Game #3086414

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-13 X
-3 TS

77% | 1390 X | 1418 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

76% | 1301 X | 1497 TS

+3 X
-2 TS

18% | 925 X | 1253 TS

+14 X
-14 TS

17% | 1080 X | 1070 TS

-8 X
-16 TS

NEW | 917 X | 927 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

57% | 1182 X | 1392 TS

-12 X
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48% | 1184 X | 1282 TS

+3 X
+1 TS

35% | 1068 X | 1302 TS

+15 X
+75 TS

NEW | 1088 X | 1128 TS

+6 X
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16% | 965 X | 1191 TS

Chat log

00:00:03XXL -rd
00:00:12Timu fucking imba teams
00:00:18Timu you can't put 2 high % in the same team
00:00:19Jaikki i smell progame
00:00:19XXL we ban
00:00:190Xxo0_o give me lich ???
00:00:19XXL 1st
00:00:19Timu ?
00:00:19XXL just say
00:00:190Xxo0_o u 1st ban
00:00:19XXL hero
00:00:19dhgf havent played in months
00:00:190Xxo0_o yy
00:00:19XXL and noone pick
00:00:19XXL em
00:00:19dhgf and 1 sec delay minimum
00:00:19XXL anyone phoe?
00:00:19XXL laeddis
00:00:19dhgf i can
00:00:19XXL can u
00:00:19XXL kk
00:00:19Timu bara
00:00:19XXL öich
00:00:19XXL lich
00:00:19Jaikki bara lich
00:00:19Jaikki banned
00:00:26mamyka go fire bird
00:00:320Xxo0_o play him
00:00:38dhgf hmm
00:00:40dhgf new hero good? :D
00:00:44XXL na
00:01:16Jaikki ogmedsfv
00:01:17Jaikki gdfsx
00:01:18Jaikki dfgb
00:01:18Jaikki drfgn
00:01:20Timu ffs
00:01:21Jaikki i was picking
00:01:23Jaikki fucking
00:01:26Jaikki new hero
00:01:29Jaikki then i paniced
00:01:34Jaikki erdgfh
00:01:34dhgf what does rejuvinate do?
00:01:36Jaikki k
00:01:38dhgf on the new boots
00:01:42Jaikki epic carry inc in 12 am
00:01:43XXL heal
00:01:44Jaikki XD
00:01:47Tonyboi bah
00:01:47mamyka ff
00:01:48Jaikki MOAR CARRYS
00:01:52Jaikki D:D::
00:01:57Jaikki gotta luc it
00:02:01Jaikki 2 forest heroes
00:02:02Jaikki :D
00:02:04Tonyboi y
00:02:10Tonyboi i can solo top
00:02:11Tonyboi np
00:02:130Xxo0_o i can solo down :)
00:02:19Tonyboi k
00:02:19Jaikki u dont solo anything
00:02:30Jaikki rider
00:02:31Jaikki go bot
00:02:34Jaikki please
00:02:34mamyka u rly noobs guys
00:02:37Jaikki lehion
00:02:38Jaikki legion
00:02:40Jaikki go bot
00:02:42siemenlinko random bot?
00:02:43mamyka pick bh after viper and legion
00:02:44Jaikki ursa cant handle on his own
00:02:450Xxo0_o let me solo oh
00:02:51Jaikki are u sure :|
00:02:53mamyka cap
00:02:55Timu wtf
00:02:55Jaikki i dont trust
00:02:56mamyka plz say linees
00:02:580Xxo0_o oh oh
00:03:00Jaikki commander go bot
00:03:01XXL push fast
00:03:02XXL all lines
00:03:04Jaikki troll forest
00:03:04Timu troll get down
00:03:04Jaikki imo
00:03:07Tonyboi y
00:03:11Tonyboi i can forest
00:03:15Jaikki commander get down
00:03:150Xxo0_o u go
00:03:16Timu ok
00:03:20Timu commander bot
00:03:22Jaikki commander tp then
00:03:25Jaikki or smth
00:03:25Timu y
