Game #2940931

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+23 X
+3 TS

87% | 1511 X | 1453 TS

+17 X
+3 TS

87% | 1471 X | 1481 TS

+32 X
+3 TS

84% | 1470 X | 1444 TS

+16 X
+2 TS

80% | 1427 X | 1422 TS

-20 X
+3 TS

51% | 1096 X | 1374 TS

-22 X
-3 TS

82% | 1419 X | 1470 TS

-38 X
-2 TS

83% | 1419 X | 1432 TS

+29 X
-6 TS

78% | 1419 X | 1410 TS

-10 X
-2 TS

77% | 1424 X | 1387 TS

-18 X
-9 TS

76% | 1378 X | 1433 TS

Chat log

00:00:03Milky im afk
00:00:08Milky 1min
00:00:16Milky vangelis , get me wisp
00:00:19Milky and pause
00:00:21Bra~ võid esi võtta mulle
00:00:21taraN kato suomen paras dazzle
00:00:21Smokeer rubick me
00:00:21taraN vai mite se menikää? :_D
00:00:21Vangelis milky
00:00:21Vangelis i don't think they pick wisp
00:00:21Smokeer if not i go random
00:00:21nigulas -lich
00:00:21Vangelis no one knows how to play it
00:00:21Vangelis ban spec
00:00:21Dovahkiin get me rhasta
00:00:27A-tzangol nice
00:00:32Smokeer milky afk
00:00:40Vangelis who wants this
00:00:43Vangelis get bs?
00:00:50taraN bs sucks dick like no tomorrow
00:00:53chodaboy dazzle slardar
00:00:54Smokeer i bet kong copy bra
00:00:55chodaboy get it
00:00:56chodaboy i can
00:00:58Vangelis milky
00:00:59Vangelis you back
00:01:00Vangelis yet
00:01:01Vangelis ?
00:01:02Smokeer no
00:01:04Smokeer puase
00:01:04TakinBackMyLove i bet you suck dick like last game
00:01:05Smokeer ffs
00:01:09A-tzangol no carrys at pull
00:01:09Vangelis milky afk
00:01:09taraN last game?
00:01:11taraN what?
00:01:11Vangelis he asked for pause
00:01:13taraN when did i play with you last time ? :D
00:01:13A-tzangol pool
00:01:13Vangelis he said 1 min
00:01:13A-tzangol i ment
00:01:13Vangelis he asked for pause
00:01:13nigulas yy we got it
00:01:13Smokeer vangelis u would little wait
00:01:13Dovahkiin i get tinker if rhasta is gone
00:01:13Vangelis smokeer
00:01:13nigulas haha see vangelis
00:01:13Vangelis tahad esi
00:01:13Vangelis ?
00:01:13nigulas nii overrated
00:01:13A-tzangol rubick can i mid?
00:01:13Smokeer ei
00:01:13nigulas no tinker pls
00:01:13Smokeer ma suck
00:01:13Vangelis mis votad siis
00:01:13nigulas no u cant
00:01:13Vangelis ?
00:01:13Smokeer ei tea
00:01:13Vangelis vota mingi rexxar akki? voi bara
00:01:13Bra~ get puck or rhasta
00:01:13Dovahkiin ah theres a dazzle
00:01:13chodaboy lastpicks
00:01:13chodaboy dazzle slardar
00:01:13Vangelis imo get slardar wisp
00:01:13Smokeer es mul suva
00:01:13taraN dont let him play a hero which requires farm he doesnt know how to lasthit
00:01:13Dovahkiin i go dazzle if no rhasta
00:01:13Vangelis for bot lane
00:01:13Smokeer roam siis
00:01:13chodaboy pls get dazzler
00:01:13Bra~ puck nice also
00:01:13Vangelis k annan sulle
00:01:13chodaboy so much better than rhasta
00:01:13nigulas actually
00:01:13A-tzangol dazzle is imba
00:01:13Vangelis MILKY
00:01:13Vangelis omg
00:01:13TakinBackMyLove vangelis
00:01:13nigulas styg
00:01:13nigulas u can mid
00:01:13A-tzangol y
00:01:13Vangelis yes?
00:01:13A-tzangol ty
00:01:13Smokeer i havent play es long time ago
00:01:13Milky u gave me my wisp
