Game #3193263

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-2 X
+1 TS

60% | 1227 X | 1402 TS

+7 X
+1 TS

50% | 1120 X | 1400 TS

+4 X
+1 TS

49% | 1174 X | 1327 TS

+9 X
+2 TS

39% | 1090 X | 1310 TS

-27 X
+18 TS

28% | 1096 X | 1203 TS

-41 X
-2 TS

89% | 1564 X | 1453 TS

+10 X
-2 TS

45% | 1128 X | 1327 TS

+9 X
-3 TS

43% | 1124 X | 1308 TS

+22 X
-3 TS

32% | 1099 X | 1230 TS

+17 X
-2 TS

11% | 877 X | 1227 TS

Chat log

00:00:00mansikka [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... mby_next_time with 132 seconds.
00:00:05Hexar -hhn
00:00:05Romeo ,,,,
00:00:07Romeo -clear
00:00:13Zajeb any wishes?
00:00:15Rotkiv lets win this shit .P
00:00:19Rotkiv get me ud ..
00:00:20Romeo -clear
00:00:21Zajeb spec
00:00:21Hexar can u give dazz
00:00:21Zajeb furi some1? or xin?
00:00:21mansikka ud
00:00:21Rotkiv nop
00:00:21Hexar or lech for me
00:00:21mby_next_time 2 fucking imba pull.
00:00:21Hexar dazz/lesh
00:00:21mby_next_time manskka you go slark?
00:00:21PotSmoKer furi
00:00:22Rotkiv get him dazzle
00:00:24Zajeb furi some1?
00:00:26PotSmoKer me
00:00:27PotSmoKer i can
00:00:30mansikka idk
00:00:36Zajeb u good?
00:00:39PotSmoKer y
00:00:41PotSmoKer i dont
00:00:42PotSmoKer play
00:00:43PotSmoKer here
00:00:46PotSmoKer i play on dlg
00:00:47Zajeb ok
00:00:54Hexar u get chik
00:00:55Hexar pot
00:00:58PotSmoKer yy
00:01:02Hexar is it for me
00:01:04Hexar lech?
00:01:05mby_next_time anyone want slark?
00:01:08mby_next_time or me playing
00:01:08Hexar fnn?
00:01:10Hexar fxx?
00:01:15Hexar what u wanna
00:01:15Hexar ?
00:01:23Hexar fxx
00:01:29Hexar is that lech for me?
00:01:37Zajeb hexar get dazle
00:01:38PotSmoKer what
00:01:40mby_next_time jakiro come baby me top
00:01:42PotSmoKer u want
00:01:46Zajeb get me pls
00:01:49Zajeb pl
00:01:57PotSmoKer -swap 1
00:01:57Zajeb -swap 5
00:02:09mby_next_time romeo remember chiken
00:02:10mby_next_time .
00:02:12Zajeb mid furi or woods?
00:02:12PotSmoKer me woods u bot ?
00:02:15PotSmoKer -hhn
00:02:16Zajeb y
00:02:19PotSmoKer k
00:02:22Zajeb go top
00:02:23PotSmoKer top
00:02:24Fxx. rotkiv , your 2. spell with lesh can be sooooo good
00:02:28mby_next_time ench woods?
00:02:35Fxx. why top
00:02:35Romeo y
00:02:35Fxx. omg
00:02:37mby_next_time jakiro
00:02:38mby_next_time go bot
00:02:41Fxx. offensive side
00:02:43Zajeb so i can solo bot
00:02:44mby_next_time go bot cooper
00:02:45Fxx. no place to kills
00:02:45Fxx. ,,
00:02:51PotSmoKer if u want
00:02:51mby_next_time go bot lane jakiro #
00:02:54Zajeb roam lesh
00:02:54PotSmoKer me 2 pull
00:02:57PotSmoKer say
00:02:58Zajeb y
00:03:16Hexar why u dont stun
00:03:33mby_next_time ss
00:04:07Hexar what skill ugot
00:04:08Hexar lol
00:04:11Fxx. "C"
00:04:14Hexar omg
00:04:18Hexar who take that fisrt
00:04:41Hexar usels kinda lvl1
00:04:46Fxx. rly not
00:04:49Hexar itis
00:05:02Zajeb pull
00:05:06PotSmoKer next
00:05:08PotSmoKer wave
00:05:33Rotkiv ss
00:06:02Hexar u got stun now?
00:06:21mby_next_time ss
00:06:22mby_next_time 2
00:06:27Rotkiv ss
00:06:37mby_next_time ss lesh
00:06:47mansikka kill
00:07:00Zajeb gang bo
00:07:05PotSmoKer sec
00:07:07mansikka miss mid
00:07:36mby_next_time ss 3
