Game #3036303

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+24 X
+2 TS

76% | 1392 X | 1399 TS

+6 X
+2 TS

65% | 1278 X | 1369 TS

+48 X
+5 TS

50% | 1146 X | 1331 TS

+23 X
+15 TS

44% | 1106 X | 1324 TS

+43 X
+25 TS

39% | 1055 X | 1341 TS

-29 X
-2 TS

93% | 1677 X | 1438 TS

-26 X
-15 TS

71% | 1423 X | 1282 TS

-39 X
-15 TS

64% | 1205 X | 1439 TS

-28 X
-3 TS

16% | 970 X | 1199 TS

-13 X
-8 TS

5% | 875 X | 1135 TS

Chat log

00:00:23Jimpai you start
00:00:23Jimpai :)
00:00:23GuiTaR common
00:00:23Jonneblarre ban furi
00:00:23MadLion interface
00:00:23GuiTaR ban
00:00:23GottHasstMich furi
00:00:23Jimpai antimage
00:00:23GottHasstMich wisely
00:00:23GottHasstMich :P
00:00:38GottHasstMich get aa, es , ogre
00:00:38mansikka weaver mid?
00:00:40GottHasstMich rhasta
00:00:46GottHasstMich tuskar/ns good heroes pls
00:00:48GottHasstMich y ill take mid
00:00:56Galgar es for sure
00:01:00lemi.livo.skodi can i play naga ?
00:01:02GottHasstMich gogo es
00:01:03Jimpai yes ofc
00:01:03GottHasstMich aa
00:01:06GottHasstMich sick lane
00:01:07Jimpai what do you think?
00:01:08lemi.livo.skodi what you want ?
00:01:09Jimpai suck ur dads cock
00:01:12Jimpai thats all i have to say to you
00:01:14Jonneblarre we bot?
00:01:16mansikka we bot
00:01:18GottHasstMich ogre and tuskar/rhasta and they can ff
00:01:20GuiTaR fu fag
00:01:32Jonneblarre rasta imo
00:01:43Galgar enigma is good too ?
00:01:43GuiTaR ffs i wanted ogre
00:01:50MadLion rhasta imo
00:01:52MadLion to go with ck
00:01:53mansikka y
00:01:57mansikka let me solo bot
00:02:01Jonneblarre me aa bot
00:02:07mansikka let me solo
00:02:08mansikka bot
00:02:14mansikka eni woods
00:02:16Jonneblarre blue?
00:02:25GottHasstMich y
00:02:28GuiTaR staq da kupim?
00:02:29Jonneblarre me bot?
00:02:30lemi.livo.skodi trzine
00:02:32mansikka u top
00:02:34mansikka eni come woods
00:02:34Jimpai y privjoska
00:02:35lemi.livo.skodi prva i treca magija
00:02:37GottHasstMich go top
00:02:39GottHasstMich es
00:02:41Jimpai trazlo ri pftar
00:02:42GuiTaR k
00:02:51GottHasstMich btw
00:02:51GottHasstMich stop
00:02:52GottHasstMich no
00:02:52GottHasstMich aa
00:02:53GottHasstMich u go top
00:02:55GottHasstMich es bot
00:02:55Jimpai si
00:02:55lemi.livo.skodi i idi na jaci ulti , sveru
00:02:56Jimpai da
00:02:56GuiTaR a da nabudzim jedan lvl hex?
00:02:57Jimpai davai
00:02:59mansikka too late
00:03:00Galgar they got a quite a bit of disable aswell
00:03:01GottHasstMich i dont care
00:03:02Jimpai davai liro sieska
00:03:03GottHasstMich just play
00:03:05GottHasstMich and dont fail
00:03:05GottHasstMich :P
00:03:08lemi.livo.skodi moze ... umesto prve uzmi jedan hex
00:03:09GuiTaR sta da kupim za pocetak?
00:03:15Galgar same goes for you
00:03:18Galgar ;)
00:03:20Jimpai kupim da za mjoiza
00:03:59GuiTaR dontr touch me
00:04:16Platscher if doc attacks go stun him
00:04:22Platscher so the creeps attak him