00:01:13nigulas i go top with lina
00:01:13Milky ty
00:01:13Milky go
00:01:13nigulas we get kills
00:01:13TakinBackMyLove i think
00:01:13TakinBackMyLove we
00:01:14TakinBackMyLove should go to heros mid
00:01:14Bra~ i go bot
00:01:14TakinBackMyLove vs
00:01:15taraN ill play clock i think
00:01:16TakinBackMyLove bs
00:01:16nigulas np milky
00:01:20Milky taran
00:01:22Milky get melee late
00:01:23Smokeer sat
00:01:24Smokeer say
00:01:25Milky great
00:01:25chodaboy get dazzle
00:01:26chodaboy pls
00:01:26taraN tää on hyvä
00:01:27Bra~ ma lähen bot kle
00:01:28Smokeer hero
00:01:28Milky line with me bot
00:01:29chodaboy i go slardar
00:01:30Bra~ saan midi stabid
00:01:31nigulas ei
00:01:32Vangelis utlen
00:01:33nigulas sa tuled siia
00:01:36Bra~ miks
00:01:36Vangelis kohe vaatame mis herod tulevad
00:01:37Bra~ cmon
00:01:38Smokeer kui nad
00:01:39nigulas k
00:01:39Smokeer ok
00:01:40Bra~ mõttetu
00:01:40nigulas slardar
00:01:41chodaboy dazzle
00:01:42nigulas top with me
00:01:43chodaboy -hhn
00:01:44chodaboy -di
00:01:44Vangelis no anna rex
00:01:53Smokeer ok
00:01:54Milky es tio
00:01:55TakinBackMyLove go trible lane mid ?
00:01:56Milky top
00:01:58Vangelis -swap 5
00:01:59Smokeer -swap 1
00:02:00TakinBackMyLove vs bs
00:02:01TakinBackMyLove and clock
00:02:02TakinBackMyLove top
00:02:07TakinBackMyLove and me bot ?
00:02:07Smokeer i roam
00:02:14nigulas i start
00:02:17nigulas and u watch where i drop him
00:02:18chodaboy y
00:02:22Milky need clock bot
00:02:24taraN im bot with milky
00:02:25Vangelis ye
00:02:26Vangelis es
00:02:30Vangelis go ffirst blood
00:02:32Smokeer looking fb
00:02:33Bra~ -ms
00:02:36Vangelis go take first blood bot lane
00:02:45Smokeer we can fb bot
00:02:54Vangelis damn
00:02:56Milky well sure
00:02:57Vangelis clock took rocket
00:02:58nigulas planti 2ra
00:03:00Milky dont need u tho
00:03:02Vangelis not battery
00:03:05nigulas care bot
00:03:05nigulas dd
00:03:07Milky fb level 2 with him anyway
00:03:12nigulas or mid
00:03:19Smokeer i pull then
00:03:22taraN i got dd
00:03:23nigulas 3lane bot
00:03:24nigulas prolly
00:03:34Vangelis ss 2
00:03:41Vangelis re 1
00:03:42Vangelis re 2
00:03:52Dovahkiin god bless ur wards
00:04:05taraN relax
00:04:44Smokeer fool ...
00:04:49TakinBackMyLove im
00:04:50TakinBackMyLove just
00:04:51TakinBackMyLove getting
00:04:52A-tzangol care top
00:04:52TakinBackMyLove sould
00:04:54TakinBackMyLove souls
00:04:55TakinBackMyLove idodit
00:04:56A-tzangol es comes
00:05:05taraN lina mid
00:05:11Vangelis b
00:05:13Vangelis we cant
00:05:14Vangelis kjill
00:05:14Milky go
00:05:23Milky pelaa
00:05:27Milky aggressiivisemmin
00:05:36Milky jos mahis päästä lähelle nio go
00:05:36Vangelis omg
00:05:40Vangelis panme
00:05:41Vangelis fissure
00:05:47Bra~ g1
00:05:57TakinBackMyLove wards
00:06:00A-tzangol u gj
00:06:06TakinBackMyLove awreds
00:06:09taraN i said lina mid btw
00:06:24TakinBackMyLove i know
00:06:30chodaboy lets kill?
00:07:10Smokeer well
00:07:11Bra~ damn lucky
00:07:25Bra~ care t6*
00:07:29Bra~ top
00:07:30TakinBackMyLove share