00:07:41Hexar top re
00:07:55Janske dude you are full on mana
00:08:05Rotkiv ss
00:08:07Janske use skills??
00:08:19mby_next_time re dazzle
00:08:39Janske on pl please
00:08:47mby_next_time KK
00:08:48Fxx. gj dazzle
00:08:58mby_next_time -hhn
00:08:59mby_next_time -don
00:09:01Zajeb kill furi
00:09:50mansikka mis mid
00:09:51PotSmoKer lesh
00:09:54PotSmoKer . ..
00:10:02PotSmoKer STUN LOL
00:10:50Hexar dead
00:11:01PotSmoKer fail
00:11:01PotSmoKer omfg
00:11:13PotSmoKer wtf
00:11:15Hexar come kill bot
00:11:16PotSmoKer u doing
00:11:19Hexar slark have no farm
00:11:27Fxx. fuck
00:11:32Fxx. i have sooo unluck this game
00:11:54cooper SS
00:11:55cooper BOT
00:12:04Fxx. !!!
00:12:10PotSmoKer SS xin mid
00:12:10PotSmoKer care
00:12:35Hexar where r
00:12:36Hexar ganks
00:12:39Hexar they r all tome
00:12:40Hexar top
00:12:41Hexar i told u
00:12:44Hexar come kill slark
00:12:49Hexar and dont let him farm
00:12:54Hexar pl
00:12:58Hexar can farm others gank
00:13:26PotSmoKer come on
00:13:35Hexar ulty
00:13:43mby_next_time go
00:13:52Hexar fxx
00:13:58Hexar lvl ur sufkcign stun
00:14:16mby_next_time <3
00:14:37Zajeb ulti aa
00:14:40Rotkiv cd
00:14:57Rotkiv ech get those towers
00:15:06mby_next_time rune
00:15:29Hexar lehc
00:15:30Hexar whit no stun
00:15:32Hexar is imba
00:15:41mby_next_time rege on bot.
00:15:57Hexar we ger rape
00:15:58Hexar this game
00:16:05Hexar coz u cant play ur hero at all
00:16:14Hexar '
00:16:18Hexar lvl stun
00:16:19Hexar ffs
00:16:28Fxx. hate xin
00:16:32Fxx. fucking easy hero
00:16:38mby_next_time rofl
00:16:44Hexar iu hate urslef nab
00:16:49mby_next_time rege bot
00:16:50mby_next_time xin
00:16:50Hexar coz u cant plau lech at all
00:16:55Hexar f mnab
00:16:55mansikka ok
00:17:43mby_next_time ench we need your gangs
00:18:26PotSmoKer lesh dude
00:18:33Hexar he
00:18:35Hexar dont have stun
00:18:37Hexar i told iu löie 100 tiems
00:18:38mby_next_time gj
00:18:38Romeo heal comig
00:18:39Hexar now
00:18:40Hexar nab
00:18:43Hexar skilled max 2
00:18:46Hexar and no stun at all
00:18:50Janske push
00:18:54Fxx. SU
00:18:54Hexar where u learn to play tard
00:18:57Hexar what
00:18:57Hexar su
00:19:00Hexar learn tp pplöay hero
00:19:01Hexar tard
00:19:04Fxx. SU
00:19:05Fxx. !
00:19:07PotSmoKer dude
00:19:08Hexar su urself nab
00:19:09PotSmoKer u need
00:19:10PotSmoKer stun
00:19:11PotSmoKer ffs
00:19:13Fxx. i rly totaly ignore u
00:19:16Hexar he dont unserstand that if he got stun
00:19:19Hexar he rape them
00:19:19Fxx. so stop fucking spam
00:19:24Hexar after slark leep in u stun
00:19:25Hexar and kill 2
00:19:27Hexar and dead
00:19:35Rotkiv top
00:19:37Hexar but hes to nab to understand
00:19:59mby_next_time b
00:20:11Rotkiv ?
00:20:16Janske gather up
00:20:27Hexar zajeb
00:20:30Hexar when u get difu?
00:21:10Hexar ff
00:21:11Fxx. we play 3vs5
00:21:13Hexar ur
00:21:14mby_next_time cool
00:21:15Hexar nab
00:21:16Fxx. so fucking game again
00:21:18Hexar learn to play
00:21:19Hexar idiot
00:21:24Fxx. furion perma wood (STILL 0 ITEM)
00:21:25Hexar yes we sloose
00:21:29Fxx. and phantom lancer same
00:21:30Hexar coz u think u dont need stujn
00:21:33Hexar and lvl ur shit