00:03:250Xxo0_o no mg
00:03:310Xxo0_o he pull
00:03:33mamyka oke cap U CRAP
00:03:340Xxo0_o ffs
00:03:40mamyka fuckin noob
00:03:40Tonyboi pulling
00:03:59mamyka i h8 you all
00:04:080Xxo0_o stfu
00:04:51Tonyboi share plz
00:04:580Xxo0_o sry
00:06:37dhgf fail
00:06:480Xxo0_o this legion is total shit
00:06:50siemenlinko thx
00:07:17Jaikki need pull
00:08:27mamyka fuckin noob say TY
00:08:340Xxo0_o ty
00:08:450Xxo0_o gank plz
00:08:51mamyka hahhaa
00:08:57mamyka 2 noob fail tower
00:08:59dhgf stun
00:09:00dhgf troll
00:09:05Timu ss
00:09:18XXL gank
00:09:19XXL mid
00:09:19XXL psl
00:09:38siemenlinko ss2
00:09:430Xxo0_o ss1
00:09:58Jaikki troll go forest
00:10:18Jaikki ss top
00:10:24Timu gk
00:10:25Timu gj
00:10:33XXL laeddis :p
00:10:52mamyka say miss noobs
00:10:58dhgf hard to play with delay
00:11:01XXL let me
00:11:21siemenlinko ss2
00:11:22XXL almost
00:11:380Xxo0_o go gank mid
00:11:55Timu get flying pls
00:12:09Jaikki -st
00:12:23XXL nice
00:12:27XXL -.-
00:12:27Timu wtf are u doing ursa
00:12:29Timu dont fucking steal
00:12:31RanDom ss2
00:12:310Xxo0_o me ?????????????????
00:12:36Jaikki ursa u need boots
00:13:19Jaikki dasdf forgot pugnas spell
00:13:23Jaikki need sleep sometimes
00:13:27RanDom mitä ostan
00:13:46XXL tee sange
00:13:47XXL ja jasha
00:13:520Xxo0_o oh shit
00:14:060Xxo0_o gogo
00:14:29XXL tower
00:14:30Timu fucking ursa
00:14:31mamyka ff at 25 min plz
00:14:32Timu worst pick ever
00:14:34Jaikki we have just too carry heroes
00:14:340Xxo0_o lol
00:14:39Jaikki nuff said :D
00:14:39Timu if we hold on
00:14:410Xxo0_o blame urza gogo
00:14:42Timu we have late game
00:14:47Jaikki thats true
00:14:52Jaikki -ma
00:15:16siemenlinko sami b?
00:15:19XXL b
00:15:20dhgf im b
00:15:21RanDom y
00:15:27dhgf whats my build?
00:15:33XXL hot
00:15:360Xxo0_o pice
00:15:37Timu care
00:15:45dhgf ursa going rosh
00:15:47dhgf or already is
00:15:51XXL pugna
00:15:53XXL get wards
00:15:54XXL to rosh
00:15:59Jaikki farm farm
00:16:00dhgf going
00:16:01dhgf np
00:16:07Timu get wards
00:16:08Timu jesus
00:16:09XXL ty
00:16:11XXL laedis
00:16:14XXL push top
00:16:15XXL next
00:16:19XXL they cant win us
00:16:35siemenlinko ????
00:17:33mamyka fuckin noob\
00:17:390Xxo0_o your fucking dad
00:17:490Xxo0_o noob
00:17:51Timu we
00:17:53Timu good pick guys
00:18:07mamyka say it for bh and athers
00:18:21mamyka pick bh after viper and comander
00:18:25mamyka so fynny
00:18:26XXL get tower
00:18:39Timu this is bronze
00:18:42Timu what else to expect
00:18:48Jaikki :DD:D:d
00:18:51Jaikki srsly
00:19:03RanDom :D
00:19:21dhgf omg greedy fuck me
00:20:01dhgf COMING
00:20:09Jaikki SAD:DAS:D:AS
00:20:17Jaikki ursa
00:20:20Jaikki sad
00:20:21XXL rly
00:20:22Jaikki :D
00:20:24Jaikki ursa
00:20:24XXL this noobv team _D
00:20:25Jaikki get rosh
00:20:290Xxo0_o y
00:20:35XXL like thid neryb
00:20:36XXL .DD
00:20:37XXL hahaha
00:20:40XXL but
00:20:42Jaikki what the fuck