00:07:30TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:07:32TakinBackMyLove smoker!
00:07:35chodaboy ill pull
00:07:45A-tzangol ss
00:07:53A-tzangol gang
00:07:57A-tzangol let him push
00:08:05Milky go
00:08:14Dovahkiin nvm
00:08:15TakinBackMyLove ss ?
00:08:20TakinBackMyLove ss ?
00:08:21TakinBackMyLove ??
00:08:22TakinBackMyLove ss ?
00:08:38Smokeer sf
00:08:38Smokeer sf
00:08:40Vangelis MIS SA TEED
00:08:40Vangelis ?
00:08:41Smokeer slow?
00:08:42Milky go
00:08:43A-tzangol n1
00:08:44Vangelis mis slow
00:08:47Vangelis ta oli surnud ju
00:08:52Vangelis jalgi mangu
00:08:55Smokeer ok i got emo mode
00:08:56Smokeer ...
00:08:59TakinBackMyLove we
00:09:00TakinBackMyLove need
00:09:00TakinBackMyLove wards
00:09:02TakinBackMyLove not
00:09:03TakinBackMyLove bird
00:09:09Milky 1st bir
00:09:09chodaboy need some mana
00:09:10A-tzangol ss
00:09:11A-tzangol sf
00:09:13TakinBackMyLove nope
00:09:29TakinBackMyLove cmon
00:09:29Dovahkiin so obvious
00:09:29TakinBackMyLove mily
00:09:29Dovahkiin lina
00:09:33Milky spike
00:09:39Bra~ get new wards plz
00:09:41Vangelis ei
00:09:42Vangelis saa
00:09:43Vangelis tappa
00:09:51Milky aina vaa go
00:09:54chodaboy go pull
00:09:55Milky ku mahis
00:09:57taraN oon aika oom
00:10:19taraN oh
00:10:21taraN nigulas miss
00:10:33TakinBackMyLove ss ?
00:10:34TakinBackMyLove ss ?
00:10:35A-tzangol ss
00:10:37Vangelis he
00:10:39Vangelis roaming
00:10:40A-tzangol ss sf
00:10:40Vangelis rubick
00:11:07TakinBackMyLove ss 2 bot
00:11:08taraN SS CARE
00:11:19taraN mid for sure
00:11:27Milky tee wandi
00:11:33TakinBackMyLove qwe
00:11:34TakinBackMyLove we
00:11:35TakinBackMyLove need
00:11:36TakinBackMyLove wards
00:11:37TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:11:39Milky i got
00:11:41Milky cant plant
00:11:42Milky all miss
00:11:43Dovahkiin zzz
00:12:04chodaboy ffs
00:12:04TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:12:04TakinBackMyLove fix
00:12:04chodaboy stop it milky
00:12:04TakinBackMyLove fucking
00:12:04Bra~ kill
00:12:17Milky vittu
00:12:23Milky spikee kokoajan tää paska kone
00:12:32taraN wake up guys
00:12:34Vangelis guys
00:12:35A-tzangol go es
00:12:35Vangelis only me
00:12:40Milky stfu
00:12:43Milky vangelis nyt
00:12:43Dovahkiin cs 7
00:12:45Dovahkiin yay
00:12:45Dovahkiin xD
00:12:47Milky chill out
00:12:50Milky my pc is fucked
00:12:50Bra~ 12
00:12:51Vangelis ? what
00:12:52Vangelis ? :d
00:12:52Bra~ hah
00:12:53Milky and spikes sometimes
00:12:55Vangelis i am not
00:12:56Vangelis raging
00:12:56Vangelis :D
00:12:59Milky someone is
00:13:17nigulas wtf
00:13:32nigulas fucking bird
00:13:35Smokeer ss
00:13:36Smokeer care
00:13:41Smokeer k
00:13:42TakinBackMyLove bs
00:14:04Milky i pick u up
00:14:10Milky sf
00:14:14TakinBackMyLove k
00:14:34A-tzangol whisp goes top
00:14:39Milky go
00:14:40Milky es
00:14:40Milky now
00:15:03chodaboy ahahah
00:15:03Milky ye right
00:15:05Smokeer HOW
00:15:11Milky how u suck
00:15:13Milky :D
00:15:18Milky u waited so long
00:15:19Smokeer me ofc
00:15:20Milky when i said go
00:15:21Bra~ damn this taran is rusty
00:15:22Smokeer cd
00:15:23Smokeer maybe?