00:21:34Hexar 3 skill
00:21:37mby_next_time well isnt he your carry ?
00:21:39Hexar fucking pro
00:21:45Fxx. neverending flame dazzle ?
00:21:51Fxx. i play same tactic all the time
00:21:58Hexar i play like nab
00:21:58Fxx. and 9/10 games own
00:22:09Hexar sure
00:22:12Hexar this is 100 % lost
00:22:13Fxx. so
00:22:19Fxx. stop fucking spam
00:22:21Hexar ur dident win last one
00:22:21Hexar tard
00:22:22Fxx. i rly dont care
00:22:23Fxx. what u say
00:22:26Hexar ur kunka kinda sucke
00:22:29Hexar only ks
00:22:30Hexar kills
00:22:41Hexar and ur teamplay skill -100
00:23:18Hexar i did rape that slark and now hes fat
00:23:57Hexar orc on enchatner asap
00:24:00mby_next_time hey furi got dagon
00:24:04mby_next_time it's not zero
00:24:05Hexar and then we r doomed
00:24:07mby_next_time :D
00:24:10Zajeb get wards daz pls
00:24:32Hexar on 25 ff
00:24:38mby_next_time funny hero that slark
00:24:40Rotkiv cmoon stfu
00:24:41Fxx. k
00:24:42mby_next_time never rly liked it
00:24:43Fxx. hexar
00:24:45Fxx. i report u
00:25:47Zajeb go furi
00:25:49PotSmoKer cd
00:25:52Janske go rosh
00:26:25mby_next_time why at tower fight
00:26:42PotSmoKer wtf
00:27:04mby_next_time nice try.
00:27:08Hexar lvl stun is 1
00:27:08Fxx. omg
00:27:13Fxx. u was just only lucky
00:27:14Hexar thats why hes still alice
00:27:16Fxx. thats all
00:27:17mby_next_time rofl
00:27:28Hexar He dident lvl stun at all and max asap 2and 3
00:27:33mby_next_time :D
00:27:41Hexar Now sucking dick and blaming luck for it
00:27:53Fxx. and hexar enjoing last game
00:28:09mby_next_time ...
00:28:12mby_next_time gay dust
00:28:17Fxx. ...
00:28:21Rotkiv furion
00:28:22Rotkiv go
00:28:26Fxx. noob slark , who cry cause dust
00:28:36mby_next_time i cry cuz you:D
00:28:36Rotkiv where yourtele
00:29:02mby_next_time oh yougot diffu
00:29:03mby_next_time :x
00:29:05Hexar gg inc
00:29:27mby_next_time arcane pls
00:29:30mansikka no
00:29:34mby_next_time :<
00:29:38mansikka im full mana
00:29:42mby_next_time gay
00:29:58Rotkiv go
00:31:47Rotkiv fury plz do your job and push lanes .. top maybe
00:31:54Zajeb go man
00:31:56mby_next_time jakiro wtf
00:31:57PotSmoKer cant
00:31:59mby_next_time you doing
00:32:00PotSmoKer whitout ww
00:32:01PotSmoKer ffs
00:32:07Rotkiv push and get b .. push and get b .. thats your job
00:33:07Hexar encahter very fat
00:33:36mansikka mana
00:33:39Zajeb team of blind people
00:33:52Hexar well got no ward
00:33:52Zajeb help our teammates
00:33:55Hexar i cant but them
00:33:56mby_next_time rosh
00:33:58Hexar and play sipport like this
00:33:59Zajeb your job daz
00:34:01mby_next_time lets go rosh
00:34:05Hexar all pick semy carrys
00:34:08Hexar and play like a boss
00:34:10Janske k
00:34:10Hexar and then wine
00:34:28mby_next_time xin take it
00:34:30mby_next_time and go tank
00:34:34mby_next_time i come after you.
00:34:37mby_next_time k ?
00:34:37Rotkiv furi top gang
00:34:42mansikka k
00:34:42PotSmoKer k
00:34:45Rotkiv go
00:35:09mby_next_time 4 top.
00:35:12Janske mid push imo
00:35:56Janske don't
00:36:04mby_next_time jakiro / viper
00:36:06mby_next_time can i ask
00:36:13mby_next_time why the fuck you stay mid when we try to gnag?
