Game #2860768

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-29 X
-1 TS

87% | 1514 X | 1476 TS

-6 X
-2 TS

84% | 1461 X | 1459 TS

-2 X
-1 TS

70% | 1354 X | 1390 TS

+17 X
-20 TS

59% | 1343 X | 1263 TS

+35 X
-2 TS

57% | 1250 X | 1342 TS

+8 X
+3 TS

94% | 1677 X | 1499 TS

+5 X
+2 TS

78% | 1394 X | 1442 TS

-48 X
+3 TS

64% | 1271 X | 1382 TS

+2 X
+2 TS

55% | 1300 X | 1303 TS

+33 X
+52 TS

58% | 1398 X | 1191 TS

Chat log

00:00:08MaAkoXYma nice pool
00:00:18infect mati, võta es vangelisele
00:00:20MaAkoXYma Try to get rubick or sd
00:00:20Mercury u want sd?
00:00:20MaAkoXYma solo always
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove well sorry brother
00:00:20Vangelis no
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove but thats not gonna happen
00:00:20MaAkoXYma np
00:00:20Vangelis nad ei tohi
00:00:20MaAkoXYma i know the rules.
00:00:20MaAkoXYma yy.
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove cuz your last
00:00:20Vangelis siis rubickut
00:00:20Vangelis saada
00:00:20MaAkoXYma yup.
00:00:20MATi sec
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove prove me rong
00:00:20MaAkoXYma Not for long.
00:00:20infect njah
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove and i give you the mid
00:00:20infect siis jääb spec
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove from the next game on
00:00:20slc2 m8 giv mig clock
00:00:20Vangelis imo
00:00:20Vangelis spec
00:00:20Vangelis pick
00:00:20Vangelis ban omni pick spec
00:00:20Vangelis ja ma votan es kui saab
00:00:20Mercury ban spectre
00:00:20MaAkoXYma slc2
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove np take your time
00:00:20MaAkoXYma can you get courier ^^
00:00:20MaAkoXYma pls;p
00:00:20GottHasstMich GIVE ME RIKI
00:00:20GottHasstMich uhm
00:00:20GottHasstMich HAHAHA
00:00:20slc2 nah
00:00:20MaAkoXYma -.-
00:00:20GottHasstMich :D
00:00:20slc2 ill support but not cur
00:00:20GottHasstMich just wanted to sound like a dl pro
00:00:20slc2 ill upgrade it
00:00:20MATi kelle bannin?
00:00:20infect omni
00:00:20infect picki spec
00:00:20MATi omni
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove okay
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove not
00:00:20GottHasstMich sd aa would be sick
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove bad
00:00:20infect ja looda et priit saab es
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove stats
00:00:20slc2 hallo m8 kender du ham der eller hvad?
00:00:20Mercury van spectre
00:00:20MaAkoXYma I never lost X
00:00:20MaAkoXYma but lost games
00:00:20Mercury ban*
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove 'maaakoxy
00:00:20MaAkoXYma cuz retarded caps
00:00:20MaAkoXYma :(
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove i give
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove you a try
00:00:20infect power, mis selle kongkati õige nick on
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove ban spec
00:00:20MATi ei tea
00:00:20MaAkoXYma You kinda good oO
00:00:20MATi ongi kongkat
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove what carry
00:00:20TakinBackMyLove you want ?
00:00:20MATi u want es?
00:00:20MATi anyone ES?
00:00:20Vangelis no ma mangiks
