Game #3051182

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-37 X
-2 TS

77% | 1377 X | 1426 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

67% | 1246 X | 1433 TS

-46 X
-5 TS

22% | 1036 X | 1202 TS

-44 X
-6 TS

19% | 937 X | 1274 TS

-12 X
-8 TS

15% | 979 X | 1183 TS

+57 X
+2 TS

74% | 1349 X | 1410 TS

+36 X
+2 TS

62% | 1251 X | 1370 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

47% | 1167 X | 1290 TS

+26 X
+29 TS

33% | 1090 X | 1255 TS

+54 X
+12 TS

2% | 785 X | 1082 TS

Chat log

00:00:03GottHasstMich -rd
00:00:20GottHasstMich -weaver
00:00:20GuiTaR hehe opet nas stavio u isti tim
00:00:20LaSiCa ;]
00:00:20lemi.livo.skodi hehehe
00:00:20GottHasstMich s1 wants lich ?
00:00:20ESA_93 oh fuck u
00:00:20LaSiCa pa zna da smo drugari ;]
00:00:20GottHasstMich or es?
00:00:20GottHasstMich :D
00:00:20LaSiCa i nubovi
00:00:20ESA_93 always first pick on u
00:00:20ESA_93 ff
00:00:20GottHasstMich krkr
00:00:20GuiTaR pa da stavlja 3 nooba zajedno
00:00:20lemi.livo.skodi trzine kad ces da napravis skajp jbt
00:00:20LaSiCa ;]
00:00:20GuiTaR kreten
00:00:20GottHasstMich SOMEONE ES/LICH ?
00:00:20ESA_93 so much to ban
00:00:20GuiTaR bann ffs
00:00:20ESA_93 fuck u
00:00:20ESA_93 and eat shit
00:00:20GuiTaR i dont have all day
00:00:20ESA_93 well i do
00:00:20ESA_93 well i do
00:00:20lemi.livo.skodi esa emo noob
00:00:20GuiTaR i see
00:00:20ClinkzEastwood pick shaker for me?
00:00:20zonskass shave your balls guitar if you have it
00:00:20GuiTaR u play all day and night
00:00:20ESA_93 -furi
00:00:20GottHasstMich :]
00:00:25GuiTaR u have 350000 games??
00:00:25GottHasstMich FURI WEAVER OUT
00:00:26LaSiCa ban?
00:00:35GottHasstMich FURI WEAVER BANNED
00:00:36Jerkku omni es
00:00:37LaSiCa k
00:00:39GottHasstMich get cm, es, lich, aa
00:00:40Jerkku = win
00:00:42GottHasstMich some sick shit up pls
00:00:45ESA_93 pick omni
00:00:46ESA_93 or
00:00:46ESA_93 lich
00:00:48Jerkku y
00:00:49ESA_93 for someone
00:00:52ClinkzEastwood you want?
00:00:53ESA_93 zonkass
00:00:54GottHasstMich cm
00:00:56GottHasstMich tuskar
00:00:56ESA_93 pick me
00:00:57GottHasstMich lich
00:01:00GuiTaR i can bala or slardar
00:01:00ESA_93 hmm
00:01:01GottHasstMich this diot
00:01:02GottHasstMich again
00:01:07GottHasstMich get LICH
00:01:07Jerkku lemi wants tb
00:01:09Jerkku badly
00:01:14zonskass ;lich
00:01:14ESA_93 ursa
00:01:15GottHasstMich he wants to suck badly on him
00:01:16GottHasstMich JESUS
00:01:19ESA_93 pick ursa
00:01:19GuiTaR or cm?
00:01:20GottHasstMich WHY THE FUCK AXE PALLE ?
00:01:20ESA_93 and aa
00:01:21ESA_93 good
00:01:21ClinkzEastwood -swap 1
00:01:21GottHasstMich gg
00:01:23GottHasstMich ff
00:01:23ESA_93 -swap 4
00:01:27GottHasstMich cm lich
00:01:30Jerkku lich last
00:01:30GottHasstMich need that shit badly
00:01:33Jerkku :S
00:01:33ESA_93 last pick lich
00:01:34Jerkku is win
00:01:42Jerkku veno
00:01:42ESA_93 veno good too
00:01:43Jerkku then
00:01:44zonskass krobelus
00:01:46ESA_93 no krobe
00:01:46Jerkku veno
00:01:48ESA_93 veno
00:01:49GottHasstMich tb top
00:01:53GottHasstMich lich bot solo