00:20:42XXL we need rax
00:20:43XXL ttop
00:20:44Jaikki where is ur ulti
00:20:51Timu :DD
00:20:52Jaikki pick that in lords name
00:20:55XXL i tp
00:20:55XXL soon
00:21:04Timu worst ursa ever
00:21:05dhgf the horseman
00:21:05Timu :D
00:21:07dhgf can go invis?
00:21:09Timu jesus f christ
00:21:13Jaikki u cant go rosh if u dont have ur ulti
00:21:14Jaikki :D
00:21:15siemenlinko hmm
00:21:27Jaikki nice
00:21:56XXL lol
00:22:06siemenlinko care
00:22:27dhgf omf3
00:22:29dhgf 3 mana missing
00:22:320Xxo0_o gogoog
00:22:330Xxo0_o mggg
00:22:510Xxo0_o free kill oh
00:23:02dhgf :D
00:23:04Jaikki i think we win this
00:23:080Xxo0_o y
00:23:09siemenlinko noob
00:23:18dhgf googog
00:23:18dhgf rosh
00:23:19XXL ok
00:23:19Tonyboi urssa need boots
00:23:20XXL noq
00:23:20dhgf ursa
00:23:21dhgf is rosh
00:23:27dhgf ursa rosh 100%
00:23:29mamyka dead
00:23:32dhgf he walked past u
00:23:32Timu use overpower
00:23:33Timu jesus
00:23:47XXL idiot
00:23:50XXL roof
00:23:53XXL u are diito
00:23:57Timu all
00:24:09Jaikki def base
00:24:25XXL viper
00:24:26XXL 1sr
00:24:27Tonyboi y
00:24:28Tonyboi y
00:25:02Jaikki holy mother
00:25:10XXL tower
00:25:18XXL RAX
00:25:20Timu just
00:25:22Timu do anything
00:26:00XXL nerub
00:26:01XXL rlu
00:26:22mamyka ursa riosh
00:26:57Timu b
00:26:57Timu b
00:26:57Jaikki SA:DAS:D:ASD
00:27:01Jaikki travels
00:27:03Jaikki k
00:27:06XXL bye
00:27:23Jaikki ursa what are u doing
00:27:35XXL top
00:27:37XXL go
00:27:38XXL all
00:27:51mamyka we need bkb all
00:28:54Jaikki GJ
00:29:51Jaikki need towers
00:29:520Xxo0_o gather all plz
00:29:59XXL lets get top raxes
00:30:01XXL sooon
00:30:100Xxo0_o all
00:30:14Timu i get pipe
00:30:22siemenlinko i woods sec
00:30:40Timu go mid towre now
00:30:42XXL all top
00:30:44XXL when pugna
00:30:46XXL get chiken
00:30:48Timu get woods
00:30:53Jaikki me scout
00:30:58XXL lemme
00:30:59XXL creep
00:31:270Xxo0_o me omg still me
00:31:280Xxo0_o ffs
00:31:330Xxo0_o omgggggggggggggggg
00:31:46Jaikki fucking phoenix
00:31:46dhgf lo
00:31:48mamyka gg noob
00:31:48dhgf lol
00:31:50XXL :D
00:31:53mamyka lol
00:31:57Timu gj running together there
00:31:57mamyka u fail bh
00:32:01Timu so na could make 5 man stun
00:32:17Jaikki i failed? i didnt know all were there
00:32:20XXL mid alos
00:32:21mamyka ofc
00:32:23dhgf ye
00:32:23XXL also
00:32:30mamyka u start atack roof
00:32:35Timu mana boots
00:32:37Timu jesus fuck
00:32:39Timu how bad can you be
00:33:45Jaikki oom
00:34:09RanDom mitä nyt ostan
00:34:40mamyka loook ursa
00:34:46mamyka holly shit
00:35:11XXL sec
00:35:15XXL need 200
00:35:17Jaikki troll has his bkb
00:35:17XXL then go
00:35:21mamyka me 2
00:35:24Jaikki good
00:35:34mamyka but u got shit iteams
00:35:40Jaikki i aint even
00:35:49XXL all mid soon
00:35:51XXL lets go
00:35:52XXL i tp
00:35:56Jaikki b ursa
00:36:04Jaikki scared of smoke
00:36:17dhgf push bot
00:36:20XXL yea