00:00:20MaAkoXYma well not carry
00:00:20Renaissance me
00:00:20Vangelis aga ta votab
00:00:20MaAkoXYma rubick/sd
00:00:21MaAkoXYma /clock
00:00:22TakinBackMyLove well its you are me
00:00:22infect rubick nussib ära
00:00:23Vangelis rubicku
00:00:25Renaissance es
00:00:26MATi AA
00:00:26TakinBackMyLove and i dont
00:00:28MATi RUBICK??? :D
00:00:28TakinBackMyLove want to play carry
00:00:29MATi traaaaa
00:00:29TakinBackMyLove so
00:00:29slc2 give me aa
00:00:31MATi miks te kohe ei öelnud
00:00:32slc2 give me aa
00:00:33MATi keegi midagi
00:00:34MATi nojahhhh
00:00:35GottHasstMich i pick u one then
00:00:35infect :D
00:00:36MaAkoXYma rubick
00:00:37GottHasstMich kong
00:00:37infect ütlesime
00:00:37Vangelis loe teksti
00:00:37MaAkoXYma pls^^
00:00:39infect chatis olemas
00:00:39infect :D
00:00:40Vangelis enne utlesime
00:00:41slc2 aa for me?
00:00:42TakinBackMyLove k
00:00:42MATi no ma olin eemal
00:00:43Mercury y
00:00:44MATi väga perses
00:00:46TakinBackMyLove rubic
00:00:47MATi aa ja rubick
00:00:47TakinBackMyLove for
00:00:48slc2 ty dude
00:00:48TakinBackMyLove last
00:00:49TakinBackMyLove pick
00:00:50Vangelis noh
00:00:51MATi andke shadow demon
00:00:51Vangelis mida
00:00:53MaAkoXYma who are you btw?
00:00:53MATi anna sd
00:00:55MaAkoXYma mirc nick?
00:00:57Vangelis -swap 2
00:00:57MATi -swap 2
00:00:58GottHasstMich maako
00:01:00GottHasstMich pick me sd
00:01:00Vangelis -swap 1
00:01:01TakinBackMyLove same name
00:01:03MATi gyro?
00:01:07MaAkoXYma dunno you than :(
00:01:09MaAkoXYma but you nice^^
00:01:10MaAkoXYma <3
00:01:12GottHasstMich uhm
00:01:15slc2 mercury u want pit?
00:01:16Renaissance mati
00:01:20GottHasstMich what u want
00:01:20Mercury give me pl
00:01:20GottHasstMich kong
00:01:21Renaissance which hero
00:01:23Renaissance pick
00:01:24Renaissance u
00:01:25TakinBackMyLove dont
00:01:28slc2 -swap 2
00:01:28TakinBackMyLove pl
00:01:29TakinBackMyLove jeez
00:01:31Renaissance a
00:01:31Mercury -swap 4
00:01:32TakinBackMyLove sucky hero
00:01:33TakinBackMyLove vs
00:01:35TakinBackMyLove shaker..
00:01:36MATi go pit
00:01:37Renaissance i wanna es(
00:01:37MATi pitlord
00:01:42MaAkoXYma What you want?
00:01:43Vangelis you can give me clock
00:01:45TakinBackMyLove dont
00:01:46MATi we need pitlord and clock
00:01:47TakinBackMyLove know yet
00:01:49Vangelis -swap 4
00:01:50MATi niceee
00:01:52Renaissance -swap 2
00:01:52TakinBackMyLove hmm
00:01:58infect sul veab mati, et sa oled kapten
00:01:59TakinBackMyLove hmm
00:02:01TakinBackMyLove fuck
00:02:01slc2 ct?
00:02:05MATi miks?
00:02:05TakinBackMyLove give
00:02:05infect muudega ma oleks void huskar või jugger läinud
00:02:06infect :d
00:02:07TakinBackMyLove jugger
00:02:09MATi :D:D
00:02:11MaAkoXYma -swap 1
00:02:15TakinBackMyLove -swap 5
00:02:17MATi ega huskar ka tegelt paha pole
00:02:20MATi aga pit ka haigelt imba hero
00:02:21infect aa vastu
00:02:21infect on
00:02:22MaAkoXYma shall i get
00:02:23MaAkoXYma courier
00:02:24TakinBackMyLove pl
00:02:24TakinBackMyLove go
00:02:25TakinBackMyLove goes
00:02:26MATi true :D
00:02:27Vangelis eriti
00:02:29Vangelis veel infect
00:02:32MATi :D:D
00:02:32TakinBackMyLove bot
00:02:32Vangelis infect huskar
00:02:33Vangelis :DD
00:02:35infect ma huskariga
00:02:36TakinBackMyLove rubric
00:02:37infect väga okei
