Game #2854340

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-20 X
+0 TS

87% | 1581 X | 1418 TS

-19 X
-1 TS

24% | 1067 X | 1220 TS

-5 X
-8 TS

NEW | 1023 X | 1051 TS

+8 X
-8 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-38 X
-8 TS

NEW | 946 X | 933 TS

+36 X
+1 TS

79% | 1416 X | 1449 TS

-41 X
+21 TS

NEW | 1113 X | 1139 TS

+14 X
+31 TS

NEW | 1036 X | 1070 TS

+47 X
+24 TS

NEW | 985 X | 1034 TS

+23 X
+34 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:16BenDover get me aa if you can please
00:00:18holostoi roof banned?
00:00:18Misha everybody knows rules?
00:00:18mamyka ???
00:00:18Misha lastpicks buy courier
00:00:18Puppetmaster is roof allowed?
00:00:18mamyka yes
00:00:18taraN anyone of you guys know how to play this game? like well?
00:00:18Misha and me and taran make the lanes
00:00:18BenDover how the hell
00:00:18Puppetmaster i do
00:00:18BenDover am i second pick with 24%?
00:00:18Puppetmaster but only supportet
00:00:18Puppetmaster r
00:00:18taraN we played just now didnt we
00:00:18taraN i think
00:00:18Mastergalce i do too :P
00:00:18Misha Spec
00:00:18taraN treant
00:00:30taraN anyone want something?
00:00:31Misha morph?
00:00:32Misha :D
00:00:39taraN anyone want something?
00:00:40Misha ota se nyt :D
00:00:46Puppetmaster i guess ogre
00:00:48Puppetmaster i play
00:00:52mamyka mish u know rulles?
00:01:00Misha ofc
00:01:04taraN ill carry this
00:01:06taraN ill play naix
00:01:07Misha get sd
00:01:08Misha sd
00:01:08mamyka so ENGLISH ONLY PLZ
00:01:09Misha gogogogo
00:01:11Misha get that sd
00:01:11Puppetmaster ok captain
00:01:12Mastergalce wd ok 4 me?
00:01:17taraN it sounds good
00:01:22taraN -swap 3
00:01:23Puppetmaster -swap 1
00:01:24Misha Et vissii pelaa tota?
00:01:26taraN krobe mid
00:01:30taraN :--()
00:01:30Misha get sd
00:01:39Puppetmaster -clear
00:01:40taraN im top with wd
00:01:41Frontschwein i hate mid :(
00:01:45Misha jakiro
00:01:49taraN well youre the only mid hero we got
00:01:50taraN :)
00:01:51Misha lastpick jakiro would be gr8
00:01:54taraN unless our lastpick gets
00:01:55taraN mid hero
00:01:55taraN like
00:02:00taraN pudge na kunkka thd
00:02:01taraN brood
00:02:01Misha tc aa top
00:02:03taraN or something
00:02:04Misha dk sd bot
00:02:05taraN ok brood mid
00:02:11taraN krobe ogre bot
00:02:15BenDover chicken?
00:02:17taraN but brood
00:02:18taraN needs to buy
00:02:18BenDover share please
00:02:19taraN chicken
00:02:20taraN :S
00:02:22Puppetmaster nono
00:02:23Puppetmaster i did
00:02:24taraN oh
00:02:24Mastergalce naix woods?
00:02:25taraN you bought
00:02:26taraN kk
00:02:26taraN nah
00:02:27taraN im lan
00:02:29taraN e
00:02:32Mastergalce kk
00:02:38taraN we get easy fb
00:02:39taraN 2nd
00:02:39taraN 3rd
00:02:41taraN 4th kills
00:02:47Mastergalce :)
00:02:49mamyka weaver from?
00:02:53Misha fin
00:02:56taraN naix is like the best fb hero in the game with some stunner
00:02:57Misha but im russian
00:02:58taraN insane dmg
00:03:03mamyka ? ????
00:03:06taraN + slow
00:03:06Misha take it
00:03:13holostoi got stun
00:03:18taraN pull first
00:03:19mamyka i see ur name
00:03:20holostoi sd illu?
00:03:25taraN lets kill after we're lvl 2 oir 3
