Game #3091379

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-40 X
-1 TS

86% | 1438 X | 1514 TS

-10 X
-4 TS

50% | 1246 X | 1247 TS

-35 X
-1 TS

46% | 1143 X | 1308 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

23% | 1057 X | 1189 TS

-29 X
-2 TS

13% | 906 X | 1229 TS

+17 X
+1 TS

94% | 1592 X | 1524 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

39% | 1078 X | 1315 TS

+43 X
+5 TS

32% | 1084 X | 1247 TS

+43 X
+1 TS

28% | 1017 X | 1285 TS

+10 X
+29 TS

NEW | 1076 X | 1098 TS

Chat log

00:00:15valiante fucking boring pool
00:00:15Banana pakkenizer wommanizer .. viimased päevad?
00:00:15Banana esmasp minek?
00:00:15Aleks875 why not AP
00:00:15Aleks875 always stupid rd
00:00:15Banana why should
00:00:15Aleks875 boring
00:00:15moods cause 7 guys voted xd
00:00:15valiante because more people likes rd
00:00:15VictoriaJrocks ud
00:00:15Aleks875 all time rd
00:00:15valiante as simple as that
00:00:15Banana ar ftw
00:00:15valiante ns
00:00:26JasonStatham mby win ?
00:00:30VictoriaJrocks :p easily
00:00:45Aleks875 let me mid
00:00:52moods me mid medusa pls
00:00:53valiante k
00:00:55Aleks875 ty
00:00:57VictoriaJrocks medusa uh
00:01:02VictoriaJrocks worst hero
00:01:05VictoriaJrocks in pool
00:01:05moods not
00:01:07VictoriaJrocks no help in over 30min
00:01:08VictoriaJrocks to team
00:01:10Aleks875 I play this hero good
00:01:12valiante these heroes are thanks
00:01:18valiante tide, sven, abbadon veno
00:01:23valiante skele king bot
00:01:24OrokuSaki sk
00:01:24VictoriaJrocks you should be ashamed
00:01:33moods :D
00:01:41VictoriaJrocks mid hero that cant gank makes me so angry
00:01:43JasonStatham tiny last?
00:01:50moods u wanna mid?
00:01:52VictoriaJrocks no
00:01:55valiante last pick get tide or abba
00:01:58JasonStatham shit we got romeo:D
00:01:58VictoriaJrocks that would be selfish
00:02:01moods :D
00:02:04moods but u can gank
00:02:05Jerkku tide
00:02:06BACKENiZER- banaan ei fiidi!
00:02:09valiante venno
00:02:10Romeo y you lose :D
00:02:11valiante come top
00:02:12Banana nope
00:02:16BACKENiZER- mul hea 5ne winning streak prealt
00:02:17BACKENiZER- xD
00:02:17valiante ?
00:02:18Banana ok
00:02:29valiante abbadon sk bot
00:02:52valiante ?
00:02:53valiante ward it
00:02:53valiante ?
00:02:54valiante legion
00:02:56valiante help the team
00:03:06valiante fb top
00:03:08valiante ok veno
00:03:08valiante ?
00:03:15Jerkku i can pull
00:03:24Banana k
00:03:25Banana k
00:03:35valiante sven
00:03:39Jerkku u pull?
00:03:40VictoriaJrocks im melee i pull
00:03:57valiante excellent
00:04:01VictoriaJrocks dont feed naix
00:04:13Romeo please come to kill him fast
00:04:21Romeo =]
00:04:23VictoriaJrocks this hero is useless until level 6
00:04:34moods ss mid
00:04:34Jerkku kinda
00:04:49moods re
00:05:24JasonStatham switch lanes
00:05:26Aleks875 kill necro
00:05:38moods ss mid
00:05:41OrokuSaki sk
00:05:42OrokuSaki ?
00:05:45OrokuSaki stun him
00:05:55Aleks875 abadon
00:06:00Aleks875 u scare him
00:06:03Banana ss2
00:06:09OrokuSaki dono why no stun
00:06:17BACKENiZER- cos he was too far?
00:06:40Jerkku lol
00:06:40JasonStatham fuck this
00:06:44JasonStatham il go bot
00:06:44valiante why not just hit him once?
00:06:46VictoriaJrocks do it
00:06:46Banana wtf
00:06:49JasonStatham ty
00:06:50VictoriaJrocks let medus afarm
00:06:59valiante u slow 10%
00:07:09Romeo so 1 kill give him at least 200
00:07:14Banana smth vent wrong
00:07:31Romeo ho did it ?
00:07:39Romeo or i cancel
00:07:49VictoriaJrocks not me that i can say
00:07:52moods lol
00:07:53moods gimme
00:08:01VictoriaJrocks you got mana?
00:08:10VictoriaJrocks from bush
00:08:11VictoriaJrocks from bush
00:08:11VictoriaJrocks from bush
00:08:12VictoriaJrocks from bush
00:08:25valiante ss
