Game #2913408

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+14 X
+2 TS

92% | 1545 X | 1544 TS

+7 X
+2 TS

90% | 1518 X | 1498 TS

+35 X
+1 TS

82% | 1406 X | 1479 TS

-22 X
+2 TS

70% | 1410 X | 1313 TS

+24 X
+4 TS

58% | 1227 X | 1355 TS

+1 X
-2 TS

94% | 1580 X | 1570 TS

+12 X
-2 TS

85% | 1432 X | 1463 TS

-25 X
-1 TS

78% | 1445 X | 1408 TS

-40 X
-3 TS

72% | 1410 X | 1356 TS

+2 X
-9 TS

51% | 1220 X | 1317 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Lawok -water 255 0 255
00:00:06Lawok -rickroll 1
00:00:08Flex- auch
00:00:09Bra~ helge
00:00:10Bra~ so
00:00:10Zemirk ¨-rickroll
00:00:14Euforia kuka semmosta on kertonu
00:00:16Euforia et asuisin
00:00:16Bra~ ur saying u play support much
00:00:16Euforia :O
00:00:16Zemirk -rickroll
00:00:16Flex- :D
00:00:16Lawok sinä?
00:00:16Flex- hje picks axe
00:00:16Flex- last pick
00:00:16Flex- np
00:00:16helge see flex wants support
00:00:16Bra~ give it another try?
00:00:16Euforia ai.
00:00:16Flex- :D
00:00:16Jonnija HELgeeeeeeeee
00:00:16Jonnija HELGEEE
00:00:16Solisluu : D
00:00:16Jonnija my favourite
00:00:16Solisluu tos 3h sit
00:00:16Jonnija tard
00:00:16Jonnija D
00:00:16Flex- ye
00:00:16helge hehe
00:00:16Solisluu taidat juoda kaljaa psyno siel
00:00:16helge thank u very much
00:00:16MariahCarry who let in helge
00:00:16Jonnija id pat you on your head
00:00:16WantedZip sf
00:00:16helge i feel blessed
00:00:16Flex- we over fed him last game
00:00:16Flex- :D
00:00:16helge you mom
00:00:16Lawok RIKIMAURU
00:00:16helge ^-^
00:00:16MariahCarry haha so much hate muta
00:00:16Flex- mariah
00:00:18Flex- ill trade you helge
00:00:19Flex- for ats
00:00:22Euforia höpö höpö olen stadissa viettämässä seurapiiri-iltaa
00:00:27MariahCarry i'd go 4v4
00:00:31Euforia olen juonut salonkikelpoisesti kolme olutta
00:00:31MariahCarry and kick both
00:00:31Lawok mut asutko stadis
00:00:31Flex- hm
00:00:34helge just play
00:00:36Jonnija so helge
00:00:36Flex- ill take it
00:00:37Euforia en ku tampereel O_o
00:00:40Flex- ok
00:00:41helge so
00:00:42Flex- enuf bashing him
00:00:43helge ?
00:00:43Lawok anyone anything
00:00:45Lawok ootko tty?
00:00:46Flex- he's on our team
00:00:46Solisluu 33540
00:00:52Jonnija hows kindegarden goin?
00:00:55helge concentrate on your games guys
00:00:55Jonnija kids teasing you
00:00:56Zemirk ?
00:00:56Jonnija ?
00:00:57Zemirk :DD
00:00:57Euforia enno :)
00:00:58helge no
00:00:59Flex- jonnija
00:01:00Flex- chill
00:01:02helge cause my dick is big
00:01:05helge everything fine here
00:01:10Flex- ok
00:01:11helge i just bang those bitches
00:01:12Solisluu xD
00:01:15Flex- that was kindergarden all over
00:01:18Jonnija :D
00:01:20Jonnija :D
00:01:23Lawok tamkis
00:01:26Lawok lukios
00:01:29Lawok amis
00:01:32Flex- pff
00:01:32Lawok töis
00:01:33Lawok lapsis
00:01:39Solisluu huoris
00:01:41Euforia meen ens vuonna lukeen kaksoistutkintoo
00:01:41Flex- i go top
00:01:43Euforia nyt oon töis
00:01:47Lawok :D
00:01:48Jonnija and i can have fun
00:01:52Jonnija with my little buddy
00:01:53Jonnija helge
00:01:55Flex- :D
00:01:56Lawok haet vissii euforiaa ammatikseks
00:01:56Flex- well