00:36:21dhgf wait for mid and top to push
00:36:210Xxo0_o mid def
00:36:21XXL all bot
00:36:29Timu jus tgo in
00:36:330Xxo0_o go with smoke
00:36:38Jaikki phoenix hot lol
00:36:47Timu surprise
00:37:220Xxo0_o nice
00:37:22XXL what haooebd
00:37:23dhgf what was that
00:37:28Timu troll
00:37:28Timu go mid
00:37:30XXL we need rax
00:37:300Xxo0_o buy tp
00:37:31Timu push tower
00:37:32XXL and hurry
00:37:33Tonyboi k
00:37:34mamyka one deff
00:37:36XXL but dont atack all
00:37:39XXL get viper
00:37:43XXL sst
00:37:45XXL 1st*
00:37:51Jaikki deny
00:38:16Jaikki moar?
00:38:22Timu care
00:38:31Timu get b
00:38:32Tonyboi b
00:38:42XXL go
00:38:430Xxo0_o go
00:38:54siemenlinko rosh
00:38:58siemenlinko ursa
00:39:02mamyka bh scout
00:39:03dhgf so fucking hard
00:39:060Xxo0_o suicide
00:39:06Timu b
00:39:07dhgf to get a combo with this delay
00:39:09Jaikki def top
00:39:35dhgf go with 5?
00:39:41Timu dont let them rax
00:39:42Timu insta kill
00:39:42dhgf we need a gem
00:40:14Timu go take mid rax
00:40:15Timu I DEF
00:40:16Timu !!
00:40:20Jaikki idiot phoenix :D he go ball
00:40:21Timu MID
00:40:22Jaikki he got hot
00:40:25Timu ursa mid
00:40:29Jaikki ursa get rosh
00:40:290Xxo0_o go all
00:40:34Timu torll??
00:40:360Xxo0_o it solo
00:40:40Timu get b mid nvm
00:40:41mamyka rosh one
00:40:44Timu if they respawn
00:41:050Xxo0_o b mid
00:41:05XXL thats it
00:41:06XXL noobs
00:41:08XXL roof
00:41:11XXL u waste
00:41:13XXL all time ur lut
00:41:14XXL moron
00:41:25tanelli hmm
00:41:28XXL use ult
00:41:29tanelli when should i use it?
00:41:35XXL when all are near
00:41:37XXL of u and
00:41:39XXL phoe ult
00:41:39Timu take teles and go push top imo
00:42:09XXL 1st
00:42:11XXL only rax
00:42:120Xxo0_o bb
00:42:16Jaikki oh
00:42:170Xxo0_o mid all
00:42:220Xxo0_o help mg
00:42:22dhgf RAX?
00:42:22mamyka go go
00:42:22XXL y
00:42:22Timu go get mid
00:42:22dhgf ill sweep them
00:42:22mamyka pipe
00:42:22XXL kk
00:42:22Timu y
00:42:22dhgf so they cant hit
00:42:22dhgf 2,5 sec
00:42:23Jaikki commander heal me
00:42:23XXL root
00:42:24XXL ult
00:43:25XXL omg
00:43:30XXL see 1 tower
00:43:32XXL uh
00:43:54Timu now all push top
00:43:57tanelli need 200 for ac
00:43:58Timu and have carrys with you
00:44:110Xxo0_o go all push top
00:44:14Timu tps*
00:44:21Timu all
00:44:25dhgf we cant win this
00:44:27dhgf I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:28XXL true
00:44:31mamyka need 200gold
00:44:45Timu need to def mid alreayd
00:44:48Tonyboi def mid'
00:44:510Xxo0_o go all
00:45:02XXL dont go
00:45:05XXL we lose
00:45:06XXL fights
00:45:08XXL so gan k1
00:45:11dhgf we need a gem
00:45:14Jaikki hmm?
00:45:27Timu in our woods
00:45:33Tonyboi stay base
00:45:34Timu gather gather
00:45:350Xxo0_o all gahert
00:45:50XXL w8
00:45:50XXL gem
00:45:51XXL 1st
00:45:51mamyka go all bot
00:45:550Xxo0_o no
00:45:56Timu no
00:45:56Tonyboi stay base
