Game #3146530

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-10 X
-2 TS

75% | 1362 X | 1413 TS

-9 X
-9 TS

56% | 1212 X | 1349 TS

-45 X
-3 TS

47% | 1168 X | 1292 TS

-9 X
-3 TS

46% | 1126 X | 1334 TS

-40 X
-46 TS

NEW | 996 X | 1077 TS

+2 X
+3 TS

89% | 1549 X | 1442 TS

+12 X
+6 TS

38% | 1070 X | 1312 TS

+11 X
+25 TS

37% | 1223 X | 1144 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

34% | 1067 X | 1282 TS

+51 X
+18 TS

29% | 1053 X | 1254 TS

Chat log

00:00:06XXL joo
00:00:07XXL ff
00:00:16edgarass ban omni
00:00:16GottHasstMich omni
00:00:16siemenlinko otan wd tai ogren
00:00:16edgarass hes a pain in the ass
00:00:16XXL -am
00:00:16Verthas mort
00:00:17GottHasstMich s1 wants roof ?
00:00:20Buttons lol
00:00:20Verthas o.o
00:00:24Verthas can i have tuskar?
00:00:29Buttons ignore orange
00:00:30edgarass i can roof if u want but not sure
00:00:36GottHasstMich u do it then
00:00:40edgarass k.
00:00:46GottHasstMich get me pa
00:00:51XXL krob
00:00:51Buttons why pa
00:00:53Buttons better carries
00:00:54siemenlinko otan ogreen
00:00:54XXL u can handle mid?
00:00:55edgarass mortred?
00:00:58GottHasstMich yes
00:01:02Doomy depend who is mid
00:01:05GottHasstMich rexxar
00:01:05GottHasstMich ogre
00:01:07edgarass -swap 1
00:01:08GottHasstMich important
00:01:09GottHasstMich -swap 3
00:01:10XXL what
00:01:11XXL ever
00:01:12siemenlinko wd?
00:01:13XXL but u solo it
00:01:13siemenlinko mä?
00:01:14GottHasstMich rexxar wd pls
00:01:22siemenlinko vai ideoita
00:01:31siemenlinko sano
00:01:32XXL pyllyy supporttia
00:01:37XXL :DD
00:01:38siemenlinko eli
00:01:40siemenlinko minkä otan
00:01:44sebralane need range
00:01:49XXL ota
00:01:49mxL- banana bot
00:01:50GottHasstMich lol
00:01:54GottHasstMich sebra is back in business
00:01:56GottHasstMich with fucktard picks
00:01:56Doomy tc last?
00:01:56GottHasstMich again
00:01:57GottHasstMich gj
00:01:58mxL- or lets try gfast fb
00:01:59siemenlinko ?
00:02:00XXL whisp
00:02:00GottHasstMich u brainless wanker
00:02:01siemenlinko minkä
00:02:01XXL tai
00:02:02XXL tc
00:02:02sebralane i thanku sir
00:02:05XXL banan
00:02:06Buttons yellow
00:02:07Buttons fucking die
00:02:07XXL u fo bot
00:02:08Buttons man
00:02:12GottHasstMich trax is most useless pick u couldve done
00:02:12Banana :/
00:02:13XXL ai jaksa
00:02:18Buttons lack of brain power
00:02:19edgarass ture
00:02:22XXL jos menee reisillee
00:02:22edgarass tuskar would be imba
00:02:23Buttons you're a disgraceful human being
00:02:23GottHasstMich hope u enjoyed your days off sebra
00:02:24XXL ni huoh
00:02:29XXL pullailen
00:02:31GottHasstMich believe me, if u do one misstake i will be always there
00:02:32sebralane why dat?
00:02:33GottHasstMich and banreq u
00:02:38sebralane haaha
00:02:39Banana -ma
00:02:41sebralane mistake is what?
00:02:44Buttons serbian cunt
00:02:45GottHasstMich u just suck and destroy games by picks
00:02:52XXL homaa
00:02:53sebralane indeed
00:02:54GottHasstMich 4v5 inc