00:04:49Jonneblarre naga freefarms top
00:05:03GottHasstMich ._.
00:05:03Platscher lol
00:05:12GottHasstMich luck more pls
00:05:12GottHasstMich :D
00:05:19mansikka enigma
00:05:20mansikka gang
00:05:30mansikka ness
00:05:32lemi.livo.skodi trzine
00:05:35GuiTaR ?
00:05:37lemi.livo.skodi ja sta ti hvatame
00:05:49GottHasstMich ss mid
00:05:49lemi.livo.skodi ?????????????
00:05:54lemi.livo.skodi dal jemoguce
00:06:02lemi.livo.skodi da si ga pustio ? ?
00:06:04mansikka ty
00:06:10Platscher OMFG
00:06:11lemi.livo.skodi pa ne smes da se pomera
00:06:12Platscher why no stun ?
00:06:14GuiTaR jebo me hotkeys
00:06:15lemi.livo.skodi pomeras
00:06:15Jonneblarre OOm
00:06:18GuiTaR znammmm
00:06:25Platscher why you run after him then ?
00:06:26lemi.livo.skodi i kad ja bacim stan ti ga hvatej
00:06:26Jonneblarre what do u think
00:06:29Jonneblarre u can see my mana
00:06:30GottHasstMich re mid
00:06:34Jimpai bvacima
00:06:49Platscher up is going to freefarm
00:06:50Jonneblarre cgang top
00:06:53GottHasstMich go gang mid
00:06:55mansikka ur cool guy lemi
00:06:56GottHasstMich b4 night
00:07:04lemi.livo.skodi su shemae
00:07:06lemi.livo.skodi shemale
00:07:09mansikka k
00:07:11Jonneblarre inc
00:07:15Jonneblarre but no boots and stuff
00:07:25lemi.livo.skodi i ll pee on your face soon
00:07:34mansikka k
00:07:35GottHasstMich gj
00:07:53lemi.livo.skodi ae sad trzine
00:07:57Platscher gj
00:08:01GuiTaR ss
00:08:15Galgar rhasta?
00:08:17mansikka oom
00:08:22MadLion still ss mid
00:08:40GuiTaR ffs
00:08:51lemi.livo.skodi kastuj nesto jbt
00:08:55GuiTaR maaa
00:09:05mansikka ty
00:09:06Platscher aa
00:09:10GuiTaR ss
00:09:12mansikka me b
00:09:39Platscher up chick
00:09:49Jonneblarre i come gang mid
00:09:50lemi.livo.skodi dodji po ring
00:10:01GottHasstMich ss mid
00:10:06Jimpai poriska da radoo
00:10:15lemi.livo.skodi ss bot
00:10:20Jimpai ss
00:11:00Platscher lol blue -.-
00:11:03GuiTaR ma daj
00:11:05lemi.livo.skodi brate
00:11:06GuiTaR nista ne mogu
00:11:10lemi.livo.skodi koji si ocajnik
00:11:13Platscher ss
00:11:14Platscher care
00:11:15lemi.livo.skodi tuga keve mi
00:11:16GuiTaR a sta da radim
00:11:26MadLion ss mid
00:11:28lemi.livo.skodi rezonuj situaciju
00:11:30lemi.livo.skodi malo bolje
00:11:32GuiTaR lol
00:11:38Platscher up chick allready -.-
00:11:43GuiTaR ovaj appariton kida
00:11:46lemi.livo.skodi a ne sam na dvojicu kad ja nemam mane
00:11:52GuiTaR k
00:11:54lemi.livo.skodi kida kad si noob
00:12:15GottHasstMich ...
00:12:15GottHasstMich why ?
00:12:23GottHasstMich dont let fucking me kill..
00:12:25Platscher omw
00:13:29GuiTaR nikad nemas mane
00:13:33lemi.livo.skodi pa nemam
00:13:35lemi.livo.skodi jbg
00:13:48lemi.livo.skodi a ti se cuvaj pozadi i cekaj da ja prvi kastujem
00:13:50lemi.livo.skodi pa onda ti
00:14:24Jonneblarre ffs
00:14:25GuiTaR ne mogu da uzmem pare od tebe
00:14:26Jonneblarre weaver
00:14:30GuiTaR jebi se