00:03:25Paaliaq no ;(
00:03:26Mastergalce kk
00:03:32Paaliaq poisn
00:03:57Puppetmaster oh, that was crank
00:04:02taraN :s
00:04:11Puppetmaster like no chance, sray
00:04:24Puppetmaster ss dk
00:04:56mamyka noob aa
00:04:57taraN dont :<
00:04:59Puppetmaster -ma
00:05:03BenDover stfy
00:05:03BenDover you are the one who picked TC
00:05:03Misha chill guys
00:05:03taraN fuck this
00:05:03BenDover seriously
00:05:03BenDover guys pick TC
00:05:03Misha mikset oo midis taran?
00:05:03BenDover and calls me noob
00:05:03taraN no miks oisin
00:05:03Misha sul iha sairas midi kaveri
00:05:03Mastergalce zz
00:05:03Misha 90%
00:05:03mamyka misha
00:05:03taraN osaaks toi pelaa
00:05:03Puppetmaster where is dk anyway? did he pull?
00:05:10mamyka english plz
00:05:11taraN kill
00:05:11taraN wd
00:05:27Misha mid miss
00:05:38taraN meh
00:05:42taraN youre so not awake
00:05:42Mastergalce 2slow
00:05:43Mastergalce srry
00:05:49taraN nää o iha säkkei
00:05:50taraN :DDD
00:05:58Misha jep:_D
00:06:43taraN go pull
00:06:53taraN please
00:06:54taraN stop failing
00:06:54Puppetmaster ss dk
00:06:56Mastergalce kk
00:06:59taraN talking to brood
00:07:06BenDover ss
00:07:36Misha coming to gang
00:07:49BenDover almost oom
00:08:09Frontschwein WTF ILCNE
00:08:11Frontschwein s
00:08:15Frontschwein why not.
00:08:29Puppetmaster what why not
00:08:32Puppetmaster dk was like dowm
00:08:36Puppetmaster why no swarm?
00:08:56Puppetmaster -2 low hp now
00:08:56Mastergalce pulling
00:09:13Puppetmaster re 1
00:09:26Misha mid missing
00:09:26BenDover ss2
00:09:40BenDover re1
00:09:50BenDover re2
00:10:01Mastergalce -2
00:10:05Mastergalce care
00:10:26taraN go gank
00:11:47BenDover gang top
00:11:48BenDover come
00:11:48Puppetmaster omw ganging
00:11:48Paaliaq ss
00:11:53Puppetmaster soon
00:12:05Misha def
00:12:06Misha ffs
00:12:40Misha wtf team
00:13:03Puppetmaster -2
00:13:08Puppetmaster re
00:14:16Misha get tower
00:14:21taraN go kill
00:14:23Misha push
00:14:23Puppetmaster aa or sd?
00:14:23taraN get sd
00:14:23Puppetmaster aa pr sd?
00:14:23Puppetmaster k, only one stun here
00:14:23Puppetmaster than oom
00:14:23mamyka own
00:14:23Misha nää on näit venäläisii varmaa
00:14:23Misha go there
00:14:23Misha tc
00:14:23holostoi wtf
00:14:24Misha go dive
00:14:38Misha kill
00:14:38Misha kill
00:14:38BenDover fix it
00:14:38BenDover ffs
00:14:38Puppetmaster that was dumb
00:14:38Misha hohhoijaa
00:14:38Misha selviitkö taran?
00:14:38BenDover !ping
00:14:38taraN nou tsääns
00:14:38BenDover -ping
00:14:38holostoi wtf
00:14:38holostoi dont know
00:14:38holostoi sry
00:15:15taraN nice going wd
00:15:16taraN dont gank
00:15:25taraN buy tp
00:15:29Mastergalce kk
00:15:41taraN wd farming is useless
00:15:59Misha kill
00:15:59Puppetmaster OMG
00:15:59Mastergalce ffs
00:15:59BenDover i ulti
00:15:59Misha or try atleast
00:16:13Frontschwein ffs
00:16:13Mastergalce insane..
00:16:13Frontschwein cant play
00:16:13Misha huoh
00:16:13Puppetmaster !votekick
00:16:13taraN ei täs oo mitää järkee
00:16:13Misha laitetaa bänreq tän pelin jälkee
00:16:13mamyka ???????
00:16:13Misha yritän saada ton liivaamaan
00:16:13holostoi control me