00:01:53Jerkku veno is win
00:01:54GottHasstMich axe woods
00:01:56lemi.livo.skodi no wood ? ? ?
00:01:58GottHasstMich slardar top
00:02:00Jerkku or cm
00:02:01ESA_93 cm good too
00:02:01GottHasstMich idc
00:02:03GottHasstMich u go top
00:02:03Shiningstone who to pick?
00:02:04lemi.livo.skodi lol i should wood
00:02:05ESA_93 cm
00:02:05ESA_93 cm
00:02:06ESA_93 cm
00:02:06GottHasstMich IDC
00:02:06ESA_93 cm
00:02:07ESA_93 cm
00:02:08GottHasstMich U SUCK ANYWAYS
00:02:08GuiTaR me?
00:02:09Jerkku <3
00:02:11GottHasstMich solo bot
00:02:13ESA_93 es
00:02:14lemi.livo.skodi ffs then dont blame me if you fail
00:02:14ESA_93 bot
00:02:15GottHasstMich dont fail guitar
00:02:15Shiningstone cant play Agi
00:02:16ESA_93 im top with rylai
00:02:17GottHasstMich i put my trust in u
00:02:22ESA_93 omni mid
00:02:22GottHasstMich chick ?
00:02:23GuiTaR k
00:02:25GuiTaR i try
00:02:28GuiTaR u got it
00:02:30GottHasstMich go bot
00:02:32zonskass /w DotaKeys: off
00:02:34lemi.livo.skodi 3 top ? ? ? ?
00:02:34zonskass /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:36zonskass /w DotaKeys: You control Omniknight [r,e,g,h]
00:02:38lemi.livo.skodi ffs you kidding us ? ? ?
00:02:40GuiTaR dont touch me
00:02:41Jerkku i think
00:02:45Jerkku we have good changes
00:02:45GuiTaR ok?
00:02:50GottHasstMich yy
00:02:53ESA_93 we have good late
00:02:54GuiTaR tell me but dont touch me
00:02:58ESA_93 and early
00:02:59ESA_93 and mid
00:02:59lemi.livo.skodi unshare any1 who controls you guitar
00:03:00ClinkzEastwood fb mid?
00:03:01Jerkku y
00:03:01GottHasstMich palle
00:03:04zonskass tb is good late
00:03:04GuiTaR y
00:03:05GottHasstMich gang alot with lich
00:03:06GottHasstMich ill come too
00:03:10GuiTaR ill try
00:03:12Palle sure
00:03:14Jerkku 20% lemi
00:03:22Jerkku wanna see that tb
00:03:24Shiningstone me top or bot?
00:03:28Palle illu
00:03:36GuiTaR ilu
00:04:14ESA_93 haras
00:04:40Palle spam nova lich
00:04:45GuiTaR j
00:04:46GuiTaR k
00:05:32ESA_93 take 1 lvl bite next
00:05:39Shiningstone k
00:06:01ESA_93 wanna pull=
00:06:52GottHasstMich ..
00:06:52Jerkku fight
00:06:53GuiTaR ffs
00:07:01GottHasstMich ULTRA LAG
00:07:02GottHasstMich ffs
00:07:02GuiTaR ffs fix it
00:07:02Shiningstone lag
00:07:02GottHasstMich whats going on with repel
00:07:06GuiTaR ss
00:07:17GottHasstMich wp guitar
00:07:28ESA_93 gj
00:07:28ESA_93 : )
00:07:28Shiningstone gj
00:07:28GuiTaR bahhh
00:07:28ClinkzEastwood ....
00:07:28ESA_93 everybody is lagging
00:07:28GottHasstMich up chick
00:07:28ESA_93 :--D
00:07:28GottHasstMich guitar
00:07:28GottHasstMich pls
00:07:28GuiTaR ?>
00:07:28GottHasstMich so gr8 game
00:07:28GuiTaR ?
00:07:28GuiTaR what
00:07:28zonskass repel
00:07:29GottHasstMich upgrad courier
00:07:29LaSiCa like garena i said
00:07:29GuiTaR to buy??
00:07:29GottHasstMich pls
00:07:36GottHasstMich ,eka
00:07:40GottHasstMich meka
00:07:43ClinkzEastwood XD
00:07:46GuiTaR u got it
00:07:48lemi.livo.skodi gj with me on lane
00:07:49ClinkzEastwood joke
00:07:52GuiTaR k meka
00:07:53lemi.livo.skodi epic losted game
00:08:22Jerkku he went b
00:08:23GuiTaR ss2
