Game #3074449

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-42 X
-2 TS

85% | 1460 X | 1484 TS

-30 X
-2 TS

52% | 1179 X | 1337 TS

-15 X
-28 TS

NEW | 967 X | 1099 TS

-29 X
-6 TS

8% | 911 X | 1147 TS

-39 X
-44 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

+42 X
+3 TS

50% | 1172 X | 1325 TS

+16 X
+14 TS

40% | 1072 X | 1330 TS

+46 X
+7 TS

26% | 989 X | 1288 TS

+42 X
+20 TS

24% | 1079 X | 1166 TS

+19 X
+5 TS

19% | 990 X | 1213 TS

Chat log

00:00:17BACKENiZER- mrk quit kui luckima hakkad
00:00:17IronHamer fbi ur geting the chick
00:00:17mrk :d
00:00:17Buttons i qop
00:00:17mrk see poleks esimene kord
00:00:17101010 void
00:00:17mrk lyca
00:01:36holostoi buutons mid?
00:01:54mrk sa vähemalt tajud pickida
00:02:03BACKENiZER- mis mõttes :D
00:02:17Shiningstone I can get chick
00:02:23RalleBrazil veno bot
00:02:23101010 holostoi go mid if you can handdle it
00:02:23holostoi who mid?
00:02:34mrk no enamus nuube võtab mingi carry ja afkib nurgas
00:02:35101010 -afk
00:02:39RalleBrazil veno bot
00:02:42101010 rylai come top
00:02:49101010 rylai come top
00:02:50BACKENiZER- no ei viitsi nende eitede hala kuulata terve mäng
00:02:58RalleBrazil snak engelsk
00:03:02RalleBrazil speak english
00:03:11mrk if it's important i will
00:03:22BACKENiZER- kui mingi carry võtad, hakkab esimesest sekundist peale mingi nutt ja hala pihta ja kahju hakkab kui noored suitsiidi teevad
00:03:29mrk nii on
00:04:09RalleBrazil mate let me farm
00:04:51lemi.livo.skodi ffs
00:04:55FBI ss
00:06:17lemi.livo.skodi dont control my hero
00:06:19lemi.livo.skodi ori unshare
00:06:21Buttons im not
00:06:23RalleBrazil VENO !?
00:06:25RalleBrazil LET ME FARM
00:07:23holostoi ss mid bot care
00:07:38FBI ss
00:09:08holostoi ss mid
00:09:12FBI yy
00:09:20mrk sup
00:09:20FBI hlp top
00:09:56holostoi ss mid
00:10:01101010 ss top1
00:10:21lemi.livo.skodi lol
00:10:21FBI dd
00:10:22FBI ss
00:10:53FBI b
00:10:56lemi.livo.skodi \gang bot plz
00:11:01mrk ss
00:11:02BACKENiZER- comin
00:11:05BACKENiZER- g
00:11:14RalleBrazil can i take ?
00:11:16mrk no
00:11:20101010 ss top
00:11:32lemi.livo.skodi gj
00:11:40mrk he
00:11:41mrk is solo
00:11:44mrk just fucking kill him
00:11:46mrk daz slow
00:11:48mrk bh slow
00:11:52holostoi ss mid
00:11:57holostoi re
00:12:16mrk up chick get wards
00:12:16holostoi go bot
00:12:19mrk cant gank like this
00:12:19101010 ss top
00:12:37IronHamer wtf
00:12:38IronHamer no miss
00:12:41IronHamer no anything?
00:12:43BACKENiZER- pole õrna aimugi mis sellele teha :D
00:12:45BACKENiZER- esimest korda
00:12:55RalleBrazil they were here before ? u can just care a more bit
00:12:58101010 ss mid?
00:13:11FBI oom
00:13:27BACKENiZER- soz if i had to say it, didnt know
00:13:37BACKENiZER- im not the mid guy
00:14:19lemi.livo.skodi shit
00:14:24BACKENiZER- went to dark 3times
00:14:25mrk no need
00:14:25BACKENiZER- ...
00:14:28mrk to be in empty lane
00:14:29mrk with 2
00:14:30mrk run around
00:14:30BACKENiZER- my bad
00:14:31mrk buy tps
00:14:51mrk buy
00:14:51lemi.livo.skodi ninja
00:14:51mrk tp
00:14:52mrk go
00:14:52mrk top
00:14:55Buttons idd
00:14:55mrk veno
00:14:56mrk pit
00:15:03mrk people are diving
00:15:05mrk towers
00:15:29Shiningstone b all - go only together
00:16:54mrk why
00:16:55mrk u run
00:16:57mrk full hp
00:16:59Shiningstone b
00:17:02mrk and then go back
00:17:05mrk when im already dead
00:17:07mrk :(
00:17:09lemi.livo.skodi push mid
00:17:19RalleBrazil had nothing mana¨'
00:17:34Shiningstone b dont die!
00:17:48BACKENiZER- :D
00:17:51Buttons ouch
00:18:10BACKENiZER- teadsin et oleks pidand tagasi minema :(
00:18:17holostoi care top
00:20:01holostoi )
00:20:10Buttons op or some shit
00:20:35holostoi we need ward
00:21:05Shiningstone b def
00:21:08lemi.livo.skodi dont control me plz or i ll unshare