00:16:13holostoi dont know what the shit
00:16:16Misha leave
00:16:17Misha m8
00:16:22mamyka ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??
00:16:23Misha we cant watch u lag allthe time
00:16:33BenDover leave
00:16:33Frontschwein ZOMFG
00:16:33Misha and btw
00:16:33Puppetmaster this is so lame
00:16:33Mastergalce asnhsadfholjdf+?
00:16:33Misha im going for a banrequest after this game
00:16:33BenDover why do you join games if you lag like a retard
00:16:33Misha if this shit w8ing will continue
00:16:33Puppetmaster why does he start at 45 secs everytime?
00:16:33taraN kuka mun pitää näist balancee
00:16:33taraN nää o iha säkkei
00:16:33Misha :D
00:16:33Puppetmaster BYE!!!
00:16:33mamyka ill report you for non english weaver
00:16:33Misha go do that
00:16:33Puppetmaster noo
00:16:33Puppetmaster kick xD
00:16:33taraN kiinnostaa taas ku jätkä saa godlike tc peluri
00:16:33Misha nää itkee et puhun suomee sulle _:D
00:16:33taraN no ofc
00:16:33Mastergalce english pls
00:16:33Frontschwein drop?!
00:16:33Puppetmaster y
00:16:33Mastergalce thats in rules too
00:16:33Puppetmaster do drop him
00:16:33Misha this what me and tarna are talking
00:16:33Misha does not consern u
00:16:33Frontschwein privat u know?!
00:16:33Misha why u care so much
00:16:33Puppetmaster ffs drop him
00:16:33Frontschwein i dont like it
00:16:33Puppetmaster plz
00:16:33taraN go /squelch
00:16:33Puppetmaster /squelsh
00:16:33Mastergalce zz
00:16:33Frontschwein hello could u kfing drop
00:16:33Misha i dicide what to do whit his items
00:16:33Misha so do anything
00:16:33taraN guys btw carry tps
00:16:33taraN always
00:16:33BenDover weaver i suggest you getting manta
00:16:34BenDover if you can't farm the relic in time that is
00:16:34Misha i get radi ofc
00:17:01taraN gj
00:17:10Puppetmaster was afk for ages, lol
00:17:15Frontschwein ye
00:17:15taraN ogre
00:17:16taraN come tp
00:17:17Puppetmaster what a timing
00:17:33BenDover ?
00:17:36taraN krobe balances
00:17:37BenDover balance the game
00:17:37Misha krobe u have to leave
00:17:37BenDover or we banrequest you
00:17:37BenDover krobe you balance the game
00:17:37taraN fucking DL guys
00:17:37BenDover leave it
00:17:37Frontschwein WTF??????
00:17:37Frontschwein lol why
00:17:37taraN theres a rule
00:17:37Misha and we make sure u wont be playing here for a veryverylong time
00:17:37BenDover it's in the rules
00:17:37Misha read the rules
00:17:37taraN there is no 4v5
00:17:37taraN theres only 5v5 or 4v4
00:17:37taraN to ensure balance
00:17:37Misha when some1 drops u ahve to balance
00:17:37taraN :)
00:17:37Frontschwein haha and why me
00:17:37taraN cause i decide
00:17:37Misha and captain dicides who balances
00:17:37taraN who balances
00:17:37BenDover apparently you're the worst player on their team krobe...
00:17:37BenDover go figure
00:17:37BenDover leave the game
00:17:37mamyka what a noob rule
00:17:37Frontschwein what a faggot rule
00:17:37Frontschwein like u aa
00:17:37Misha u dont have to play here
00:17:37taraN go play DL if you dont like this
00:17:37Misha kjust leave
00:17:37BenDover it's a great rule
00:17:37taraN OH WAIT ITS DEAD
00:17:37mamyka ffs
00:17:37taraN :DDDDDDDd
