btm b
00:14:44creeeeeee come bot
00:14:46creeeeeee lets kill
00:14:48wekPwnz viper?
00:14:53creeeeeee doesent matter who
00:14:56creeeeeee get aa
00:15:53wekPwnz 3 bot
00:15:53wekPwnz b
00:15:59Pakler oom
00:16:12Mamo gj
00:16:13wekPwnz fucking creeps
00:16:37Jerkku momi aa
00:16:500Xxo0_o leo :?D
00:17:19Momdsiw mikä spell sul on
00:17:35Momdsiw jerkku
00:17:40Momdsiw mikä spell sul on
00:17:44Jerkku cold feet
00:17:45Mamo go ak
00:17:46Nickless k
00:17:47Mamo all
00:17:49Momdsiw nosta ylös ja iske se
00:18:47A-tzangol stunbone
00:19:07oo0OoO0oo push with my ulti
00:19:42Momdsiw need 5
00:19:55Momdsiw tide jsut farming
00:20:45Momdsiw cd
00:21:01Jerkku no sainpaha niitten kanan
00:21:35Pakler we need dust
00:21:43A-tzangol tower
00:21:44A-tzangol all
00:22:38creeeeeee tide??
00:22:40creeeeeee use ur spells
00:22:41Nickless what
00:22:51Nickless ffs i use
00:23:11wekPwnz lucky clinkz
00:23:14wekPwnz times
00:23:16wekPwnz 2
00:23:290Xxo0_o fucking small bastard
00:23:41creeeeeee i did risky things also
00:23:49Nickless clinkz tower btm
00:23:54Momdsiw clinkz
00:23:55Momdsiw tele top
00:23:57Momdsiw lets gang with me
00:23:59creeeeeee shit
00:24:02creeeeeee already did bot
00:24:06A-tzangol ty krob
00:24:07Momdsiw k
00:24:22oo0OoO0oo for ?
00:24:25oo0OoO0oo wards ?
00:24:25Pakler tp
00:24:27A-tzangol y
00:24:30oo0OoO0oo xD
00:24:370Xxo0_o b
00:24:370Xxo0_o b
00:24:380Xxo0_o b
00:24:390Xxo0_o b
00:24:390Xxo0_o b
00:24:400Xxo0_o b
00:24:400Xxo0_o b
00:24:410Xxo0_o b
00:24:410Xxo0_o b
00:24:420Xxo0_o b
00:24:560Xxo0_o to si naco dal ?
00:24:580Xxo0_o to ucko ?
00:25:08Mamo aby ma nedali
00:25:12A-tzangol b
00:25:12A-tzangol leo
00:25:33Nickless fuckkk
00:25:41A-tzangol go
00:26:43Mamo sry
00:26:50oo0OoO0oo we need to go 5
00:26:54oo0OoO0oo then clinkz shit
00:26:550Xxo0_o y
00:27:00Nickless push?
00:27:060Xxo0_o def
00:27:08creeeeeee care
00:27:09creeeeeee ogre
00:27:10creeeeeee aa ult
00:27:15creeeeeee it will come now
00:27:27Nickless dont stande near
00:27:42Jerkku dd
00:27:44Momdsiw im oom also
00:27:47Nickless b
00:27:50wekPwnz yuo mean both?
00:28:29creeeeeee omg
00:28:32creeeeeee just when aa ult came
00:28:33Jerkku need bkb so bad
00:28:340Xxo0_o lol ?