00:08:29OrokuSaki bot ss
00:09:08VictoriaJrocks just ping and i tp
00:09:14VictoriaJrocks just get medusa time to get fat : D
00:09:24moods ss mid
00:10:01valiante gj
00:10:01Jerkku tusk go b
00:10:07moods ss mid
00:10:54moods ss mid
00:11:11VictoriaJrocks stay b sven
00:11:14valiante anyone wanna up
00:11:21valiante chick?
00:11:24VictoriaJrocks dont leave tower
00:11:26JasonStatham come bot
00:11:28JasonStatham kill
00:11:29VictoriaJrocks before naix and mid shows up
00:11:34Jerkku im oom
00:11:44JasonStatham come near me ?
00:11:50VictoriaJrocks go abba
00:11:56VictoriaJrocks FUCK YOU Tuskar
00:11:59VictoriaJrocks YOU RUINED ALL
00:12:00VictoriaJrocks FUCK YOU
00:12:06VictoriaJrocks wtfis wrong with you
00:12:07VictoriaJrocks F
00:12:08JasonStatham how?
00:12:13VictoriaJrocks SEE MY ULTIS THERE?
00:12:16OrokuSaki 3 gbot
00:12:17VictoriaJrocks 360 dam
00:12:19VictoriaJrocks plus shackle
00:12:21Aleks875 mid ss
00:12:23VictoriaJrocks i could immobilized them
00:12:36JasonStatham ok
00:12:48valiante flying?
00:12:55Aleks875 w8 me
00:13:00valiante no
00:13:21moods -.-
00:13:23moods naix and veno mid
00:13:31Jerkku should i go manaboots?
00:13:33Jerkku or
00:13:34VictoriaJrocks sure
00:13:36moods y mana boots
00:13:39VictoriaJrocks dont pickm edusa ever again on my team
00:13:40VictoriaJrocks so useless hero
00:13:44Jerkku agree
00:13:46VictoriaJrocks we have to suffer 30min
00:13:48Jerkku so useless to 40 min
00:13:51VictoriaJrocks because you cant do anyrhing
00:14:03Aleks875 leo idiot
00:14:12BACKENiZER- idd
00:14:20VictoriaJrocks go farm top medusa
00:14:25VictoriaJrocks def bot rest
00:14:27Jerkku gank bot
00:14:49valiante imba
00:14:50valiante :D
00:15:20valiante im oom
00:15:24VictoriaJrocks regen
00:15:28VictoriaJrocks please go regne
00:15:30VictoriaJrocks necro
00:16:08VictoriaJrocks need stunners
00:16:43VictoriaJrocks why you still bot ;O
00:16:53VictoriaJrocks fail tp
00:17:09BACKENiZER- norm lox:D
00:18:24valiante why not duel BLUE?!
00:18:32BACKENiZER- scared
00:18:41Aleks875 cose i didnt see himn
00:18:53VictoriaJrocks i have 6cs
00:18:56VictoriaJrocks -cs
00:20:29valiante b
00:20:38Jerkku btw
00:20:39valiante i got maelstrom in 1 sec
00:20:40Jerkku romeo
00:20:41Jerkku share
00:20:42valiante then we gather
00:20:42Jerkku ?
00:20:43VictoriaJrocks you should have picked better carry than medusa :(
00:20:51Romeo someone use me 2 times
00:20:58Jerkku i have flying
00:21:05Jerkku for nothing there
00:21:27valiante ok
00:21:29valiante u guys ready?
00:21:32Banana yeye
00:22:08Jerkku we can ff at 25
00:22:15JasonStatham useles hero medusa ret
00:22:23VictoriaJrocks medusa ruined this so bad
00:22:54VictoriaJrocks you serious :D
00:23:00valiante b
00:23:24valiante ur hero
00:23:26valiante can move so far
00:23:34valiante smae shit as fucking phoenix
00:23:40VictoriaJrocks yea
00:23:47VictoriaJrocks except im invulnerable and can proc stuff :D
00:23:51valiante :D
00:24:06VictoriaJrocks this hero is so low skill i like it
00:24:11valiante :D
00:24:15valiante kinda like luna
00:24:16VictoriaJrocks just use 2/3 remnants and save 1 for escaping
00:24:16valiante ;)
00:24:30valiante guys
00:24:32valiante lets go bot
00:24:33VictoriaJrocks well naix is low skill too :D
00:24:36valiante very
00:24:37VictoriaJrocks i like it too
00:24:37valiante :D
00:24:54VictoriaJrocks almost impossible to stop naix from farming
00:25:06valiante it is
00:25:10valiante hes good
00:25:13VictoriaJrocks opposite of medusa
00:25:15VictoriaJrocks so easy to stop farming
00:25:19VictoriaJrocks and medusa cant gank
00:26:17JasonStatham fucking meedusa pointless hero
00:26:27JasonStatham zero team help:D
00:27:13valiante -cs
00:28:33JasonStatham ff?