00:14:35Jonneblarre why not atack naga first
00:14:37lemi.livo.skodi ne trebaju ti pare
00:14:37Jonneblarre u suck
00:14:46Platscher thats true
00:14:50GottHasstMich stfu
00:14:51GottHasstMich u last hit
00:14:55GottHasstMich instead of letting me kill
00:14:56Platscher worst weaver ever
00:14:57GottHasstMich no right to talk
00:14:57GottHasstMich thx
00:15:00lemi.livo.skodi imam mane za stan
00:15:02Platscher you noob wouldnt get
00:15:05Platscher like you play
00:15:09GuiTaR pusi ga
00:15:10Jonneblarre y rly
00:15:14GottHasstMich thats why u are last pick
00:15:16GottHasstMich and im cpt
00:15:18GottHasstMich be fucking quiet
00:15:19GottHasstMich and get eggs
00:15:20GottHasstMich thxc
00:15:26GuiTaR maaa
00:15:31GuiTaR jbt
00:15:36GuiTaR uzeo si mi i kulu
00:15:38Platscher captain or not you suck :D
00:15:48lemi.livo.skodi ti imas te magije bre
00:15:57GuiTaR super
00:15:59lemi.livo.skodi mozes i bez itema
00:17:03Platscher y
00:17:04Jonneblarre got ulti
00:17:08Galgar i dont
00:17:17mansikka :D
00:17:48GuiTaR ]ideee
00:18:19Galgar b
00:18:43Platscher 3 times arcane :D
00:18:48Platscher should be enough mana ^^
00:18:54Jonneblarre :P
00:19:03GuiTaR he escape
00:19:07Platscher care
00:19:08lemi.livo.skodi hvataj ga
00:19:11lemi.livo.skodi ja prvi
00:19:11Platscher omw mid
00:19:18GuiTaR gone
00:19:22Platscher care
00:19:37GuiTaR omw
00:19:59lemi.livo.skodi gj naga
00:20:03Jimpai sock ur dads cock
00:20:04GuiTaR b
00:20:04GuiTaR b
00:20:05GuiTaR b
00:20:06Jimpai thats all i have to say
00:20:13lemi.livo.skodi cuz you are stupid
00:20:21Platscher ^^
00:20:23lemi.livo.skodi ff
00:20:25GuiTaR ff
00:20:28Platscher stun ftw
00:20:30mansikka mana
00:20:33Jonneblarre y
00:20:35Platscher cd
00:20:38Jimpai u are one of the worst players on gc
00:20:43lemi.livo.skodi your dada ?
00:20:44Jimpai but, bet you already knew
00:20:46lemi.livo.skodi dad ?
00:20:52Jimpai dada*
00:21:04Galgar b
00:21:05lemi.livo.skodi your dad is best cock sucker ever
00:21:08Galgar es almostdead
00:21:09Jimpai true
00:21:15Jonneblarre weaver got boots now
00:21:15Platscher let me
00:21:15Jonneblarre gz
00:21:17Jonneblarre y
00:21:27GuiTaR we can win this
00:21:33Jimpai u can shut up
00:21:35Platscher omw
00:21:36Platscher got haste
00:21:37GuiTaR fu noob
00:21:47Jimpai guitar says "fu noob"
00:21:52Jimpai find the irony
00:21:52GuiTaR fu nooob
00:21:55lemi.livo.skodi he is right
00:21:59lemi.livo.skodi you are noob
00:22:02Jimpai find the irony again
00:22:22Jonneblarre i come top too
00:22:24Jonneblarre go push
00:22:38Platscher OMFG
00:22:40Platscher ty for help
00:22:41Platscher -.-
00:22:45Platscher why not disable rhasta -.
00:22:53Platscher b
00:22:54Platscher wtf
00:23:17Platscher ^^
00:23:18Jonneblarre hahah
00:23:18Galgar :DDDDDDDD
00:23:19Jonneblarre n1
00:23:19GuiTaR noooob
00:23:23mansikka :>
00:23:27Jimpai rhasta
00:23:29Platscher enigma next time pls disable rhasta