00:45:58mamyka but guys plz take tps
00:46:01Timu go tyop
00:46:06mamyka i mean top*
00:46:15tanelli tp bot?
00:46:31siemenlinko phoe
00:46:330Xxo0_o go
00:46:34siemenlinko take gem?
00:46:37dhgf no way
00:46:42Timu take tower then tp mid
00:46:59XXL fast
00:47:00Jaikki moar
00:47:090Xxo0_o b
00:47:090Xxo0_o b
00:47:100Xxo0_o b
00:47:10Timu tp
00:47:45dhgf yeah
00:47:47dhgf 5 carrys
00:47:51dhgf impossible
00:47:52XXL rly
00:47:57Tonyboi mid
00:48:00Jaikki i think this is gg for us :)
00:48:07dhgf ff guys :/
00:48:09mamyka wp viper imo
00:48:14mamyka gj man
00:48:16Tonyboi not over yet
00:48:22Timu gj holding on till end
00:48:25Jaikki heal me
00:48:37siemenlinko niko ragee
00:48:37Timu try rax
00:48:39XXL so noobs in team
00:48:41XXL this 3
00:48:42XXL guys
00:48:45XXL but what ever
00:48:52XXL last 3 guys are nothing
00:48:56XXL hate this bronze games
00:49:35siemenlinko go creeps go
00:49:440Xxo0_o nice
00:49:54XXL useless nobos
00:49:560Xxo0_o go top
00:49:57XXL this is annoyig
00:50:03XXL tjhey get 5 carrys and win
00:50:030Xxo0_o or bot ?
00:50:04XXL how
00:50:06XXL vs int guys
00:50:06Timu top
00:50:14dhgf didnt push fast enough
00:50:19XXL this team is somekind of joke
00:50:22XXL true
00:50:26XXL we tried
00:50:30XXL but 3 guys useless
00:50:31dhgf we should have had 2x arcane and meka
00:50:33XXL so ho w we can
00:50:36XXL yea
00:50:58XXL go bot
00:51:00XXL i go mid
00:51:11Jaikki -st
00:51:23XXL googogogo
00:51:25XXL megas
00:51:28Timu tower and top
00:51:35dhgf cant
00:51:35dhgf skip
00:51:38XXL dont
00:51:39XXL do it
00:51:46XXL b
00:52:04dhgf navi couldnt win this
00:52:37Timu gj
00:52:400Xxo0_o wp guys
00:52:46mamyka not you
00:52:550Xxo0_o when it speak u
00:53:03Tonyboi let me cheese
00:53:08Jaikki sure
00:53:16mamyka u bad ursa but now u try didd good
00:53:210Xxo0_o stfu
00:53:270Xxo0_o xD
00:53:290Xxo0_o but no
00:53:29siemenlinko legion kommanders damage 300
00:53:390Xxo0_o urza in late easy
00:53:40XXL se ei ees vittu ole cärry
00:54:36XXL diiot¨'
00:54:37tanelli I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:54:39XXL vittu
00:54:42XXL käytä niitä skillejsä
00:54:44XXL vajakki
00:54:51mamyka wp viper
00:54:55Timu ty
00:54:56Timu u2
00:55:100Xxo0_o go top
00:55:18mamyka SRY CAPS
00:55:22Jaikki because carrys will carry
00:55:29XXL retards
00:56:08mamyka reuse
00:56:11Jaikki bitch please
00:56:48Timu just go all together
00:56:540Xxo0_o y
00:56:590Xxo0_o -cs
00:57:140Xxo0_o gondy b
00:57:22Timu GO all top
00:57:250Xxo0_o 3y
00:57:43XXL check tanellis items
00:57:44XXL nice?
00:57:46XXL how about
00:57:48XXL double ult
00:57:50XXL but no
00:58:010Xxo0_o lol team bkb :D
00:58:11Jaikki heal D:
00:58:47Jaikki gg
00:59:20Jaikki cant believe we won with these heroes
00:59:23Jaikki roof phoenix
00:59:27Jaikki yms
00:59:28Jaikki :D
00:59:34mamyka wp necro
00:59:39Timu gg
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