Game #3118832

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-36 X
+2 TS

91% | 1571 X | 1491 TS

+6 X
+2 TS

82% | 1473 X | 1400 TS

+24 X
+5 TS

79% | 1406 X | 1425 TS

+45 X
+2 TS

72% | 1339 X | 1394 TS

+47 X
+2 TS

50% | 1169 X | 1324 TS

-17 X
-3 TS

85% | 1468 X | 1458 TS

-27 X
-3 TS

85% | 1527 X | 1381 TS

-28 X
-3 TS

71% | 1376 X | 1394 TS

+7 X
-4 TS

74% | 1381 X | 1386 TS

-11 X
-13 TS

63% | 1292 X | 1329 TS

Chat log

00:00:03BeSt0ned jesus^^
00:00:03curdi -ap
00:00:04Maier ap
00:00:04Timu oeh sebra
00:00:04Soulyah -ap
00:00:10sebralane las timu solob alla ma l2hen metsa
00:00:10TheyCallMeHaci i dont open ur chick
00:00:11Timu niimodi sa respecti siin kommuunis küll ei saa
00:00:18BeSt0ned xD
00:00:19BeSt0ned sad^^
00:00:33-ToKe- troll bot
00:00:40Soulyah no
00:00:41TheyCallMeHaci lol no farm bot
00:00:43-ToKe- jama
00:00:44Soulyah troll needs farm
00:00:48Soulyah lion troll top
00:00:51XXL cent
00:00:53XXL retard
00:00:53Maier share
00:00:53Soulyah besides
00:00:54Maier -ii
00:00:54XXL go otp
00:00:55Maier -water red
00:00:55-ToKe- ei meeldi bot lane eriti :D
00:00:56Maier -weather rain
00:00:57XXL top*
00:00:58Soulyah its always good
00:01:01Soulyah when we have 2 stronger picks
00:01:01sebralane ban pls
00:01:03Soulyah on botlane
00:01:03BeSt0ned me bot?
00:01:03Maier SHARE
00:01:03Soulyah :)
00:01:05Strom well let him be woods if he wants to
00:01:05BeSt0ned or toip?
00:01:05Maier top
00:01:06Soulyah lion top
00:01:06Maier lion
00:01:08XXL -.-
00:01:12XXL what ever
00:01:13Timu moar xp for me
00:01:14Timu np
00:01:17sebralane strom banni 2ra see lits
00:01:18-ToKe- tra neil nii tangid kõik on
00:01:18TheyCallMeHaci why not trilance bot ?
00:01:18XXL true
00:01:19Maier clock sebi warde kohe kui saad
00:01:21Maier ma teen sama
00:01:30-ToKe- mis warde?
00:01:33XXL still dont believe 50%
00:01:34XXL :p
00:01:35-ToKe- miks*
00:01:35Maier obs
00:01:39sebralane wats dat?
00:01:40Maier wardid võidavad pelasid
00:01:42Maier mees
00:01:46sebralane clock downsolo?
00:01:47Maier sebra might woods
00:01:49-ToKe- mitte kui ma neid teen
00:01:51-ToKe- :D
00:02:02XXL i pull still
00:02:15sebralane dun this soo "bro"
00:02:18sebralane think
00:02:19BeSt0ned troll
00:02:21Soulyah fb top?
00:02:21TheyCallMeHaci lion lvl up stun and chick
00:02:21BeSt0ned me pulling?
00:02:25Maier go fb top yea
00:02:25XXL fb?
00:02:26TheyCallMeHaci k
00:02:28BeSt0ned ofc
00:02:29XXL strom slow=?
00:02:32curdi ss
00:02:33TheyCallMeHaci lion
00:02:33TheyCallMeHaci fb
00:02:36Strom nope
00:02:43-ToKe- 3
00:02:43Soulyah k they know
00:02:45Timu pink up
00:03:39-ToKe- ss cent
00:04:01TheyCallMeHaci kill
00:04:09BeSt0ned let me 3 pls
00:04:27Maier TÜRA
00:04:28XXL oh
00:04:59TheyCallMeHaci wait
00:05:00TheyCallMeHaci lvl 4
00:05:05TheyCallMeHaci gogo
00:05:21Soulyah ss
00:05:23BeSt0ned n1
00:05:24sebralane nab
00:05:24TheyCallMeHaci gj
00:05:36BeSt0ned btw im stoned xDD
00:05:48TheyCallMeHaci ?
00:05:49TheyCallMeHaci u mean ?
00:05:53BeSt0ned high^^
00:05:54XXL rdy soon?
00:05:57Strom always
00:05:59XXL :D
00:06:02-ToKe- ma arvan et sa võid gangima minna
00:06:05Maier no nii vittus lane
00:06:05sebralane lets gou goi
00:06:09Maier ei lähe ma kuskile
00:06:10Maier :D
00:06:12Maier loll oled ?
00:06:23-ToKe- sa saaks rohkem lvl ja ma ka
00:06:24TheyCallMeHaci stun
00:06:36Soulyah ss
00:06:54TheyCallMeHaci go
00:06:54Timu great
00:06:54sebralane muidugi
