Game #3029755

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-7 X
+7 TS

73% | 1344 X | 1405 TS

+2 X
+2 TS

69% | 1258 X | 1437 TS

-25 X
+10 TS

32% | 1076 X | 1267 TS

+52 X
+2 TS

32% | 1025 X | 1317 TS

-15 X
+12 TS

21% | 1076 X | 1143 TS

+4 X
-2 TS

61% | 1218 X | 1393 TS

-54 X
-1 TS

57% | 1218 X | 1364 TS

-5 X
-2 TS

57% | 1242 X | 1332 TS

+19 X
-2 TS

54% | 1178 X | 1360 TS

+38 X
-30 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:20101010 isawthat have your readed rules?
00:00:20zonskass furiona banink
00:00:20Isawthat yeah
00:00:20Isawthat kinda fast
00:00:20Isawthat i buy
00:00:20Isawthat chicken
00:00:20zonskass jis banins medi
00:00:20Isawthat and share
00:00:20101010 y
00:00:20TOo_LaZy -furi
00:00:20zonskass ir paimsi man sd
00:00:20Isawthat not leaving, and ect
00:00:20NwC.CooL-T roof
00:00:35sebralane fak meeee
00:00:41zonskass tau mortreda gal paimt?
00:00:51sebralane faking shit cock peace of durn
00:00:53sebralane :D
00:00:55TOo_LaZy trax
00:00:59sebralane durd
00:00:59TOo_LaZy ne
00:01:04sebralane or its it turd?
00:01:04TOo_LaZy svne
00:01:07zonskass -swap 1
00:01:09horsesarse turd
00:01:10TOo_LaZy -swap 2
00:01:12sebralane oke
00:01:16sebralane ur a turd
00:01:22horsesarse so are u :)
00:01:29Isawthat i pick centaur
00:01:33horsesarse ur sebras turd, im horse's
00:01:44NwC.CooL-T pick tank
00:01:45sebralane no ur an ass
00:01:45NwC.CooL-T !!!
00:01:49horsesarse damn
00:01:52NwC.CooL-T slardar
00:01:54sebralane pick thd
00:01:55sebralane tank
00:01:55horsesarse would have take cent
00:02:01horsesarse sk?
00:02:09sebralane yyy
00:02:12zonskass /w DotaKeys: off
00:02:13zonskass /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:20TOo_LaZy /w DotaKeys: You control Drow Ranger [r,e,t,m]
00:02:24zonskass /w DotaKeys: on
00:02:26zonskass /w DotaKeys: You control The Shadow Demon [d,c,w,g]
00:02:28holostoi -ms
00:02:32sebralane na canz pull?
00:02:43holostoi y
00:02:55sebralane i have blade soo can imbalasthit ALL the creeps
00:02:57TOo_LaZy jei ka mid fb
00:03:21magaso cent
00:03:22holostoi for imbalsast hit noneed blade on morterd
00:03:22magaso noob
00:03:24magaso go wood
00:03:25magaso shit
00:03:26magaso fcuk
00:03:28sebralane i do
00:03:36sebralane i need
00:04:01TOo_LaZy lagas
00:04:12TOo_LaZy tau
00:04:51NwC.CooL-T ss?
00:04:55NwC.CooL-T bitches
00:04:57TOo_LaZy gj
00:05:04holostoi he was 1 lvl
00:05:09Isawthat rune bot
00:05:48horsesarse ss?
00:06:03Isawthat omg noob cent
00:06:07magaso na
00:06:09magaso i wont do that
00:06:24Isawthat bot 0
00:06:27Isawthat 1
00:06:32holostoi go
00:07:04sebralane bottomlane needs help
00:07:07horsesarse rune to
00:07:10TOo_LaZy ateik mid
00:07:30horsesarse stun?==?
00:07:36TOo_LaZy need
00:07:37TOo_LaZy wards
00:07:38NwC.CooL-T ss
00:07:42Isawthat i will quit share
00:07:44Isawthat :@
00:07:49magaso ??
00:07:55Isawthat dont use my char!
00:07:57zonskass tj ateisiu
00:08:09Isawthat bottom 3
00:08:13zonskass atw
00:08:55TOo_LaZy rua
00:09:02TOo_LaZy check
00:09:02Isawthat bot 0
00:09:05horsesarse rege
00:09:07Isawthat 1
00:09:17horsesarse ss
00:09:20horsesarse drow
00:09:21zonskass no mana
00:09:22horsesarse onc mod
00:09:23NwC.CooL-T help gank
00:09:24horsesarse mid
00:09:30sebralane ss ecent
00:09:31sebralane cent
00:09:35Isawthat bot 0
00:10:02horsesarse ffs
00:10:06magaso LOOL
00:10:27zonskass atsargiai neryubas
00:10:39Isawthat miss?
00:10:42Isawthat mia?
00:10:51Isawthat write mias!
00:11:01magaso kaip toik riekejo bapkiu
00:11:57Isawthat zeus low