00:02:37TakinBackMyLove mid
00:02:38TakinBackMyLove me
00:02:39TakinBackMyLove aa
00:02:39TakinBackMyLove top
00:02:41Vangelis sa raagid jah
00:02:43MATi sa krobega väga okei
00:02:46Renaissance -clear
00:02:46Vangelis et ma lastpick carry ja paris okei
00:02:47GottHasstMich by far too many heroes for farm
00:02:47TakinBackMyLove aa
00:02:48GottHasstMich :S
00:02:48TakinBackMyLove top
00:02:51Vangelis aga paris nii vist ei lahe
00:02:51Vangelis :D
00:02:53TakinBackMyLove plæl
00:02:54TakinBackMyLove ju
00:02:55TakinBackMyLove pl
00:02:56TakinBackMyLove just
00:02:56slc2 jeg har wards m8
00:02:57TakinBackMyLove sad
00:02:58TakinBackMyLove pick
00:02:58MATi no neil rubick lastpick
00:02:59MATi ja nii
00:03:00infect vangelis, ma olen huskariga täpselt sama mis sina
00:03:00GottHasstMich y
00:03:02MATi ni et pole kõige hullem
00:03:08slc2 planter luige
00:03:11Vangelis nende
00:03:13Vangelis lastpick on padev
00:03:15Vangelis tegelt
00:03:16Vangelis nii et
00:03:17Renaissance we have no carry
00:03:21Renaissance :(
00:03:24infect gyro
00:03:25Vangelis that
00:03:26Vangelis means
00:03:28Vangelis you have to own es
00:03:30Renaissance its tank
00:03:37slc2 ?
00:03:43TakinBackMyLove pull
00:04:05Renaissance mati
00:04:06Renaissance go
00:04:08Renaissance kill
00:04:13slc2 comon
00:04:13MaAkoXYma ofc
00:04:13MATi LAGG???
00:04:13MaAkoXYma when i harras
00:04:19MaAkoXYma now he lost hp cuz lagg
00:04:20MaAkoXYma k
00:04:26Renaissance go
00:04:49Renaissance fuck
00:05:05MaAkoXYma ZZ
00:05:09MaAkoXYma B
00:05:09MaAkoXYma B
00:05:15MaAkoXYma WTF BUFG?
00:05:16MaAkoXYma ???
00:05:23MaAkoXYma my hero
00:05:24MaAkoXYma chase him
00:05:25MaAkoXYma to cast spell
00:05:27MaAkoXYma and wont stop
00:05:33Renaissance i go
00:05:36slc2 kill
00:05:37Renaissance rune bot
00:06:39infect aa sss
00:06:40Renaissance coming
00:06:41MaAkoXYma b
00:06:41MaAkoXYma care
00:06:42MaAkoXYma b
00:06:42slc2 kill
00:06:53MaAkoXYma care
00:06:55Renaissance kunkka
00:06:56MaAkoXYma es there
00:07:22TakinBackMyLove jeg
00:07:22TakinBackMyLove er
00:07:23TakinBackMyLove klar
00:07:34slc2 2sec baby
00:08:07Renaissance go
00:08:08Renaissance go
00:08:08Renaissance go
00:08:11TakinBackMyLove ffs
00:08:12TakinBackMyLove pussy
00:08:27Renaissance mana
00:08:41MATi block :D:D:D
00:08:43TakinBackMyLove du
00:08:45TakinBackMyLove spiller
00:08:46TakinBackMyLove som
00:08:47TakinBackMyLove en
00:08:48TakinBackMyLove tøs
00:08:49MATi gj
00:08:55Vangelis oomish
00:08:56GottHasstMich rocket
00:09:00GottHasstMich ffs
00:09:01Renaissance b
00:09:03GottHasstMich ATTACK IT
00:09:05GottHasstMich pl
00:09:06GottHasstMich u suck
00:09:09Mercury nop..
00:09:10Renaissance now bot
00:09:13Mercury u lasthit all kills
00:09:20GottHasstMich since u cant do
00:09:21MaAkoXYma ss still
00:09:23MATi MID MISS
00:09:26Renaissance re
00:09:56MaAkoXYma ss
00:10:02GottHasstMich rocket inc
00:10:10Vangelis :D
00:10:13MATi :D
00:10:15Renaissance ._.
00:10:39GottHasstMich y blockj like shit
00:10:39GottHasstMich gogo
00:10:40MATi lähme
00:10:42Vangelis low
00:10:43Vangelis 100 hp
00:10:48Renaissance TRIPLEKILL
00:11:17GottHasstMich xD
00:11:25MaAkoXYma ^^
00:11:27TakinBackMyLove kommer
00:11:28TakinBackMyLove top
00:11:29TakinBackMyLove ikke
00:12:17slc2 går bagom