00:28:35creeeeeee + crit on me also
00:28:39Jerkku im so paper against those nukes
00:28:520Xxo0_o kup dager
00:29:000Xxo0_o alebo
00:29:01Momdsiw y
00:29:02Momdsiw i solo him
00:29:030Xxo0_o vanguard
00:29:060Xxo0_o ale rycglo
00:29:45creeeeeee damn I always make that item wrong
00:29:47creeeeeee -.-
00:29:55creeeeeee altho it has been like that long time already
00:30:01Jerkku :P
00:30:02wekPwnz lol
00:30:07Nickless b
00:30:16wekPwnz seel 1
00:30:19creeeeeee no
00:30:21creeeeeee wont sell it
00:30:22A-tzangol go
00:30:32Pakler we need dust
00:30:37A-tzangol have wards
00:30:44creeeeeee wait for 1
00:30:55Momdsiw oh sry
00:30:57A-tzangol ffs
00:30:57Momdsiw was checkign chicken
00:31:02A-tzangol b
00:31:16Momdsiw op
00:31:17Momdsiw it atked :
00:31:20Momdsiw automatically
00:31:41Momdsiw dunno why tide moving 1 ror with chicken
00:31:46Momdsiw iu couldnt get my bkb
00:31:59Nickless if u see me doing that feekl free to use courier i can w8
00:32:27Pakler lets go rosh
00:32:31creeeeeee kill mid
00:32:36Momdsiw wait
00:32:36A-tzangol go
00:32:36Nickless no ulti
00:32:36Momdsiw mid
00:32:38Momdsiw im coming
00:32:39creeeeeee wait
00:32:44creeeeeee aa first
00:32:53wekPwnz warded
00:33:20creeeeeee ward there
00:33:53Momdsiw maybe we should go when all ultis up
00:33:54Momdsiw and together
00:33:59Momdsiw not 3vs5 like you rushed there
00:34:00Nickless y
00:34:01Momdsiw couldnt wait us
00:34:06creeeeeee we waited
00:34:08creeeeeee they came on us
00:34:11Momdsiw yea on easy camp
00:34:15Momdsiw which is most ocmmon place to go
00:34:24creeeeeee still
00:34:26creeeeeee we waited
00:34:34oo0OoO0oo we can push now
00:34:37oo0OoO0oo got bkb
00:35:09oo0OoO0oo b
00:35:33Momdsiw our woods 3
00:35:58oo0OoO0oo just mid all
00:36:05wekPwnz 2
00:36:06wekPwnz go
00:36:09wekPwnz go go
00:36:25Mamo omg
00:36:47creeeeeee gogo
00:36:470Xxo0_o help him ?
00:36:47creeeeeee krobe
00:36:470Xxo0_o mg
00:36:47Jerkku tide plug
00:36:47Mamo omg
00:36:470Xxo0_o who
00:36:470Xxo0_o on balance ?
00:36:47Mamo balance
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo gues mamo mayba
00:36:47Jerkku can rubick steal
00:36:47Jerkku reincarnation?
00:36:47wekPwnz no
00:36:47Mamo i don t leave
00:36:47wekPwnz its pasive
00:36:47A-tzangol why not?
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo if cap says
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo you have to
00:36:470Xxo0_o y
00:36:470Xxo0_o ked
00:36:470Xxo0_o ta urci
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo rules
00:36:470Xxo0_o tak musis
00:36:47A-tzangol viper will go
00:36:470Xxo0_o inak dostanes
00:36:47wekPwnz they have shit heroes
00:36:470Xxo0_o ban
00:36:47Mamo musim sa vypojit
00:36:470Xxo0_o so me ?
00:36:47Jerkku y
00:36:47wekPwnz shit
00:36:47Pakler >.<
00:36:47Mamo teraz
00:36:470Xxo0_o cakj
00:36:470Xxo0_o nie
00:36:470Xxo0_o cakaj
00:36:470Xxo0_o so who ?
00:36:47Mamo ok
00:36:470Xxo0_o me ?
00:36:47wekPwnz no good
00:36:47A-tzangol viper y
00:36:47wekPwnz speels
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo get rdy top
00:36:470Xxo0_o ok
00:36:47wekPwnz for
00:36:47wekPwnz steal
00:36:47Mamo viper
00:36:47Mamo caw
00:36:470Xxo0_o why ?
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo gonna run
00:36:470Xxo0_o me ?
00:36:47creeeeeee panda ult only :D
00:36:47wekPwnz only
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo make slow aa
00:36:47A-tzangol coz
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo ok
00:36:47Jerkku primal
00:36:47wekPwnz krobe
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo make slow
00:36:47A-tzangol we dont need another carry
00:36:47wekPwnz silence
00:36:47Jerkku and
00:36:47Mamo bad score
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo so i run
00:36:47Jerkku exorcism
00:36:470Xxo0_o ...
00:36:47Jerkku also
00:36:47A-tzangol i have worse score
00:36:470Xxo0_o ok
00:36:470Xxo0_o bb
00:36:47A-tzangol bb
00:36:47Mamo ty
00:36:47Pakler cyu
00:36:47Mamo purple
00:36:47creeeeeee kill krobe then
00:36:47creeeeeee i
00:36:47Mamo ?rave
00:36:47Mamo leave
00:36:47Jerkku lets try
00:36:47Pakler any way
00:36:47Mamo purple
00:36:47wekPwnz who balance?
00:36:47Mamo leave
00:36:47Pakler i tink panda shud leave
00:36:47Pakler he is new
00:36:47Pakler ....
00:36:470Xxo0_o ...
00:36:47Mamo no
00:36:47A-tzangol so what?
00:36:470Xxo0_o cap
00:36:47A-tzangol viper u go
00:36:470Xxo0_o ok
00:36:470Xxo0_o ...