00:01:57helge i would love too
00:01:58Flex- me and panda
00:02:00Flex- kinda good lane
00:02:00Euforia ;)
00:02:12Jonnija helge r u sure ur not female? :D
00:02:18Flex- + if i remember correctly
00:02:20helge i miss every stun
00:02:21Jonnija ur name is kinda femaleish
00:02:22Flex- bra was fun to play with
00:02:23helge just to say
00:02:29Euforia oottekste ttyl
00:02:30Euforia ?
00:02:34Jonnija well i know
00:02:35MariahCarry i can solo bot
00:02:35Jonnija that
00:02:35helge dont trust in me
00:02:36Solisluu 2x lääkis 1xtty
00:02:36Bra~ just shut ur pieholes
00:02:38Bra~ plz
00:02:38helge i fail every stun
00:02:41MariahCarry and 3 top
00:02:43Jonnija ofcourse u will
00:02:45Flex- dude
00:02:47Jonnija u shouldnt even skill
00:02:48Flex- check out
00:02:48Jonnija your stun
00:02:49Flex- his X
00:02:50Flex- :D
00:02:51Jonnija its useless
00:02:53Lawok yeah
00:02:53Flex- -hhn
00:02:54Jonnija go with stats
00:02:54helge do i need to get wards or just at 30 minutes like enigma?
00:02:55Jonnija and
00:02:55Flex- he got most of it
00:02:56Lawok u so awesome
00:02:57Flex- from the last 2 games
00:02:58Lawok euforia topå
00:02:58Jonnija passive
00:03:01Jonnija go stats and passive
00:03:02Jonnija please
00:03:04Flex- get em
00:03:10helge well invoker i do
00:03:13helge cause i carry u
00:03:15MariahCarry who is psyno on irc?
00:03:20Lawok euforia
00:03:22Jonnija noone knows
00:03:24Jonnija noone cares
00:03:28MariahCarry euforia it seems
00:03:34Bra~ y
00:03:35MariahCarry the faggot
00:03:47helge miss
00:03:47Solisluu mariahcarry still not permabanned
00:03:48helge bottom
00:03:52MariahCarry HOW
00:03:53Solisluu y
00:03:53helge venge miss
00:03:54helge venge
00:04:00Solisluu you got a strong hold of stroms cock i suppose
00:04:02Euforia he ruined last game again
00:04:17MariahCarry i ruined ur moms vag
00:04:21Euforia gave entry on purpose
00:04:21helge nice orr
00:04:24helge flying bitch
00:04:42Flex- Sup
00:06:12Flex- veng here
00:06:13Jonnija veno solos
00:06:15Jonnija do they have
00:06:16Jonnija tri?
00:06:22Euforia tarviin sormuksen
00:06:57Euforia tapetaa
00:07:25Euforia :D
00:07:26Euforia meni putkee
00:07:29Jonnija helge werent u the one drougluin called nazi?
00:07:35helge what?
00:07:43MariahCarry ss bot
00:07:44helge im not a nazi ffs
00:07:45Flex- wtf
00:07:46Flex- was that
00:07:47Flex- :D
00:07:51Euforia tuu
00:07:51Euforia heal
00:08:06Bra~ im b
00:08:08Zemirk SALEEE
00:08:26Jonnija HELGE OWNED U
00:08:30helge I DID A STUN
00:08:32helge FUCK YEAH
00:08:42helge proud of me?
00:08:45Jonnija y
00:08:48helge kiss
00:08:49Jonnija my little fellow
00:08:51Jonnija u deserve a pat
00:08:53Jonnija on the head
00:08:56helge hehe
00:09:04helge lets try
00:09:16helge WOOOGHOO
00:09:19Lawok gj veno
00:09:21Lawok for warning
00:09:24MariahCarry 'np
00:09:24Flex- helge
00:09:26Flex- come t o-0p
00:09:28Flex- long time ago
00:09:37helge dude dont start to flame me
00:09:40MariahCarry sup?
00:09:40helge dont blame me
00:09:44Flex- im not flaming
00:09:46Jonnija wont die
00:09:46Flex- saying
00:09:46MariahCarry die
00:09:46Jonnija ofc