00:12:21infect meil oleks võinud see üks caryr olla tbh
00:12:25infect ma pitiga hex
00:12:27infect ja olems ka
00:12:47h0whigh es
00:12:47h0whigh :D
00:13:00MATi very bad
00:13:06Renaissance sorry
00:13:13MATi ma tulen bot
00:13:18Renaissance go
00:13:22Renaissance jugger
00:13:24Renaissance farming
00:13:40MaAkoXYma D
00:13:42MATi tower
00:13:43MATi bot tower
00:14:24slc2 sd
00:14:31TakinBackMyLove can
00:14:32TakinBackMyLove ike
00:14:35TakinBackMyLove de tager
00:14:36TakinBackMyLove ham bare
00:14:37TakinBackMyLove ned
00:15:01Vangelis def
00:15:02Vangelis bot
00:15:08Vangelis pit
00:15:08Vangelis ?
00:15:53MaAkoXYma XD
00:16:00GottHasstMich XD
00:16:05MATi SHIT slow spell
00:16:34Renaissance pro
00:16:52Vangelis those
00:16:53Vangelis creeps
00:16:55Vangelis almost saved him
00:17:05MATi go help top
00:17:33TakinBackMyLove lol
00:17:35TakinBackMyLove epic failing
00:17:37TakinBackMyLove kunkka
00:17:40TakinBackMyLove lvl 6 ?
00:17:41TakinBackMyLove how
00:17:41TakinBackMyLove the
00:17:44GottHasstMich HOW ?
00:17:47GottHasstMich laning with pl
00:17:48GottHasstMich against a lane
00:17:50TakinBackMyLove fuck are you all so fucking low lvl ?
00:17:50GottHasstMich with clock gyro
00:17:52GottHasstMich thats gg
00:17:55Renaissance :(
00:18:00TakinBackMyLove ward
00:18:00TakinBackMyLove there
00:18:03TakinBackMyLove we
00:18:04TakinBackMyLove need
00:18:04TakinBackMyLove one
00:18:14Renaissance boots
00:18:16Renaissance yeah
00:18:17Renaissance !
00:18:19Vangelis lvl 4
00:18:21Vangelis firestorm
00:18:22Vangelis :D
00:18:33Renaissance b
00:18:33Renaissance b
00:18:45infect mul kõik spellid lvl 4
00:18:55infect almost
00:19:19MATi anna mana
00:20:08MaAkoXYma go
00:20:20GottHasstMich y
00:20:21GottHasstMich go
00:20:22GottHasstMich ...
00:21:02TakinBackMyLove get
00:21:02TakinBackMyLove some
00:21:03TakinBackMyLove boots
00:21:07TakinBackMyLove much
00:21:09TakinBackMyLove better than
00:21:10TakinBackMyLove urn..
00:21:43Renaissance b
00:21:59slc2 pl stay we kill bot
00:22:10Vangelis plz
00:22:12Vangelis es
00:22:14Renaissance m
00:22:14Vangelis don't buy wards
00:22:16Vangelis and dust
00:22:17Renaissance why?
00:22:17Vangelis pit has to
00:22:20Renaissance oh
00:22:20Vangelis otherwise you won't
00:22:22Vangelis get dagger
00:22:22Renaissance okay
00:22:24MATi u need dagger
00:22:26Renaissance ok
00:22:45infect i ahve to buy wards as much as you too clock
00:22:51infect so gtfo and let me get mah hex
00:22:55MATi mul dust
00:23:05MATi NO VITTU
00:23:23Mercury going straight for radi
00:23:28Renaissance farming
00:23:40MaAkoXYma push top
00:23:41MaAkoXYma dont come
00:23:53MaAkoXYma or they go def
00:23:53MaAkoXYma w/
00:24:09TakinBackMyLove OMFG DID YOU SEE THAT BUG ?=
00:24:19h0whigh u fail = bug ?
00:24:22TakinBackMyLove lol newb
00:24:24h0whigh :D
00:24:26TakinBackMyLove I couldt move
00:24:40TakinBackMyLove i was stuck. when i have phase boots
00:24:43MATi we should push some towers
00:24:44TakinBackMyLove its imposible
00:25:00MaAkoXYma we are late we shouldn't try to fight
00:25:08TakinBackMyLove dont
00:25:09TakinBackMyLove take
00:25:09TakinBackMyLove it
00:26:45infect lothars jugger
00:27:00h0whigh hf
00:27:04MaAkoXYma let him
00:27:04TakinBackMyLove FUCKING LUCKER
00:27:05MATi sry.. had phone call