00:06:54Soulyah lag?
00:07:11TheyCallMeHaci spul ?
00:07:16Soulyah dnoS
00:07:17Soulyah :S
00:07:35XXL uhm
00:07:40XXL my bad
00:07:44Maier hea
00:07:45Timu ffs
00:07:48-ToKe- ok ikka omame :D
00:07:52Soulyah hes dead
00:08:06curdi well i cant win vs axe mid
00:08:06BeSt0ned ^^
00:08:12-ToKe- tnx
00:08:42Soulyah got no call
00:08:45Soulyah go
00:08:51-ToKe- next
00:09:43TheyCallMeHaci b
00:09:58sebralane !ff
00:10:16Maier MISS
00:10:21XXL clock
00:10:33TheyCallMeHaci 3 top
00:10:37Soulyah tp
00:10:37BeSt0ned mana like a god
00:10:38Soulyah top
00:10:38Soulyah 1
00:10:42BeSt0ned pudge goes b
00:10:58-ToKe- see voni niiga homo
00:11:01-ToKe- veno*
00:11:06sebralane 2ra
00:11:08sebralane ma deay
00:11:24Maier dude
00:11:24Timu ära puutu mind :D
00:11:25Maier lion
00:11:25Maier ffs
00:11:26Maier stop
00:11:27BeSt0ned <3
00:11:28XXL need
00:11:28sebralane oleks tahtnud sind 2ra tappa :/(
00:11:29BeSt0ned _P
00:11:29Maier i need my manaboots
00:11:29XXL gank bot
00:11:31XXL pudge
00:11:32Timu nägin jah
00:12:00Maier i got veno slow
00:12:01Soulyah CANT PLAY
00:12:03Soulyah WITH THIS LAG
00:12:09curdi who to blame
00:12:13Soulyah I saw the hook coming miles away
00:12:14Soulyah hero wont move
00:12:26Soulyah stick
00:12:27Soulyah troll
00:12:27XXL omg
00:12:30XXL got 8
00:12:32TheyCallMeHaci did
00:12:33XXL charges
00:12:35XXL on stick
00:12:41XXL and was too slow
00:12:42XXL .-
00:12:47XXL i was*
00:12:55BeSt0ned top
00:12:57BeSt0ned cent farm
00:13:16Timu võtame selle trolli maha
00:13:46-ToKe- mine munni ksus ee hoor tuli
00:14:08Soulyah :D:D
00:14:09sebralane tal haste
00:14:10Soulyah 0 tps
00:14:10Maier miks :D
00:14:13TheyCallMeHaci iam dead
00:14:14Soulyah TRA TAPAME *RA
00:14:15Soulyah OMg
00:14:54Soulyah go
00:14:55XXL how troll can be 9
00:14:55TheyCallMeHaci cd
00:14:56TheyCallMeHaci tp
00:14:57Maier kohe mana
00:14:59Soulyah :D:D:Dd
00:15:02Soulyah issand see lion
00:15:03Soulyah :DD:D
00:15:05Strom 5 kills
00:15:05BeSt0ned lol
00:15:06Timu pretty much soplod
00:15:18BeSt0ned blind
00:15:32sebralane no e i sure
00:16:03-ToKe- hook oli cds -.-
00:16:14Strom b slard
00:16:21-ToKe- nomana
00:16:21XXL yep
00:16:37XXL where this
00:16:40XXL lion came
00:16:44BeSt0ned sry
00:16:45Timu slard wth were u doing
00:16:47-ToKe- push
00:16:53XXL cant know without wards
00:16:56Timu why didnt u go on troll in the first placve
00:16:56XXL that lion comes
00:17:05XXL so low hp
00:17:07XXL he could kill me
00:17:09TheyCallMeHaci b
00:17:09XXL easily
00:17:09TheyCallMeHaci i
00:17:12Soulyah who gangs
00:17:13Soulyah with me
00:17:14Timu he would be one shot
00:17:18XXL nop
00:17:19TheyCallMeHaci lion ?
00:17:20Maier mina
00:17:21Timu with me y
00:17:24BeSt0ned try top
00:17:41XXL come hook
00:17:48TheyCallMeHaci no lothar right ?
00:17:50Soulyah gjgj
00:17:59TheyCallMeHaci soul ?
00:18:02Soulyah naw
00:18:04TheyCallMeHaci what should i buy ?
00:18:05Maier tra rubick on nii lebo hero D
00:18:06BeSt0ned bkb^^
00:18:06Soulyah bkb
00:18:14Maier OOTA
00:18:19Soulyah ?
00:18:19Maier annad ?
00:18:22Maier mul mana low
00:18:23Soulyah v6ta
00:18:28Maier ah putsi
00:18:29Maier pudelisse ju
00:18:30Maier oleks
00:18:31Maier võinud
00:18:33Soulyah je
00:18:34Soulyah suva
00:18:57-ToKe- nahui see crobe igale poole ronib -.-
00:18:58TheyCallMeHaci no tp
00:19:00curdi kinda bad game for me
00:19:10XXL np
00:19:11Maier tra
00:19:13Maier hotkeyd
00:19:13Soulyah perse
00:19:14Maier lähevad