00:09:48Flex- coem already
00:09:52Jonnija i got lvl 2 ques
00:09:55Jonnija and tango
00:10:12Jonnija :D
00:10:13helge haha akasha :D
00:10:22Flex- im a hater
00:10:25Flex- Thats what it is bro
00:10:28Flex- push
00:10:30Flex- lvl 6 soon
00:10:33Bra~ help top plz
00:10:36Bra~ dont die now
00:10:44Bra~ -ii
00:10:46MariahCarry 4 bot vs the veno
00:10:47MariahCarry standard
00:10:55Jonnija well u play it as carry
00:10:58Jonnija so its justified
00:11:02MariahCarry uuuuh
00:11:05MariahCarry dangerveno
00:11:14Zemirk meen b
00:11:21Solisluu oom
00:11:21Zemirk oon b
00:11:49Jonnija care dangeveno miss
00:13:01Flex- This game
00:13:03Flex- is the shit
00:13:15Bra~ just stop feeding
00:13:20Jonnija :D
00:13:21Jonnija :D
00:13:29Bra~ ?
00:13:34Zemirk ..
00:13:37Flex- xD
00:13:39Euforia gravee vähä :D
00:13:41Zemirk :D
00:13:41Flex- i got them all mid
00:13:42Zemirk np
00:13:43Flex- keep farming ppl
00:13:47Flex- xD
00:13:48Jonnija gj
00:13:49Jonnija :D
00:13:56Flex- what a fucked up game
00:13:57Flex- :D
00:14:06Bra~ care
00:14:08Bra~ all miss
00:14:10WantedZip deni ?
00:14:14Jonnija u had 90 hp
00:14:14Flex- you got
00:14:15Flex- isnta
00:14:17Flex- 100 dps
00:14:50Flex- pit lord
00:14:51Flex- to good
00:14:51Flex- :D
00:15:04Euforia -ms
00:15:16Jonnija nasty nasty
00:15:17Jonnija venge
00:15:19Euforia b
00:15:19Euforia b
00:15:19Euforia b
00:15:58Zemirk jaa kerenuy ravee
00:16:51Jonnija WIIII
00:17:04Flex- jonnija
00:17:08Flex- pit should never have mana :D
00:17:17Euforia twr
00:17:18Jonnija my emp is pretty low lvl
00:17:18Bra~ he always has mana
00:17:22Bra~ cuz of soul ring
00:17:39Flex- come
00:17:42WantedZip sunstirke ?
00:17:44WantedZip wtf
00:17:46WantedZip inker u suck ?
00:18:00helge veno incoming
00:18:07Jonnija LOL
00:18:18helge tt
00:18:21Flex- back
00:18:23Flex- 1 by 1
00:18:25Flex- and we need panda
00:18:27Flex- in fights
00:18:45Lawok :DD
00:18:50Bra~ ...........
00:19:13Zemirk vois graveki ol insta animatio
00:19:14Zemirk :P
00:19:17Flex- ahaha
00:19:17Flex- :D
00:19:21Euforia onha sil melkei
00:19:23Jonnija flex u make
00:19:24Zemirk mjuu
00:19:25Jonnija me proud
00:19:26Flex- :D
00:19:26Euforia se kannattaa maxaa ennen healii
00:19:28Flex- dude
00:19:29Flex- we need panda
00:19:29Euforia et saa rangee
00:19:30Flex- thats it
00:19:34Flex- his ulti
00:19:35Zemirk toi invokerin cyclone pilas varmaa jo 3 kerran
00:19:40Flex- wins battles
00:19:42Jonnija np bra cant micro
00:19:43Jonnija anyways
00:19:49Flex- he can share
00:19:53helge olo why dont blame helge
00:20:00helge he is the biggest tard
00:20:03helge ;:D
00:20:03Flex- not blaming
00:20:04Flex- saying
00:20:04Jonnija ofc
00:20:05Flex- we need
00:20:05Jonnija helge
00:20:08Flex- 5 v 5
00:20:08Jonnija ur biggest tard :D
00:20:12helge hell yeah
00:20:31Euforia tarvii piipun
00:20:32Euforia ei voi puskee
00:20:42Zemirk -ma
00:20:55Euforia force staff sniper
00:20:59Euforia miks
00:20:59Euforia D:
00:21:02Zemirk imba
00:21:16Jonnija homo
00:21:41Flex- cyclone
00:21:44Flex- was so needed earlier
00:21:45Jonnija cd
00:21:49Flex- i know
00:21:49Jonnija was there earlier
00:21:50Flex- jsut saying