00:23:30Jimpai u so nice
00:23:32GuiTaR noob
00:23:35Jimpai u have like 8%, i mean
00:23:38GuiTaR noooob
00:23:39Jimpai is that even possible
00:23:41GuiTaR nooooob
00:23:41Jimpai even if you try?
00:23:46GuiTaR nooob
00:24:11Galgar blick back hole wasnt enoguj
00:24:24Platscher too late ;)=
00:24:44GuiTaR b
00:24:44GuiTaR b
00:24:55Platscher ;P
00:24:57lemi.livo.skodi naga hahahahahh
00:24:59GuiTaR noob??
00:25:01lemi.livo.skodi naga hahahahhhh
00:25:11Jimpai guys, look at ur x skill
00:25:12Platscher lol
00:25:15GuiTaR 93 % and still noooob
00:25:15Platscher this bitch
00:25:15Jimpai its fucking embaressing
00:25:18Jimpai seriouslt
00:25:29GuiTaR did u bribe dota gc
00:25:30Platscher ^^
00:25:35Platscher nice block
00:25:38GuiTaR to give u %
00:25:42Jimpai did u bribe them to give u more than 1%?
00:25:48GuiTaR y
00:25:51Jimpai i see
00:25:54Jimpai cause ur terribad
00:26:28Jonneblarre totally oom
00:26:29Platscher need to fuck em more
00:26:30Jonneblarre sry'
00:26:36Galgar np
00:27:17GuiTaR are
00:27:19GuiTaR care
00:27:22GuiTaR dont
00:27:40GuiTaR why
00:27:46Platscher wtf enigma
00:27:48Jimpai ooh, wp nessaj
00:27:49Jonneblarre go mid
00:27:50Jimpai u so imba
00:27:51Jimpai :D:D
00:27:53Jimpai really good
00:27:56GuiTaR stfu nooob
00:28:00Jimpai bet u and guitar are brothers
00:28:02lemi.livo.skodi shemales cant talk ... you can su now
00:28:12Jimpai can they write?
00:28:18lemi.livo.skodi they can suck my cock
00:28:23Jimpai then ur gay?
00:28:23GuiTaR we are not brother but fuckers of your mom
00:28:24Jonneblarre or tower bpt?
00:28:25Galgar soz was on phone -.-
00:28:27Jonneblarre bot
00:28:27Jimpai or what are you sayinh?
00:28:35Jimpai then ur disgusting
00:28:58GuiTaR i go top
00:29:04Landbandii lol
00:29:58Jimpai rhasta
00:29:59Jimpai imba
00:30:03Jimpai do that again please
00:30:15Galgar -.-
00:30:25GuiTaR I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:30:25Platscher not all there -.-
00:30:37mansikka well ofc
00:30:38mansikka not
00:30:41mansikka in their base
00:30:53Platscher than dont blink if you dont want to go
00:31:03mansikka who blinks
00:31:11Platscher someone blinked in their base
00:31:44Platscher care
00:31:46Platscher down
00:32:02GuiTaR gj
00:32:05GuiTaR \es u rule
00:32:07Jimpai rhasta so imba
00:32:10GuiTaR es u rule
00:32:20Jonneblarre TY man
00:32:25GuiTaR np
00:32:26Galgar ofc he does he saves our team
00:32:28GuiTaR great play
00:32:30mansikka go mid
00:32:42GuiTaR unlike pink
00:32:45Galgar :D
00:32:48GuiTaR pink likes it in the stink
00:32:50Jimpai unlike me
00:32:55Jimpai i like it in the stinky
00:33:02GuiTaR he likes it in the stink
00:33:03Jimpai one in the pinky, two in the stinky
00:33:10lemi.livo.skodi he likes from ass to mouth
00:33:15GuiTaR u see he know
00:33:16GuiTaR s
00:33:20Jonneblarre oom
00:33:22Jimpai yes, i like it
00:33:25Jimpai sexual intercourse
00:35:06Jimpai rhasta so good