00:08:24zonskass care
00:08:26GuiTaR care
00:08:26zonskass top bs voming
00:08:29zonskass b
00:08:49GuiTaR shit
00:08:55GuiTaR come axe
00:08:58GuiTaR w8 4 me now
00:09:24GottHasstMich ss omni
00:09:24GuiTaR gang
00:09:34zonskass ss
00:09:48LaSiCa ;[
00:09:58ClinkzEastwood miss top?
00:10:07ESA_93 sry
00:10:11ESA_93 was too busy top ... : (
00:10:11zonskass they die
00:10:19GuiTaR ss2
00:10:22LaSiCa ss1
00:10:24GuiTaR gang
00:10:31GuiTaR come axe
00:10:44GuiTaR come
00:10:49GottHasstMich ss mid
00:11:02LaSiCa need help
00:11:03ClinkzEastwood ff
00:11:07LaSiCa ss
00:11:23GuiTaR ffs oom
00:11:28Jerkku tyty
00:11:30zonskass save me
00:11:34zonskass bs
00:11:34LaSiCa needededededed hellelelelelell p
00:11:35zonskass coming
00:11:36Shiningstone LAG
00:11:41GottHasstMich OFC
00:11:42zonskass :D
00:11:54GuiTaR b
00:11:56GuiTaR care
00:12:00LaSiCa ok i let ursa
00:12:07ClinkzEastwood wards?
00:12:08GottHasstMich leave mid
00:12:08GottHasstMich go top
00:12:09ESA_93 miss
00:12:09GottHasstMich i come
00:12:10ESA_93 care
00:12:12zonskass ss
00:12:15ESA_93 start ganging
00:12:16ClinkzEastwood cm wards?
00:12:19ESA_93 go mid
00:12:20ESA_93 with 5
00:12:26LaSiCa must gang
00:12:26GuiTaR omw
00:12:51ESA_93 rdy to stun
00:13:17GuiTaR shit
00:13:20lemi.livo.skodi niec miss
00:13:23lemi.livo.skodi nice*
00:13:27GottHasstMich oh
00:13:29GottHasstMich better be quiet
00:13:30GuiTaR they gang all time need hlp
00:13:30GottHasstMich LEMI
00:13:37GuiTaR lets gang them
00:13:40lemi.livo.skodi suck my dick idiot captain
00:13:46GottHasstMich haha
00:13:47lemi.livo.skodi with stupidest lanes ever
00:13:48GottHasstMich you are the idiot here
00:13:54lemi.livo.skodi you can suck my dick as well
00:13:56lemi.livo.skodi cuz you are tard
00:14:00GuiTaR dont fight
00:14:03ESA_93 tp mid
00:14:05lemi.livo.skodi better delete wc3 after this game
00:14:08GuiTaR come bot all
00:14:12GuiTaR care
00:14:14Palle care
00:14:38Shiningstone Omni?
00:14:41zonskass ?
00:15:09GottHasstMich go on him
00:15:17Shiningstone isnt it better to go awey each other in situation of Lich's ultimate?!
00:15:28GottHasstMich 1 more
00:15:29GottHasstMich no ulti
00:15:30zonskass y
00:15:37GuiTaR me too no ulty
00:15:53ESA_93 care top
00:15:55zonskass b
00:15:55zonskass b
00:15:56zonskass b
00:15:56zonskass b
00:16:10Shiningstone You got hp byt I no I coud survive if you go other direction ... nvm...
00:16:44GuiTaR ff
00:16:55GuiTaR total noobs
00:16:58lemi.livo.skodi bs niec lanes ... you are wise man
00:17:00LaSiCa captain is realy noob with lane
00:17:01lemi.livo.skodi nice*
00:17:17ESA_93 all
00:17:18ESA_93 mid
00:17:22ESA_93 b
00:17:26lemi.livo.skodi if he could leave
00:17:32GuiTaR ok play we can win
00:17:36GuiTaR just use brain
00:17:39GottHasstMich srsly
00:17:42GottHasstMich u both are 20% ppl
00:17:45GottHasstMich better be quiet
00:17:49GottHasstMich think about why it is so
00:17:52lemi.livo.skodi you can lick our ass better
00:17:52GottHasstMich because u both suck
00:18:05GuiTaR gang
00:18:55lemi.livo.skodi ff
00:18:58LaSiCa ff
00:19:05lemi.livo.skodi trzine ae ff
