Game #2862573

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+16 X
+2 TS

92% | 1489 X | 1604 TS

+24 X
+2 TS

84% | 1404 X | 1529 TS

-32 X
+4 TS

68% | 1340 X | 1390 TS

+19 X
+4 TS

40% | 1084 X | 1338 TS

+51 X
+40 TS

18% | 1101 X | 1098 TS

-55 X
-2 TS

97% | 1735 X | 1562 TS

-35 X
-1 TS

80% | 1469 X | 1391 TS

+5 X
-19 TS

65% | 1314 X | 1364 TS

-6 X
-6 TS

56% | 1209 X | 1369 TS

+23 X
-31 TS

NEW | 990 X | 956 TS

Chat log

00:00:16WANKmaster any1 wants something ?
00:00:16creeeeeee tiny
00:00:16creeeeeee :)
00:00:16WANKmaster -trall
00:00:16Empatia sain tänää douda2 betakeyn
00:00:16Zemirk nice
00:00:16Empatia <3
00:00:16Zemirk mikset pelaa? :<
00:00:16creeeeeee võta terror mby?
00:00:16Xeros go?
00:00:16WANKmaster ei
00:00:16WANKmaster lamp
00:00:16Empatia stunsq:lla hitaampi netti
00:00:16WANKmaster pask hero
00:00:16creeeeeee k
00:00:16Empatia menee hetki ladatessa
00:00:16Sepetos mitä bannaan
00:00:16Sepetos -lyca
00:00:16Empatia en nää juurikaan pool
00:00:17Empatia mut lycan nään
00:00:18niacniac can u speak englis pls
00:00:19creeeeeee sa lock v?
00:00:30Sepetos anyone anything
00:00:31Sepetos ?
00:00:31BoBo.Ftw *english ^^
00:00:33Sepetos like wd warlock?
00:00:35WANKmaster vaatan mis nad pickivad
00:00:43Zemirk bans lycan and?
00:00:45Empatia soon™
00:00:51creeeeeee thrall
00:00:51WANKmaster trall
00:00:53WANKmaster viper
00:00:54WANKmaster nahhui
00:00:57creeeeeee issand
00:01:01creeeeeee mis tahad
00:01:02WANKmaster anna riki
00:01:04WANKmaster get some mid
00:01:05WANKmaster hero
00:01:07WANKmaster -swap 2
00:01:09creeeeeee -swap 1
00:01:09WANKmaster get mid
00:01:10Empatia carry doooom
00:01:10WANKmaster hero
00:01:16Sepetos tehää tankkii
00:01:17WANKmaster thats not mid hero
00:01:21Sepetos sit gemii ja viedää kahestaa
00:01:21Sepetos :D
00:01:22Xeros tiny go Fb up
00:01:25Empatia teen tälle sen radi buildi
00:01:29creeeeeee nüüd mingi 900x mees läheb midi v? :D
00:01:30WANKmaster jesus krist .. :D
00:01:30Sepetos joo no eka tankkii
00:01:40Zemirk JES oon moose :DDD
00:01:43WANKmaster get yakiro
00:01:43Zemirk paras nimi
00:01:45WANKmaster rexxar
00:01:54Sepetos tuuks emppu mumble
00:01:58Empatia siis roh-boots-vankku-phaset-radi-plate-hot
00:02:02Empatia oon bänned
00:02:04WANKmaster chicken
00:02:07Sepetos lal
00:02:11creeeeeee ulme mis herod neil
00:02:12Xeros share
00:02:14creeeeeee uskumatu :D
00:02:20Empatia jakkihirki kävi ragee
00:02:25Zemirk perus
00:02:30Sepetos share chick
00:02:39Xeros tiny did you skill stun?
00:02:41Sepetos kukaha saatana luulee voivansa olla midis
00:02:42WANKmaster see xeros suht hea
00:02:46Zemirk -ma
00:02:47creeeeeee asi denyb sul nii eest need kõik, et sa saad lvl 4 sis ta 6 :D
00:02:50Zemirk riki
00:02:50creeeeeee jep i got stun
00:02:51Zemirk salee
00:02:52Sepetos SHARE CHICK
00:02:55Empatia hmm
00:02:57Empatia tiny
00:02:57WANKmaster suht
00:03:00WANKmaster eks näis mis saab
00:03:02WANKmaster ma passive
00:03:03WANKmaster farmi ei saa
00:03:05BoBo.Ftw share
00:03:05BoBo.Ftw ffs
00:03:06Empatia ei se saa mitää aikaa kyl
00:03:08WANKmaster proovin gankida
00:03:12Empatia panda
00:03:14BoBo.Ftw share
00:03:14Empatia share the chicken
00:03:15Xeros go fn
00:03:18Xeros go fb11
00:03:25BoBo.Ftw gg
00:03:26Empatia niac
00:03:27Empatia share
00:03:28niacniac cant u be patient KID
00:03:28Empatia chicken
