Game #3087039

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+3 X
-2 TS

82% | 1475 X | 1406 TS

+15 X
-10 TS

79% | 1431 X | 1386 TS

-2 X
-5 TS

49% | 1160 X | 1326 TS

-5 X
-11 TS

33% | 1140 X | 1194 TS

-10 X
-3 TS

31% | 1045 X | 1274 TS

-30 X
+2 TS

82% | 1392 X | 1496 TS

+30 X
+1 TS

70% | 1324 X | 1385 TS

+19 X
+2 TS

58% | 1262 X | 1326 TS

-14 X
+2 TS

51% | 1215 X | 1300 TS

+7 X
+39 TS

16% | 1033 X | 1122 TS

Chat log

00:00:02N2xy -ap
00:00:02PinaryB -ap
00:00:02N2xy go
00:00:02NeverbACKdOwn -xd
00:00:02Idx -ap
00:00:02NeverbACKdOwn newplayer
00:00:02NeverbACKdOwn ffs
00:00:03KiG -ii
00:00:03moods -.-
00:00:03PinaryB its 4 4
00:00:06Idx its 4 ap 4 xd so we decided
00:00:19NeverbACKdOwn go am
00:00:21NeverbACKdOwn someone?
00:00:23PinaryB cree
00:00:26Idx need lots of stun
00:00:29Idx if some1 could tree
00:00:30PinaryB stronk carryplayer
00:00:30Idx warlock
00:00:32Idx es
00:00:33Idx or smth
00:00:34creeeeeee pfff
00:00:39creeeeeee why i have to play boring heros
00:00:42NeverbACKdOwn ma voin
00:00:43NeverbACKdOwn ise
00:00:44NeverbACKdOwn ka am
00:00:44NeverbACKdOwn pelada
00:01:04creeeeeee game has to be fun
00:01:06mamyka this is ap?
00:01:08creeeeeee whats the point either
00:01:14PinaryB whos mid?
00:01:26creeeeeee i'll take that spot
00:01:31NeverbACKdOwn im top
00:01:33KiG check mines
00:01:36NeverbACKdOwn cap
00:01:39NeverbACKdOwn send one bot
00:01:39PinaryB y
00:01:39NeverbACKdOwn pls
00:01:40creeeeeee magina top with lock yea
00:01:44PinaryB sure
00:01:54creeeeeee no kas seekord tuleb ära n2xy
00:01:58N2xy ei tea
00:02:00Idx -random
00:02:00N2xy ühe kora tuli
00:02:01N2xy :D:D
00:02:04NeverbACKdOwn :d
00:02:05NeverbACKdOwn techies
00:02:06creeeeeee võiks ju :D
00:02:06PinaryB viimased korrad n2xy techiesed suht head olnud
00:02:08Bollitsch omg phönix...
00:02:16creeeeeee PLZ firstblood
00:02:18j22koer mined
00:02:18N2xy tyra
00:02:19N2xy nägi
00:02:19N2xy es
00:02:21N2xy ta seal
00:02:32creeeeeee ssmid
00:02:32moods aa mid?
00:02:40Bollitsch ^^
00:02:46mamyka wow
00:02:48mamyka okle
00:02:51Bollitsch ss
00:05:28moods top is kinda freefarm am
00:05:43Idx techiues planting mines
00:05:48KiG ok
00:05:59Idx dont take bot rune
00:06:01KiG oom , just 1 spell
00:06:02KiG atm
00:06:05Idx unless you get the mines first
00:06:11PinaryB ss bot
00:06:32KiG rdy
00:06:40N2xy ilus
00:06:42N2xy ö
00:06:46PinaryB es still es
00:06:49KiG when pushed
00:06:50moods still top
00:06:52N2xy rune top
00:07:06KiG OOO
00:07:08creeeeeee pole
00:07:20creeeeeee cent also mid
00:07:27KiG my fly diddnt work
00:07:32Bollitsch nice nice
00:07:39creeeeeee 2 miss mid
00:07:40creeeeeee careee
00:07:41creeeeeee to
00:07:42creeeeeee p
00:07:45PinaryB es miss again
00:07:46creeeeeee 1re
00:07:46PinaryB care