00:17:37Misha or we banrequest u for prolonging this game
00:17:37Puppetmaster im not a worst player says captain xD
00:17:37Frontschwein noob shit
00:17:37taraN i dont care about being worst
00:17:37taraN or best
00:17:37Frontschwein anbd lbue pls i piss my pant snow
00:17:37taraN krobe has no farm
00:17:37BenDover stop crying you suck
00:17:37mamyka THIS IS NOOB AND KIDDY RULE unskill site
00:17:37taraN hes useless atm
00:17:45Misha why dont ulet me farm?
00:17:48Mastergalce -clear
00:17:51Misha u gonna carry?=
00:17:54taraN sain pt tolt
00:17:55taraN imba
00:18:11Mastergalce mid?
00:18:13taraN tps
00:18:14taraN carry
00:18:23Misha def
00:18:25Puppetmaster brb shop
00:18:46BenDover can i take urn capt?
00:18:53BenDover weaver
00:18:56BenDover can i take his urn for use?
00:18:57Misha y
00:19:01Misha and rest team slel
00:19:15taraN gj
00:19:21Mastergalce =
00:19:37taraN lol
00:19:37Mastergalce ^^
00:19:37taraN ?:D
00:19:37mamyka ohohohho
00:19:37BenDover are you serious/
00:19:37taraN well its cancel if he drops
00:19:37taraN meh
00:19:37BenDover is it?
00:19:37taraN yes
00:19:37taraN yes
00:19:37taraN yes
00:19:37Puppetmaster ^^
00:19:37Puppetmaster -.-
00:19:37mamyka dl was the best site for dota i go cry now
00:19:37taraN i wont miss you
00:19:37taraN but tbh you seem to be an ok palyer
00:19:37mamyka low people here
00:19:37Puppetmaster i kinda like this side too
00:19:37taraN its because you play bronze games
00:19:38taraN with other new players
00:19:45Misha oho
00:19:57Misha mul relic taran
00:20:02taraN tiiän
00:20:03Misha mitä sun farmit
00:20:03BenDover care
00:20:08taraN no on mul imbaa
00:20:11taraN kato vaik
00:21:23taraN kill
00:21:25Misha can u fucking use slow erlier
00:21:26Misha ?
00:21:27Misha ...
00:21:33BenDover i was too far away?
00:21:38Misha kill
00:22:03taraN mul kävi kyl tuuri ku dk droppas
00:22:20taraN tp
00:22:21taraN away
00:22:23taraN tp
00:22:28taraN :)
00:22:31Puppetmaster :)
00:22:32taraN pro moves
00:22:37Puppetmaster have to learn
00:22:38taraN yes
00:22:44taraN this is much better than DL to learn pro moves
00:22:45taraN :P
00:22:46Puppetmaster just critizice me so i get better
00:23:02taraN well im not trying to criticize - just giving feedback is better
00:23:06Paaliaq dd
00:23:09taraN def top`?
00:23:09mamyka take
00:23:10Puppetmaster feedback is good
00:23:14Puppetmaster tp cd
00:23:50Misha 'defd
00:24:08taraN brood soon bkb?
00:24:14Bobbysixkilla y
00:24:16taraN w8 with obs
00:25:02Misha :D
00:25:07taraN earlier stun
00:25:07taraN .<
00:25:18taraN just 1 sec earlier
00:25:19taraN and
00:25:19taraN gg
00:25:20taraN :D
00:25:34taraN put web there
00:25:35taraN reg
00:25:38Misha who the fuck freezed dk
00:25:41Misha unfreeze him
00:25:48taraN hmm
00:25:49taraN :D
00:25:53taraN you need madllion imo
00:25:55taraN medallion
00:26:14taraN ill comme
00:26:32taraN let me take
00:26:40BenDover they are roshing
00:26:42Misha aa ulti there
00:26:52taraN gj guys we win this
00:26:54taraN just be careful
00:27:19taraN b
00:28:30Mastergalce ulti attacking illus :P
00:28:43mamyka fuckin naix
00:28:47Puppetmaster have dust
00:29:23taraN gather and smoke