00:27:05MaAkoXYma he need 300
00:27:07MaAkoXYma for relic
00:27:14MATi we need to keep pushing
00:27:15slc2 du har phase han har kun boots hvordan er det muligt?
00:27:17MaAkoXYma go back bot
00:27:17MaAkoXYma farm
00:27:20MATi they cant farm then
00:27:20Mercury k
00:27:21Renaissance 500 gold
00:27:21TakinBackMyLove ingen ide
00:27:24Renaissance for dagger
00:27:26Renaissance left
00:27:31MATi try to get it
00:27:32Renaissance plz
00:27:33MATi then we go
00:27:39MaAkoXYma let
00:27:39MATi let es take some farm
00:27:39MaAkoXYma pl
00:27:41Renaissance thx
00:27:51MATi GO GANG
00:27:53Renaissance 200
00:28:02MATi i got dust also
00:28:07MATi so dont be afraid to attack pl
00:28:17Renaissance have
00:28:18Renaissance dagger
00:28:20Renaissance b and go
00:28:34Renaissance ward
00:28:39Renaissance in chicknn
00:28:43Renaissance chicken
00:28:51MATi bot tower
00:28:51MATi go
00:28:59Renaissance im comenig
00:29:02Renaissance coming
00:29:52Renaissance FUCK
00:30:05Renaissance push guys)
00:30:11TakinBackMyLove pl dont have radiance 27 min in the game ff
00:30:22MATi lol ok
00:30:27Renaissance even vg
00:30:33MATi regen
00:30:34MATi get items
00:30:35MATi and we go
00:30:36MATi top
00:30:38MATi take top tower
00:30:40TakinBackMyLove dont know why
00:30:40MATi and then we go rax
00:30:44TakinBackMyLove Pick carry if you cant farm
00:30:48Renaissance not to die
00:30:52infect hv hex
00:30:52Renaissance aa
00:31:00MaAkoXYma let me
00:31:01MaAkoXYma 300
00:31:23Renaissance top?
00:31:25MATi nice
00:31:26MATi we have hex also
00:31:31Renaissance gj
00:32:05MATi come to lane
00:32:09TakinBackMyLove how can you see me before dust ?
00:32:09MaAkoXYma carry a tp always
00:32:13infect cog
00:32:16infect and my spell
00:32:17TakinBackMyLove dosent matter
00:32:19TakinBackMyLove ez
00:32:20TakinBackMyLove ulti
00:32:21TakinBackMyLove take it
00:32:21TakinBackMyLove of
00:32:23TakinBackMyLove so do
00:32:24Renaissance u go in lothar after stunes
00:32:26TakinBackMyLove clock
00:33:23Renaissance mmm
00:33:28Vangelis gg
00:33:29Vangelis mouse
00:33:30Vangelis died
00:33:31Vangelis >..
00:33:39infect tahtsin warid panna
00:33:39infect :d
00:33:50infect let sgo now
00:33:53infect with mah ulti
00:34:04Vangelis es
00:34:06Vangelis agha next?
00:34:06Renaissance ?
00:34:13Renaissance yes
00:34:40Renaissance -apm
00:35:08GottHasstMich ill never understand this freaking ulti rly
00:35:12GottHasstMich it always plops where it wants
00:35:24TakinBackMyLove 600 range
00:35:26MaAkoXYma it doesn't "plop" where you click
00:35:31GottHasstMich y i know
00:35:36GottHasstMich but doesnt matter where i click
00:35:37Renaissance rax
00:35:41GottHasstMich if i shorten the range
00:35:47GottHasstMich it still crushes 10000meters far away
00:35:57Renaissance not enough mana
00:36:05Vangelis i come
00:36:06Vangelis and give
00:36:08Renaissance ok
00:36:12GottHasstMich rly sucked this one sorry.. but still my lane was pretty fucked up >.<
00:36:22Renaissance mana guys
00:36:23Renaissance w8
00:36:28MaAkoXYma come on..
00:36:43Renaissance thx
00:36:53Renaissance go
00:37:58infect need gem on some1
00:38:00infect like clock
00:38:09Vangelis f
00:38:10Vangelis I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:23infect just go mid and let es get his ulti on ?