00:15:24Bra~ never rockets
00:15:25Bra~ sad
00:15:33Smokeer ok
00:15:37Vangelis pretty
00:15:38A-tzangol go
00:15:39Vangelis useless fissure
00:15:41Vangelis at start
00:15:42Smokeer used soulring
00:15:45Smokeer i dont want waste
00:15:50nigulas ulti??
00:15:55A-tzangol cd
00:16:03chodaboy rhasta go
00:16:18Vangelis wait
00:16:18Vangelis es
00:16:18TakinBackMyLove w8
00:16:18Milky es mid
00:16:19TakinBackMyLove me
00:16:19TakinBackMyLove and
00:16:20TakinBackMyLove go
00:16:21TakinBackMyLove bs
00:16:25Milky just need es
00:16:30Milky es
00:16:31Vangelis ES MOVE
00:16:32Vangelis :D
00:16:32Milky run
00:16:33Milky wtf
00:16:34TakinBackMyLove gop
00:16:48nigulas sa stunida oskad kedagi?
00:16:51Milky pro es
00:16:55Vangelis ES
00:16:56Smokeer pro wisp
00:16:57Vangelis ES
00:16:58Vangelis Es
00:16:59Vangelis Es
00:16:59Milky aahahahahaha
00:16:59Bra~ mhm
00:17:03Milky im best wisp in gc
00:17:04nigulas ei ütleks
00:17:05Bra~ cd oli
00:17:07Milky ur worst player in gc
00:17:09Smokeer ofc u best
00:17:11TakinBackMyLove clock
00:17:11Milky full mana
00:17:11TakinBackMyLove stop
00:17:12TakinBackMyLove farm
00:17:12Smokeer y i worst
00:17:13Milky doing nothing
00:17:13Milky :D
00:17:16TakinBackMyLove adm
00:17:17TakinBackMyLove and
00:17:17Smokeer i farm
00:17:17Vangelis REALYL ES
00:17:17TakinBackMyLove gang
00:17:19Vangelis DO SOMETHING
00:17:19Bra~ lasin just ennem ju
00:17:19Dovahkiin clock?
00:17:20Bra~ ...
00:17:20Milky smokeer
00:17:24Milky u remember our last game
00:17:28Milky u fucked it up also
00:17:28Milky :D
00:18:17chodaboy u guys wtf
00:18:19taraN am i good or what
00:18:19chodaboy are u doing?
00:18:22Milky wp
00:18:24Milky es
00:18:24Milky shit
00:18:25Milky :D
00:18:27Vangelis wisp
00:18:28Vangelis give me
00:18:30Bra~ wtf are u doing
00:18:30Vangelis item
00:18:32Milky ground
00:18:33Milky oh
00:18:36Milky sry
00:18:36chodaboy learn to stun
00:18:39Bra~ u just didnt use ur 3 hits
00:18:40Bra~ bro
00:18:44chodaboy tp bot
00:18:46Bra~ just tried and canceled
00:19:05Vangelis reuse
00:19:11Milky go
00:19:14Milky b
00:19:39nigulas vangelis
00:19:42Vangelis ?
00:19:43nigulas ma hakkan meelega nüüd sind nussima
00:19:57Milky shit
00:19:57Milky es
00:19:58Milky we go
00:19:59Milky u ulti
00:20:02Milky es
00:20:03Milky ulti
00:20:04TakinBackMyLove its
00:20:04Smokeer no ulit
00:20:05TakinBackMyLove smoker
00:20:05TakinBackMyLove what
00:20:11TakinBackMyLove did you expect
00:20:18chodaboy OMFG
00:20:20chodaboy TRHASTA NOOOB
00:20:25Dovahkiin oom
00:20:26Dovahkiin u tard
00:20:27Smokeer ok ill -60x
00:20:27chodaboy USE UR FUCKING SPELLS
00:20:28Smokeer or more
00:20:30Smokeer i emo
00:20:32Smokeer sorry
00:20:36Dovahkiin stupid fag
00:20:36taraN ok ill have you banned
00:20:37Bra~ u should have gone b
00:20:38Bra~ slard
00:20:38Milky he always emos in my game :D
00:20:41Dovahkiin learn dota
00:20:43Bra~ we were fine killing them
00:20:44Smokeer no u wrong
00:20:44Milky ty bm
00:20:45chodaboy stfu noobrhasta
00:20:51chodaboy ill go kill sf
00:20:52Vangelis he emos in every game
00:20:55chodaboy dont go for him