00:19:15Maier meelest
00:19:16Soulyah no
00:19:17Maier igast spellidel
00:19:19Soulyah see lion kadund
00:19:20XXL same
00:19:21XXL for me
00:19:23Soulyah clock kadund
00:19:31Timu at least sebra killing spree
00:19:34Soulyah surevad kuskil
00:19:35sebralane teen blinki v hoodi?
00:19:39-ToKe- üleval killisime
00:19:41Soulyah selle asemel et 4jkesi angida
00:19:45sebralane sebra is pro
00:19:47sebralane np
00:19:50Strom blink kasuks
00:19:54TheyCallMeHaci lion
00:19:55TheyCallMeHaci come
00:19:55Timu y
00:19:59Strom sebra was saved by me
00:20:03sebralane hood oleks unkillable tho
00:20:03Strom and you guys should tp to help also
00:20:06Strom when they gang near towers
00:20:15-ToKe- kill
00:20:21TheyCallMeHaci omg
00:20:22TheyCallMeHaci rubick
00:20:22TheyCallMeHaci u
00:20:26TheyCallMeHaci had like 5 sec
00:20:27TheyCallMeHaci to stun
00:20:30Timu wtf pudge
00:20:33Timu why did u wait so long
00:20:34Maier siulenced
00:20:38TheyCallMeHaci nbo
00:20:39TheyCallMeHaci you
00:20:44TheyCallMeHaci was silence after many sec
00:20:49TheyCallMeHaci you could disalbe
00:20:49Maier no
00:20:52TheyCallMeHaci yes u could
00:20:53curdi wasnt sure how many of them were coming
00:20:54Maier useless
00:20:58curdi looks like it was their whole team
00:21:05XXL 3?
00:21:07XXL whot
00:21:09XXL what*
00:21:13XXL saw 2
00:21:15XXL uhm
00:21:21XXL rlyu
00:21:23XXL not my game
00:21:35Strom well we need you to carry
00:21:37Strom so make it yours
00:21:38Timu snap out of it then
00:21:40XXL kk
00:21:41XXL i farm
00:21:42XXL then
00:21:43Soulyah go all
00:21:56XXL get
00:21:56XXL him
00:22:03-ToKe- tlen
00:22:05XXL now
00:22:06XXL come
00:22:15XXL ss
00:22:23-ToKe- minge munni -.-
00:22:31TheyCallMeHaci go when i come
00:22:42BeSt0ned deny
00:22:43BeSt0ned thx
00:23:00Maier i want pudge hook :D
00:23:03Maier and krobe ulti
00:23:05Maier o.O
00:23:06BeSt0ned xD
00:23:10curdi thought i hooked krobe
00:23:15curdi dunno
00:23:16Timu imo u did
00:23:19Maier -ms
00:23:20Timu but
00:23:24BeSt0ned rubick is a asshole hero^^
00:23:26Timu i couldnt understand what was happening after
00:23:28Maier true that
00:23:41sebralane dagger kah
00:23:53Strom 3 top
00:23:57Maier andsid ära
00:23:59Maier positioni
00:23:59Timu go def
00:24:10Strom need backup top
00:24:15sebralane gogo
00:24:16sebralane blink
00:24:18Soulyah ei saa noh
00:24:19Soulyah Lag
00:25:48sebralane mine pesee
00:25:53sebralane nahhui ma blinkida ei saanud
00:25:58Soulyah b
00:26:00Timu mini stunnid vb
00:26:06sebralane l2bi oli juba
00:26:07sebralane tra
00:26:08-ToKe- fuck that cent is tank :D
00:26:10sebralane we need pipe?
00:26:12Soulyah b
00:26:42XXL was oom
00:26:43XXL -.-
00:26:51Soulyah target krob
00:26:54Maier tra nii raske igast ultisid saada
00:27:04XXL he ahd rune or he got lothar?
00:27:10sebralane rune
00:27:13XXL okay
00:27:23sebralane he has pt vang abd bottle
00:27:27XXL okay
00:27:49curdi 4 wards on lion
00:27:57curdi we could sentry them away soon
00:28:08Timu inc
00:28:38Maier we need wards
00:28:40Maier lion
00:28:44BeSt0ned where?
00:28:50Maier everywhere
00:28:53Maier :D
00:28:56BeSt0ned blink it^^
00:28:58-ToKe- cent fat -.-
00:29:04Timu troll roshing
00:29:06sebralane goddamn im fat
00:29:09Timu go see?
00:29:20-ToKe- y
00:29:25-ToKe- need all
00:29:40Soulyah remember
00:29:42Soulyah kil krobe
00:30:08TheyCallMeHaci oom
00:30:36Strom rax
00:30:37-ToKe- liiga tangid
00:30:41curdi zzzz