00:21:51Lawok ton takii euforia
00:21:53Lawok vittu
00:21:55Lawok liqvid best eu
00:21:57Flex- veno phase?
00:22:02Jonnija ofc
00:22:04Euforia nii saatana
00:22:08Flex- denie
00:22:10Flex- qop
00:22:21helge defend mid?
00:22:22Jonnija flex btw i have seen even qop with phase
00:22:24Jonnija now that was lol
00:22:35WantedZip base
00:22:59Bra~ gg rhasta
00:23:01Bra~ trap me
00:23:02Bra~ ofc
00:23:09Euforia hug
00:23:16Flex- casted
00:23:19Flex- before death
00:23:30Bra~ and killed me
00:23:31Bra~ :/
00:23:32Bra~ gj
00:24:03Lawok b?
00:24:06MariahCarry go
00:24:07Lawok all oom
00:24:08MariahCarry got ulti
00:24:40Flex- back
00:24:40Flex- qop
00:24:57Lawok b
00:25:00helge we fight silly
00:25:05Flex- yup
00:25:06Lawok rune bot
00:25:13helge more concentration
00:25:14Lawok oh u tele here to take my farm
00:25:15Lawok thanks
00:25:16Jonnija well what they say
00:25:20Jonnija hitler was a silly silly man
00:25:21Zemirk npnpnp
00:25:25MariahCarry lol
00:25:26Flex- well
00:25:27Flex- we need
00:25:28Flex- a way
00:25:28helge indeed
00:25:30MariahCarry wtf items is that
00:25:30Flex- of innitiating
00:25:31Flex- and that means
00:25:33Zemirk vähä gravee
00:25:34MariahCarry as useless as u can possibly get
00:25:34Flex- perfect emp
00:25:35helge panda dagger
00:25:36MariahCarry tardsniper
00:25:41Euforia ommeinaa
00:25:43Lawok :D
00:25:45Lawok y mariah
00:25:48Jonnija i am so low on lvls
00:25:54Jonnija main problem
00:25:55Flex- lol
00:25:56Flex- look at me
00:26:03Euforia ny on piippua
00:26:13Jonnija 1 lvl for wex lvl 6
00:26:43WantedZip b
00:27:09Jonnija emp tornado 25 sec cd
00:27:15helge b
00:27:15helge base
00:27:17Jonnija asd
00:27:18Flex- wtf
00:27:19helge swap
00:28:11helge i dont want to loose again :c
00:28:21Jonnija its not about
00:28:23Flex- bronze is a shitty place
00:28:23Jonnija wanting
00:28:23Jonnija :D
00:28:29helge well i dont care bronze
00:28:41helge loosing 3rd game in a row
00:28:41helge sucks
00:28:56Jonnija well guess you have to look
00:28:58Jonnija deep inside
00:29:00Jonnija yourself
00:29:03Flex- deep inside
00:29:04Flex- :D
00:29:04Jonnija and search for the fault :D
00:29:07helge not my
00:29:09helge last 2 games
00:29:10helge ;)
00:29:18Bra~ it never is
00:29:21Jonnija :D
00:29:21Jonnija D:
00:29:24helge well sometimes it is
00:29:40helge FFS
00:30:00Flex- nee
00:30:01Flex- panda
00:30:03helge or was i playing so much shit this game
00:30:03helge ?
00:30:12Jonnija doenst matter
00:30:13Jonnija :D
00:30:17Bra~ u are grey mass
00:30:22helge see flex is doing shit
00:30:25helge :D
00:30:25Flex- yup
00:30:26Flex- :D
00:30:31Euforia 5/5 wardit
00:30:42Flex- so is jonnija
00:30:44Flex- apparently
00:30:47Jonnija wha?
00:30:48Jonnija me?
00:30:48Flex- cant get 2 skills
00:30:51Flex- synced:D
00:30:54Jonnija :D
00:30:54Jonnija :D
00:31:40Flex- dude..
00:31:42helge heheh
00:31:47Euforia I have ulti
00:31:50helge sry thought i die
00:31:50Euforia wait in base
00:32:00helge gg
00:32:02Flex- you only had nove
00:32:02MariahCarry gg
00:32:04Flex- nova
00:32:05MariahCarry good invoker
00:32:09helge i only had nova?
00:32:14Flex- poison nova