00:20:56Vangelis lastpick ego
00:20:57chodaboy ill farm top
00:20:59Bra~ -ii
00:21:02Smokeer everygame?
00:21:05Smokeer xD
00:21:17Smokeer why u cant play es
00:21:21Smokeer why u cant play support
00:21:27Smokeer like u shit ezalord or rexxar or riki
00:21:29Smokeer or bara
00:21:35TakinBackMyLove arh
00:21:37A-tzangol omw slard
00:21:43TakinBackMyLove rly
00:21:43TakinBackMyLove hope
00:21:44Milky sjhit
00:21:44TakinBackMyLove you had
00:21:45TakinBackMyLove make
00:21:46TakinBackMyLove it
00:21:52chodaboy imba lina
00:21:57Milky taran
00:21:58Milky :D
00:21:58chodaboy omfg
00:22:00Milky nojoo
00:22:02Milky sait molemmat
00:22:03Milky mut
00:22:07Bra~ i got linkstunned bro
00:22:07Milky näitkö ku olit linkis
00:22:08Milky :d
00:22:11Milky meni just rikki
00:22:13taraN no ennätin nähä
00:22:13TakinBackMyLove ward
00:22:14TakinBackMyLove there
00:22:17TakinBackMyLove or ther
00:22:17taraN ku laitoit mut sit se men
00:22:22chodaboy dont stun wisp
00:22:22Bra~ stop blameing me of your deaths plz
00:22:23Bra~ ppl
00:22:28taraN heiti sen jostaki biljoona rangelt
00:22:32chodaboy deaths?
00:22:35chodaboy we could have killed
00:22:44Bra~ i tried
00:22:46Bra~ he was lucky
00:22:49Bra~ had 10 hp
00:22:50Bra~ or sth
00:22:54Bra~ and magic wand
00:22:55chodaboy leme rune
00:23:10TakinBackMyLove ise
00:23:11TakinBackMyLove use
00:23:13TakinBackMyLove hawk
00:23:14TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:23:29chodaboy OMFG
00:23:43nigulas ths bs
00:23:44nigulas is always
00:23:44nigulas late
00:23:52chodaboy yes
00:23:53A-tzangol was farming top
00:23:54Milky where did that radi come ?:o
00:23:55A-tzangol lol
00:23:56chodaboy u need to go with us
00:24:00taraN 5min since
00:24:03chodaboy ill just go farm now
00:24:13A-tzangol u just blame someone
00:24:15A-tzangol every time u die
00:24:17A-tzangol thats all
00:24:22Bra~ or me
00:25:02taraN umm
00:25:03taraN urn?
00:25:08taraN he died to that?
00:25:09Vangelis i killed him
00:25:11Vangelis with urn yes
00:25:13taraN kk
00:25:15TakinBackMyLove new
00:25:16TakinBackMyLove wards
00:25:19TakinBackMyLove and
00:25:20TakinBackMyLove spot
00:25:21TakinBackMyLove withj
00:25:22TakinBackMyLove hawk
00:25:32A-tzangol go slard
00:25:36TakinBackMyLove bm =??=
00:26:00Smokeer lina warded
00:26:50A-tzangol go i tp
00:26:58Milky mennää bs?
00:27:01Milky pärjätäänkö?
00:27:02Bra~ plz get a bkb bs
00:27:07A-tzangol y
00:27:43Milky sec
00:27:57TakinBackMyLove go
00:28:08Dovahkiin care hook
00:28:23Dovahkiin yy
00:28:49Smokeer 200g
00:28:52Milky 10 sec rune
00:29:04TakinBackMyLove take
00:29:05TakinBackMyLove ti
00:29:14nigulas isntead of bkb
00:29:17nigulas u make sny?
00:29:19A-tzangol no
00:29:20A-tzangol bkb
00:29:20chodaboy why?
00:29:24A-tzangol SU
00:29:26A-tzangol BKB
00:29:27A-tzangol i SAID
00:29:45Smokeer got dagger, loosers
00:29:52Milky all def mid
00:29:53Milky low
00:29:58Milky urn
00:30:01Milky k
00:30:01Smokeer no ulit
00:30:12TakinBackMyLove go
00:30:18TakinBackMyLove clock
00:30:21TakinBackMyLove rock
00:30:22TakinBackMyLove and
00:30:22TakinBackMyLove go