00:07:51PinaryB re
00:08:35KiG i can ulti
00:09:07mamyka ss PUDGE
00:09:20creeeeeee all lies
00:09:35moods am still freefarm top :D
00:09:37j22koer n1
00:09:41KiG nice es
00:09:57KiG crap
00:09:58NeverbACKdOwn mul 50 cs
00:10:01NeverbACKdOwn freefarm
00:10:03KiG i didnt get urn chages
00:10:04N2xy goodi
00:10:05PinaryB this means hope
00:10:22Bollitsch oom
00:10:30Idx aa gank
00:10:33Idx dont go mid
00:10:37mamyka oke
00:10:43N2xy metsa
00:10:44N2xy cent
00:10:47KiG stun teechies
00:10:52N2xy saan enesetappu teha
00:10:55Bollitsch ss morph
00:11:16mamyka care pudge
00:11:17creeeeeee vaatasin läheb ikka hundi järgi
00:11:42Idx ffs
00:11:47mamyka ffs haste
00:11:52KiG e
00:11:52mamyka and no one come
00:11:53mamyka fff
00:11:58Idx ur fucking 0 4 in 8 mins
00:12:02mamyka man
00:12:05mamyka u cap
00:12:14mamyka and i dont get iteam for mid
00:12:16creeeeeee phoenix seal kynka otsas
00:12:21N2xy kus
00:12:29creeeeeee oli seal just
00:12:35N2xy xD
00:12:38KiG ehm
00:13:05N2xy reuse
00:13:05N2xy kle
00:13:07Idx aa go top
00:13:10N2xy v ei
00:13:11N2xy oot
00:13:11Idx ur dead in 1 min max
00:13:36Bollitsch better b
00:13:56KiG stun?
00:13:58j22koer y
00:13:59j22koer my bad
00:14:13Bollitsch uuhhh...morph got boots ^^
00:14:14creeeeeee krt nad kõik koos kogu aeg on
00:14:26NeverbACKdOwn hooki ära keegi
00:14:27NeverbACKdOwn tapame
00:14:30creeeeeee pole näha ju
00:14:34creeeeeee warde oleks vaja
00:14:45mamyka need gagn maginas
00:14:46Idx get mid
00:15:13Idx gj aa
00:15:13creeeeeee tra küll
00:15:15Idx nice ult
00:15:17creeeeeee nii ei saa kui ward epole ikka
00:15:18mamyka ty
00:15:20N2xy def
00:15:22KiG remotes here?
00:16:08N2xy PUDGe
00:16:09N2xy afk
00:16:09N2xy ?
00:16:10N2xy :D
00:16:15PinaryB imba ulti dodge
00:16:22Bollitsch ^^
00:16:34j22koer haste'
00:17:20KiG remotes
00:17:23creeeeeee keegi lihtsalt ei tule siia
00:17:28creeeeeee ...
00:17:35N2xy jaa
00:17:37N2xy ära ole seal
00:17:37N2xy :p
00:18:13NeverbACKdOwn gank top
00:18:16creeeeeee move away when u stun
00:18:17creeeeeee rly
00:18:30N2xy als ma võütan rune
00:18:39j22koer :D
00:18:41N2xy gek
00:18:43j22koer 40 hp
00:18:54N2xy mdia sa teed
00:18:55N2xy pudge
00:19:02N2xy miks sa lähed sinna
00:19:06creeeeeee aa läks rune võtma
00:19:08KiG shall i get radi?
00:19:09creeeeeee ei lasknud
00:19:13N2xy ja see tähtsam kui mid tower?
00:19:17N2xy oki
00:19:23creeeeeee lock ja am nagunii ei defi
00:19:52N2xy me peame neljakesi deffima
00:19:54N2xy :S
00:19:55creeeeeee põhideffiat locki pole siis kasu sest defist on
00:20:00N2xy am peaks tp akndma
00:20:02N2xy kuiv aja
00:20:21NeverbACKdOwn k
00:20:33creeeeeee sur
00:21:04KiG ehm
00:21:10NeverbACKdOwn tra
00:21:11NeverbACKdOwn kyll
00:21:12KiG couldnt stop my dive!!!
00:21:14KiG how