00:32:16Flex- i had both
00:32:20Jonnija cant use that many spells :D
00:32:22helge shit happens
00:32:22Jonnija with lvl 2 invoke
00:32:25Jonnija and lvl 12 invoker
00:32:33MariahCarry and lvl 1 brain
00:32:44Jonnija mariah seems that clicking just 1 skill
00:32:47Jonnija is enaugh for u :D
00:32:56MariahCarry somehow ranked higher than u
00:32:57MariahCarry hmm
00:32:58Jonnija but please before speaking start leveling ur brain
00:33:25Euforia hieno rax focus hermanni
00:33:31Lawok sulla myös
00:33:35Euforia no mulla just
00:33:35Euforia :D
00:33:37Lawok et mielummi range ku melee
00:33:39Lawok -.-
00:33:40Euforia tajusin vast ku noi tuli
00:33:44Flex- this is gonna be some painfull x
00:33:49helge why
00:33:49Flex- wp pit
00:33:51Jonnija i bet
00:33:53Jonnija ur crying
00:33:57Jonnija when u go to bed :D
00:34:36Flex- tnx
00:34:39Euforia omw
00:34:43Lawok :DD
00:34:50Flex- well
00:34:51helge OWNING
00:34:51Jonnija MAWHAHAHHAHA
00:34:52Flex- That was clouse
00:35:00Flex- 30-32
00:35:12Solisluu go with 5
00:35:13Solisluu : D
00:35:18Flex- xD
00:35:25Flex- with my ult
00:35:28Flex- we can kill rosh
00:35:29Flex- easy
00:35:40Bra~ coming
00:35:41helge dont
00:35:48helge well do what u want
00:35:49helge :D
00:35:49WantedZip n
00:35:49WantedZip v
00:35:50WantedZip b
00:35:56Bra~ y
00:35:56Bra~ b
00:36:05Bra~ gank
00:36:05Bra~ bot
00:36:21Jonnija :D
00:36:21Jonnija :D
00:36:54helge mid
00:36:55helge mid
00:36:56Lawok :D
00:36:59Lawok into gg
00:36:59Jonnija mariah
00:37:01Jonnija bad girl
00:37:05Euforia mitäs me täs perseillää
00:37:11Zemirk :D
00:37:14Lawok lina too good, deny rax
00:37:16Lawok :D
00:37:22Solisluu xDDDDDDD
00:37:22Flex- he did ?
00:37:24helge creeps attack in anyway?
00:37:26Lawok :P
00:37:27Lawok :P
00:37:28Lawok :P
00:37:28Lawok :D
00:37:29helge with 1 hp left
00:37:29Lawok XD
00:37:31Flex- hahahaha
00:37:32Flex- HAHAHA
00:37:33Flex- HAHAHA
00:37:33Lawok wp
00:37:33Flex- :DD
00:37:35MariahCarry was dead lol
00:37:36helge laugh more heheh
00:37:37helge thanks
00:37:38MariahCarry why u whine about it
00:37:46MariahCarry 1 hp and 3 wards hitting
00:37:46Zemirk k
00:37:48Flex- Still funny
00:37:49helge im a tard so who cares?
00:37:51MariahCarry was his best move entire game
00:37:53MariahCarry denying a rax
00:37:54MariahCarry :D
00:38:00Bra~ y
00:38:02helge im not doing badly like last game
00:38:06helge like your magnus last game
00:38:09helge h3
00:38:18Euforia not like your ck
00:38:21Euforia 60min no item
00:38:21Bra~ not good either
00:38:26Flex- :D
00:38:28Flex- good ol memories
00:38:34Bra~ omw
00:38:39helge had like 11 kills to 5 death
00:38:44helge nvm
00:38:48helge haters gonna hate
00:38:57Flex- jeezus
00:39:04Flex- veng suck my balls
00:39:20Lawok gg
00:39:25helge bg team sucked again
00:39:28helge flex de most
00:39:29helge me pro
00:39:29helge XD
00:39:41Bra~ gg wp
00:39:43Flex- Gg
00:39:46Zemirk gg
00:39:48helge bra your carry sucked again
00:39:52Flex- nice timing
00:39:53Flex- jonnija
00:39:54Jonnija :D
00:39:58Zemirk :P
00:40:02Jonnija WEEEE
00:40:03Jonnija :D
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