00:30:29taraN i know how to play this
00:30:31taraN if i went there
00:30:32taraN = dead
00:30:32TakinBackMyLove theny
00:30:35TakinBackMyLove goigogo
00:30:38Smokeer soon ulit
00:30:54taraN bs is worth it
00:30:56taraN others arent
00:31:18chodaboy omg
00:31:22nigulas slardar
00:31:25nigulas instead OF COMIGN
00:31:25Dovahkiin su
00:31:25Dovahkiin pls
00:31:26nigulas u farm
00:31:28nigulas and come when we dead
00:31:28Dovahkiin slard
00:31:29nigulas hi?
00:31:34Milky come
00:31:49taraN :DDDDd
00:31:49Vangelis urn
00:31:50A-tzangol lol
00:31:50Vangelis epic item
00:31:50Milky great
00:31:51Vangelis :D
00:31:52A-tzangol kill her
00:31:54TakinBackMyLove i needed
00:31:54A-tzangol omfg
00:31:55TakinBackMyLove rune
00:32:02taraN oli semi lähel ettet vaa instautunu :D
00:32:07Milky älä
00:32:08TakinBackMyLove go
00:32:08TakinBackMyLove bot
00:32:08Milky huh
00:32:10Vangelis get bot tower
00:32:11Milky brb
00:32:37chodaboy no wards
00:32:39chodaboy 3
00:32:53chodaboy omfg stryg
00:32:55chodaboy wtf are u doing=
00:33:11chodaboy stgryg
00:33:15chodaboy dont silence rexxar
00:33:16Bra~ slardar
00:33:19chodaboy when he used ulti
00:33:20Vangelis damn
00:33:20chodaboy what?
00:33:21Vangelis i just
00:33:22Vangelis love
00:33:22Bra~ stop the trashtalk
00:33:23Vangelis rexx
00:33:25chodaboy stfu
00:33:27Dovahkiin so indeed
00:33:27chodaboy and buy wards
00:33:28Dovahkiin lina
00:33:30Vangelis not a lame farm hero
00:33:30taraN its a good hero vs bm
00:33:31Vangelis but gang hero
00:33:32taraN bs i mean
00:33:36Dovahkiin shop has 0
00:33:38Dovahkiin u fucking idiot
00:33:43Dovahkiin we permabuy
00:33:43taraN we need medallion though
00:33:53Vangelis i make it
00:33:54Bra~ u just blame us cuz u suck
00:33:54Milky sup about my urn rex ?:P
00:33:58chodaboy rosh taken?
00:33:58Milky team
00:34:00taraN dota2 brought a fresh perspective to my dota gaming
00:34:04taraN ive kinda given up on carries :D
00:34:07taraN its boring
00:34:15taraN much more fun to use hotkeys and play super heroes like clock
00:34:22Bra~ def
00:34:23A-tzangol go
00:34:59A-tzangol go
00:35:00Bra~ ?
00:35:00A-tzangol slard
00:35:01A-tzangol ...
00:35:02Dovahkiin rofl
00:35:03Bra~ only 2
00:35:05A-tzangol ahaha
00:35:09TakinBackMyLove come
00:35:09Vangelis need
00:35:09TakinBackMyLove bot
00:35:09Vangelis all
00:35:10TakinBackMyLove all
00:35:10Milky b
00:35:10Vangelis here
00:35:14Bra~ hawk
00:35:17Bra~ care
00:35:20Vangelis sf
00:35:20Vangelis care
00:35:58chodaboy kill them
00:35:58Bra~ kill
00:36:09Bra~ shhiiiit
00:36:11Dovahkiin bkb ftw
00:36:20Smokeer bm>bs huh
00:36:20TakinBackMyLove læol
00:36:22TakinBackMyLove taran
00:36:22A-tzangol haahah
00:36:29chodaboy go heal i tp
00:36:32Vangelis i make
00:36:33Vangelis basher
00:36:33Vangelis :D
00:36:37TakinBackMyLove why
00:36:38TakinBackMyLove not
00:36:41TakinBackMyLove agha+
00:36:42taraN yeah it sucked dick
00:36:46chodaboy we can focus sf
00:36:47chodaboy paper
00:36:48taraN i will next
00:37:03Smokeer me
00:37:04Smokeer link
00:37:05Milky hmm
00:37:06Milky 2 late
00:37:07Milky =/
00:37:10Smokeer k