00:28:39Jerkku I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:33VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:37Romeo f
00:29:38Romeo I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:40JasonStatham i surrender!
00:29:52JasonStatham medusa ff
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks i so wanted to win this
00:30:21valiante hehe why
00:30:22valiante :D
00:30:39VictoriaJrocks because i have lost like 150x today
00:30:50VictoriaJrocks though i know it was lost after medusa was picked
00:30:54Jerkku gorgon carrys this np
00:30:57Jerkku :D
00:31:25BACKENiZER- banaan, kooriti paljaks?
00:32:02JasonStatham sven b
00:32:03VictoriaJrocks :D skeleton king got pretty cocky
00:32:14valiante :P
00:32:14BACKENiZER- ?:D
00:32:18VictoriaJrocks went past tower
00:32:27VictoriaJrocks against 4 heroes
00:32:30BACKENiZER- oh I just didnt notice that my teammates left
00:32:31BACKENiZER- :D:D
00:32:37BACKENiZER- they were just there
00:32:41BACKENiZER- they were just there
00:32:50valiante lets go
00:32:57BACKENiZER- so its nothing to do with my 'cockyness'
00:33:08VictoriaJrocks crazy damage
00:33:12JasonStatham surrender please
00:33:13JasonStatham its gg
00:33:15JasonStatham fucking moods
00:33:16JasonStatham I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:19valiante open
00:33:51Jerkku force staff rocks in this game
00:33:54Jerkku so much slow
00:34:18OrokuSaki oom
00:34:40JasonStatham ff please
00:35:17JasonStatham moods u really suck:D
00:35:18VictoriaJrocks this medusa doesnt ff even though he lost the game :D
00:35:24valiante b
00:35:25valiante b
00:35:50Aleks875 meduza pl;ay good at mid
00:35:56VictoriaJrocks the HERO is useless
00:35:59JasonStatham hero is useless
00:36:03VictoriaJrocks he has done nothing for team so far
00:36:05valiante true
00:36:14VictoriaJrocks except take all far
00:36:16VictoriaJrocks m
00:36:40BACKENiZER- wp aleksei
00:36:50VictoriaJrocks nothing wrong with the player
00:37:03Aleks875 ya ne aleksei lol
00:37:11BACKENiZER- a ya pohhui
00:37:13valiante go rosh
00:37:21Aleks875 i j daun
00:37:30Aleks875 daunam vse poh
00:37:36BACKENiZER- tixo
00:38:17valiante my hat is so big lol
00:38:23OrokuSaki lol
00:38:23VictoriaJrocks :D
00:38:28OrokuSaki mines tiny
00:38:31VictoriaJrocks your items are ridicilous
00:38:34VictoriaJrocks for 35min
00:38:52valiante this is why i love naix
00:38:57valiante treads armlet 10 - 11 min every time
00:39:45VictoriaJrocks gotta regen mana
00:39:54valiante stun blue
00:39:58valiante ok?
00:40:32valiante it doesnt cost mana either?
00:40:35valiante and no cooldown?
00:40:35VictoriaJrocks it costs
00:40:39VictoriaJrocks i got mana from your slow :D
00:40:42VictoriaJrocks 100 mana to jump
00:40:45VictoriaJrocks 0 to shoot
00:40:48VictoriaJrocks 30s cd per spirit
00:40:51VictoriaJrocks 3 max
00:41:27JasonStatham ff please allready
00:41:31JasonStatham wasting time here
00:41:48VictoriaJrocks silence?
00:42:07JasonStatham I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:07JasonStatham I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:08JasonStatham I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:11valiante 5 k
00:42:12valiante :D
00:42:12JasonStatham moods why ??
00:42:14Romeo I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:19JasonStatham whats ur problem?
00:42:20VictoriaJrocks hes such an asshole
00:42:20JasonStatham cant ff?
00:42:25VictoriaJrocks its the only anser
00:42:26VictoriaJrocks answer
00:42:30VictoriaJrocks ruins the game for all and doesnt ff
00:42:46JasonStatham ret
00:43:04OrokuSaki gggggggggg
00:43:09VictoriaJrocks bad game
00:43:11valiante gg
00:43:31moods I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:36JasonStatham FAG MOODS
00:43:48moods nc
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