00:03:34Xeros i first
00:03:39niacniac FU
00:03:39Xeros gowd
00:03:41niacniac BE
00:03:58Empatia ill
00:03:59Empatia pull
00:04:00Empatia dont die
00:05:27Sepetos invis top
00:05:31Sepetos gang mid
00:05:34Empatia botmiss
00:06:09Empatia ??
00:06:11Empatia that
00:06:12Empatia spell
00:06:14Empatia doesnt do
00:06:14Empatia shit
00:06:21Empatia its useless
00:06:23Empatia at start
00:06:24BoBo.Ftw u should run
00:07:03BoBo.Ftw care
00:07:33niacniac DOC
00:07:35niacniac STOP IT
00:07:35Zemirk dude
00:07:46niacniac second time u run in creep
00:07:51niacniac and 2 hero
00:07:54niacniac full mana
00:08:22Sepetos riki miss
00:08:44WANKmaster hea
00:08:45Sepetos gj miss top
00:08:53creeeeeee 1 creep
00:08:54creeeeeee pl
00:09:02niacniac he was pulling everytime
00:09:03Empatia botmiss1
00:09:09Sepetos how come u dont get wards then?
00:09:23Empatia hes
00:09:24Empatia just
00:09:24WANKmaster ss
00:09:25creeeeeee juba läheb pimedaks õues
00:09:25WANKmaster mid
00:09:26creeeeeee wtf
00:09:26Empatia standing there
00:09:29niacniac not my job
00:09:30Empatia and you dont harrass?
00:09:31WANKmaster re
00:09:34Sepetos dmismiss
00:09:36Sepetos riki
00:09:37WANKmaster coming
00:09:38WANKmaster bot
00:09:38WANKmaster dd
00:09:53Zemirk tiny still miss
00:10:13Empatia en ymmärrä tätä
00:10:28Empatia warlock joka ei härässi
00:10:45creeeeeee fail
00:10:50creeeeeee and slow ppl
00:11:02WANKmaster care
00:11:10Empatia dont
00:11:13Empatia push
00:11:17BoBo.Ftw k
00:11:37Xeros ss?
00:12:19niacniac tiny GOING TOP
00:12:21niacniac B YELLOW
00:12:24Zemirk y
00:12:26Zemirk i see
00:12:28niacniac re
00:12:44WANKmaster hea
00:12:59Zemirk miss tiny and riki
00:13:02Zemirk re tiny
00:13:06niacniac re both
00:13:06Zemirk and riki
00:13:19creeeeeee all run
00:13:20creeeeeee e
00:13:58WANKmaster gem
00:13:58Empatia :DDDDD
00:13:59WANKmaster tuli
00:13:59Zemirk :P
00:13:59WANKmaster :D:d
00:14:00WANKmaster :D
00:14:02Empatia :DD
00:14:11Zemirk ego
00:14:11Sepetos :DDD
00:14:11niacniac god
00:14:11BoBo.Ftw if he drops??
00:14:11Sepetos one goes from our team
00:14:11WANKmaster wtf
00:14:11BoBo.Ftw but it s captain
00:14:11Sepetos u lag
00:14:11Sepetos doesnt mather
00:14:11Zemirk no wories
00:14:11BoBo.Ftw k
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw ...
00:14:17Empatia DONT ALT+TAB
00:14:17creeeeeee sure he is
00:14:17niacniac F12
00:14:17Empatia sadly
00:14:17Empatia computers dont have a reset button anymore :1
00:14:17niacniac ALT F4
00:14:17Empatia ill
00:14:17Empatia go
00:14:17Empatia farm
00:14:17Empatia leftie
00:14:17Sepetos vois puskee sielt tornin kyl
00:14:17Empatia at this rate ill get radi at about 21min
00:14:17Sepetos koht on lockil ulti
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw shall i leave then?
00:14:17Sepetos onkse vanguard iha paska rangedeille nykyää?
00:14:17Empatia o
00:14:17Empatia pipe
00:14:17Sepetos emmä täl oikee pipeekää tarvii
00:14:17Sepetos reductionii on jo
00:14:17niacniac im going pipe
00:14:17Sepetos hiparii vaa
00:14:17Sepetos agha
00:14:17Empatia ne stäckkii
00:14:17niacniac ty for english guys ...
00:14:17Sepetos ei aura rikii vastaa kuitenkaa
00:14:17Empatia ite teen viperille pipen sitten agha sitten guinsoo
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw np u ll learn danish ^^
00:14:17Empatia danish?
00:14:17Empatia what