00:38:34Renaissance yes
00:39:23MaAkoXYma vladis
00:39:25infect gyro
00:39:25MATi just go mid
00:39:26MATi with 5
00:39:26MaAkoXYma .
00:39:27infect get ur orb
00:39:28infect and bkb
00:39:28Renaissance gem?
00:39:39slc2 def in base'
00:40:00MaAkoXYma they
00:40:01MaAkoXYma inc
00:40:02MaAkoXYma care
00:40:20slc2 no diffu=
00:40:29Renaissance we need rax
00:40:31infect y
00:40:42slc2 push mid
00:40:48infect but lanes need to be psuhed out
00:41:02h0whigh b
00:41:04h0whigh im not there..
00:41:56GottHasstMich good fissure -.-
00:41:57Renaissance w8 me
00:41:59Renaissance :(
00:42:09Mercury b
00:42:24MaAkoXYma hex soon
00:42:58MaAkoXYma XD
00:43:57GottHasstMich srsly this fucktard always with 5?
00:43:59GottHasstMich ..........
00:44:01Mercury 4
00:44:03Mercury i kileld 1
00:44:07infect mid y
00:44:10MaAkoXYma sec
00:44:27Mercury diffu or straight to hot?
00:44:40h0whigh i take bot
00:44:40h0whigh np
00:45:06MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:07MATi :(
00:45:12Vangelis no
00:45:25Renaissance my gail
00:45:26Renaissance fail
00:45:28MaAkoXYma got es ulty
00:45:36infect gyro
00:45:37infect inc
00:45:50MaAkoXYma so you regret for letting me mid? ;3
00:46:01TakinBackMyLove np
00:46:02TakinBackMyLove its
00:46:02TakinBackMyLove fine
00:46:13h0whigh bot inc
00:46:39Vangelis gyro
00:46:40Vangelis ...
00:46:42h0whigh ...
00:46:43h0whigh ye
00:47:19h0whigh ward
00:47:20h0whigh take
00:47:20h0whigh that
00:47:21h0whigh wards
00:47:25h0whigh ward
00:47:25h0whigh es
00:47:26h0whigh ward
00:47:27h0whigh okey
00:47:52Renaissance miiif
00:47:53Renaissance d
00:48:00Mercury why dive jugger?
00:48:04TakinBackMyLove cuz
00:48:05TakinBackMyLove i dont
00:48:06TakinBackMyLove care
00:48:08Vangelis come
00:48:09Vangelis mid
00:48:10Vangelis instead
00:48:12Vangelis of chase
00:48:12Vangelis ?
00:48:29MaAkoXYma ffs
00:48:31Renaissance MID
00:48:33Renaissance RAX
00:48:34Renaissance GUYS
00:48:37MATi coming
00:48:41h0whigh onmw
00:48:41Mercury dont care bout what?
00:48:47TakinBackMyLove this game
00:48:53h0whigh get right
00:48:54h0whigh ra
00:48:54h0whigh x
00:48:55h0whigh and
00:48:55h0whigh b
00:48:57Renaissance FAST
00:49:01Mercury well if u start going suicidal ima ban u
00:49:09h0whigh b
00:49:10Renaissance RAAX
00:49:31infect b
00:49:33infect hv rax
00:49:40h0whigh n
00:49:40h0whigh n
00:49:41h0whigh b
00:49:43h0whigh b
00:50:03MATi ei olnud manat ulti jaoks raisk
00:50:03Renaissance fuf
00:50:03MaAkoXYma let's go
00:50:08infect nüüd hakkab ninja aeg pihta
00:50:15Vangelis teeme
00:50:16Vangelis pit attack
00:50:21infect peab tegema jah
00:50:22MaAkoXYma -apm
00:50:26infect mine baasi
00:50:27infect regeni
00:50:30infect siis teeme midis
00:50:30h0whigh tp top
00:50:31h0whigh and kill?
00:50:33infect keegi peab alati defima
00:50:34infect neil
00:50:40infect stay base
00:50:41infect es
00:50:41infect es
00:50:42infect es
00:50:42infect es
00:50:49h0whigh take
00:50:49Vangelis we
00:50:50h0whigh top
00:50:50Vangelis go
00:50:50infect we do pit attack
00:50:50Renaissance okay
00:50:51h0whigh i wp
00:50:51Vangelis with pit ult
00:50:53Renaissance gather
00:50:56h0whigh ok
00:50:56Renaissance to pit
00:51:00Renaissance w8
00:51:01infect mati, pane ise
00:51:02Renaissance sd