00:36:47A-tzangol i didnt like your pick
00:36:470Xxo0_o so look
00:36:47Mamo leave purple
00:36:470Xxo0_o my
00:36:470Xxo0_o ale
00:36:47A-tzangol panda is more usefull
00:36:470Xxo0_o and
00:36:47Mamo i have stun
00:36:47A-tzangol y
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo slow aa
00:36:470Xxo0_o u not have
00:36:47A-tzangol ulti and staff
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo top
00:36:470Xxo0_o level
00:36:47Pakler hmm
00:36:47Mamo and ulti
00:36:47oo0OoO0oo be rdy
00:36:47Mamo who
00:36:47Pakler did he used stun :D?
00:36:47creeeeeee we also
00:36:47creeeeeee need halberd
00:36:48creeeeeee for
00:36:48Mamo i used stun
00:36:510Xxo0_o so ?
00:36:530Xxo0_o who ?
00:36:54Mamo who leave
00:36:58Pakler -clear
00:36:58Momdsiw ye
00:36:59Mamo purple
00:37:01A-tzangol viper
00:37:060Xxo0_o bb
00:37:07Mamo cawko
00:37:09Pakler we need krob
00:37:15Pakler -clear
00:37:32A-tzangol DONT
00:37:32oo0OoO0oo gimme jango
00:37:33A-tzangol USE
00:37:36Pakler don't steal
00:37:36Momdsiw make pipe from tidfe items some1?
00:37:38Pakler item,s
00:37:38Mamo y
00:37:39A-tzangol what did u sell?
00:37:41Jerkku i can
00:37:41oo0OoO0oo can i have jango
00:37:45A-tzangol y
00:37:46Momdsiw dont sell bots
00:37:49Pakler panda
00:37:53Pakler give back items
00:38:01A-tzangol what did
00:38:03A-tzangol panda take?
00:38:05Mamo why
00:38:08Pakler .....
00:38:10Pakler gg
00:38:11A-tzangol sec
00:38:11oo0OoO0oo vg maybe
00:38:12Mamo i must
00:38:13A-tzangol panda
00:38:13A-tzangol give
00:38:13A-tzangol items
00:38:13A-tzangol now
00:38:13creeeeeee try panda
00:38:13A-tzangol or
00:38:13Momdsiw you go halbred clinkz
00:38:13wekPwnz k
00:38:13A-tzangol i will report you
00:38:13creeeeeee but b if sb comes
00:38:13Momdsiw ?
00:38:13Pakler fuck him
00:38:13Mamo ok
00:38:13A-tzangol no
00:38:13Pakler just play
00:38:13wekPwnz ok
00:38:13creeeeeee no i wont
00:38:13Pakler we loused game
00:38:13Mamo ok
00:38:13Pakler now
00:38:13Pakler ....
00:38:13Mamo i give
00:38:13A-tzangol ty
00:38:13wekPwnz stun instant or w8 low hp?
00:38:13oo0OoO0oo more items for him more youse
00:38:13Mamo np
00:38:19creeeeeee b
00:38:38Mamo here
00:38:39A-tzangol krobe
00:38:39A-tzangol take
00:38:44A-tzangol gimme wards
00:38:49Mamo why
00:38:51Mamo take
00:38:56oo0OoO0oo i need more
00:38:57Mamo kurdi
00:39:02oo0OoO0oo iam krob
00:39:06oo0OoO0oo he said krob
00:39:08Pakler go rosh
00:39:31oo0OoO0oo ok gather and push
00:39:37creeeeeee invi skele
00:40:04wekPwnz that rat always know
00:40:06Pakler go rosh now
00:40:11Mamo y
00:40:18oo0OoO0oo need wards down
00:40:25Jerkku ROSH
00:40:28creeeeeee googgo
00:40:33wekPwnz go fast
00:40:34wekPwnz rosan
00:40:39Momdsiw yeye
00:40:41Mamo give
00:40:42Mamo pls
00:40:43Mamo i
00:40:45Pakler i taked
00:40:47oo0OoO0oo tajke fast
00:40:56Momdsiw thor wup?
00:40:57Momdsiw wtf
00:41:17Momdsiw miks et vittu nosta ilmaa
00:41:20Momdsiw siin on aoe stunni
00:41:31Jerkku I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:41:38Momdsiw lucky leoric took that
00:41:41creeeeeee yea
00:41:44Momdsiw useless aegis for him
00:41:57Mamo wait
00:42:05Mamo go
00:42:08Pakler go mid
00:42:28A-tzangol tower
00:42:38Mamo we win
00:42:41Mamo we win
00:42:41A-tzangol get ac leo
00:42:42A-tzangol y
00:42:46Momdsiw how you think so?