00:14:17Zemirk :D
00:14:17niacniac :D kk
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw i dont know what language it is .:D
00:14:17Sepetos finnish u mean
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw so finnish
00:14:17Empatia manliest language on earth
00:14:17Empatia and best in icehockey
00:14:17Empatia and throwing boots
00:14:17Zemirk !!! yey
00:14:17BoBo.Ftw once they said me it s estonian once danish and now finnish :D
00:14:17Sepetos danish is like har du en bra cyckel
00:14:17Empatia and cellphone throwing
00:14:17Empatia and baseball
00:14:17Zemirk and dota...
00:14:17Empatia and saunominen
00:14:17Zemirk :<
00:14:17Empatia well not in dota YET
00:14:17Sepetos empatia ketä pistetää ulos
00:14:17Sepetos :o
00:14:17Empatia örr
00:14:17Zemirk nah.. koreans ftw
00:14:17creeeeeee pew
00:14:17creeeeeee :/
00:14:17vaityl wtf
00:14:17Empatia jaa-a
00:14:17Zemirk minä tai locki
00:14:18Empatia niii
00:14:26Empatia tai panda tietty
00:14:27Sepetos warlock
00:14:27Sepetos leave
00:14:28Empatia on meil tankkei
00:14:43Sepetos myy kamat
00:14:47Empatia ju
00:14:59niacniac no need gem now -.-
00:14:59Sepetos nyt kyl teen pipe
00:15:07creeeeeee def top
00:15:08creeeeeee all
00:15:16Sepetos tower
00:15:18Xeros -music random
00:15:25creeeeeee omg jakiro and rex wear scrolls
00:15:32Empatia 1 creep for vang
00:15:41Xeros sec
00:16:17Sepetos et saa doomattuu ketää?
00:16:25Empatia puuttu manat:D
00:16:30creeeeeee gj
00:17:39creeeeeee jakiro no boots :D
00:18:12Empatia if anyone
00:18:17Empatia sees commander wolf of deathy doom
00:18:18Empatia tell me
00:18:29creeeeeee kill
00:18:56Zemirk kävi huulil :P
00:18:57Sepetos sain gemi viel
00:18:58Sepetos vaik ei välii :e
00:19:41Zemirk äh
00:20:02Empatia b
00:20:13Empatia need that commander wolf of deathy doom
00:20:35niacniac argh
00:20:40niacniac ms
00:20:42niacniac sucks
00:20:53niacniac pipe rdy
00:20:55niacniac aniway
00:21:02Empatia on you?
00:21:30Zemirk voi pimppi
00:21:41Zemirk tarvii persettä
00:21:47Empatia joo tyhmä meikält
00:21:48creeeeeee dont go
00:21:48creeeeeee alone
00:21:55Empatia säästelin doomin
00:22:01Empatia mut ei toi lvl death tee dmg
00:22:01Zemirk mm
00:22:06Sepetos emt kandeeks radii täs
00:22:07Sepetos btw
00:22:10Sepetos voidaa puskee paremmi ilma
00:22:24Sepetos piti kirjottaaaaa
00:22:27Zemirk :P
00:22:32niacniac so obious
00:22:36niacniac obvious
00:22:40Sepetos älä tee sitä radii
00:22:44Sepetos semmost mil voi hakkaa
00:22:45Sepetos ja tankkaa
00:22:47Empatia tottaki teen :O
00:22:50Sepetos et tee
00:22:55Sepetos ei radi auta puskus yhtää
00:22:58Empatia siis
00:23:02Empatia radin avulla kuolevat
00:23:02Empatia vaa
00:23:08Sepetos joo et siis osaa
00:23:10Empatia esim rexarin lintu
00:23:28niacniac we are never together
00:23:28Zemirk -ma
00:23:32niacniac what to say
00:23:45niacniac one by one
00:23:46vaityl ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????
00:23:48niacniac allways
00:24:07Sepetos WHO MOVE WARLOCK
00:24:34Xeros tiny why don t have daagger?
00:24:41Sepetos go push towers now
00:24:50Empatia well 800 to radi
00:24:51creeeeeee dont worry about my items
00:24:55Sepetos so push tower
00:24:57Sepetos and u get it
00:25:08niacniac go all
00:25:08Xeros sure
00:25:09niacniac mb
00:25:15creeeeeee doom has radi in a second