00:02:55XXL tomi manabootsit
00:02:55Doomy pa vs spec
00:02:57siemenlinko joo
00:02:59XXL xD
00:03:00sebralane i will banrequest u for flaming
00:03:01GottHasstMich hf gl
00:03:02XXL he will lose
00:03:02Buttons do it
00:03:03GottHasstMich do it
00:03:04edgarass rune bot
00:03:06sebralane i will
00:03:14XXL blademailia
00:03:15Buttons i don't wanna play gc anymore if fucks like you are incoming
00:03:16XXL ni se tappaa ittensä
00:03:20edgarass ogre manaboots as fast
00:03:22Buttons rather hang myself
00:03:24Buttons ofc
00:03:28sebralane do it
00:03:30sebralane hand urself
00:03:35Buttons ok i will hand myself
00:03:35sebralane g
00:03:38sebralane hang
00:04:17sebralane wtf
00:04:18sebralane rexx
00:04:20sebralane go pull
00:04:36Verthas why
00:05:10Doomy ss
00:05:13Doomy re
00:07:16Doomy ss
00:07:21Doomy re
00:07:49XXL mid ss=?
00:07:55Doomy no
00:07:55siemenlinko bot ss
00:07:56siemenlinko 1
00:07:59XXL ah
00:08:01XXL yea
00:08:04edgarass ss
00:08:06Buttons ss specv
00:08:07Buttons top
00:08:12Doomy ss
00:08:39Doomy still ss
00:08:42Doomy re
00:08:48XXL ei sit
00:08:55XXL helppo
00:08:56XXL tappo
00:09:01mxL- ei yltä
00:09:05mxL- noin pitkälle loitsu
00:09:20Doomy ss
00:09:29Doomy re
00:09:42Doomy ss
00:09:46GottHasstMich ss mid
00:09:59GottHasstMich re
00:10:03siemenlinko kill trax?
00:10:08Banana k
00:10:58siemenlinko ss
00:10:59XXL huoh
00:11:01siemenlinko 2
00:11:11Doomy pa low life mid
00:11:20sebralane nice ks
00:11:23GottHasstMich up chick s1
00:11:24sebralane this game won
00:11:24Buttons ss spec top
00:11:31GottHasstMich ss mid
00:11:34Doomy ss
00:11:39edgarass ss2
00:11:39Verthas dude i thought we will die by witch
00:11:40Verthas uylti
00:11:41edgarass re1
00:11:50GottHasstMich spec mid
00:11:52sebralane ulti retard
00:12:00Verthas iknow fag
00:12:31edgarass b regen
00:12:36mxL- -afk
00:12:39Buttons uour aura
00:12:40Buttons your*
00:12:40siemenlinko ss
00:12:47edgarass i need maana
00:12:57Buttons krob top
00:13:00Buttons ss thd to
00:13:00Buttons p
00:13:28edgarass cre
00:13:32Buttons idd
00:13:42XXL go
00:13:43edgarass wait my ulti
00:13:43Verthas wtf trax
00:13:43XXL i can ult
00:13:45XXL someone
00:13:47sebralane best ulti rexxar
00:13:54XXL ss mid
00:13:55sebralane one of the best freekills out there
00:13:58sebralane and u did a good ulti
00:14:02sebralane if u ask me
00:14:09Verthas wtf dude stfu
00:14:09sebralane its the best ulti out ther what u did
00:14:15sebralane UR FAKING SHIT
00:14:17sebralane GO FAKING GANK
00:14:18GottHasstMich tp
00:14:24Banana teamsay plz
00:14:28GottHasstMich TP
00:14:45GottHasstMich omg
00:14:45GottHasstMich u suck
00:14:46GottHasstMich so hard
00:14:52sebralane ulti
00:14:53sebralane ffs
00:15:05GottHasstMich u did good noobs
00:15:08siemenlinko 3 bot
00:15:12GottHasstMich dont count on another gang bot
00:15:25sebralane and rexxar takes it
00:15:28sebralane õ
00:15:29sebralane most needed
00:15:33siemenlinko xD
00:15:52Verthas why mad mort?
00:15:57XXL go
00:15:58XXL trax
