Game #3029073

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-28 X
-4 TS

76% | 1385 X | 1403 TS

+9 X
-6 TS

48% | 1156 X | 1308 TS

-35 X
-1 TS

45% | 1118 X | 1256 TS

+43 X
-13 TS

NEW | 1119 X | 1251 TS

+4 X
-3 TS

24% | 1058 X | 1202 TS

+0 X
+1 TS

93% | 1535 X | 1561 TS

-1 X
+3 TS

51% | 1169 X | 1323 TS

-14 X
+7 TS

49% | 1136 X | 1335 TS

+32 X
+3 TS

21% | 948 X | 1247 TS

+1 X
+81 TS
NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:16lemi.livo.skodi dear lord ... not edgarras ... damn imbecil gay ,,,
00:00:16WantedZip SO :D
00:00:16Tough hmm
00:00:16Tough any1 want lich?
00:00:16ForbeateN ban
00:00:16Doomy y
00:00:16WantedZip blue first..
00:00:16lemi.livo.skodi i play sand k
00:00:16WantedZip gay blue first
00:00:16Doomy i can lich easy
00:00:16Tough i pick lich for u doomy kay?
00:00:16WantedZip always gay ppl first
00:00:16Doomy ok
00:00:16Tough hahaha
00:00:16Tough laughing
00:00:16WantedZip ^^
00:00:16Tough furion
00:00:16WantedZip thrall
00:00:17Tough fucker
00:00:18lemi.livo.skodi ladies 1st
00:00:21WantedZip love u
00:00:22WantedZip 2
00:00:23WantedZip 2
00:00:26Doomy what u want?
00:00:27danstefan what hero is diruptor?
00:00:29Tough u are today so funny
00:00:31Tough u all
00:00:32Tough cant get it
00:00:33danstefan trhall?
00:00:34Tough :D
00:00:34danstefan lol
00:00:38WantedZip y
00:00:39danstefan how can you ban thrall
00:00:42Tough get nessaj for me
00:00:45Doomy ok
00:00:46WantedZip i dont like thrall
00:00:49WantedZip he looks gay 2
00:00:56Doomy shit
00:00:58Tough FUCKTARD
00:00:59Doomy what hero?
00:01:01ZidanOz ya kalb
00:01:01WantedZip :(
00:01:03Doomy fast im chiken fuckaaaa
00:01:07Tough than sniper
00:01:08ForbeateN what a choice
00:01:19Tough -swao 2
00:01:20Doomy -swap 1
00:01:22Tough -swap 2
00:01:23WantedZip no more agi
00:01:24WantedZip ffs
00:01:25Tough u want mid? triyin to get dk or magnus
00:01:32WantedZip no
00:01:39Tough get magna
00:01:42ForbeateN give me yurnero? so
00:01:42WantedZip get pugna or pit tell me what i play k
00:01:47Tough MAGNA!
00:01:52ForbeateN -swap 2 pugna
00:01:53ForbeateN ?
00:02:00ForbeateN give me pugna mmm i might fail with crix :P
00:02:10mamyka who mid?
00:02:13WantedZip me
00:02:13ForbeateN k then
00:02:14ForbeateN xD
00:02:26mamyka can i go top?
00:02:29WantedZip pugna bot
00:02:32danstefan 2 bitches ruined my XMASS this year
00:02:36Tough y
00:02:36WantedZip with jugger
00:02:38WantedZip sk top
00:02:42danstefan fucking bitches hooking up with other guys
00:02:45Tough girls are bitches
00:02:45ForbeateN better sk yurnero mby
00:02:50danstefan THEY WERE MINE!
00:02:52WantedZip not
00:02:55Doomy shut up guys :D
00:02:58WantedZip fury blade and desc works
00:03:09ForbeateN oh rly
00:03:17ForbeateN didnt know that
00:03:22WantedZip sk
00:03:25WantedZip let sf farm
00:03:27WantedZip and pull a lot
00:03:33ForbeateN i hope hes not nab
00:03:39ForbeateN ss
00:04:05lemi.livo.skodi you celebrate this gay catholic xmas ?
00:04:07ForbeateN mate he cant lasthit
00:04:08ForbeateN xD
00:04:08danstefan slow = kill
00:04:13danstefan pugna