00:25:17Empatia we will die because i dont do shit without radi :1
00:25:59Sepetos heal päälle
00:26:35niacniac 3 v4
00:26:36niacniac always
00:26:37Sepetos sy dk jo
00:26:37niacniac wp
00:26:42Sepetos luci has hes own game
00:26:45Sepetos think he owns with radi
00:26:46creeeeeee wp
00:26:56niacniac think he dont
00:26:57niacniac but
00:26:58niacniac np
00:27:04Sepetos m2
00:27:26Sepetos hae manaa ni voidaa puskee
00:28:00niacniac viper
00:28:04niacniac i got it ALREADY
00:28:04Sepetos u got pipe ok
00:28:05Sepetos ill make meka
00:28:10niacniac k
00:28:49Zemirk tuplatappo
00:28:54Zemirk ei? :<
00:28:54creeeeeee suuure he hitted male on both of us
00:29:12niacniac wp viper
00:29:14niacniac one more time
00:29:19Sepetos ei juu
00:29:27niacniac solo shit fee
00:29:28niacniac feed
00:29:30Sepetos well u guys wanna farm i mean luci
00:29:31creeeeeee mid twr
00:29:37Sepetos when dk owns him and bm anyday endagame
00:29:56creeeeeee b
00:29:57creeeeeee b
00:30:12Sepetos use windwalk
00:30:14Sepetos cyclone?
00:30:45creeeeeee you could use hod
00:30:52Zemirk hei kaverit?
00:30:53Zemirk :<
00:31:06Empatia ...
00:31:15Empatia whyu
00:31:16Empatia do
00:31:16Empatia you
00:31:18Empatia suicide?
00:31:19niacniac wtf
00:31:23niacniac u first chase
00:31:26niacniac i follow
00:31:27Empatia WHY THE HELL DO YOU CHASE?=
00:31:30niacniac and get killed
00:31:35Empatia ...
00:31:38niacniac I JUST FOLLOW YOU
00:31:42Empatia no you didnt
00:31:47niacniac ofc i did
00:31:47Empatia i ran for 3 seconds after him
00:31:49Empatia then i stopped
00:32:20Xeros gang
00:33:16Sepetos push bot
00:33:37creeeeeee rosh
00:33:40creeeeeee or not
00:33:45Empatia finally
00:34:00Empatia b
00:34:06Sepetos someone could have arcanes
00:34:09creeeeeee def
00:34:10Empatia ffs
00:34:11Empatia ...
00:34:19Zemirk b
00:34:19Xeros gogo
00:35:44Empatia vihdoin
00:35:48Empatia saatanan susi
00:35:53Empatia got hot
00:36:10Empatia making ac next
00:36:18Sepetos go top
00:36:30creeeeeee smokegang
00:36:32Empatia ill regen mana
00:36:37creeeeeee or just scout
00:36:38creeeeeee with bird
00:36:47creeeeeee scout forest
00:36:49creeeeeee with bird
00:37:07Xeros gogo
00:37:08Xeros rex
00:37:09Empatia -ms
00:37:11Empatia -ms
00:37:28niacniac dd
00:37:30niacniac here
00:37:32Empatia take
00:37:44creeeeeee def top then
00:37:50Sepetos mä ultaan dk
00:38:50Empatia mikä on kun ei löydy luottoo? :D
00:39:04Sepetos en oo ikin nähny et joku tiimis carryis lucil
00:39:10Sepetos enkä ite oo ikin pystyny fullbuildil ees
00:39:14creeeeeee well that pipe + hoods on em kinda loses all dmg from me so
00:39:17Sepetos mut täs on nii imbaa dk counterii
00:39:25Empatia siis tää toimii
00:39:29Empatia tää radi on ihan sick
00:39:34Empatia kunhan tekee phaset
00:39:42Empatia phaset + tuo uus tuli
00:39:47Empatia 462 ms
00:39:56Empatia ja commander wolf pitää syödä
00:40:03Empatia että saa crit
00:40:23Sepetos roosan vois
00:40:50Empatia tuota
00:40:53Empatia ois ac bases
00:41:51creeeeeee I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:41:58Stunsq I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:42:27Empatia tää vaa ei ota lämää :D
00:43:15Empatia gg
00:43:19Sepetos g-g
00:43:19Empatia or well
00:43:19Zemirk ju
00:43:19vaityl .ff
00:43:20Empatia not gg
00:43:35Empatia 4v4 aint so gg :1
00:43:53Sepetos :D
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