00:16:27mxL- oh
00:16:31sebralane rexxar
00:16:33sebralane just leav
00:16:35sebralane ur shit bad
00:16:36edgarass help bot
00:16:38sebralane ur soo bad
00:16:39Verthas ur not that good to
00:16:44GottHasstMich omw
00:16:47sebralane then ever ull get banned on battlenet
00:16:49Buttons oom
00:16:50sebralane its soo faking sad
00:16:57siemenlinko m,ana boots rdy
00:16:58Buttons lemme ab
00:17:02mxL- lets push bot
00:17:05Buttons freefarm
00:17:23siemenlinko vittu
00:17:23edgarass b
00:17:24edgarass b
00:17:35edgarass idiots
00:17:35Buttons sbt
00:17:38XXL joo o
00:17:54Doomy b
00:17:59GottHasstMich go
00:17:59XXL ei oo yhtää ees farmia
00:18:16edgarass morroons
00:18:18edgarass fucking noobs
00:18:39GottHasstMich OMG
00:18:42Buttons out
00:18:42Buttons b
00:18:43GottHasstMich u guys
00:18:43GottHasstMich rly
00:18:43Buttons b
00:18:44edgarass rex u noob
00:18:46GottHasstMich it is unbelievable
00:18:47sebralane are u faking kidding me
00:18:52sebralane rexxar no animals :D
00:18:56sebralane i think it good
00:19:02sebralane rexxar is supposed to play like that :D
00:19:04sebralane :D:D:DD:D:D:D:
00:19:30mxL- lets go pudh mid
00:19:35XXL ei juma
00:19:36siemenlinko teenkö blademail?
00:19:42edgarass morrons
00:19:45XXL tee mitä teet
00:19:46Doomy take it
00:19:48XXL ei kiinosta
00:19:50Banana spec come take dd
00:19:50siemenlinko ok
00:19:52edgarass push mid all
00:19:54edgarass i have ulti
00:19:57Doomy he is dead
00:19:57XXL nah
00:19:58edgarass all means all
00:19:59XXL just take it
00:20:19siemenlinko i give mana
00:20:48edgarass me ulti go
00:20:56siemenlinko hooh
00:20:59siemenlinko failasin
00:21:04edgarass push now
00:21:10edgarass go go
00:21:48edgarass rex idiot
00:21:48GottHasstMich srsly
00:21:49GottHasstMich rexxar
00:21:50edgarass fucking shithead
00:21:50mxL- push mid
00:21:51GottHasstMich u paly first time
00:21:51Verthas what
00:21:52GottHasstMich this fucking hero ?
00:21:56Verthas no
00:21:57Verthas why
00:22:00sebralane rexxar lost this game
00:22:01sebralane not me
00:22:01edgarass cause u suck
00:22:02GottHasstMich U SHITHEAD ?
00:22:03Verthas tell me what i do wrong?
00:22:03sebralane soo suck on that
00:22:04GottHasstMich MEGA SLOW
00:22:09GottHasstMich + VISION
00:22:10Verthas trax u fag
00:22:10Buttons lol
00:22:14Buttons rex loses us this game
00:22:14sebralane ahaha
00:22:18Buttons but trax doiesn't help
00:22:22GottHasstMich go
00:22:22Buttons useless hero
00:22:23GottHasstMich ogre
00:22:27sebralane u coudent ulti 300 hp tauren on lane
00:22:31sebralane gggggg
00:22:32sebralane ff
00:22:35Verthas keep talking like a doucebag i want listen at all
00:22:39siemenlinko ¨
00:22:42siemenlinko stun mby?
00:22:47XXL pitääkö
00:22:48XXL suikkaa
00:22:51siemenlinko joo
00:23:02GottHasstMich chase
00:23:14Verthas omg
00:23:16Verthas report
00:23:21GottHasstMich ??
00:23:31mxL- lets push togheter bot
00:23:52Buttons nvm
00:23:53Buttons im tripping
00:24:25edgarass can we play like team not fucking idiots?