00:35:15GuiTaR rape meeeee
00:35:35lemi.livo.skodi gj
00:35:37Jonneblarre raxx mid
00:35:38GuiTaR rape naga she likes it in the asssssssss
00:35:47GuiTaR and then in the mouthhhh
00:35:52lemi.livo.skodi she likes from ass to mouth
00:36:00GottHasstMich only assists
00:36:00MadLion I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:36:01Platscher sound nice
00:36:02GottHasstMich own team :D
00:36:03GuiTaR I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:36:04GottHasstMich int power
00:36:09Jonneblarre u suck weaver
00:36:42GottHasstMich ur just last hitting everything
00:36:46Jonneblarre u suck
00:36:47GottHasstMich nothing to do with me
00:36:48GottHasstMich but nvm
00:36:53GottHasstMich im looking forward
00:36:55GottHasstMich for an 1on1
00:36:58Galgar go top now
00:36:59GottHasstMich u in mid
00:37:00Jonneblarre 1on1 no skill
00:37:02GottHasstMich u will absolutly suck
00:37:03Jonneblarre only hero
00:37:08GottHasstMich like u do all games against me
00:37:11GottHasstMich u didnt won one game against me
00:37:13GottHasstMich so just be fucking quiet
00:37:20Jonneblarre that even think that 1on1 proves skill
00:37:21GottHasstMich i dont know why u casual players always think u have right to talkl
00:38:08mansikka go
00:38:09mansikka top
00:38:47GuiTaR ogre u fat bitch
00:39:08Galgar k
00:39:08Galgar wtf
00:39:12Galgar lol
00:40:06Platscher XD
00:40:14Jimpai great plays es!!!
00:40:17Jimpai really good!:D
00:40:19GuiTaR y
00:40:21Jimpai add me after this!!
00:40:26Jimpai send me all ur replays to!:D
00:40:32GuiTaR he wants to suck your cock
00:40:33lemi.livo.skodi i told you ... he is gay
00:40:34mansikka jimpai is jealous :DD:D:D:D:D
00:40:35Platscher XD
00:40:40Jimpai im serious
00:40:43Platscher what a sad game :D
00:40:46GuiTaR he wants it in the asss
00:41:08Jonneblarre ok
00:41:13Jonneblarre w8 for all now
00:41:17Jonneblarre aa and enigma
00:41:20Jonneblarre and just finish this
00:41:22mansikka ur the boss :--------------D
00:41:23Platscher go top
00:41:42Platscher why no one wants to go with me -.-
00:41:43GuiTaR finish this i ned to go
00:42:22Jonneblarre why chase
00:42:23Jonneblarre omg
00:42:52GuiTaR oom
00:43:03Jonneblarre why dont we go alll 5+
00:43:08Galgar y
00:43:19Galgar lets just finish
00:43:25Platscher if you go top i come with you ;)
00:43:26Galgar meet
00:43:27Jonneblarre dont chase them into base
00:44:11GuiTaR def
00:44:27GuiTaR mana
00:44:33GuiTaR oom
00:45:10MadLion I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:45:11MadLion I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:45:12lemi.livo.skodi I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:45:13GuiTaR I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:45:23Jimpai I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:45:43Platscher gg
00:45:47MadLion QQ
00:45:49Platscher wp
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