00:21:16KiG that possible
00:21:24NeverbACKdOwn vanguardi
00:21:25NeverbACKdOwn vaja vist
00:21:26NeverbACKdOwn siin pelas
00:21:29Idx aa
00:21:30KiG oh
00:21:32Idx go to tower
00:21:33KiG teechies invis
00:21:35Idx invi techies
00:22:16creeeeeee farmid sedasi?
00:22:19creeeeeee et lased õhku ennast
00:22:26N2xy hp ja amna otsas
00:22:29N2xy :D
00:22:30N2xy fast tp
00:22:35N2xy + gold
00:23:32KiG wp
00:23:54Idx ill get my dagger
00:23:56Idx then al mid
00:24:05KiG 900 to shivas
00:24:21Idx n1
00:24:32Idx go heal
00:25:05KiG ulti rdy
00:25:37Idx phoenix when you dive
00:25:41Idx i and es will follow
00:25:57KiG ah shit
00:26:09KiG my bad
00:26:39KiG haha cent
00:26:46KiG u tank too much cent :D
00:26:47Bollitsch wp es
00:27:12Idx we just need a 5v5 fight
00:27:16KiG yea
00:27:17Idx so phoenix dives in
00:27:20Idx theyll go on eeg
00:27:25Idx and then boom es goes
00:27:27Idx and ill go
00:27:32N2xy haste
00:27:47NeverbACKdOwn take bot
00:27:48NeverbACKdOwn twer
00:27:50Bollitsch gj
00:27:59KiG xin is imba vs phoenix
00:28:02Idx need to go bot
00:28:15PinaryB b
00:28:16N2xy deny
00:28:21Idx aa ult em
00:28:26N2xy b
00:28:26N2xy after
00:28:31N2xy 4 there
00:28:34N2xy no lock
00:28:48mamyka this fuckin hero imba
00:29:01PinaryB teen orchidi phoenixi vastu
00:29:07Idx lets get bot
00:29:22Bollitsch es dagger up
00:29:31NeverbACKdOwn roger
00:29:48Idx might be mines tho
00:30:09Bollitsch pudge...
00:30:42NeverbACKdOwn omw
00:31:07Idx lets try rosh?
00:31:53NeverbACKdOwn twer
00:31:53N2xy tower
00:32:23NeverbACKdOwn 300 to manta
00:32:40mamyka i never see es ult
00:32:49j22koer seen or see
00:32:58moods they rosh?
00:33:11Idx aa ult
00:33:15j22koer did
00:33:15KiG did
00:33:16mamyka i do it
00:33:28creeeeeee that morph is just hilarious xD
00:33:30j22koer did it
00:33:33creeeeeee soo much farming time
00:33:39creeeeeee and he hasnt got single item
00:33:42N2xy hooki roshi
00:33:44N2xy vata
00:33:47Idx sec
00:33:49NeverbACKdOwn tavai
00:33:49Idx gem inc
00:33:50NeverbACKdOwn lets go
00:33:51NeverbACKdOwn kill
00:33:52NeverbACKdOwn got manta
00:33:55PinaryB läks mööda kõigist
00:34:03NeverbACKdOwn votame roshi?
00:34:06N2xy b
00:34:12Bollitsch cant join
00:34:14Bollitsch to far away
00:34:29NeverbACKdOwn oijah
00:34:29N2xy b
00:34:36NeverbACKdOwn epic teamfights
00:36:00NeverbACKdOwn take rosh?
00:36:03Idx ge
00:36:04N2xy go
00:36:04Idx mm
00:36:05Idx mid
00:36:05Idx still
00:36:06NeverbACKdOwn go rosh
00:36:08NeverbACKdOwn i need aegis
00:36:36N2xy come now
00:36:39N2xy i plant here
00:36:40N2xy to def
00:36:50KiG got it
00:36:54Idx lets try those ulties now
00:37:00Bollitsch agha up after
00:37:00Idx to rosh
00:37:01moods aa ult?
00:37:03creeeeeee sul heal peal
00:37:05creeeeeee mida sa põed
00:37:07NeverbACKdOwn :D