00:36:49Janske jakiro wtf why you steal
00:36:56Rotkiv fury push top
00:37:05Hexar ppuhs there
00:37:29Hexar tp
00:37:31Hexar after heal
00:37:33PotSmoKer i will
00:37:58Zajeb b
00:39:17Rotkiv kill bot
00:39:19Rotkiv gang bot
00:39:25Rotkiv come
00:39:30Hexar go push botr
00:39:38Janske LET*S PUSH
00:39:43Janske allright??
00:40:08Rotkiv kjill
00:40:44Fxx. y
00:40:46Fxx. ty
00:40:48Rotkiv push mid
00:40:50Rotkiv push mid
00:40:52Rotkiv tower
00:41:05mby_next_time fasfsafasfas
00:41:24Hexar come mdi
00:41:28Rotkiv mid7ppl
00:41:29Janske mansikka your skills in leadership are 0... really you gotta speak to us lol!!
00:41:30PotSmoKer i must b
00:41:35mansikka no
00:41:38mansikka i play my own game
00:41:44Janske I see you do
00:41:45Rotkiv b
00:41:51Janske fucking lame
00:41:52Fxx. btw
00:41:56Fxx. u stop flame and spam
00:41:59Fxx. and we start win
00:42:06Hexar no
00:42:09Hexar u get stun
00:42:13Rotkiv stupid fuckers .. why not mid raxxes
00:42:19Hexar if u had that on start tahat slark would have notinh
00:42:20Hexar atm
00:42:20PotSmoKer haste
00:42:25Hexar itake
00:42:33Hexar need more than u
00:42:34Hexar ffs
00:43:00PotSmoKer haste
00:43:39Hexar ?
00:43:41Hexar why u run there?
00:43:49Zajeb to ww
00:44:19Rotkiv omg .. how noob
00:44:20Fxx. STUUUUUUN ?
00:44:29Hexar coome here
00:44:31Rotkiv trees ffs
00:44:39Zajeb b
00:44:40Rotkiv kill
00:44:40Romeo push bot
00:44:41PotSmoKer i tought
00:44:46PotSmoKer he is dead . . .
00:44:53mby_next_time ffs
00:45:01Zajeb go mid
00:45:33Rotkiv pl wheres your items?
00:46:20Hexar furi
00:46:23Hexar boots to sre
00:46:24Hexar not int
00:46:39PotSmoKer omfg they killed me 5 times in ww
00:47:07PotSmoKer slark
00:47:21Zajeb b
00:47:41Rotkiv FURY BOT
00:47:48PotSmoKer no dude
00:47:50PotSmoKer all alive
00:47:54Hexar but
00:47:56Hexar ur boots
00:47:58Hexar to str
00:48:00Hexar u got 1500man
00:48:05Hexar iu dont need that 60more
00:48:09Rotkiv YOU GOT WINDWALK ..
00:48:12Hexar getgp
00:48:13Hexar hp
00:48:34Hexar lol viper 3k
00:48:37mby_next_time ...
00:49:07Hexar look rosh
00:49:11Janske I buyt gem if WE PUSH TOGETHER
00:49:17Hexar bahser
00:49:17mby_next_time i need bkb .
00:49:20Hexar basher
00:49:44Hexar tank
00:49:45Hexar kill
00:49:49Fxx. they inc
00:49:49Janske ALL GO
00:49:49Zajeb they will
00:50:30Fxx. DAZZLE ?
00:50:41Hexar what
00:50:44Hexar i was sillec
00:50:46Hexar whut enchater
00:50:46Rotkiv PL ?
00:50:48Rotkiv WFFSZ
00:50:49Rotkiv DFJ
00:50:49Rotkiv JFDSNBH
00:50:49Rotkiv HFDS
00:50:58Hexar can grave u
00:50:59Hexar soc
00:51:02Hexar he use on me orc
00:51:08Hexar go push
00:51:09Hexar top
00:51:10Hexar fuir
00:51:18Hexar tp top
00:51:27mby_next_time kk no stun
00:51:30Hexar tower and go back
00:51:42Janske lehs
00:51:42Fxx. pl
00:51:46Fxx. u are rly fucking ussless
00:52:27Hexar b
00:52:28Janske go rosh imo
00:52:43Fxx. ench 1000 hp
00:52:44Janske come
00:52:45Fxx. focus ench
00:53:02PotSmoKer aa
00:53:14Rotkiv B
00:53:21Hexar slark dd
00:53:22Rotkiv LET THEM COME
00:53:23Hexar al fo base
00:53:26Hexar all base
00:53:27Hexar hes got dd
00:53:35Hexar u 2
00:53:43Hexar if he find u ur dead
00:53:44Hexar asap
00:53:59Zajeb when we fight mid u go top furi