00:37:12Bra~ rosh?
00:37:15chodaboy y
00:37:15Dovahkiin no
00:37:16nigulas cant
00:37:22Bra~ we could
00:37:25chodaboy u and me
00:37:27chodaboy stryg
00:37:30nigulas warded
00:37:32chodaboy silence
00:37:34chodaboy and i ulti
00:37:58TakinBackMyLove i need
00:37:59TakinBackMyLove mreo
00:38:00TakinBackMyLove souls
00:38:03TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:38:03A-tzangol jump slard
00:38:04A-tzangol on es
00:38:07TakinBackMyLove I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:21Smokeer got ulit
00:39:15taraN got ult
00:39:15taraN rdy?
00:39:20Dovahkiin how to win this?
00:39:21Dovahkiin n/c
00:39:21TakinBackMyLove go
00:39:29TakinBackMyLove b
00:39:49Milky shit
00:39:50Milky clock
00:39:51Milky range me
00:39:53Milky range
00:39:53Milky me
00:39:55Milky i return
00:39:56Milky clock
00:39:56Milky range
00:39:58taraN ?
00:40:02Milky nvm,
00:40:02Milky :D
00:40:14chodaboy i need to jump slardar
00:40:23Dovahkiin aha
00:40:28chodaboy sf
00:41:02Smokeer wtf
00:41:03Smokeer bs
00:41:30TakinBackMyLove bm
00:41:31Milky asd
00:41:31TakinBackMyLove why
00:41:31TakinBackMyLove do
00:41:32TakinBackMyLove you
00:41:33TakinBackMyLove stand
00:41:34TakinBackMyLove still
00:41:35chodaboy gj
00:41:36Dovahkiin fucking clock
00:41:38Vangelis 300 hp
00:41:40TakinBackMyLove then
00:41:41TakinBackMyLove mirco
00:41:42TakinBackMyLove with
00:41:44TakinBackMyLove creeps
00:41:44TakinBackMyLove and
00:41:45TakinBackMyLove go
00:41:45TakinBackMyLove b ?
00:41:49chodaboy b
00:41:52chodaboy stryg farm
00:41:55TakinBackMyLove or you cant mircop ?
00:41:57chodaboy noone else
00:42:03Vangelis offc not
00:42:07TakinBackMyLove its rly easyt
00:42:08nigulas need 70
00:42:09nigulas for bs
00:42:09TakinBackMyLove just
00:42:12A-tzangol soz
00:42:14A-tzangol rly
00:42:15chodaboy we kill
00:42:15TakinBackMyLove give your creeps
00:42:16TakinBackMyLove a
00:42:16chodaboy when
00:42:17TakinBackMyLove number
00:42:22TakinBackMyLove and then press onm the number
00:42:50chodaboy I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:42:52nigulas gj choda
00:42:55nigulas chase wisp
00:42:56nigulas instaed
00:42:59nigulas of killing this noob
00:43:15chodaboy couldnt see the whole team coming
00:43:22Bra~ you never do
00:43:25Milky tuun hakee sut
00:43:25chodaboy imba support
00:43:27nigulas now i lost
00:43:28nigulas rex ulti
00:43:28nigulas again
00:43:29chodaboy stfu u fucking cunt
00:43:30Milky all bot
00:43:31chodaboy GET WARDS
00:43:33Milky wait for clock to res
00:43:34Bra~ cant
00:43:34Smokeer dd
00:43:35A-tzangol lol
00:43:35Smokeer here
00:43:36Milky i pick him up
00:43:36chodaboy COUNTERWARD
00:43:37Bra~ cooldown
00:43:37taraN no mul kestää tosiaa 40
00:43:43Bra~ they got hawk
00:43:44Milky wait
00:43:45Bra~ bro
00:43:50Smokeer got ulit
00:43:51Dovahkiin lina
00:43:58Dovahkiin he wont get it
00:44:09taraN tuus
00:44:10A-tzangol b
00:44:11A-tzangol let that towe
00:44:12A-tzangol r
00:44:13A-tzangol b
00:44:26Dovahkiin sf dd
00:44:27A-tzangol and wait us
00:44:27Dovahkiin nice
00:44:35Milky bm i boost u
00:44:39Milky just autoaattack