00:29:37taraN we need gem
00:29:38taraN not dust
00:29:52taraN jn1
00:30:05Misha go help him
00:30:24BenDover fucking naix
00:30:26Misha dont ever push me again
00:30:28Misha ok
00:30:29Misha ?
00:30:32BenDover k
00:30:40Misha for a lucky drop
00:30:50mamyka one button hero pwn gz now i see ur power skill
00:31:48taraN rax
00:31:50Misha male aika kova tätä mun heroo vastaa kyl
00:31:55taraN jep
00:32:02Misha ei mee pois ku käytän ultin
00:32:09Misha ja ne lämät stäkkääntyy
00:32:31mamyka I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:32:34Misha I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:32:39BenDover !ff
00:32:40BenDover I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:32:43taraN b
00:33:15mamyka and u kick krob not for balance only for gold
00:33:21mamyka carrynoob naix
00:33:25taraN yep i suck
00:33:25Puppetmaster gem in chicken
00:33:27taraN k
00:33:32Puppetmaster -ii
00:33:55mamyka u stay on line like lowbob but anyway u won this game gz
00:33:58mamyka lowbob
00:34:05taraN thanks highbob
00:34:12mamyka np bro
00:34:21mamyka dead
00:34:40taraN w8
00:34:41taraN for me
00:34:50BenDover care
00:35:16Misha jaa
00:35:19Misha sul tommonen
00:35:22taraN jep
00:35:24Misha go ff
00:35:39Misha go ff
00:35:40Misha or def
00:35:43Misha u cant stand at tower
00:35:45BenDover -ff
00:35:46Misha fountain
00:35:54Misha go def if not all ffed
00:35:58taraN sec
00:35:59taraN need hot
00:36:16taraN get top rax
00:36:34mamyka gg wp
00:36:46BenDover gg
00:37:15taraN emt pelasitte kyl nii tyhmästi ton dropin jälkee teil oli voiton avaimet käsis
00:37:25Misha sd halus farmaa
00:37:28taraN mul oli midas boots sillo se droppas
00:37:30Misha viedä kaikki farmit vaa mult
00:38:11mamyka who miss ff?
00:38:13Misha I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:38:15taraN b
00:38:17BenDover I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:38:18taraN get rosh
00:38:20taraN then go finish
00:38:27mamyka aa plz ff in all chat
00:38:31taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:31taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:31taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:31taraN [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:38:31Paaliaq I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:38:38taraN ok go finish
00:38:39taraN :D
00:38:39Misha go to base now
00:38:46Puppetmaster why is it just free to leave?
00:38:47Misha ur not allwoed to farm
00:38:52taraN its not
00:38:53BenDover go end
00:38:55BenDover push throne
00:38:58Puppetmaster yeah, but why not
00:38:59taraN due to bot
00:39:00Misha ogre end this game
00:39:02taraN bot stats
00:39:03Misha stop that farm
00:39:06Misha go mid wd
00:39:07Puppetmaster ^^
00:39:09taraN it takes the stats from throne
00:39:10Misha go mid wd
00:39:12taraN when its done
00:39:16Misha its destroy fountain
00:39:38taraN wp guys good comeback
00:39:48Mastergalce nicely done ;)
00:39:48Misha sun tiimis oli kyl aika paska
00:39:49taraN i was so sure we were gonna lose this lol
00:39:58Misha wd osas pelaa iha jees
00:40:04taraN no sai malet :D
00:40:06taraN se riittää
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