00:37:14mamyka aa dead
00:37:16moods y
00:37:17moods ^^
00:37:26KiG gem
00:37:29creeeeeee halb halb
00:37:29Bollitsch omw with ulti
00:37:57N2xy am?
00:38:01NeverbACKdOwn tyraaa
00:38:02N2xy wtf
00:38:03N2xy was that
00:38:03Bollitsch -.-
00:38:04creeeeeee neil pea kõigil dagger
00:38:08creeeeeee sa farmid kuskil mega kaugel
00:38:32Idx b
00:38:34Idx jsut b
00:38:49Bollitsch why in hel is phx alive ?
00:38:52Bollitsch where were u ?
00:39:10creeeeeee oom cent
00:39:12creeeeeee kill it
00:39:12N2xy gem
00:39:13N2xy cent
00:39:35Idx b
00:39:39Idx ffs
00:39:44mamyka OMGW
00:39:51mamyka es rly mnice stun
00:39:53Idx cant fucking save the tower alone
00:39:56Idx so get the fucking b
00:40:01Idx or get hooked
00:40:16mamyka oke nex time buy and put ward cent
00:40:20creeeeeee i heard u got hooked again
00:40:21j22koer :D
00:40:25Bollitsch :-P
00:40:27j22koer :D
00:40:29N2xy panen pbaasi miinid
00:40:30mamyka cent can stun u
00:40:31N2xy hooki sinna sisse
00:40:37mamyka *es
00:40:38creeeeeee cent was oom
00:40:39creeeeeee btw
00:40:42mamyka ES
00:40:45creeeeeee es mby
00:40:51j22koer mby i was cd
00:40:51Idx so phoenix goes
00:40:53Idx we follow
00:41:09creeeeeee got pipe for us also
00:41:11N2xy go lock
00:41:14Bollitsch yy
00:41:57PinaryB tsipa varem oleks võind hoodi peale tõmmata
00:42:03PinaryB aga noh kõik läks hästi
00:42:15Idx force staff
00:42:18creeeeeee :D:D:D:D:DD
00:42:18mamyka use
00:42:26creeeeeee ma unustasin ära selle
00:42:27creeeeeee pipe
00:42:28Bollitsch invis top
00:42:30creeeeeee kuigi just rääkisin :D
00:42:32creeeeeee oleks varem saanud oleks veel imbam olnud jep
00:42:41mamyka we havent lete hero morph sux so hard
00:42:41creeeeeee tower
00:42:53PinaryB :S
00:43:03Idx too bad im fucking lagging all the game
00:43:04PinaryB lane failis nii hullult
00:43:23creeeeeee no mul oli
00:43:25creeeeeee 5:0
00:43:29creeeeeee siis 6:5
00:43:34NeverbACKdOwn mul oli 20min 110 cs :D
00:43:35creeeeeee ja nüüd 12:5 :D
00:43:35N2xy mid ja top om,asid
00:43:36PinaryB rääkisin meie lanest näksiga
00:43:54Bollitsch ulti up in afew
00:44:07creeeeeee u just make sure u get bonds + ult in
00:44:09creeeeeee and its great
00:44:13Bollitsch :)
00:44:13mamyka morph plz illu on magina
00:44:17moods kk
00:44:23creeeeeee mida sa ehitad siin midis
00:44:28Idx please morph get some items
00:44:30mamyka imo better then cent
00:44:31creeeeeee hea et mingit riista ei kujuta siin juba xDD
00:44:36PinaryB :D:D
00:44:37moods dude im tryin
00:44:40moods had fucked up lane
00:44:40NeverbACKdOwn nad rosh?
00:44:43Idx we are losing late because we dont have any carries
00:44:46N2xy se epoel up
00:44:46N2xy ceel
00:44:47creeeeeee mby
00:44:47N2xy imo
00:45:06mamyka go gang with smoke?
00:45:09creeeeeee b