00:19:06GuiTaR strong team
00:19:10GuiTaR imba ursa
00:19:13lemi.livo.skodi ne mogu sa ovim kretenom
00:19:15GottHasstMich imba feed on him
00:19:16GuiTaR f
00:19:16GottHasstMich thats all
00:19:17GuiTaR ff
00:19:23lemi.livo.skodi kad me stavi na lane ... mentolcina\
00:19:26GottHasstMich they really treated u good
00:19:27GottHasstMich ursa
00:19:31LaSiCa i aask for help so su
00:19:31ESA_93 yup
00:19:32ESA_93 : )
00:19:36GottHasstMich GO
00:19:36GottHasstMich ALL
00:19:37GottHasstMich NOW
00:19:38GottHasstMich FFS
00:19:39lemi.livo.skodi nice lanes of our captain wons
00:19:41LaSiCa to die
00:20:09LaSiCa fffffff
00:20:11LaSiCa pls
00:20:12ESA_93 sec
00:20:15GuiTaR beste noge usra vas guzica
00:20:16LaSiCa all ff
00:20:24ESA_93 go mid
00:20:26LaSiCa so i come and die
00:20:36LaSiCa heppy now captain
00:20:45LaSiCa just say i will die for you
00:21:15GuiTaR ff
00:21:18ESA_93 repel
00:21:19GuiTaR cant win this
00:21:33GuiTaR e a vas dvojca 0 5
00:21:47lemi.livo.skodi rekao sam na pocetku da ne moze takav lane
00:21:47GuiTaR mozemo da ga duvamo
00:21:50GottHasstMich OMG
00:21:52ESA_93 :D
00:21:57LaSiCa pls ff
00:22:15Jerkku gogo
00:22:28GuiTaR great
00:22:38ESA_93 b
00:22:49ESA_93 just b
00:22:51ESA_93 ppl
00:22:54ClinkzEastwood y
00:23:00ESA_93 push after shop
00:23:01ESA_93 top
00:23:01ESA_93 and
00:23:02ESA_93 bot
00:23:14GottHasstMich focus es out
00:23:16GottHasstMich and cm
00:23:27ClinkzEastwood z
00:23:43ESA_93 dont start playing stupidly now
00:23:49ESA_93 come
00:23:50ESA_93 top
00:23:52GuiTaR b
00:23:52Jerkku just go mid again
00:23:55Jerkku and we get rax
00:24:11ESA_93 take 2nd tier
00:24:21GuiTaR ursa can pawn us alone
00:24:27ESA_93 gather
00:24:28ESA_93 top
00:24:43GuiTaR def
00:25:16GuiTaR thank u
00:25:34GuiTaR he killed me in 2 punches
00:25:39GuiTaR why didnt u ban ursa
00:25:40Jerkku mid rax
00:25:42ESA_93 y
00:26:41ClinkzEastwood omni?
00:26:49zonskass trying
00:26:51zonskass save'
00:26:51LaSiCa why w8 to ff
00:26:55lemi.livo.skodi ff
00:26:57LaSiCa ff
00:26:58zonskass i am not god
00:26:58Palle F
00:27:00Palle FF
00:27:03LaSiCa pls end
00:27:12GuiTaR fuck meeee
00:27:20GuiTaR ursa imba
00:27:20LaSiCa ff
00:27:23GuiTaR totally
00:27:25GuiTaR ff
00:27:25lemi.livo.skodi who didnt ff ? ?
00:27:27GottHasstMich so imba team
00:27:30GottHasstMich loving bronze games :]
00:27:30GuiTaR u cant ff
00:27:33ESA_93 :D
00:27:33GuiTaR 25 min
00:27:39lemi.livo.skodi you cant even play for shit colour games
00:28:21ESA_93 bot next
00:28:27Palle I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:30GuiTaR I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:30LaSiCa I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:31lemi.livo.skodi I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:42Palle bs ff
00:28:44zonskass last
00:28:48ESA_93 cmon
00:28:49ESA_93 ff it
00:28:50Jerkku who believes in win
00:28:54Shiningstone reg
00:28:56Palle BS
00:29:08Jerkku omg bs
00:29:13GottHasstMich ?
00:29:18Palle ff it bs
00:29:22GottHasstMich why should i
00:29:23GottHasstMich u fucked it