00:42:47Pakler y
00:42:50oo0OoO0oo y iam making shivas
00:43:03Mamo i make arcani
00:43:07Mamo aghanim
00:43:09Mamo sry
00:43:35Momdsiw move with 5 plz
00:43:40oo0OoO0oo we can push
00:43:44Pakler y
00:43:45Pakler bot
00:44:01oo0OoO0oo bot all
00:44:14oo0OoO0oo b
00:44:17oo0OoO0oo a bit
00:44:33oo0OoO0oo xD
00:44:36Pakler ....
00:44:52Pakler top tower
00:45:01A-tzangol go
00:45:06Momdsiw def all
00:45:17Momdsiw thjey cant bd
00:45:19Momdsiw wait krobe ult
00:45:20creeeeeee dont go yet
00:45:22creeeeeee yea
00:45:34Pakler panda no blink
00:45:36Pakler no shit
00:45:36Pakler ....
00:45:37Momdsiw all go
00:45:40creeeeeee wait base mby?
00:45:41oo0OoO0oo wasted ulti
00:45:42Momdsiw even rubick
00:45:42Mamo sry
00:45:52Momdsiw b
00:45:56Momdsiw b
00:45:57wekPwnz again me 1
00:46:01Momdsiw you go alone
00:46:05Momdsiw with out escape
00:46:05Jerkku why you wen there
00:46:06Momdsiw at front line
00:46:09wekPwnz i was not laone
00:46:54Momdsiw use blodo lust
00:47:03oo0OoO0oo b
00:47:06creeeeeee cd
00:47:15Momdsiw said to ogre
00:47:23oo0OoO0oo this time all push mid so i can make youseful uklti
00:47:26wekPwnz using always
00:47:48Momdsiw i go ac
00:47:54oo0OoO0oo i make hex next
00:48:04A-tzangol dd
00:48:05A-tzangol leo
00:48:07oo0OoO0oo just mid all
00:48:10Pakler sec
00:48:12Pakler i will take
00:48:13Pakler dd
00:48:19Momdsiw that leoric gonan be tuff
00:48:19A-tzangol panad
00:48:20Pakler WHAT THE FUCK
00:48:21A-tzangol u suck
00:48:21Mamo sry
00:48:22A-tzangol panda
00:48:23Pakler FUCKING RETARD
00:48:28oo0OoO0oo mid all
00:48:32Pakler I TOLD U KICK PADA
00:48:36Mamo no
00:48:36wekPwnz and he knows again
00:48:37Pakler fucking tard....
00:48:42Mamo sry
00:48:47oo0OoO0oo tards
00:48:48Mamo sry
00:48:50oo0OoO0oo go loose game
00:48:52oo0OoO0oo fuck heads
00:48:54oo0OoO0oo said mid
00:48:57oo0OoO0oo so fucking hard
00:48:59A-tzangol panda
00:49:01Momdsiw or i go basher
00:49:01A-tzangol takes dd
00:49:03A-tzangol ....
00:49:03Momdsiw so i can stun that leo
00:49:05oo0OoO0oo so what
00:49:07wekPwnz abysal
00:49:08Mamo sry
00:49:09oo0OoO0oo done is done
00:49:10A-tzangol and he goes
00:49:10A-tzangol top
00:49:13oo0OoO0oo dobnt cry over it
00:49:21creeeeeee get tower
00:49:27oo0OoO0oo guys onr push razx gona
00:49:44A-tzangol b
00:49:44oo0OoO0oo b
00:49:51Mamo noobs
00:50:11wekPwnz b
00:50:18Jerkku ofc ice
00:50:27Jerkku just ff
00:50:28Momdsiw oho man
00:50:36Momdsiw why should we ff?
00:50:41Jerkku cause its lost
00:50:44wekPwnz we 3 times killed leo
00:50:49wekPwnz or 2
00:50:51Momdsiw he lost aegis now
00:50:51Mamo crob is best hero
00:50:55creeeeeee thats why we lost the fight
00:50:57creeeeeee he had aegis
00:50:58Mamo krob
00:50:58Momdsiw new aegis there
00:51:00creeeeeee only thats why
00:51:05Pakler go
00:51:06oo0OoO0oo go rosh agian
00:51:31Momdsiw clinkz sohuld have gone hex instead of orchid
00:51:39oo0OoO0oo yousing viper
00:52:26creeeeeee 2x crit
00:52:27Momdsiw I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:52:29creeeeeee moar luck
00:52:31oo0OoO0oo see so fucking easdy
00:52:31wekPwnz I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:52:35creeeeeee 2 hit 2 crit
00:52:56Momdsiw we have just not enough disable
00:53:07Momdsiw just ff it now
00:53:12wekPwnz done
00:53:15Momdsiw going megas
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