00:45:21creeeeeee they want
00:45:22creeeeeee entry
00:45:29NeverbACKdOwn mul buyback
00:45:30creeeeeee probably smoked
00:45:32Idx we wont win they by farm
00:45:33N2xy mul ka
00:45:34N2xy :D
00:45:34Idx I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:35Bollitsch they better go for sentry ;)
00:45:55mamyka w8 smoke and go
00:46:24Bollitsch check rosh guys...
00:46:26Bollitsch ^^
00:46:29N2xy tyra
00:46:43N2xy kil it
00:46:49KiG remotes in mid
00:47:03Bollitsch close
00:47:06NeverbACKdOwn tulevad raiped
00:47:54Bollitsch always me ^^
00:47:57Bollitsch imba bonds
00:48:00mamyka fuckin fatal bonts
00:48:07j22koer bonds
00:48:08NeverbACKdOwn votame rosh?
00:48:13N2xy rosh ye
00:48:19Idx magina gets rosh
00:48:19N2xy coming
00:48:37creeeeeee theycoming
00:48:38creeeeeee -.-
00:48:40Bollitsch waster buyback..nice
00:48:41creeeeeee b
00:48:42Idx es jump in
00:48:43N2xy ye
00:48:49Bollitsch ...
00:48:58j22koer :D
00:48:59j22koer ehhe
00:49:09creeeeeee sul lifesteali vaja
00:49:10N2xy they try it
00:49:15Idx lets get top tower
00:49:26PinaryB sata + butterfly
00:49:37creeeeeee top tower
00:49:39creeeeeee they will
00:49:40creeeeeee i think
00:49:47Bollitsch ember got orchid up...nice
00:50:04N2xy no am
00:50:22PinaryB lollus vist
00:50:25N2xy gem phoenix
00:50:33PinaryB läksin pool sekki liiga vara
00:51:13PinaryB baasis
00:51:33N2xy gem phoienix
00:51:34N2xy gem
00:51:35creeeeeee gem
00:51:37N2xy cnet
00:51:44mamyka fuckin magina
00:51:58PinaryB morph päris hea, tõmbab isegi stre morphi
00:52:32creeeeeee võta tower
00:52:34creeeeeee backdoori ära
00:52:36creeeeeee alumine
00:52:37creeeeeee illudega
00:52:37Bollitsch idiots wating mid ^^
00:52:37NeverbACKdOwn kk
00:52:37Bollitsch freetower
00:52:37creeeeeee ja siis bkohe
00:52:37NeverbACKdOwn jup
00:53:04N2xy lock??
00:53:05creeeeeee lock?
00:53:09NeverbACKdOwn taun
00:53:12N2xy xDD
00:53:18N2xy but they cant pish
00:53:18N2xy np
00:53:20Bollitsch haha...didnt get i was alone ^^
00:53:20N2xy push
00:53:24Bollitsch sry team
00:53:27Idx we did
00:53:30j22koer :D
00:54:13PinaryB 0
00:54:25creeeeeee -st
00:54:26PinaryB 20 minti järjest lvl 18
00:54:54creeeeeee all
00:54:56creeeeeee focus
00:54:56creeeeeee ball
00:54:58creeeeeee this time
00:55:01KiG cent
00:56:17Bollitsch go hook es
00:56:19Bollitsch or somthing
00:56:27N2xy come
00:56:27N2xy sii
00:56:46Idx gg lagg
00:56:53mamyka I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:57:03KiG silence?
00:57:06PinaryB y
00:57:07KiG ah
00:57:09KiG xin
00:57:13mamyka we havent late gg morpf
00:57:13N2xy item
00:57:59KiG I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:58:00moods I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:58:02NeverbACKdOwn gg
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