00:29:24GottHasstMich with ur picks
00:29:26GottHasstMich picking axe
00:29:28GottHasstMich as second cpt
00:29:30GottHasstMich in a fucking bronze
00:29:31GottHasstMich is gg
00:29:31Jerkku hi lich
00:29:31lemi.livo.skodi hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahaha
00:29:36lemi.livo.skodi what a MORON
00:29:36GottHasstMich with that fucking lemi
00:29:38LaSiCa so ff
00:29:41GottHasstMich picking a noob carry he cant handle
00:29:47lemi.livo.skodi you can delete wc3 after this game
00:29:50GottHasstMich and lemi
00:29:53GottHasstMich that imba carry player
00:29:55lemi.livo.skodi and play tetris
00:29:57ESA_93 XD
00:29:58GottHasstMich telling me to del wc3 afterwards
00:30:01GottHasstMich because i suck that much
00:30:08GottHasstMich fuck that hurts!
00:30:22zonskass to me
00:30:56GuiTaR i gave my best
00:30:57LaSiCa captain enjoy
00:31:10lemi.livo.skodi we love that tard
00:31:13GuiTaR u wont ff?
00:31:16GottHasstMich :D
00:31:17LaSiCa I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:18GottHasstMich OWNED
00:31:19ClinkzEastwood .i.
00:31:22lemi.livo.skodi and pray god we never play with him again
00:31:31lemi.livo.skodi we all agree captain lanes judge game
00:31:45ESA_93 FC
00:31:47ESA_93 D:
00:31:50LaSiCa i ask for help was on ursa and maiden what i can do
00:31:53LaSiCa realy
00:32:06LaSiCa to stay at tower all geme
00:32:07ESA_93 :D:D:D
00:32:09LaSiCa ffs
00:32:13GottHasstMich hahaha
00:32:15GottHasstMich that lemi
00:32:16GottHasstMich so godlike
00:32:17lemi.livo.skodi lol maiden
00:32:19GottHasstMich just best carryplayer in game
00:32:20GottHasstMich i swear
00:32:22GottHasstMich he gets owned
00:32:24GottHasstMich by shiningstone
00:32:26GottHasstMich HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
00:32:27Shiningstone 2% :DDDD
00:32:30lemi.livo.skodi styg ... i fucked your dead mom in eusty pussy
00:32:30GottHasstMich a fucking 2% player
00:32:33GottHasstMich wp shining
00:32:35lemi.livo.skodi rusty
00:32:36GottHasstMich you mad?
00:32:44LaSiCa ;]
00:32:44ESA_93 go bot
00:32:47Shiningstone I will learn soon!
00:32:49lemi.livo.skodi yeah i madly fucked her
00:32:50LaSiCa please ff
00:32:52LaSiCa wtf
00:33:06GuiTaR ffs
00:33:08zonskass :D
00:33:28zonskass dead
00:33:33GuiTaR lol
00:33:38ESA_93 for another beyonnnnd
00:33:42GottHasstMich shiningstone
00:33:43GuiTaR ursa should be banned from dota
00:33:44GottHasstMich is gonna get
00:33:46GottHasstMich +60x
00:33:47GottHasstMich i think
00:34:40ESA_93 oh comeone
00:34:42ESA_93 on
00:35:30ESA_93 :D:D:D
00:35:35LaSiCa i am not pussy ;]
00:35:44ClinkzEastwood yea got dagger now
00:35:46ClinkzEastwood xD
00:36:17GottHasstMich i hope they will introduce a lifetime ban for ultra suck players like lemi
00:36:19GottHasstMich i mean the point is
00:36:25GottHasstMich no prob with players who try to learn and play
00:36:28GottHasstMich like shining
00:36:29GottHasstMich but hes
00:36:32GottHasstMich ultra failbob
00:36:41GuiTaR I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
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