00:54:08Janske let me farm jakiro
00:54:09Janske go away
00:54:36PotSmoKer lesh
00:54:37PotSmoKer w8 me
00:54:38PotSmoKer 10 se
00:54:39PotSmoKer c
00:54:53Rotkiv NEED HEXES
00:55:02Janske this is so boring
00:55:04Fxx. 300 to my
00:55:05Fxx. hex
00:55:06Rotkiv :p
00:55:09PotSmoKer i have
00:55:13Fxx. so w8
00:55:13Janske only farming
00:55:32Fxx. so dont die now
00:55:34Rotkiv GATHER MID
00:55:58Fxx. hex rdy
00:55:59Fxx. so
00:56:00Fxx. meet
00:56:02Rotkiv MID
00:56:02Fxx. smoke
00:56:02Hexar go end
00:56:03Fxx. and go
00:56:07Fxx. go with smoke
00:56:08Rotkiv AL MID PLZ
00:56:09Fxx. !
00:56:26Fxx. meet
00:56:38Rotkiv FURY YOU TOO
00:56:39Hexar group up
00:56:40Hexar and go
00:56:45Hexar kil viper encahter
00:56:46Rotkiv FURY
00:56:48Rotkiv FFS
00:56:50Hexar come fucking here
00:56:50Rotkiv COME ALLREADY
00:56:53Fxx. use it
00:57:47Janske fucking mansikka 'i play my own game' they have grown very much
00:57:58Rotkiv MID !!!!!!!!!!!
00:58:20Rotkiv HHE NO DUST?
00:58:24Rotkiv GET MID THEN
00:58:31Fxx. NEXT DOWN
00:58:32Fxx. KAMIKAZE
00:58:34Janske all together
00:58:34Hexar and go bot asap
00:58:35Fxx. DIE COUSE RAX
00:58:37Fxx. IGNORE HEROES
00:58:39Hexar after mid
00:58:39Janske don't go alone now
00:58:45mby_next_time i wont.
00:58:45Fxx. DOWN
00:58:46Fxx. RAX
00:58:52Fxx. IGNORE HEROES
00:58:53Fxx. JUST PUSH
00:58:55Hexar gogog
00:59:10mby_next_time I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:59:13Fxx. UP
00:59:14Fxx. FAST !
00:59:18Fxx. DIE
00:59:21Fxx. we have got on rebuys
00:59:21Rotkiv GJ ALL :p
00:59:33Hexar mana off
00:59:34Hexar and kill
00:59:43Rotkiv GET B
00:59:55Fxx. why u dont listening me
00:59:59Fxx. when u go it fast
01:00:03Fxx. we can have now mega
01:00:09Hexar well its 2 side push now
01:00:11Janske gg mansikka
01:00:15Hexar need only top
01:00:17Fxx. but this is still not win
01:00:18mansikka gg Janske
01:00:26Hexar y
01:00:26Hexar but
01:00:29Hexar its better now
01:00:32Hexar that 15min ago
01:00:37Hexar 2 side push is hard to def
01:00:42Hexar if we got megas on 2lane
01:01:00Janske I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
01:01:06Hexar + frui
01:01:09Hexar can all time tp
01:01:12Hexar iof we push top
01:01:14PotSmoKer i tp
01:01:15Hexar and push bot
01:01:17Hexar and mid
01:01:29Janske so fucking bad captain you are
01:01:48Janske maybe good player otherwise
01:02:09Hexar cometop
01:02:13Zajeb w8 for me
01:03:13Hexar gg
01:03:17Janske push push
01:03:20Hexar tp there
01:03:22mby_next_time where ?:D
01:03:24Hexar and puhs that last tower
01:03:30mby_next_time -afk
01:03:36Janske top
01:03:50Janske my items
01:04:05Hexar stun
01:04:20mby_next_time HAHAHA
01:04:23mby_next_time hahahaha
01:04:24mby_next_time hahahaha
01:04:30Hexar co0meheal
01:04:44Fxx. u cant kill me :-)
01:05:11Fxx. let mea eagis
01:05:13Fxx. and its end
01:05:19Hexar cmon
01:05:26PotSmoKer sorry
01:05:26Hexar stop lag
01:05:35Romeo buy dust or sentry at leest
01:05:49Rotkiv GO MID IN AND END
01:06:35Rotkiv gg
01:06:38Janske not
01:06:39Janske :D
01:06:49Janske mansikka lacks sense of teamplay totally
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