00:24:32sebralane team chat pls
00:24:36Buttons idd
00:24:38edgarass fu idiot
00:24:39Buttons stop being noobs
00:24:41Buttons everything is nooby
00:24:42mxL- come mid push
00:24:44Buttons play style, chat
00:24:47XXL yy
00:24:55XXL my
00:24:55XXL !
00:24:57XXL guys
00:24:59XXL t.t
00:25:00edgarass rex u noob wtf u go so far u feeder idiot?
00:25:12Verthas stfu fag
00:25:17mxL- pus h mid tower
00:25:24edgarass def mid
00:25:31GottHasstMich go roof
00:25:46edgarass ff
00:25:53edgarass ogfre fucking stun somebody
00:25:53GottHasstMich ulti rx
00:25:57edgarass u retards
00:25:59Buttons did
00:26:01GottHasstMich USE UR ULTI
00:26:02edgarass and dont go on spectr first
00:26:02GottHasstMich REXXAR
00:26:02Buttons you fucking cunt
00:26:03GottHasstMich FFS
00:26:05XXL b
00:26:06Verthas shut up
00:26:07GottHasstMich IT HAS 80 SECS CD
00:26:08GottHasstMich JUST USE IT
00:26:09mxL- lets pus hspec got ulti
00:26:09GottHasstMich NO
00:26:10Verthas they full hp no use of ulti
00:26:11GottHasstMich U STFU
00:26:13GottHasstMich BNET FUCKTARD
00:26:15GottHasstMich IT STUNS
00:26:15mxL- ogh he doesnt
00:26:16XXL yea
00:26:16GottHasstMich U IDIOT
00:26:17GottHasstMich LOL
00:26:18XXL soon
00:26:18GottHasstMich HAHAHAH
00:26:18XXL i got
00:26:19GottHasstMich REXXAR
00:26:23GottHasstMich i asked him to use ulti
00:26:24edgarass retards
00:26:26GottHasstMich his answer :
00:26:30GottHasstMich "no use they are all full hp"
00:26:31GottHasstMich HAHAHAHAHAHAH
00:26:33Verthas lololol
00:26:37edgarass go mid all
00:26:39edgarass me invi ulti
00:26:42Verthas "Ijerk of on lina"
00:26:47Verthas thats what he told me
00:26:49mxL- lest push bot
00:26:50XXL all bot
00:26:51mxL- all
00:26:51XXL !
00:26:55GottHasstMich wtf is wrong nowadays
00:27:02mxL- deff mid
00:27:05siemenlinko tartten 20
00:27:06GottHasstMich this garena morons everywhere
00:27:07XXL got
00:27:08XXL ult
00:27:09sebralane b mid
00:27:12edgarass all top
00:28:00Buttons don't block with illus
00:28:06edgarass fu idiots
00:28:06edgarass I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:07edgarass f
00:28:07Buttons !ff
00:28:08edgarass f
00:28:08edgarass f
00:28:08edgarass I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:09Banana :D:D
00:28:09mxL- now push
00:28:09edgarass I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:11edgarass retards
00:28:13edgarass fucking idiots
00:28:17Verthas xD
00:28:19edgarass u cant play as a team
00:28:25edgarass rexx stfu u noob
00:28:31edgarass trax noob pick too
00:28:34Verthas fuck you
00:28:43Banana meka
00:28:43Verthas just leave bitch
00:28:48edgarass u dont even skilll fucking call ow the wild which is main skill
00:28:52mxL- keep pushingh
00:29:29GottHasstMich I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:34GottHasstMich another time gg to fucking bronze shit
00:29:57Buttons ?
00:30:02sebralane woth it
00:30:04edgarass go mid all
00:30:04Buttons lol
00:30:15Buttons i think maybe call of duty or smth