00:30:41Soulyah dont fucking target cent
00:30:42Soulyah plz
00:30:42TheyCallMeHaci I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:30:44sebralane seems like sebrawin too me
00:30:49curdi so bad pudge play <.(
00:31:02TheyCallMeHaci go stun
00:31:38Soulyah ms?
00:31:39Soulyah -ms
00:31:47sebralane :D
00:31:50sebralane u kiddng me? :d
00:31:53XXL :DDD
00:32:00Timu sup
00:32:03Soulyah MIDA VITTU MIS S MS ON
00:32:07Timu -ms
00:32:10Timu 406 :D
00:32:25Soulyah lifesteal now troll
00:32:28sebralane kas ma teen pipe vöö
00:32:28TheyCallMeHaci ye
00:32:30Strom lets push mid again
00:32:31sebralane või ac?
00:32:37Strom tee ac
00:32:40Timu mul pipe
00:32:41XXL i do
00:32:42XXL ac
00:33:01sebralane i get shiva then
00:33:10Maier they can keep pushing
00:33:14Strom we should kill some of them
00:33:16Strom and push mid raxes down
00:33:17XXL yep
00:33:17Strom no tower
00:33:23Soulyah we just have to klll krob
00:33:43curdi need ward
00:34:13Strom lets take mid raxes imo
00:34:13sebralane oleks pidanud hoti tegema tegelt ennem
00:34:18Strom sebralane, ei
00:34:20Strom armor parem
00:34:23TheyCallMeHaci care hook
00:34:24Maier wtf
00:34:28Strom armor annab rohkem EHP kui hot sulle
00:35:07Soulyah I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:35:12Maier ei saand sitta
00:35:22Strom don't chase
00:35:23Strom take rax
00:35:29Maier FAKING LAGH
00:35:31TheyCallMeHaci care hook
00:35:31Maier MINE VITTU
00:35:34TheyCallMeHaci and you stand ther
00:35:36TheyCallMeHaci gj rubick
00:35:37Strom rax and b
00:35:40Maier I HAD LAG
00:35:42Maier FFS
00:35:43Strom we need outer towers from other lanes
00:35:58Timu take rosh
00:35:59Timu sebra
00:36:00Timu tule
00:36:03XXL i take
00:36:03XXL it
00:36:14Timu tra
00:36:19-ToKe- go
00:36:21BeSt0ned all got lags
00:36:21BeSt0ned ^^
00:36:29Strom they coming for rosh
00:36:43curdi I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:47curdi fucking shit game
00:37:22Strom why take rosh so carelessly
00:37:28Timu well if sebra had come
00:37:30Timu we would have it
00:37:35Timu and if pudge had come as well
00:37:42curdi what would i help
00:37:45curdi i do no mdg
00:37:46Timu iddint think it was me and slar
00:37:46curdi dmg
00:37:50Timu u don enough
00:38:05TheyCallMeHaci how can we win ?
00:38:07Soulyah kas v6in lahkuda?
00:38:10Soulyah nii unplayable
00:38:12Soulyah pean formati tegema
00:38:13Soulyah :D
00:38:13Strom lets push outer lanes
00:38:49Strom lets jusp uhs top
00:39:07TheyCallMeHaci t
00:39:09-ToKe- I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:39:11Maier I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:39:12XXL i def bot?
00:39:15Strom no
00:39:17TheyCallMeHaci last fight
00:39:18Strom how about we take top tower
00:39:19Soulyah ye
00:39:19Soulyah go
00:39:21XXL dunno
00:39:23XXL got half
00:39:24XXL hp s
00:39:25Soulyah kill krob
00:39:29Strom ....
00:39:30Soulyah i cant
00:39:35Soulyah sss
00:40:13TheyCallMeHaci ff clock
00:40:13Soulyah go ff
00:40:14TheyCallMeHaci gj
00:40:17TheyCallMeHaci ifuckin looked
00:40:18TheyCallMeHaci at you
00:40:23TheyCallMeHaci I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:40:28TheyCallMeHaci last one ff
00:40:30BeSt0ned why you moved him 2 me? xD
00:40:32Maier I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:40:32BeSt0ned I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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