00:12:32Isawthat slow
00:13:30horsesarse again
00:13:33horsesarse ffs
00:13:38horsesarse 2 hp
00:14:04Isawthat silencer
00:14:10Isawthat ultimate?
00:14:19101010 was oom
00:14:25Isawthat too bad
00:14:26NwC.CooL-T ???? ?? ??????? ???????
00:14:35holostoi jxthtlb gbpltw
00:14:43holostoi ??????? ??????
00:14:44NwC.CooL-T ?? ? ??? ?????
00:14:48NwC.CooL-T ? ?? ????? ??????
00:14:55horsesarse invi
00:14:56sebralane i get what item?
00:14:59horsesarse care top
00:15:00horsesarse onvo
00:15:03horsesarse invi
00:15:06horsesarse b top
00:15:17NwC.CooL-T care
00:15:18TOo_LaZy aklas
00:15:19TOo_LaZy ?
00:15:20TOo_LaZy nx
00:15:23NwC.CooL-T ???? ?? ????? ???????
00:15:24zonskass matau gi
00:15:29holostoi ?? ????
00:15:45zonskass b
00:15:57sebralane ss
00:15:58horsesarse ss
00:15:58sebralane cent
00:16:12horsesarse re
00:16:14sebralane do i get vangauard?
00:16:20sebralane or go for bfury?
00:16:24horsesarse bfury
00:16:35horsesarse sS
00:16:37horsesarse 2
00:16:57sebralane they killed kenny :(
00:17:06Isawthat brb
00:17:07NwC.CooL-T i
00:17:52NwC.CooL-T gj
00:18:01magaso omg
00:18:02magaso cent
00:18:03magaso noob
00:18:06Isawthat stfu
00:18:08Isawthat u lame
00:18:09holostoi ???? ???? ???
00:18:22magaso zonskas
00:18:22magaso nx
00:18:24magaso uzpisai
00:18:25magaso feedint
00:18:26magaso kurva
00:18:47sebralane ss cent
00:18:51sebralane re cent
00:19:08magaso eina nx
00:20:21sebralane get flyinh pls
00:20:25sebralane i have bfly
00:20:35Isawthat nice ks :D
00:20:59Isawthat venom with
00:21:01Isawthat 7 kill
00:21:04Isawthat nice
00:21:13horsesarse deny
00:22:15Isawthat dissapear
00:22:15Isawthat him
00:22:37Isawthat gj
00:22:43sebralane get a faking flying
00:22:47sebralane there 2k on chiken
00:22:52sebralane and hes 45 hp
00:22:53sebralane da fak
00:23:05zonskass b
00:24:03NwC.CooL-T sk stop feed
00:24:09horsesarse 2 late
00:24:18zonskass w8 cent
00:24:35zonskass go
00:24:36Isawthat mid 4
00:25:36holostoi ??????
00:25:41holostoi warded
00:26:08Isawthat b bot
00:26:09Isawthat 4
00:27:25holostoi sk bob
00:27:31NwC.CooL-T leave sk pls
00:27:38NwC.CooL-T we win when you leave
00:27:45NwC.CooL-T it's true
00:27:55sebralane da fak
00:27:58sebralane still no flying
00:28:10NwC.CooL-T only for you
00:28:35sebralane i think i have to get lifesteal
00:28:41sebralane cuz sk is ded all the time
00:28:43sebralane soo no aura
00:28:44NwC.CooL-T you need mom
00:28:50horsesarse cheer up
00:29:15Isawthat zeus?
00:29:19101010 noob zeus
00:29:23101010 just try farm
00:29:28magaso ?
00:29:40101010 go with others?
00:30:18holostoi invis
00:30:26NwC.CooL-T i pick
00:30:53sebralane no lifesteal
00:30:55sebralane fak me
00:31:04horsesarse gather
00:31:14horsesarse no tp
00:32:04magaso uzmusk mane
00:32:07magaso bbd
00:32:33TOo_LaZy cent go rosh
00:32:36magaso zonkas vel gausi -50 x
00:32:46TOo_LaZy tave pisa labai ?
00:32:50Isawthat nerub's bugs
00:32:54magaso tai ne nx
00:32:55Isawthat r there
00:33:09Isawthat put
00:33:10Isawthat a sentry
00:33:11Isawthat there
00:33:15Isawthat omg
00:33:17Isawthat zonkass
00:33:23magaso bbd
00:33:25magaso uzpisau
00:33:26sebralane rosh maybe?
00:33:26magaso feedint
00:33:27magaso nx
00:33:29horsesarse k
00:33:43sebralane i tak
00:33:44sebralane e
00:33:52TOo_LaZy pz kiek lietuvoj lohu
00:33:57Isawthat THERE IS NERUB'S BUG
00:34:03Isawthat DONT GO
00:35:08sebralane fak me
00:35:10sebralane what u do
00:35:20sebralane da fak u doing
00:35:21horsesarse :E
00:35:49Isawthat -afk
00:36:33Isawthat u lame deamon
00:36:33Isawthat -.-