00:30:18Buttons is your guy's kinda game
00:30:27mxL- b
00:30:28sebralane call of wild lvl 1 is imba 27 min
00:30:41siemenlinko joo
00:30:46siemenlinko olin stunnis koko ajan
00:30:57mxL- koitin seivaa
00:31:04mxL- mut ei riittäny meka ja mun stunni
00:31:06XXL blasde
00:31:08XXL ku ois ollu
00:31:08siemenlinko ok
00:31:09edgarass i dont know how we lose teamfights
00:31:11XXL ni tripl
00:31:12XXL easilyö
00:31:16Buttons uh
00:31:19Buttons mb cos they far superior aoe?
00:31:21Buttons ...
00:31:28mxL- lets push bot now
00:31:31Buttons and don't have shit like drow just doing single target dmg
00:31:33mxL- all togheter
00:31:34edgarass ff ?
00:31:35GottHasstMich just stupid players
00:31:36GottHasstMich thats all
00:31:41edgarass lets ff?
00:31:46Buttons have
00:31:46XXL got
00:31:47XXL ult
00:31:48XXL so push
00:31:49sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:50XXL i come
00:31:52edgarass I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:57edgarass type ff
00:31:59edgarass rex
00:32:21Buttons easte
00:32:23Buttons waste
00:32:24sebralane overkill
00:33:17mxL- mix jahtaa jotain rexx kui tuol on tiimitaistelu
00:33:27siemenlinko siel oli roof
00:33:32siemenlinko se ois pitäny tuhoo
00:33:44mxL- puhin mix toi xxl jahtaa rexx ku pitiäis olla tiimitaistelus
00:33:52siemenlinko nii
00:33:55Doomy rofl
00:34:02Doomy nice escape
00:34:03edgarass could u cut trees before idiot?
00:34:16Verthas iwas busy with wd fag
00:34:20mxL- push bot
00:34:27sebralane wd ulti goes thru bkb?
00:34:28GottHasstMich ur busy with ur lowskills
00:34:29GottHasstMich thats all
00:34:29Banana gather
00:34:38Verthas ok im fine with that lol
00:34:50Buttons that is the difference
00:34:50GottHasstMich just dont play here
00:34:51GottHasstMich thats all
00:34:53GottHasstMich stay in bet
00:34:59Verthas i want to learn
00:35:05GottHasstMich learn@ bnet
00:35:07Buttons want to learn - watch some replays first
00:35:16Verthas and i dont give a shit about u
00:35:20GottHasstMich why u rambo
00:35:22GottHasstMich thats far out of town
00:35:23GottHasstMich tell me
00:35:24edgarass gj all fuyckimg ifdiots mid
00:35:27edgarass why u dont help[
00:35:34Buttons cancelled tp as mistake
00:35:35mxL- lets push
00:35:35edgarass thats why we loose cauise always fight 2v5
00:35:37Verthas il;l play where eever i want
00:35:43edgarass mort for fuck sakes
00:35:45sebralane A:D:Dd
00:35:50GottHasstMich u fucked it with ur go
00:35:51sebralane this rexxar is best
00:35:52edgarass play with team not where u can idiot
00:35:56edgarass its gc not fucking garena
00:36:37edgarass I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:48edgarass rex why the fuck u need vlad?
00:37:00Buttons least he supports pa
00:37:09edgarass yeah bnig support
00:37:22Verthas so what you would have done
00:37:28Buttons blink
00:37:29Buttons aghs
00:37:29siemenlinko -ms
00:37:31mxL- oltais voitu voittaa helposti 27min kohalla
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