00:04:36danstefan NOW LSOW? decre and furi works? for sure?
00:05:22WantedZip ss
00:05:39mamyka ofc it dont work
00:05:50Tough Y
00:05:54WantedZip ^^
00:06:02danstefan how can he owne you mid
00:06:30Tough ss mid
00:06:31Tough care top
00:06:33edgarass b
00:06:34Tough sorry guys
00:06:35Tough failed mid
00:06:47Tough thios ist lost
00:06:49edgarass ck rune
00:06:57mamyka ss lina
00:07:03mamyka re
00:07:07danstefan pff
00:07:10danstefan miss?
00:07:12danstefan captain
00:07:14Doomy he told
00:07:15danstefan STOP FAILING :)
00:07:15Doomy god
00:07:20Doomy look chatbox yellow
00:07:45Doomy -3
00:07:54WantedZip ss
00:08:24danstefan i need shop
00:08:24WantedZip TOWER DIVE !
00:08:28danstefan for ring
00:08:32lemi.livo.skodi Dear lord .... captain
00:08:54WantedZip :D
00:08:56Tough nice lina
00:08:58edgarass loto
00:09:03WantedZip ty
00:09:09danstefan WORTH IT?
00:09:13ZidanOz y
00:09:27ForbeateN my fault u died?
00:09:32Doomy ss
00:09:42Tough +ss mid
00:10:01WantedZip ss
00:10:30Tough CARE BOT
00:10:32Tough nessaj come
00:10:39lemi.livo.skodi ss top
00:10:40danstefan LET HIM COME
00:11:14edgarass farm bristle
00:11:15ZidanOz det er bare noget lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
00:11:26danstefan i cant lolh...
00:11:34danstefan keep
00:11:40lemi.livo.skodi lol
00:11:51danstefan i jsut keep making
00:11:55danstefan way fountain lane
00:12:14Tough get reaey
00:12:15lemi.livo.skodi have no ulti just 1st spell
00:12:44mamyka mana?
00:12:48ForbeateN ..
00:12:49ForbeateN cd
00:12:54ForbeateN w8 yurn ...
00:13:05danstefan really
00:13:10danstefan i make no meoney this way
00:13:20danstefan 5 kilsl and 3 assits
00:13:23danstefan and still no shit
00:13:36danstefan just keep going back and forth
00:14:04ForbeateN WTF U PULL to get them closer
00:14:21lemi.livo.skodi ff
00:14:31danstefan ulti him
00:14:33danstefan pls
00:14:36danstefan ULTI
00:14:38Doomy 3 top
00:14:39lemi.livo.skodi niec miss
00:14:41lemi.livo.skodi nice*
00:14:53danstefan ulti lina
00:14:57danstefan = kill
00:15:29danstefan shit
00:15:30danstefan sry
00:15:33mamyka need gasng
00:15:34edgarass b
00:15:35edgarass bb
00:15:41Tough slow
00:15:59edgarass b
00:16:00edgarass bb
00:16:02danstefan no
00:16:40ForbeateN U NOOB y cause i didint have decre?
00:16:51ForbeateN yes!
00:16:53danstefan STOP FEEDOING PINK i tried to save yurnero before u monk
00:17:00mamyka bb soon radi?
00:17:39danstefan omg
00:17:57ForbeateN mf pig
00:18:05edgarass ulti magnus
00:18:10lemi.livo.skodi y
00:18:11edgarass top tower
00:18:29ForbeateN y
00:18:45danstefan care
00:18:46danstefan pink
00:18:48danstefan incoming
00:18:51ForbeateN ty team
00:18:52ForbeateN just
00:18:56ForbeateN joke aroung fucking mongol
00:19:14danstefan n1 block
00:19:24danstefan PUSH
00:19:25danstefan HERE
00:19:27danstefan MANA ,ME Crix
00:19:38danstefan MANA? and we are noobs? ahhaha
00:19:40danstefan TY
00:19:43edgarass cd
00:19:43ForbeateN yes u are
00:19:45ForbeateN u feeder
00:19:53ForbeateN look at pig
00:19:54ForbeateN noob
00:20:11edgarass b
00:20:11Tough b
00:20:12danstefan b
00:20:19danstefan back