00:36:44Isawthat u dissapear me when doesnt need
00:36:50Isawthat and dont when it need
00:37:37NwC.CooL-T b
00:37:43horsesarse i make ac
00:37:58horsesarse mid?
00:37:59magaso eik tu nx
00:38:00magaso bbd
00:38:01NwC.CooL-T leave noob
00:38:04Isawthat stop feeding
00:38:04horsesarse sure
00:38:06magaso nu kiek
00:38:07magaso tu nx
00:38:08Isawthat u r 1 crit to him
00:38:08magaso gali feedint
00:38:25zonskass bl duxas prakalbo
00:38:40Isawthat fu all
00:38:41Isawthat -.-
00:38:42holostoi b
00:38:46holostoi they all here
00:39:24NwC.CooL-T base
00:39:25NwC.CooL-T go
00:39:29Isawthat nortom stayed out from everything
00:39:31holostoi bot
00:39:40zonskass I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:39:40Isawthat and zeus? dont even ask
00:39:50TOo_LaZy -ff
00:39:55zonskass type ff
00:40:00Isawthat no way
00:40:02NwC.CooL-T rax
00:40:05horsesarse gj
00:40:11NwC.CooL-T rax
00:40:29horsesarse b
00:40:29sebralane b
00:40:55zonskass loxas pripizdino fragu, litu uzkale ir nk nepadaro :D
00:41:03Isawthat 872 hp sd
00:41:04Isawthat omg
00:41:08TOo_LaZy kam tu isvis su situo debilu sneki
00:41:08Isawthat OMFG
00:41:15zonskass as tau apie ji sakau :D
00:41:25TOo_LaZy :d
00:41:27magaso eik tu nx
00:41:51sebralane this silence too imba
00:41:52sebralane :d
00:41:59sebralane and dd goes away wiht bkb?
00:42:02sebralane it sucks
00:42:20Isawthat thats all
00:42:27Isawthat dont use my hero more
00:42:44magaso eik tun
00:43:12magaso 1-15
00:43:14magaso tu gal
00:43:17magaso suj botais losk
00:43:21sebralane he kills u na
00:43:21zonskass share cent
00:43:30holostoi u nap
00:43:42sebralane i get my 350 fast
00:43:43zonskass tu adapatuotas turbut mokykloje buvai, kaip matau
00:43:55magaso :DD
00:43:58horsesarse rege
00:44:04magaso isvis
00:44:07TOo_LaZy draugu neturi tiesiog
00:44:08magaso sneki
00:44:09holostoi im
00:44:09magaso kai
00:44:33magaso uzpisai feedint
00:44:34magaso totaliai
00:44:38magaso per tave prapisim
00:44:39magaso dabar
00:44:40zonskass toliau sunku sugalvot sakiny turbut? :D
00:44:42sebralane wait
00:44:43sebralane omg
00:44:46zonskass cia per tave
00:44:56magaso tu isvis nulis
00:44:57magaso nx esi
00:45:21zonskass pristealinai o dabar ciulpi su savo zeusu
00:45:30magaso is taves
00:45:32magaso naudos
00:45:35magaso kaip is kubiliaus
00:45:37TOo_LaZy :D
00:45:37magaso nulis
00:45:50TOo_LaZy o tu debilas
00:45:51TOo_LaZy :D
00:46:05magaso man atrodo
00:46:07magaso kad jus debilai
00:46:10TOo_LaZy tu visvien debilas
00:46:10zonskass tai aisku, nes musu herousau nk nepadaro dbr, nes neuzfarmino p[er tave
00:46:11TOo_LaZy :D
00:46:18magaso lol
00:46:19magaso ble
00:46:24magaso tu gi farmint nemoki
00:46:27magaso bote
00:46:32zonskass nzn kaip dar tokiam atsilupusiam paaiskint
00:46:45Isawthat -afk
00:46:45magaso koks daunas
00:46:48magaso bbd
00:46:50sebralane for who? :D
00:46:54horsesarse mee :)
00:46:55magaso per tave
00:46:56sebralane :D
00:46:57magaso meningite
00:47:02magaso prapisom
00:47:02Isawthat yeah
00:47:03Isawthat go roshan
00:47:04TOo_LaZy :SDDD
00:47:04magaso ko tu nesupranti
00:47:06Isawthat -.-4
00:47:07sebralane we will
00:47:11Isawthat i know
00:47:12Isawthat i see
00:47:14Isawthat -.-
00:47:23TOo_LaZy varau miegot
00:47:26Isawthat we can stop you. STILL!
00:47:30zonskass dw
00:47:49Isawthat 1 17
00:47:50Isawthat omfg -.-
00:47:54zonskass ;]
00:48:03magaso brain dead
00:48:04magaso tard
00:48:06Isawthat you play together i guess
00:48:08101010 -afk
00:48:31horsesarse i won
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