00:45:26chodaboy b
00:45:26chodaboy bb
00:45:28TakinBackMyLove clock
00:45:29TakinBackMyLove get
00:45:30TakinBackMyLove hood ?
00:45:36Vangelis top
00:45:37Vangelis tele top
00:46:00Smokeer taran in silver i first seen
00:46:04Smokeer he playing all time bronze
00:46:18Milky boring
00:46:22chodaboy b
00:46:29A-tzangol all dead
00:46:29Bra~ dont play it then
00:46:30chodaboy STRYG ROSH FAST
00:46:31A-tzangol what b
00:46:42chodaboy omg
00:46:43chodaboy that way
00:47:25Vangelis b
00:47:28Smokeer care
00:47:29Vangelis def
00:47:30Vangelis at base
00:47:30Milky bm remember in fights i boost ur attackspeed
00:47:34Vangelis yy
00:47:34Milky so 24/7 hit
00:47:34A-tzangol try push?
00:47:36Vangelis i dive anyway
00:47:38Dovahkiin nah
00:47:39Dovahkiin we lose
00:47:44nigulas we need gank
00:47:44Bra~ gan2
00:47:45nigulas 1st
00:47:45Vangelis focus
00:47:46A-tzangol gang sf
00:47:47Bra~ gank
00:47:47Vangelis slarda down first
00:47:50Vangelis bs has aegis
00:47:50Vangelis ...
00:47:59Smokeer focus rhasta rubick
00:48:02Vangelis y
00:48:18chodaboy go b
00:48:21Dovahkiin sf
00:48:44Milky agjkoåwmsp+åklw,g¨.
00:48:49Dovahkiin ye
00:48:49Dovahkiin chase
00:48:52Dovahkiin and let team die
00:49:18TakinBackMyLove vangelis
00:49:20TakinBackMyLove you see why
00:49:21Bra~ cant u just kill that clock?
00:49:24TakinBackMyLove you should have
00:49:25TakinBackMyLove get
00:49:27TakinBackMyLove agha ?
00:49:29Dovahkiin linkens
00:49:32nigulas 2.9k hp
00:49:32TakinBackMyLove its live you insane low
00:49:33TakinBackMyLove cd
00:49:33nigulas linken
00:49:34nigulas agha
00:49:35TakinBackMyLove on your ulti
00:49:36nigulas so easy tto kill
00:49:38TakinBackMyLove and longer range
00:49:38TakinBackMyLove and
00:49:43TakinBackMyLove its
00:49:47TakinBackMyLove much better than basher
00:49:49Bra~ i cant do anything in battles
00:49:53Bra~ when clock aliv
00:49:54Bra~ e
00:50:26Vangelis rubick
00:50:27Vangelis my ult
00:50:35Smokeer take tp
00:50:36Smokeer some1
00:50:37chodaboy dont go die now
00:50:41Dovahkiin su
00:51:08Milky sec
00:51:12taraN tarviin kyl hotin
00:51:13Vangelis go mid
00:51:14Vangelis ?????
00:51:17Vangelis no bs
00:51:18Vangelis for 30 s
00:51:19Vangelis ????
00:51:42Dovahkiin gg
00:51:43Dovahkiin gg
00:51:45Dovahkiin I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:51:46chodaboy rhasta pick so bad
00:51:48A-tzangol gg rhasta
00:51:50Dovahkiin u are bad
00:51:54chodaboy dont listen
00:51:56chodaboy noob
00:52:07Dovahkiin dazzle would be even worse
00:52:09taraN basee
00:52:12Bra~ lo
00:52:14Dovahkiin no disable
00:52:15Bra~ l
00:52:17Bra~ lol
00:52:18Bra~ lol
00:52:19Bra~ lol
00:52:22A-tzangol y lol
00:52:23A-tzangol laugh now
00:52:25nigulas I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:52:28A-tzangol gg clock
00:52:29A-tzangol I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:52:33taraN gg
00:52:36chodaboy I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:52:37Bra~ I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:52:39Milky gg
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