00:20:24danstefan omg you die now what an epic stuns
00:20:26danstefan b
00:20:27danstefan pls
00:20:28danstefan BACK
00:20:55ForbeateN HES FARMING
00:20:58ForbeateN GO UR LANE NOOOB
00:21:00ForbeateN 1 GO STOP HIM THEN
00:21:09ForbeateN ban pugna
00:21:10ForbeateN pls
00:21:13danstefan B
00:21:16danstefan THEY ARE COMING
00:21:20Doomy su
00:21:30danstefan SU?
00:21:39danstefan omg
00:21:39ForbeateN gj
00:21:39danstefan steal
00:21:39ForbeateN !
00:21:43Doomy steal?
00:21:43danstefan PAY ATTENTION LICH
00:21:43mamyka gg
00:21:46Doomy ur joking ahaha
00:21:48WantedZip crix stfu
00:21:49Doomy xD
00:21:51danstefan NOT STELA
00:21:54danstefan BUT YOU ARE STILKL
00:21:56danstefan A BOB
00:22:04Doomy y y
00:22:05WantedZip jugger and sf was it a good replay ? or u just like to stay to towe
00:22:17danstefan 5+ 5 =10
00:22:21danstefan 8+6 =14
00:22:25Doomy and?
00:22:26mamyka WJHAT ANOOB
00:22:28WantedZip ^^
00:22:37danstefan B
00:22:40ForbeateN says who
00:22:43ForbeateN nevermore
00:22:45ForbeateN 0-1
00:22:49edgarass shit
00:23:17ForbeateN gj pro crix
00:23:24ForbeateN gj u know you actually piss whole team off that you ruin everything that means to be a team
00:23:35danstefan HELP
00:23:46danstefan ty
00:24:19ForbeateN radi on 21 minute
00:24:20ForbeateN gj pugna
00:24:22mamyka go guys
00:24:35danstefan b
00:24:37ForbeateN dont focus pig
00:24:43danstefan back pigs most of the kills are yugger so
00:24:56danstefan go woods with lichs ulti
00:24:59danstefan or top
00:25:15danstefan mana me
00:25:43danstefan OMFG Forbeaten
00:25:44mamyka finnaly
00:25:45edgarass sniper is best
00:25:45danstefan I WAS A GOD Seriously why did u steal kills from our carry?
00:25:52danstefan well ff ff ff are u an fucking idiot?
00:26:03ForbeateN steal?
00:26:04ForbeateN lol y did u last hit with ur stun
00:26:13ForbeateN we are team when there were 2 hits from chaos to give
00:26:14ForbeateN no steals loooool.. and u want to ban me? nice
00:26:42danstefan well mamy?
00:26:52danstefan ck will fuck us all in late
00:26:53mamyka u
00:26:55mamyka yes why to stela like that?
00:27:05Doomy mb they rosh
00:27:14mamyka i need souls for ulti
00:27:16ForbeateN b
00:27:18danstefan ss all and then u steal others woods creeps?
00:27:53edgarass tp[s where tps?
00:27:54edgarass tards
00:27:58Doomy cd
00:28:00Doomy tard
00:28:05danstefan pfff
00:28:06WantedZip b
00:28:07edgarass magnus u;ti licjh ulti
00:28:17edgarass lich wtf
00:28:18edgarass go top
00:28:19danstefan look at lich shit sorry man
00:28:29danstefan omg
00:28:30danstefan look at them
00:28:33edgarass fucking shitheads
00:28:37ForbeateN .. captain we need wards?
00:29:31edgarass no slow?
00:29:34WantedZip always alrite
00:29:39Tough doint go
00:29:40danstefan i had slow ..i didnt want to use it
00:29:42Tough magna woods there there or?
00:29:52danstefan they got so many disablers
00:29:57danstefan wait till i finish radi
00:29:59ForbeateN .ss
00:30:00WantedZip dont go solo
00:30:00danstefan dont die
00:30:01ForbeateN all
00:30:01WantedZip care
00:30:24Doomy -afk
00:30:47ForbeateN kill
00:30:51edgarass top ccare