00:21:17mrk tp
00:21:18mrk tp
00:21:18mrk tp
00:21:24mrk veno
00:21:29holostoi ss mid 3
00:21:33IronHamer omw
00:21:38holostoi care bot
00:22:21mrk atke it
00:22:21mrk bh
00:22:45mrk no kui sul
00:22:49mrk 20 minutil jookseb
00:22:53mrk 2 korda väiksem level mapis ringi
00:22:57mrk kes ei saa aru mis aastal ta on
00:23:01mrk siis pole lihtsalt midagi teha :D
00:23:05IronHamer lets get mid tower?
00:23:12mrk we cant
00:23:13BACKENiZER- mängisin temaga ennem jah 2x :D
00:24:00mrk no need
00:24:02mrk to overextend
00:24:03BACKENiZER- place wards some1
00:24:04mrk tower is still up
00:24:24IronHamer we needed pit btw
00:24:24101010 well you are playing rylai
00:24:34BACKENiZER- well that cunt runs 2km/h
00:24:49Buttons rylai is a babe
00:24:49BACKENiZER- slow like fuck
00:26:26101010 .....
00:26:41RalleBrazil fast b
00:26:56RalleBrazil come to me
00:26:59RalleBrazil i teleport
00:27:05Shiningstone just def
00:27:12Shiningstone believe me we can win
00:27:14RalleBrazil need akasha
00:27:21IronHamer we sure can
00:27:36FBI lol
00:27:39RalleBrazil okee u leave me
00:27:43RalleBrazil nice
00:27:46mrk u ran out of base
00:27:49mrk just to leave me out from ur tp
00:28:06mrk bh
00:28:07mrk go invi
00:28:11mrk do scout
00:28:25Shiningstone b
00:29:45mrk I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:46mrk gg wp
00:29:53BACKENiZER- :P
00:30:10mrk te tegite ära seal
00:30:21mrk topis
00:30:25BACKENiZER- kuule jah päris norm hero see:D
00:30:45holostoi go
00:31:06Buttons joke?
00:31:55mrk why didnt u come
00:31:59mrk 5v1
00:32:01mrk then pick off others
00:32:15mrk i just suggest you
00:32:18mrk next games
00:32:20Buttons stop focus rylai
00:32:24mrk listen to the captain perhaps
00:32:26mrk or if someone spams
00:32:27mrk 10 pings
00:32:30mrk watch what is there
00:32:33mrk and shit like that
00:32:44mrk just saying things
00:32:59FBI pa never ganked
00:33:03FBI gj
00:33:05mrk that has nothing to do
00:33:06mrk with
00:33:12mrk what i said
00:33:26mrk pa didnt win the game
00:33:29mrk we lost it
00:33:31mrk easy as that
00:33:45Buttons lets go end
00:34:19holostoi go mid?
00:34:28mrk go
00:34:29mrk hit him
00:34:35RalleBrazil track
00:34:51BACKENiZER- :(
00:34:55mrk toss
00:34:56mrk cancels
00:34:57mrk his ulti
00:34:58mrk btw
00:35:01FBI oom
00:35:02mrk and hit him then return to invi
00:35:52BACKENiZER- sul ikka korras ambaalid XD
00:36:25Shiningstone gj
00:36:41IronHamer we still have a chance
00:36:46mrk not really
00:37:06Shiningstone b all
00:37:16RalleBrazil they got wards everywhere
00:37:37holostoi -ms
00:37:43Shiningstone b
00:37:54RalleBrazil I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:15RalleBrazil omkg
00:39:16RalleBrazil omg
00:39:17RalleBrazil cc
00:39:19mrk i had no mana
00:40:20holostoi go mid gether?
00:40:42RalleBrazil all mid
00:40:43RalleBrazil come
00:40:45holostoi warded
00:40:49holostoi they see u
00:41:33RalleBrazil I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:29mrk bh
00:42:30mrk dont
00:42:31mrk chase
00:42:32mrk kill cm
00:42:58Buttons ty
00:43:11IronHamer all mid?
00:43:31101010 dont come here
00:43:35101010 they will see you
00:43:44Shiningstone b
00:44:22IronHamer they r pushind down
00:45:47Shiningstone I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:48lemi.livo.skodi i was a victim :(
00:45:55BACKENiZER- ladies first
00:46:03lemi.livo.skodi lady boys after :)
00:48:44RalleBrazil come to me fast
00:49:09RalleBrazil haha :D
00:49:15Buttons what a boss
00:49:46FBI I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:51FBI /ff
00:49:51Shiningstone I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:54Buttons fml
00:50:05RalleBrazil I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:50:16IronHamer gg
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