00:51:05infect kuhugi
00:51:07infect ma ei riski :D
00:51:11Renaissance w8
00:51:11Vangelis ootame
00:51:12Vangelis midi
00:51:14Vangelis wait mid
00:51:16Renaissance GO
00:51:17Vangelis someone goes and defs
00:51:18Renaissance ULT
00:51:19infect some1 needs to def mid
00:51:20MaAkoXYma ok.
00:51:20Renaissance PIT
00:51:21Renaissance THEN
00:51:24Renaissance MY ulti
00:51:25infect mati
00:51:29MATi go
00:51:32MATi pane sina
00:51:34MaAkoXYma 2late now
00:51:34Renaissance instant
00:51:36MaAkoXYma aint going there
00:52:02h0whigh hmmm
00:52:02h0whigh wtf
00:52:04Vangelis they
00:52:06Vangelis have 3 carry
00:52:07Vangelis no hope
00:52:07Vangelis I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:52:08TakinBackMyLove fucking
00:52:08slc2 hård hund!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:52:08TakinBackMyLove last
00:52:09MATi ye
00:52:10TakinBackMyLove hitter
00:52:12MATi they just have carries
00:52:13MATi we dont
00:52:14MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:52:18Vangelis we failed early
00:52:19slc2 mig?
00:52:21TakinBackMyLove nej
00:52:22TakinBackMyLove pl
00:52:29TakinBackMyLove sad
00:52:30TakinBackMyLove den
00:52:30TakinBackMyLove newb
00:52:31TakinBackMyLove owner
00:52:45Renaissance its not gg
00:52:49Renaissance we can tp
00:52:50Vangelis it is
00:52:51Renaissance bot
00:52:54Renaissance and push
00:52:55slc2 top
00:52:56Renaissance :)
00:52:58h0whigh if we get hole team
00:52:59Vangelis they get two lanes
00:53:00h0whigh mby
00:53:00Vangelis -.-
00:53:15Renaissance def and push
00:53:42Vangelis tp
00:53:42Vangelis bot
00:53:44Renaissance PSH
00:53:46Renaissance BOT
00:53:46TakinBackMyLove AHAHA NUKE ME MOER ?
00:53:53TakinBackMyLove Is theres any more spells to use
00:54:01Renaissance fuck
00:54:08h0whigh b
00:54:09h0whigh pit
00:54:35infect I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:54:38infect we tried
00:54:40infect till the end
00:54:42infect so gg
00:54:45GottHasstMich [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:54:45GottHasstMich [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:54:45GottHasstMich [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:54:45GottHasstMich [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:54:45h0whigh I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:54:48TakinBackMyLove SWA
00:54:49TakinBackMyLove ÅGDS
00:54:49TakinBackMyLove SAD
00:54:49TakinBackMyLove DFSD
00:54:50Renaissance FUCKING CARRY
00:54:52MaAkoXYma look
00:54:52MaAkoXYma dmg
00:54:53MaAkoXYma ;D
00:54:54TakinBackMyLove FUCKING SHIT
00:54:55TakinBackMyLove GAME
00:55:02MATi why so mad :D
00:55:03MATi or angry
00:55:09MaAkoXYma or both^^
00:55:09TakinBackMyLove FUCKING FAGOT
00:55:10TakinBackMyLove GAME
00:55:10TakinBackMyLove RLY
00:55:12Renaissance im russian
00:55:16Renaissance and im so mad
00:55:22TakinBackMyLove i bet my ass i have
00:55:22MATi rubick wp
00:55:23Renaissance ARHHHHH
00:55:26TakinBackMyLove better farm than pl
00:55:26MaAkoXYma ty^^
00:55:52TakinBackMyLove about 50 or more
00:56:14Renaissance :D
00:56:15MATi ära surma saaa :D:D:D:D::D:DD
00:56:15infect pede
00:56:17Renaissance x points
00:56:17infect :D
00:56:18MaAkoXYma dont die oO
00:56:20Renaissance :D
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