00:31:19ForbeateN b
00:31:20ForbeateN b
00:31:26WantedZip why go bb ?!?!?!?!
00:31:51danstefan =))
00:31:54ForbeateN good
00:31:55danstefan THEY FOLLOW
00:32:05danstefan GJ LICH
00:32:08edgarass lich gang1
00:32:11edgarass u farming morron
00:32:13danstefan NO ..HE WILL CARRY
00:32:15edgarass we need u in teamfight
00:32:17Doomy i was def
00:32:19Doomy the twr
00:32:27Doomy and ended my agha
00:32:28edgarass fuck towers we have plenty
00:32:55ForbeateN b
00:33:08edgarass thats4
00:33:17edgarass noob team
00:33:17WantedZip b
00:33:26Doomy say the 2/6 lina :D
00:33:41Doomy b moron
00:33:45danstefan LET ME GET 300 GOLD
00:34:02Tough B
00:34:15lemi.livo.skodi lina pro
00:34:17Doomy again
00:34:19danstefan bash him?
00:34:21lemi.livo.skodi good move tard
00:34:36danstefan ok
00:34:37danstefan wait
00:34:40edgarass dont let ck farm.. care there mid was 3 now gone
00:35:00mamyka go
00:35:16danstefan =))
00:35:32mamyka hp?
00:35:38mamyka hp?
00:35:43mamyka rosh?
00:35:45ForbeateN b
00:35:46Tough enough^^
00:35:59danstefan gather
00:36:15danstefan FU
00:36:18danstefan WHY DONT YOU COME
00:36:20danstefan fucking retards
00:36:21edgarass sniper a
00:36:26mamyka go rosh ck
00:36:28danstefan they are roshan now
00:36:30mamyka fst
00:36:31WantedZip k
00:36:34mamyka come
00:36:43danstefan dagger is good magnus
00:36:46lemi.livo.skodi niec items lina
00:36:59lemi.livo.skodi next item dagger
00:37:05danstefan =))
00:37:10danstefan gather all pls
00:37:12danstefan or we loose
00:37:22danstefan lol
00:37:28edgarass omg
00:37:32edgarass sniper u are dickhead
00:37:35edgarass ulti orr smth?
00:37:38mamyka ty
00:37:40danstefan OMG PLS
00:37:42WantedZip np
00:37:44edgarass fucking morrons
00:37:44danstefan GATHER
00:37:44edgarass I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:46ForbeateN mid?
00:37:47edgarass idiots
00:37:47mamyka rosh?
00:37:51ForbeateN y
00:37:52edgarass can we go all together?
00:37:56edgarass b who have room plant the wards
00:38:04danstefan roshan
00:38:05danstefan they are
00:38:08lemi.livo.skodi lina imba items
00:38:12mamyka take ck
00:38:19mamyka gj
00:38:30danstefan meet
00:38:33danstefan meet here
00:38:46Doomy lina buy wards
00:38:56ForbeateN dd
00:39:05danstefan stay
00:39:09Tough back
00:39:10lemi.livo.skodi stay or gay
00:39:13danstefan SNIPOER
00:39:14danstefan CAPTAIN
00:39:41mamyka sk
00:39:49mamyka push mid
00:39:59danstefan I BHOUGHT
00:39:59danstefan WARDS
00:40:03danstefan SO YO YUCAN SEE NEVERMORE
00:40:05ForbeateN hello
00:40:07danstefan DID YOU KILL NEVERMORE?
00:40:08danstefan NO
00:40:13Doomy he is dead
00:40:13danstefan and you fucking piece of shit captain
00:40:16danstefan COME WITH US
00:40:22Tough was with u idiot i def top
00:40:25mamyka nice trade 1 by 5
00:40:33lemi.livo.skodi epic failer captain
00:40:35edgarass use skills sniper slow and shit
00:40:42Doomy su lina
00:40:46Doomy ur the worst here
00:40:47lemi.livo.skodi luna talking ?
00:40:48danstefan i wasted 4 wards for nothing
00:41:21danstefan lets gather
00:41:22ForbeateN u owned magnus
00:41:24danstefan and gang
00:42:07danstefan ok
00:42:08edgarass lich ulti
00:42:09ForbeateN ahhaah
00:42:12ForbeateN epic
00:42:12danstefan this team deserves to loose
00:42:13danstefan really
00:42:17danstefan FUCKING ASSWHOLES
00:42:29danstefan IMBECILS
00:42:32ForbeateN magna no ulti
00:42:33ForbeateN go
00:42:36edgarass i come i always die
00:42:39danstefan sniper
00:42:41danstefan why dont you push
00:42:48Tough was deffing bot
00:42:48ForbeateN u need some dmg
00:42:49ForbeateN sf
00:42:52edgarass sniper mayeb enough farming?
00:42:53danstefan FF FF FF
00:43:03danstefan this was our chance of winning
00:43:14danstefan i grow tired of waiting
00:43:33danstefan gather all
00:43:50danstefan go their woods
00:44:08danstefan all come
00:44:24mamyka all plz
00:45:05danstefan mid
00:45:18danstefan OMG
00:45:19mamyka gj
00:45:20danstefan COULDNT
00:45:20danstefan PRESS
00:45:22danstefan STICK
00:45:24danstefan NOW IS TOO LATE
00:45:26danstefan GJ RETARDS
00:45:47danstefan so pissed off
00:45:55edgarass not only u
00:45:59WantedZip omg
00:46:00danstefan lich and sniper will win now with their farm
00:46:02lemi.livo.skodi lina tard su
00:46:02WantedZip i hate lich ulti
00:46:12lemi.livo.skodi lina is emo gay noob
00:46:19ForbeateN b
00:46:28danstefan gather gang
00:46:29danstefan and push
00:46:34danstefan wait me
00:46:39danstefan and go forest
00:47:02ForbeateN b
00:47:22danstefan follow me pls
00:47:33danstefan SNIPER
00:47:33edgarass all
00:47:36ForbeateN b
00:47:53ForbeateN b
00:48:09mamyka -st
00:48:15Tough b
00:48:35mamyka rosh
00:48:37ForbeateN go never
00:48:41mamyka jugger and sk
00:49:06danstefan GJ SNIUOPER
00:49:18edgarass sniper fucking
00:49:24danstefan fuck you snioper
00:49:25danstefan FUCK YOU
00:49:29edgarass sniper u know tahrt u are idiot
00:49:33edgarass fucikiong moron
00:49:36Doomy lina
00:49:38edgarass farm ing all the time and not helpoing us
00:49:40Doomy is talking :D
00:49:41edgarass moron nshithead idiot
00:49:44mamyka no mneed
00:49:49ForbeateN k
00:49:51mamyka after rax
00:49:52edgarass at least i am with team all the time dying
00:49:55lemi.livo.skodi lina ... no comment
00:49:59edgarass while idiot snipers irs running around
00:50:18ForbeateN rax
00:50:25ForbeateN b
00:50:39danstefan stay behind magnus and
00:50:42danstefan do a good jump
00:50:45danstefan dont get stunned
00:51:07Doomy to late
00:51:09Doomy they get
00:51:12Doomy ir
00:51:23danstefan wait magnus
00:51:35Doomy they w8 for gank
00:51:37Doomy everytime
00:51:43danstefan b
00:51:45danstefan they are our woods
00:51:49ForbeateN b
00:51:55danstefan stay behind magnus
00:51:58danstefan and jump
00:52:05edgarass m,agnus]
00:52:12ForbeateN bootom
00:52:23danstefan i bnait
00:52:28mamyka bad start but now gj
00:52:33danstefan they push bot
00:52:34edgarass they nbot
00:52:35Doomy they go bot
00:53:07edgarass gj
00:53:18danstefan too late now
00:53:18edgarass I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:53:21danstefan ff ff
00:53:28mamyka wp ck gg wanted
00:53:32edgarass morons
00:54:07edgarass last fight
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